Early medieval swords on Digging for Britain

Don't forget to check out Digging for Britain tonight at at 8pm on BBC Two to see the wonderful sword discovered in the county by a metal detectorist, and excavated by Isle Heritage CIC and the Dover Archaeological Group revealing a wealth of buried grave goods.

The full scheduled for this year's Digging for Britain can be seen here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/progra.../b014hl0d/broadcasts/upcoming

The sword was recorded with the The Portable Antiquities Scheme by the former Kent Finds Liaison Officer Jo Ahmet. The current Finds Liaison Officer Isabelle Diggle has been involved in the subsequent project being undertaken by the University of Central Lancashire.

Conservation of the sword was carried out by our friend at CSI: Sittingbourne Dana Goodburn-Brown.

#archaeology #earlymedieval #sword #diggingforbritain #conservation #conservationinaction #archaeologicalconservation

Andy Ward

Society Curator

Responsible for the care, management and interpretation of the Society’s object collections.

Secretary of the Archaeology Research Group.




#FindsFriday: Cliftonville ‘witch bottle’


CT scan of the Cliftonville Witch Bottle