General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB., Romano-British. Adams, Mary, B.Sc., History of the demesne farm at Appledore from contemporary building records, 283-98 Addington, The Chestnuts, 20 Agnellus of Pisa, 262 Agney, 292 Albert of Pisa, 263 Aldenham (Herts.), 112 Aldington, 334 Alexander, Bishop, 180 Allay, J., 330 Anderson, Trevor, M.A., An Anglo-Saxon case of hyperostosis frontalis interna, 253-9 Andrew, R., 292 Anglicus, B., 263 s., 263,273 Anglo-Saxon, Cathedral, 355-6 Cemetery, 253,414 Pottery, 362, 365,380,401 Anglo-Saxon, case of hyperostosis frontalis interna, An, by Trevor Anderson, M.A., 253-9 Appledore, 283 ff., 325 Apps, Fam., 204 Aquinas, T., 272 Armstrong, W.A., The population of Victorian and Edwardian Kent, 1-16 Armytage, G.F., 70 Arnold, N., 156 Arrowhead, 377 Ash, 13, 375 ff. Ashbee, Paul, William Stukeley, The Kit's Coty Houses and his coves: A note, 17-24 Ashford, 14, 95,323,325,336,390,401 Astley, Sir J., 226 Aubrey, J., 19 Aulnay-de-Saintonge (France), St. Pierre, 173 Avebury (Wilts.), 17, 19-20 Aveling, R., 5 Axe, 377 Neo., 401,411 Aylesford, 14, 106 Church, 20 Bachun, T., 274 Bacon, R., 263 Baines, D., 6 Baker, J., 251 Ball, Rev. J., 196, 203 Barham, 13 Barming, 118, 122 Barnes, D.R., 70 Barre, S., 240 Barrow, BA, 413,417 Barton (Bertyn), H., 303 Battle (E. Sussex), Abbey, 300 Abbot of, 301 Bavington-Jones, J., 311 Bax, A.R., 310 Bayham (E. Sussex), Abbey, 195, 202 ff. Bearsted, 331 Beaulieu (Rants.), 268 Beckenham, 14 Hundred, 2 Becket, T., 190 Beecher, J., 221 W.,221,240 Belgic, Pottery, 390 Bell, C., 65 Belsey, N., 26 Bembridge (I.o.W.), 106 Benenden, 251,303,333 Benham, Rev. W., 184 Bennett, J., 328 443 GENERAL INDEX Bennett, S., 325 Bethersden, Church, 107 Bettenham, A., 306 w., 304 Bexley, 14 Biddenden, 13,112,331,339 Biddle, M., 102 Bilsington, 300-1 Birchington, 87 All Saints, 111 Birmingham, 16 Black, Jeremy, Deal in 1730, 406-7 Blackbourne, Rev. W., 200 Blackheath, Hundred, 2 Blake, Philip H., The early Derings, 299-308 Bliss, S., A question of identity? The column figures of the west portal of Rochester Cathedral, 167-91 Blois, H. of, 190 Blue Bell Hill, 20, 23 Blomfield, Sir A., 120 Boase, T.S.R., 185 Boat, BA, 368 ff. Boleyn, A., 215 T., 213,215 Bologna (Italy), 262-3 Borough Green, 99 Boughton Malherbe, 95 ff. [Monchelsea?], 333 Bowles, Fam., 236 Bracelet, Bronze, RB., 361 Shale, RB., 361 Braithwaite, W.C., 318 Brames, J., 336 Brampton, Fam./, 236 Brasted, 99 Brenchley, 12 Hundred, 203 Brent, Fam., 306 M.,299 Brentwood (Essex), 122 Brishing Court, 98 Bristol, 263 Broadstairs, 10, 14, 88, 343 ff. North Foreland Avenue, 411-13 South Dumpton Down, 410 Broadway (Dorset), 299 Bromley, 10, 14 Hundred, 2 