General Index

441 general iNDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics BA Bronze Age LBA L ate Bronze Age EIA/LIA E arly Iron Age/Late Iron Age IA I ron Age R-B R omano-British Adalbot, moneyer 71 Adam (son of Hugh) of Gillingham 120, 121 Adam of Twydole 110 Addington Stones 45, 49, 56 Aelfheah, moneyer 71 Aelfred, moneyer 67 Aelfstan, moneyer 71 Aelfwine, moneyer 66 Aethelwine, moneyer 71 agistment (rented pasture) 196-7, 202 Aldington accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 112, 113, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 128 churchgoing 347 court 117, 118 mill 377, 378 rents 118, 119 Roman roads 220-1 Aldridge, Neil see Pollard, Ernest Alfege 281 Alfgeat, moneyer 71 Allen, Sir Christopher 229 Allen, Henry, warden 233 Allen, Peter, ‘“The coming of the doctor”: as illustrated by the career of Richard Hope of Cranbrook (d.1725)’ 1-15 amber BA cups 250, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258 source 259 Amesbury (Wilts), shale cups 255-6 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 60, 368 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon period boundary associated with Roman sites in Benenden 301-7 Hoo St Werbergh, kiln or oven base 222 hunting 181 lathes 303 ports 265 Ramsgate, sunken-featured building 216, 217, 219 Romney placename 368, 369-70 Sevington 221 William I coinage 59-74 see also pottery animal bone cattle 82, 133, 135, 138, 139, 140, 221, 289, 290 deer 290 dog 133, 134, 140 horse 135, 140, 289, 290 mammal 133, 135, 139 pig 135, 140, 223, 289, 290 sheep 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 289, 290 sheep burials 223 sheep/goat 221 sites Crabble, Dover 26, 27 Hoo St Werburgh 222-3 Minster-in-Thanet villa 321, 322, 328-9, 331 New Romney 220 Pond Field, Littlebrook 289-90 Queenborough Castle 381 Ramsgate 216 Sevington 221 Westwood, Broadstairs 82, 98 apothecaries 1, 2, 3, 4-7, 8, 9, 11, 13 Apylton family 284 Arblaster, John 385 Arcall, Thomas, parker 188, 192, 198 Archaeology South-East (ASE) 129 Archcliffe, chapel 31 Armstrong, Ralph, parker 188 arrowheads, flint Isle of Thanet 169, 170, 172, 173, 174-5 Neolithic 218 Westwood 86, 91, 92 Ash Church 45 Ash Mill 30 GENERAL INDEX 442 Beckenham, churchgoing 352 Beddington Park (Surrey), coin 69, 70 Beke, Richard, master mason 157 Bekesbourne churchgoing 346 coin 66, 70 Benedictines 143-64 Benenden, Anglo-Saxon boundary associated with Roman sites 301-7 Bennet, Richard 233 Bennett, Paul, Peter Couldrey and Nigel Macpherson-Grant, Highstead near Chislet, Kent. Excavations 1975- 1977, reviewed 398-9 Beresford, Roger, farmer 185, 187-8 Betteshanger 345 Betting (Botting), John, surgeon 2 beverages, found in BA beakers 256 Bexley accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 109, 112, 115, 116, 120, 121, 128 churchgoing 354, 355 coin found at church 66 marl 120 mill 371, 372, 373, 377 sheep 121 Bicknor, churchgoing 343 Birbeck, Vaughan, and Rob Armour Chelu, on geophysical survey and evaluation trenching at Queenborough Castle, Isle of Sheppey 378- 86 Birch, Dr Samuel 52, 53 Birchington 272, 337 Bishopsbourne accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 111, 112, 119, 123, 128 mill 377, 378 Black Death 108, 124, 379 Blackheath, tumulus and camp 56 blacksmith’s shop, Roman 327, 328-9 Blean see Boughton under Blean Bliss, Thomas, surgeon 7 Blundell, Thomas, constable 229 Blyton, John, attorney 157 Boast, Emma see Parfitt, Keith boat custom 114 Bocher, William 191 Boughton under Blean accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 109, 112, 119, 121, 128 Ashbee, Paul ‘The Bronze Age gold, amber and shale cups from Southern England and the European mainland: a review article’ 249-62 review by 393-6 Ashford, churchgoing 344, 350, 354, 355 Ashford, Thomas, monk 145 astrolabic quadrant 215-16 axe hoards 259 axes BA 258, 259 flint 167 Ramsgate 218 Aylesford (North), churchgoing 350 bailiffs 109, 110, 120, 123, 155 bailiwicks 109-10 Baker, C.R., and A.N. Herbert, ‘Excavation of a medieval settlement at Pond Field, Littlebrook, Dartford’ 281-300 Baldwin, Thomas 235 Banes, Hugh 232 Bapchild churchgoing 347 Palaeolithic artefacts 223 barber-surgeons 1, 2, 3-4, 8-9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Barbett, John 157 Barbour, John, farmer 198 Barham, coin 70 Barnes, Richard, monk 157 barrows 257-8 Barton, mill 372, 376, 377 Barton Mill, Canterbury 365-8 Neolithic flint and hearths 365, 367 palaeochannel 365, 366 plant remains 367 pottery, R-B 367 R-B farmstead 365, 367 Roman road 365, 367 Bartram, Claire, review by 402-4 Baston Manor 258 Bayeux, Bishop of 29, 151 beadles 110, 122 Beaker burials 165-77 Beauchamp, Richard, bishop 150 Beaufort, Cardinal Henry 149, 150-1 Beaufort family 153, 154 Beauworth Hoard 64-6, 69, 70, 72, 73 GENERAL INDEX 443 Boughton under