Pevington and Its Rectors

( 109 ) PEVINGTON AND ITS RECTORS. lff THE REV. FRANCIS RASLEWOOD, F .S.A. AT Pevington, formerly a hamlet of Pluckley, now only a farmhouse, there was anciently a church dedicated to the "Blessed Mary." A church existed at the time of Domesday, anath of Alan Elfer (Stafford, 104 a). 1453. WrLLIHI DE MoNERCUE admitted December 4, 1453, upon the resignation of Nicholas Rede (Kemp, 326 a). THOMAS BRENT, L. D., resigned. 1480. WrLLI.A.M PAR admitted ,June 13, 1480, upon the resignation of Thomas Brent, L.D. THOMAS W .A.RE, died (Bourchier, :f. 125 a). 1494. THOMAS SYDRAK was admitted at Lambeth ,July 7, 1494, upon the death of Thomas Ware (Morton, 158 b). THOMAS BODE, died. 1519. THOMAS GuMELL, B.A., admitted at Otford, September 15, 1519, upon the death of Thomas Bode (Wareham, 369 a). 1523. J OlIN Ancrrnn admitted July 4, 1523, on the resignation of Thomas Gumell (Wareham, 378 a). 1527. ALEXANDER FFROTYNGIIAM was admitted February 24, 1527, John Archer having exchanged for Chingford ° (Wareham, 395 a). 1530. RICHARD WYLSON was admitted February 17, 1580, upon the death of Alexander Ffrothyngham (Wareham, 405 b). Ric'us Wylson is mentioned in Valor Ecclesiasticus, Hen. VIII. (i., 96). 1584. Unio Eccliar. de Pevington & de Pluckley Cant. Direc. Dat. apud Lambehith 28 Die Mensis January A.D. 1584 (Whitgift, 459 a, b). 1584. JORN HYNE Institutio Mag. J o'his Hyne ad Eccl. poch' de Pevington, jam legitime vacantem (Whitgift, 454 b). PEVINGTON: REOTORIA. 0Rno PER n'M AncHIE:PUM. Die Martis prox. post quinque septim anas Paschre Anno 16 Jacobi regis Ordinatum est Jurator extrahatur et quod causa refertur d'no Archiep'o Oantuar de assensu partiam ad ordinand. inter partes prredictas. F:6.rst I hold the union to be good as being made in the 36 Y eare of King Henry the 8, and but only declared or ratified by the Lord Archbishop Whitguift in the year 1584. Secondly sr Anthony Deering shall pay £or the tithes received from the 8 0£ July last & to be received till the third 0£ July next, tbe summe of Twelve poundes, noe other Oostes being to be paid unto J\IIr Copley in respect of the. charges of y0 suit. PEVINGTON AND ITS RECTORS. 111 Thirdly Mr Copley shall from the third of Jul_y next receive the tithes in kind for one yeare that it may be indifferently judged what the value 0£ them is. Fourthly M• Copley shall lett to Sr Anthony Deeringe for three yeares after the tithes att some reasonable rate as they two shall agree upon. Wherein I doe wish & order that Sr .Anthony Deering have a favourable bargaine, and if they cannott agree upon the rate, then the .Archbishop of Canterbury to determine the difference of rent or price betweene them. Ffifthly that all former Controversies should be remitted and forgotten, and they to live peaceably, quietly, and christianly together. Maii 16, 1618. G. CA.NT. (Abbot, 60.)


Visitation Articles


The Family of Hyde, of Bore Place and Sundridge