Bronze, Bracelet, RB., 361 Bronze Age, Barrow, 413,417 Boat, 368 ff. Hill-fort, 413 Pottery, 401,410,412 ff. Browne, Aid., 27 J., 240 w.,250 Bryan, J., 240 Bureye, Fam., 203 Burgess, C., 415 Burgoyne, W., 202 Burham, 14 Burial, RB., 374, 377 Burlington, Lord, 116 Burton, D., 120 Byng, Hon. J., 406 Cade, J., 207 Cambridge, 263 ff. Camden, W., 301 Cannon, J., 267 Canterbury, 2, 6, 8, 13, 25 ff., 88, 101, 105, 111 ff., 129, 180, 190, 204, 263 ff., 283 ff., 323 ff., 355 ff., 394 ff., 402,417 Burgate, 115 Castle, 105 Cathedral, 105, 108, 115, 118, 261 ff., 283, 355 ff. Christ Church College, 398 Priory, 261 ff., 283, 296-7, 303 Dane John, 33 Eastbridge Hospital, 122 Hammonds Bank, 26 Northgate, 27, 33 Poor Priests' Hospital, JOI, 108 Queningate, 104 Ridingate, 104 School of Art, 296 St. Augustine's Abbey, 103, 105, 273 St. Dunstan's Church, 105 St. George's, 27 Gate, 115 St. John the Poor, 360 St. Martin's Church, 105 St. Mary de Castro, 360 Magdalen, 115 Northgate, 104, 108 St. Mildred's Church, 105 Westgate, 29, 33, 108 Worthgate, 104 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim report on work carried out in 1993 by the, 355-403 Canterbury, Finances and government of, 444 GENERAL INDEX early to mid-nineteenth century, by P.H. Panton, 25-54 Canterbury, Franciscan lectors at Christ Church Cathedral Priory, 1275-1314, by Fr. Michael Robson, 261-81 Caton, W., 322 Celtic, Coin, 413 Cemetery, AS, 253, 414 RB, 361 Chambers, B., 328, 331 Charing, 13, 106, 299 Church, 112 Charles I, 344 Charlton, 2 Chartres (France), 170 ff. Chatham, 55 ff. Chateauroux (France), Master Eudes de, 262 Chaynew, Rev. J., 197,207 Chelsfield, 249 R. de, 300 Cheriton, 383, 392, 401 Chesham (Bucks.), 236, 244 Chichester (W. Sussex), 266 Chilham, 303 Chillendenne (Chillenden), Prior A. de, 266,295 Chipstead, 251 Chislehurst, 2 Chevening, 5, 250 Chilmington, 107 Christopher, Fam., 219, 231 ff. Chrysostom, J., 272 Cinque Ports, 345 Claringboule, T., 337-8 Clark, Dr A.J., 413 P., 11 Clarke, W., 29 Cleves, A. of, 215 Cliff End (E. Sussex), 386 Clive, M. of, 271 Clyve, J., 206 Cobb, F., 79, 83 ff. W.F., 86 Cobham, 232 College,399 Lord W., 341-2 Cocker, J., 220 Cockham Wood Fort, by Victor T.C. Smith, 55-75 Coggar, Fam., 202 ff. Coin, Celtic, 413 R., 411,413 Coker, J., 250 Colchester (Essex), Moot Hall, 180 Coldrum, 20 Coles Finch, W., 70 Colvill, J., 324 ff. Coney, J., 163 Conington, R., 280-1 Cook, Fam., 204 Cooke, R., 301 ff. Cooling Castle, 401 Cooper, Aid. H., 31 Rev. A.S., 314 Corbeil (France), 175, 182, 184 Cottington, 415 Cotton, C., 264 Councer, C.R., F.S.A., obit., 440-1 Courthope, Fam., 205 J., 202 R., 330 Covell, H., 86 Cramp, J., 90-1 Cranbrook, 118, 195 ff., 218, 304, 325 ff., 405 Crane, Maurice