General Index

( 273 ) GENERAL INDEX. • A Abergavenny, see Neville. Abingdon or Abindon, Alured, Abbot of, 11, 45, 58: Antiq. of, 167. Aeon, Sfc. Thomas's Ohurch of, 197. Act of Abjuration, Author of, 170. Acfcis Curia Oonsistor., 165. Acts of the Bishops' Court, 162. Acts of the Privy Council of England, by J. JR. Dasent, 77. Adams, Samuel, 187. Addams, John, 198. Adey, Henrye, 186. Adrian. IV., 115. Aislabie, Mr., 143. Akeut, Thomas, 138. Alan, son of Benedict the Cook, St. Andrew's endowed by, 55. Alban Hall, 167. Albano, 9. Alderne, Edward, LL.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester,l 68. Aldey, Jeronomy, 131; Thomas, 131, Aldham Common, 164. Aldric, grant of land by, 119. Alexander, J. J., xxxix; Nicholas, 149. Alexander the Chanter, Librarian of Rochester Monastic Library, 54. Alexander of Dorset, 13, 14. Alkham, Thomas de, see Pyrie. Allen, Arms of, 197. Allen, Charles, 198,199. „ Sir Christopher, M.P. for Romsey, 197, 198, 199. ,, Sir John, Lord Mayor of London, 197 ; Ightham Mote purchased by, 197 ; Mercers' Chapel built by, 197. „ Lady Margaret, 197,198,199. „ Bichard, 197. Allfree, Rev. P. B., 1; Mrs., 1. Allington, William of, Eochester Infirmary Chapel endowing, 55. AU Souls', see Oxford. Alured, Abbot of Abingdon, Prior of Bochester, 11,45, 58. Ambrosse, John, 186. Amherst, Eliz., 200 ; Ricd., 200. Andover, 100. Andrewe, John, 187. Anglia tiaera, by Henry Wharton. 2, 7, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 161. Annoote, Dr. Thomas, 188. Ansfrid the Sheriff, 55. Ansgot of Rochester, 5, 6. Anthonye, Joh[a]nes, 132. Antiquarian Jottings, by Mr. Clinch, 139. Antiquities of Itiahborougli, Reeulver, and Lymne, by C. Roach Smith, 201. Archceologia Cantiana, references to, 1, 3, 9, 15, 22,23,27,31,34, 36,45, 59, 60, 76, 93, 94, 97, 117, 120, 128, 129, 139, 184, 185, 186, 187,195,196, 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 227, 244, 263 ; resignation of Hon. Editor and appointment of successors, xlv, xlvii, xlviii. Archcsologieal Journal, 12, 109. Archer, Allen, 226. Archery practised on Shooting Common, 141. Archimedes, 213, 214. Architecture, Early Norman period, duration of, 93; material used during, 93. Architecture, first use of chisel in, 178. "Arden of Paversham," historical basis of, 241, 243. Arderne, Thomas, 243. Argyll or Argall, Mr., Governor of Virginia, 101, 102. Armorer, Will[iel]mus, 138. Arnold, A. A., P.S.A., xlv, 78; his Chancellors of the Diocese of Rochester, 160 ; reference to his Paper in Archceologia Cantiana, 23, 27. Artcliffe, Fort, 183. Ash, 210, 214, 218. Ashby, T., 272. Ashdowne, John, 198. Asketill the Monk, 58. Astley, Dr. B. F., xii. VOL. XXIV, T 274 GENERAL INDEX. Atkyns, Widow, 185. Attkina, The, 226. Aucher, Anthonius, 130, 135. Augustine, his De Doctrina Christiana, 34 ; traditionary accounts of his landing, 216, 217. Austen, Bev. B., Rector of Mongeham and Sutton, 1V9 ; Jane, 146; Nathaniel, 263. Aveling, Stephen, 222, 223. Aylesford, Manor of, 4, 5. Ay ling the cricketer, 156. B Bachyler, Jeames, 187. Bacon, Francis, 100. Bagshaw. Eev. T. M., Bector of South Fleet, 148. Baker, Elizabeth, 183 ; Sir John, 183 ; Stephen, 226 ; Tho., 187; —, the gamekeeper, 156. Ball, John, 184. Bamme, William, 24. Bancks, Bev. G., xxxix, li. Banks' Baronage, 122. Banstead, 169. Barnard, Mr., 143. Barnes, Mr., 226. Barnet Wood, 142. Barrett, F. A., xxxix ; J. P., xlix ; Samuel, 237. Barrey, Bicharde, 187. Barrow. Dr. Isaac, 231; his memoir of and friendship for Mr. Hill, 228. Barrows :—" Giant's Grave," sepulchral origin of, disproved, Iiii; in. Nurstead and Cossenden Wood, Iiii; at Ringwould, 110 ; at Shorne, 86, 87, 88 ; Wickham Farm, see above "Giant's Grave." Barry, liycharde, M.P. and Lieutenant of Dover, 184. Barton, Roger, 226 ; Tho., 226. Bartram, Canon H., xlix. Bassett, Thomas, 226. Bate, Johannes, 57. Batemau, Elyas, endowment of Rochester Infirmary Chapel by, 55. Bath, James, 149. Bath Abbey Church, Dr. Mason's monument in, 168,169. Bath Abbey, History of, 169. Bathurst, Frances, 233 ; John, 226. Battersbee, George, 150; Thomas, 150. Bawde, Mr., 198. Bayeux, Bishop of, see Odo. Bayhall, Amherst of, 200. Bayhill, Brown, of, 200. Baytes, Roger, 198, Beaulieu Abbey, book-closet of, 33. Beazeley, M., P.R.G.S., 247. Beckenham, 164,171. Beckwith, J., see History of Chislehurst. Bede's Ecclesiastical History, 115,264. Beeby, Dr., his Paper on Bromley Church and Manor, 139,144, 148. Beefsteak Club at Bromley, 151. Beggar's Bush, resort of highwaymen to, 142. Belchester, 130. " Bell.The," Bromley,antiquity of, 146: Bench Club held at, 151 ; classical allusions to, 146 ; landlords of, 154 ; Liberal electioneering headquarters, 147 ; old posting-house, 145. Belle, Thomas, 131. Bemrose, Mr., 222. Bench Club, Bromley, 151. Benedict, Bishop of Rochester, 60. Benedict the Cook, 55. Benedictine Priory, Rochester, 1, 3. Beneswell. 142. Beney, Gabryell, 187. Bennett, Richarde, 187 ; Col., xlix; Mrs., xlix. Berens, Mr., 143. Beresford, Michael, 198. Bergwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, 119. Berks, 169. Bermuda Co., 107. Berry's Visitation of Kent, 122, 123. Bertun (? Breton), Radulfus, 57. Berwick, 199, 200. Besangarwood, 132. Betshanger (Bettshanger), 110, 116. Bewsborough, 116, 121. Bexley hunting pack, 153. Bickley, 153. Bing, Herbert, liv. Birohfleld, Mary, 172 ; Maurice, 172. Birckett, Willm., 186. Bird, Catherine, 172 ; Robert, 172. Bishopsbourne, 196. " Bishops' Temporalities," 74. "Black Boy," St. Mary Cray, Hunt Club held at, 151. "Black Doll," Bromley, 151. Blackheath, 156, 174. Blades, A., xl. Bland, William, Roman building discovered by, liv. Bligh, Hon. Arthur, 86. Blodbeme, 130. Bloet, Robert, Chancellor of Rochester, 4. Blogg, Rev. F. B., xlviii. Blomberg, Dr. A., xliv. Bloxam, Mrs., xlii, xliii. -GENERAL INDEX. 275 Blucher boots, introduction of, 153. ' Bodie, Anthonye, 186. Boley Hill, 15. Bolney, Ph., 131. Bologne Expedition, 122. Bone-work, discovery of specimens of, lvii. Bonham, Charles, 193,199,200 ; Dorothy, 193, 199, 200. Bonnd, Nic, 226. Bonner, Bishop, 163. Bonyngton Manor, 135. Boodle, Rev. J. A., xlv; Rev. J. F., xliii, xliv. Book of Sports, 168. Borchstellam, 8. Borough Green, Roman cemetery discovered at, lvii, lviii. Borstal, demesne of, 5. Bossell, William, 237. Boston, Joh'nes, 131. Bosworth Field, 197. Botfield, Beriah, his Notes on tlw Cathedral Libraries of England, 41. Botterell, Edward, 186. Boughton Bleane Highway, repair of, 241. Boughton Monchelsea, discovery of AmphorEe at, li, Iii. Boulter, Mr., xlix. Bourghchier, Edward, bequest to, 246, 252 ; Henry, Earl of Essex. 