Blean (cont.) churchgoing 343, 345, 347, 350 mill 377 rents 119 Bourchier, Archbishop 153 Bowerman, Richard 337 Bowles family 269 Box, John, master mason 379 Boys family 269 Bradsole, St Radegund’s Abbey 18, 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 Breeze, Andrew, on the name of Romney 368-70 Brenchley, Edmund 144 Brenchley, Lady Joanna and William 155 brickearth deposits, Sittingbourne 129 brickearth quarrying 214 Bridge, churchgoing 350 Bridge, William, churchwarden 337 bridges, maintenance and accounts 225- 30, 235-9, 240, 241, 242-3 British Library, London Arundel 68 MSS 153 Flinders Petrie 54, 55 British Museum, Bronze Age cups 249 British Museum, London coins 64-5, 71 and Flinders Petrie 35, 39-40, 41, 45, 52, 55 Brittany, silver and gold cups 254 Broadstairs flint axe 167 Fort House 386-91 port 267 pottery, Beaker 167, 170, 171, 172, 174 radiocarbon dating 169, 174 ring ditch at Beauforts, North Foreland 165-9, 174-5 skeletal analysis 167-9 see also Westwood Bromley churchgoing 350, 352, 354, 355 parish church 39, 57 Bronze Age cups of gold, amber and shale 249-62 gold ring 77, 103 Holborough quarry, Snodland 221-2 Hoo St Werburgh, pits 222 perforated clay slab 134, 139 Thanet 75 see also pottery; Westwood, Broadstairs bronze hoard, LBA/EIA 218 bronze-working, Ramsgate, LBA/EIA 218 Brooke, Laurence 282, 284 Brookshead, Nicholas, blacksmith 231 Brunman, moneyer 72 Buck, Charles, vicar 7 Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, Duke of 153 Buckland 345 buckles, copper alloy 384 Bullhead Bed 86, 223 Bulteham, Thomas, parker 188, 199 Bundock, Mike (ed), Historic Herne and Broomfield, reviewed 409-10 Burgh, Hubert de, constable of Dover Castle 30 Burham, causewayed enclosure 257 burial mounds, Roman 211 burials Beaker 165-77 crouched inhumations 165, 167, 170 Neolithic 175 Roman 131 buttons, copper alloy 384 Byng, Robert 205 Bynne or Bynnee 379 Byrde, Richard, lawyer 157 Cade Rebellion (1450) 380 Caen stone 21, 24, 26 chippings 220 Canterbury astrolabic quadrant 215-16 Barton Court Grammar School, Longport 214 Becket’s shrine 30 Cathedral Precincts Choir House 212-13 Table and Infirmary Halls 212 Cathedral Priory, brotherhood and confraternity 143-64 Church Street St Paul’s, medieval buildings 213-14 churchgoing 343, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350, 354, 355, 357 Dover Street 211-12 grain 115 hens and firewood 111 HM Prison, Longport 214-15 House of Agnes, No.71 St Dunstan’s Street 215-16 GENERAL INDEX 444 Canterbury (cont.) Late Saxon wall 215 Meister Omers 150 mills in environs 377 mint 60, 61, 67-71, 72, 73 oxen 113 pigs sent to 109 pottery 216, 221 pottery kiln and wasters, post-medieval 216 Roman features 211-12, 214-15 burial mounds 211 pits 215 street and roads 211, 214-15 St Alphege 346 St Dunstan 340 St George’s Lane ‘Cycle Facility’ 211- 12 St Mary Bredman 346 St Mary Magdalen parish 336 St Mary Northgate 346 St Paul 346 St Peter 343, 346 town wall and tower 211-12 14 Westgate Grove 215 see also Barton Mill Canterbury, Archbishop of deer parks owned by 179, 181, 185, 189, 201, 202 demesne manors 107-28 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 17, 130, 131, 133, 211-24 Carpenter, Richard, lawyer 156 Castelayn, Henry, parker 187-8, 194 Castle Hill camp, Folkestone 42 cereal processing waste 82, 100, 104 Chalklin, Christopher, ‘The accounts of the wardens of the town lands of Tonbridge, 1574-1760’ 225-47 Chamberlayne, Sir Roger 380 Chandeler, Thomas, monk 151 chapels and chantries chantries 152, 155, 158 manorial and wayside 28, 30, 31 Charing accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 109, 112, 116, 118, 119, 121, 123, 128 market 119 mill 374, 377 rents 118 Charles II 6, 338 Charlton, entrenchment 45, 55-6 Chart, William, monk 145 Chatham churchgoing 348 dockyard 264, 267, 273, 274, 380 Chelu, Rob Armour see Birbeck, Vaughan Chepsted (Chipsted), John, parker 188, 189 Cheyne, John 154-5 Cheyne family 154 Chichele, Henry, archbishop 195 Chichele, John, steward 195-6 Chichester coins 72 paving 240 Chilham, churchgoing 346 Chislehurst 39, 352 Chislet churchgoing 347 mill 377 churchgoing (church attendance) 335-63 cider 114 Cinque Ports 265-6 Clandon Barrow (Dorset), amber cup 255, 256, 258 clappers 229, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 242, 243 Clarke, Edward, warden 236, 237 Claxfield Farm, Lynsted 223 clay-pits 198, 204, 206 clay quarries 218 Clerk, Richard, bishop 151 Clerke, James, parker 188 Cliffe, graffiti 266 coal 271 Cobb family 268 Coenric, moneyer 66 coins belonging to Anne Petrie 35, 39 dies 60 George V 384 medieval 219, 220 PAXS reverse type 61, 64, 66, 73 post-medieval 384 Roman 328, 329, 330, 331 William I 59-74 sites, Queenborough Castle 384 Coldharbour Farm, Horsmonden 12 Coldharbour Road, Gravesend 96 GENERAL INDEX 445 Coldrum Stones 45, 48, 55 collectors 109 Compton Census 338, 341 Connelly, Mark, Steady the Buffs! A Regiment, a Region, and the Great War, reviewed 406-8 Connor, Meriel, ‘Brotherhood and confraternity at Canterbury Cathedral Priory in the fifteenth century: the evidence of John Stone’s Chronicle’ 143-64 Cooling 45 copper and copper foundry 375-6 copper-alloy objects 384 Coppinger, William 235 Corbell, Alan 29 corrodies 152 cotmen 118, 120, 121 Cotton, Sir Thomas 229 Couchman, Michael, clothier 226 courts 110, 111, 112, 117 ecclesiastical 336, 337, 339 hundred 155 Ightham 183, 185, 205, 206 Crabble, Dover 17-33 animal bone 26, 27 Caen stone window and frame 24, 26, 27, 28 ditches 27 hone 26 manorial chapel(?) 