Anthony, B.A., obit., 441-2 Crevecoeur, Fam., 204 Croydon (Surrey), 273 Crull, R. de, 267 Cuxton, 250 Dale, Dr, 341 Darby, S., 249-50 Darnet, Fort, 69 Darell, W., 299 Dartford, 14, 342, 344 David, W.G., 304 Day, Dr L.R., 410 Deal, 5,8 1 ff.,3 34,4 06-7 Castle, 116 Decaufour, D., 29 Defoe, D., 325, 329 Dell, Fam., 312 Denn, J., 332 Densole, 390 Denton, 388 Depham, H. de, 266 Deptford, 2, 230 Dering, Fam., 299 ff. Derings, The early, by Philip H. Blake, 299-308 Desmaretz, Capt., 66 Detsicas, A.P., Obituary, 439-40 Review, 424-5, 429-30, 436-7 445 GENERAL INDEX Devonport (Devon), 15 Ditchling (E. Sussex), 94 Ditton, 100 St. Peter-ad-Vincula, 106 Dour,R iver,3 66,3 74 Dover, 83, 88, 102, 116, 276, 332 ff., 343-4, 365 ff., 386, 399 Castle, 102, 106, 112, 120, 302 Museum, 105,314,371 Priory, 292, 297 St. Martin le Grand, 312 St. Mary-in-Castro, 104 St. Mary's, 309 ff. St. Peter's Church, 105 St. Radigund's Abbey, 106, 116 Town Hall, 371 Dover, St. Mary's, monumental inscriptions, by Kathleen Hollingsbee and Martyn C. Webster, 309-15 Dowker, J., 413 Draper, Gillian, Dip. Loe. Hist., The first hundred years of Quakerism in Kent, 317-40 Dryland, R., 303 Dunk, J., 323 Dunkirk, 116 East Farleigh, 107 Church, 122 Eastry, 401 Prior H. of, 261 ff., 283 Ebbsfleet, 415 Ebony, 293 Eccles, 104 Eco, U., 186 Edward III, 108 Egerton, 299,407 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 185 Elgar, J., 332 Elham, 13, 16, 334 Elizabeth I, 213, 341, 344 Ellison, A., 418 Eltham, 2, 108 Essex, J., 180 Eton (Berks.), College, 112 Evesham (Worcs.), 335 Everden, T., 323, 332 Everel, Dr W. of, 265 ff. Eyton, Fam., 304 ff. Ezekiel, 170 Fairweather, F.H., 137, 140 ff. Farningham, 249 Faversham, 14, 94, 330, 342, 344 H. of, 262-3 S. of, 271, 280 Fergusson, J., 173-4 Fisher, S., 322 Flint, Arrowhead, 377 Axe, 377,411 Meso., 391 Neo., 391 Folkestone, 16, 101-2, 106 ff., 290, 330 ff., 343, 366, 382, 401 Fordwich, 89, 383 ff. Town Hall, 116 Fourmayne, H., 232 Fowle, Fam., 198 Fox. G., 317 ff. s., 325 ff. Fox, Jean, C. Eng., F.B.C.S., Seal, Kemsing and lghtham - 1560 to 1650,213-51 Francis, Fam., 203 Frenche, R., 222 w.,223 Frindsbury, 14 Fulham, R. of, 265, 275, 279 ff. Fuller, J., 242 Gainsborough, W. of, 267 ff. Gallus, T., 273 Gameson, Richard, Review, 430-1 Gammon-Hardaway, R., 122 Gardner, D., 68 J., 236 Gare, J., 205 Garlinge, 90 Gardner, S., 409 Garner, W., 91-2 Garrett, R., 81 Genoa (Italy), 263, 273 Gervase of Canterbury, 190, 265-6 Gibson, Dr A., 410 Gibson, J.M., The 1556 survey of the Kent coast, 341-53 Giffard, Bishop G., 267-8 Gilbert Scott, Sir G., 168 Gillingham, 2, 15, 57-8, 344 Fort, 58 ff. Gillott, Fam., 204 Gillow, H., 200 Girdler, S., 328 Godden, J., 214 ff. T., 250 Godfrey, S., 249 446 GENERAL INDEX Goldwell, W., 303 Gomme, Sir B. de, 58, 61, 75 Gordon, C.A., 268 Goudhurst, 205, 328 Gouger, D., 90 Grain, 56, 65 ff. Gravesend, 11, 14 Gravett, K.W.E., 407 Graydon, Lt.