246,251; Sir Thomas, sen., 246,261 ; Sir Thomas, jun., 246, 247, 251, 252 ; William, Earl of Eu, 244. Bourghchier, Cardinal, ancestry and ! education of, 244, 246; benefices held by, 245 ; death and funeral of, | 245,247,248; will, transcript of.247. Boutell, Charles, 162. Boxley, Abbot of, 246, 252 ; see also Phillippes. Boxted, antiquarian relics discovered at, lx. Boyett, The, 187. Boys, Thomas, tablet in Deal Church to, 114 ; William, antiquarian researches of, 113, 201, 204. 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 218. Brabourne Church, 183. Brackenbury, Sir Robert, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, 197. Braddon, 132. Bradford, Fran., 226. Brakenden, Will'mus, 133. Branxton Manor, 199. Bratts, Thomas, 185. Bredgge, Exchequer Entry, etc., 130. Bremen Conference, 167. Brent, John, F.S.A., xlix. Breton, Archdeacon, 171. Bretun, Ralph, 45. Brewere, Richardus, 56. Bricestre, 4. Brinston and Robinson, Messrs., 101. British Barrows, by Canon Greenwell, 89. British Museum, acquisition of Rochester Monastic Library by, 33 ; Hill Papers preserved in, 228, 230 ; Sussex Collection in, 172. Broadstairs, discovery of graves at,lix. Brodie, R. H, see Gairdner, James. Broke or Brooke, Sir George, K.G., Lord Cobham, his connection with Rochester Manor, 76, 77, 78, 79 ; Joh'nes, 130 ; William, Lord Cobham, 184. Brokeland, 130. Brokell, Thomas, M.P., 196. Bromley, archery butts at, 141 ; as an eighteenth century town, 139, 140 ; balls held at, 146 ; celebrities connected with, 139, 140, 148, 156, 235 ; Church and Manor of, 139, 140, 144,149; Churchwardens'proclamation on Sunday trading, 144, 145 ; clubs originated at, 143, 151 ; coaching traditions of, 145; common adjacent to, 141, 142, 143 ; cricket matches played at, 142,146 ; draught dogs prohibited in, 146 ; Election days at, 147 ; Episcopal Palace at, 140, 159 ; fairs and markets held at, 139 j fish supply by coach, 145; game preservation at, 154,155,156 ; "Hangman's" corner at, 140; highway robbery and roadside execution at, 140,141 ; inns at, 145; mills formerly existing at, 149; mill ponds still extant, 149 ; Ministers of, 148, 153 ; population statistics for, 158,159 ; " Procession Oak " at, 140 ; regulation of drunkenness in, 145; road-making at, 140; schools, scholars, and schoolmasters of, 147, 148 ; social and domestic customs peculiar to, 152; " The Rookery " at, 139, 142 ; token coinage of, 145 ; bygone tradesmen at, 149, 150,151; volunteer enrolment at, 150. Bromley and Neighhourliood, Notes on, by Philip Norman, 139. Bromley, Description of, by Mr. Wilson, 148. Bromley-by-Bow, 229. Bronton, Christopher, 185. Bronze-work, discovery of, lvi. Brooke, Frances, 263 ; Robert, 263 ; see also Broke. Broughton, Anne, 123,124 ; Sir John, Kt., 123,124 ; John, 123. T 2 276 GENERAL INDEX. Browne, Dorothy, 200 ; John, 200; Lewes, 187 ; Thorns., 187. Browne alias Selby, John, 200. Brummpston, John, 247, 252. Brymston, John, 246, 252. Bryon, Lady, 173. Buckingham, Duko of, 105, 169 ; Willm., 18S. Buckland, 121; antiquities discovered at, Iii, liv. Buckle, Sir Christopher, 169 ; Judith, 169. Buckler, engraving of Bochester Cathedral by, 28. Bulstrode, Anne, 232; Lady Francisca, 232. Bui van, John, 186. Burden's Hostle, Cambridge, 164. Burgess, Rev. E. S., xlviii; the gamekeeper, 156. Burghleigh, Anne, 166 ; Lord, 166. Burke's Landed Gentry, * 99. Burnet, Bishop, contemporary estimate of, 170 ; his History, 169,170. Burrell, Peter, 171. Burrell, Lady Sophia, 172. Burrell, Sir WilUam, LL.D., F.R.S., and F.S.A., Chancellor and Vicar- General of Rochester, birth and education of, 171; legal career of, 171; his Parliamentary and literary work, 172; marriage and death, 172; South Sea Co. directed by, 172; Sussex Collection left to British Museum by, 172. Burrells, —, gamekeeper, 166. Burroughs, Eliz., 200. Burton-on-the-Heath, 172. Burtt, Jeames, 188. Burwasshe, Thomas, 185,187 ; Willm., 188. Butterfield, Mr., Ohurch restoration by, 119. Bynneon, John, 185. Byuneon, Eicharde, 187. Bywater, W. M., xliii. C Casn-stone, use of, 93, 94. Caasar, Julius, probable site of landing by„ 109. Calendar of the Close Bolls, Edw. II., 59. Calne, Wilts, 170. Calverley, John, LL.B., Archdeacon, Chancellor, and Vicar-General of Rochester, career of, 164, 165. Cambridge, 165, 168; Christ College at, 165 ; Boyal College of St. Mary and St. Nioholas, 246, 252; St. John's, 168,171,174; Students' borrowing chest at, 246, 251 ; Trinity, 97. Camden, William, 201. Camden Place, 157. Camden Society, Proceedings in- Kent, 168. Candos or Chandos, Thomas, LL.D., Chancellor of Rochester, 161. Canterbury,7,16,131; Christchurch, 66, 97, 217, 244 ; Hermitage formerly at, 216 ; Lanfranc's Monastery, 60 ; Mendicant Friars, 250 ; military road through, 218 ; Monastic foundations of Cathedral Church and Priory, 9,245,248,249 ; Royal posting station at, 68 ; St. Augustine's, 217, 253; St. Peter's and Sfc. Paul's, 10 ; St. Sepulchre's Convent, 246, 250. Canterbury, Archbishops of :—Edmund, 55 ; John, Suffragan Bishop of Rochester, 55 ; Temple, xxxix ; ancient receptions held by, 140. Canterbury, Archdeacon Hervisus of, 9. Canterbury, Bishop Ernulf of, 36. Canterbury, Churches of :—Austin Friars, 196; Cathedral, 196, 245, 248, 249 ; St. Mary's, 216 ; St. Pancras, 217; oolite stone used for, 207. Canterbury, Dean of, xxxix. Canterbury', History of Diocese of, by Canon Jenkins, 168. Capstans, Eamsgate, description of, 215. Carden, Eicharde, 187. Caroline, Queen, 173. Carpenter, Rev. E. W., Rector of Milton, 225. Carter, John, 114 ; T. J., xxxix. Carwythenack, Manor of, 235. Case, Rev. P., 179. Casley, David, A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of tite King's Library, by, 33. Caslocke, John, Mayor of Faversham, 185,186, 188 ; Serjeant John, jun., 188; Mr., 241. Casson, George, 186. Catalogue of Graduates, 171. Catalogue, Bong's Library MSS., see Casley. Catlett, Nichas., 188. Cator, Mr., 143,165. Caught, Miss S., xl. Oave-Browne, the late Eev. J., xxxix. Cavendish, Lord Richard, 152. Oawue, Lady Lora, 195 ; Robert, 195 ; Sir Thomas, 191,193,195. GENERAL INDEX. 