Cataloguing the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit Archive
We have had a new student work placement, Eleanor with us this week from Invicta Grammar School who has been helping our curator Andy catalogue the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit Archive.
In one of the small boxes derived from Iron Mill Lane, Crayford excavated by the Unit in 1993 this beautiful copper-alloy Late Iron Age to Early Roman Cosmetic Mortar was found. It had been labelled as a brooch pin. Our curator Andy was pleasantly supplied when he was handed this!
The Mortar likely dates from 100 BC - 100 AD. According to Jackson's typology of Iron Age and Roman Cosmetic Sets this example is an End Looped Mortar with a narrow, shallow V-shaped sectioned groove. The terminal is knobbed and divided from the bow with a simple incised line. There are faint traces of wear in the centre of the groove.
We will keep you updated as we find out more about the archive!
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