-Col., 68 Great Chart,99, 107,112,118,292,297,303 Green, H., 327 Greenwich, 2, 406 Gregory of Naples, 262 Grimette, W., 11 Grose, F., 160 Grosseteste, Master R., 262-3, 272 Guilton, 375 Gundulf, Bishop, 129 Guy, W., 240 Gwynn-Jones, P. LI., 301 Hackington, Church, 111 Hadlow, 249 Hadrian, Abbot, 265 Haggard, R., 13 Hales, H., 341 Halford, Aid., 29 Halling, 14, 200 Halstow, 344-5 Hammond, Fam., 204 G., 196 Harbledown, 101-2 Harlington (Middx.), 112 Harrison, A.C., Obituary, 440 Harrow (Middx.), Church, 105 Hartland (Devon), 196 Hasden, S., 249 Hasted, E., 216, 297, 329 Hastings (E. Sussex), 386 Haute, C., 302 J., 302 Havering (Essex), 108 Hawkhurst, 10 Hawkinge, 388 Headcorn, 107,112,333 Hearn, M.F., 175 Henry I, 184 II, 180, 185 VIII, 56, 102, 213, 215 Hereford, 263, 273 A. de, 274 Herne, 344 Church, 111 Herne Bay, 14, 94 High, R., 240 Hill-fort, BA, 413 IA, 413 History of the demesne farm at Appledore from contemporary building records, by Mary Adams, B.Sc., 283-98 Hodge, W., 69 Hodgson Fowler, C., 164 Hogben, J., 323 Hollingsbee, Kathleen, and Webster, Martyn C., St. Mary's, Dover, monumental inscriptions, 309-15 Hollis, G., 184 T., 184 Holmans, S., 89 Homersham, Aid., 26 Homewood [Holmewood], A., 214-5, 249 Hoo, Fort, 64, 69 Ness, 57, 64, 67 St. Werburgh, 14 Hook Green, 205 Hopper, J., 196 Hopton, J., 196 Horne, Fam., 290 W.,297-8 Horsley, M., 312 Horsmonden, Church, 202 Hothfield Place, 19 Housegoe, T., 328 Howard, L., 322-3 Howard, Sally, Some architectural fragments recovered from the Stour at Field Mill, Egerton, 407-9 Howness, 67 Hudson, W., 250 Hurst Green, 10 Hussey, R., 107 Hythe, 10, 95, 105, 111, 342 ff., 386,402 Iden, 10 lghtham, 99, 120, 213 ff. Ingram Hill, D., Obituary, 440-1 Iron Age, Hill-fort, 413 Occupation, 361 Pottery, 377, 383,391,401, 412-3 Irvine, J.T., 137 James I, 344 Jay, L.A., Barrow reconstruction, 421 Thanet barrow project, 418-21 Thanetbeakers,414-17 Jennings, M., 83 447 GENERAL INDEX Jenyns, Rev. G., 214-5 Jerusalem, Temple, 188 Johnson, J., 249 Keene, H., 159-60 Kemsing, 213 ff. Kenetty, T., 332 Kennington, 401 Kent, Fam., 204 Kent, The first hundred years of Quakerism in, by Gillian Draper, Dip.Loe.Hist., 317-40 Kent, The population of Victorian and Edwardian, by W.A. Armstrong, 1-16 Kent coast, The 1556 survey of the, by J.M. Gibson, 341-53 Kentish rag and other building stones, by Bernard C. Worssam and T im Tatton-Brown, 93-125 Khan, Dr D., 173, 180 Kidbrook, 2 Kilwardby, Archbishop R., 264 Kingham, T., 325 Kingsford, Aid. E., 27 