KAS Archaeological Services
KAS Archaeological Services is the commercial arm of the Kent Archaeological Society, which was founded in 1857 and is the second-oldest county archaeological society in England.
Located in Maidstone, Kent, KAS Archaeological Services provides a comprehensive range of heritage services encompassing above-ground and below-ground requirements. Its team of heritage professionals undertake all of these services.
We work with clients to develop practical solutions for managing the historic environment effectively. Our experience and in-depth knowledge enable us to assist clients in achieving successful archaeological mitigations through services such as desk-based assessments, watching briefs, archaeological evaluations, and historic building surveys.
Archaeological Mitigation
We offer budget-friendly mitigation services for sites with historical environmental planning requirements.
Written Scheme of Investigation
Watching Brief
Historic Building Recording
Archaeological Evaluation
Planning authorities often require evaluations to decide if further archaeological work is needed before approving a development. We conduct quick assessments of 2% to 5% of the site and provide advice to help your project move smoothly through the planning process.
Test Pitting
Trial Trenching
Survey & Research
We provide expertise in various survey and research techniques.
Surveys are an essential method for evaluating archaeological potential for planning requirements. They deliver rapid and cost-effective results for projects. Our team uses the latest technological advancements to survey sites effectively.
Additionally, a desk-based assessment can be crucial in identifying any archaeological potential associated with a project at an early stage.
Drone Survey
Geophysical Survey
Desk Based Assessment