Accounts of St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury Part II., A.D.1508-80

ACCOUNTS OF ST.DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY.* W ardeynsehosyn Thomas H􀅭rst and Thomas Luton and ether 0£ them hath receymd .............................. .. . XVJJ s. VJ d. The hole summe xxxv s. , [Michaelmas, 1508, to Michaelmas, 1514.J B 51.-This is tl1acompt 0£ John Luton and John Balle Wardeyns 0£ the Chyrche of Seynt Dunstons besides Canturbury :from the Fest, of .Seynt ,Mjghell. tharchangyll the x:idiij yere of the regn Kyng Henry the vij vnto the Fest of Seynt Mighell tharchangell the vj yere of Kyng Henry the Eglit that ys to sey by the space of vj yeres. De bonis Ecclesie predicte. First the seid acc.omp.ti;inte13 do answere and yelde 0£ theyr accompte of the goodis of the seid Chyrch as they be conteynid in an Indenturet .:whr.r.0£. o􀅮e. pl!arysshenys to W yllyam Phellyppe and to Thomas Byker Wardeyns of the Schaft ............ xxvj s. viij d. Item the same day thgre is deJyu􀆩:r;y_cl. t9 Wyllyam Phelypp £or iiij se􀆪ys barley ..... , .......... , .......................... xiij s. iiij d. Item to T􀆫oIIl􀆬s ;Byk􀆭r _the saip.􀆮 day for iiij semys barley xiij s. iiij d. Item the sa􀆯􀆰 day. de1yuery,q.,to Thomas Wynston x s. for a cow,􀆱 3:􀆲d he to _pay for her at the yeres ende and delyuer lj1s money ageyne .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ij s, Item to Robart Tornes the same day x s. for a cowe and he · to pay at the yeres ende and delyuer his money ij s. Item ther is a ·booke· of Abraant and Isaacke belonging to the stocke of the Schaft in the kepyng· of the Ohurche W ardeyns in the chest in·the··qwere- there layde in the monythe of May the xxiiij day Anno·Ragis H. .􀆳 vij sexto.t .[? A.D, 1521.] A 45.-Iten:t.:pe acowntis of :pe Chyrclie Wardenis of Seynt,Dunstans Thomas Byker [and] Robert Symsou of :pe Sen.aft. Item sparyd of :pe Schaft money ... .-.-........................... ij s. v d. ob. Item longyng to :pe Schaft. ij dosyn spones and ij dosyn trencheris. Item V c schocschynis. Item to be to,J.ohn Rychardson att Mydsomer ...... viij s. iHj d. Allso :pe s,eyd. John Rycbardson bathe to farme xxv scheppe. Item att Westy!lttt Cort .a lame .. Item xx semis of.malt yn :pe handis of John Whytt,ye whyche [were] bowthe with :pe. mony of. :pe Schaft .. Item allso of ,a,. drynkyng made a Thursday .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. x d. Item ye w.edow 0£ Beker had vj s. viij d. behynd wher of she hath for her mony xiij bowschells of mawlt be the sent of Wyllyam Belser [and] Wyllyam Rychard. * In the margin : Quieti existunt, t, A.D, 1491, ST. DUNSTA􀀛's, 01\.NTERBURY, A.D. 1522. e1 Item payd to the maker of this mawlt :for hying and makyng clene and £or delynering .................................... xj s. viij d. [,LD. 1522.] .A. 87.-.A.nno xiiij Regis Henrici viij0 a Festi Pentecostij. De schochyn money. Item receyuid 0£ Thomas Frytbe and Rye hard Brodbent... v s. Item 0£ John Adam and Robart Vm£rey .................... .iiij s. iiij d. and a horsescho Item receyud 0£ John Luton and John Stredwyke ......... xj s. ij d. S'm totalis xx s. vj d. Wardeyns 0£ the Scha£t Robart Symson ..................... xiij s. iiij d. Harry Eluey ......... ............... xiij s. iiij d. Item to John Luton vj s. viij d. saffely to kepe and to be stowe apon barley .A. 88.-Md. The ix day 0£ June the xiiij yere 0£ Kyng Henry the viijth in the yere of Owr Lord God a Ml vO xxij acount 0£ the Schaft geuyn be the Wardeyns Harry Eluey and Ito bard Symson and there remaynyth in stocke of money v li. ix s. ij d. and in the hondis 0£ Robart Tornes £or ij kene xx s. .A.nd in the handis 0£ John Belser of the gy£t 0£ George Belser his brother xx s. And there remaynyth in store of scochyons ix C and hodde all payde £or. Ohosyn to be Wardeyns Harry Eluey and John .A.dams glasier and they haue delyueryd to them in money be the paryshons eche 0£ them xiij s. iiij d. S'm in the hole x:x:vj s. viij d. Delyueryd to Wyllyam Ohesterfylde cappar x s. £or a kowe and he to pay £or £arme ij s. Suerte for the cowe John Luton and John Glasyer otherwise callyd Adams. Delyueryd to J obn Strydwyke x:x: s. for ij kene and he to pay for the farme 0£ the ij kene iiij s. Suerte £or the kene Lawrens Rolfe and Raynolde Sygnet. Delyueryd to Rychard Carre vj s. viij d. £or ij semys 0£ law£ull barley to be delyueryd be Hallontyde next commyng. Delyueryd to Wyllyam ,Raunsby x s. £or a cowe and he to pay for £arme £or the cowe £or the yere ij s. Suerte £or the cowe John and J obn Johnson capper. Delyueryd to Thomas Frythe x s. £or a cowe and he to pay £or a yeres £arme ij s. Suerte £o1• the cowe Thomas Estwoode and John Rychardson. Delyueryd to_ Robart Symson x s. £or a 􀃝owe and he to pay £or the yeres farme ij s. Suertys for the cowe John Belser and John Strydwyke. Delyueryd to Rychard B1•odebent x s. £or a cowe and he to pay £or the yeres farme ij s. Suerte for the cowe Raynold Synet and Laurens Rolfe. Delyueryd to W yllyam Phelyppe xl cl. and he 0£ his goodness bathe promysid to delyuer vs before Ohrystmas next coromyng ij quarters of. law£ull bal'ley. VOL. :X:VII, G 82 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF In the purse in money :iij d. ob. and xviij d. to be payde to the purse at Seynt Thomas next commyng_be Thomas Wynston. Suertes for Robart Tornen John Belser John Rychardson and Rychard Omfrey. [Michaelmas 1522 to Michaelmas 1524.] B 59.-The acompte of Raynold Seuett and Thomas Estwood Wardens 0£ the Ohyrche 0£ Seynt Dunstonys made the :x:xiij day 0£ October the xvj yere 0£ Kyng Henry the Eght. Fyrst the seid acomptantes answere to vj li. vij s. ix d. by them receyuid of rentis fermys and other money by theym receyuyd as here after aperyth partycularly that ys to sey £or ij hole yeres endyd at the Fest 0£ Seynt Mychaell before the date of thyse presentis. Receytis. Item in. primis Ree. of Croslyth £or ij yeres one yere xviij s. xj d. and the other yere :x:ix s. v d. S'm :x:xxviij s. iiij d. Item rec􀇳_uyd 0£ strayngeris to tbe paskall and £onte tapyr for IJ yeres ...................................................... v s. VI.J. d. Item receyuyd of the men paryscions that was gaderyd among them ................................................ vj s. j d. ob. Item rec. 0£ the women for theyr ij yeres gadryng ...... x s. iiij d. ob. Item rec. of the Chyrch house £or ij yeres £arme , .......... .ix s. iiij d. Item rec. of the stoke of the Shafte at ij tymes by the agrement 0£ the parysshe .............................. xxxviij s. xj d. Item rec. of the Bretheryn of Harboldoune for ij yeres rent ij s. Item rec. of L. Hunton and R. Philpot £or torchys , . . . . . . . . i. d. Item rec. of Mr. Vycar £or ij yeres ferme of the Chyrch garden ........................................................... . Item rec. 0£ John Hart £or ij yeres rent of the Pele now iiij s. Barbyttis ..................................................... . ij s. Item 1·ec. of John Tull £or xxti yeres rerage of di H. wex of a house late Swayne ....................................... vj s. viij d. Item rec. of John Belsar for ij yeres rentis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iij d. Item rec. 0£ John Se the £or ij yeres rent 0£ the Lomepettis ij d. Item rec, 0£ Ric. Baker for ij yeres rent of Louerikis housse now the Lyon ...................................... . ij d. Item rec. of John 'Barbytt £or ij yeres rent 0£ the Mill di li. wex. S'm . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. viij d. Item rec. of Del:ffes wedowe £o her tenement next the Mill for ij yeres quarter Ii. wex ......................... .. iiij d. Item}•ec. of Ropt. Mayton for hys house £or' ij yeres rent IJ quarter h. wex . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . iiij d.* Item rec. of T. Fekyn £or bys house £or ij yeres rent quarter Ii wex .................................................. . iiij d. Item rec. of John Fedoly:ffe for bys house in Croker lane for ij yeres rent di-Ii. wex .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. viij d. Item rec. of R. Senett _for hys house in Crokerlane late Tullys ij yeres di li;• we.x: .............................. , , , . . . viij d. S'm Receytis vj li. vij s. ix d. * Originally written viij d. ST. DUNST.AN'S, CANTERBURY, .A.D. 1524. 83 B 60.-Wher 0£ the seid Wardyns axith to be allowyd 0£ all thyse parcellis folowyng that is to sey £or ij hole yeres endyd at the Fest 0£ Seynt Michael last past. Alowances or Paymentis. Item in. primi􀄺 to Thomas Oalowe wexchaundeler £or v torcbys price. ...............................................x xx1.3. s. 1.1. 1.3. d. Item to 􀄻ym for the Oroslytb and the fontaper and pask3:ll . :for JJ yeres ................................................ xXVJ s. VJ d. ob. Item £or scoryng 0£ candylstykis ij yeres at Ester ... ...... xvj d. Item for colys £or ij yeres at Ester.............................. v d. ob. Item for.􀄼acchyng 0£ the sepu1cur and brede and drynke £or lJ yeres ..................................................... . Item to Alyce Symond £or makyng ij rochettis., ... , , . , ..... . Item for a shovyll £or the Obyrch ............................ .. ix d. iij d. v d. ob. Item to Laurance Hunton to Oodnam for. mendyng 0£ the balkstoke* ................................... :...... ......... ... viij d. Item £or calves heddis £or the ryngars £or ij yeres . . . . . . . . . xiiij_ d. Item to John Bourges wy£ £or ij au bys ........................ VlJ s. Item £or a quare of papei• ............. :.... ......... ... ............ ij d. ob. Item £or claspyng byndyng and amendyng 0£ bokest ... xvj s. viij d. Item £or a new baudryk and mendyng ij olde baudrykis... ix d. Item to My Lord 0£ Oanterberysi reue £or ij yeres rent 0£ the Ohyrch house .. , . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. xij d. Item for iij newe bell ropys for all the bellis ............ ij s. iiij d. ob. Item to a carpynter to mende tbe Ohyrch gate and nayllis :for yt ........................................................... . Item to Mathew lokear £or mendyng the Ohyrch dore key and a newe key £or the Ohyrch house ................. . Item £or a goynt§ £or the Ohyrchgate ...................... .. Item to Laurance Hunton £or mendyng the Chyrch house Item to Wynston £or ij yeres washyng the Ohyrch clothysll Item leyd owte £or trendyll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .... , ..... , . Item to John Anton yes wy:f £or a surp1es ..... , .. , ......... , .. Item £or a lantren £or the Ohyrch ............................ .. Item to Hochyns wy£ £or wasshyng 0£ the Ohyrch clothys Item £or a rope £or wakerell .................................... ix d. v d. ij d. vj d. iiij s. iij d. v s. -vi􀄽j d. vij d. v d. Item to ?;: CaUowe £or Maydens lytht that was behynde £or nJ yeres gon . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . xiiij d. S'm of alowances v li. ij s. v d. ob. and soo the seid Reynold owyth to the Chyrch all thyngis rekenyd and alowyd ................................................... xxv s. iiij d. ob. Ohosyn be the hole parysshe to be Wardyns Raynold Senett and John Hochyn for thys yere £olowyng.1 * In a copy of this account "bellstoke" is the word used·. t Idem " all the bokes." :t: Archbishop Warham. § The words, "a goynt," are taken from the duplicate account, l3 64. II In the duplicate vij d., which makes the total correct, but it is clearly wrong in itself. ,r Not in duplicate account, G2 .S4 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHW A.RDENS OF [Michaelmas 1524 to Michaelmas 1525.] B 57,--,-The acompte 0£ Raynold Senett and John Hochyn Wardyns 0£ the Chyrch of Saynt Dunstons made the x day of N ouember in the xvijth yere of Kyng Henry the viijth. First the seid accomptantes a.nswer to iij li. xviij s. v d. ob. by them receyuyd of rentis fermys and other mony by them levyed as hereafter aperyth partycularly that ys to sey for an hole yere endyd at the Fest of Seynt Michaell before the date of thise presentis; Item in primis the seid accomptantes agreyth to a certen sum as aperyth in the othe[r] yeres acompte ... xxv s. iij_􀄷. ob.* Item rec. of the Crosse lythte for thys yere ............... xvnJ s. v d. Item rec. of the pas]rnll £or that yere ..... ,. .................... xxj d. ob. Item rec. of·housshtlldaris of the parissh for torchys .. .iij s. vij d. ob. Item rec. be women that was gaddryd of strangerist for thorchyst ................ ,. ........................... ,. . .. . . . . ij s. x d. Item rec. the £erme of the· Ohyrcb house for that;ere ... iiij s. viij d. Item rec. 0£ R Tornes (?) capper for the ferme o ij kene for a yere that came owte of the Shafte ......... .'........ iiij s.t Item rec. of Tretyllis wedow and John Hert for wast of torchis· ..... ;: . ................................................... . Item rec. 0£ Mr. Viccar for the £erme of the gardyn next rtem t::c?:lf􀀉􀀊 Ji;􀀇t1􀀈;;.;; ·􀀃¥ Ii􀀊􀀋b􀀌ia􀀍;􀀎􀀏· 1:􀀐;. 􀀊􀀋􀀌t·.::: : : : Item rec. 0£ Barbett for rent of the Pele .................... . Item rec. of Belssar for the rent 0£ iij acres londe ........ . Item rec. of J. Sethe for the rent of Mr. Roper Lompettis next S. Thomas Hyll ...................................... . Item rec. of Ric. Baker for the rent 0£ Louerykis house now the Lyon ............................................... . Item rec. of My Lord C􀄸efe Justice§ for rent 0£ the Thorne and for the rerage a gud oke Item rec. of/I for rent of the Mill di Ii. wex price ........... . Item rec. of Del£es Wedow for the tenement next the Mill quarter wex price· ............................................ . Item rec. of Rob't off Mayton for hys house quarter wex price .......................................................... .. Item r􀄹c. orRob't Sympeon for·hys house quarter of wex price ........................................................... . x d. 􀄻j S, xij d. xij d. j d. ob. j d. j d. vj d. iiij d. ij d. ij d. ij d. Item rec. of John Fedall for hys house in Crokerlan.e di li. wex .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . iiij d. Item rec. of Reynold Senett for bys house· there di li. wex ii􀄺j d. Item rec. of Richard Byng for a yeres £erme 0£ xx:x:t1 ewes viij s. Item rec. of the pariscions in mettellis and mony ...... ij s. viij d. ob. S'm total rec'd iiij li. viij d. oo. * Originally xxv s. iiij d. ob. In the copy referred to in the previous account it is xxv s. iij d. ob. t A pen drawn through these words. :i: In the margin, "per man. William Halk." § Sir John Fyneux. II No name, but in the duplicate Barbett. f Sic. In the duplicate It, Mayton, ST, DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1525. 85 B 58.-Wherof the seid Wardens axith to be allowyd of all thyse parcellis folowyng that ys to sey for one hole yere endyd at the Fest of Seynt Michae11 last past. A.lowances or Paymentis. Item to Lambes wedow £or the Orosselytht paskall and funtaper forthwith the taperys that where sparyd of the braunche before the Rode .. . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . VJ. s. j d. Item to _t􀇵􀇶- same wedow £or a torche :w:eyng xxviij li. price .. . .. le h. nJ d. ob . ........... , ....................................... vnJ s. lJ d. Item to the same wedow for a li. of wexcandyll . . . . . . . . . . . . viij d. Item to T. Callow for ij torchys weyng :x:liij li. iij quarters S'm ............................................................... xij s. ix d. Item to '.1.1. Estwode and hys seruant for iij days to tylle the Ohyrch at x d. the day . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . ij s. vj d. Item to W. Belssar for one lode of sonnde price .. .. . .. . .. .. iiij d. Item for wacching ·the sepulcur at Ester · ..................... iiij d. ob. Item £or char·coles then .................... : ........................ iiij d. ob. Item for scoryng of the candylstykis .... . .. .. ... .... ... ... .. ... viij d. Item for cardyng of mosse and robusshe be T. Estwode . . . iiij d. Item £or prigs and nayll for the sepulcnre and the rodeloft j d. ob. Item £or a calues hede :ffaggis•aud thredde at Corpus Christi day for ryngaris ...... : ....................... : ..... : .. : . . . . . . . . vij cl. Item for ij ropes £oi.• eches for the bell ropys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij d. Item to Hochyns wyf £or wasshyng the clothes · . . . . . . . . . . . . ij s. Item to J. Hochyn £or mendyug the bell wheles . .. .. .. .. . .. :x:x d. Item for smalle naylles £or the seid wheles . .. . .. .. .......... ij d. Item to W. Rychard for mendyng the grete bell clapper ... ij s. ij d. Item to Mathew lokear for a key and ij haspes £or the Ohyrchchest : ; ......... : .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . xx d. Item to hym £or inaky:hg iorens for the Ohyrchporche wyndowe .. ..................................................... . Item to hym £or a key for the vpper stepyll dore .......... .. ·I tem to Ric. Atkynson for settyng in the ioren in the porche wyndow ... ; ........................................... . iiij d. iiij d. v d. Item to a· ·strange fellow to mende the senssorys in the · .presence of ·Mr. :Vicar .... :................ .................. xix d. Item to hym- £or mendyng the Crosse....... .. ...... ............ :x:viij d. Item to Mathew lokear £or mendyng the second bell · clapper ..... ; ..... : .. ; ............. ; ............................. . Item to my Lordis reue for rent of the Chyrch house ..... . xxd. vj d. I· tem payd to Mr. Vicary that he leyd owte £or the new antyfonar ........ , .. , .......................................... 􀇷 s. VllJ d. Item to J e:ffry the plomer for soudryng and leying the lede of the South [? syde J that yt ys to sey xxvij li. saudryng with hys labyr S'm :. ............; ................ : .......... xij s. ij d. Item to J ohn Hochyn £or hys labyr to leuell the g1stes and mende the bourdis and £or ij C naylles a quarter bourde and quarteris price all ...................................... . Item to Mr. Viccary £or the leddyng of the newe wyndow ayen the Rode ................................... , ........... . xl d. va. 86 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF beside that he payed to the plummer hymsel£ v s. for the seid wyndow. Item payed to the plomer by Hochyn and me .............. . iij s. B 47.-Item for reparacions don vpon the Chyrch house as apperyth particularly be byll .. . .. ... .. .. .. .... .. .. . .. .. v s. ij d. S'm totalis paymentis iiij li. ij s. v d. ob. :A.nd so ther ys owyng to vs the seid Wardens for thys yeres acompte... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 111J s. [.A..D, 1525,] A 41...:...Thacompte of Thomas Frythe and John Stredwyke Wardeyns of the Schaft of Seynt Donstonys made the Tuysday in the Whytsonweke in the xvij yere of Kyng Henry the vHjth. Fyrst they answere of xxvj s. viij d. to them delyueryd in the begynnyug of this yere .............................. xxvj s. viij d. Ite1u of the dyner money ................................. ,. .. .. . .. . xvij s. Item of the scochyn money ............................. , ......... xix s. j d. S'm iij Ii. iiij s. j d. Where of they axe alouance of xiij s. iiij d. to rest in the handis of John Stredwyke. Item for here ale and brede ...... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . xij s. Item for mete .............. , ........................................ ::.Yij s .. ?!: d. Item £or scochyons ................................................1 11J s. VllJ d. Item £or ye cooke .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. ... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . iiij d. S'm of these alouances xxxviij s. ij d. And so ther remaynythe ... , .................... ,., .... : ....... ,. ,xxv s. xj d. Where of is payde to Rychard Vmfrey new chosyn ...... xiij s. iiij d. And then ther restyth ..................... , .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. xij s. Where of John Hochyn ha the borowd .. , ........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . iii,i s. And then ther remaynythe ....................................... x s. vij d. Whyche with othei: sommys as folow byn delyueryd to Rychard W odell. Sommys of paymentis of farmers of Kene. Fyrst of Robart Torneys for ij kene .......................... . Item of John Stredwyke for a kowe and her farme ....... .. Item of Jarman Cappar for a cowe ............................. .. Item of Robart Turneys £or the farme of ij kene ....... .. Item of Rychard Phylpott for a cowe and the farme ..... . Where of he hathe pay de but .................................. .. Item of Harry Eluey for the £arme 0£ a cowe ........... , ... Item of Thomas Bleau for the £arme 0£ a cowe ........... . Item of John Rychardson for the £arme of ij schepe .... .. S'm 0£ the seyde paymentis is ......... xl s. viij d. whyche with the seyde .................. x s. vij d. iiij S, xij s. x s. iiij s. xij s. vj s. ij s. ij s. viij d. makythe ....................................... lj s. iij d. Where 0£ ij s. were deductyd for amendyng of glasse wyndows and other thyngis of the Schaft* and so restythe xlix s. iij d. delyueryd to Rychard W odell. Summa de claro xlix s. iij d. et deliberantur Ricardo W odell. * That. is, ".other things " pertaining " to the Schan." ST. DUNST.A.N'S, O.A.NTERBURY, .A.,D, 1525. 87 Dettis owyng to the Church as Fyrst John.Hocqyn ... ... iiij s. Item in the handis 0£ Raynold Sygnet ....................... ,xlvj s. XJ d. Item of the same Raynold £or the £arme ofiiij kene . . . . . . Item of Jarman Capper £or £arme of a kowe . .. . . . . . . . . . .. • 􀃠l J􀃡 -s*. A 42.-Item Rychard Phylpot behynde 0£ ......... ......... vj s. Item Rob art Symson for a cowe and the farmo...... ... .. .. . . xij s. Item Wyllyam Phelyppe for a cowe and the farme ... ...... xij s. Item Harry Eluey-a cowe to farme ............................. . Item Thomas Bleau a cowe to farme ......................... .. Item Robart Turneys ij kene to farme ...................... .. S'm 0£ this dette is .................. iiij li. xij s. ·xj d. S'm of the hole stocke is ......... vij li. ij s. ij d. B 47.-[Michaelmas 1525 to Michaelmas 1526.] The accompt 0£ Raynold Senett and John Hochyn Wardens of the paryRsh Ohyrch of Seynt Duustons made the xxv day 0£ October in the xviij yere 0£ Kyng Henry the viijth £or one hole yere that ys to sey £or rentis £ermys and all other profettis be them receuyd or leveyd £or the seid yere aboue namyd. Receytis. Item in primis rec. of the Croslyth for thys yere ......... xiiij s. ix: d. Item rec. 0£ strangers thys yere toward the paslrnll ......... xxj d. ob. Item rec. 0£ men and women in th􀃢 paryssh thys yere th􀃣􀃤.. .. . was gaderyd toward the torchis ........................ mJ s. vnJ d. Item rec. 0£ R. Rum£rey and W. Glouer for wast 0£ torchys h ... d t ys yere......................................................... vnJ . Item rec. of the ferme of the Ohyrche house .............. .iiij s. viij d. Item rec. of Mr. Viccar for ferme of hys gardyn . .. . . .. .. ... ij s. Item rec. of the Bretheryn of Rarbaldoune for rent of the house next the Pele .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . xij d. Item of John Belssar for rent of iij acres of londe . . . . . . . . . j d. ob. Item rec. of John Seth for the rent of :Mr. Ropers Lompettis ..................................................... . · Item rec. of Ric. Baker for rent of Louerykis house .... .. Item rec. of My Lady Fyneux for rent of the Thorne ..... . Item rec. of John Barbet £or 1·eut of the Mill di li. wex price .......................................................... .. Item rec. of Delfi.s wedow £or rent 0£ the tenement next the Mill quarter wex ......................................... . Item rec. of Rob't Simpson for rent of hys house quarter wex ...... ........................................................ . Item rec. of John Fedall £or hys house in Croker lane di Ii. wex ........................................................... . Item rec. of Reynold Senett for hys ·house di Ii. wex .... .. Item rec. of Ric. Byng for ferme of xxxti ewes .............. . S'm receyttis xlij s. v d. ob. * This should be viij s. j d. j d. vj d. iij d. jd. ob. jd. ob. iij d. iij d. x s. 88 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF • B 48.-Wherof t11e seid Wardens axith to be alowyd all thyse parcellis followyng that ys to sey for one hole yere endyd at Seynt Michaell last past. .Alowances or Paymentis. Item to Thomas Callow for the Crosselyth paskall and funt aper. .. . : :. ............................................. ix s. iijd . ob. Item to yr. 􀄀arten wexchaundeler for a torche weyng .. xxv IL :price ....................................................... v1J s. v d. Item to ':r. Callow for a torche weying xxj Ii. price ...... vj s. j d. ob. Item for a bellrope weyrig vij li. di price .. . .. . .. .... .. . .. .... ix d. ob. Item for Calves hede flaggis and thredde apon Corpus Christi day ..................................................... . Item £or· a loke and key for the Ohyrch house dore ........ . vjd. iij d. Item £or priggis naylles and bourde £or the Chirche wyndowe... .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . v d. Item for charecoles at Ester .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. iiij d. Item for wacchyng 0£ the sepulcur then ..................... iiij d. ob. Item £or scoryng of the candylstykis ............ ...... ... ...... viij d. Item £or ij peny taperys before the Rode .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. ij d. Item £or washyng 0£ the clothys for one hole yere . . . . . . . . . ij s. Item payd to R. Mathew lokear for mendyng the Ohirche dore loke ........................................................ . Item payd to R. Senett for iij stanchyns or quarters price Item payd to My Lordis reue for rent 0£ the Chirche house Item for a quarter 0£ lyme to poynt the Chyrche ........... . Item to T. Estwode for repayring the porche and the Chirche ........................................................ . Item for thacchyng and dabyng the Chirch house ........ . Item payd to the plomar be John Hochyn ................... .. Item payd for the Ohyrch in recompense to Hunton ..... . xx d. iiij d. vj d. v d. ij d. iij d. iii d. ix d. Item £or wasshyng of the clothes from Mihelmas to Cristmas ....................... ; ....· .. .. . ... .. . .. ,-.............. .Y J. d. Item £or a rerage in the fote of the other yeres acompte... mJ s. S'm ·xxxvijs. iij d. and so the Wardens remayne. in dett t'ci'the·Chirche ·, .: ..... :. ; .. : ................. v s. ij d. ob. Wherof ys debeth £or schepe ..................... xviij d. et sic. gardians debeth Ecclesie ........................... iij s. viij d. ob . Md. yt t9 b􀄁 rememberyd that the pariscions delyuer to Regynold Senett owt of the stokk of the Shaft in money badde and goode xlvj s. x d .. _ to by witl). yt othep kene or ewes as farre as yt :x:wold streche wherof I bougth of Bartilmew Ewen of Stallyfeld xti e'\yes price xxxiij s. iiij d. and also I bougth of one John Hogyn of the same paryssh x ewes price xv s. S'm xlviij s. iiij d. and soo _the phyrche owyth me xviij d. and so the stok remain to the. Ohirch of the shepe price of xlviij s. iiij d. [.A..D. 1526.] A 48.-Thacompte of John Stredwyke and Rychard V mfrey W ardeyns of the Schaft of Seynt Donston made the Twysday in the Whytsonweke in the xviij yere of Kyng Henry the viijth. ST. DUNSTAN's, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1527. 89 Fyrsmt tyhnegy iann stwhee rlea sotf y :x:x:erevj p sa.s vsieidj .d . to them delyueryd at ther comIItteemm tohfe tyh ea nssc wocehrye oonf mthoen deyy n.e.r. .m...o.n..e.y.. ....................................x ..i:x: iixj vsj. sij. dvi.i jo db.. Where of the seSy'dm a tcootmalpist aonmtins iasx ieij aIlio. wvja sn.c vej fod.r o bbr.e de ale Itemb tehreey m aextee_ _ a alul9dw raenpcaer afcoiro nb uotft etrh ea nSdc hsapfty coefs . a..n.d.. .£.o.r.. t.h..e. xv s. x d. And 1!r!ri1 =􀀌trij􀀍􀀎􀀏􀀐iy􀀑􀀒􀀓:j'ci · t; · J 􀀉h􀀊 'iib􀀋􀀌t· 􀀍􀀎􀀏- 􀀄i􀀅􀀆ii t􀀔 be WaSr'dme yonr 'tohf isth ael oSwcahnacfte st ois J.o..h.n.. .V..m..f.xr exyx.i iij s. ij d. vs. Whyche wAenred sdoe lryeusetryytdh t.o. .R...y..c.h..a.r.d.. .W.. x oxdxeijll s .a iniidj da.l'osbo . as myche Itemm too rteh me osnameye aRs ymeh adared t hbee stuhme mhaen odfis i iojf I iP. xhiyijl pso. ti iij. .d. .. .. vj s. A.Anndd bafyt etrh we ahradn idj ibs uosfs h(nelol ins aomf em) ailitj pqruiacret eorfs .m.. .a. l.t . p..r. i.c .e.. .o.f. xxiijj_ ds.. AAnndd oafls wo ebme etnh er ehmanaydnisy onfg Tohf oSmeyasn tE Astriwnoyosd ley gt..h .e . .. .. . ... .. . . . .. ix d. IoJ bs., AS'nmd rthemis .t hine steliyed ehRanydcihs aorfd WWooddeellll . h..a.t.h.. i.n. .h.i.s.. i iiiji lji l.i .x xvv ss.. j j dd.. oobb.. .AnWd hthere ro rfe hstey athx iitnh hailso whaanndceis oxfx iji js I. i.v ixji dij. s o.b i.ii aj sd .d foetr t toh teh ec aOnhauprec.h* e. A 44.-Thaccornpte of R[y.Ac..hDa.r d1 52V-7m. ] frey and Thomas Ilbart iWn aWrdheiytnsosn owfe tkhee inS cthhaef tx ioxf ySeeryen otf Dthone s'.Rtoany nmea dofe Kthyen Tgw Hyesdnaryy Fyrstth teh ev isijetyhd. e Vm frey answeryth of xiij s. iiij d. to hym delyueryd Itemi uth teh see ybdeg aycnonmypntga u·ocfe h aisn i;yweerere. £or the dyner money... xxv s. Item they· anSsw 'me rxel vfiojr s .s ciioicj hdy. nv nmdoen peeyt ' .a.. l l.o.. c.a .c. .i.o. n. .e m.. .o. . f. ... xix s. Item £or iij Ii. wxeixxe s .a inidij dth. eo bst. rfyokry mnget a.n..d .. .d. r .y. .n.c..k.e. ... ... .... ij s. j d. Also £or scochyons .............. .-........................ iiij s. viiij d. (sio). Aud so rema· yu·sy•tmh of.. .t.h.i.s.. a..l.o.w..a.n..c.e.s.. .i.s. x..x..v .'j. .s... j. .d.... .o.b.... .x xj s. j d. ob. WheWre aordf eiysn dwei!tyhu eIrlybdar tt o.. .J..o.h..n.. .L..y.t.y..l.w..o.o..d.e.. .n..e.w.. ..e..le..c.tx 􀇭n.J. s. l. l.J. d. And then there restythe but .............................. vij s. viij d. ob. Fyrst of Robart ToRrneecyesy ti.s. .o..f. .f.a.r..m..o.r..e.s. .o.f.. k..e..n.e... ......... X.ll.J. s. l.l. J. d. AAnndd vh eIi .o fwoyrt hfaer mij_e y.e res farme of ij kene .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ... iiij s. Item Thomas Blean hath payde for farme..................... ij a. * In the margin, "For the oanape of Sylke iij li. xiij s. iiij d." 90 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHW .A.RDENS OF Item John Rychardson hath now payde for farme of :xx owys ............................................................ vj s. viij d. S'm 0£ this receytis is xxij s. Whyche with the vij s. viij d. ob. do make the summe 0£ xxxs. viij d. Whyche be delyueryd to John Luton safly to kepe to the vse of the Churche. The dettis to the Churche. Harry Eluey £or a cowe and her farme .. . . .. . . . .. . . •. .. . . . . .. . xiiij s. his suertes Rychardson and Lambart. Item Raynolde Sygnet 0£ arrers of his last acompte .. .iij s. viij d. ob. Item John Hochyn 0£ money borowyd . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. . iiij s Item Robart Symson £or a cowe by ij yeres ......... ...... ... xiiij s. Item Rychard Wodell hie allocatur de .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. VJ s. For iiij knoppis and banners and yet he owyth ............... xv s. ix d. ·I tem W;r􀃆lyam Phelypp owythe for a cowe and her .... £or lJ yeres . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. x111J s. Item Raynolde Sygnet owyth for x schepe and ther farme xl d. Item W yllyam Belser owyth £or iij schepe and ther £arme ................................................... xij d. to uss (?). [Michaelmas 1526 to Michaelmas 1528. *] B 43.-Ecclesia Sancti Dunstani Episcopi. This is thaccompt 0£ Willam Halke and William Glouer Chirche ·w ardeyns 0£ the go odes and catallis or ornamentis 0£ the seid Chirche made in the Fest of Seynt Kateryne Virgyn in the xxth yere 0£ Our Soueraign Lord the Kyng Henry the Eght that is to wete £or ij hole yeres then endidde. Fyrst the seid accomptantes answer of their resceytis of the Crosselight £or the fyrst yere ........................x ix s. iij d. Item in like wise they answer of' their resceytis of the same light £or the secunde yere .............................. xxvij s. xj d. S'm xlvij s. ij d. Item of money resceyued the fyrst yere of the pascall of strangers ................ ;........................................ xviij d. Item resceyued the ijde yere of strangers for the pascall . . . xxj d. Item resceyued of Hokmony of the women gadryng 0£ the fyrst yere ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 111J s. Item resceyued 0£ Hokmony 0£ the ijde yere .. .. .. .... .. .. . v s. vj d. Item resceyued 0£ the parisshyns 0£ their gadryng . . . . . . . . . xviij d. Item for wast of'torches in the fyrst yere . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. vj d. S'm xiiij s. ix d. Item resceyued 0£ the tenement callid the Thorne £or ij yeres . .. ... ... .. . . ... . . ... ... ... ... ... . .. . .. .. . ... ... .. . . .. .. . ... xij d. Item rec:.of Mr. Vicary £or the rent 0£ the Ohirche gardyns for IJ yeres .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . iiij s. Item rec. £or rent 0£ the Brothers of Harbaldoun for ij yeres ......... ............ ....................................... ij s . Item rec. of John Barbette £or ij yeres rent of the Peyle . iJ s. * St. Katherine's Day falls on November 25, and this account may possibly run on until that day. See the accounts for 1528 to 1530. ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1528. 91 Item rec. 0£ John Belser £or ij yeres rent .. .. . . . . . . ......... . Item rec. 0£ Mr. Ropers Lompettes for ij yeres rent .... .. Item rec. of Ric. Baker bruer £or ij yeres rent of the Whyte Lyon .................................................. . Item rec. o£'John Barbette £or ij yeres rent 0£ the Redde Lyon di li. wex ............................................... . Item rec. 0£ Del£es wydowe £or ij yeres rent 0£ her house quarter Ii wex ............................................... . Item rec. 0£ Maytons wydowe £or ij yeres rent of her house quarter Ii. wex... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Item rec. of the house late Feykyns £or ij yeres rent quarter li. wex ............................................... . Item rec. o! 