Aid. S., 27 Kingswood, J., 200, 202-3 Kirby, W., 88-9 Kirkall, E., 20 Kite, R., 328 Kit's Coty Houses, 17 ff. Knole, 228 Kyng, J,, 250 Laggett, J., 338 Lamberhurst, 193 ff. Manor, 202 ff. Parish Church, 194 Laming, J., 86 R., 86 Lamp, RB., 379 Lampard, J.K., Country banks and economic development in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: The case of the Margate bank, 77-92 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 105, 129, 190 Langhorne, Rev. W., 340 Latham, 0., 86-7 Leach, A.F., 268 Lee, 2 Leeds, Castle, 107 Leicester, 263 Le Mans (France), 175, 185 Lenham, 299 Lethaby, W., 182, 185 Lewes (E. Sussex), 266 Lewisham, 2 Lilly, T., 328 Limpsfield, 99 Lincoln, 269-70 Cathedral, 180 Little, A.G., 265, 267 Little Chart, 99, 104, 112, 299, 303 Loches (France), 180 London, 2, 8-9, 14, 81 ff., 94, 101, 104-5, 115-16, 122, 213, 230, 236-7, 266, 269,274,335,375 British Museum, 102-3 Museum of, 101 St. Bride, Fl􀁚et Street, 115 St. John's Priory, Clerkenwell, 115 Tower of, 105-6 Victoria and Albert Museum, 180 Westminster Palace, 106 ff. L.oose, 118 Manor, 205 Lower Halstow, 14 Luddington, 417 Lydd, 300 ff. Lympne, 95 Stutfall Castle, 104, 392 Maddele, W. de., 274 Maidstone, 95, 99 ff., 106 ff., 215, 325 ff., 344, 380-2 Assembly Rooms, 5 College, 108 Gaol, 118 Holy Trinity Church, 120 Parish Church, 108 Manchester, 16 Manston, 415 Manwood, R., 213 Marche, T., 319 ff. Margate, 77 ff., 344-5 Margate bank, The, Country banks and economic development in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: The case of the, by K.J. Lampard, 77-92 Marten, W., 242 Martin, G., 5 McAleer, J. Philip, Rochester Cathedral: The north choir aisle and the space between it and 'Gundulf's' Tower, 127-65 448 GENERAL INDEX McA!eer, J.P., 170 McLaren, D., 236, 244 Magdeburg (Germany), 263 Margate, 343,415 Marsh, A., 274 Martello Tower, 386 Matfield, 405-6 Matilda, Queen, I 84 Mayhewe, J., 302 Meadherst, J., 250 Medieval, Building, 365 Pottery, 362, 365, 383, 401 Medway, River, 55 ff., 95, 106, 116, 342, 344,382 Towns, 10 Valley, 14, 20, 107 Mercer, R. le, 262 Mereworth, 95 Church, 116-18 Mersham, 325 Mesolithic, Flint, 391 Midhurst (W. Sussex), 99 Miller, Fam., 218 ff. Milton-next-Sittingbourne, 342, 344 Minnis Bay, 415 Minster-in-Sheppey, 180 Minster-in-Thanet, 106, 108,300,413 Abbey Farm and Conyngham Road, 411 Ebbsfleet Farm, 410-11 St. Mary's, 411 Minter, R., 339 Mockett, J., 91 Monkton, 108, 413 AS Cemetery, 414 Montefiore, M., 81 Moon, J.H., Thomas Rolff: An examination of the structure of society within the Kentish High Weald based-upon the study of a fifteenth-century parish clerk, 193-212 Moore, J., 61 Moorman, J.R.H., 265 ff. Morland, W., 193 Mummery, M., 89 Murston, 