#FindsFriday: Roman glassmaking at Trosley?
It's #FindsFriday and today we have something a little bit special.
Our volunteer John has been busy cataloguing the bulk finds from our Trosley Bathhouse excavation from 2023. During this he has come across this interesting little object labelled only as a vitrified fragment.
Only closer inspection, our curator Andy believes this might be evidence of glass making!
The upper surface appears to comprise a blue-green (aqua) coloured glassed which is heavily fractured or spider-webbed and lays on top of a clay? surface.
could this be evidence of glass working in the vicinity of Trosley? Only specialist analysis will be able to confirm but it is an intriguing thought!
What do you think, let us know in the comments.
#Archaeology #Historicglass #glassmaking #vitrifiedglass #history #heritage #roman
@canterburyromanmuseum Journal of Roman Archaeology Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) Archaeology in Kent