􀃜'edolles house in Crokker lane £or ij yeres rent d1 h. wex ............................................... :. Item rec. 0£ Sygnettes wydowe for an house in Crokkerlane for ij yeres rent di li. wex ................................ . iij d. ij d. ij d. wex. wex. iij d. iij d. vj d. wex. Item rec. of John Luton £or reparacyon 0£ the Chirche ouer the pewe where his wyf sittith .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . xl d. Item rec. 0£ Ric. Byng £or ferme 0£ x shepe £or one yere iij s. iiij d. Item rec. of ferme 0£ the Ohirche house .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . xvj d. Item rec. 0£ the arreres of Synet ....... , ................... iij s. ix d. ob. Summa xxij s. iiij d. ob. S'm iiij li. iiij s. iiij d. ob. et in sera j li. et quarter. B 44.-Wherof the seid accomptantes axe allowaunces £or certeyn paimentes herafter folowyng. Fyrst £or newe wexe and strekyng to the pascall and fonte taper £or the fyrst yere of the seid ij yeres delyuered out to the wexchaundeier ix li. wex resceyued home to the Cbircbe a yen xj li. wex paide ........................... xix d. ob. Item £or newe and strekyng to the pascall and fonte taper for the ijd0 yere delyuered out viij li. quarter wex resceyued home xj li. paide ................................. xxiij d. ob. Item the weight of the Orosselight the fyrst yere 0£ the seid ij yeres delyuered out xxxiiij li. resceyued home a yen newe strekyn xliij li. iij quarteris wex paide .. .ix s. v d. ob. Item the same light for the ijde yere delyuered out xxxv li. rec. home xlvij li. paide .................................... viij s. vj d. Item paide for arrerage 0£ the Maidens taper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vj d. ob. Item for colys at Ester for the fyrst yere and ijde yere... . . . ix d. Item for two torches weiyng xlij Ji. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . x s. xj d. Item £or an other torche .......................................... vj s. viij d. Item £or ij calveshedes and ryngers £or bathe the seid yeres xij d. Item £or pakthrede in bathe yeres ...... ......... ... ............ ij d. Item to Houchons wif £or wesshyng of the Chirche clothes the £yrst yere .................................................. . Item to Halkes wi£ like wesshyng £or the ijdc yere ........ . Item £or scowryng of the gret canstykkes .................... . Item to Symon is wif £or scowryng of canstykkes ........ . Item to the same wif for amendyng. of 􀃝j rogetts ........... . Item £or a newe rogette £or the par1ssbe clerk ............. .. ij s. ij s. xx d. iiij d. iij d. ij s. 92 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF Item for iij busshellis of lyme ............... ................... . Item £or an C 0£ tyle lath ...................................... . Item for a copy of Sir Ric. Longes wille wherby the Vicary vj d. vj d. of Seynt Stephyns shuld haue sold land ·callid Brusshes Elmes Mewar (?) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . viij d. I tern for ij 0 thacche to the 0hirche house · .................. ij s. iiij d. Item for the leiyng of tbe same .. ... . .. ... . . .. . .. .. . .. ... . . . ... . viijd . Item to Hinton-and Symson for amendyng of rof in thende of the 0hirche .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . iiij s. Item to Freman for,lattyng and tilyng of the same ......... xvj d. Item£or nayle ....... :.............................................. jd. Item to WilliamR icbars smyth of olde dette for amendyng .. of a belle clap er... .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . IJ s. Item .for onys strekyng of Seynt Duustanes light ......... iij s. iiij d. Item to Mr. Vicary for a rope to the wakerell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viij d. Item £or a shovyll............... ..... . .. .. . .. . ... .. .. . . ... .. . .. . . . . .. . ijd . Item for amendyng of the mattok .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. vj d. Item for wacchyng of the sepulcre for ij yeres and drynk. i:x: d. Item for ij trases for the bellis . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ij d. B 45.-Item to Mathew lokyer for mendyng of a loke and key ..... ; . : ...................... : .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . viij d. Item to John May for amendyng 0£ the porche .....• ...... viij d. Summa 0£ the allowaunces is iij li. viij s. xd. Et hac die electi WillieJ.mus Richer pro anno proximo futuro cum Will. Glouer fore gardianos bonorum, &c., ecclesie predicte et similiter Thomas Weston & Ricardus Hum:frey electi sunt fore gardianos de le Crosselight􀅚 &c. [.A.D. 1531.] A 47 .-Thes be the Wardens of the Scha£t new ellect ys yere Robert Sympson and John Trester in ye :x:.:x:iij yere ye Reyne of Kyng Herre ye viijth they haue a marke a pyce in ther hands. Item John Hochyn hath layd out for pavyng tylle ......... ij s. iiij d. Item the pavyer for ij days workyng ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . :x:iiij d. Item ye man £or ij days ...................................... :.. . x d. Item £or Pyrkyn a day............................................. v d. Itemf or a lode of s􀅛nde ...........,. .... ...... ............... ..... iiij d. Item payd out of the oulld gydi·yng mony... ......... ...... ... ij s. j d. Out of vij grotes ij d. payde to ye tyler. Detts to ye Chyrch. Remayns in Hun tons hand ........................................ vj s. viij d. Item rest in Alleyns hand £or wett and ye Kneffes schyn (?) :x:.:x: d . . Remayns in Rychardsons hand .Eerme of v schepe ......... iij s. iiij d. [From the inside of the cove1• of MS. B. No date.] Wryttyn by me Syr Wyllyam Newes Vycar. *Item Robert Yong gatheryng off schochyng mony .. ,ix s. vj d. ob. * Between tliis item and the next, the following entries occur in another hand: Recevyd hereof .. .. .. .. . • .. .. .. .. .. xxij s. xj d. infra- To receve,, ·• ·• · · • · • • • · · • • • · · • · · · · • · · · xixs.xjd, script, ST, DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1528-30. 93 Item receuyd oft' Wyllyam Rychardys and off Roger Penerst viij s. ob. Item receuyd and gatheryd off the Scha:Et mony and off the dyner .. ................................. ............... xvij s. x d. ob. Item John Rychardson ys be hynd off the mony off the Chyrche att thys acowntyng day ........................ xiiij s. iiij d. Item John. Coluer .and John Luton.............................. xxiij d. Item xj semys off barely dot he rest yn the handys off John Coluer ........................................................... . Item restyng yn the handys off John Lytylwoode* ......... vij s. j d. Item restyng yn the ha:ridys off Robert Symson . . . . .. . . . . .. iiij s. Item restyng yn the houdys off John Rychardson ......... v scheppe. Item restyng ynthehondysoffWyllyamPhylyppe .Acow andthemore. Item restyng yn the hondys off Thomas Blayne .A cow and the more. Item restyng yn the hondys off Harry Ebney .A cow and the more. Item restyng yn the haudys off Master Vycare off the Ohurchys mony . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . x s. vj d. Item receuyd by the Wardens oft' the schaft I byker [? by care] Robert Symson I off John Coluer iiij markis lakyng ij s. the wyche mony restythe yn the hondys of John Hochyn apon Seynt Steuyns 􀅬:􀅭Y.t?􀅮·yer􀅯_of 􀅰wer Lo􀅱􀅲-􀅳od M ccccc XXXI (?). . .. .. [November, 1528,.to November, 1580.]t B 55.-Thys ys .the acompt of Wyllyam Rychard one of the Church Wardens 0£ Saynt Dunstones made the day after Saynt N ycholas:j: that. ys to :wyt for to hole yerys last past. Recetys. Item recevyd of the pascall lyght of strayngers the £urst yere., ....... , •.. :,, ............................................... l.J. S, n.. J. d. Item recevyd the ijd yere £or the seyd pascall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij s. j d. Item the furst-yere of H{)pmunday§ of stl'aynge1•s and the parryssh y ns ......... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (.? ) Vl.J. s. l.l.J. d • Item in waste- of torchys the furst yere ........................ iiij d. Item rec. of.the tenement callyd the Thorn of bothe yerys ij s. vj d. Item rec. of Hardycourtis wydo £or-the-Church garden the.. ... £urst-yere. .. ..- ....- .-..- ....·. -....• ..- ..... -..- ........................ VIJs . VlIJ d. Item recevyd {)£ the Broders of Harbaldoun £or a yere • then was behynde -and· the yerys next ensuyng ........ . Item recevyd 0£ Barbyt £or a yere beyng behynde and ij yerys next ensuyng ......................................... . Item rec. 0£ Bar bet in wax .............. , ....................... . iij s. iij B. li. di. Item rec. 0£ Delphys wydoo in wex .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. iij qrs. Item rec. of Phydols house in Orokerlane £or iij yerys...... ix d. * Written over in another hand: "of thys payde ij s. iiij d." t Standing alone on another page of the MS. is the following entry : "Thys is thaccompt of Wyllyam Glover and Wyllyam Rychard Chyrch Wardyens of the goodis catallis and ornamentis of the Church of Saynt Dunstones, made in the Feast of Saynt Nycholas in the xxiij yere of the reyng of Kyng Herry the viijth ; " which leads me to think Glover and Rychard continued in office for three years, that is from Nov. 1528 to Nov. 1531. If this surmise is correct the Accounts for their last year were not entered, or are lost. :I: November 13th. § P Hock money; Hock Monday was the second Monday after Easter; 94 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF Item rec. 0£ Mr. Synnetis £or iij yerys in wax . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . Ii. di Item rec. 0£ the arrerage 0£ Master Halk ..................... iiij 􀄖- j d. Item rec. 0£ My Lady Fyneux........................ ... .. .. .. .. . xviij d. Item rec. of Wynston £or the bell clapper..................... ij s. Item rec. 0£ Mr. Breno (?) is wydoo £or waste 0£ torchys ij s. iiij d . Item 0£ Sir Rychard for torchys ................................. iij s. iiij d . .A.nd to the lyightis .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (?) iij s. iiij d. B 56.-ijli. iiijs. v d.* Item payd £or the grete bell clapper .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. vj s. Item payd £or the myddle bel clapper ....................... .iij s. iiij d. Item payd £or mendyng of the lyttle bell clapper ........... .iij s. iiij d. Item payd £or mendyng 0£ a clapper by Mr. Sygnetis tyme ij s. Item set out thereof to the Oroslyught viij d. rem. . . . . . . . . . xvj d. Item £or hangyng 0£ the bels . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . iiij s. Item £or makyng 0£ a new sterop to the bellis and naylyng 0£ them ....................................................... .. Item payd £or a dogg of yron to * * * * .................... . :xij d. xij d. Item to the Clark and to Fryer £or watchyng and coles and bred and drynk £or bothe yerys .................. ij s. j d. ob. Item £or ij calves hedis .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . viij d. Item in brede and drynk .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. iiij d. Item payd to .A.braham 0£ Boughton ex conces' prech' (?) viij d. Item £or R􀄗yntyng 0£ the pascall .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . xyj_ d. Item £or llJ bell ropes .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . HJ s. Item to the lyghtis ................................................ iij s. iiij d. Item payd £or mendyng 0£ the rochettis ..................... · v d. Item Thomas Callow £or the tryndull ............... v s. iiijd. Item to the seyd Thomas £or torches ........................... xj s. ij d. Item £or strekyng 0£ the pascall ... .... .. . .. ... ...... ... ...... ... v d. ob. Item £or mendyng of the belwhele .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .. . .. .. . x d. Item £or the pascall £or ij yerys ............................. .iij s. viij d. Item to Inggram £or tylyng . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . vij d. Item payd £or weysshyng... ... ............ ...... ...... ...... ...... xv d. Item to the .Pascall ...........,. . .. . . . . ... .. . ... .. . ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . xij d. Item £or flagis .. . . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. j d. Item £or pakthryd £or ij yerys .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j d. [ij Ii. xviij s. iiij d. ]t [Michaelmas, 1532, to Michaelmas, 1533.J . Ih'us merce. B 39.-The acompte of Thomas Hawxbe and Thomas Leycton Wardens 0£ the Chyrch 0£ Sent Donstons made the xxv day 0£ J envary in the xxvt yere 0£ the Reynge of Kynge Herre the viijth Fyrst the seyde accomptantes ansuryth be them receyuyd of rentis fermes and other mony by them levyed as hereafter * Some of the amounts given in this Account are doubtful: the "ij Ii. iiij s. v d.," I have taken from the top of next page of the MS., to which it seems to have been transferred. It is followed by "ij li, xviij s. x d.," intended perhaps for the total payments. t See note * supra. l The "v" is not very plain, ST, DUNSTAN'S, CAN'!'ERBURY, A.D. 1530-33. 95 aperyth partyculerly that ys to say £or one hole yere endyng at the Fest 0£ Sent Michaell before the date 0£ thys presentis. Recetis. In primis receyvyd of gethyryng at Hoptyd...... ...... .... .. v s. j d. Item receyvyd 0£ Harre Borrome £or lendyng of the lam j d. Item receyvyd 0£ Robert.Pylcher £or ys howse... ... ...... ... v s. Item receyvyd for the Chyrch gardene of Master Vecar iiij s. iiij d. Item reed. of Rychard Wodde for the owlde Rode ]ofte iij s. viij d. Item reed. of Mestrys Barbetis wedow .............. , . . . . . . . . . xij d. Item receyvyd 0£ the Broderis of Harboldowne .. .. .. .. . .. . xij d. Item receyvycl 0£ Master Veclowll .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . iij d. Item receyvyd 0£ Toppams wedowe £or wasste 0£ torchys iiij d. Item receyvyd 0£ Marteyne for the Oherch house rente .. . ix s. Item receyvyd 0£ the Rede Lyon hau£e a pown 0£ wax . .. iij d. Item receyvyd of Robert Sympson a qnarterne wax ... ... j d. bi Item receyvyd £or rente of the Thorne ... .. .. . . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . vjd . Item receyvyd of William Belsar for rente .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. j d. bi Item rec. of the pas call money .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . ij s. x d. Item of the wydovve of Robert Langton for torches . .. . .. iiij d. S'm of all the receytis this yere xxxiij s. xj d. And so the receytis excedith the paymentis xviij s. iij d. B 40.-Wher 0£ the seyde Wardens axyth to be alowyd all thyse parce11is £oloyng that ys to saye £or an holle yere endyd at the Fest of Sent Mihelle last past. Item Fyrst for garnysschyng of ij tore bys ................. . Item vpon Corpus Crysty day £or torche berers ........... . Item for pactbrecl ............ ............................... , .... .. Item for a pllorepe* to one 0£ the bellis ............... ; .... . Item £or the abbitet 0£ John Delf<􀃵s house for Masters .. . Item out of the same house £or offeryngs .................... . Item £or a trendellyne ........................................... .. Item to the maker 0£ the wrettyng £or the Chrych garden Item £or a eche to the gret bell ................................ . Item payde to Larans Hon ton .................................. .. Item for reparacyons of' the Chyrch payd to Wyllyam Freman and hys man for workyng vpon the Chyrch .. . Item :for iij schore tylle ........................................ .. Item for a new gogyne to ye lityll bell had of Panton ..... . Item for a day and a haufe workyng a bowte the £ore bell pay de to John Hochyn ..... , ... .-............................ . Item :for a bande of yeron ..................................... .. I tern £or drynke ............................................ , ...... • .. Item pay de to J obn Hochyn for mendyng the vet bell ... Item payde to Larans Routon for the same workyng ..... . Item for viij wegies to the gret bell ......................... .. Item for brods and nay11s to ye gret bell ................... .. Item £or drynke to the carpyntre ............................. . * Sio, P bellrope, t Obit. vij d. iiij d. j d. j d. 􀃶i a. xij d. ij d. iiij d. jd. b. j d. viij d, ij s. vj d. b. vij d. ij d. jd. vij d. vj d. iiij d. j d. bi 96 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWA;RDENS OF Item layde out £or gyltyng of the emage ................... .. Item for brods to the lytyll bell ................................ . B 41.-Item payed £or mendyng of the Crosse ............. .. Item £or wasshyng the clothes ....................... ........... . Item £or skowryng 0£ cadylstykes ............................. . xij d. j d. xx d. xij d. vj d. Item £or a newe bawderyke £or the myddyl bell and · mendyng of a nother... .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. iij d. Item £or a sak of cole . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . iiJ d. Item £or wacchyng 0£ the sepulcre . .. ... . .. ... .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . iij d. Item for brede·and drynke £or the seid wacchers ... ... ... ... j d. ob. Item £or ij Ii. and di of wex £or the pascall and one li. £or the font taper price the Ii. vij d . ........................... xix d. ob.