277 Cawne monuments, 196. Cecil Papers, 7S. Celeres Court, see Rochester Cathedral. Cellarer, duties of, 51, 53. Celt (tlw), Roman, and Saxon, by Mr. Wright, 209. Celtic Interments discovered at Shorne, by George Payne, F.L.S., F. ..A., 86. Ceteham, 4. Chalk, anoient trackway at, 89. Chalklin, Mrs., schoolmistress, 148. Chamberlain Letters, The, in Calendar of State Papers, 105. Chancellors of the Diocese of Roohester, by A. A. Arnold, F.S.A., 160. Chancellors of the Diooese of Eochester, a list of, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166; see alio Denne and Du Carel. Chandos, see Candos. Chapels-.—Manstone or St. Catherine's, 260; St. James's, 260 ; St. Thomas's, 260. Chapman, H. Mapleton, xlviii; Squire, 151. Chapter House, derivation of, 36. Charlton, 110, 121. Chase Family, Arms of, 139; monument to, 149. Chatham, Reeve of, 5 ; Earl, see Pitt. Ohaundler, Adam, 18. Cheoheley, Thomas, 137. Chelsfield Hall, Bromley, gibbet preserved at, 140. Cheney (Cheineie or Cheyne), Anne (Lady), 123, 124; Fridwith, 122; Henry (Lord), 123, 124, 125 ; Jane (Lady), 125, 126; John, 122, 123; Margaret, 122, 123; Sir Thomas, Kt., Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 122, 123, 124. Cheney of Shurland, Kent, and of Toddington, Beds, by W.L. Button, F.S.A., 122. Cherry Orchard, former insularity of, 142. Chesilherst, see Chislehurst. Chests, borrowing, 246, 251. Chevening, 195. Chibborn, Capella de, 136. Child, Mr. Coles, 159. Chisel, first architectural use of, 178. Chislehurst or Chesilherst, 159,161; "Coopers " a t , 162. Chislehurst Hill, highway robbery at, 141. ChisleUcrst, History if, by Webb, Miller, and Beokwith, xliv. Chislet, 115. Chownynge, Johannes, 56. Christ Ohurch, see Oxford. Christian, Mr., Sutton Church restored by, 119. Church, P., xxxix. Church Books (St. Lawrence's), description of, 266. Church Defence Association, 174. Ohurch Plate (St. Lawrence's), Inventory of, 264, 265. Churches, Parish, architectural development and history of, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180. Cider-making, introduction into Kent attempted, 229, Cinque Ports, Bands and Companies of :—Ammunition, allowances for, 181 ; List of Donors equipping, 184, 185,186,187, 188 ; official instructions foi- , 181, 182, 184; organization of, 181, 182 ; Roll of General Band, 184, 185, 186, 1S7, 188. Cirencester, 167. Clark, Willm., 187. Clarke, Henry, 187. Claypans, see Monks Place. Clement Arms, 197. Clement, Anne, 197 ; John, 197 ; Sir Richard, Sheriff of Kent, 191, 197. Cleve, Thomas, 184. Cleveland, Earl of, see Wentworth. Cliffe, Jurisdiction of, 164. Clinch, Mr., his Antiquarian Jottings, 139. Close Bolls, entries on, 12, 13, 14. Clystone, Bobert or Roger, Vicar- General and Chancellor of Bochester' Diocese, his probable identification with the Prebendary of Wiston (York) and Southwell, 162. Coaching house, 145. Cobham, Henry of, 25 ; John of, Constable of Rochester Castle, 16, 17, 18, 20 ; Lord, see Broke. Cobham Estate and Hall, 89, 184. Cocke, Arthur, 226. Oookeldescombe Manor, 135. Cocland, De Escedene of, 9. Coins, discovery of, at Boxted, lx; Little Buckland, Iii; Cornilo, 111; Dartford, Iiii; Deal, 110 ; Marshborough, 110, 112; Northbourne, 110; Riehborough, 208, 218, 272 ; Sandown, 110; Strood, lvi; Teynham, liv ; Walmer, 110 ; Worth, 110. Coins, Mr. Noble's collection of, 112. Coke, Sir Edward, Chief Justice, 105, Cole, Anthonius (Ballivus), 129; John, 243. Collard, F, de B., xlix. Colleotanea Cantiana, 89. 278 GENERAL INDEX. Colleges :—St. Elizabeth's, 266 ; Secular Canons of Dover, 117; see also Oxford and Cambridge. Collins, H., 149. Collins's Peerage, 125. Collopshill Bridge, 134. Collys, Sir John, Rector of Haseley, 245, 250. Commons, House of, regular Journals instituted, 100. Commons' Journals, 101. Cook, Godfrey the, 25. Cooke, Richard, 224. Cooke's Visitation of Kent, 122. Cooper, John, 127. Cooper's Farm, 142. Ooosen, Willm., 187. Cootes' List of Advocates, 171. Oopeland, Lieut.-Col., F.S.A., xlv. Coppen or Coppin, Frances, 263 ; family monument, 114. Corby, Robert, 18. Corbyt, Antho., 41. Corner of Kent, by Mr. Planch^, 208. Cornilo Hundred, Celtic settlers in, 110 ; derivation of, 109 ; discovery of human remains in, 112 ; Jutish settlement in, 113; monastic connection with, 120, 121; Norman appropriation of, 121 ; Roman traces in, 110, 111. Cornwall, Archdeacon of, 164. Cortebusshes, see Temple Ewell. Cosen, Henr., 226. Cossendon Wood, entrenchments in, Iiii. Costin, Edward, 150. Cotes or Cotys, Martin, Chapter Clerk of Roohester, 24; Register of, 80, 164, 166, 167. Cotmanton, 117. Cottingham, Mr., Ohurch restoration by, 33. Cotton, Dr. Charles, F.R.C.P., xlv, xlviii, xlix; on St. Lawrence Church, Isle of Thanet, Kent, 253. Cotton MSS., 7, 10, 11, 12, 45, 46, 47, 49, 60, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58. Court Leet, St. John's Manor possessing, 227. Courtenay, Archbishop, 244. Oovell, Mr., 149. Coventry, 167. Ooxe, Richard, 198 ; Bobt., 186. Cranbrook, Ohurch of, 246, 250; district, xlv. Cranfield, Martha, 227 ; Sir Randall, 227 ; Thomas, 227 ; Vincent, 227. Cranmer, George, 99 ; Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 66, 98,164. Crapper, Eev. F. M., xlv. Crayford, —, 131. Creed, Edward, 172 ; Elizabeth, 172. Cremer, Charles, xii. Creol, de, family of, 121 ; Sir Nicho- • las, 119. Cresswell, Sackville, xlv. Crevequer, family of, 121. Cricket matches, Bromley, 142,143. Cricklade, Wilts, 167. Crocker, —, 226. Crofton Woods, 155. Crook, Mr., Bromley schoolmaster, 148. Crosse, Rev. T. G., xlviii. "Crown Inn," Bromley, 145. Crundwell, Mrs., xlii, xlni. Crusades, levy of Ecclesiastical Tax in aid of, 116. Cubytts, Humfry, 185. Cumber, see Kember. Cutbill, F. T., xl,.xlii. Cutler, Adrian, 237. D Dalbiac, Miss, afterwards 6th Duchess of Boxburgh, 148. Dale, Henrye, 184. Dalison, Max. H., 128. Dane, John, 186. Danes, incursions of, 108 ; mounds raised by, 15. Danmore, Countess of, see Stewart. Danyell, Widow Josannes, 185. Darent, Richard of, Prior of Rochester, 26. Darent, River, 235. Darenth, Greenstreet Green at, li. Darnley, Earl of, xlvii, 86, 190. Dartford, martyrs of, 163; Roman graves at, Iiii ; Royal posting-house established at, 68. Dasent, J. R., his Acts of the Privy Council of JEnoland, 77. D'Auberville, Family of, 121. Davies, Anne, 200. Davington Convent, bequest to, 246, 250. Day, William, 150. Deal and its Environs, hy George Dowker, F.G.S., 108. Deal, antiquarian discoveries at, 110, 112 ; early history of, 113 ; Manor of, 113, 114; Monastic Lords of, 117, 118, 121; old houses of, IU; pilots' gift to, 114; roads through and ancient streets of, 114 ; Romans landing at, 109 ; St. Leonard's Church at, 114. GENERAL INDEX. 