28, 30, 31 marine shell 26 medieval 17-33 Neolithic-BA 17 paper mill 17, 28 peg tile 26 pits 26-7 pottery 24, 26, 27 roof tile 24 Structure 1, medieval 17, 21-4, 26, 27-8, 31 Structure 2, medieval 17, 24-6, 27-8 Cranbrook 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 chalybeate water 6 churchgoing 337, 344, 350 paving 240 Crayford, churchgoing 345, 346 cremation burials Holborough quarry, LBA/EIA 221-2 Ramsgate 218-19 Thanet 75 Westwood, Broadstairs 75, 83, 85, 103-4 ‘Cripelemelle’ 31 Croydon accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 111, 112, 117, 127 deer sent to 198 gaol 117 mill 375 Cruttenden, Thomas, apothecary 2 Cudham, church 39, 57 cufflink, silver 384 cups, BA, of gold, amber and shale 249- 62 cutlery handle, copper alloy 384 Cuxwold (Lincs), cup 254 dangerium 119 Darcy, Thomas, parker 188, 197 Darenth, coin 66 Dartford APV Hall 275 churchgoing 349, 350, 355 deer sent to 198 Priory (church) 40, 57 see also Pond Field Dartford and Darent Valley Archaeological Group 281 Darwish, Daniel, on Captain Gooch at Fort House, Broadstairs 386-91 Deal 267, 268, 269, 270, 274 churchgoing 348, 349 as a resort 272 Declarations of Indulgence 338 deer 198-200 deer parks, at Wrotham 179-209 agistment 196-7, 202 farmer (lessee) of 185-6, 202, 204-5 lodges 182, 193-4, 204, 205 pales 190-2, 190, 191, 203 pannage 197-8, 202, 204 park gates 192, 203, 204 poaching 200-1, 202 timber 194-6, 201, 202-4, 206 Dejovas, James, warden 234 Denge Marsh hoard 62-3, 70, 73 Denmark, coins 69, 70 Denzell Downs (Cornwall), cup 254 Deptford churchgoing 348, 351, 352 dockyard 267, 273, 275 Detling, churchgoing 343 Dickens, Charles 386 GENERAL INDEX 446 Domesday Book Benenden manor 301, 303 Bexley church 66 Brunman, moneyer 72 deer parks 181 Littlebrook 282 Romenel 368 Dominicans 147 Dour River 29 Dover Castle 29-30 Garrison Hospital and gun battery 219 churchgoing 344, 347, 348, 350, 355 mint 60, 61, 68, 70, 71-2 as a port 265, 266-7, 268, 269, 270, 272, 274 as a resort 272 St Edmund’s Chapel 30, 31 St Martin’s Priory 18, 19, 28 St Mary 348 St Mary’s Hospital (Maison Dieu) 18, 19, 28, 30, 31 Dovere, Soloman de 29 Draper, Peter, review by 396-8 Dreystedel, mill 376 Dunstan, archbishop 281 Durolevum 131 Eadgar, King 60 Eastchurch, churchgoing 349 Eastling, churchgoing 343 East Malling, churchgoing 344 Eastry, churchgoing 350 ecclesiastical courts 336, 337, 339 Eddy, Mike, review by 400-1 Edenbridge, bridge maintenance 225 Edred, moneyer 73 Edric, moneyer 66 Edward the Confessor, coinage 60, 64, 67, 68, 71, 72-3 Edward I 108 Edward III 379 Edwards, Elizabeth, reviews by 404-6, 409-10 Egerton, churchgoing 349 Elham, churchgoing 350 Elyot, John, lawyer 156 Erith, churchgoing 355 Erwald, monk 151 Eschenz (Switzerland), gold cup 253, 256 Essex, Henry de, constable of England 29 Ethelred, king 281-2 Eustace of Boulogne 63, 71 Everest, Thomas, butcher 230 Ewell 18, 19, 29 fairs 107 famuli 122 farming, medieval 107-28 farmsteads see Barton Mill, Canterbury; Pond Field, Littlebrook Faversham churchgoing 349, 350 as a port 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274 fertiliser 120, 140 Field, Clive D., ‘Churchgoing in the cradle of English Christianity: Kentish evidence from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries’ 335-63 field system, BA see Westwood, Broadstairs Fiennes, James 154, 155 fire pit, undatable 223 fish bones 222, 290 fishing 119, 271-2 flintNeolithic 133, 167, 365, 367 Westwood Broadstairs 75, 77, 82, 85-93, 90, 92, 102 BA 222 BA-IA 131, 139 see also arrowheads; knife floor tile, glazed 291, 295 Folkestone Castle Hill camp 42 churchgoing 347, 348 earthworks drawn by Petrie 43, 44, 55 as a port 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 275 as a resort 272 Folkestone Greensand 21 ford, Roman 301, 304, 305 Fordwich, churchgoing 345 forts, Roman 131 Fritzdorf gold cup 250, 251, 252-3, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258 gavelbords 119 gavelkind tenants 118, 124 George III 344-5 GENERAL INDEX 447 Gillingham accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 111, 112, 114, 