On a Roman Ring found at Milton-by-Sittingbourne

( • 207 ") ON A ROMAN RING FOUND AT MILTONNEXT- SITTINGBOURNE. BY GEORGE PAYNE, E.S.A. IN February 1889 relics of an interment were met with during excavations for brickearth, in fields occupied for the purpose by Messrs. "Wills and Packham, at Milton-next-Sittingbourne. The site of the discovery lies about two hundred yards to the right or south of a footpath leading from the Milton National Schools to Kemsley Downs, and about three hundred yards to the north of the Roman cemetery, discovered some years since at Bex Hill,* in Milton, The workmen state that the discovery consisted of a human skeleton, lying east and west, with head to the west, accompanied by a glass vessel, which was destroyed, a buckle of gilt bronze, an iron spear-head, and a massive gold finger ring, set with a red carnelian, on which is cut a winged Cupid driving a chariot drawn by two horses, thence called in,Latin a "big


On a Bronze Ligula found at Dartford


The Kentish Family of Stubbs - Wills, and Extracts from Records