Expense-Book of James Master, Esq. Part III., A.D. 1658-1663

( 321 ) EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MASTER, PART III. 1657[-8]. January I. Given to ye servants at my Brot[ker] Manning's .................................... Feb. I. Given to ye Musick at Mr Haddon's, &c. 6. Paid to Oliver for ye hire 0£ his horse ...... 9 to 15. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 4 nights [at W. Pealckam] ...... 20. Paid by Jack £or his ha1£e yeer's wages ending at Midsummer next, to find himsel£ e linnen, stockings & sbooes ......... 21. Paid to my Bro[tlter] Manning for my diet, & my man's fro' ye 30th 0£ Dec. to this time, & £or my £ootboyes diet £or 12 weeks mysel£e being a great part 0£ y0 time at Yotes ............... , ............. , 21. For a po [ und] of J essamin powder, & 6 ya[rds] of 2d ribbon ........................ 21. Spent at London .............................. 22. Spent at London .............................. 26. Given to m[ Cousin Dick Bourne ......... 27. For an ell o fine holland to make nie bands 27 to 30. Spent at London ........................ 4; Paid to my Aunt Raylton £or 10 dayes diet £or me and my foot boy . .. .. .. ....... 4. Given away at my A.nut Raylton's ....... , . 5. For mending my watch ........................ 5. Spent at London .............................. 6. Spent at London .............................. 7. Given at ye Sacrament ........................ 7 to 9. Spent at London ........................ 11. Spent at London .............................. 13. Paid to Mr Wilstoncroft £or makeing my gray serge sute and cote, & my cloath sute, & coat .................................... 18. Paid to him more £or one yeare & bal£e's rent £or his chamber [in Lonclon] end[in,q] March 25, 1658 .................. 13. Spent at London .............................. 16. For a pa[i1·] 0£ silke woven tops, & scouring another pare .............................. 16. Paid Jack's bill ................................. 16. Paid £or washing my linnen .................. 16. Spent at London .............. , ............... 20. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 3 nights wth Mr .A.vis ........................ * Continued from Vol. XVI., p. 259. VOL. XVII, £ 00 00 00 00 01 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 y ESQ.* s. cl. 18 06 05 00 05 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 02 06 06 00 02 06 14 00 19 00 10 00 02 00 01 06 03 06 04 06 01 00 06 00 12 06 10 00 00 00 06 06 08 06 05 00 02 06 08 00 10 00 322 EXPENSE-:BOOK OF JAMES M.A.S1'ER, ESQ., 1657[-8]. Feb. 22. Given to Mr Avis ...... .... ......... ... ... ...... March 6. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 4 nights ....................................... 13. Given to Mr Powell, & his men when I rec[eivea] my mony [£57 interest] ...... 18. For 7 pa[ir] of woemen's white gloves ... 13. For 4 bottles of sack, & 8 of white wine, &_ye bottles .................................... 18. Spent at London .............................. 20. Given _to my Cousin Swift's man, &c . ...... 28. Given at y° Christning of my Vncle Bourne's child [Elizabeth, at Bexley] ... 24. Paid for taxes [at Ud on £58􀀱 out of Good[man] Miller's rent [£3 : 10: 0 for 6 mo8l ....................................... 24. For 7 bush[eZs] of old oats wch I had of Good[manl Miller ........................... 24. For 12 bush[els] 0£ new oats ............... The sum is ............ 1658. March 81. Spent at Maidstone .................. ......... April 2. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 8. 3. 8. 9. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 23. 24. 24. 24. May 1. 8. 8. 18. 14. 14. 6 nights with Mr Avis ............ ......... Paid £or shooing my horses till this time ... Paid to my man Darcy Wentworth for his 9-uarter's wages ended ye 25 March 1658 Paid his bill .............................. ......... Sperit at London .............................. For _l gallon of ·sack, & 2 ga1lons of white wine ............................................. Spent' at London · ........ : .. ................... For ·a quarter of oats ; .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .... Spent at Good[manJBagfield's ...... ........ Paid £or taxes [at 6d on £10] out of Good[man] Honye's rent [of £6: 2: 6 for 6 mo8] ....................................... I lay at Good[man] Miller's 3 nights.* For 2 quarters of oats ........................ Spent at London .............................. Given to ye ' Contribution £or y0 poore Protestants driven out of Poland ......... Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 4 nights .......... .-......·. ...................... Spent at Lori.don ........................... , .. I lajat Gocid[man] Miller's 4 nights.* Spe:n:li at London .............................. For ½ a po[und] of haire powder ......... .. For a booke of Hugo'Grotivs ··· ······ · · ···· * Sum· not given; £ s . . it. 01 00 00 00 07 06 OQ 07 00 00 11 06 00 16 00 00 07 06 00 01 06 00 07 06 02 13 02 00 10 06 00 15 09 45 12 11 ---- 00 04 00 00 17 00 00 15 06 01 00 00 00 10 11 00 03. 06 00 11 00 00 06 06 00 11 00 00 04 00 00 05 00 01 08 00 00 02 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 12 00 00 01 06 00 01 06 1658. May 15. 15. 15. 15. 17. 17. 17. 17. 18. 18. 21. 21. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 28. June 4. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 13. 17. 18. 18. 18. 19. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. A,D. 1658. For an Ivory head £or my stick ... ......... For mending my Portmantua ............... Paid for taxes [at is on £69] out of my rent in Lincolnshire ........................ Spent at London .............................. For6 gate Locks . . .. ......................... For a boo[k] cal[led] y0 Mistery of J esuitisme .................................... For 4 po[unds] of raisins ..................... Spent at London .............................. For a stuffe sute £or Jack. .................... Spent at London .............................. For Dr Hammond's Practicall Oatechisme Spent at London .............................. Fo􀃞 a pa[ir J of short gray worsted stock- 1ngs ............................................. For a leather cap lined ........................ For a pa[ir] of shooe strings, & other bl[ack] ribbon. ................................ For6 pa[ir] of linnen socks. ................. For a pa[fr] of shooes ........................ For my lodging a fortnight .................. Spent at London .............................. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Mille1·'s 4nights .,,.., ........... ,_, ..................... Spent at London .............................. Paid for taxes out of Good[ma1i] Stone's rent ............................................. For paceing my Dunne colt.:. ............... For her meat .................................... Paid to Paswater Jessop for my diet, & my man's at severall times from Christmas to this time. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ............. Spent at Yokes when I lay at G[oodman] Miller's5 nights. ............................. Given at a Briefe .............................. Spent at London in2 dayes. .. .. . .. .. ....... Given to M1• Powell & his2 men. ........... For a book made by Sir Ken[elm] Digby Spent at London .............................. Spent at London ........................ ...... For½ a po[imd] of Jessamin Powder ...... Spent at London ........................... ,. . For a rule & a pa[ir] of Compasses ...... Spent at London ........................ ...... The sum is.. .......... Spent at London ········· ······ ··· ········· ··· 323 £ 8, d. 00 02 00 00 01 06 03 09 00 00 06 00 00 04 06 00 03 00 00 02 06 00 11 06 01 05 00 00 07 00 00 02 06 00 09 06 00 04 00 00 · 02 00 00 04 00 00 04 00 00 05 00 00 12 00 00 06 00 00 02 00 00 04 00 00 01 03 00 10 00 00· 13 08 04 00 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 07 06 00 15 00 00 01 00 00 06 00 00 04 06 00 01 06 00 08 .00 00 05 06 00 05 06 25 12 04 00 07· 00 Y2 324 EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MASTER, ESQ,, 1658. June 25. For vamping a pa[ir] of boots .....•......... 25. For niy lodging [in London] at MrWilstoncroft's 10 dayes .............................. 25. Spent at London .............................. July 3. Paid to Paswater for my diet, & my man's when I lay at Yotes 4 nights ............ 3. Spent at Yotes ................................. 3. Spent at London ................................. 8. Gi􀃖en to ye Sherriff's 'rrumpetters ......... 8. For hal£e a quarter of oats .................. 17. Spent at Yotes . . ................................ 20. Giv'en to Mr Powell, & his 2 men when I received £200 out 0£ ye Chamber of London · · ·· · · ··· · · · · · · ··· · · · · · · ··· · · · ··· ······ 20. Spent at London ................................. 26. .For a quarter of oats ... : ......... · 􀃗. . ..... ; ..... 26. Paid to Mr Rote £or 7 weeks' grasse m ye Mars he· £or Manchester ..................... 