* Item £or strykyng of viij li. of old wex .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ii\j d. S'm of all the paymentes xv s. vij d. ob. Item payed to John Adams glasyer due vnto hym of old £or glasyng in Glovers and Richards tyme... ............ xvj d. And so alt thyngis rekenyd and accompted the xhth day of Aprillt in the x:x.vth yere of the reigne of Kyng Harry the viijth remayneth in the handis of the foreseid Church Wardens xvj s. the which is delyuered the £ore seid day of accomptes to Thomas Lecton to the vse of the seid Church. B 39.-And so the receytis excedith the paymentis xviij s. iij d,t [.A..D. 1531-3 ?]§ .A 46.-Md. That I John Hochyn Thomas Hauxbe hath recevyd of Master offecyall and Mestre,s Brents be the quest of Syr Wyllyam Borges too the Rode lofft on Sent Jons Day vj s. viij d. . . Item restyng in th?. . h.ans of !,o hn 􀃬ochyn 0£ the stoke of the . Scbaft mony VIIJ marke: lJ s. VllJ d. delyuered owtt of the same viij marke vnto the carver iiij marke and xij d. Wytnes John Ooluer Wyllyam Belser Thomas Hauxbe. Item receyvyd of John Hochyn owt of the stoke of the Schaft mony iiij marke and xij d. Wytnessyt4.Jobn OoJ.luer Wyllyam Belser Thomas Hauxbe vnto the bans of Robt Belemefi £or the Rode loft. Item John Hochyn bath delyuered to Beleme £or ye Rode lo:ffte payde ye rekonyng day ye xxv yere of ye [Reign of King Henry the viij ?] .................................. .. iij s. Item yt I Syr William Newe haws to ye Wardens of ye Schaft· .. ,. ................................................... ,... iiijs.f * A pen drawn through this amount t The regnal years of Henry VIII. began on the 22nd of April and ended on the 21st of April; consequently April 19th, 25 Hen. VIII., corresponds with April 19, 1534. :t: Written under the " Sum of all the receytis this yere." § Thomas Hauxbe was Churchwarden in 1532-3, and I am inclined to think these items belong to about the date here given. II Perhaps Beleme was the carver referred to above. ,r There are five other brief entries on this page, but they have all been cancelled, and are not of sufficient importance to copy. ST. DUNST.A.N'S, CANTERBURY, .A.,D, 1533-4. 97 [.A.,D. 1533.] A 48.-Thys acownt of Robert Symson John Tresser made ye iiij day of June in ye xxvt yere ye Reyne of Kyng Herre ye viijth. In primis Robart Sympson ys dette to ye stoffe.* ......... ij s. viij d. Item for schochyn mony Wyllyam Freman .................. ij s. v d. Item John Habeam .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . ij s. v d. Item John Hochyn .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . xxj d. Item Rychardsons wedow for i􀂦j yeres behynde for v schepe ye xxv yere of the Kyng haws now .. . .. . .. .. . ... .. ... .. v s. Item restyng in the hans of Rychardsons wedow a schore of schepe anita mole(?) ye ferme of a yere ............ vj s. viij d. Item ther ys lefft behynde of schochyns .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. viij C. Item Larans Hon ton haws to ye Schaft ..................... vj s. viij d. where of he axyth days of payment ye wych days ys ye fyrst day ys Lamast xx d. att Myhelmas xx d. at Orystmas xx d. and att Owre Lady day in Lent ye last. Fynis. Amen. [.A.,D, 1534.] A 49.-The accomptis of John Trussell Warden of the Shaft · 0£ the Ohurche of Saynt Dunstone made the xxvijth day of May in the xxvjth yere of the Reigne of Kyng Harry the viijth. Fyrst the seid Warden answerith of money the which is wonte to be delyuered to the_ seid Wardens and this yere was delyuered to the seid Trussell and William Belser now discessed .................................... xxvj s. viij d. Item for the farme of v schepe nowe letyn tot Couper of t􀂧e Blene and the last yere of the wydowe of Richardson ...................................................... v s. I.U..J. d. Item of money receyvyd of John Abram ..................... iiij d. ob. Item £or ij busshellis and a half of malt gadered this yere. xx d. Item of money receyvyd at the dyner ...... ....... ; ...... xiij s. j d. ob. Item of money receyvyd by gaderyng with skokyns ......... xv s. iij d, S'm tot. of all the foreseid receyts lxij s. v d. Wherof he askyth allowaunce for expensis of the dyner and other thyngis leyd out by the seid Warden ... xviij s. viij d. And so restyth clerely to thuse 0£ the Ohurche ............ xliij s. ix d. §Wherof tber is nowe in redy money ........................ xxxv s. j d. And remaynyth in the handis 0£ the foreseid Trussell . viij s. viij d.§ And now be chosyn newe Wardens the foreseid John Trussell and Thomas Wynston to whome is delyuered accordyng to the old custome xxvj s. viij d. and ther restith above the seid xxvj s. viij d. in the handis of the seid Wardens ............................................. xvj s. x d. 'I' " Ohyroh" was originally written. t August 1st. t Space left, but no Christian name given. § A pen has been drawn through these two entries. VOL, XVII. lI 98 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF A 50.-Md. That ther be in the handis 0£ Thomas Couper at the day 0£ the before accoinpt xxij ewes and 0£ lambes in the handis of the seid Couper ix. Item restith in the handis 0£ John Hocchyn ... ........... liij s. iiij d. Item in the handis of the executors 0£ William Belser . . . v s. Md. That ther is delyuered to Thomas Pynston at the day 0£ this accomptis 0£ the £oreseid money ............... vj s. viij d. to ye payed ageyne at the day 0£ the next accomptis or at any tyme before y£ he be requyred for the which be suerte John Wynter and John Trussell. [A.D. 1585.] A 50.-The accomptis 0£ John Trussell and Thomas W ynston Wardens 0£ the Shafte 0£ the Church 0£ Seynt Dunstone made the xixth day 0£ May in the xxvijth yere 0£ the Reigne 0£ Kyng Harry the viij'th. Fyrst the seid Wardens answere 0£ money tne which is wonte to be delyuered to the seid Wardens ......... xxvj s. viij d. Item 0£ other money delyuered to them the last yere .. .. .. x s. ij d. Item 0£ money receyvyd at the dyner ........................ xvj s. j d. Item for xxij ewes sold to Fardyngton .................. xxxvj s. viij d. Item for i:x: lam bes sold to the seid Fardyngton ............ xiiij s. iij d. Item of ernest money for the seid ewes and lam bes......... iiij d. Item rec. 0£ wolle sold by Thomas W ynston .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. v s. j d. S'm 0£ all the foreseid receytis and charges v li. ix s. iij d. Where£ the seid Wardens aske aloweaunce £or x ewes bought and delyuered to George German to kepe .. . xx s. A 51.-Item for the e:x:pensis 0£ the dyner Seynt Dunstones lyght mendyng of the Shaft and other charges ...... xxiij s. xj d. Item of money the which was delyuered the last yere to Thomas Pynston uppon suerte of John Wynter and John Trussell the which be suerties agayne to be payed at Myghelmasse next commyng .................. vj s. viij d. Item rec. 0£ Thomas Ilbers for skokyn money ............... ij s. iiij d. Item 0£ John Hochyn .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. v s. Md. That all thyngs accompted and rekened ther restith in money to the vse 0£ the seid Ohurche ......... v mark v s. vj d. Wher 0£ restith in the handis 0£ Thomas W ynston and William Reve nowe Wardens accordyng to the old . .. . custome ...................................................... XXVJ s. VllJ d. And the residue is delyuered the day of this accomptis to Thomas Wynston one 0£ the seid Wardens that is ... xlv s. vj d. Item ther is in the kepyng 0£ George German above the seid :x: ewes v lambes. Item . . . . [A,D, 1586.] A 52.-The accomptis of Thomas W ynston and William Reve Wardens of the Shaft of the Church of Seynt Dun.stone made the ST, DUNSTAN's, CANTERBURY, A,D, 1534-7. 99 vijth day H of June in the x:x:viijth yere of the Reigne _0£ Kyng aFyrst threr ys etihde Wviijatrhd. ens answere 0£ wont money the which is e to be delyuered to the seid WardeItem of money delyu ns .........x xvj s. viij d. ered to Thomas W ynston the layere. .............................................................s.tx lv s. vj d. Item of money delyuered to William Reve the last yeJohn Hoch re by yn It .......................... ; ........................ lvs. xd. em o􀃨 skochyn moneItem of money receyvyyd .. a..t. .t.h..e. .d.y..n.........................x iiij s. x d. ob. er ........................ xv a. x d. Item receyvyd for ij lambes skynnes ... ......... ......... ...... iiij d. Item £or wolle of the last yere sold to Mother Balle It .. , ... iiij s. iiij d. em receS'myv yodf of John Tressor £or malt ..................... iiij s. viij d. all the foreseid receytis a· viij li. viij d. ob. nd charges this yere Wherof th (sic). e seid Wardens aske to be alloweFyrst £or d- expencis of the dyner as hit appeth rith in byllis eIt rof ...... .-...............................................x viij s. ij d. ob. em for the newe braS'm of all thnche £or Seynt Dunstones lyght . .. xiiij s. e foreseAnd so th id allowance xxxij s. ij d. ob. e receytis and charges excede the allowancvejs I i. viij s. vj d.* Wherof ther is delyuered to John Tressor and Ric. . .. . A 53?att:1:!efh 􀃩; ·;􀀊􀀋tith · i;; 0th􀀌 i􀀆py􀀇g· 􀀐f:t· .. · .... · · .. · "XXVJ s. VllJ d. A 53.-The accompts of J[o.A.h.Dn. 1T5r3e'7s.s]o r and Richard CarpenteWardens of th r e Shaft of the Church 0£ Seynt Dunstane th made e xxiijth day of May in the xxixth yere of the Reigne Kyng H of enry the Fyrst th viijth. e seid Wardens answere · of money the wont which is e to be delyuered to the seItem in skochyn mon id Wardens ......x xTj s. viij d.t eItem of mon y .......................................... ix s. vj d. ey receyvyd at the dyneIt r ........................x v s. vij d. em for wolle this yere ........................................ [no aIt mount] em for malt sold to Skrybes wyf by Thomas Wynth ston.. ... . e last yere It ...................................................v 13 s. 1u3 d. em for a lamme and a calvys skynne the last yere Item £or vij ewes sold this yer .. . .. . xx d. e Item £or iij ram l .............................. xiij s. iiij d. aItem of money recmbes... .... . . .. .. .. . .. .... ... ..... .... ... .. ... ... v s. eyvyd of Thomas Wynston oute of thstok ...............................................................ex x s. VI.J. d. S'm 0£ all the charges aboue the seid wolle iiijli. xs.§ * So the error in the total of the receipts was not detected. t A blank space left. :j: Between this item and the next the following entry was made : " Item of money delyuered to Thomas Wynston the last yere;" but a pen has been drawn through the first four words. No amount was inserted. § Rest is worn away. II 2 100 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHW A.RDENS OF_ A 54.-Whero£ the seid Wardens aske allowaunce for the dyner as bit apperith by the bylls ........................ xxij s. ix d. Item payed £or pasturyng 0£ shepe to German .............. .ix s. iij d. Item payed £or :x: ewes bought of Will Role .................. :x:x s. x d. S'm 0£ the charges this yere lij s. x d. Md. That all thyngis rekenyd ther restith in money above the :x:xvj s. viij d. in the Wardens handis this yere ... xvj s. iij d. Item in the kepyng 0£ John Gererd x ewes. Item in the handi􀂳 0£ George German vj ewes and v lammes. Item in the handis_ 0£ _Th. Pynson .............................. vj s. viij d. Item in the handis 0£ Laurance Hunton ..................... vj s. viij d. [.A..D. 1588.] C 21.-This is the accomptes 0£ J obn Courthope and Walter Ledys Churche Wardens of the parysshe Churche of Seynt Dunstone bysydes Cannterbury £rom the Fest of Seynt Myghell tbarchangell in the xxixth yere 0£ the Reigne 0£ Kyng Henry the viijth vnto the same Fest then next £olowyng in the xxxth yere 0£ the £oreseid Kyng that is to say £or one bole yere. Thise ben the receytis receyvyd by John Courthope one 0£ the £oreseid Churche Wardens by the £oreseid terme. Fyrst receyvyd 0£ Thomas Cok 0£ the arrerages of bis accompt ............. , . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . vj s. x d. Item receyvyd of the ouerplues of tbe cope .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. :x: d. Item receyvyd·of the farme of the Churche gardyn £or one yere and an half endyng at the Fest of Seynt Myghell tharchangell last past .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. xij s. Item of the farme of the Churche house £or one hole yere endyng the £oreseid Fest of Seynt Myghell tbarchangell last past .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. xij s. Item receyvyd of Hoktyde money the last yere .. . .. . .. . . .. iiij s. j d. Item receyvyd of Hoktyde money this yere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iij s. v d. Item receyvyd of Penhersts wydowe .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. xvj d. C 22.-Item receyvyd of.the pascall money this yere ...... xxiij d. Item receyvid of gaderyng £or the trendyll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij s . . S'm of all the receytis xliiij s. v d. C 24.-Thiese ben the paymentis made by the foreseid Churche Warden by all the £oreseid terme. Fyrst payed £or one belle rope .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. viij d. Item to a tyler and his man £or ij dayes and an half £or their wages...... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . xv d. Item £or their mete and drynke .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. x d. Item £or iiij regge tyles £or the Churche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiij d. Item to Carpenter the smith £or mendyng of a claper of a belle ......... .................. ..................... ............ . Item £or a lode 0£ lome £or the house at the Townnes ende Item £or a tall shyde and nayle £or the same house ......... Item to Parker £or a lode of thornes £or closure of the xiiij d. iiij d. j d. seid house ............ .. ............................... ......... xij d. ST, DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1538. 101 Item to Harryson £or another lode of thornes . . . .. .. .. . • .. .. xiiij d. Item £or wasshyng 0£ the Ohurche clothes £or one yere endyng at the Fest 0£ the Annunciacion 0£ Oure Lady in the x:x:ixth yere 0£ the £oreseid Kyng ................. . ij s. Item £or iij quarters wasshyng endyng at Oristmasse next £olowyng ... .... .. ... ... .. .. . .. . .. .. ... ... . .. . ... . . .. . ... xviij d. 0 25.-Item for ix ld and a half of wex and makyng of the same £or the trendyll ........................................ .. Item for the pascall this yere ................................... . Item for a sak of coles ........................................... .. Item £or wacchyng of the sepulcre ............................ .. Item £or brede and drynke for the wacchers . , ............... . Item for skowrynge of the candylstykis .............. , ........ . Item £or mendyng 0£ a gutter at the Ohurch house ....... .. Item for the obite of Del£ ..................................... .. Item to the Ohurchewarden for doyng of the seid obite ... Item for a torche bought the last yere ....................... . v s. vj d. xix:d. iij d. iij d. j d. ob. vjd. vj d. iij s. viij d. v s. Item for the ryngers breke£ast :1:1.aggis and threde on Corpus Ohristi day .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . vj d. Item paY.ed t􀃭. ]Y.l:axstede £or mendyng of the frame of th􀃮.. .. . belhs at lJ tymes ............................................ ,llJ s. VllJ d. Item to Oarpenter £or iren werk of the same ... ............. xiiij d. Item £or the keyes and mendyng of the coeuer chest . .. .. . v d. Item £or mendyng of ij surplices .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... iij d. 0 26.-Item to Fuller for a pece of a rope . . .. .. . . .... . .. .. . j d. Item to a glasyer for one fote of glasse ........................ iiij d. ob. Item for vij quarellis... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vij d. Item for vij ellis of cloth £or a surplis . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . v s. iij d. Item £or makyng of the same .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. xvj d.* S'm of all the paymentis this yere xlj s. iiij d. t A·n d so the seid Warden owith . .. .. . ... .. ... . .. . .. . .. ... . . .. ... iij s. j d. the which he bath deliuered to Walter Ledys one of the foreseid Ohurche wardens and at this accomptis is chosen William Glover. . [ .A..D. 1538.] A 55.-The accomptis of Richard Carpenter and John Stredwyke Wardens of the Shaft of the Ohurche of Seynt Dun.stone made the xijth day of June in the xxxth yere of the Reigne 0£ Kyng Henry the viijth. . . Fyrst the seid Wardens answere of money the which 1s wonte to be delyuered to the seid Wardens ......... xxvj s. viij d. Item in skochyn money .......................................... vij s. iij d. Item in money receyvyd at the dyner .......................... :􀃯ij 􀃰· .. 􀃱 d. Item receyvyd 0£ John Gerard for farme of x ewes ......... nJ s. 1113 d. * Two items belonging to this account have been cancelled : they are on C 28.-Item for halfa C of brykke .... ...... .. ...... .. , ..... · ·.. !!!J d. Item to a tyler for ij dayes mete drynke and wages .. :, .. , .. , • • • • • • • • .. XlllJ d. t The attempts to obtain the correct total are given on C 28.