279 Deale, Anthony, Mayor of Faversham, 185, 186; Mrs., 186. Deepdene, Surrey, 172. Delce or Deltsa, tithe of, 5, 6. Denne, Dr. John, Archdeacon of Rochester, "A List of Chancellors of the Diocese of Rochester " assigned to, 160,161, 166. Denton, 130. Derby, Mary, Countess of, xUi, xliii. Dering, Sir Edward, his "Notes on Sub-Committee on Beligion," 168; MS. Church Notes of, reference to, 196. Defchick, Tho., 231. Detlyng, 138. Devonshire. Duke of, 152. Dewey, T. C., xliv. Dibdin, Dr. Lewis Tonna, D.C.L,, F.S.A., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, Ecclesiastical office held by, 174 ; University and legal career of, 174 ; Rev. Robert William, M.A., 174. Dictionary of National Biography, 99, 101, 102, 171. Digby, Sir K., 231. Diggs, Sir Dudley, 108. Diperth, 162. DitohUng, Sussex, 123. Doddyngherne, 2. Dogs as draught animals, 146,147. Domesday Book ox Survey, 4, 5. Domestic Architecture of the Middle Ages, by Mr. Parker, 223. Donne, see Dunne. Donney, 130. Dorset, Alexander of, 13, 14. Dorfcer, use as muniment room of, 45. Dover, Byggenstrete at, 133; Castle, 184,206; Churchesat,183,207; Exchequer entries re, 129,132,134,135 ; military roads through, 110, 218; Monastery of, 97 ; Pharos or watchtower at, 203 ; Royal posting-house established at, 68; St. Martin's Oollege Church establishment at, 117,120, 121; Warden at, 132. Dowker, George, F.G.S., on Deal and its Environs, 108; on The Cross and Platform at Riehborough, 201; death of, xliii, xlv, xlvi. Down, Captain Thornton, xii. Drake, Miss, 220, 221; Rev. E., 201, 202. Draper, William, 150. Drayton, Thomas, 185. Dress, eighteenth-century fashions in, 152. Drunkenness, Bromley parochial regulations re, 145. Ducarel, Dr. A. C , " A List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Rochester " attributed to, 160, 161, 164, 168. Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leycester, K.G., biographical sketch of, 183 ; letter from, prohibiting export of horses, 182, 183. Duel, Bromley instance of, 153. Dugdale's Baronage, 122; History of St. PauTs, 125. Dugglasse, Raffe, 185. Duncan, Leland L., F.S.A., his editing of Wills, 24, 244. Dundas, Sir David, 141. Dunkin, Mr., 143, 149. Dunmore, Countess of, see Stewart. Dunn, John, 150. Dunne or Donne, Sir Daniel, Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, 166, 167. Durham, Chancellor of, 174 ; restriction of fyres in Monastery of, 44. Durlcam, Bites of (Surtees Society), 44, 48. Dutfcon, Willm., 185. Dyke, Sir John, subscription pack of, 151,153. Dymchurch, 210. E Each End, Roman road through, 110. Eadbald, Kingof Kent, 96,115,116,264. Earle, Jo., 226. Early-Norman masonry at Maidstone, by Eev. G. M. Livett, 91. East, F. J., xii. Eastgate, Richard of, 23. East India Company, 101,105, 173. Eastlow, Cornwall, 169, 170. Easton, H., 264. Easton Magna, Essex, 163. Eastrey Union, Sandown Castle d6bris used for, 114. Eastsole, 116. Eaton, Mr., 150. Ebbs Fleet, Memorial Cross at, xlviii. Bed. Mem., 163, 164. Eden, —, 143. Edmeades, Major-General, Iiii. Edward III., Inquisition re Rochester City Gate of, 16, 17, 18,19, 20. Edwards, Mr., 239. Egerton, Arthur, 188. Elfreythe, John, 186 ; Josyas, 186. Elgar, Sarah, 235; William Thomas, 235. Elizabeth, Queen, Paversham enriched by, 243 ; Toddington visit of, 124. ElUngton, 262. 280 GENERAL INDEX. Elliott, George E., death of, xlv, xlvi. Ellis, W. S., his Notes on the Pamily of Shelving, reference to, 196. Elmfield, Bromley, tenants of, 148. Elmham, traditionary site of St. Augustine's Monastery, 115. Elmstead, Wadenhall in, 196. Eltham, 156. Elwin, Mr., 112. Ely, John, Bishop of, 247, 252. Ely Cathedral Church, bequest fco, 245, 249. Emma, wife of Fulk, 9. Emmet, William, 144. Emyott, Nicholas, 226. England the poacher, 155. Englishman, John the, 13,14. Episcopal wigs, 159. Erley, John, 71. Ernulf, Bishop, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 27, 29, 33, 36, 46, 52. Essele, 116. Essex, Ear l of, see Bourghchier. Estgrenwiche, Manor of, 79. Ethelbert, King, endowment of Monastery by, 115 ; his reception of Sfc. Augustine, 216. Eton, 173. Eu, Earl of, see Bourghchier. JSuropce Speculum (A Belation of tlce State of Religion), by E. Sandys, authorship and publication of, 99, 100. Eustace the Treasurer, 13, 14. Evans, Benj amyn, 18B ; Sir John, 112. Evelyn, John, waylaid by highwaymen, 140. Ewell, see Temple Ewell. Excavations at Eichborough, by J. Garstang, 267. Exchequer Minister's entries and accounts, 13, 14, 129. Exeter, Diocese of, 174. Exeter Oollege, see Oxford. Eyghtham, 196. Eynesford Manor, 246, 251. Eyre, Edmund, 233 ; Prances, 233. P Pairweather, Dr., 87. Falmouth, Hills of, 235. Pane, Elizabeth (Domina), 136 ; Ead'us, 136, 137. Fanshawe, Eev. W. D., xl. Farn, A. B., xxxix. Parnborough, Lord, 155. Parrer, Nicholas, 103. Farthinghoe, 121. Faversham, 200 j Benefactors' Day at, 243; bequests to and charities of, 241,243 ; burials in Ohurch of, 185, 188 ; civic payments for 1635-6, 237, 238, 239 ; Flower de Luce at, 237, 241 ; Plague mortality in, and regulations re, 242, 243 ; repair of Boughton Bleane Highway by town cess, 241 ; Saturday lectures and payments for. 238, 239, 241, 242 ; ship cess on, 240 ; vagrancy regulations of, 237,239, 240; Wardmote Book extracts, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243. Faversham Archives, Extracts from, by F. F. Giraud, 181. Paversham Town Payments in 1635-6, by F. F. Giraud, 237. Fawconer, Clemens, 131, 133. Fawkham, 200. Fearne, John, 241. Felix, Mr., 146. Fergusson, T. Colyer, xxxix. Feme, Georgius, 130. Ferrar, —, 104. Feversham, see Westbroke. Finglesham, 96. Finias, Ric'us, 135. Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, • committal of, 60 ; Inventory of personal effects of, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. Fitton, Mr., 231. Pitz-Eustace, Gilbert, 26. Fitzhaut, Vair, 196. Fifcz-Eeiner, Eustace, 25. Plower, Rev. Canon, 267. Floyd, Edward, 105. Flynne, Willm., 187. Pogge, Family of, 120. Polkestone Monastery, foundation of, 97. Foord, John, liv. Ford, E. S., xlvi. Fouxe, Henr., 135. Fowle, Adam, 241. Pownes, Edwin, coaching fame of, 145. Fox, G. E., 203, 204, 272. Franklin, Dr., 157. Franks, Horton, 233. "Pranks," Mrs., 233. Freckenham, Suffolk, 163. Freeman, Arms of, 262. Freeman, Mr., description of Bromley "White Hart " b y , 145. Frendesberiam, 8. Freselle, William, Prior of Rochester, 29. Frieston, Ric'us, 134 ; W'mus, 134. Proude, Henrietta Elizabeth, monument of, 263; James Anthony, 263. GENERAL INDEX. 281 Frowyke, Fridwith, 122 ; Sir Thomas, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 122. Frudd, Tho., 226. Fulham, 171. Fulk of Newenham, 9. Fuller's History, 163. Purness Abbey, Cork, chest of, 33. Fynche, Christopher, Mayor of Faversham, 185 ; Mr., senior, 186. Fysshe, Thomas, 138. G Gairdner, James, and Brodie, R. H., Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII., 67. Galfridos atte Doune, 56. Galfridus, Clerk of St. Margaret's, 56, Gamekeepers, some specimens of, 156. Game Laws, reform of, 156. Game Licences, ancient limitations of, 155, 156. Game preservation at Bromley, 154, 155,156. Gardiner's History, 102, 105. Gardner-Waterman, Rev. W., xxxix, xlii, xliii. Garret, Mark Sellers, hatchment of, 263. Garrett, Thomas, 256. Garstang, John, on Excavations at Eichborough, 267. Garth, Thomas, 247, 252. Gatehurst, Denton, 130. Gaunt, John, 114. Geldwin the moneyer, 8, Genealogy, ancient royal descents extant, 97 ; political significance of, 96, 97. Gentleman's Magazine, 96. Gerrott, Mr., 199. Gervase, introduction of chisel chronicled by, 177. Ghost, Thomas, 145. Gibson, Richarde, 186. Gifford, Mary, 200; Thos., 200. Gilbert, Bishop of Glanville, 11, 30, 32, 45, 60. Gildas, Historia of, 203, 209. Gill, Richarde, 187. Giraud, F. F., xlv, xlviii, xlix, 1; on Extracts from the Faversham Archives, 181; on Payments by the Town of Paversham in 1635-6, and Notes thereon, 237. Giraud, Mrs., xlix. Girdler, Thomas, 186. Glanville, Bishop of, see Gilbert. Glassmill House, see Mill Vale. Glass-work, discovery at Stroud of, lvii. Gleig, Mr., Eichborough researches of, 211,214, 216, 219. Gloucester, Duke of, see Plantagenet. Godfrey-Faussett, T. G., theory re Riehborough antiquities enunciated by, 202, 203, 204. Golding, Mrs., 128. Goldwin the Greek, 8, 54, 55. Goldwin the Priest, 8. Gondomar, Ambassador, 103, 104. Gordon, Mrs., 66. Goscelin the biographer, 217. Gosnell, Mr., 185. Grain crusher,discovery at Shorne of, 87. Grandville family, settlement in Kent of, 121. Granville, Earl, xlviii. Graswaste, Willm., 187. Graves, Saxon discovery of, 112. Grayling, Dr. Francis, xlv. Gray[n]e, He of, 77. " Great Bargrave," sepulchral deposits in, 86. Greenchurchhaw, 23, 26. Greenstreet Green, Darenth, Roman interment at, li, Iii. Greenwell, Canon, 87, 89. Greenwich, 169, 174. Greenwood, Mr., xlviii ; Mrs., xlviii. Grene, Roger, 185 ; Thomas, 134. Grenewege, 116. Grenocke, Richard, 185. Grenton of Eochester, 5. Grey, Sir Richard, 197 ; Lord, 156. Griffith, Bishop Maurice, of Eochester, birth and education of, 163; posts held by, 162,163 ; religious persecutions conducting, 163. „ Rev. Maurice, Bector of Easton Magna, 163. Grimston, 13, 14. Grinsted, D., xliv. Grombridge, 199. Grote, Mr., his connection with Bromley, 143, 151. Grub Street Journal, 142. Grubb the shoemaker, 156. Grueber, H. A., 272. Guildforde, Oaptaine Henry, 183. Gulston, Theodore, 101. Gundulf, Bishop of Eochester, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 9, 10, 60; charter of, 5 ; Life of (Anon.), 7. Guston, 110, 121. Gyles, Franeys, 185. Gymundus, Chancellor of Diocese of Eochester, 161. 282 GENERAL INDEX. H Haddan, Mr., authenticity of King Eadbald's Charter rejected by, 115. Hadleigh, Suffolk, 164. Hadlowe, 136, 137, 138. Haigh, Daniel, 153 ; Frederick, 153. Haimonus, Vicecomes, 4, 5. Hairdressers, former demand for, 152. Halden, Mr., 185. Hales, Sir Christopher, Master of the Rolls, 66. Hall's Chronicles, reference to, 122. Hallam's Constitutional History, 105. Halle, Bobert, Alderman of Bochester, 71. Hailing, 61. Halloran, Rev. J., xxxix. Halsted Manor, 246, 251. Hambro, Everard, 156. Hamilton, Archibald, 155. Hammond, W." 0., 99; Messrs., and Co., xUv, xlv. Hammons, Richd., 237. Hamo, Bishop of Hythe, 161; his book collection, 34 ; restoration of Bochester monastic buildings, 16, 46, 49, 50, 52. Hamon, John, 185 ; Thomas, 186,187. Hampton, 128. Hampton, John, 18. Hanbey, Tom, sporting habits of, 154, 155. Hanley, 106. Hannan, C, 107 ; Pett, 107. Hardy, W. J., F.S.A., 76. Harenc, Mr., 143. Harker, Tho., 226. Harnet, H., 264. Harriers, Sanderstead pack of, 153. Harris, Edwin, xlvi; Dr. John, his History of Kent, 27, 65, 66. 162 ; P. A., 224; —, 149. Harrison, Benjamin, collection of flint implements purchased from, xii ; discovery oE Roman cemetery by, lvii, lviii. Hartley, Lieut.-Col. J., xxxix. Harfclip, Church, 1 ; Bectory of, 16. Hartroppe, Stephen, 186. Hartshorne, Rev. 0. H., his Paper on Bochester Castle, 12. Harvey, Rev. Richard, 257 ; Sidney, F.O.S., xliv. Haseley, Lincoln, 245, 250. Haslemer, 172. Haslewood, Rev. Dr., xliii, xlviii; Rev. F., xii. Hassell, Lewis, li. Hasted, Edward,his History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, references to, 76, 106, 115, 118, 119, 120,140,195,197,199,216, 227, 232, 233, 234, 256 ; his residence at St. John's, 235, 236. Hasted's Collection, Hill Papers in, 230. Hastings, 145. Hatche, Henry, 243. Hatfeild, Capt., xlix. Hatsall's Precedents, 105. Haut or Haute, Arms of, 196, 261. Haut, Lady Alice, 196 ; Benedicta de, 196 ; Edmund de, 196 ; Edward, 197 ; Sir Henry de, 195 ; Henry de, 196 ; Ivo de, 195; John de, 196; Matilda, 197 ; Sir Nicholas, M.P., 196; Nioholas, 196; Riohard, 197; Simon de, Seneschal of England, 196 ; Sir Thomas, 196 ; WilUam de, 196; WilUam, 196. Haut's Court, Petham, 196. Haverfleld, Mr., 272. Hawkesworth, Dr., hymn written by, 148 ; Mrs., girls' school kept by, 148. Hay-Drummond, Lady Sarah, 159; —, Earl of Kinnoull, 159. Hayes Common, 156. Hayes Place, 156, 157. Hayes, Thomas, 41. Hayt, Mr., 39, 41. Haywarde, Ladye, see Howard. Headley Rectory, 153. Heales, Major, F.S.A., the late, xlvi, xlvii. Hearne, Thomas, M.A., 3. Hearne's Textus Roffensis, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,9. Heath, Philip, 80. Hedelinge Wood, 116. Hedges, Charles, LL.