
KENT ARCH.iEOLOGICAL i!Jt. Oask Account from tke 1st of lY􀄋 :£ & 􀄌 Jan, 1, Balance at the Bankers:- Wigan and Co. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. ... ... . £.264 7 5 Hammond and Co, .• .•• ••••.• ...... ... •.• .. • • 332 13 3 597 0 8 Dividends upon the Society's Three per Cent. Stock........ ............. 26 10 2 Sale of the Society's Publications by Mitchell and Hughes............ lO 8 0 Subscriptions, et!)., rerqitted thi;ough the following Local Secretaries and Banker,s :-;- Mr. W,,E. Hughes (London) ........................ :£111 19 G. E. Hannam, Esq. (:l.'l1anet).. ........ .... .. .... • 92 O A. A. Arnold, Esq. (Roelwst01·) ................. . 25 10 G. M . .Arnold, Esq. ( 01'avesend) ................. , 24 7 C. W. Powell, ffisq. (Twnbridge Wells) ......... , 19 0 W, T. Neve, Esq. (O1•an'f?1•oolt) ................... .. 18 0 J, W, llott, Jjlsq. (B1•01nley) ... , ................... .. 17 lo J,, D. Norwood, Esq. (Aslifo1·d) :'"'"""',""" 17 15 Mr. F. Bunyard (Ma'idstone) .................... . 11 0 G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sltti,,1,gbowl'lw) ............. .. 10 10 J, F. Wadmore, Esq, (Tunb1·idge) ............. .. 10 0 F. C. J, Spurrell, Esq, (Belvede1•e) ............. .. 9 0 H, B. Maekeson, Esq. (Hytlw) ............ , ... .. 6 0 Rev, J, .A., Boodle (Malling) ....................... . 5 0 F, F. Giraud, Esq, (Faversl1,am) ................. . 4 8 J, Ellis Mace, Esq, (Tente1'den) ................ .. 4 0 Jno. Copland, Esq, (Slteerness) ................ .. 3 9 Rev. Canon Scott Robertson ....................... . 16 0 The Bankers ....... , ................................ , ... , 97 rn 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 503 8 0 :£1137 6 10 SOCIETY. January to the 31st of 1Jecem"he1•, 1886. 1886. Paid further on account of A1·olice0Zogia Cantiana, Vol. XVI.:- Printers : Mitchell and Hughes .................. :£294 5 0 Lithographers: C. F. Kell .......................................... 34 7 0 Sprague and Co. .. .. .......... ............ ... .... 3 10 6 Engraver: J. D. Cooper ........ ................... 16 16 6 Index ............................... .... ;.............. 5 5 0 Meeting at Sandwich 1885 : additional cost, Mitchell and Hughes for Programmes and Tickets ............................................ . Meeting at Rochester 1886: Mitchell and Hughes, for Tickets .................. :£2 13 0 900 Stamped Envelopes for the Programmes ... 8 18 9 Mr. Arnold, Balance of Expenses at Rochester... 4 1 9 Lancefield, printing Programmes, Perambulation, Toast Lists, etc. .. ... ...... ... .. .... ... .. .... ... .... 2 10 0 £ s. it .. 854 4 0 4 2 0 18 3 6 Dr. Drake's New Edition of Hasted's Hist01·y (lj Kent, Vol. I. ...... 5 0 0 Rent of Rooms at Maidstone . ............ .... ... ........ .... ... ... .. ........... 20 0 0 Salary of Curator at Maidstone ......... .... .. .. . ... ... .. .... ... ......... ...... . 80 0 0 Subscription to Pipe lloZZ Publication Society .. ... .............. ........ 1 1 0 Petty Cash . .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. ... .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. • .. .. ... ... .. . .... .. .. .. ... .. .... .. .. . .. 12 1 8 Dec, 81. Balance at Bankers:- Wigan and Co. .. ......... ...... ............ .... :£352 5 10 Hammond aud Co. ................. .......... 845 9 8 697 15 1 £1137 6 10 Examined and approved, July 27, 1887. EDWARD MOORE, HERBERT HORDERN.


Contributions to the Illustration Fund


Abstract of proceedings 1886 and 1887