199 Myddle (Salop), 230 Myles,J .,2 95 R., 295 T., 295 Narbonne (France), 281 Neame, G., 33 Neolithic, Axe, 401,411 Flint, 391 Settlement, 392 Nettlestead, Church, 112 New Hythe, 106 Newington, 14, 383 Newlands, Chapel, 106 Nicholson, W., 69 Nonington, 334 Norman, Cathedral, 356-9 Northbourne, 83 Norton, J., 202 T., 202 Nottingham, 267 ff. Nutt, J., 33 Obituaries, 439-42 Offham, 122 Okenlane, Rev. D., 193, 199-200 Old Romney, 302 Olyver, A., 218 J., 250-1 R., 251 w.,218 Orpington, 2 Oswald, Alastair, Pond bays at Badsell Park Farm, Matfleld, 405-6 Otford, 250 Church, 115-6 Otham, 106, 213 Ottway, T., 5 Owen, N., 333 Oxford, 262 ff. University of, 262 Wadham College, 406 Paddlesworth, 101 Padua (Italy), 263 Palmer, Fam., 205 Pantin, W.A., 264, 273 Panton, P.H., Finances and government of Canterbury early to mid-nineteenth century, 25-54 Paris (France), Louvre, 184, 262 ff. St. Denis, 175 ff., 262 University of, 261-2 Paris, M., 263-4 Parker, A., 323 Parma (Italy), 263 Parnell, J., 318 Pas, B., 300 J., 300 Pattenden, Fam., 204-5, 313-14 449 GENERAL INDEX Patteson, T., 338 Pearson, J.L., 168 ff. Pecham, J., Archbishop, 263, 269 Pegwell Bay, 94 Pelsolt, Fam., 222 Pembroke, 15 Penney, N., 334 Perkins, D.R.J., Work by the Trust for Thanet Archaeology during 1992/3: Interim reports, projects and reported discoveries, 401-14 Pettit, W., 303 Petworth (W. Sussex), 306 Philip the Chancellor, 273 Philipot, J., 301, 303 Pilcher, E., 89-90 J., 338 Pilgrims' Way, 190, 215 Pine, Capt. V., 59 Pinner (Middx.), 112 Platt, Church, 120 Pluckley, 95, 299 ff. Church, 107 Plymouth (Devon), 5, 55 Polhill, J ., 249 w.,250 Pollard, T., 323 Porter, E., 247 J., 223 w., 251 Portsmouth (Hants.), 15, 55, 75 Pottery, AS, 362, 365,380,401 BA, 401,410, 412-13, 414-17 Belgic, 390 IA,377,383,391,401,412-13 Med., 362,383,401 Prehistoric, 377 RB., 365, 379 ff., 382-3, 385, 390-1, 401 Poueyn, T., 300 Price, J., 237 Puckle, Canon, 310-11 Pulborough (W. Sussex), 94, 99 Pynden,A., 222 Queenborough, 344-5 Castle, 56, 102 Rainham, 14,249,344 Ralph of Maidstone, Bishop, 273 Ramsgate, 81 ff., 343 ff., 415,417 Read, W., 86 Reculver, 94 Church, 105, 386 Saxon Shore fort, 104 Researches and discoveries in Kent, 405-22 Reviews, 423-37 Reynolds, H., 221, 249 T., 249 W., Archbishop, 275 Rheims (France), 179 Ricarde, Fam., 205 Richardson, T., 83 Richborough Castle, 94, 104, 379 Rigden, T., 312 Ringmere, Prior T. de, 266, 268 Ringwould, 417 Riverhead, Church, 120 Robbards, H., 327 Robertsbridge (E. Sussex), Abbey, 195, 204 Robinson, Dr E., 103 Robson, Fr. Michael, Franciscan lectors at Christ Church Cathedral Priory, Canterbury, 1275-1314, 261-81 Rochelle, J. de la, 272 Rochester, 5, 56, 104-5, 232, 247, 325, 327,330-1, 