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, Act of Abjuration drawn up by, 170 ; boroughs represented in Parliament by, 170; his university and legal career, 170. HeliaB or Helyas, Prior of Rochester, his additions to the monastic buildings, 11, 80, 47, 49, 50, 58. Hellicar, Rev. A. G., xii, xlii, xliii, 144. Henchman, Humphrey, LL.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Eochester, defence of Dr. Sacheverell by, 171; university and legal career of, 171. Hendle, Walt', 71. Henley Wood, discovery of Roman vase at, Iii; rampart in, Ui. Henrico, abortive establishment of Missionary Oollege at, 102. Henry of St. Albans, 13, 14. Hermitages, Kentish examples of, 216. GENERAL INDEX. 283 Herschell, Lord, death of, xl. Herviso, 8, 9. Hessian boots, introduction of, 153. Hethe, Nicolans, Bishop of Rochester, 68. Hewitt, Mr., Iiii. Heydon, Yorks, 169. Heymeric of Tonbridge, architectural work of, 11, 55, 57. Heythorne, Willm., 187. Hibbert, Booth, 148. Hicks, Dr., death of, xlvi. Hiero of Syracuse, 213. Higham, Robert de, 33, 34. Higham, 90. Hill, Arms of, 231,232. Hill, Abraham, F.R.S., by R.H.Ernest Hill, A.R.I.B.A., 227. „ Abraham. F.R.S., ancestors of, 231, 232; educational career and matrimonial alliances of, 228,229 ; eminent friendships formed by, 228,229 ; facsimile letter of, 230,231; his literary and commercial activity, 228, 230; introduction of cider making attempted by, 229 ; monumental epitaphs on, 229, 231, 232; posts held by, 228, 229 ; St. John's and Summerhill purchased by, 227, 233; will of, 232 ; works and MS. collection of, 228, 229, 230. „ Abraham, of Falmouth, 235. ., Anne, 229, 232. „ Charity, 235. „ Elizabeth, bequest to and epitaph on, 229, 232. „ Prances, birth of, 229 ; e&gy of, 234; her inheritance, 232,233; monument erected by, 231, 232, 233 ; testamentary legaoies of, 235. „ Prances (Mrs. Franks), 233. „ John, 233, 234. „ John, of Falmouth, 235. „ Peter, of Falmouth, 235. „ Riohard, sen., career of, and appointments held by, 228,232. „ Richard, jun., 229, 232, 233. „ Richard, of Falmouth, 235. „ R. H. Ernest, A.R.I.B.A., his Paper on Abraham Hill, F.R.S., 227. „ Samuel, 228. „ Thomas, his friendship with Pepys, 228 ; letter to, 281. „ William, of Falmouth, sen., 235. „ William, jun., 235. „ William Robinson, of Lymington, 230. Hill, —, of Bromley, 235. „ —, of Carwythenack, 235. ,. —. of Shelston, 232. Hills, ~W., xlvi; W. H., discovery of graves by, lix. Hilsey, John, Bishop of Rochester. 67, 162. Hindon. 100. HiMoria Glides. 209. Historical MSS. Commissioners' Report, 103. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury and the Abbey Clmrch of Bath, 169. History and Antiquities of Rocliester and its Environs, 75. History of tlie Castrum, by Eoach Smith, 208. History of Chislehurst, by E. A.Webb, G.W. Miller, and J. Beckwith, xliv. Hvstory of Riehborough, Reculver, and Lymne, by Roach Smith, 218, Hitchard, W. M., xlvi. Hobart, Sir Miles (?), 100. Hodges, T. L., 147 ; W., Provost of Oriel College. 28. Hodgson, Alderman J. B., xlvi, xlviii, Holinshed's Chronicles, references to, 122, 123. Hollis, Elizabeth, 227 ; Thomas, 227. Holmes' American Annals, 102. Holstrete, 130. Holwood, purchased by Pitt, 157,158 ; rebuilding of, 158. Homewood, E. J., xlv; W. J., xlv. Honorius, coins of, 272. Honyntone, Wm. do, Chancellor of Rochester Diocese, 161. Honys, Robt., 186. Hoo, 130; Hundred of, 76,77 ; Vicarage of, see St. Werburgh ; William of, 25. Hook Farm, 154. Hooker, Richard, 98, 99, 101. Hooper, Captain C. P., xlviii; John, 256. Hope, W. H. St. John, M.A., on The Architectural History of the Cathedral Church and Monastery of St. Andrew at Eochester : II. The Monastery, 1 ; references to, xii, 272. Hoppere, Johannes, 56. Hordern, Herbert, xlviii. Horseley, Thomas, 132. Horses, export of, forbidden, 182,183. Horsley, Bishop, 172 ; Elizabeth, 226 ; - Richard, 226. Horton Kirby, 235. Horton Kirby Ohuroh, 233. Houlder, E. S., xlvi. 284 GENERAL INDEX. Howard, J. T., LL.D., xU. Howard, Katherine (Queen), " Lady Haywarde," 70. Howell, Elizabeth, 200 ; Jane, 200 ; Sir John, Knt.. 200 ; Sir John, 200. Hoy, W. de. 25. ' Hubbard, Henry, 24 ; —, 226. Hudson, Henrye, 186. Hugh of Trottiscliffe, see Trottescliff. Hughes, C. G., xliv. Hugo, son of Fulk, 9. Humphrie, Jane, 31. Hunting costume, 153. Hunting packs, Lullington, 151 ; masters of, 153 ; subscription, 151,153. Huntley, Jas., liv. Hurst, M. J., xlviii. Hussey, Sir William, Knt., 247, 252. Hutchinson, Ool., 114. Hyett, Eliz., 93. Hylton, Col. Jolliffe, duel fought by, 153. I Igglesden, C, xl. Ightham, pot-holes and pottery discoveries at, lviii; Boman cemetery near, lvii, lviii. IghthamMote House, General Luard's Paper on, 190, 191. Ightham Mote House, Notes on Former Owners of, by Rev. 0. E. Woodruff, M.A., 195. Ightham Mote House, families connected with :—Allen, 197,198,199 ; Brackenbury, 197; Cawne, 195; Clement, 197; Haut, 196, 197; Pakenham, 197; Selby, 199. Ightham Mote House and Church, by J. Oldrid Scott, 189. Ightham Mote House and Church, architectural styles and features found in, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193; builders of, 191 ; chapels, ancient and modern, 191,192 ; crypt of, 190 ; gateway tower, its antiquity, 191; monuments, effigies, and epitaphs, 191, 193, 194, 196; Willoughby's inquisitorial visit to, 198. Ilchester, 173. Illustrated London News, 223. Ingles, W. H., 150. Inkbarrow, Prebendary, 164. Innocent, Eleanora, 144 ; John, 144. Interments, ancient :—Broadstairs, lix; Celtic, xlvii, 86 ; Dartford, Iiii; Greenstreet Green, li ; Jutish, (Northfield) liv, (Rochester) liv, lv; Roman, lvii, lviii; Shorne, 86 ; Shome-Ifield, xlvii; Wetham Grene, lix. Ironwork, discovery at Newington and Strood of, lvi, lix, lx. Irsebye, Thomas, 134. Irvine. J. T.. Rochester wall discovered by, 52. Isaid, Mr., 150. Iselye, Adrian, 240. J Jades (Tilts), exportation of, forbidden, 182, 183. James I.. King, his connection with St. Paul's, 225 ; Toddington visited by, 125. Jamestown, America, first representative