27. Paid to my Brother Manning £or a month's grasse in ye Marshe £or my bald Mare ..' ..· . ..................................... 27. For 26 nights' grasse at Greenwich £or Manchester .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . ........... 27. Spent at London ................................. 27. For makeing 6 bands, & 2 pa[ir J of cuffs ... 30. Spent at London ................................. 31. Spent at London.: .. : ..... : ...................... 31. Paid to my Aunt Rayl􀃘on £or a week's diet £or me & my foot boy .................. August 2. Paid to my man Dard€ Wentworth £or his quarter's wages e:n edatMidsummer last past ....................................... 2. Paid his bill... . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . ....... 7. Paid to Good[man] Miller £or 6 bushels 0£ oats .......................................... 7. Paid £or taxef! out 0£ Good [ man J Miller's rent ............................................. 7. Spent at Y otes ................................. 9. Paid £or 4 Carriages o-1: Marsh hay ......... 9. Paid to Good[man] Serls £or bringing of it home .......................................... 14. Spent at Y otes ................................. 20. Given to Mr ffurner £or drawing ye Lease, & Release fro' John Pack to me, £or ·a Cottage, & 4 acres of Woodland which cost me £11: 05: 00 ........................ 20. Given to his man . .. ... ...... ... . ........ . .. ... 21. For a pa[ir] 0£ waxt shooes .................. 26. For a halfe quarter of oats .................. £ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 00 01 00 05 01 00 00 00 00 00 8. d. 05 00 10 00 04 06 10 00 02 00 05 00 02 06 07 00 07 06 07 00 03 00 15 00 00 00 16 00 13 00 02 06 05 00 09 06 04 06 00 00 00 00 02 06 09 00 09 00 04 00 08 00 12 00 02 06 10 00 02 06 04 00 08 00 1658. Aug. 29. 31. 31. 31. .A..D. 1658. Given at a Briefe ............................. . For 3 po[unds] of sugar ...... .............. . Spent at London ................................ . Given to Mr Powell, & his man ·when I 325 £ s. d. 00 01 00 00 03 00 00 03 06 received £200 out of ye Chamber of London . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . 00 06 00 September 4. Spent at Yotes ...... :..... ... ... ......... 00 02 06 8. Paid for a shag hat, & band £or Jack . . . . . . 00 07 00 9. For a qnarter of old oats ... ... ... ...... ...... 00 16 00 14. Paid to my sister Manning £or 12 months' Interrest of £300 ended ye 4 & 6 of May last ........................................... .. 14. For vamping a pair of waxt boots ....... .. 18. Spent at Yotes ................................ . 21. For a quarter of a po[und] of Spanish 18 00 00 00 04 06 00 01 06 Tobacco ...... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ...... ... 00 02 06 21. Paid Mr Ware's bill for Sack & Wbitewine 01 10 00 21. For a pa[ir J of gray worsted stockings ... 00 06 06 21. For a pa[ir] of Buckskin gloves ............ 00 04 06 21. Spent at London......... ........................ 00 03 06 25. Spent at Yotes ... ... ............ ......... ...... 00 03 00 28. Given to Goodman Miller towards his Dinner when I kept a Court there ...... 00 10 00 The sum is......... .. . 44 12 06 29. Paid to Jack £or his quarter's wages ... ... 00 10 00 30. For a quarter of oats........................... 00 15 00 October 2. For a pa[ir] o£white sergeridingstockings 00 10 06 2. For a girdle & points........................... 00 02 Ou 2. For a pa[ir J of spurrs .... . .. .. ...... ... ...... 00 03 00 2. For 2 lawne bands .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 00 05 06 2. Spent at London................................. 00 01 06 6. Spent at Maydstone ......................... , . 00 03 06 8. Paid £or tax:es out of Good[man] Honye's rent .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. 00 05 00 9. Paid to Paswater £or my diet & my man's at severall times being 6 weeks, fro' ye 12 of July, till now at 158 ye week ...... 04 10 00 12. Given to M1• Powell, & his man when I received £200 out of y° Chamber of London .................................... , .. 00 06 06 12. For a pa[ir] of white gloves, & ½ a po[und] of Jessa[min] powder............ 00 03 06 12. Spent at London............ ... ... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . 00 01 06 16. Spent at Yotes .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. 00 01 00 18. Paid to my man Darcy Wentworth £or his quarter's wages ended at Michaelmas last 01 00 00 18. Paid his bill............ .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . 00 18 00 326 :EXJ.>ENSE-'.BOOK OF JA.MES MA.STER, ESQ., 1658. £ 8. a. Oct. 22. Spent & given away at Mr Wiseman's 4 􀄶ights ... : .. : .. : ..... : .......................... 00 12 06 23. For a pa[ir J 0£ waxt shooes, & soleing another paire : . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .............. 00 05 06 November 2. Given away when I lay 1 night at Tuppenden's ................................. 00 02 06 8. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 06 4. Spent at London ................................. 00 0-5 00 5. Spent at London: ................................ 00 10 00 6. Spent at London .................................. 00 03 00 7. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 06 8. ]!"'or a bo[ok] made by nr Browne, 0£ Vrnes, Osborn's advice to his sonne 2il parte, & his Memoires, Wit restored, & a briefe Character of' ye low Countryes 00 06 00 8. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 00 10. Spent at Loudon ................................. 00 05 00 11. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 00 12. For a book call[ecl] ye Office 0£· a Justice of Peace ....................................... 00 01 00 12. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 06 13. For 5 ya[rd's] of b1[ac7c] velvet to make me a coat ....................................... 07 10 00 13. For 5 ya[rcls J 0£ black Cammo1et to make a sute ........ , ,, ........ ............. . . . ............ 02 12 06 13. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 00 17. Spent at Yokes ................................. 00 05 00 18. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 00 19. Spent at London ................................. 00 08 00 21. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 00 22. Spent at London ................................. 00 07 06 24. Spent at Loridon .. : .............................. 00 06 00 24. For a pa[ ir] 0£ waxt shooes, & a r[ if'] 0£ Spanish leather shooes, & goJos ooes ... 00 13 00 24. For 3 Dozen 0£ Sil ribbon to trim my sute 01 04 00 24. For 2 pa[ ir] of gloves, & a pa,[ ir J of cuffs strings .......................................... 00 07 06 24. For hal[fe] a po[und] 0£ haire pouder ... 00 02 06 24. Paid. for Taxes out of my rent in Lincolnshire .............................................. 08 09 00 25. Paid for an hat .. , ., . ., .. , . . , , ., ... ,,,.,, . . .... , 02 00 00 25. Spent at London ................................. 00 12 00 26. Sp'ei1t at Loriaon ... :: . ........................... 00 07 06 27. For washing my linnen ........................ 00 08 00 27. Spen't at·London ................................. 00 07 06 29. For 6 garnish ·0£ handkerchiefe buttons ... 00 08 00 29. sp·eut at Lonaou: ... : . .. :: .. ..................... 00 09 06 80. )for 18 ells of freeze holland to make me shirts at 4s 6il ..................... ............ 04 01 00 1658. Nov. 30. 30. 30. Dec. 1. 1. 1. 5. 8. 9. 9.10. 11. 20. 21. 22. 23. 23. 23. 23. 24. 24. 24. 27. 27. 31. [1658-9.] January 8. 8. 9. 15. 18. 19. 19. 19. 20. A.D. 1658-9. £ For 3 ells & ¼ of holland at 78 y0 elle ...... 01 For 1 elle, & ½ of Cambrick .................. 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 Paid to Mr Wilstoncroft £or my Chamber £or one month ................................. 01 For engrossing 2 Deeds concerning Yokes & £or ye Parchment ........................ 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 Given to a Briefe .............................. 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 Paid to Jack £or his halfe yeer's wages ... 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 Spent at London .......................... , ...... 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 Spent at London ...........· .... , ................. 01 Spent at London ................................. 00 For a black cap ................................. 00 For a pa[ fr] of pear le colour silk tops ... 00 For 5 ounces of worsted ..................... 00 Spent at London ................................. 00 For 4 pa[ir] of gloves, & 8 ya[,rds] of bl[ack] ribbon & a pa[ir] of oyled gloves .......................................... 00 Spent at Lon.don ................................. 00 For 12 busb[als] of oats ..................... 01 Paid to my man Darcy Wentworth £or his 9.uarter's wages ended y0 25 instant 01 Paid his bill ....................................... 