Badlesmere Bottom 2019 - Day 11

Some sterling work on the sections in trench 3 have revealed some interesting stratigraphy and some phasing of activity.

Three large ditches are present, one containing a large deposit of chalk, the middle one containing two recuts, two ditches and a large post-hole and the third a one-cut-one-fill ditch almost 2 meters wide which may be part of a circular ditch. The remarkable thing about these series of ditches is the rarity of finds with only one notable flake in the bottom of the post hole. Highly remarkable in a series of ditches of this scale.

Annotation showing two recuts into the large central ditch in trench 3.

Chalk deposit in trench 3.

Continuation of the section of the central ditch with the diagonally inclined post hole half sectioned at the bottom and containing one of our rare finds, a flint flake.

Trench 2 has perhaps been the biggest success in terms of ground truthing our geophysical survey from February, the below image shows the two large ditches that have been revealed which are exactly on the edges of the ring ditch from the geophysics results. By surveying in the features with the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) survey equipment we can see how the features around the old church relate to each other.

Trenches 1, 2 and 5 superimposed on the geophysics results. Note the ring ditch truncated by the long trench 2 with the evaluation slots cut into it. Trench 1 to the west contains a hard-standing area that coincides with the rectilinear anomaly north of the right angled linear.

Trench 3 superimposed on the geophysics results. Note dark patches over specific deposits such as the chalk in the south west end and at the north east end.

The ditches in trench 2 are producing large amounts of struck flint, fire cracked flint and some pre-historic pot in contrast to trench 3. The western edge ditch is finished and recorded, the ditch at the east end is much larger and we have one more day to reach the bottom and record it.

Trench 2 - slot into the western edge of the ring ditch. 

A few site visits planned for Saturday, our last day, All our welcome to see what we have achieved before backfilling next week and all the fun moves to Woods Court Field and Keith's research dig.

So come on down to Badlesemere tomorrow and I'll give you the tour, unless I'm buried under piles of context sheets.



Badlesmere Bottom 2019 - Day 10


Badlesmere Bottom 2019 - Day 9