-xxxiJ s. v d. ; xliiij s. v d, ; xxxVJ· s. iiij d. ,· xuv s, x d. ; xxxiiij s, ix d. ; xxxxj s. ilij d. ; xxxvj s, iiij d. 102 AOOOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF Item £or wolle sold to William Reve .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . iij s. Item O£oowr rtwholle of the shepe in Germans kepyng (" Mr. op" written over) .................................... ij s. ij d. Item £or wolle sold to the seid German........................ xviij d. I £ .. k "''d Itteemm or 13 s ynnes ... .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . ... ... .. . 111J • of money recevyd of strayngers... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . xij d. ItSe'mm £oofr avlilj tbhues fshels of malt sold to Carpenter . .. . . . .. . .. . iiij s. Whero:E the seid oWreasrediden csh aasrkgee sa allbove the foreseid wolle lxj s. v d. hit apperith by the byllis ....o.w..a..n.c.e.. .£.o.r.. .t.h.e. ..d.y..n.e.r.. viij s. ob. Item £or the wexe and strykynItem £ g of Seynt Dunstones lyght ij s. j_ d. or paSs'tmer yng of shepe to German...... ... .. ... . . ... .. .. . VJ s. of all the allowance xxxvj s. j d. ob. (sic). A 56.-The acc [A.D. 1539.] once of John Stradwyke and Robert Smyth Wardens sotf a Brotheryd caulyd the Shafte in the parysch of Seynt DunKoynneg mHaadrer yt hthee vvtihij tdha Xy XofX JIu. ne in the yere of the Rayng of Fyrswt the sayd Wardens anser £or money the wych ys Item ionn tm toon beye dreelsyeuyeureydd atot tthhee sdayynde rW asa radpeenrsy t..h. .b..y. , p.xaxrv-j s. viij d. ticuler sS:'mm ionf baylll ltish e ..£.o .r.e. .s.a.y ..d. .c..h .a..r .g.e. .s. .x .l .i .j. s.. . .v. .ii.j. .d... ... xvij s. Whearso :fa ptehrey tsha yind Wparatridceunlesr iass kbey ablyolwliasn .c..e. .£.o.r.. .t.h.e.. .d.y..n.n..e.r..s x vj s. x d. Items mkyonre.. ..t.o. .t.h..e. .c..h.a..r.g.e..s. .o.f.. .t.h.e.. £..o.r.e..s.a.y..d.. W....a.r.d..e.n..s. .a. .c..a.l.f.e. 1.1.3. d.. Md. That all thyugs rekonyd the sayd W ardeus owe at Thes tVe8 t􀄅:od;:i; · 􀀄;􀀅g · t􀀂 th􀀐 ·;􀀑yci' B;􀀒th􀀓􀀔yci' 􀀕􀀖􀀗; · ;􀄆d b􀀅11:􀀆 Fyrstt hine £tohree hsaanyddi sx xovf iMj sa. sitnr ytsh eO hoaunrtd.ihs of the £oresayd Wardens. Item in the handis of George Germaynoep e£ .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ij s. ij d. Item in the handis of Thomas Pyns or vij evys .. . .. . xj s. Item in the handis on ........................v j s. viij d. Item in the ooff LRayrrcahnarcde HOaurnpton ..................... vj s. viij d. ynof maltte to hym s ter for vij boshellis olde .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . iiij s . 0 ' [ Fysr otmhe M acicchomaeplmesa os,f 1W53a8t,e ,rto L Tyreidne.s S aunnd. ,W 15y4l0ly.Ja m Glower OOhanortche Wardynes of the paryshe of Sent Donsstones be sydes the xoxrxbtehr yy efrroe m the Fest of Sentt Mycahell the .A.rcangell in of the Raigne of Kyng Henry the viijth vnto Kthe Fest of the Trynete in the xxxijti yer of the fore sayde yntermge. that ys to say £or one holle yere and to the fore sayed This bene the recWyta isr dreocneeysv byed tbhee W£ora et asra Lyeyde dteesr mone.e of the Ohorche Fyrst recevyd of Master Oourtope ........•..•.••.......••...... ij s. viij d. ST. DUNSTA.N'S CANTERBURY, A..D. 1538-40. 103 Item reecevyd of the Chorche housse 0£ Sharpe ... ......... iij fJ, viij d. Item recevyd of Rychard Homlfry ......... ............... ... ... . xij s. S'm xviij s. iiij d. C 8.-Thiese beU: the paymentis made be Watar Lyedes one of the Ohorche W ardynes be all the £oresaid tyme. Item payed £or the Bybelle* ... :..... ..................... ...... xvj s. Item £or wasshyng of the Chorche gere... ...... ............ ... xij d. Item for colle... ...... ............ ......... ............ ...... ...... ... iiij d. Item for wachyng and £or and drynk .................. iiij d. ob. Item £or mendyng 0£ a bawdryke . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. .. . . . ij d. Item for a bellrope ............ ............ ,., ................... ,, viij d. Item payed to the ryngeres .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . .. · iiij d. Item payed to rynggeres a nother tyme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . iiij d. Item a nother tyme to rynggeres . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . ij d. Item £ore Delplies obyt to Syr Vmfre and Syr John ... ... ij s. Item payed to the Vecceres debyte... ......... ......... ......... xij d. Item payed to the Chorche W ardynes .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . viij d. Item £or flaggis and pacthred ......... .................. ......... ij d. S'm xxiij s. ij d. ob. Deducte viij s. £or the Bible there resstyth to ye Cher?􀃎 . vse ................ , .......... ................................. 11JS, Jd, ob. Rest 28 lOcl.½ to Wata1• Leddes. 0 9.-These be the receites recevid by William Glouer one of the forsaid Church Wardens. In primis receyved of J obn Sharpe £or the rente of his house ......................................................... ... xvs. iij d. Item ·for the ·oroslight as aperithe in the renta.ll thero£ made ... .. . . . . .. . . .. ... . .. ... .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . viij s. ix d. Item receyved of strangers at Easter toward the pascall ... ij s. j d. Item receyved of Water Ledes toward the Croslight ... . .. xij ,d. Item receyved of Haukesby toward the torches . .. . .. . .. .. . v d. Item receyved of Throssell £or the waste 0£ to:i:ches... ... ... iiij d. Le£te out here "tj d. reseyued by Glouer 0£ Vydoll £or rent of the house in Croker lane £or wex .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. "tj d. 0 10.-Item of John Coluar £or waste of torches at his wifes buriall ........................ ...... ...... ...... .. , ... ... iiij d. Item o f John Hendon . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. • .. .... .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. j d. Item o f Roberte Smythe . .. .. . ... . .. . .. ... .. . ...... ... .. . ... ... ... j d. Item receyved of John Stridwicke £or the Church garden ij s. iiij d. S'm. XXX s. viij d. Deduct the Crose lygth and tlie S'm is xx s. :x:j d.t * The Great Bible usually called Crammer's, which appeared in April 1589, t .A.t the foot of this page, in another hand, is 􀁕itten : Summa recepta • • • • • . xx1J s. v d. Summa soluciones • . • • xxij s. xj d. Et sic in super plus. • • • vj d. 104 .A.CCOUNTS OF THE CRURCRW .A.RDENS OF C 3.-These be the paymentes made and laid oute by the fornamed Churchwarden William Glouer. Inprimis paid to Richard Watson £or mendyng of the Church gate .................................................. . Item £or tymber belonging therto ....................... , .... .. Item for ·a stroppe of yron and nailes had ther vuto ..... . Item.for a sacke of coles to burne in the Churche ........ . Item £or bred,for those yt watched ............................. . Item £or scouryng of foure great candelstickes two smalle candelstickes and a sensar ................................ . iiij d. iij d. v d. iij d. j d. vj d. Item to Ringar :for mendyng of the lampe before the Sacramente ...... ........ ;., ... ......... ......... ...... ... ... ... xvj d. Item paid to William Martin £or the Croslighte ............ viij s. ix d. Item to the said William Martin for the pascall . . . . . . . . . . . . ij s. ij d. S'm ....................................... xiiij s. j d. Deducte the Crose lygth restyth ... v s. iiij d. C 4.-Charges laid oute by William Glouer one of the Churchwardens vppon the house that John Sharpe now dwellith in. In primis for makyng of a dore and other charges that wente ther vnto .............................................l ,J. s. Vl.l. J. d. Item for timber burde and quarters ......... ... ... ... ......... ij s. Item for timber that wente to the stayers .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . viij d. Item for naile... . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . xj d. Item to Richar􀃩 Watson and his seruant .................. 􀃪ifj_s. 􀃫􀃬j d. Item for an obrf; ................................................... IllJ s. IllJ d. Item to John Strydwicke for tii;nber ........................... ij s. iiij d. S'm xvij s. vij d . .A.11 charges of Glouer leyd out arnt ........................... xxij s. xj d. Deducte the resseyttis wych are ................................. xx s. xj d . And the Qherch rem.ayneth in Glouers dete .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ij s. [May 6, 1540, to May 6, 1544.J B 11.-The accompt of Ric. V mfrey Churche Warden there* from the vjth daye of Maye in the xxxijtb yere of the Reign of Our Soueregn Lord King Henry the viijth vnto the vjth daye of Maye in the xxxvjth yere of the Reign of Our seid Souereign Lord King Henry theight. Item for a C and di of pale £or the Churche howse , . . . . . v s. Item £or vij poostis and seven rayles to the same Churche ... . howse ............................................................ 113 s. VJ d. Item £or a C and di of nayles .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. vj d. Item £or dyggyng of hooles for to sett the pales in and £or settyng vpe of the same pales ........................... .' .. Item £or caryage of the same pales ............................ .. Item £or ij postis of tymber for the seid house ............. .. Item £or the gatheryng of iij C thatche £or the same howse ............................................. .......... , ... . Item £or the caryage of the same ............................. . * " Seynt Dunstons " written in the margin. xviij d. iiij d. viij d. xij d. xij d, ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A,D. 1540-4. 105 Item £or the laying 0£ the same .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. • .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . iij s. Item £or quyte rent for iij yeres................................. xviij d. Item payd to William Fullar £or a bell roope .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . xiij d. Item payd to Stocke £or ij bell roopes . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . xxij d. Item £or the obytt of Mayster Delff for iiij yeres ...... xvij s. iiij d. Item£ foorr c wolaesss fhoyrn sgc o0£w the Ohurcbe clothes for iij yeres for watchyng 0£ ryyne g se0p£ utlchhee cr anadnlde stfyocrk ebsr eiidj ey earneds Itemd froyrn mkee n.d..y.n..g. .0..£. .t.h..e. .C..h..u.................................v iij s, j d. ob. ward dyd dwell in .........r.c..h.e.. h..o.u.s..e. .t.h.a..t. .H...e.r.r.y.. .H...e.y.- . IItteemm ££oor the best coape mendyng .............................. . Item forr ath teo rpcahsec a.ll. .a..n.d.. .t.h..e. .f.o..u.n..t. .t.a.p..e.r. ........................................ ... . Itemd floers tjy cJik. e0s£ .w..a.x..e. .t.o.. .t.h.e.. t..a.p..e.r. .o. :n. . o..n.e.. .o.f. .t.h.e.. .g.r.e..t.e. .c.a..n.- . Item to Watson for mendynge 0£ the bellis ................. . xviiijj d s.. vijj ss.. vijj d s.. Item£ apsatyed o.n.. ..C. .o.r..p.u..s. .C ..h..r.i.s .t.i. .d..a.y..e. .f..o.r. .t.h. .e. .r.y..n.g..e.r..s .b..r.e..k.e..- vj d. Item to John Hanson Sa'nmd iSijt elpi.h vejn s .B iaiijr bde.t to bf.o r quyt!lrent.* B 12t.-heT Rhee iaccompt 0£ Richard Humfrey £or the xxxiiijth ye1•e of gn from that 0y£e Our Souereign Lord King Henry theight and Souerei re vntyll the laste end of the xxxvjth of Our gn Lord Kyng HVenidreyl itcheet .v iijth.t In prdimayies f:eoayd for the ryngers breke£aste on Corpus Christi Item payd iirj iyije ryeesr efos r .fl...a.g.g..i.s. .a.n..d.. ............................. . Itemtf: Ys􀀊fff hackethryde ........... . r.􀃺 􀃻􀃼. 􀀋􀀌􀀍!􀀎􀀏- 􀀐􀀑. 􀀒􀀓􀀔. . 􀀕. ?􀀉􀀊-􀀋􀀌􀀍.􀀎􀀏􀀐.a-􀀑􀀒.:􀀓􀀔 v􀃽jj ds.. Item payd to Hamond at Tyler Hylle £or ij C hryeck to ij s. the Churche howse .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . xvj d. Item for iij O tyle to the same howse... ............ ... ...... ... xviij d. ItemH foyrll ec atroy eSn.g D 0u£n stthoen ss am. .e. .b.. r .y. .e .c.k. . .a .n ..d. . t.. y .l. e. .f. r. .o. m. . .T . .y. .l.e. r. iiij d. IItteemm ffoor vj busshellis of lyme .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . xij d. Item forr iaj nloeowd ibs uocfk seatnt da n..d. .t. h. .e. .h .. y. n..d ..y .n. g.. .. . .. ... ... . .... .. . . ... . ... . .... ... . .. . .. viixj dd.. Items foeyrd aV r moofpreey o f.. .x .i. j. . £.a .y. .t. h. o. .m.. e . .s. .a.n . .d. . d . .i . .d .e.. l.y .u .. e .r .e. .d . . t.o . .t . h..e. X.lJ. d. IItteemm pfoary dp froyrg gmea aknindg n oafy al ne A.. u. l. t. .e. .. . .. ... .. . .. . ... ... .. . . .. .. • . .. v d. Item v yardys and di of garnysshre c.l.o..u.t.h..e. .o.f. .a..n. .o.l.d..e. .c.o..u..p.e.x iij dx. .ij? db.. Item for a knott of sylkeS .' .m. . .x. .i. ij. .s ... .:x: ..d .... o..b. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . IJ d. * No amount entered: sum total is oorreot. t The "last end" of 86 Hen. VIII. would oorrespond with the beginning of 1545. 106 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF B 18.-The receyttis 0£ Richard Hum£rey durynge all the iiij yeres a£forseyd. Videlicet. In primis receyued 0£ Christo£er Courthope £or ha1£ yere re􀃧tt. 0£ th􀃨 Ohurche 􀃩arden in the xxxijth yere 0£ th􀃪 Kmgis Ma1estyes Reign ....................................n .J. s. ll..l .J. d. Item rec, of Martyn for ij pottis dystrayned by Thomas Haukxbe and Layton in the yere aforseyd ............ iiij s. Item rec. in the xxxiijth yere 0£ Our seyd Souereign Lord the Kingis Maiestyes Reign of Christo£er Oourthope £or the Churche garden ..................... '. .............. vj s. viij d. Item rec. of Herry Heyward £or iij yeres rent ............... xv s. Item rec. 0£ Sharpe £or iiij yeres ferme of the Ohurche howse ........................................................... . Item rec. of Tartis wedowe £or wastyng of torchys ........ . Item rec. of Thomas Lecton for wastyng of torchis ....... .. Summa totalis of the receytis iij Ii. xvj s. viij d. xlviij s. iiij d. iiij d. B 12.-:-Summa totalis of the hole receytis the tyme. .􀃫 f?re- . .. . se1d ...................................................... uJ h. :X:VJ s. VIIJ d. Summa totalis of the e:x:peuces the seid yeres ............... iiij Ii. iij d. And so the parisshoners be in dett to the seid Richard... .. Vmfrey ..................................... , .. , ................ 11J s. VlJ d. [.A.D. 1545.] B 15.-Recettis. The cownt 0£ Wyllyam Reue made in the :x:xxvj yere 0£ ye Rayne 0£ Kyng Henry the viij. In primis receyuyd 0£ Edward Lyeadis for beryng 0£ hys father and bys mother within the Ohyrche ............ xiij s. iiij d. Item receyuyd of ye sayd Edwarde £or torchys . . . . . . . . . . . . :x:vj d. Item receyuyd 0£ J amys N orber £or rent ..................... iij s. viij d. Item receyuyd of ye Brotheris 0£ Harbaldowne £or rent... xij d. Item receyuyd 0£ John Euered £or rent 0£ schepe ......... iij s. iiij d. Item receyuyd 0£ Thomas W ynston £or torchys .. .. .. .. .. .. iiiJ d. Item receyuyd of Wynston £or torchys £or Ball ............ iiij d. Item receyuyd 0£ Kayntne (?) for torchys . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . iiij d. Item receyuyd 0£ ye gatherar of Ih'us for torchys . . . . . . . . . ij d. Item receyuyd of gatheryng £or torchys be ye wyffes . . . . . . xi:x: d. Item receyuyd £or ye passchall thys yere ..................... ij s. iij d. Item receyuyd 0£ Layton £or torchys . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . iiij d. Item receyuyd of' Crystopher Byrde £or torchys . . . . . . . . . . . . iiij d. Item receyuyd £or hawl£e a yere of ye Chyrche howse . . . ij s. vj d. Item receyuyd £or ye pascall ye fyrst yere .................. ij s. iiij d. S'm xxxiij s. B 16.-Passellis layd owt be me Wyllyam Reue Ohurche Warden in the yer of ye Rayne of Kyng Henry ye viij ye xxxvj. Item In prim is layde owt to Symons wyfe £or wasshyng... xij d. Item to Wyllyam Rychard £or yerone worke to trowse the bellys ........................................................... . Item payde £or :flaggis £or iij yere ............................ .. Item £or my nowne expenc at ye trussyng of ye bellys xij d. iij d. ij d. ob. ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A,D. 1543-5. 107 Item payde £or mendyng of ye surplessis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij d. Item £or mendyng of ye £ownt .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . rij d. Item payd £or ye Chyrche howse ye quytt reute . . . . . . . . . . . . vj d. Item payd £or ye grett bell rope................................. xj d. Item payde £or ye wakerell rope ........... ,..................... v d. Item payde £or ye strykyng of ye passkawll ye last yere... xxiij d. Item payd £or ye passkawll strykyng thys yere ............ xrij d. ob. Item layde owt at ye wysytacyon for iij yeres .. . . .. ... ... .. . x d. Item payd to Kecherell for a torche .......................... .ij s. viij d. Item layde owt £or collys the space of ilij yeres . . . . .. . . .. .. xij d. Item £or wasschyng of ye Chyrche cloths .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ij s. Item for mendyng of ye Chyrche and makyng of ye schrewyng sett .