00 Spent when I lay at Mr A.usten's 1 night 00 The sum is ............ 51 The whole sum of this yeer's expences is 167 Given to ye servants at my bro[tlier] Manning's .................................... Given to Good[11ian] Poulter, & C[ousin] Swi£t's man .................................... Given at a Briefe . .. ............... ..... ······ Spent at Yokes ........ , ........................ 􀄋ent at Loudon ................................. iven to Capn Player when I received £500 out of y° Chamber of London, being y0 remainder of £2'700 ............ Given to his 2 men .............................. Spent at London ......... ; ....................... Paid Tuft Ware's bill £or wine y0 sack at 22d y0 quart, y° Freush wine at 9cl y0 quart ••••••• ' •••• • '. t •••••••••....... ....... " •••• 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 08 327 8. if,. 02 06 15 00 08 06 04 00 08 06 03 00 01 00 08 06 10 00 01 06 06 06 06 00 03 00 10 00 02 06 02 00 07 00 02 00 08 00 13 06 04 00 01 00 05 00 05 00 03 00 04 06 02 03 19 oo 03 00 01 00 01 06 06 06 00 00 00 00 08 06 03 00 328 EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MASTER, ESQ., 1658[-9]. £ s. a. Jan. 20. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 00 21. Spent at London ................................. 00 12 00 22. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 00 22. Paid to my sister Manning £or 6 months' Interrest of £300 ended ye 4 & 6 of November last ....................... ...... 09 00 00 22. Paid £or shooing my horses till this time 00 15 00 24. Spent at ye Election at Maidstone ......... 00 03 06 31. For Bird's Magazin of honour ............... 00 01 00 31. Fo;1' ye 2nd Part of ye Misterye of Jesuit- 1sme ............................................. 00 02 00 81. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 Feb. 1. Spent at London ................................. 00 05 06 3. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 06 4. Spent at London ................................. 00 07 00 5. Spent at London ................................. 00 12 06 7. Spent at London ................................. 00 10 00 8. Spent at London ................................. 00 13 00 10. Paid Mr Wilstoncroft's bill .................. 09 15 00 10. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 00 10. Paid to Mr Wilstoncroft for my lodging at severall times .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... 01 00 00 11. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 06 12. Spent at London... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ............. 00 05 06 12. For a po[u1id] of Spanish Tobacco ......... 00 09 06 15. Given to y0 Musicli: at Mr Bodenham's, & to his man .................................... 00 03 06 16. Paid Jack's bill . . . ... ... . .. ........... . ... ... ... 00 04 00 24. Given to a Briefe for ye fire at Fleetbridge 00 02 06 March 4. Paid £or Taxes out of Good[ma1i] Miller's rent ............................................. 01 09 00 4. Paid to Good[man] Miller £or a young black mare Colt ....................... : ...... 05 00 00 4. For a bush[el] of oats ........................ 00 02 00 7. Given to M1• Gifford . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .......... 01 00 00 9. Given away when I lay 2 nights at Sir J. Cotton's ....................................... 00 10 00 10. For 10 ells & halfe of bag holland to make me 3 shirts at 65 lOd ye elle ............... 03 11 00 10. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 11. Spent at London ................................. 00 07 00 12. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 21. Given to my Sister's Nurses .................. 00 12 06 22. Paid old Good[man] Martin's bill ......... 00 05 00 23. For 3 po[uncls] of sugar ..................... 00 03 00 23. l!'or a book cal[led] The French Gardener 00 01 08 23. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 04 The sum is ............ 4,4 17 00 1659. March 25. 25. 25. 25. 29. Aprill 2. 7. 9. 9. 12. 16. 19. 20. 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 23. 23. 26. 26. 30. May 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 7. 7. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. 11. 11. A.D, 1659. Paid to Darcy for his quarter's wages ...... Paid his bill .................................... Paid to .Jack for his quarter's wages ...... Paid to my Brother Manning :for my diet and my two men's:fro' ye 2lth of January 1657 to this time, being 60 weeks for one of my men,at58 p.weeke,and 25 weeks :for myselfe and my other man, at 205 ye weeke, I being ye rest of ye time at London and Yokes .............................. Paid £or Taxes out of Good[1nan, J Stone's rent ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. .. . ... ... . ..... . . . Spent at Yokes ................................. For a quarter of oats ........................... For a Neat's Tounge ........................... Spent at London .............................. Paid for taxes out of Good[man] Honye's rent .. ..................... .................... Paid to Paswater for my diet, & my man's from ye 9th of October 58 to this time being 8 weeks, & 2 dayes at 15s ye weeke Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. For a cloath saddle wth bridle stirrops girts and saddle cloath .............................. Spent at London ................................. For a serge sute for Jack ..................... Spent at London ................................. For halfe a po[und] of Jessamin pouder ... For a boo[lc] of Cookery ............. '. ....... Given away at Fulham ........................ Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................ , Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ........................ ......... For a pa[ir] 0£ band strings .................. For a book called France painted to ye life Spent at London ................................. Given to Mr Parrye ........................... Spent at London ................................. For footing 5 pair of boot hose ............... Spent at London ................................. For 3 yards 0£ 8d black ribbon ............... For a large pair 0£ lacet boothose ............ For ye standing of my young horse, & gray Mare at Roberts's 10 dayes ............... Spent at London .................... , ............ 329 £ s. rl. 01 05 00 00 18 00 00 10 00 40 00 00 00 01 10 00 01 06 00 17 00 00 02 06 00 04 00 00 02 06 06 04 00 00 06 00 00 14 00 00 06 00 01 08 00 00 06 00 01 08 00 00 05 06 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 05 00 00 08 00 00 02 06 00 07 06 00 05 06 00 06 06 00 06 00 00 03 06 00 02 00 00 06 06 00 05 OQ 00 07 06 00 03 00 00 04 06 00 02 00 00 12 00 01 18 06 00 07 06 330 EXPENSE-BOOK OF J.A.MES MASTER, ESQ., 1659. l\fay 12. 12. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 21. 21. 26. 28. June 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 10. 11. 11. 11. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 17. 18. 20. Paid for Taxes out 0£ my rent [ £68 : 117 : l½ Spfeonrt 6a tm Lonotnldiso] ni. n. .L..i.n..c.o..ln..s.h..i.r.e. .......................... FSpoern at paat iLr o0n£ dhoanl. £.e. .w..a..x.t. .b..o.o.t.s.. .............................. FGoivre an ptaoi rJ a0c£k s hfooro ehsi s .q..u..a.r.t.e.r..'s.. .w..a.g..e.s. .e.n..d..- Paiindg Mat rM Fiudrsnuemrm's erb inlle x£to .r. ..y.e. ..c.h.a..r.g..e.s. ..0.£. &dr aw£oinr ga y e DCeodnivmeuysa ncteo, ptaasksien g ity e iFni nye,e £Oooru nhtirse yla nodf Minr M Berrawdoshrtahw, , w& his wi£e, 0h cost me £95 £or 2 Paliodd gtoin Mg .r. .w...o.r.l.ts.st. o.i.nn.c. 17r..o .pf.at.. r.£t.os. r.... ..o..n....e.. ...m.....o..n....t..h...'.s.. SFpoern t at London. ................................ pai!r oaf sptoo[cuknindg] s. o.f.. .t.h..r.e.d.. .t.o.. ..k.n..i.t. .m...e. .a. FFoorr ½kn ai tqtiunagr toefr t0h£e oma .t.s. ................................................ Sp1e nnti gwhht e.n.. .I.. .l.a.y.. .a..t. .m...y. .O..o..u.[..s.i.n.]. ..S.w..i.f.t..'s. For paceing my Dunne Mare, & 2 Bushel Sp0e£n to aatts L..o.n..d.o..n.·.. ................................................................ SSppeenntt aatt LLoonnddoonn .................................................................. FFoorr 2a plaowunned boafn Jde ss s..a.m..i.n.. .p.o..w..d..e.r. ........................ Fo ;a:f 􀃃i􀃄. 􀃅􀃆. 􀃇:.􀃈􀃉􀃊􀃋:. -􀃌. 􀃍-. :,􀃎􀃏􀃐􀃑. 􀃒􀃓. 􀃔􀃕 -􀃖􀃗􀃘􀃙 SSppeenntt aatt LLoonnddoonn . ................................................. ..,. ............ FoJ;".10 yards of stitch (?) Bombazene. at 3s 2d .. ,, ......................................... For 8 yards 0£ Taby at 75 For ye yard ......... at 6 Dozen yards of ribbon £or Fancyes 75 6d y0 Spent at LonDdoonze ..n.. ........................................................... SSppeenntt aatt. LLoonnddoonn.. ................................................................ SSppeenntt aatt LLoonnddoonn. ................................................................. Fosrh omoaek setirning gas &p aai rp oaifr ogfa rctuerffse, 2st rpianigrs .o..f SSppeenntt aatt LLoonnddoonn. . ................................................................ Spent at London ................................. £ 03 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8, a. 09 00 16 00 10 00 18 00 05 00 10 00 00 00 04 00 08 00 02 00 04 06 19 06 04 00 10 00 03 06 07 06 08 00 06 00 08 00 08 00 03 00 04 00 11 00 16 00 05 00 05 00 06 00 13 06 06 06 05 00 05 00 12 00 04 00 13 00 A.D. 1659. 331 .1659. £ 8. it. June 21. For my Lodging a fortnight .................. 00 13 00 21. For a malepillion & girts, 2 collars, & a peece of gir.t web b ... , ....................... 00 06 00 21. For a large p.air of lace't boot hose ......... 00 12 00 21. For wa,shing my linneu ........................ 00 03 00 21. Spent at. London., ............................... 00 07 00 25. Spt?nt at Yoaks ................................. 00 01 06 27. Paid Jack's bill ................................. 00 04 00 29. Given away when I Jay at Tappeuden's one night ....................................... 00 05 00 July 2. Spent at Yoaks ................................. 00 02 00 4. For makeing 3 fine holland Shirts ......... 00 06 00 4. For makeing 4 lawne bands .................. 00 02 00 9. Given away when I lay at Greenwich 2 nights .......................................... 00 05 00 9. For a pa[ir] of women's silke stockings ... 00 17 00 9. Spent at Loudon ................................. 00 05 00 14. Spent at Y oaks ................................. 00 01 06 15. Spent at lv.tr Edward's house .................. 00 18 00 15. Given to. my Aunt Bourne's, & Mrs Tenche's Nur1;1es .......................................... 00 04 06 25. For 10 ells,. & an halfe 0£ fine holland to make me 3 shirts at 65 y0 elle ............ 03 03 00 25. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 28. Spent at Maidstone & Y oaks ............... 00 07 00 30. Given to a Briefo for Southwould in Suffolk 00 02 06 August 4. Given away when .. I lay at Cou[sin] Swi£t.'s and Co.uf sin] Smith's 2 nights ... 00 03 06 5. For a foot rule, & a boo[lc] called y° Carpenter's rule ................................. 00 02 06 5. Spent at Loudon .............................. ,,, 00 02 06 6. Paid Jack's bill ...................... ........... 00 03 06 16. Paid . t.o Goody Boreman for makeing 2 pair of sheetes 45 6d, & for 6 shirts 65 & 6 handkerchiefs 25 in all 125 6d ......... 00 12 06 17. Giye:p. .to ye servant1;1 when I lay 1 night at Cousin Swift's ................................. 00 05 00 20. Spent at London ....................... , ........ 00 05 06 27. Spent at Yokes ................................. 00 04 06 29. For a pa[ fr] of wa:x:t shooes, &c. . ........... 00 06 00 30. Given at ye Fast ....................... , ......... 00 01 00 Sept. 3. Given away when I lay at Co[usin] Smith's 1 night ........................................... 00 08 00 3. For a Po.rtmant:ua ................................ 00 09 00 3. For a po[ u nd] of J essamin powder ......... 00 08 00 3. Sp!:lut at London ................................. 00 06 00 6. For a pa[ii·] 0£ Buckskin gloves ............ 00 O'l 00 6. Given to Jo. Cox £or his quarter's wages, & at his going away fro' me ............... 00 15 00 1'7. Spent at Yokes ..................................... 00 03 00 332 EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MA.STER, ESQ., 1659. Sept. 17. Paid for taxes out 0£ Good[ man] Miller's rent [of £37: 10: 0 for 6 rnontl1s] ...... 18. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 24. 26. Given to a Briefe .............................. For y0 Practice 0£ Piety ..................... For a qu. 0£ a po. 0£ Spanish Tobacco ...... For making 3 fine shirts ..................... Spent at London ................................. Givenawaywhenllay at C[ousiii] Glawill's 1 ni[gki] ....................................... For a glasse Sun Diall ........................ Given away when I lay at Mr Goldwell's [in Bexler] l night ........................ For a pa[ir 0£ waxt boots .................. The sum is ............ October 6. Spent when I lay at Maidstone 1 night 8. For a gray Nag 5 yee[rs] old bought 0£ Mr James ....................................... 8. Given to his man ··· ······ ··· ············ ······ 8. Spent when I lay at Yokes 10 dayes ...... 8. Paid for taxes out of G. Honye's rent.. .... 13. Given to Mr Usher for drawing a Mortgage of Good[man] Miller's £arme to Mrs Duebois £or £200 £or 6 months ...... 14. For a pa[ir] 0£ gray worsted stockings, & a pa. 0£ silke tops ........................... 14. For 2 pa. 0£ gloves .............................. 14. For 3 yards 3 quarters of gray Spanish Cloath £or a sute and .coat, at 21 s ye ya. 14. For .8 yards & ½ 0£ Taby to line it at 7s ye ya . .......................................... 14. Spent at London in 2 nights .................. 16. Given at ye Sacrament ........................ 17. Paid Good[man] Barton's bill for makeing my man's livery .............................. 22. Paid to Paswater £or my diet, & my man's [diet] £ro' .A.prilll659 to Michaelmas following, being at severall times 6 weeks and an ha1£e at 158 y0 weeke ............... 22. Paid for Postfine when I bought Mr Downing's land ....................................... 22. Spent at Yokes ................................. Nov. 1. Given to Mr Wall .............................. 2. Spent when I lay at Greenwich 1 night ... 2. Spent at London ................................. 8. Spent at London ................................. 4. Spent at London .... : ............................ 5. Given to my man £or a week's board ...... 5. Spent at London ................................. £ 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 105 00 11 00 00 00 01 00 00 08 02 00 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8. a. 09 00 01 00 01 08 02 04 06 00 10 00 03 00 05 00 05 06 18 00 04 00 09 00 00 00 02 06 07 06 10 00 00 00 16 00 04 00 19 00 19 00 06 00 01 00 04 00 17 06 10 04 01 00 16 00 05 00 02 06 06 00 04 00 05 00 04 00 A.D. 1659. 333 1659. £ 8. d. Nov. 6. Spe:μt a.t, Lon.4()n ................................. 00 02 06 7. Spe:μt at. London ................................. 00 05 00 8. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 9. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 00 10. Spent at London .......... ,, ..................... 00 06 06 11. Paid for Taxes out 0£ myrentin Lincolnshire 06 18 00 11. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 06 12. For a Ga[ir J of shooes, & goloshooes and 2 pa i1·] with out ........................... 00 18 06 12. Given to my man for a week's board ...... 00 05 00 12. Spent at London ................................ , 00 02 06 15. Spent when I lay at Fulham 3 nights ...... 00 05 00 16. ]'or Phil pot's Survey of Kent ... , .... ...... 00 08 06 16. For mending my watch ........................ 00 02 00 16. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 00 17. Spent at London .............. , ..... ............ 00 05 00 18. Spent at London ................................. 00 07 06 19. Jfor 2 po[unds] 0£ sugar, & 3 po[unds] 0£ raisins ·. ......................................... 00 03 02 19. Paid Mr Ware's bill £or wine ............... 01 15 06 19. Paid to him more for 2 gallons and 3 quarts of Sack at 7s ye gal[lon], & for 12 glasse bottles .............................. '. .......... , 01 05 00 19. Fo1· a leather belt ······························ 00 10 00 19. For a paire 0£ woollen stirrop hose ......... 00 02 00 19. For a pa[ ir J 0£ slippers ..................... 00 02 06 19. Spent at L9ndon ............ ,. ................... 00 05 00 21. For.2 quarters of oats ........................ 01 03 00 26. Sper;it at Yokes ................................. 00 03 06 28 to 30. . Sp􀄜nt at London ........................ 00 17 06 Dec. 1 & 2. Spent at London ....................... 00 05 06 3. Paid to Mr Wilstoncroft for mv chamber [in London] one month ........􀄝 ............ 01 06 00 3. Spent at London ................................. 00 05 06 6. Paid to Ja. Mack £or shooeing my horses till now · ·· · · · · ····· ··· · ·· · · ···· · ····· · ·· ······ 00 03 00 8. Paid to Good[man] Gammon £or gathering my quit-rent 4 yeereended atMicha.1658 01 16 03 8. .A.nd for seizing an Heriot at y0 death of Sir Nicholas Miller* ........................ 00 10 00 10. Spent at Yokes .................................. 00 06 06 15. Spent when I lay at Greenwich 2 nights 00 03 00 15. For .2 pair .0£ g1oves, ½ a po. of powder, & some bl. ribbon .............................. 00 07 06 15. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 06 17. For a black cap lined ........................... 00 02 00 * Among M• Master's receipts he enters: "I rec. of s• Humphrey Miller by y• hands of his servant Petit y• 16 of Jan. 1660 £05 00 00 for an Herriot due to me at y• Death of his father Sir Nioh. Miller." 334 EXPENSE-J300K OF JAMES MASTER, ESQ,, 1659. Dec. 117. 117. 117. 17. 24. 31. [1659-60.J January 1. 4. 12. 16. 17. 17. 20. 21. 23. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 81. Feb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 17. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. For a fine castor [kat] ........................ For new lining, & dying 2 other ............ Spent at London ................................. Paid my man John Sandall's bill ............ Spent at Yokes ................................. Paid for 3 quarters of oats at 118 6d ye qu. ye sum is ............ £ 02 00 00 01 00 01 59 The whole sum of this ye[ar's] expences is 209 Given to ye servants at my bro. Manni.ng's ............................................. Spent at London when I lay there 2 nights Spent at London when I lay there 3 nights Given to Mr Gifford [the Oouncellor] ...... For a pa. of shooes .............................. For 2 pa. of gloves .............................. Given away when I lay at Oou[sin,] Master's 3 nights ....................................... Spent at Oanterburye, & at Charing .... , . Paid for 2 bush[eZs] of Pipp ins carried to London ....................................... Paid £or a load of hay A•t •o o fft ttftttfff O O O O Of Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Spent at London .................... ,, ....... , ... Spent at-London ................................. For an answer to ye King's booke, & y0 Case of ye Seven Members ............... Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................. , ............... Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. Paid my man's bill ............................. , Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................. For a book made by R. Sharrock ......... Spent at London ................................. For an Act for an Assessment .......... , .. , . Spent at London ................................. Spent at London ................................ , For my lodging a fortnight .......... , , ..... , For fire & candle ..·. ........................... For a bl. headstall & l'anes, & mending my bit ................................................ For my man's diet almost a fortnight .... , . Spent at London, ................................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 s. ii,. 00 00 05 00 05 00 04 00 01 00 14 06 06 09 07 09 19 00 08 Q6 12 06 10 00 04 00 05 00 07 00 11 00 16 00 10 00 04 00 04 00 03 06 02 06 03 00 04 06 02 00 05 00 02 00 02 06 04 00 08 00 06 00 02 06 01 06 06 00 01 06 05 06 08 06 14 00 05 00 03 00 09 00 03 00 A,D. 1660. 335 1659(-60]. Feb. 18. Spent at Yokes ............................... .. £ 8. rl. 00 08 00 28. For 12 pa. of woemen's white gloves ..... . 01 00 00 28. For 6 pa. of socks, & ½ a po [ una] of Jes[samine] powder ....................... . 00 04 00 28. Spent when I lay at London 2 nights. .... . 00 08 00 March 2. Paid for taxes out of G[oodman Johnl Miller's rent- ................................ : 02 18 00 1660. 3. Spent at Yokes .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. 00 01 00 7. Spent at London. .......... , .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. . 00 05 00 8. For y0 change of £6 into gold .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 00 12 00 9. Spent at London.............................. .. 00 07 06 9. For a new saddle to carry a Portmantua... 00 18 00 10. For horsemeat when I lay at _London 3 nights ......................................... . 10. Paid to Jo. Sandall £or his halfe yee. wages 10. Paid his bill ...................................... . 17. Paid to Jack Cox i n part of his quarter's wages ending y0 10 of June 1660 ......... 24. Given away when I lay at Sir John Pelham's a weeke [at Hallanrl near Lewes] 00 07 00 02 02 06 00 02 06 00 10 00 00 16 00 Y0 sum is............ 22 13 06 March 27. Paid £or taxes out of Good. Stone's rent ............... ...... ... .................. ... 00 02 06 28. Given to Jack Cox in full £or his quarter's wages ending y0 10 of June 1660...... ... 00 10 00 31. Spent at London................................. 00 02 06 31. Paid £or a load of hay bought at Farningham ............................................. 02 10 00 .A.pril 8. Paid to yrs Dubois £or 6 months' Interrest of £200 ended y0 same day .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 06 00 00 3. For 2 po. of' sugar & I po. o􀃿 raisins ...... 00 02 00 3 to 5. Spent at London........................... 01 10 06 7. For a new scabbard, & scouring my sword 00 02 06 7. Spent at Fulham, & at London . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 07 06 18. Paid £or taxes out of Good. Gardner's rent 00 08 00 21. Spent at Yokes . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . 00 02 00 26. Spent at London................................. 00 06 06 27. Spent when I lay at Greenwich 1 night ... 00 04 00 May 1. Spent at Maidstone .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 00 02 08 1. For a new bridle & snaffle .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. 00 01 10 5. Spent at Yokes ... ......... ...... ... ......... ... 00 01 00 7. Spent at London................................. 00 04 00 8. Spent at London................................. 00 04 00 9. Spent at London... . ... .. . ... .. .. .... .. ... .. .. .. 00 02 00 10. Spent at London................................. 00 03 06 10. Paid Jack's bill ........... , ........ .... ...... ... 00 03 00 11. For 8 pa. 0£ holland boothose .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 01 01 00 11. Spent at London .................... , ...... ,..... 00 08 00 336 EXPENSE•:BOOK OF JAMES :MASTER, ESQ., 1660. £ 8. a. May 12. For mending my watch ........................ 00 01 06 12. Spent at London ................................. 00 05 00 14. For ha1£e a po. of J essamiu powder ...... 00 01 06 14. Paid to M rs Bishfo £or 5 months' & 1 week's Interrest or £200 ended y0 0£ Aprill last past at 61 p. cent ................ 05 05 00 14. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 06 15. For 3 po. 0£ sugar & 2 po. 0£ raisins ...... 00 03 06 15. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 06 18. Paid for taxes out of Good. Honye's rent 00 10 00 18. Paid to Paswater £or my: diet, & mr man's at severaU times fro' ye 27th of Sepr 1659 to ye 27u1 0£ March 1660 being 9 weeks & 4 dayes at 158 ye weeke ...... 07 03 00 19. Spent at Yokes ................................ , 00 01 00 22. Given to y e Nurses at my sister Manning's daughter's Christening ..................... 00 12 06 23. Spent at London ................................. 00 04 OG 24. For ye change of £10 0£ silver into gold ... 00 12 00 24. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 00 25. For a boo. called Monarchy asserted ...... 00 01 00 25. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 06 25. For 2 pa. 0£ 􀃄loves .............................. 00 03 06 26. Spent at Lon on ................................ , 00 06 00 27. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 00 28. For 11 ya. 0£ stuffe to make a sute & coat 04 05 00 28. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 29. Spent at London ................................. 00 18 00 30. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 00 31. Spent at London ................................. 00 02 OG June 1. Given to Gerrard U sber ..................... 00 05 00 1. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 00 2. Paid M1• Wotton £or 3 pa. 0£ shooes ...... 00 14 06 2. Spent at London ................................. 00 06 06 2. Paid to Tom. Stansted for twice going to London .......... ,. ........................... 00 02 00 7. Given to M r Avis £or comming to Yokes 00 10 00 12. For mending y0 fetters ........................ 00 01 06 15. Paid to my brother Manning £or ml dyet and my man's. at severaU times ro' ye 25th 0£ March 1659 to ye 25th 0£ March 1660 being 24 weeks at 206 y0 weeke ... 24 00 00 15. Paid to my bro. Manning £or a load of hay bought of him y0 last winter ............... 02 05 00 15. For a white cotton horse cloath ............ 00 02 00 16. Spent at London, ........ ....................... 00 04 00 23. Spent at Yokes ........... , ..................... 00 01 06 26. Spent at London ................................. 00 01 06 27. Spent at London ................................. 00 03 06 28. For 2 peeces 0£ .6u ribbon ..................... 02 .02 00 A.D. 1660. 1660. June 28. For a pa. 0£ white gloves, & makeing hatband ............................................ . 28. Spent at London ............................... .. 29. Paid Jack's bill, ................................ . 29. For Bacon's Oatechisme .................... . 29 to July 5. Spent at London ................ .. July 6. For hal£e a po. 0£ Jessamin powder ..... . 6. Spent at London ................................ . 7. For a pa. of thred stirrop hose .............. . 7. Spent at London ................................ . 7. Paid for taxes out of my rent in Lincoln. 9. Spent at London ............................... .. 10. Given to Mr Bradshaw ....................... , 10. Given to Jack in part of his wages ........ . 10. Spent at London ................................ . 11. For a pa. of silke tops ...................... .. 11. For washing my linnen ....................... . 11. For a boo[k] about fruit trees ............. .. 11. Spent at London .................. ,. ............ . 12. Spent at London ........................ ....... . 21. Spent at Yokes ................................ . 23. Given to Mr Gifford ......................... .. 24. Spent at London ....................... , ........ . 27. Given to Mr Vsher .................. ...... .. 27. Paid Mr Wilstoncroft's bill . , ... , ........... . 27. Paid to him for my lodging [in Lonaon] a month at severall times ................... .. 27. For a bit with white bosses ................ .. 27. Paid M1·W are's bill for wine ( sum omitted). 27. Spent at London ................................ . 28. For 2 pa. of white gloves ................... .. 30. Spent at Fulham ............................. . August 18. Spent when I lay at Tunbridge Wells 5 dayes ........................................ .. 24. Spent when I lay at ye Wells 4 nights .. . 24. Paid to Jack in full of his quarter's wages ending at Michaelmas next .............. . 31. For½ a po[und] of Jessamin powder ..... . 31. Paid Jack's bill ................................ . Sept. 1. Spent when I lay at Lamaby* 1 night .... .. 12. Spent when I lay at Maidstone 1 night .. . 337 £ 8. cl. 00 03 00 00 04 06 00 05 06 00 01 00 02 15 00 00 01 06 00 04 06 00 03 00 00 11 00 06 18 00 00 07 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 08 06 00 06 06 00 06 00 00 01 00 00 -09 06 00 04 06 00 02 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 01 00 00 14 02 06 01 04 00 00 03 00 00 10 00 00 03 04 00 03 08 01 12 00 01 14 06 00 15 00 00 01 06 00 06 06 00 08 00 00 09 00 􀀂- The sum is ............ 106 00 00 October 2, Paid to Niche. Rich Collector of the Poll Money . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . 04 00 00 5. Spent at y0 Bull .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. 00 02 00 6. Spent at Maidstone .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 00 08 00 * Mr. ,Tohn Goldwell's house in Bexley. VOL, XVII, z 388 EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MASTER, ESQ., 1660. Oct. 12. 14. 15. 15. 16. 16. 20. 22. 23. 24. 24. Paid to Good[man] Willard for curing my gray Nag of y° Farce & for his meat 14 nights __ , ......... , ............................... Given to Briefe ................................. Spent at Malling ................................. Paid Jack's bill ................................. Paiq. f9r taxes out of Good. Honye's rent Spe11t w];ien I lay at Yokes 6 weeks ......... Spen􀄪 at London ................................. SpeJ?.t at London [when Si,r R. Bettenson paid £24 for 6 mon. interest on £800] Spent at Lon9-o:μ,................................ For 2 peeces of black ribbon ............... For a pa. of Cordovan gloves ............... 24. For.a pa._of bl. serge stocki:ngs, & cannons 24 & 25. . Spent at London ........................ 26. Giv􀄫n to Jack £or _his week's diet ............ 26. Spent at London ................................. 27. Paid to Roberts fo􀄬 ye standing of my gray hors(:} a fortnight ye last summer ......... 2'7. For 2 quilted caps & 2.holland ones ...... 2'7. Pai4 for 11 new Perri wig... . . .. . . . . ........... 2'7 to 29. Spent at London _ ........................ 30. For· a pa. of_ canvas _riding stockings & points ......_ .................................... 30. Spent at London ................................. November 1. Given to Jack £or his diet till now ... 1. For· 2 cawfo ·horscloaths, 2 suscingles, & P1!-ds, and '7 yards of girt web ............ 1. Spe􀄭t at London ................................. 6. Paid£or ta􀄮es out of Good[man] Gardner's [half-year's] rent [ of £1for the house at Swanton] ....................................... 10. Paid £or a new stock, & mendfng my 10. gunne .......................................... Given to Good[man] Bul:finch ............... 14. For a quarter of oats ........................... 14 to 1'7. Spent at London ........................ 1'7. For a new Perriwig ...................... .... 20. Spent when I lay at Fulham 3 nights ...... 21. Given to Jack for his week's diet ............ 21. For a ·pa. of woollen stirrop hose, & 4 ya. of bl. ribbon ............. ;;; ....................... 21 to 23. Spent at London'·: ....................... 24. For a boo[lc J made by Jo,· Childrey ......... 24. For ? holland skull capps . 1 . ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 to 27. Spent at London '.'·················· .... 28. Paid to Jack £or bis" week's diet ............ 28 & 29. Spent 8.t"Loncfon : ... , .. , .. ,., ........... 30. Given to Sergeant Glin ••. '.·· .................. £ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 s. it. 11 00 01 00 04 00 05 00 05 00. 04 00 03 00 06 00 06 06 16 00 03 00 09 06 07 00 05 00 02 06 05 00 03 06 00 00 11 06 .06 06 12 00 04 00 14 00 08 06 01 00 ,05 00 ,02 06 13 00 19 06 10 00 0'7 00 05 00 04 00 01 00 01 06 02 00 18 00 05 00 08 06 00 00 A.D. 1660-1. 1660. Nov. 80. Spent at London ............................... .. Dec. 1. For a pa. 0£ fine gray worsted stockings .. . 1. For a pa. 0£ Sham:way riding gloves ....... . 1. Spent at London ................................ . 1. For.a pa. 0£ waxt shooes, .& soleing 2 qther pare ................................................ . 2. Given to. a poore parson ................... .. 8. Paid Jack's bill .. , ............................. . 5. Paid.for a quarter 0£ oats .................... . 12. Given to ye King's Trumpetters .......... .. 14. Paid £or taxes out 0£ Good. Miller's rent 20 & 21. Spent at London ...................... .. 21. For a boo[k J cal[led] yeJnterrest of England 22. For. ye . Speeches 0£ ye 10 Condemned persons ......................................... . 22. For .a pa. 0£ Cordovan gloves & ½ a po. 0£ po,vder ......................................... . 22. Spent at London ................................ . 24. Given to. Mr Usher ............................. . 24. For Jack's diet, & his bill ................... .. 24. Spent at London ................................ . 26. Given to Jack .in part of his wages ........ . e • y sum 1s .......... .. 339 £ 8. a: 00 02 06 00 11 00 00 06 00 00 .07 06 00 07 06 00 01 00 00 06 00 00 13 00 00 02 06 04 07 00 02 03 00 00 01 00 00 01 06 00 04 06 00 15 06 00 05 00 00 05 00 00 03 06 00 05 00 36 .04 06 The.whole sum 0£ this yeer's expences is 164 , 18 00 [1660-1.J January 1. Given to ye servants at my bro[ther] Marp􀅞ing's [at S1 llfary Oray] ...... ...... 01 00 00 1. Paid to Jack in full o£)􀅟is quarter's wages 00 15 00 3. Paid to Tom. Stansted £or going twice to Lonp.pn ..... ,.................................... 00 . 02 00 3. Paid to Mrs Dubois £or 6 months' Interrest 0£ one £100 ended ° ye 3 0£ Dec. last...... 03 00 oo· 5. Spent a,t Bromley . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . 00 01 06 14. Paid to Mrffurner £or keeping 5 courts, 3 £or y0 Hundred 0£ Littlefield, & 2 at Peckh 􀅠m and)􀅡uanton [nianors] ...... ... ... ... 02 10 00 14. Paid to him more £or drawing y0 writings :fro' Mr Bradshaw, Mr Pattenden & Jl:)ssop to me £or theyr land in Merwood, & £or passing ye fine ....... , , ..... , ... , . . . . . 03 10 00 14. Paid to him more £or drawing y0 writings fr.QJn Mr Peake, & Mrs Pattenden to me, £or theyr land in Merworth .............. . 20. Spent l),t.Yokes ... ............................ . 22. Spent at London ................................ . 23. Paid to Mr Johnson for 6 months' Interre1:1t 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 05 06 0£ £200 ended ye 9th instant............... 06 00 00 z 2 q40. EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MASTER, ESQ., [J.660-1.J Jan. 23. 23. 23. 24. 25. Paid to l\'[r Charlton for 5 ya. & ½ 0£ bla. cloath for a sute, & cloake, at 248 06d ye ya . .......................................... Paid for ye change 0£ £12 in silver into gold ............................................. Spent at London ..................................... Given .to Jack £or his week's diet ............ Spent at London .................................. 26. For a new Perri wig & alterring another ... 26. For a boo[k] made by l\'[r Baxter ............ 26 to 31. Spent at London ........................ .Feb. 1 to 5. Spent at London ............ .............. 6. For 2 books, Mr Croston's answer, &c. .. . 6 to 9. Spent at London ........................... 9. Given to Jack £or his diet ..................... 11 & 12. Spent at London ........................ 12. For. inrolling Sir Rich. Bettinson's* Recog[ nizance] ................................. 13. Spent at London ................................. 14. Spent at London ................................. 15. Paid for the change 0£ £20 in silver into gold ............................................. 15. Paid £or 2 peeces of 6d bl. ribbon ............ 15. For 12 pa. 0£ women's white gloves ......... 