American assembly meeting at, 102. Jancoeke, Edward, 226. Jarvys, John, 187. Jenkins, Canon, his History of tlie Diocese of Canterbury, 168. Jenner, Mr., 143. Jennings, C. E. J., xl. John the Englishman, 13, 14. John " le furbissur," 55. Johnson. Jeames, 188; Dr. Samuel, 148. Joliffe, Charles, 263. Jones, Inigo, 225. Joywood, see Lookham. Juddle, John, 247, 252. Juratts, cess levied by, 241. Juse, John. 187. Jutes, sepulchral remains of, see Interments ; settlement in Cornilo of, 113. K Kebbel, Willielmus, 26. Kelly, Margaret, 200. Kember (Cumber), Willm., 185. Kendricke, John, 186. Kent, A Corner of, by Planchg, 202. Kent Archaeological Society, Abstract of Proceedings of, 1898-1900, xxxix; Annual Meetings, (Bromley) xl, (Eamsgate) xlvi; Reports of, xl, xlvi; Rochester visited by, 10. Kent, 196 ; the King's Barons of, 5 ; Odo, Bishop of Bayeux and Earl of, 4, 5, 6, 10 ; Sheriffs of, 12, 13, 14. Kent, History of, see Dr. J . Harris and Hasted. Kent, Researches and Discoveries in, 1899-1900, by George Payne, F.L.S., F.S.A., li. GENERAL INDEX. 285 Kentish Ohurch Plate, proposed inventory of, xliii, xUv. Kerbye, Edwarde. 186. Kerfonore Mill, 116. Keston, 155. Keston Common, partial enclosure of, 157. Keston, Mark, 142. Kibblewhite, Thomas, 150. Kidson, A. F., xlviii. King, Bishop, 173, 225. Kings of England :—Arthur, window of, 11; ^Ethelbert, 2, 3, 4 ; Edward III., Inquisition of, 16 ; Egbert, 2 ; Henry III., 12,13,14,15 ; James I., 125, 225 ; John, siege and pillage of Rochester Castle by, 11,12 ; Offa, 2; Sigared, 2; William IL, Charter of, 4. Kingslande, Roger, 187. Kingston Down, discovery of lanceshaft ferrule at, liv. Kingston-on-Thames, 174. Knight, Sam., 256. Knight Hospitallers in Kent, by J. F. Wadmore, 128. Knight Hospitallers, Exchequer entries re, 128 ; property of, 128, 227. Knill, Sir Stuart, death of, xii. Knocke, Andrew, 226. Knoll, Sevenoaks, 247, 252. Knowler, Eic, 226 ; The, 241. Kyngeston, 130. L Lago, John, 188. Lamberde, Jeames, 186 ; —, 201. Lambert, Abbot, 119. Lambeth, 140. Lambeth Enquiry of 1899, The, 174. Lamehill, St. Mary's Church at, 250. " Landway," The. ancient course of, 90. Lanfranc, Archbishop, 3, 7. Langdon or Langedon, 116, 117,118. Langhorn, John, 43. Langley, 156. Langley Marish, Bucks, 172. Laon, St. Baldwin of, 265. Larking, Eev. J. B., 196. Lascoe, John, 150. Latimer, JElfwin, 5 ; Eobert, 5. Laud, Archbishop, 168. Laundry, services formerly rendered by, 58. Laurentius, Archbishop of Canterbury, Paganism exorcised by, 264. Lavynden, Eichard, Doctor of Decrees, 162. Law, Mrs. A. J., xliii. Lawrence, W., death of, xii. Lawton, Jo., 226. Lazar-houses, bequest to, 197. Lee, Archdeacon, 81; Michael, 145. Leech Pond, 142. Leibnitz, Dr., discovery of method of fluxions claimed by, 228. Leigh or Legh, John, 18. 197; Margaret, 197; Miss, 235, 236; —, of Bexley, 153; —, of Bromley, 143. Leith, Dr., 141. Leland, John, his Itinerary, 3, 96,114, 201, 202, 206, 210, 216, 217, 218. Lellye, Willm., 187. Le Neve's Fasti, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167,168,169. Lennard, Lady Farnaby, xlii, xliii, xliv; Sir John Farnaby, xlii, xliii, xliv, xlvi. Le Uppdyche, 65. Le Warden of Dover Castrum, 133. Lewin, Edmund, D.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Eochester, career of. 171; Elizabeth, nurse to Queen Elizabeth, 98 ; Mr., 109 ; Thomas, 98. Lewis, —, 262. Leycester, Archdeaconry of, 162. Leycester, Countess of, see Smythe; Earl of, see Dudley. Leyden, exiles of, 101. Libeas, Thomas, 133. Libro Testamento (Bx), references to, 162, 164, 165. Lichefeld, Edmund, 247, 252. Lincoln, Bishops of :—John, 247,252 ; Robert Bloet, 4 ; Crusade Tax levied by, 116. Lingard's History, 122. Litchfield, 167. Little Buckland, discovery of coins at, Iii. Livett, Rev. Greville M., on Early- Norman Masonry at Maidstone, 91 ; Mediseval Eochester, reference to, 9, 12, 15, 21, 22, 60, 94 ; on Notes on the Church of St. Margaret's at Cliffe, 175 ; Rochester excavations, assisting, 10. Livbrne (Leghorn), 230. Llanyffyd or Llannfyth, Prebend of, 165. Llewyn or Lewen, Sir Justinian, 166. Llewyn or Lewen, Wm., LL.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, 160; appointments held by, 165, 166 ; instruction of Anne Burleigh by, 166 ; his renown, 166. Lloyd, Hugo, LL.B., Chancellor of Bochester, his career, character, and work, 165. 286 GENERAL INDEX. London, Constable of the Tower of, 13, 14; Royal posting station at, 68; Sheriff of, 13,14. Long, Colonel, 155. Lookham, Joy wood Cemetery at, 113. Lord, W. Wylie, xxxix. Lott, Esau, Iii. Lowe, Humferye, 188 ; John, Bishop of Eochester, 60, 161. Lower Halston, discovery of pottery at, lix. Luard, General, his Paper on Ightham, reference to, 190, 191. Lubbock, Sir John, xlii, xliii, 111; Lady, xliii. Lucas, Oapt., 230. Ludderdown, discoveries at, Iii. Luke or Lucas, the cellarer, 10, 27. Lukey, see Nash. LuUington, subscription pack of hounds at, 151, 153. Lushington, Sir Stephen, Bart., Chairman of the East India Co., 173 ; Dr. Stephen, Chancellor and Vicar- General of Rochester, career of and appointments held by, 173. Lydden or Lyden, 97. 116. Lyle, Henrye, 186. Lyminge, Church at, 207 ; Monastery at, 97. Lymington Hill, 230, 236. Lymne, Riehborough. and Reculver, History of, by Eoach Smith, 218. Lynn, Carnarvonshire, 165. Lysons, Daniel, 144,158 ; his Bedfordshire, 125,127; History of Dover, 120. M Mabbe, Johannis, 56. Maberley, John, 153 ; —, 143. Madox's Formulare, 161. Magdalen Oollege and Hall, see Oxford. Maghfield, Sussex, 246, 250.- Mahon, Viscount, 3rd Earl Stanhope, xl, xlv, xlvi, xlviii, xlix, 157. Maidensole, 110. Maidstone, cellar crypt at, 224 ; College of, xlv, 246, 250; Doomsday Book reference to Church at, 93, 94 ; its dungeon, 95 ; sculptured marble i n Museum of, 208. Maidstone, Early-Norman Masonry at, by the Eev. G. M. Livett, 91. Mallynge, conventual Church and Abbess of, 161. Malmesbury, Wilts, 170. Manstone, Arms of, 261. Manstone, Eleanor, monument of, 261; Jehane, monumental brass representing, 262; Nicholas, his monumental brass, 261 ; Eoger, 262. Manstone Chapel, 260. Manstone Court, 260. Manwoodd, Sir John, 211. Map, Payne's Archasological Survey, 111, Maplesden, John, Prebend of Rochester, 80. Marcellus, 213. Margate, visit to, xlix. Markes, Barthol., 186. Marsden, F., xlvi ; R. G., 172. Marshborough, discovery of Roman coins at, 110. Martin's Hill, 149. Martyn, John, 187. Martyrs, Dartford and Rochester contributing, 163. Mary, Countess of Derby, xlii, xUii. Mason, Arms of, 169. Masoni Geo., 226 ; John, 184 ; Judith, 169 ; Robert, LL.D , Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, career of and appointments held by, 168, 169 ; Thomas, 185. Mason's Hill, seventeenth-century house on, 148. Master, Robert, LL.