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .... .. . . .. . .. xiiij d. Item £or skoweryng of the candellstykes ij yeres...... ...... xij d. Item £or makyng of ye Chyrche gatte .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . iiij d. Item £or collys and wachyng at Ester £or ij yere . . . . . . . . . . . . ix d. Item £or a lode of lome .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . v d. Item £or pawyng of Lyddys graue and ye Chyrche porche xx d. Item £or nayllis £or reperacyon of ye Chyrche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix d. Item £or a sterope £or ye £ore bell .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . vj d. Item £or flaggis bred and drynke on Corpus Christi day... ij d. Item £or w-aschyng ye Chyrche clothes for hawl£e a yere . xij d. Item payde to Martyn £or a torche .............................. · v s. iij d. S'm xxviij s. ix d. [.A.,D, 1545.] C 117.-The accomptis of John Courthope and Ricbtird Watson Wardens of the Crosse lyght of the Churche of Seynt Donstone besydea Caunterbury :from and £or the Feat of Ester that was the vth day 0£ .Aprill in the yere of Oure Lo1·d God MlDxlv. and in the xxxvjth yere of the Reigne 0£ Oure Souergne Lord Kyng Helll'y the viijth. Fyrst delyuered to William Marten wexcbaundeler in old wex to make xxv tapers 0£ ij li. a pece xxxv li. Delyμered home......... .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. L li. Wherof was in newe wex xv li. price the li. vj d. S'm ...... vij s. vj d. Item £or strykyng of the £oreseid xxxv li. of old wex ...... xvij d. ob. S'm tot of the £oreseid Crosse lyght ..................... viij s. xj d. ob. Item delyuered to the £oreseid William Marten to make ij tapers of ij li. a pece to stande uppon the grete candylstys before the Hygh .Alter j li. di. Delyuered home iiij li. S'm ther£ore . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . xvj d. S'm of all the £oreseid wex with the makyng therof ... . .. . .. x s. iij d. The which x s. iij d. the seid William Marten receyvid of the foreseid Wardens the iiijth day of October in the xx:x:vijth yere of the foreseid Kyng. Md, That Thomas W ynston last Warden delyuered to vs the £oreseid Wardens ....................................... iij s. ij d. Item Thomas Hawkysby Warden next before hym delyuered to Myghell Wright and Will Reve Church .... Wardens .................................................. ,XJ s. 111J d. ob. 108 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF C 5.-Thiese ben the dettis.* The £arme 0£ the Church house. that Sharp dwellith in from the Fest of Seynt Mighell tharchangell in the xxxth yere 0£ the Reigne of Kyng Henry the viijth vnto the same Fest in the xxxvjth yere of the sei􀃉 Kyng comytb to ............................................. .. . .. llJ h. XlJ s. Wherof receyvyd by Ledys and Glover ..................... xviij s. xj d. And so remaynyth to the Church .............................. liij s. j d. The summe of the Church gardyn by the said terme .. .. .. xl s. The summe 0£ the house at the Townys ende by the said terme .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . xxx s. Whero£ receyvid by William Reve .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ij s. vj d. [A..D. 1546.] C 1.-Thys ys the accownt of Myghell Wryth and Wyllyam Reue Cherch Wardens of the paryech Church of Sente Donstonis be syde Canterbury £rome the Fest of Sente Myghell tharchangell in the xxxvijth yere of the Reyne of Kynge Henry the viijth vnto the same ]'est then nexte folowyng in the xxxviijth yere 0£ the forseyd Kyng that ys to saye £or one holle yere. Thes ben the recetis receyvyd by Myghell Wryght one of the Oherch Wardens by the £oreseyd terme. Fyrst receyvyd of Master Cristover Cortope £or the £arm􀃊.. . ... of the garden ................................................ XnJ s. 111J d. Item receyvyd of goodman Hawxbe ........................ xj s. v d. ob. Item receyvyd of Mr. Payne 0£ the legacy of Syr Hew:.. ... . Cramt on ......................................................X UJ s. lllJ d. Item receyvyd of Mr. Welby £or the legacy of Master Bra born .. . .. . . .. .. • .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . xx s. C 2.-Item receyvyd of Thomas Wynston .................. v s. Item receyvyd 0£ the paschall money ........................ ij s. vij d. Item receyvyd 0£ Mr. Payne £or wast o:f torches at the beryeng 0£ Syr Hew Cram ton ............................. .ij s. iiij d. Item receyvyd 0£ Mr. Vedolle £or quit rent .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. xv d. Item receyvyd of Wyllyam Swy£te £or quit rent ... ... ....•• xij d. Item receyvyd 0£ Mr. Baker £or quytrent ..................... viij d. Item receyvyd of the wyves gathayrd at Hoktyde ( or Hoptyde)t ...................................................... iij s. ix d. Item gatharyd in the Church for torches ..................... ij s. iij d. Item receyvyd of the Brothers of Harballdowne £or quytrent............................................................... xij d. Item receyvyd of Thomas Wynston £or quytrent 0£ the Thorne .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. ... .. . .. . vj d. Item receyvyd £or £arme 0£ the Church hovsse that lat Scharpe dwellt in £or ij yers endyng at Mychelmas last past .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. ... ... . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . ... ... .... .. .. . :xxiiij s. S'm 0£ all the £orseyd receytis v li. ij s. v d. * These debts are in the same handwriting as the preceding, but it is doubtful whethe1· they belong to the same account. t It is difficult to say whloh word was written :first; but I think "hoptyde" wii.s, and then it was altered to Hoktyde. ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A,D. 1546. 109 C 11,""""'."Thes ben the paymentis made by the £orseyd Cherche Wardens by all the forseyd terme. Fyrste payd to Bell the tyler for reparacyons of the Cherch in the forseyd yere .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iij Ii. v a. Item payd for a sak of kolle at Ester ........................... iij d. ob. Item payd to Watsonis wy.:ffe for wasschyng of the Church clothes and skowe1'Yng of the Church kanstykes . . . . . . iij s. Item payd to Martyn the wex chandler for torchys . . . . . . . . . ix s. x d. Item payd for the obytt of the Church howsse late Dellfs iiij s. iiij d. Item payd for a key for the place where the book lyeth for Crystnyng wedyng and beryng . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. iiij d. Item layd out at the vysitacion for ij yeres . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . iiij d. Item for mendyng of the bere for a plate .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . iiij d. S'm of all the forseyd paymentis iiijli. iijs. vd. ob. Et sic cop . . ,. xix s. [A.D. 1546.] Receyttis. B 117.-The cownte 0£ Wyllyam Reue Cherche Warden in ye yere of ye Rayne 0£ Kyng Henry ye viij ye xxxvij. Item for ye passcball for one yere .............................. iij a. vij d. Item £or rent of ye Chyrche howse ........................... vj s. vj d. Item £or rent of ye Brotheris 0£ Harbaldowne... .. . .. . . . .. .. xiJ d. Item £or torchys £or Mr. Brabom .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . ij s, Item £or rent of ye Chyrche bowse .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . xij d. Item £or torchys to Stephen Barbett .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . vj d. Item 0£ Rychard V m£re £or torchys . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. vj d. Item 0£ Gryne £or torchys . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. iiij d. Item for rent of ye Chyrche howse .. . .. . ... .. . .. . . .. . .. ... .. . v s. Item 0£ a stranger for torchys . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . j d. S'm xx s. vj d. l;3 18.-PasseUis layd owt be me Wyllyam Reue Chyrche Warden in the yere of ye Rayne of Kyng Henry the viij ye XD:!!j Item In primis for iij belJ ropis ................................. · . !1J 􀄻-.. ! d. Item £or ye paschall for one yere ............................. ,lJ s. l!,􀄼􀄽 d. Item £or coBes for ye Chyrche .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ... lllJ d. Item for wachyng of ye sepulc􀄾r 􀄿nd £or brede and drynke iiij d. 􀅀b. Item £or flaggis on Corpus Christi day .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. . .. 􀅁 d. Item £or paktherde yt same day ................................. J d. Item payde to ye ry:i:Lgeris yt same day .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. lJ d. Item payde £or quitte rente of ye Ohyrcbe howse ...... ·::.. y) d. Item for playne tylle ............................................. 111J s. VllJ d. Item for rw:ffe tylle .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . XJ d. Item layde owt for ij wysytacyons .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . ii􀅂j d. Item layd owt £or ij byllis makyng for a cownt .. .. .. .. .. .. 1j d. Item £or naylle . .. .. . ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .... .. ... ...... ... ... J d. Item for one yere and a quarter £or wasschyng of ye . . Ohyrche clothes ............................................. lJ s. VJ d. Item for skoweryng ye Chyrcbe candelstykes . . . ... ... ... .. . vj d. Item payde for quytt rent of ye Ohyrche howse . .. .. .. .. . .. vj d. 110 A.CCOUNTS OF THE CRURORW A.'RDENS OF IItteemm ffoorr :x:ai iniej pwo bwonkde o£o£1r ecdrye sptyryncy ng.. .a.n..d. .b..u..r.y.y..n..g. ................. ... IItteemm £foorr ewrancehsyten gto y Re ysecphuerlkdee rB tehlly so yf eyree C.h.y..r.c.h..e. .•.................. . IItteemm fpoary dtoer fcohry sq uy.t. .r.e..n.t..t. .0.£. .y..e. .C..h..y.r.c..h.e.. .h.o..w..s.e. ............•............ . Item payde for thys byll aSco'mw n:x:tx ma.a xkiy:x:nogb ..*. ................... vviiijj d d.. iiiiijjd d.. xvxj dd.. viij d. Here £olowithe . tBhe 19r.e-ceJyhtiess ut hOahtr iaIt oM glyogrhiae.l l Wryght Ourche tWhea rRdaeynn oef o tfh eo upra Sriosuhe oraf nS Layonrtd DKuynnsgt oHnae ninry t hviei jxthx.x vij yere of In pr0i£m tihs er eCcheuurycdb e0 £g Mardr.e Cn ri.s.t.o..£.e.r. .C..u..r.t.t.o..p.e.. f..o.r. .t.h..e. .f..a.r.m. :x:ei ij s. iiij d. IItteemm rreecceeuuyydd oof fH Ma wr.k yPsabyen .e. ..o.f. ..t.h..e. .l.e..g.a. cy, . ..0.£. ..S.y..r. .H...e.wx je s . v d. ob. ItemC rreocmevpitd.o no f .M..r.... W....e.l.s. ..£.o.r. ..t.h..e. .l.e..g.a..c.y.. o..f. .M...a.s.t.e..r. .B..r.a:x: -iij s. iiij d. Itemb roercneev y.d.. .o.f. .T..h..o.m...a.s. .W...y..n..s.t.o.n.. ............................................................ :x:vs. ItemK ryencgev H-yde norfy tthhee vpiiajtshc a.l. ..m..o..n.e..y. ..t.h..e. ..x.:x:x...v..ij. ..y.e..r.e. ..o•f. ij s. vij d. Itemt rheec ebuuyrdry 0n£g Mofr .S Pira yHnee w£eo .r. ..w.a..s.t.y.n..g.. .o..f. .t.h..e. ..t.o.r..c.h.i.s. .a..t ij s. iiij d. ItIteemm rreecceevviydd ooff WMirll. iFamyd Saw11 y£fotre r.e..n.t............... ................. ............ ............ xxivj dd.. IItteemm rreecceevvyydd ooff Mther . wByavkyesr .y.t. ..t.h..e.y. .d..i.d. ..g.e.t.h..e.r.. .a.t. .H...o.k..ty..d.. iij s.v iiixj dd.. Item getheryd in the Churche for the torchiItem recevyd 0£ the Brothers 0£ Harbaldows ne. ..£.o.r.. .q..u.y..t.e• ij s. iij d. Tent ... 􀀤·· ...................... ,.................................. xij d. Item receyvyd 0£ Thomas W ynston £or rent 0£ the Thorne one yere .................. ... . ,. . , ................... ........ .... S'm iij Ii. xviij a. v-d. ob. vj d. B 21.-Paymentis by me Myghe11 Wrvght Ohurche Warden. In p􀅀􀅁!􀅂cb:iItem paid for 􀅃a. . : sa􀅄.k -􀅅 o􀅆f􀅇 :c.o:l􀅈s􀅉 a .􀅊:,􀅋􀅌􀅍. .􀅎 􀅏􀅐. .􀀈 ?·􀀉􀀊􀀋?􀀌􀀍􀀎- -􀀏􀀐 .. 􀀑􀀒􀀓 iij li. v s. f enat Ester .. .. .. ............... iij d. ob. Itemth:ii:􀅑r!:t:􀅒:ffewi􀅓-􀅔., 􀅕􀅖 .􀀄􀀅􀀆􀀇?􀀈􀀉􀀊. 􀀔􀀕􀀖 􀀅-􀀆􀀇.:􀀈?􀀉􀀊 iij a. Item paid to Martyn the wa:x: shanler £or ij torch is . , ... , . . . ix s. :x: d. Item paid to Martyn £or tItem paid £or the obbyt £ohr et hpea shhoawlls e. .t.h..a.t. .S..h.a..r.p.e.. d..w..e..ll.y..d. ij s. iiij d. in .. I ••• ' •• • , • • ,. ' •••••••••••••••••• " I ." • • I •••••••• I I. I •••• '.,. I .iiij s. iiij d. * In the MS. thus written: " xx s. xj d. ob. xixiii ob."; but the « xj d. ob." and the r, iii" after xix have had a pen drawn through them. The correct sum ia xxj s. vij d. ob,, or xxs. xix.d. ob. ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1547-9. 111 Itemc it de n£yorn gas k [ea yn d £o] rw tehd ed yp nlagcse w..h.e..r. .t.h..e. .b.o..k.e.. .l.y..e.t.h.. £..o. r. 1'n"J' d.* [S'm iiij Ii. v s. j d. ob.] B 23.-Thys ys [Nthoev .a 3c0o,w 1n5t4 170, £t oM Nyocvh.a 2e9ll, 1W54r 8y.tJh e and Thomas iWn y Cnasntotnu rCbuhruyr chmea dWe atrhdee n:fsy orsft t hyee rpe aroyfs cthhee oRf aSyennet D0£u nKstyonngs ItemE rdecweaurydd t rhees sSeyttxits. o:fB tehgey Ynnyycanrg £aotr Sheaylniet aA ynedrreos. t£e rme Item0 £r etcheeu Fydry eorf .T..h.o..m..a.s. ..W...y ..n.s..t.o.n.. .£.o..r. ..t.h.e.. .r.e..n.t.. .0.£. ..t.h..e . ItemT rheocrenuey d .o..f. .t.h.e.. B:. .r.o.t.h..e.r..s. .o.:E.. H...e.r..b.a.l.e.d..o.u..n..e. .£.o.r.. .r.e.n..t. ... . .. vj s. xvjij dd.. ItemS ryerc eRuoybde rotf itnh et hYe.vCcahru rocfh Ce oal£dorreedsta yfodr .t.h.e.. .b.e..r.y.e..n.g.. .0.£v j s. viij d. IItteemm rreecceevvyydd 0o£:E tThhe osmamase TVeyrcraery f£oorr t hhae lwfea syteer e0s£ trhene tt oor:Ec hthees iiij d. Fryers ...................S... .x..x..s... .v.j. .d... ...................... . vj s. B 25.-Thes be the padyumreynntgi st mhea dfoe rbeys atyhde fyoerrees.a yd Mycaell W ryghe IItteemm ppaayydd £otor aW s aaktseo nos:E cwoyly:ffs a£ottr Ewsatsesri n..g..e. .0..£. .t..h.e. .c..l.o.t.h..y.s. iij d. ob. Itema pnady sdk toow Mrynargt eonf tthhee Cwhaxu rcchhane cdaluerd e£lolrs tya ctkoercs h ... .,. ... .. . .... .. vij s.i ijj ds.. IItteemm layd owt attiihe vycytacyon .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . ij d. Itema £􀄒oar 1:flia;gg􀄓i,s! 􀄔o􀄕n.􀄖 C􀄗o􀄘r􀄙p􀄚u.s􀄛 􀁰C- -r􀄜y􀄝.s -t􀄞y􀄟 􀁰d -a􀄠􀄡y􀄢 􀄣..􀄤.􀄥.􀄦..􀄧.-.-􀄨. 􀄩..􀄪... .-􀄫.􀄬..􀄭.-.􀄮.􀄯. .􀄰.-􀄱. iiij d. IItteemm- p£oary dp atyoc tkhteh rreydn gthearyt ss atmhaet dsaaym e .d..a.y.. .... ...... .. ..... , ... . .... .... .... .. .... . . iiijJJ: ddd... Itema pnady m.d e£nodr yan ngeew 0e£ rao tpaeb aynlld.. .m..e..n.d..y.n..g..e. .0..£. .t..h.e. ..b.u..k.k..e.t .t. IItteemm p£oary dth teo Cthheu rYchyec aWr £aorrd etnhse foobrb ethtte r. .d.e..w..t.y.e.. ....................... . . S'm. xvj s. j d: ob. xviijj ds.. XVJ d. B 217.-Thys ys t[hNe oavc.o 3w0m, p1e5t4e8 ,0 £t oM Nyocvh.a e2U9 , W15r4y9g.h] the and Thomas Wsto ynnysst oinn Othheu rcsheceo nWd arydeerne s 0£o f Kthyen gCe hEurdcwhaer do ft hSea yvnjtt hD eutnc. ItemB reegcyenunyydn g0 £a tt hSea yBntr o.Athnedrrso .0 £ Harbaldowne £or one Itemy reerceesv ryedn 0t £ .T..h..o.m...a.s. .W...y ..n..s.t.o.n.. .£.o.r.. .r.e.n..t. ........... ., .......... ., ........ .... S. xviij d. xvijj dd.. * The preceding account is another version of this one. t Written here, and in the other accounts of this reign, in the margin, :t: Ooldred, a village near Shepherdswell. 112 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF Thes be the paymentis made by the £oresayd Mychaell Wryghte durynge the.£oresayd yere. Item payd £or glasynge of the ij myddell wyndowes of the Churche in the Sowthe syde .............................. i:ic s. iiij d. Item payd £or the booke cawlyd the Parasimus* . .. . . .. . . ... vj s. Item payd :for £asynge 0£ the Images in the Churche . . . . . . ix d. Item fasynge of the tabyll that stoode at the Awlter ... ... iiij d. Item payd at the vycytacyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iij d. Item payd vnto Thomas Penton Vycar £or the Kyngis Booket .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. iiij s. [S'ma] :x:x:s. viij d. [Nov. 301 1549, to Nov. 29, 1550.] ]3 31.-Thys ys the acowmpte of Mychaell Wrygbte and Thomas Wynston Churche Wardens 0£ the Ohurche 0£ Saynt Dunstonys in the iij yere of Kynge Edward the vjth etc. Begynnyng at Saynt .A.ndro. Item recevyd 0£ the Brothers of Harbeldowne for rent :x:ij d. Item recevyd of Thomas W ynston for rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vj d. Item recevyd of John. Temer for farme of the Church􀄹.. .. .. howse ............................................................ nJ s. 111J d. Item recevyd of Rychard Ohamberlayne £or an hundred of.... .. old yeron ...................................................... 111J s. 13 d. nem recevyd of Mother Hawxbey :for the legasye 0£ her husband ......................................................... vj s. vj d. Item recevyd £or a case of au image . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. iJ d. S. x:v s. viij d. B 33.-Thes be the paymentis made by the foresayd Michaell W ryghte durynge the sayd yere. Item payd :for makynge the Kyngis Invetory . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ij s. Item payd for the Kyngis Booke .............................. vj s. viij d. Item payd £or ij Salters .......................................... iij s. viij d. Item payd £or glasynge of wyndowes ........................ :x.iij s. ix: d. Item payd £or ij lo ekes and keyes . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . :x. d. Item payd for plate . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. iiij d. Item payd for nayles .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. • .. ... . .. .. .. . . . j d. Item payd to Rychard Ohamberlayne £or yeroyne worke for the here .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . :x:iiij d. Item payd to Rychard Watson for makynge of the bere... iij s. Item payd at the vycytacyon .............................. , .. .. . iij d. S. x:x:x:j s. ix d. [Nov. 30, 1550, to Nov. 29, 1551.J B 35.-This ys the accumpte of Michaeli Wryghte and Thomas W ynston Ohurche Wardens of the Churche of Saynt Dunstonys in the iijth yere of Kyng Edward the vjtb. Begynnyng at Saynt .A.ndro. * The Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the New Testament, published in 1548-9. t "A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man." Another copy was bought in the next year, for which vj s. viij d, was paid, S'l'. DUNSTAN'S, . CANTERBURY, A.D. 1550-8. -113 Item recevyd of the Brothers of Harbaldowne £or rent . . . . :x:ij d. Item recevyd 0£ Thomas W ynston for rent . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . vj d. S. :x:viij d. Thes · be t·h e paymentis made by the £oresayd Michaeli Wr yghte durynge the foresayd yere. Item payd £or a copye 0£ John Dellfys wyll. ..... :........... ij s. Item payd at tlie vycytacyon ............ ...... ...... ......... ... iij d. Item payd £or paper .........................................._ ....... j d. · Item payd for wrytynge o£thes acowmpte ·...... ...... . .. ... iiij d. S. ij s. viij d. [.A..-D, 1550 to .A..D, 1555-6.] B 10.-From the iiijth 0£ Edward vnto the second and third 0£ Philip and Mary the Brothers 0£ Harbaldown haue payd butt for ij yeris rent. Item the howss the collyar dwellyth yn £or iij yers di. Item the hayrs 0£ John Barbytt nothyng nor no other rent but Swy£t .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. iiij d. [Aug. 8, 155'7, to Aug. '7, 1558.J 0 13.-The .accomptis 0£ Thomas Wynston and William May Ohur.che. Wardens. of. the parish· -Ohurche 0£ Saynt Dunstons next Oantorbur-y .from the eyghte day 0£ .Auguste in the fourth* and £y£te yeres 0£ the Reignes 0£ Ouer Souereigne Lord and Lady the K.yng and the Queue, viz. by the space 0£ one hole yere endyng the vijth 0£ Auguste last past in the £y£te and syxt yeres 0£ the sayd Kyng and Queue. The reseiptis 0£ the sayd Ohurche Wardens by the £oresayd terme, First 0£ William Iioper Esquyer £or therrerages 0£ certayne pece 0£ ground called the Lome pyttis £or :x:xxti yeres past, viz. euery yere a penny ..................... ij s. vj d. Item 0£ Oristo£_ er Courthopp gent. £or the buryall 0£ Susan . ... Va wham m the Church a£oresayd .•. .-.................... VJ s. VllJ d. Item of Thomas Lygham ............................... :. ...... vj s. vHj d. Item 0£ the Brothers 0£ Herballdowne £or rent . . . . . . . . . . . . xij d. Item 0£ the Executors 0£ Myghell W rygbte dysseesed £or the b􀆙1ryall 0£ the sayd Mygbell and Siluester his... .. .. wyef m tl:ie Church a:foresayd ........................... XllJ s. mJ d. Item 0£ the sayd Thomas Wynston for the rent of the house called the Thorne . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. vj d. Item of Master Lewvs 0£ tlie cyte 0£ ·can£. £or the buryall of his chyld for the weste of ij torchys .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ij d. 0 14.-Item of Peter London £or the lone 0£ the panle ... iiij d, Item 0£ John Eaker £or the waste· of torchys att the tyme 0£ the buryall of -his mother . ; ... : .............. : ; : , . .. .. . xij d. Item recevyd at seuerali tymes for the Ione of the sayd paule· .. • .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. :x::x: d. * "Saynt Donnston" in the margin. VOL. XVIT, 114 ACCOUNTS OF TIIE CHURCHWARDENS OF Item of the Churche house at the Townes end for a quarters rent . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. xv d. Item of the pascal! money at Ester last past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v s. x d. Item of George Hunt for one yeres rent of the Church house called The Fryers . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. xvj s. * Wherof al1owydt to the sayd George Hunt £or reparacyons and the Quenes rent ................................ .iij s. vj d. Item 0£ the Church house at the Townes end £or a quarters rent ............................................................... xvd. Item of the sayd house for an other quarters rent .. .. .. .. . xv d. Item 0£ the wyefs 0£ the parish in money gathryd att Hopptyde last past .......................................... vij s. vj d. Item receyued for an other quarters rent for the Church house at the Townes end ................................... . xv d. S'm iij li. iiij s. viij d. C 15.-These are the paymentis of the sayd Thomas W ynston and William Maye Church Wardens nforesayd durynge the £oresayd terme. First payed to William Bell £or quytt rent . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. xij d. Item payed to Rycbard Bellynger the joyner ............... vj s. viij d. Item payed for a showvell .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. vj d. Item for a sakke of lyme .......................................... ix d. Item payed at ij vicytacyons . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . vij d. Item payed for a bell rope £or the first bell . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. xv d. Item payed to Rychard Ohamberlayne smyth for mendyng of the yrons" and broddis for the sayelle and for myndynge the other bell ropes ij s. viij d. 16 October. Item payed at the vysetacion to Master Cramors o:ffes... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... . . . ... .. . ... ... viij d. for wrytynge and paper .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. ij d. Item payed to Rye hard Pateson c1arke for hys wages . . . . . . ij s. Item payed_ te> John Clemente £or pauynge of Master Cort9pes graue ................................................ . ].\fore payedJor yiij tyles ............................ .. More payed for a be>shelle of lyme ............................. . More payed for a 1aberer to beare awaye the robege and to helpe 1aye the stone ........................................ .. Item payed £or nayles mendeynge of the pales at the weaste ende· of the Church yeard · ....................... . Ano 1569.-22 °Aprell. xij d. xij d. iij d. vj d. iij d. Item payed at the uysetacion to Master Cramors offes for exsebetynge the byll of regester . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .... . -viij d. for wrytynge and paper .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . ij d. 16 May. . More .. payed to Steuen Welles for one dayes worke aboutte the Church yearde ... ... ... ......... ...... xiiij d. Payed to Steuen. Welles for ij greate hokes of ieoyrne for a gate ............................................................ v d. I ten payed to J eames Elyate £or a pall poste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viij d. and it standeth in the weste syde of the Church yea1·de. D 16.-Item payed £or ij rayles ............................... .. Item payed for hordes and palles and leges £or the gatte Item payed for a stapelle for the gatte ...................... .. Item v.ayed to Larance Keuelle for one C and a hu1£e of iiij d. nayles .................................................. . Item payed to a laberer Myghell Den for one dayes worke Item payed to Wyllyan Baker for mendeynge of the baderecke for the great belle ............................. . 217 June. Item payed at the uesytacion before My Lord of Douer* for a boke of articelles and a other paper of sanguenetye and afenetye .......................... : .. . More payed to Master Leles offes at the sam uesetac10n for exsebetynge of a byll of presentemente .......... .. More for paper and wrytynge of the sam bylle of presentment' conteynyng xxviij artekelles ............ : · ": ..... .. I. payed fo Joyce Haresse for a planke whych 1s 1n the lower eand of the· Church .................................. .. I· tem payed £or one C of iiijd . nayles iiijd . jd . of vd. nayles j d. of ij d. nayles ...... : .. ................................... . More one planke for a pewe in the lower ende 0£ the Ohurch ........................................................ . Item one square peace of tymber £or postes ................ .. Item payed to .. Joyce Haresse for ij quarters £or the comunyon ta belle ............................................ . * Richard Rogers, Bishop of Dover. viij d. xvj d. ij d. -vj d. -viiJ d. iiij d. vjd. viij d. vj d. -viij d. -vj d. vij d. iiij d. -v d. 126 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF Item payed £or syse £or the tabelle 0£ the commanndementes ........................................................ . Item payed to John Sand ye for labor in the Church ..... . Item payed £or a O 0£ ij d. nayles and a O 0£ iij d. nayles 1 July. Item payed to Steuen Welles for a dayes wo1•ke Item payed £or a small peace 0£ tember xviij £ote in lenth · rede squared .................................................. . Item payed £or a planke £or a setelle ......................... .. Item payed £or a planke to knealle upon ................... .. One leser planke to knealle upon ............................ .. Item payed to Larance Keuelle ieyrne plates .............. . D 1'7.-Item payed to Steuen Welles £or a peace 0£ dry Itema ;􀀆;ZJ r::s 6'􀄢i'iij'ci:'􀁬􀄣yi􀄤􀄥-􀄦􀄧􀄨-j-􀄩-i."􀄪i'iiij'a'.'􀁬􀄫yl􀄬􀄭 2 July. Item payed to Steuen Welles for hys dayes worke Item payed £or ij elmen bordes x.vj fotte a peace in lenth pryse ........................................................... . Item payed for a square bat £or a pew pryse ................ .. Item ij greate talle shydes for stulpes ....................... . ij d. iiij d. v d. xiiij d. viij d.vj d. iiij d.iij d. jj d. ij d. iiij d. xiiij d. xvjd. vj d. iiij d. Item payed for ij plankes £or setelles ix fote and a hal£e in lenth a peace ................................................ xvj d. Item payed £or makenge 0£ ij bordes £or the commandements and the paper of sanguenetye ................... .. Item payed £or a blacke ryne to make postes in the quyre Item payed for ij rayles ......................................... . viij d. viij d. vj d. Item payed to Larance Keuell one O 0£ iiij d. nayles one j d. 0£ vd. nayles .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . v d. 5, 6 July. Item payed to Steuen Welles £or ij dayes worke ij s. iiij d. Item payed to Thomas Cokerelle for the house caled tbFryer .. . .. . .. . ... . .. ... .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. ... ... .. . ... !=;.. .. .. 111J s. 111J d. Item payed to my Lordes ryue for the Church garden next Cotnam fylde ............................. ,..................... -vj d. Item to Mr. Lelesse offes £or l:learchynge 0£ the recordes of Dane Medelltons wyll consearnynge the house geuen to the pore ................. ., ............... .. iiij d. Item deleuered to Steuen Welles £or ye Church iij great tale sbydes 0£ oke at ij d. a peace .. .... .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. vj d. Item payed £or -vij newe hordes xiiij fotte longe a peace iiij s. viij d. Item payed for ij O 0£ Hij d. nayles one penerth 0£ v d. nayles j d. 0£ ij d. nayles .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :x: d. Item payed for a horde vij fotte longe ... .. .. .. ... .. . .. . .. .. .. iiij d. 8, 4 N ouem. Item payed to Steuen Welles £or ij dayes worke for hym and hys man .............................. iij s. vj d. D. 18.-Item payed to Rychard Pateson clarke £or hys wages vpon the xvij day of N ouember .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . ij s. Item payed £or a brea£e consearnynge the nom bers 0£ the comunycantes and abelle men . .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ij d. S'm totales is vj 1. :x:j s. vij d. ob. Theare remayneth dewe to thes a count makers in mony vij d. ob. S'l',. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1569. 127 For twhreys ttthenyn tgoe ms ays L £oolrodw e0t£h Owaen atesbkeer en oc oanlocweaarnncyen igj es uthpee lwecraocniogness dune unto our Churche more we haue presented these £ore nviaimj teydm werso natg etsh ien lteoa stthee al os£oe swhayltlhe sm cuacrhte t raanude llceo mwees ahraeuse c parrotecduerleegde an cceo paen d0 £la bthoeu rl ewaec e h0a£u et hree clCahyumrecdh ag arrednetn o mf oxrvei ibj yd .o buyr tbhyen uyenapraey eodu ta boofv ea xgxaxrd yeena rceasl e£do rs oomur t.ylamboeus rL auntdo nas teIntd abnacthe aboute the worke men belongyng unto the Church more we have procured by our delegence the chansell to be new rypte and tylde and lathe all ouer at the coste and charge 0£ Mr . .Ayer t£ovr [e?l atphsee]s w£ohry tchhe bBayt hbe tllh eb aPkaer asnende fgoer mtheenadree yunngt o0 £b tehloen lgeyanugees 0of'£ ita wIhnyucehn twaarryee borfo ktehne ingo wode1e·ys m0£a ntyh ep laCcheus raclhs o w£ohry cwhr ydtyonthg yrenmgeasy nbee loinn g[yi]ntg aet ttoh ytsh ep rCesheunrtc hd abyye t£hore wsprayctye nogfe i0ij£ ytehaer reesk aennd£ voj rd amyaeks ymnograe p£aol1e• ifno rc ltohsey nbge rvy asmll aolflet hbeadkeeas dien mpoarrceh fmore nsto wmyonrge a corten of greane sylke to couer a coshyn for the pulpet more £tohre Ccahnudreclhle. s at sondery tymes amongstes the worke men in Moren efnor (wsircy) teantg tohfe tchoem cmoamuunndyecmaenntetes s anodf atbheel l Qnueynn easn dC oambeyl-l sheners namely My Lord of Doner wyth others. 􀄝 And in fyne for wrytynge of thys acount. All thes £ore named charges we gene £rely to the Church. D 19.-The acount taken of John Porege.and Hendery Wotton the I-* iiij day 0£ Dessember in the year 0£ Our Lord God 1569 j Min atrhteen pEreluseenryt Wofy Jlloyhamn NByotntgee T hCoomnsatsa bTeellrr Jyo Jhonh Nn yWteanrgrgeanleler Bartellmewe Rowelle Nycolas Strydecke Robard Lenard AWdydlalyma mW Oarudeen. den John Oarpenter John Nesser John Bonasse D 28.-Anno doe 1569. And vpon the ix day of Marche the leaden goter on the easte syd ola.fy etdh ea nCd htuhrec hty lheo wusoer cckael erde pathreed Fatr ytehre wonalsy cnoeswt ea npdla cnheet aarngde Churocfh Mwayrsdtreenss Cato rtthuep esa wmeed tyowme.e Hendery Wotton and John Poregge. D 62.-Wrytten by John Porege Hendery W otto' Ano 􀄞\ Dane Medelleton deseased the :xj daye of' May in the yeare of Our Lato Crda nGteorde b1e5r5y2 I t hwe ywlloer dtehs aotf ibty bs ew ynllote asso ufoldloew beutth :a Mpoyr eh omuu,sue * Figures inolosed as shewn. 128 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHWARDENS OF . shall dwelle in it and keape the repracion at such a pryse as my Executor and he shall agrea £or and the mony to be geuen to the pore of the same pareshe. [Dec. 4, 1569 to Nov. 26, 1570.] D 20.-The receytes of the Church Wardenes 0£ the pareshe 0£ St. Donnstones begenynge the iiijth day 0£ Dessember in ano 1569 vnto the xxvj day of Nouember in ano 1570 as £oloweth John Porege and Hendry Wotton. Fyrste receyued of John Smyth for the garden nexte Cotname tylde £or one yeares rente .......................... .ij s. viij d. Receyued 0£ J eyles Annselle £or the Chourch house ca1ed the Fryer dewe at the Feaste 0£ St. Myghelle £or halfe a yeares rente ................................................. .. Item receyued 0£ John Sande £or hys house caled the Taubarte £or one yeares rente ............................. . Item receyued of Rychard Seward £or the house caled the Thorne for one year ........................................ .. Item receyued of Hendry Wotton £or bys house caled the Peale for one year . . . . . . .................................... .. Item receyued 0£ Marten Eluery halte a 1. of wexe £or hys house caled the Myle £or one yeare .................... . Item receyued 0£ the Brothers 0£ Harbelle Doune £or the house nexte the Peale £or one yeare .................... . viij s, j d. vj d. xij d. iiij d. xij d. Item receyued of John Daunton for hys garden caled Lutons anexed to bys caled the Bucke £or one yeare . xviij d. Item receyued of John Broune £or hys tenemente in Croker lane ....................................... : ..... •····· ........... . iiij d. Item receyued of Wyllyam Kemp* £or hys house for one yeare ............... ... ......... .................. ............... ij d. Item for Mrs. Cortopes mylke howse ..................... ...... ij d. ob. See fol. 6 precedent.t Sum' xv s. vij d.t D 21.-Paymentes made by the fore named Church Wardenes from the forenamed iiij day 0£ Dessember in ano 1569 vnto the xxvj day 0£ N ouember in ano 1570 as £oloweth Fyrste payed vpon the xvj day Febereraury to Master Rayletones clarke £or the wrytynges 0£ the Church house ........................................................... . Vpon the xvij day 0£ Feberewary Item payed at the vysytacion £or the £eases 0£ the courte and wrytten artikelles .................................................. ....... .. Vpon the xxiiij day 0£ l!,ebereaury Item pay to Robarte Clarke £or a boke 9£ a nomele agaynste desobedyente and wyl£ulle rebylyons§ .................................. .. ij s. xij d. v d. * Kemp written over in another hand : the next item is also in another hand, but the "Sum xv s. vij d." is by the original scribe. t Which tells us nothing about Mrs. Courtope. :t Exclusive of the rent for the Milk house. § "An Homilie agaynst disobedience and wylful rebellion. (.A. thanksgeveng for the suppression of the last rebellion.") Another edition appeared two or ST. DUNSTA.N'S, CA.NTERBURY, A..D. 1570-71. 