344,401 Bridge, 55, 58 Castle, 105, 107, 116 Cathedral, 105, 127 ff., 167 ff. City Wall, 402 Rochester Cathedral, A question of identity? The column figures on the west portal of, by S. Bliss, 167-91 Rochester Cathedral: The north choir and the space between it and 'Gundulf's' Tower, by J. Philip McAleer, 127-65 Rogers, H., 323 Rolff, Thomas: An examination of the structure of society within the Kentish High Weald based upon the study of a fifteenth-century parish clerk, by J.H. Moon, 193-212 Rolff [Relf], T., 193 ff. Rolvenden, 304 Roman, Coin, 411,413 Romano-British, Bracelet, 361 Building, 365, 379, 414 Burial, 374, 377, 379 Cemetery, 361 Farmstead, 379 Fort, 379, 392, 399 Harbour Wall, 367 Lamp, 379 450 GENERAL INDEX Occupation, 361,374,377 ff., 385,392 Pottery, 365, 379 ff., 382-3, 385, 390-1,401 Road, 375 ff. Villa, 104, 380-2, 411 Rome,2 63,2 73 Romney, 290 Marsh, 325, 340 Rother, River, 293 Rotherfield (E. Sussex), 222 Rouse, M.A., 264, 272 R.H., 264, 272 Rowse, J., 220 Rowsome, Dr P., 101 Rudyan, R., 291 Rufus, R., 274 Rupert, Prince, 57 Rye, H. of, 273 Salisbury (Wilts.), 266 Salmestone Grange, 106 Sampson, J., 196 Sandgate, 95, 102-3, 111 Castle, 102-3, 116 Sandhurst, W., 208 Sandwich, 88, 91, 116, 334, 342 ff. S. of, 262 Sandys, G., 30 Sarre, 253, 257 Sauerlander, W., 184-5 Scotney, Fam., 204 ff. Scott, T., 342 Seal, 213 ff. Seal, Kemsing and lghtham - 1 560 to 1650, by Jean Fox, C.Eng., F.B.C.S., 213-51 Secker, Archbishop, 340 Sellindge, 100 Sevenoaks, 95, 99-100, 115, 120, 122, 213 ff., 333 School, 116 St. John's Church, 120 The Manor House, 118 Sewel, W., 318 Shale, Bracelet, RB., 361 Shalmsford, 303 Sharp, D., 337 Sharpey, Fam., 218 Sheba, Queen, 167 ff. Sheerness, 15, 56 ff. Sheppey, 15, 102 Shoeburyness (Essex), 416 Shoreham, 249 Shorncliff, 386 Shorne, 11 Simmons, Aid., 27 Sims, G., 324, 335 H., 335 J., 335 Sittingbourne, 14 Skull, J., 249 Smale, M., 249 Smarden, 13, 112 Smith, F.F., 185 Smith, Victor T.C., Cockham Wood Fort, 55-75 Snodland, 14 Solomon, King, 167 ff. Southampton (Hants.), 5, 266 St. Anselm, 265, 272-3 Anthony of Padua, 262 Bernard, 189, 272 Francis of Assisi, 262 J. Hope, W.H., 137 ff. John the Divine, 170 Leger, Sir A., 302 Michael, 266 Nicasius, 277 Nicholas-at-Wade, 111 Peter's, 91 William of Perth, 152 Stanmore (Middx.), 112 Staplehurst, 325, 328 Stephyn, J., 202-3 Stocker, S., 237 Stone, E., 242 L., 188 J., 339 Stonehenge (Wilts.), 19,415 Stour, River, 401,407 Stowell, Fam., 247 Stow-on-the-Wold (Glos.), 226 Strood, 15 Stubbs, J., 322 Stukeley, W., 17 ff. Stukeley, William, The Kit's Coty Houses and his coves: A note, by Paul Ashbee, 17-24 Style, E., 250 Sty lie, J ., 296 Suger, Abbot of St. Denis, 175 ff. Sunderland (Tyne