115-16, 119, 123, 127 churchgoing 344, 345, 348 mills 123, 371, 374, 376, 378 rents 119 glass Roman vessel 329, 331 19th-century 135 Goddard’s Green 304, 305 Godric, moneyer 73 Godwyn, bishop of Rochester 282 gold see cups; ring Goldwine, moneyer 72 Golenkamp (Germany), gold cup 254 Gonne, John, parker 188, 203 Gooch, Capt George 386-91, 387 Gooch, Sarah 389, 390 Goodnestone 338 Grain 114 churchgoing 344 mill 374, 375, 376 gravel extraction 284 Graveney, churchgoing 343, 346, 347 Gravesend churchgoing 348, 349, 350 Coldharbour Road 96 as holiday place 272 Gravesham, churchgoing 354, 355 Great Revolt (1381) 200 Greenwich 42, 275 churchgoing 348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355 Greenwich Park, tumuli 55 Groombridge, John, physician 2, 5, 8 Guthred, moneyer 71 Gyldwine, moneyer 69 Halstow 345 Ham, churchgoing 347 hammer scale 223 hammerstones 135 flint 218 Harold II, coinage 61, 62, 64, 67, 68, 73 Harris, Thomas 229 Harrow accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 127 cheese 113 mill 373, 375, 377 Hart, Paul, and Gerald Moody, ‘Two beaker burials recently discovered on the Isle of Thanet’ 165-77 Hayes accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 111, 112, 127 church and roadside well 39, 57 churchgoing 343, 347 Hayes Common earthworks 39, 41, 42, 50, 56 ‘hays’ 181 Headcorn, churchgoing 349 hearths, Neolithic 365 Heath, John 146 henges 257 Henry III 29, 30 Henry V 265 Henry VIII , ships 265, 273 herbage 117, 204 Herbert, A.N. see Baker, C.R. herbs, in medicine 6-7 Herne churchgoing 346 Thomas, monk 147 Herne Bay 272 Higham Ferrers (Northants), timber 194, 195, 195, 203 Holborough quarry, Snodland 221-2 holiday resorts 272-3 Holland family 153 Holland, Lady Margaret 149, 150 Hollar, W. 381 Hollingbourn, churchgoing 350 Holmden, John, warden 231 hones sandstone 26 Schist 220 honigavel 119 Hoo, churchgoing 350 Hoo St Werburgh, Church Street 222-3 Hooper, George, warden 235, 236 Hope, James, MD physician 2, 7 Hope, Richard, account book 1-15 as an apothecary 1, 2, 3, 4-7, 11, 13 income 10, 12 as a physician 1, 3, 5, 7-9, 10-11, 13 will 1, 2, 12, 13 Hope, Richard (father) 7 Hope, Thomas (son) 2, 3, 12, 13 horn working 220, 223 horses 120-1, 196-7, 231 GENERAL INDEX 448 horseshoe, iron 298 Hothfield, churchgoing 346 housbot 119 Hove (Sussex), amber cup 255, 257, 258 Huberd, William, canon 151 human skeletal remains Broadstairs 167-9 hole in woman’s skull 167 Margate 169, 170, 175 Westwood cremation burial 97-8 hundreds and boundaries 301, 302, 303- 4, 305 Hunt, Richard, farmer 185 Hunt, William, farmer 191, 194 Hunton, churchgoing 346 huntsman 181, 193, 205 Hyde Abbey, Liber Vitae 148, 153 Hythe churchgoing 347 mill 376 mint 60, 61, 68, 70, 72-3 port 265 rents 119 serjeant 110 Hythe, Hamo de 284 Ickham, churchgoing 346 Iden Green, ford 301, 304 Ightham Court 183, 185, 205, 206 parish 182-3, 183, 184, 185, 201 stone from 241 Illegh, Adam de 110 incense cups 254-5 ingots, copper and bronze 218 Iron Age, Sevington 221; see also pottery; Sittingbourne; Westwood, Broadstairs iron fragments 328 ironworking site, Roman 301, 303, 305 Ivychurch, churchgoing 343, 346 Jacob, William, sawyer 229 James II 338 James, Demetrius 205 James, William 185, 205 James, William, reeve 191 Jeaks (Jeake), Samuel 62 jeton, Paris or Tournai 384 John, king 29 Johnson, Richard, warden 234-5 Johnson, Thomas senior and junior 226, 236-7 Jones, Karen, Gender and Petty Crime, reviewed 402-4 Keete, John, churchwarden 337 Kent, and the sea 263-79 Kent Archaeological Society Kilwardby Survey 107 and Flinders Petrie 45-52 Kent, Edward, warden 237 Kersey, Kathryn, The Lost Manor of Ware, reviewed 409-10 Keston, churchgoing 344 Killingray, David, review by 406-8 kilns Anglo-Saxon 222 pottery 216 Kilwardby, Robert 108 Kilwardby Survey (1273-4) 107-28 technical details of mills 370-7 King, Roger, husbandman 201 Kip map 205, 206 Kit’s Coty House 37, 38, 56 Knaving, mill 371, 376 knife, flint, BA 86, 92, 93 Knowlden, Patricia E., ‘William Matthew Flinders Petrie - the Kentish years’ 35-57 Kyffe, Robert, reeve 193 Kyng, John, farmer 193 Lambarde, William 229, 264 Lambeth accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 127 deer sent to 198 mill 371, 375 Lambeth Palace library manuscripts 153, 199-200 Lanfear family 272 Langdon Bay, bronzes 258 Lanor, Nicholas de 109 Larkins family 268 lathe boundary 301, 302, 303-5 Lavant (East), accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 110, 128 Lawson, Terence, on the earliest Kentish windmills 377-8 lawyers 156-7 lead, for patching pots 298 GENERAL INDEX 449 leeches 4 lefgavel 119 Lenham, churchgoing 349 Leofstan, moneyer 71, 72 Leofwine Horn, moneyer 71 Lewisham, churchgoing 350, 351, 352, 354, 355 Libri Vitae (‘books of life’) 148, 153 limon à doublets 223 Lincoln (Lincs), coin 66 linen