#FindsFriday: Ozengell buckle
It's #FindsFriday!
As part of her year in industry placement, University of Reading student Holly has been illustrating our #ozengell collection. One Holly's favourite items thus far illustrated is this beautiful long rectangular Marzinik Type II.16 buckle with a long, rectangular buckle plate and narrow, D-shaped buckle frame. The hinged plate features ring and dot decoration, with open triangular lozenges and incised borders.
It really is a stunning object and Holly's illustration will serve as an excellent permanent record of the object and will eventually be added to the collection catalogue.
This buckle (OZ1423) has been wonderfully conserved by the team at CSI: Sittingbourne.
#Archaeology #FindsFriday #SmallFinds #ArchaeologicalIllustration #Studentplacement #Volunteering #Earlymedieval #AngloSaxon #Kent #kentarchaeologicalsociety #KAS #Studentsupport #University #recordyourfinds #archives #museumlife #museumcollections #copperalloy #heritage