and Wear), 15 Sundridge, 99 Surrenden, Fam., 299 J. de, 306 Sutthon, L. de, 274 451 GENERAL INDEX Sutton Valence, 13 Swaffer, J., 332 W.,332 Swale, River, 56 Swalecliffe, 343, 345 Swaleness, 56 Swansea (Glam.), 335 Swingfield, 334, 337-8 Minnis, 390 Swinford, D., 86 J., 86 Swinton, J., 406 Sydenham, 2 Symon, W., 292 Tatton-Brown, Tim, and Worssam, Bernard, Kentish rag and other building stones, 93-125 Taylor, Dr J., 102 Tebold [Theobald], Fam., 213 ff. Telford,T ., 118 Tenterden, 5, 112 Terling (Essex), 229 Terry, Q., 122 Tester, P eter James, F.S.A., obit., 439-40 Thames, River, 11, 55, 106 Thanet, Isle of, 86, 300 Lord W. of, 29 I Towns, 13, 15-16 Theodore, Archbishop, 265 Theophilus, 189 Thomas, Fam., 204 W., 195, 202-3 Thurnham, Fam., 204 Tilbury (Essex), Fort, 75 Tilmanstone, 417 Tolleshunt d' Arey (Essex), I 11 Tottman, E.G., 39 Tours (France), 263 Toys Hill, 95 Tritton,T ., 336 Trottiscliffe, 250 Tufton, N., 3rd Earl ofThanet, 19 Tunbridge Wells, 14-15 Tuttesham,T ., 250 Twysden, Fam., 204 Tyler, R., 200, 202 w.,200 Ulcombe, 106 Church, 107 Upchurch, 14, 344-5 Upnor, 55, 68 Castle, 56 ff., 116 Upton, W., 335 Utrecht,T reaty of, 66 Vann, R., 332 Victoria, Queen, 3 Wade, Dr J., 296 Wadhurst (E. Sussex), 204 Wakelyn,T .,2 49 Wales, P. of, 263 Walkelyne, W., 250 Waller, R., 250 Waltham, 334 Wantsum Channel, 376, 379 Estuary, 415 Watford (Herts.), 112 Weald,T he, 5, 12, 95, 107, 112, 193 ff., 330,336 Webster, Martyn C., and Hollingsbee, Kathleen, St. Mary's, Dover, monumental inscriptions, 309-15 Welle, W. atte, 301 Wellere, Fam., 203 Wells (Som.), Cathedral, 185 West,T ., 328 Westerham, 95, 215 West Kennet (Wilts.), 19 West Malling, 106 Weymouth (Dorset), 299 Whichcord, J., 98, 101, 118 Whitehead, C., 13 Whitstable, 116, 118, 343, 345 Whyman, J., Obituary, 441-2 Review, 423-4, 425-9, 432-4 Wiggens, J., 324-5 Willard, J., 250-1 Willesborough, 307 William IV, 34, 40 Willington, 101 Willis Bund, J.W., 268 Wilsford (Wilts.), 417 Wilson, J.M., 268 T., 59 Winchelsea (E. Sussex), 266 Winchelsey, Archbishop R., 271,278 Winchester (Hants.), 190, 266 Windsor (Berks.), Castle, 108 Wingham, 334 Wittersham, 10 Wodehey, Dr R. of, 265 ff. Wodestone, H. of, 272 452 GENERAL INDEX Wojciechowska-Kibble, B., 12 Wolter, A.B., 264 Wood, J., 249 Woodbridge (Suffolk), 329 Woodruff, C.H., 417 Woods, Sir W., 301,303 Woolwich, 2 Worcester, 267 Worssam, Bernard, and Tatton-Brown, Tim, Kentish rag and other building stones, 93-125 Worth, 335 Wotton, T., 342 Wouldham, 14 Wren, Sir C., 115 Wrigley, E.A., 230 Wrotham, 250 Wye, 13, 103, 301 Wylie, W.L., 70 Wymbell, R., 249 Yevele, H., 108 York, A. of, 263 Zarnecki, Prof. G., 173, 180 453




Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1992