smoothers 220 Little Farningham Farm, Cranbrook 301, 303, 305 Littlebourne 345 Littlebrook, Dartford see Pond Field liveries 152, 154, 155, 157 Locke, John 4 Loffwyke, John 284 London and Kent coastal trade 268-9 mint 60, 66, 69, 70, 71 Long, A.J., M.P. Waller and A.J. Plater (eds), Dungeness and Romney Marsh, reviewed 396-8 Loose 345 Lubbock, John 37 Lydd churchgoing 336 port 265 Roman objects 369 Lyminge accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 112, 116, 120, 128 church 42-3, 57 churchgoing 336 mill 377, 378 Lympne lathe 301, 303 mint 60, 70, 73 Lynsted churchgoing 346 Claxfield Farm 223 Thomas de, treasurer 109 Lynstede, Robert, monk 145 Lynton, Robert, monk 145 Maidstone accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 109, 110, 112, 115, 117, 119, 120, 123, 128 churchgoing 344, 348, 350, 352-3, 355 deer park 203 deer sent to 198 gaol 117 mills 370, 371, 374, 377 reeve 110 timber trade 264 wardship 120 Maling Abbey 45 Malling, churchgoing 350, 355 manorial halls 123 manuscripts see Stone, John Manwine, moneyer 71 Marchaunt, William, parker 188 Marden, churchgoing 349 Margate as an attraction 272 arrowheads, flint 169, 170, 172, 173, 174-5 Beaker burial (NA M 05) 165, 166, 169-70, 174-5 churchgoing 353 as a port 267, 268 pottery 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175 radiocarbon dating 169, 174 skeletal analysis 169, 170, 175 marine shell (molluscs) Hoo St Werburgh 222 Minster-in-Thanet 321, 322, 328, 329, 331 Pond Field 287, 289, 290 Sittingbourne 138, 140 see also oysters markets 107, 111, 119 marl 120 marshland 107, 114, 115, 117, 123, 124, 265 medescot 119 medieval period Hoo St Werburgh 222-3 manorial chapel(?) 17-33 settlement 281-300 Sevington 221 Wrotham deer parks 179-209 see also coins; Crabble, Dover; Pond Field, Littlebrook; pottery; Westwood, Broadstairs Medway, churchgoing 350, 355 Mesolithic Sevington 221 Thanet, pits 75 metalworking, early medieval 223 Middlesex, Kilwardby Survey 107, 111, 113 GENERAL INDEX 450 mills 29, 30-1, 115, 120, 123 technical details in Kilwardby Survey 370-7 millstones 123, 370-1, 372, 373 Milton 267 Milton Creek 129, 130, 131 Milton next Gravesend, churchgoing 349, 350 Minster-in-Thanet, churchgoing 346, 349 Minster-in-Thanet villa (Building 1) 309- 34 animal bone 321, 322, 328-9, 331 bath-house (B3) 310, 311, 331, 332-3 blacksmith’s shop (Room 17) 327, 328-9 Building 4 (B4) 310, 311, 313, 321, 327, 331, 333 Building 6 (B6) 310, 311, 313, 331, 333 ceramic water-pipe 326 coins 328, 329, 330, 331 ditch (pre-villa), LIA /ER 311, 313, 331 hearth pit 315 iron fragments and nails 328 marine shell 321, 322, 328, 329, 331 mosaic fragments 321, 331, 332 mud bricks (unfired) 319 pottery 311, 319, 321, 322, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332 tesserae 321, 331 triclinia (dining-rooms) 325 window glass 328, 329, 331, 332 Mohun, Lady Joan de 155-6 Molash, William, prior of Christ Church 149 molluscs 98; see also marine shell; oysters Monkton mill 377 pottery 258 Montfort, Hugh de 29 Moody, Gerald see Hart, Paul; Parfitt, Keith Mortlake, deer sent to 198 mosaic fragments 321, 331, 332 mould, for LBA/EIA sword 221 multure 115, 121, 123 musket balls iron 381, 384 lead 384 Myller, Nicholas 205 nails, iron 135, 298, 328, 384 Neolithic arrowhead, flint 218 Barton Mill, Canterbury, flint and hearths 365, 367 Broadstairs, flint 167 burials 175 Crabble, Dover 17 Ramsgate, lithics and pottery 216, 217, 218 Sittingbourne, flint 133 Thanet 75 see also Westwood, Broadstairs Neville, George, bishop 150-1 Newnham, churchgoing 349 Northfleet accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 109, 112, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 128 churchgoing 344, 345, 348, 349 court 117 mills 371, 374, 375, 377 timber 194, 203 Northwood, John de 284 Northwood, Roger 282 Norton 340 Odo of Bayeux, Bishop 71, 72, 282 Oliver, Thomas, warden 231, 235, 241 Orpington churchgoing 344, 345, 346, 355, 356 priory 50 Orton, Thomas 235 Ospringe 342 Oswulf, ealdorman 152 Otford accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118-19, 121, 123, 128 court 117 deer sent to 198 mill 377 oaks to manor 188, 194, 203 rents 118-19 Otterden, churchgoing 347 Overy, Edward, warden 235, 241 oxen 120-1, 196, 197, 231 Oxford (Oxon) Ashmolean Museum 54, 63 Christ Church 72 St Frideswide’s Priory 145 Oxford Archaeology (OA), Westwood, Broadstairs 75 GENERAL INDEX 451 Oxney accounts 108, 118, 124 seawalls 124 oysters 26, 138, 272, 287, 289, 290, 328, 331 Pagham accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 109, 112, 113-14, 116, 128 bailiwick of 109-10 palaeochannel, Barton Mill Canterbury 365, 366 Palaeolithic artefacts 223 Palmer, Sarah, ‘Kent and the sea’ 263-79 pannage 117, 197-8, 202, 204 Parfitt, Keith ‘An unknown medieval site, possibly a manorial