129 Vpon the :x::x:x. clay 0£ March Item payed to the Comisheners clarke ................ ; .......................................... . V pon the ;rxvj .day 0£ May, Item payed £or a haulter for to . men de the 􀄲ydelle bell􀄳 rope ............................ .. ij d. j d. Vpon the vj day 0£ October Item payed to Thomas Ookerelle for the Church house calde the Fryer dewe to the Quynes Maiestie at Myghellmvs ..................... Hij s. iiij d: Vpon the xxj day 0£ October Item payed to Wyllyam Roselle ciewe at the Feaste of St. Mycaelle. ... ...... ... vj d. Sum' viij s. vj d . 15-'70 the xxvj 0£ November th􀄴 accompt taken 0£ John Poredge and Henry Wotton in the presence of Martyn Elvery, Oounstable, John Bing, Joyse Harys, William Nute, Larunce Kevell, Thomas Tyrry, John Nyghtingal, Barthellomew Rowell, By me Richard Wykes . D 22.-Ano 15-'70 the xx:vjth of November. William Nute and Larunce Kevell Churche Wardens In primiss . Receyved 0£ the Ohurche stocke vij s. j d. D 62.-The trewe reckenynge 0£ · the rentes 0£ the Church garden late in the bandes of Crystouer Courtope wrytten the x day 0£ October in the yeare 0£ Our Lord God 15-'70. Fyrste 0£ hys oulde leace their remayneth ix years rente unpayed vj s. viij d. by the yeare somm iij 1. and sence that lease was expyred their i'n vnpayed vj .yeares rente dewe at the Feaste 0£ St. Mycaelle in the yeare aboue ·wrytten whych cometh to vj 1. at xx s. by the yeare forsd. wycb rente dyuers 0£ the paryslieners woulde geue by the yeare more to hyin xviij d. dewe £or plate more to hym for a peace 0£ grounde caled W olestye £or vj yeares j d. ob. by ye yeare som ix d. more to hym for a tenemente one the easte syde 0£ the house caled the Fryer £or vj yeares-ij d. by the yeare xij d . . Sum tc:itales ix 1. iij s. iij d. D 24.-Ano 1571 the 4th 0£ November. Item : Receyved 0£. Henry Wotton and John Poredge . . . vij s. j d. Item: Receyved 0£ Gylls Ancell for the years rent......... xvj s. Item receyved 0£ Maysteres Cortope in pa1>te 0£ payment of the rerages 0£ the Church garden .................. xxvj s. viij d. Item £or Quyt !ent of Maysters Oortope ... ,.. ... ... . . . .. . .. . :x:ij d. Item receyved for Wolstey of Mrs. Cortope . .. .. . ... .. . .. . .. . i:x: d. Item receyved of Henry Wootton £or his howse called the Peale ..... , ... ...... ...... .... , ........ ........... ...... '"' ..... . Item recey'7ed of the Brothers of Harbeldowne .......... .. Item receyved of Lawrunce Kavell £or the £arme 0£ the :x:ij d. :x:ij d. Ohurch garden ... ... ...... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iij s. Item receyved of Danton ... ....................................... :x.viij d, three years later. See Catalogue of English Printed Books to the Year 164.-0, By George Bullen. Vol. i., p. 544,, col, 1, In the Ludlow Accounts xij d. was paid for this homilie, VOL, XVII, K 130 AOOOUNTS OF THE OHUROHWARDENS OF Item receyved 0£ John Browne ............................... .. Item receyved of Martyn.Elbryght ....... .................. . Item receyved of Rychard Sayward ......................... .. Item receyved 0£ John Sandy .................................. .. Som' ij li. xix s. ij d. iiij d. iiij d. vj d. j d. D 25. -The accomptes of William N utte and Lawrunce Ka veil Churche Wardens in the yeare of God 1571 the 4 of October in the therten yeare of the Reigne 0£ Our Sovereigne Lady Qeune Elyzabeth. Item payed at the £yrst vysytacion......... ......... ......... ... viij d. Item £ore mendeng 0£ the beare ................................. ij s. viij d. Item for the mending of the Idolateterous steapes 0£ the chawncell that ys v s. to the masonne and xiiij d. to the laborers ...................................................... vj a. ij d. Item £or the hordes that dyd helpe to make the frame in the quyre £or the commnycantes ........................ iij s. iiij d. Payed to the carpenter £or thre dayes worck £or that frame. iij a. iiij d. Item £or a bell rope .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . xij d. Item at the vysytacion at Easter................................. viij d. Item £or a new bawderyck £or the lytell bell.................. xij d. Item £or a new Servyce booke . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . v s. Item payed at the last vysytacyon whych was the xv 0£ October 1571 . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .... ...... . .. .. . . .. .. . viij d. Item payed to Mr. Kokerell for the Qwenes Maiesties • money* ............................................... : ........ .iiij s. iiij d. Payed to William Russell £or the Church garden at the Townes end ............ : .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . vj d. Item £or the qoke of Artycles and Cannons . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. vj d. Item £or the lome whych came to Leddes ......... ,.. ... ... ... xvj d. Payed £or washing 0£ the lynneon to Rychard Patysonne ye clerck ..................... ........... , .. , ......... , .......... . Item payed £or nay les to the Churche ..... , ................. . Payed vnto Bonas £or worcke £or making of a new pew .. . Payed for a nother day-ea worck £or mending and translating ceartayne of the pewes ............................. . Som xxx s. vij s. (sic). Remaneth in his handis x:x:ij s. ij d .. ij a. :x:viij d. xviij d. :x:d. .A.ccomptes taken of Lawrunce Kavell and William Nutt Churche . Wardens in the presentes 0£ Rychard Wykes, Vycar,Leaonard Nor􀄔ave,t John Bing, Henry Wootton, John Blackborne, Joyce Harrys, John Nightingall, Rychard Sayworde, Barthellmew Rowell, Thomas Tyrry, Edward Jones, John Bonas. · [A.D. 1572 and 1578.J D 26.-Ano 1578 the xvth 0£ November.t Item remayned in the· handes of Lawrunce Kavell and Wyllyam N iit at the making of theyr last accomptes . xxij s. ij d. * For the house called the Fryer. t The writer began with "Le." t Over this date is written "the xvth of October 15'78." ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1571-3. 131 1572. Item receyved at the Feast 0£ the Annuncyacion of St. Marye the Vyrgyn :for the rent of the Ohurch house and payed by the handes of Gilles .A.wnsell...... 'VUJ s. Item receyved or John Poredge for breaking 0£ the grownd at the buryall of bis weife ................................. vj s. 'Viij d. 1572. Item receyved of Lawrunce Walker for rent of the Church howse dew at the Feast of St. MygaelL........ viij s. 1572. Item receyved of Henry Wotton for his bowse called the Pile ............................................... . 1572. Item of the Brothers of Harbelldowne £or the howse adioyning to the Fryer ...................................... . 1572. Item receyved of Mrs. Oortope £or rent that she was bebynd and dew at the Feast of St. Mychaell 1572 ........................................................... . 1572. Item receyved of Dawnton the bocher £or his howse comonlye called called (Gia) Luctons ........... . 1573. Item for tlie howse of W ottons called the Pile .. . 1573. Item for the howae of the Brothers of Harbeldow[n] 1573. Receyved of Mrs. Oortope for rent of the Church garden being behinde and dew at the Feast 0£ St. Mychaell Iast past ........................................... .. 5 May. Item receyved of Lawrunce Walke[r] .......... .. Item receyved of Danton .......................................... . Item of John Browne ........................................... .. Item of Lawrunce Walker Mycbaell the Arkangell ....... .. Item 0£ Essex ........................................................ . Item receyved Sayvard ............................................ . Item receyved of Lawrunce Ka-vell :Eo1• the Church garden Item receyved of Rychard Malys one for i.j yeares rent ... Sum v li. xv s. vj d. D 27.-1518.* Novembris 15, 1573. xijd. xij d. xxs. xviij d. xij d. x.i.j d. XX: S, viij s. xviij d. iii.j d. viij s. iiij d. vj d. vj s. ij d. The .A.ccompt of W yllyam Nut and Lawrunce Kavell Church Wardens the xvth of Novembre 1578 the xvth yeare 0£ the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye Queene Elyzabeth. 1572. Item payed for the mendyng of the giace wyndowes abowte·the Church the xxiiij of Decembr .. .. .. v s. vj d. Item payed £or a new bell rope the same tyme... ... ... ... ... xxij d. Item payed to Bonas £or the mending 0£ the mydell pewes -viij d. Item payed £or mending the beare ...... , . , ........... , ........ , ij d. Item payed £o1• red oker .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. iij d. Item tayed £or lyme the xv of June 1572 ......... ........... iij s, ix.d. Item or a lode 0£ sand .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. viij d. For the searching 0£ the Regester for Delfes Will and £o1· a copye 0£ the same .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . ... . .. x.vj d. 15'72. Item payed at the vysytacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viiJ d. Item payed to the bryck layer for himsel£e and his man be.1n g a:􀅡11 worek 'l"J d ayes ................................... ,l..lJ. s. 1'1""1J d • Item £or pr1ges and nayles .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . ij d. * This date (1518) is in another handwl'iting. K2 132 ACCOUNTS OF THE CRURCHW A.RDENS OF Item for paving tyle... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . iij s. Item for repayring the glase wyndowes ........................ xx d. Item for a new sholfe .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . xij d. Item for a roofe ty1e... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... .. . ... . .. ... . . . ij rl. Item payed t,o Cokel'ell '. ........ '. ............................... .iiij s. iiij d. Item payed to Rusell for the Church garden.................. vj d. Item for a wackerall rope.......................................... x d. ob. Item £or a book. of prayer . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. iiij d. Item payed to_ the c}erck for wasshing of the Churche clothe􀅟.. .j s. Item the reperacion of the Church leades .................. XUJ s. lllJ d. Item payeq. at the vysytacon .at Easterfast past •":" ...... viij d. 1573. Item for the repayrmg of the Church, VIZ., for tylling and other worck for the space of v dayes ...... viij s. vj d. Item for worckmanship abowte the pewes ............... ..., ... iiij d. Item for bordes and nayles .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . xviij d. D 28.-1573. Item payed to Cokerill £or the quyt rent . iiij s. iiij d. 1573. Item payed to Patysonne for washing the clothes . ij s. 1573. Item payed at the vysytacion .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . viij d. 1573. Item payed more at yt vysytacion for the book of Artycles ....................................................... .. 1573. Item payed for the Church Wardens being comawnded to attend vppon the Corte for bread and drynck ........ , .................................................. . 1573. Item for yrtck and paper at the vysytacone ........ . 1573. Item for the wrytting of the artikles of presentmentes and making the bills of accompt ................ .. 1573. Item. for a hundreth of tyles .......................... . Som ij H. xiij s.* Md. that the some of the receytis for the ij yeares before wrytten receyved by Lawrunce Kavell and Wyllyam N utte Church Wardens ended at the ]'easte of St. iij d. vj d. ij d. xij d. xij d. Mychaell the .A.rkeangell 1573 ........................ v Ii. xv s. vj d. And the paymentes made by them during the foresayd ij_ . .. . yeares ........................................................... IJ b. xnJ s. Aud so remayneth in theyre maynes in there handes iij Ii. ij s. vj d. Accomptes taken the xvth of Novembre 1573 in the presentes of Rychard Wykes, Vycar, Mr. Thomas Stransome, Henry Wotton, Lawrunce Kavell, Edmond Essex, Thomas Tyrrye, John Nightingalle; John Crocher, Barthellmew Rowell. " D 68.-27 May 1572 . .A. condycyon betwixt John Cruch,er.and John Nightingall. Vppon the xxvij o;f May 1572 in the presents of Rychard Wykes, Clerk, Joyce Haris, joyner, Thomas Tyrrye􀅠 Wyllyam Nutt, and Barthellmew Rowell of the parishe of St. Donnstans It ys eoncluded and agreed that Orucher and John Nightingall shall remyt and £relly forgeave all quarells brawells and * Correct amount seems to be £2: is : 8½. ST. DUNSTA.N's, CA.N'l'ERBURY, A..D, 1573-4. 183 stry£es which bathe· ben · betwen the sayed John Crucher and John Nyghtingall or eyther 0£ theyre weifes from the beginning of the worlde vutill this present daye and y£ eyther 0£ them or theyre weifes shall by any maner of meanes begyn any quarell debate or stry£e the begy:ner shall forfayet :x:xty marckes of treu and lawfull money of England to be payed to the vse of the parisbe 0£ St. Donnstans and the sayed xxty marckes to be payed vnto the Church Wardens 0£ the sayed parishe then being wyth in fyften dayes after the falling owte of the sayed John .Crucher and John Nightingall or eyther per me Richard Wykes B my yost Hein:rick. John Nightingall [mark] By me Wyllyam Nutte [mark] By me Thomas Tyrrye [mark] by me John crucher be me bartelmew rovell. [Oct. 15, 1573, to Nov. 1, 1574.] D 29.-Edm.ond Essex and John Orocher Churche Wardens the xvth of Octobre 1573 in the xv yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne of Our Ladye Elyzabeth. Theare remayneth in the handes of Wyllyam Nute iij Ii. ij s. vj d. to be payed vnto the handes 0£ the above named Church Wardens at the Feast 0£ the N atyvyty of Our Lord God next erisueng wrytten the xv of Novembre 1573. This payed and receyved by Edmond Essex. Item receyved of Wyllyam Nute being late Churche Warden the 25 of Decembre 1573 thre pownde sixpence ...... iij Ii. vj d. Item of Mrs. Cortope £or the Church garden ............... vj s. viij d. Item £or the rent of the Church howse . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. x';j s. Item 0£ Wotton .. :· ................ .'................................. xiJ d. Item of the Brothers of Harbelldown..................... . .. . .. xij d. Of Danton .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . :x:viij d. Of John Brown . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . iiij d. Of the Church garden being in the handes of Lawrunce Kavell . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. • .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. iij s. 0£ Mrs. Cortope · ·;; ............... , .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . iij d. Of Wyllyatn Nutt ... :.;; ....... ;;:.................................. ij d. · Item of E' ·d mond E· s·s ex ........... ; ..... : .. :........................ iiij d. Soll'.1 iiij li. x s. ix: d. A.ccomptes taken. of Edmonde Essex and John Crucher the first of Novembre 1574 by the Vycar and dyvers others of the pamshioners. Item geven the ringers vppou the 17 0£ Novembre* . . . . . . ij s. ij d. Item layed owte at the Byshoppes visitation being the xth of Septembre 1574 ............................................. iij s. j d. Item £or the A.rchdeacous vysitation being the xijth 0£ Septembre ....... "' ........ , ... .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. viij d. Item £or the dyners o£ the Church Wardens being comanded to attend vppon the vysytors at the after noon which was in the J anuarye . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... • .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. :x: d. * Accession of Queen Elizabeth. 134 ACCOUNTS OF THE CHURCHW .A.RDENS OF Payed to Rusell £or qwyt rent.................................... vj d. Item the visytacions of May . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . viij d. Item the Church Wardens £or theyr dyners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x d. Item for the rent .A.nnuall dew to the Qenes Mayestye ... iiij s. iiij d. Item for the Qwytens . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ij d. Item the visitation at St. Michaell . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. viij d. Item the Church wardens dyner . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... :x:j d.* D 28.-Item £or the stofe and making of Church gate . .. v s. Item for wrytting of our rekening and all other thiuges belonging to the Church . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . :x:iij d. Item for washing of the clothes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. ij s. Som xxij s. xj d. D 80.-Theare remayneth in the handes of Edmond Essex iij Ii. vij s. and x d. Item theare ys alowed to the Church Wardens for theyre dynners £yve penc a man vppon that day thei attend on the visytation and not above wrytten the £yrst 0£ Novembre 157 4. They have receyved iij li. vij s. and x d. Item geven to poor Myles by the consent 0£ the parisbeoners the


Ancient Episcopal Palace at Rochester, and Bishop Fisher


Remarks of the Accounts of St Dunstan's Church, Part II., A.D.1508-80