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Septimius Severus online talk with Dr Simon Elliot

An online discussion with Dr Simon Elliott FSA about Septimius Severus, the great warrior emperor from North Africa who died in York in AD 211 after spending the last three years of his life trying to conquer the far north of Britain.

Severus, born in Leptis Magna in modern Libya, was one of the most powerful Roman emperors, commanding 33 legions at the height of his power. He established the Severan Dynasty, and campaigned throughout the Roman world. Dr Elliott’s full biography of Severus will be published by Icon Books in early 2025. It will also be available as an audiobook through Bolinda Audio.

Since the 1970s much new archaeological evidence has come to light to illuminate the immense undertaking of Septimius Severus’ campaigns in the region of modern Scotland in AD 209 and AD 210, allowing for the first time the true story of this savage invasion to be told. In the early 3rd century Severus, the aging Roman emperor, launched an immense shock and awe assault on Scotland that was so devastating it resulted in 80 years of peace on Rome’s most troublesome border. In new research Dr Elliott shows how his force of 50,000 troops, supported by the British regional fleet, hacked its way through the Maeatae around the former Antonine Wall and then pressed on into Caledonian territory up to the Moray Firth. This was the largest force to ever campaign on British soil. Severus was also the first of the great reforming emperors of the imperial Roman military, and his reforms are also explained in Dr Elliott’s talk in the context of how he concentrated power around the imperial throne, in effect creating a reset of the Roman Empire based around allies from his North African homeland.

Further details and event booking to follow.

Dr Elliot featured in a recent online video discussion with fellow historian Tristan Hughes and avid Gladiator fans on what they wanted to see in Gladiator II - the latest blockbuster from director Ridley Scott.

Gladiator II Expert Predictions

Watch on YouTube →

7 November

Maritime Kent Conference 2024: Shipbuilding