chapel, at Crabble, Dover’ 17-33 et al., ‘The Roman villa at Minster-in- Thanet. Part 5: The Main House, Building 1’ 309-34 and Barry Corke and John Cotter, Townwall Street, Dover Excavations 1996, reviewed 400-1 parish boundaries 182 Parker, Archbishop 336 parkers (park-keepers) 185-9, 196, 197, 201, 202, 203-4 pasture, sale of rights of 117 Pecham Survey 108, 114, 118, 119, 181, 378 Peerless, Thomas 284 pegtiles 26 medieval/post-medieval 133, 139 Pekham, Reginald (and grandson), parkers 185, 188, 190, 191, 199, 199, 200, 206, 207 Pemell, Robert 2 Perche, Thomas Beaufort, Count of 149, 150 Perkins, Dave see Parfitt, Keith Perot, Thomas, yeoman 201 Petham accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 111, 112, 117, 120, 128 courts 117 mill 377, 378 Petley, George, attorney 231, 242 Petrie, William (father) 37, 52, 53-4 Petrie, W.M. Flinders 35-57 in Bromley 35, 37, 40, 53-4 and Egypt 35, 37, 39, 52-4 pharmaceuticals (drugs) 5-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Philippa of Hainault 379 physicians 1, 2, 3, 5, 7-9, 10, 11, 13 picks, for millstones 370, 372 Pike, Geoffrey, Seaside Story: Whitstable and Tankerton-on-Sea, a study in local history, reviewed 408-9 pilgrims 28, 29, 30, 31 Pingewood (Berks), BA vessel 96, 97 pin head, bone bead 298 Pitt-Rivers, Col. 41, 42 pittances 157-8 placenames Bynne or Bynnee 379 Romney (rumen, ‘gullet’) 368-70 plant remains Barton Mill, Canterbury, R-B 367 Hoo St Werburgh 222 Sevington 221 Sittingbourne 133, 137, 138, 139, 140-1 Westwood, Broadstairs 98-101, 102, 103, 104 Poland, coin 69 Pollard, Ernest, and Neil Aldridge, ‘An early boundary, probably Anglo- Saxon, associated with Roman sites in Benenden’ 301-7 Pond Field, Littlebrook, Dartford, medieval settlement 281-300 animal bone 289-90 daub 298 finds 298, 298, 299 flint-walled structures (farmstead?) 284-9, 299 floor tile 291, 295 marine molluscs (oysters) 287, 289, 290 pottery 284, 287, 289, 290-7, 296-7 roofing tiles 284, 287, 289, 291, 295, 299 round huts 284, 299 tegula, R-B 295 Poole, Kristopher, and Leo Webley, ‘Prehistoric activity at Westwood, Broadstairs’ 75-106 porpoises 111 potters, clay-pits 198, 204, 206 pottery prehistoric, flint-tempered 216 Neolithic 218 grooved ware 218 GENERAL INDEX 452 pottery (cont.) Bronze Age Beaker 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175 cups 254 Trevisker Ware 258 LBA-IA 216, 221 Iron Age 131, 135, 139 ‘Belgic’ 82 flint and glauconite tempered 133, 135, 139 grog-tempered 93, 94, 97 LIA 222 LIA /ER 311, 331 Roman/Romano-British 133, 134-5, 137, 138, 140, 214, 222, 290, 295, 303, 319, 321, 322, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332 flint-tempered 133, 139 grog-tempered 134, 138 Hoo Island white-slipped ware 133, 140 Patchgrove grog-tempered 134, 140 R-B greyware 367 samian 322, 327 sand-tempered 138 shell-tempered 135 Upchurch/Thameside 134, 135, 139, 140 Anglo-Saxon 222 Anglo-Saxon/early medieval local Ashford ware 221 medieval 214, 219, 220, 381, 383 Tyler Hill 82, 97, 215, 216 post-medieval 290, 383 Derbyshire 139 see also Pond Field, Littlebrook; Queenborough Castle; Westwood, Broadstairs pottery kiln, and wasters 216 Pouns, William, monk 145 Pout, Chris, review by 398-9 Power, Lionel, composer 144 Pratt, Richard, warden 230 prehistoric Holborough quarry, Snodland 221-2 mould for LBA/EIA sword 221 Ramsgate 216 see also Barton Mill, Canterbury; pottery; Sittingbourne Purefoy, Peter Bagwell, ‘The coinage of William I in Kent’ 59-74 Putland, Stephen, mercer 231 Queenborough Castle, Isle of Sheppey 378-86 animal bone 381 building material 383 coins 384 musket ball, iron 381, 384 pottery 381, 383 stone shot 383, 385 window glass 381 Queningate, Richard, monk 145 quern fragments 219 radiocarbon dating Broadstairs 169, 174 Margate Beaker burial 169, 174 Rakestravis Mill 30 Ralph of Sandwich, steward 109 Ramsay, Revd James 269 Ramsgate BA systems 103 churchgoing 346, 349 Cliffsend, Beaker 172 Ellington School 216-19 Neolithic pottery and lithics 216, 217, 218 as a port 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275 prehistoric 216 St Laurence 346 reap-reeve 110 reclamation 265 Reculver 265 accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 111, 112, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128 buildings 123 churchgoing 337 mill 123, 371, 372, 373, 376, 377, 378 rents 118 Saxon Shore fort 367 seawalls 123, 124 sheep 121 Rede, Sir William 204 reeves 109, 110-11, 117, 118, 120, 122 of deer parks 185, 186, 202, 203 Relfe, John, surgeon 7 rents 117, 118-20, 124 Richards, William 268 GENERAL INDEX 453 Richborough Flinders Petrie 45 fort 333 Roman amphitheatre 257 Rillaton gold cup 250, 251-3, 252, 255, 256, 257, 258 ring, gold, BA 77, 103 ring-ditches 257-8 Broadstairs 165 Ramsgate, BA? 219 Ringlemere Farm, gold cup 249-51, 251, 253, 256, 257, 258, 260 Ritchie, K., and J. Nowell, Barton Mill, Canterbury 365-8 River parish 17, 19, 28-31 roads accounts of Tonbridge Town Wardens 225-47 Roman 220-1, 301, 304-5, 365, 367 Robinson, William, physician 2 Rochester 109 Bridge wardens 225 Cathedral and Littlebrook 281-2 churchgoing 337, 348, 357 mint 60, 61, 67, 69, 71, 72 as a port 264, 267, 270, 271, 274, 380 Roman/Romano-British period Barton Mill, Canterbury, farmstead 365-8 burials 131 cemetery(?) 