Accounts Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ILLUSTBATION FUND. XXxi i i CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ILLUSTRATION FUND. SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ s. d. Akers-Douglas, Eight Hon. A., M.P 1 10 0 Clifford, Jas., Esq 0 1 1 0 Cranbrook, Viscount 01 0 0 Hughes, W. E., Esq 0 10 0 Mercer, Samuel, Esq 0 10 0 Northbourne, Lord 0 10 0 Sands, H., Esq 0 10 0 Wadmore, J . F., Esq 10 0 VOL. XXII. C KENT ARCH^IOLOGICAL •Jjjy, Gash Account from the 1st oj 1895. £ s. d. Jan. 1. Balance at the Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £604 0 1 Hammond and Co 302 Oil 906 1 0 Dividends on the Society's 2g per Cent. Stock 32 0 2 Sale of the Society's Publications 17 7 6 Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers :— W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) £86 9 0 K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgate) 11 0 0 W. J. Nichols, Esq. (Bromley) 12 0 0 J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 2 10 0 Miss Dudlow (Malling) 6 10 6 G. F. Carnell, Esq. (Sevenoalis) 12 13 6 W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 14 5 0 F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversham) 13 14 8 J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 13 10 0 W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq. (Walmer) 7 10 0 J. F. Wadmore, Esq. (Tonbridge) 9 0 0 C. W. Powell, Esq. (Speldhurst) 14 3 4 G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) 10 0 0 G. M.Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 12 0 0 Dr. Boyce (Maidstone) 21 4 0 H. Stringer, Esq. (New Romney) 2 10 0 H. Neve, Esq. (Oranbrooh) 6 0 0 G. Wilks, Esq. (Hythe) 12 0 0 J. Copland, Esq (Sheerness) 4 18 0 G. Payne, Esq. (Rochester) 20 0 0 The Bankers :—Wigan, Mercer, and Co 34 2 0 Hammond and Co 29 13 0 355 13 0 £1311 1 8 SOCIETY. Tanuary to the 31s£ of Becember, 1895. <£?• 1895. £ s. d. W. Keeley, Binder 17 0 Canon 0. F. Boutledge, Petty Cash 2 2 0 Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0 Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0 W. T. Wildish, Printing 2 19 0 Curator's Grant (one quarter) 12 10 0 J. Lower, Porter's Fee 1 13 0 Mitchell and Hughes, Balance of Vol. XXI 269 15 2 Ditto Stationery, etc 11 8 0 Curator's Grant (three quarters) 37 10 0 J. Lower, Porter 6 12 0 Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0 C F. Kell, Lithographer 65 12 0 Purchase of Consols (Lif e Compositions) 19 10 0 Marquee hired for Meeting at Darenth 1 10 0 Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0 Canon Routledge, Repairs to St. Pancras 5 0 0 Pipe Roll Society, Subscriptions 2 2 0 Congress of Archasological Societies, ditto 10 0 Rev. J . M. Cowper, one copy of Canterbury Marriage Licences 2 2 0 Dr. C. Cotton, History of St. Lawrence 11 0 Deficit Cranbrook Meeting 6 5 4 Petty Cash for 1895 (including balance of £3 19*. 5d. from 1894)... 10 0 0 Includes Expenses at Cranbrook and Journeys £1 11 0 Halfpenny Stamps for Darenth Circulars 1 18 8 One Penny ditto Cranbrook ditto 3 11 9 Stamps for the year, as per Stamp Account 3 7 5 Sundries 18 8 Viggers and Bunyard's Accounts 0 10 3 In hand 1 11 8 £13 19 5 Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers, viz.:— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £368 15 11 Hammond and Co 437 17 3 806 13 2 £1311 1 8 Examined and compared with Vouchers and Bankers' Pass Books, and found to be correct. HERBERT HORDERN, i 6 July 1896. CHAS. F. HOOPER, ) KENT ARCH^OLOGICAL l@t* " Cash Account from the 1st of 1896. £ »• <*• Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £368 15 11 Hammond and Co 437 17 3 806 13 2 Dividends on the Society's 2-2 per Cent. Stock 32 11 2 Salo of tbe Society's Publications 11 12 10 Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers:— W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) £27 15 0 W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 9 10 0 J. F. Wadmore. Esq. (Tonbridge) 8 10 0 R. Holt White. Esq. (Dartford) 6 10 0 G. F. Carnell, Esq. (Scvenoahs) 2 10 0 W.r.Ncve, Esq. (Cra/ibrooli) 16 10 0 W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq. (Walmer) 19 10 0 J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 3 0 0 K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgate) 10 10 0 W. J. Nichols, Esq. (Bromley) 14 5 0 Miss Dudlow (Malling) 6 0 6 G. Payne, Esq. (Rocliester) 15 0 0 W. Wightwick, Esq. (Folkestone) 12 0 0 G. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 13 10 0 C. W. Powell, Esq. (Speldhurst) 9 19 6 G. B. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) 10 0 0 F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversham) 6 18 6 IS. W. Fry, Esq. (Dover) 19 10 0 J, D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 13 15 0 Dr. Boyce (Maidstone) 8 10 0 The Bankers:—Wigan and Co 34 1 0 Hammond and Co 30 12 0 298 6 6 «1149 3 8 SOCIETY. January to the Zlst of December, 1896. <£t\ 1896. £ s. d. Cheque drawn December 28th, 1895, Curator's Grant 12 10 0 Mitchell and Hughes, on account of Vol. XXII 200 0 0 Ditto Printing and Stationery 10 13 0 C. F. Kell, Lithographer 02 10 0 C. W. English, Photozincograpbs IC 14 9 Purchase of Consols with Life Compositions 20 0 0 Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0 Curator's Grant 50 0 0 J. Lower, Porter's Fee 6 12 0 W. T. Wildish, Printing 8 13 0 W. Keeley, Binding 2 7 3 London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, Special Train, Sheppey Meeting 2 2 0 Congress of Archseological Societies I 0 0 Rev. C. H. Wilkie's Beaksbourne Registers 0 IH 0 Rev. J. M, Cowper's Canterbury Marriage Licences 1 10 0 Canon Routledge, St. Martin's Explorations 15 0 0 Fire Insurance 2 5 0 Deficit Sittingbourne Meeting 1 5 0 Cheques Stamps 0 4 0 Petty Cash (including balance of .CI 11*. Sd. f ruin 1S9.">) 15 0 (j Includes Journeys and Horse-hire, Sittingbourne and Sheppey Meeting £1 7 (! Bunyard, issue of Volumes 0 5 0 Caretaker, Minster Schools 0 5 0 Stamps for Meeting Circulars 3 10 9 Ditto year, as per account 2 12 5 Sundries 1 o 0 Balance in hand 7 11 o £16 11 8 Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers : — Wigan and Co £361 17 4 Hammond aud Co 337 2 4 698 19 8 £1U9 3 8 We have Examined the Accounts for the Year 1896, compared them with the Vouchers and Pass Books, and find them to be correct. HERBERT HORDERN, ( 13 February 1897. CHAS. F. HOOPER, J Audliors-


Honorary Local Secretaries


Abstract of Proceedings 1895-1896