15. For a pa. of bl. silk knit to􀃟s ............... 15. For a pa. 0£ shooes & golos ooes ............ 15. Paid to Jack for his week's diet ............ 15. Spent at London .................... ............ 16. Paid t.o Jack in part 0£ his qu. wages ...... 16. For washing- my linnen ........................ 16. Spent at London ................................. 27. For a book conc[erning] Bowing to ye Altar 27. Spent at London ................................. 28. Spent at London ............... , ................. March 1 to 9. Spent at London ........................ 8. Paid to Jack £or his week's diet ............ 9. For a cloath saddle, & cover bridle, stirrops girts, & saddle cloath ........................ 9. For a curry comb, & brush .................. 9. For a great pa. 0£ waxt boots, & spurrs ... 9. For a Catalogue 0£ all ye Knights 0£ K[ing] James ................................. 11. Paid to Tom. Stansted £or a iourny to Lon. 14. Spent when I lay at Maidstone 1 night ... 18. Spent at Maidstone ........................... The sum is ............ £ s. if,, 06 ,15 00 00 14 06 00 02 06 00 05 00 00 08 06 02 02 00 00 01 00 01 01 06 00 13 00 00 03 00 01 03 00 00 05 00 01 02 06 00 07 00 00 06 00 00 02 06 01 .05 00 01 16 00 00 18 00 00 09 00 00 09 00 00 05 00 00 10 06 00 10 00 00 04 06 00 05 09 00 .oo 10 00 04 00 00 04 06 01 04 00 00 05 00 01 11 06 00 03 06 01 15 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 14 00 00 02 06 46 07 01 􀀂-- • Sir Richard Betten&on, who purchased Scadbury from the Walsingbams, had borrowed £800 from Mr. James Master. A.D. 1661.· 1661. Aprill 1. Paid for taxes out 0£ Good. Honye's rent 4. Spent at Yokes . ..... ...... . . . ...... . . . ... . .. ... 6. Paid to Jack in full of his quar. wages ... 6. Spent at Dartford ............................... 8 to 12. Spent at London ........................ '15. Paid Jack'.s bill ................................. May 18. Giv.en away at Fulham .... , ................... 18. Spent at London ................................. 19. Paid for ye change of £20 in silver into gold 19. Spent at London .............................. , .. 20. Paid for a fine Castor [hat] .................. 20 to 22. Spent at London ........................ 23. For hay. & oats for my Stone horse 15 dayes .............................. .." ............ , 28 & 24.. Spent at London ........................ 25. For a new Perriwii .................... • .. • .. • 25. Given to Jack for is diet for a fortnight 25. Paid for 18 yards of coloured Poudezow at 128 y0 yard for a sute & coat ............... 25. For 7 ya. of Taby to line it at 7s 6d p. ya. 25. Spent at London ................................. 27. For new. knitting a pa[i?-J of worsted stockings feet ................................. 30. Spent at Yokes ................................. 80. For 2 peeces 0£ Taifaty 8d ribbon ............ 80. For 1 pee[ae] of sattin ribbon, 9d ya. & ma[kint] hatb[anils] ........................ 30. Spent at ondon ................................. 1. For a new pa. of shooes ........................ 1. Spent at London ................................. 2. Spent at London ................................. 2. For Dod upon y0 Sacrament .................. 3. For y0 standing of my horse 3 nights ...... 7 to 9. Spent at London ........................... 10. Paid to Jack for his week's diet ............ 10. Spent at London ................................. 10. Given to my cousin Master £or his advice 10. For a book concerning Episcopacy ......... 11 & 12. Spent at London ........................ 18. For a boo. of Mr Prinn's ..................... 13 & 14. Spent at London ........................ 15. For a pa. of white gloves ..................... 15. Spent at London ................................. 16. Paid to Jack for his week's diet ............ 16 to 18. Spent at London ........................ 20. Spent when I lay at Fulham 3 nights ...... 21. PaJd for y° Change 0£ £10 into gold ...... 21 & 22. Spent at London ........................ 23. Paid to Jack for his week's diet ............ 28 & 24. Spent at London ··· ··· · ········ ··· ······ 841 £, 8. ii. 00 15 00 00 03 06 00 10 00 00 01 00 01 02 06 00 06 06 00 05 00 00 03 00 01 O'l 00 00 03 06 02 03 06 00 1'7 06 01 08 00 00. 05 00 02 00 00 00 10 00 0'1 16 00 02 12 00 00 08 00 00 00 09 00 01 06 01 16 00 01 08 00 00 01 00 00 05 00 00 01 06 00 04 06 00 02 00 00 05 00 01 11 06 00 05 00 00 04 00 00 10 00 00 01 04 00 04 08 00 01 06 00 06 06 00 01 08 00 07 06 00 05 00 01 14 06 00 08 00 00 14 00 00 18 06 00 05 00 01 07 00 342 EXPENSE-:BOOK OF JAM.ES MASTER, ESQ,, .1M6a6y1. 24. Paid to Jack for liis quarter's wages, ending June at Midsummer next ........................ 25. Fosrc aar lepta w. o0£rs ttebdr etodp ss t.o.c.k.i.n..g..s.,. .&.. .a. ..p.a.... 0..£. 25. For washing my linnen ........................ 215.. SSppeenntt. aatt Y.Loonkdeos n ..................................................................... 5 & 7. Spent at. London ........................... 87.. Given to Jack for his week's diet ............ 88.. 1100.. 10. Paiindt .e tror eCsta.0p£ta £in1e0 0J oehnn.sdeodn y f0 o5rt h6 i nmstoanntth. s..' SGpievnent atot . LMo!n'.dVosnh .e.r. ............................................................ ]F'oorx .2a.. d.oC aunbalrey. cabigre.d s .............................................................. 10. FFoorr an epwa .a 0l£te grilnovge as .P..e.r.i.w ..i.g.. .................................... 1180 . to G15i:v:. enS apwenayt aatt LFounlhdaomn ................................................ 1188.. FFooxr .a a . pap.a 0 .£. 0 s£ho. goleosv .e..s. ... &.. ..½. ..a.. .p..o.[..u.n..cl.]. .0..£. 18. FuJre.2ss pa[lamnien ehJo ln aonwd􀅟 􀅠bra n.d.s. .......................................... 1189.. SFpoe;l!n y.t At.London ................................. 0 change 0£ £20 into gold at 16<1 y0 19 & 20. Spent at London ....................p..o... 20. Gitvoe nt.rtiom M.an1• dF srhoagvmeo r.t.o.n.. .t.o.. t.e..a.c.h.. .m...y. .m..a..n. 20. Paeidn dtion gJ aactk M inic phaaretl m0£a sh inse qxut ar.t.e..r.'s.. .w..a.g..e.s. 21 to P2a3.i.,d .t. Sop Jeanctk.a fto Lr ohuids owne e.k..'.s. .di..e..t. ......................... 22. . The sum is ............ 24 to 26. .Spent at London ........................ 􀅡􀅢􀅣2J:S·s:;'a:!􀅤􀅥-􀅦􀅧􀅨􀅩􀅪􀅫:.􀅬?.[􀅭􀅮1?􀅯􀅰􀅱􀅲-􀅳􀅴􀅵􀅶-􀅷] 26. 26. For.a. description 0£ Jamaica, &c ............. 2277 . to For searching in ye King's bench office ... 29 . . , Spent at LQlldon ........................ July 12 8to. 6.G i.v Sepne.ntot .aJta cLko £nodro nh is .w..e..e.k..'s. .d..i.e.t. ........................ ·. 3. Given to Jack in£ull 0£ his quarter's wages 6. Fo!3r» e,d,i !lnogp yatii:t. Mg iocuhta 0e£lm Laes tnteerxst Pa..t.e..n.t. s, . ............ 66.. GGiivveenn .tJoa cMk 1£• Wor ohoisd.w waeredk .'.s. .d..ie..t..... .......................... 8 to F1o2r. .3., Sypae. n0£t a.btl aLcokn rdiobnb o.n.. .......................................... 9. £, 00 0000 0000 0000 0030 0010 0001 0020 0000 0000 0010 00. 02 0000 00 55 0000 0000 0001 0010 0000 0000 0001 s. a. 15 00 06 06 0068 00 06 01 00 03 06 05 00 0005 0000 0065 0060 0151 0000 0082 0000 0058 0000 04 00 0056 00 06 0086 0060 10 00 10 00 12 06 05 00 12 05 11 06 05 06 14 00 0051 0000 12 00 05 00 10 06 05 00 09 00 05 00 0045 0000 02 00 A.D, 1661. 1661. July 11. For an haire belt ................................. 11. For 4 holland bands ··· ········· ··· ······ ······ 12. For searching Records ........................ 13. Paid to Mr Cooke for my Chamber 5 weeks ...... ;,, ........... ,;.; .................. 13. Paid for washing my linnen 5 weeks ...... 13. For a new scabbard, & chape & cleaning my sword ....................................... 18. For a new paire 0£ shooes ..................... 13. For grasse for 2 horses for 8 dayes ......... 13. For 12 yards 0£ 2d ribbon ..................... 13. Given to Jack £or his week's diet ............ 13. Spent at London ................................. 14. Given·to a Brie£e ; .................... -......... 23. 25. Spent at Yokes· ................. , ............... Spent at London .............................. 26. For searching· y0 Augmentation Office &c. 26 & 27. Spent at London ........................ 28. Given to a Briefe .............................. August 1. 1. 2. 2. 6. 7. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 10. 16. 21. 31. Sept, 12. 12. 16. 11. 25, 28. 28. Given·to Mr,Lovelace y° Councellour ...... Given to my Cousin Master .................. For a pound 0£ thred ........................... Spent when I lay at Maidstone 3 nights ... Paid for Taxes out 0£ Good. Miller's rent Given to Willard £or drenching my Stone horse ..................... ..................... Paid to Captaine Johnson for 6 months' Interrest 0£ £200 ended y0 9tlt 0£ July last past ....................................... Given to Mr V sher .............................. For· all ye Acts of y0 last Parliament ...... For a pa[i-r] 0£ Tables, men &c. • ........... For a whip ....................................... For ye change 0£ £20 into gold ............ Spent at London .............................. Spent when I lay at Fulham 1 night ...... 􀃺ent at Yokes .; ............................... iven away at Sir John Pelham's ......... Given away at Mr Fowle's .................. For a boo[k] of the Marquesse 0£ Argiles Spent at London .............................. Spent at Fulham when I lay there 4 nights Spent when I lay at Frogpoole 1 night ... Paid for Taxes out of Good[ man] Gardner's rent·.·.-........................................... Spent at Yokes ......... .-....................... For a new paire 0£ Paniers .................. The sum is ............ 343 £,. 8, it. 00 10 00 oo· 12 00 00 04 06 01 05 00 00 12 06 00 05 06 00 05 00 00 09 06 00 02 00 00 05 00 00 08 00 00 01 00 00 04 06 00 05 00 00 07 00 00 13 06 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 01 08 06 04 07 00 00 06 00 06 00 00 00 05 00 00 01 06 00 17 00 00 03 00 01 06 06 00 05 06 00 06 06 00 04 06 01 05 00 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 08 00 00 12 06 00 05 00 00 08 04 00 03 06 00 01 00 35 05 04 344 EX'PENSE-:BOOK OF JA.MES MA.STER, ESQ,., 1O6c6t1o.b . 1. Spent at Plumsted .............................. 4; 7. 11. 1155.. 1186.. 18. 2169.. SGp1'􀄹v. rie..tn aatw Maya iadt s tMo nr ew ..1· a..t .'.s . .......................................... Pai:rd􀄺 nfto r. ..t.a.x..e.s. .o, .u.t. .o , .f. .G...o.o..d.[.m..a..n.J .. .H...o.n..y. e.'.s. GSpievnent atto Wye r Kotihnagm ............................................................ FSpoern yt􀄻. acth aYnogkee so f .£..1.·. 0, .s..il.v..e.r. .i.n..t.o. .g..o.l.d.. ............ Fosri n__ cyee 1.A6.4b0r idg..m..e..n.t.. .o..f. ..a..l. ..y..e. ..S.t.a..t.u..t.e.s. FSpoern hta ayt &L ooantdso nfo r .m..y.. .2. .h..o.r.s..e.s. .a..t. .F..u.l.h..a.m.. 26. Gi1v ewne· aewk a.y.. .t.h..e.r.e. ...... ........................ Novemb. 16. : Given away to :m : .y.. .S..i.s.[.t.e.r..]. .M...a.n..n.i.n..g..'s. 18. FoNr uar sep &a. Moifd ww[ifaxet] s.h..o.o..e.s.,. ..&.. ...s.o.l.e.i.n..g. 18. Spaennot tahte rL poan[diorn] . .............................................................. 1199 .t o F2o1r: · a Jipae. notf asth Loooensd, o&n g.o.l.o.s..h.o..o.e..s. .................... 2222.. JSfpoern at paat .L oofn wdaoxnt sh..o..o.e.s.. ........................................... 2283. t o F2o(tr a _Sbpoeon[ tle Ja tc aLl.(? And Ponet i.t.i.o.n. .f..o.r. .P..e..a.c.e.., .&..c. ,. 2276.. ]Gfoivr ean ptoo[ Junacdk] foofr J heisss awmeeink 'ps odwiedte r ...... ,.;.,. ...... 27. Fo􀄼 a boo[Tc] calt[ed] ye 27 to 29. Parson's Law ... s30. For a b1 aecnkt farte nLcohn driodnin g.. .h..a.t. ................................ 3300.. FFoor' a pa: of mild [milled?] stockings ...... to􀄽ft 􀄾􀄿. 􀅀􀅁􀅂􀅃. 􀅄􀅅􀅆􀅇 ?.􀀇. 􀀅-􀀆􀀇􀀈:. 􀀈􀀉􀀊. 􀀋-􀀌􀀍􀀎􀀏 3300.. 3800.. Paid to Jack for his diet ..................... Paindi gtoh tM firr eB aanrkde rc afnodrl em ..y. .C. :h .a..m..b..e.r. .a.. .f.o.r.t..- FFoo;_a pa[ir] of Pattens ........................ & 􀀌t􀀍􀀎=d] .. 􀀏􀀐 .. 􀀑􀀒􀀓􀀔􀀕􀀖'..􀀗 .. :.􀀘: -􀀙􀀚- 􀀉􀀊􀀋􀀌􀀍: Decem3b0.. 9.S pPe􀅈atid a Gt oLoodn[domann .]. .W...i.ll..a.r.d..f.o..r.b..r.e..lli.k..in..g..m...y. myoounntgh .S.o..r.r.e..l.l ..M...a.r..e.,. .&.. .f.o..r. ..h.e.r.. .m..e..a.t. .a. 14. Give!1 to ye14. Spent at Yo_ pkoeos re._ .o.f.. .M..e..􀅉.'[.e..].w..o.r.t.h.. .................... 17. PaiTid otnod oTno &m .Y Sotkaenss te..d. ..f.o..r. .2.. .i.o.u..r.n..y.e..s. .t.o. .1187 .t ·o .F2o0r; ali· pae. notf awt aLxto nsbdoonoe a. ............................................ £, 8, 0000 0021 00 14 1000 0001 0000 02 oi 00 16 0000 0041 0000 0186 00 10 0000 0026 0010 0009 0000 0054 00 02 00 0158 0000 0012 0000 · 1126 00 04 0000 0033 0000 0132 0000 0052 01 10 0010 0014 00 02 00 05 00 12 ii. 0060 06 0006 0060 08 0080 0000 00 0066 0060 0060 0006 0060 06 0000 00 0000 0020 0160 0006 06 0060 03 A,D. 1661-2. 1661. Dec. 21. For 2 ya[1·ds and].½ a qu[a1·terJ 0£ gray · cl oath at 105 . ye yard to make Jack a Coat 21. For. 4 ya. & ½ 0£. greene Oloath to cover my Billyard table at 105 ye yard ............... 21. For .4. ya. of fine Spannish cloath at 235 ye yard to.make a sute & coat ............... 21. .21. For a pa. 0£ perl colour silk stirrop hose ... ]!'or a pa. of bl[aclc] &. a pa. of white short worsted stockings ........................... 21. For bl[aclc] ribbon, shooestrings, & dying pa. of Stockings .............................. 21. For.a lit[t.le] glasse .0£ essence of orange . 21. For fire, & my lodging 3 nights ............... 21. Spent at London ................................. 30. For a leather belt, wth bl[aclc] ribbon ...... 30. For altering my sword .............. ......... 30. Fo1· a lit[tle] book about Ohesse play ...... 80 & 31. Spent at London & at Fulham ...... 31. For my horses standing at Putney 1 night The sum is ........................... The whole sum of this yeer's expences is ...... 1661[-2]. Given to y0 January 1. servants at my Bro. Manning's [at St Mary Oray] .................. 1. Given away at Sir Oliver Butler's [Barliarn Oourt in Teston J ........................ 3. Given away at 'Mr Scot's* ..................... 4. Given away at Mr Buggin's [at Nortk Oray] .......................................... 6. Paid Good[man] Hobs for shooing my horses .......................................... 10. Paid for Taxes out of Good[man] Miller's rent ............................................. 15. Given away at Sir William Swan's [at Soutl,fleetJ .................................... 16. Paid Jack's bill ................................. 16. Paid to Jack for his qu. wages, end[ing] at Christ[ mas J last ........................... 18. Given away at Sir Rob. Austin's [in Bexley], Ml' Buggin's, &c . .................. 25. Spent at Yokes ................................. 27 & 28. Spent at London ........................ 28. Paid to Captaine Johnson for 6 mo[ntlis'] Interrest of £300 ended y0 5 of Dec.1661, & ye 9t1t· of Jan. 1661 ....................... , 345 £ s. d. 01 01 00 02 05 00 04 12 00 00 15 00 00 11 00 00 06 06 00 02 06 00 04 00 00 09 06 01 04 00 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 07 00 00 03 06 36 14 01 173 18 11 01 00 00 oo· 02 06 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 08 00 00 09 08 00 09 00 00 15 00 00 15 00 00 02 00 00 01 06 00 03 00 09 00 00 * It is doubtful whether this was Edward Scott of Scot's Hall, Smeeth, or John Scott of Langley, 346 EXPENSE-"BOOK OF JAMES MASTER, ESQ., 1661[-2] .. · Jan. 28. Given to Mr V sher ....................... , ...... 29 to 81. Spent at London ..................... ... February 1. Paid Jack's bill .............................. 1. Paid for him £or his diet ........................ 1. Spent at London .............................. 4. Spent at London & Fulham .................. 5 to 8. Spent at London ....................... ... 8. Paid Jack's bill ··· · · · ······ ··· · · " ······ · ········ 9 & 10. Spent at London ........................ 11. Paid to Jack £or his week's diet ............ 11. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 18. 18. 13. 18. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 21. 24. 28. Spent at London ................................. Given to Mr Philpot ........................... For a.pa[ir] of Bru:x:ell's Twizers ......... For 2 Billyard sticks, 2 balls, king & porch For.a pa[ir J of shooes & goloshooes ...... Spent at London ................................. Paid ye Sadler's bill ........................... For 2 pa[ir] of coloured gloves ............ For 6 pa[ir J of Linnen socks ............... Spent at London .............................. For washing my Linnen ..................... Paid to Jack £or his diet ..................... Paid to Mr Barker for my lodging 3 weeks Paid £or fire & candle ........................... Spent at London ................................. Paid Good[man] Willard £or hay & oats for Manchester, 5 weeks .................. PaidGood[man] Malam£or carrying apples to Lon[aon] .................................... Spent at Yokes ................................. March 3. For a pa[ir] of Canvas riding hose"!""" 8. Spent at Footscray ...... : ....................... 13. Spent when I lay at Maydstone 3 nights ... 20. Given away when I lay at Sir Jo. Pelham's 3 ni[g kts] [ at Hallanil near Lewes] ...... The sum is ... ........................ 1662. March 26. Paid £or taxes out of Good[ma1i] Honye's rent ...... 􀃋 ...................................... Aprill 4. Paid to Jack Cox £or his quarter's wages ended at Ladyday last past ............... 8. Paid £or· 18 ells of bag ·holland £or 6 shirts at 5s 6d -y0 elle ................................. 9. For 2 horses' meat at Fulham 6 nights ... 19. Spent at Yokes ................................. 21 to 25; Spent at London ........................ 26. For a pa[ ir J of shooes ........................ 26. For new dying & lining 8 hats ............... £, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 29 00 00 04 00 00 01 00 00 8.


Church Plate in Kent. Parochial Inventories: Acrise to Canterbury


Dalison Documents: Letters of Tomas Stanley of Hamptons, 1636-50