131 ford 301, 304, 305 forts 131 Hoo St Werburgh, ditch 222 ironworking site 301, 303, 305 Minster-in-Thanet villa 309-34 placenames and Romney 368-70 Sevington 221 sites in Benenden associated with Anglo-Saxon boundary 301-7 see also coins; pottery; roads; Westwood Romney mill 377 mint 60, 61, 62-3, 68, 70, 73 New Romney sewer scheme 219-20 placename (rumen, ‘gullet’) 368-70 port 265 rents 119 Sussex Road 220 Romney Marsh 265, 350, 351 roof tiles Roman tegula 135, 295 medieval 24, 284, 287, 289, 291, 295, 299 Rother River 368-9 Rotherham, Thomas, bishop 151 Roughets Wood 182 Royal College of Physicians 5 St Albans, paving 240 St Albans Abbey 152-3, 156 St Andrews Aid 233 St Bertin monastery (France) 148 St Mary Cray 42 church 40, 57 St Paul’s Cray Common 42, 55 salt and salt works 114, 119, 265 Saltwood accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 112, 117, 119, 123, 128 court 117 mills 123, 370, 371, 372, 373, 375, 377 rents 119 Saltwood Tunnel 89 sand extraction 139 Sandgate 272 Sea Cadet Headquarters, Castle Road 219 Sandhurst churchgoing 345 courts 118 Sandwich mints 59, 60, 61, 68, 69, 71 as a port 265, 266, 267, 268, 274 St Clement Church 45, 47, 57, 340 wool staple 379 Saxon period see Anglo-Saxon/Saxon period Scaldwell Hoard (War Area) 63-4, 69, 70, 72, 73 Scoones, John, warden 234-5 Searle, W.G. 143 Seasalter, coin 66 seawalls 123-4 Secker, Thomas, archbishop 340 Segar, John 379 Semple, Jayne, ‘The medieval deer parks of Wrotham’ 179-209 Sevenak, John de 110 Sevenoaks churchgoing 348, 349, 350, 354, 355 GENERAL INDEX 454 Sevenoaks (cont.) pannage 117 shops and rents 119 Sevington, Foster Road 221 Sexteyne, John 196, 202 Shadoxhurst, churchgoing 346 shale, BA cups 250, 254, 255-6, 257 sheep farming 111-13, 114, 115, 120, 121, 122 Sheerness 273, 274, 275, 380 churchgoing 349 Sheppey, churchgoing 350 Shepway, churchgoing 355 shipbuilding 264, 265, 267, 269, 273-5 Shoreham, churchgoing 339, 341, 345, 346 Shoulden, churchgoing 346 Sidcup, churchgoing 355 Siferth, moneyer 66 Silk, William, surgeon 2, 7 silver, BA cups 250, 254, 255; see also cufflink Sittingbourne brickfield 131, 142 Castle Road 129-42 animal bone 131, 133, 134, 135, 138-9, 140 Neolithic worked flint 133 LBA/LIA (later prehistoric) 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 139, 140 animal bone 133, 139 clay weight 131 flint 131, 139 plant remains 133, 139, 140 pottery 131, 135, 139 Roman/Romano-British 129, 131, 139-42 animal bone 133, 134, 135, 138-9, 140 ditches 134-9, 134, 137, 140 marine molluscs 138, 140 midden deposit 138, 140 plant remains 137, 138, 139, 140-1 pottery 133, 134-5, 137, 138, 140 quarry pits 131, 133, 139 tile 133 post-medieval 129, 139, 142 churchgoing 346, 349 ‘town ash’ 129, 131, 139, 142 slave trade 269 Slindon, accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 128 smuggling 265, 273, 347 Smyth, Charles Piazzi 35, 37, 41, 52, 53, 54 Snave, churchgoing 343, 346 Snodland, Holborough quarry 221-2 Society of Antiquaries of London 45, 54 Denge Marsh hoard 62 Solomon family 284 Somerset, John Beaufort, Earl of 149, 150 Somerset, John Beaufort, first duke of 149, 154 South Malling (E. Sussex) 107, 124 Spain, Robert, on mills 370-7 Sparks, Margaret, Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, a Historical Survey, reviewed 401-2 Speed, John, map (1631) 190 Spurrell, Dr Flaxman 41, 42, 45, 50, 281 Stafford, Archbishop 154 Stanys, John, precentor 144 Staplehurst, churchgoing 349 Stoborough (Dorset), shale cup 250, 256 Stockbury, churchgoing 346 Stockwood, John, vicar 229 stone building material 383 Pond Field 284 shot (balls) 383, 385 Stone Castle 284 church 40, 45, 46, 57 given to Godwyn 282 Stone, John, Chronicle (MSS 417) 143-64 Stone family 284 Stonehenge 37, 39, 40, 258, 260 Stourmouth, churchgoing 346 Stour River 365, 367 Sturry, churchgoing 346 Sunday schools 345, 351 Sundridge, farm rents 119 surgeons 3-4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 (and see barber-surgeons) Surrey, Kilwardby Survey 107, 111, 113 Swale, churchgoing 354, 355 Swale Archaeological Survey 131 Swanne, Thomas, parker 188 Swanscombe Church 40, 57 GENERAL INDEX 455 Swartlyng, Thomas 198 Swayland, Nicholas, warden 230 Sweden, coins 69, 70 Sweetinburgh, Sheila, review by 401-2 Sygrave, Jon, ‘Archaeological investigations at Castle Road, Sittingbourne’ 129-42 Syppeham, Martin de 110 Tamworth Hoard 70, 72 Tangmere, accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 110, 112, 114, 128 tanners, Tonbridge 233 Tarento, Archbishop of 151 tegula see roof tile Tenterden, churchgoing 350, 351 terrace gravels 222, 365 tesserae 321, 331 Teynham accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 109, 112, 116, 119, 121, 127 mill 123, 374, 376 Thanet (Isle of) Beaker burials 165-77 churchgoing 350, 351, 355 hoeing corn 122 ring-ditches 257 Thanet Archaeological Society 309 Thanet Beds 75, 129, 131, 223 Thanet Reach Business Park, BA 75, 80, 103, 104 Thetford (Norfolk), mint 66, 70-1 Thirsk, Joan, Food in Early Modern England: Phases, Fads, Fashions, reviewed 404-6 Thomas, Matthew, monk 151 Thorketill, moneyer 66 tiken, lead 384 tiles and tilers 204 timber, trade 264 tin and tin ores 259 Tonbridge castle stone 241 churchgoing 348, 355 Great Bridge 226, 227, 235, 236, 237, 242 Town Wardens’ accounts 225-47 Tonge, churchgoing 343 Trust for Thanet Archaeology 165, 309 Tunbridge Wells 6 churchgoing 350, 354, 355 tweezers, bronze 298, 299 Tyll, Agnes 157 Tyrell, Sir Thomas 156 Ver, Robert, son of Bernard de 29 villas, Roman 131; see also Minster-in- Thanet vineyards 116-17, 122 Vyncent, Agnes 157 Walmer 45, 57, 348 Walter of Henley, handbook by 109, 111 Wantsum Channel 103, 257, 311, 333 Ward, Jennifer, ‘The Kilwardby Survey of 1273-4: the demesne manors of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the later thirteenth century’ 107-28 wardship 119-20 Warham, Archbishop 204 warrens 201 Warwick (Warks), mint 66 Waryn, Simon 379 Watling Street 18, 19, 28, 114 Watts, G.F., portrait of Flinders Petrie 36 Waynflete, William, bishop 151 wayside chapels 28, 30 Weald gavelbords 119 pannage 117 Webley, Leo see Poole, Kristopher weight, clay, prehistoric 131 Wekys, James, parker 188, 197 Weller, Robert, warden 231, 232 Weller family 232 Wells, William, warden 234 Wessex Archaeology 365 West Wittering 114 Westgate mill 373, 374, 375 seaside town 272 Westgate (by Canterbury), accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 108, 110, 112, 115, 127 Westhalimot, mill 377 Westwood, Broadstairs 75-106 Neolithic pits 75, 77-80, 79, 81, 85, 102 charcoal 77, 98, 101 flint 75, 77, 85-9, 90, 91, 92, 93, 102 plant remains 98 pottery 75, 77, 80, 86, 93, 94, 95, 96, 102 GENERAL INDEX 456 Westwood, Broadstairs (cont.) Bronze Age field system (ditches) 75, 77, 79, 80-2, 85, 102-4 bone/animal bone 80, 82 flint 82, 85, 88, 89-93, 90, 92 plant remains 98-101, 103 pottery 80, 82, 93, 94, 95, 96-7, 103 soil 101-2 LIA ditch 75, 82, 104 cereal processing waste 82, 100, 104 pottery 82, 93, 94, 97 medieval(?) enclosure system 75, 80, 82-5, 104 pottery 82, 97 animal bone 82, 98 cremation burial (1104), undated 75, 83, 85, 103-4 charcoal/plant remains 98-100 flint 75, 77, 82, 85-93, 102 magnetic susceptibility 101-2 plant remains 98-101, 102, 103, 104 posthole alignments (1385), undated 75, 83, 85, 104 pottery, prehistoric 93-7, 95, 102 soil micromorphology 101-2 Westwood Cross 103 whetstone 298, 298 Whitstable churchgoing 343, 344, 347, 348 as a port 267, 269, 271, 272 as a resort 272 Wickham Common 50, 52 William, Christine 157 William I, coinage 59-74 William II , coinage 61, 64, 65, 71, 72, 73 Williams, John H. (ed), The Archaeology of Kent to AD 800, reviewed 393-6 Willop 124 Wimbledon farming 107, 111, 112, 113, 122, 127 mills 371, 372, 374, 375 windmills 377-8; see also mills window came fragments 384 window and frame, Caen stone 24, 26, 27, 28 window glass Queenborough Castle 381 Roman 328, 329, 331, 332 Winedi, moneyer 73 Wingham accounts (Kilwardby Survey) 107, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 128 barrows 257 buildings 123 churchgoing 339 court 117, 118 manure 120 mills 123, 371, 373, 374, 375, 377, 378 rents 118 seawalls 123, 124 wodegavel 119 Wood, John, warden 231-2, 236 woodland 107, 114, 116, 117 coppice 116, 196, 202, 204 Tonbridge 233 Woodnesborough 45, 57 Woodnesburgh, Prior 145 Woolwich churchgoing 348, 351, 352 dockyard 267, 273 Wouldham, urn 258 Wright, Thomas 37 Wright, Robert 233 Wrotham 119, 124 church 57, 207 churchgoing 346, 347 Wrotham medieval deer parks 179-209 agistment 196-7, 202 coppice woodland 196, 202, 204 deer 198-200 lodges 182, 193-4, 204, 205 moat 182, 205 pales 190-2, 190, 191, 203 pannage 197-8, 202, 204 park boundaries 189 park gates 192, 203, 204 poaching 200-1, 202 timber 194-6, 201, 202-4, 206 Wulfmaer, moneyer 62, 68, 73 Wulfnoth, moneyer 73 Wulfraed, moneyer 69 Wulfric, moneyer 69 Wybarne, Robert, warden 237 Wye, John, monk 145 Wye lathe 301, 303 Wyhall, Nathaniel 337 Wylkynson, Thomas, treasurer 193 Wylshire, John 196, 202 Wymbytt, Robert, lawyer 157 Yelling (Cambs), coin 70, 73 York (Yorks), coins 69, 70


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