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, career of, 167. Matthews, Mr., lx. Maur ap Griffith, 163. Maximus. 209. Mayeott, Eichard(e), 186, 188. Maye, Richarde, Mayor of Roohester, 71. Mayfield Hall, Sussex, 190. Mears, Thomas, and Son, 257. "Medimval Rochester," Rev. G. M. Livett's Paper on, 9, 12, 15, 21, 22, 60, 94. Medway, River, 2. Menfield, Thomas, 243. Mercer, John, 96 ; Willm., 186; W.J., xlviii. Mercers' Ohapel, Oheapside, builders of, 197. Merstham, 153, Merton, 116. Merywether, Joh'nes, 133. Method of Fluxion, rival claims to discovery of, 228. Micklethwaite, J. T., antiquarian researches and oriticisms of, 179, 207, 216, 217. Middlesex, Earl of, 142 ; —, 105. Mill Vale, Glassmill House at, 149. Miller, G. W,, see History of Chislehurst . GENERAL INDEX. 287 Milne, A. G., xlii, xl i i i ; J. G., 272. Milner, Tho., 226. Milton near Sittingbourne, 225. Milton, Subscription to St. Paul's Cathedral from inhabitants of, 225, 226. Minster, original name of, 10S ; visit to, xlviii, xlix; see eifeo Sheppey and Thanet. Minster Church, ancient Chapels of Ease to, 253. Molineux, Rev. A. P., xlviii, xlix. Monastio establishments, sixth century foundations of, 97. Mongeham, Great, antiquity of, 119 ; Pogge's Court and Manor of, 120 ; St. Martin's Church, restoration and features of, 119, 120. Mongeham, Little, early history of, 116,117,119. Monks Place, Wrotham, alias Turks alias Claypans, discovery of sculptured stones at, 128; origin and history of, 128. Monmouth, Duke of, 127. Montreuil, see Mutterd. Moorton, George, 241. Morant, Lora, 195; Sir Thomas, 195. Morice, Ric'us, 131. Morley, Thomas, Head Master of Bromley Academy, 14S. Morrell, Mr., 230. Morrys, Tho., 226. Mortmain, Abbot of St. Augustine's released from, 118. Morton, George, 150. Mote, The, Maidstone, 150. " Mote House, Ightham," General Luard's Paper on, reference to, 190, 191. Mount Misery, 151. Moyle, Arms of, 262. Moyle, John, 187. Moyses, James, 226. Muller, Harry, xxxix. Mumford, John, sen., 235; John, jun., 236 ; William, 235. Mungeham, William, 24. Murray, Francis, Canon of Chislehurst, 159. „ George, Bishop of Rochester, character and domestio history of, 159; Ecclesiastical polioy of, 174 ; Episcopal wig retained during sermon by, 159. „ Sir Herbert, K.O.B., Governor of Newfoundland, 169. „ Lady Sarah, 159, Mutterd (Muttrell, Mutterell, Mutfcrull, or Montreuil), 122, 123. Mydehurste, see Temple Ewell. Mynn, Alfred, 146. N Nantz, Edict of, 170. Napchester, Roman road through. 110. Napelhurst, 116. Nash, Benjamin, 151 ; Joseph, 151. Nash and Lukey, Messrs., 150. Nash's Worcestershire, 106. Nashenden or Nessendene, Cocland of, 9; John, 18; Thomas de, 10, 37. Nasshe, Abraham, 187. National Trust for Places of Historic Interest, xlv. Neale's Virginia Company, reference to, 101. Nedeham or Nedham, James, 68, 71, 73. Neolithic Cell, discovery of, lviii, lix. Nessenden, see Nashenden. Netley, Lincoln, 250. Nettlestead, Suffolk, 126. Neve, W. T., death of, xii, xlv. Nevill, George, Baron Abergavenny, 122, 123 ; Margaret, 122, 123. Nevyle, John, 246, 251. New College a t Oxford, 165. Newcourt's Register, 163. Newcourt's £t J Salmestone Grange, xlix. Salmon of Ripple, 98. 119. Salmon's Chronol., 169. Salubrious Range, 155. Samian ware, marks on Riehborough specimens of, 272. Sam'on, Henr., 226. Sanderstead, harriers at, 153. Sandown, discovery of coins at, 110. Sandown(e) Castle, 114,184. Sandstone polishers, discovery of, 87. " Sandwich, Collections for a History of," by Mr. Boys, 206. Sandwich, 104, 205 ; Dean of, 116 ; Saint Clement's Ohurch, its newel stairway, 255 ; Saxon ecclesiastical work centred in, 218. Sandys, Edwin, Archbishop of York, 98. Sandys, Sir Edwin, bequests left by, 105 ; character and early life and education of, 98,99,100; commercial enterprises connected with, 101,102; East India and Virginia Companies directing, 102, 103, 104, 105 ; imprisonment of, 103,104 ; monument erected to, 106 ; native tribe named after, 101 ; Parliamentary and political career of, 99, 100,101,102, 103, 104, 105 ; portrait of, 106 ; Somers Island Company, see commercial enterprises ; works of, 99. Sandys, Edwin, the antiquarian, Sir Edwin's epitaph and Consuetudines KancicB written by, 106. Sandys. Colonel Richard, Governor of Bermuda Company, 107. Sandys, Sir Richard, Northbourne Court entailed by, 107. Sarpi, Fra Paolo, Europce Speculum. translated by, 99. Sarum, Dean and Chapter of, 171. Saunders or Saunder, Anne, 98 ; Edward, 98 ; Sir John, Prebendary of Wingham, etc, extract from will of, 210 ; Richarde, 187. Saunford, Roger de, stone brewhouse erected by, 53. Savage, Thomas. Bishop of Roohester, 162. Saxon invasion, defences against, 212. Saxon Kings, monasteries founded by, 97. Saxten, Willm., 186. Schnebbelie's etching of Rochester Cathedral, 28. Scott, Lady Elizabeth, 183 ; Sir Gilbert, 51; James, medical reputation of and fortune left by, 158 ; John, his career and early death, 158 ; Sir Thomas, Knt., Sheriff of Kent, biographical sketch of, 183; Thomas, 183 ; —, Dean, 43 ; Dr., 151 ; —, of Halden, 166. Scott, J. Oldrid, on Ightham Mote House and Church, xliv, 189. Scott-Robertson, Canon, xliii, xliv. Scott's Hall, 183. Scott's ointment and dressings, 158. Scriven, Mr., 86, 90. Sculptured stones, discovery of, 128. Sebirtswould, 121. Seele, 195. Seez, Ralph, Abbot of, see Ralph. Segar, Willm., 185. Selby, Arms of the Family of, and Pedigree, 200. Selby, Anne, 200 (2) ; Charles, 200 ; Charles Bridges, 200; Dorothy, Dame, monumental epitaph on, 193 ; Lady Dorothy, 199,200 ; Dorothy, 200 ; Eliz., 200 (3) ; Elizabeth, 200 (2) ; Elizabeth Burrough, 200 ; George, 199; George, Sheriff of Kent, 200 ; Sir Henry, Serjeant, 200; Henry, 200; Isabel, 200; Lady Jane, 200 ; Sir John, gentleman GENEEAL INDEX. 295 porter of Berwick, 199, 200 ; John, gentleman porter of Berwick, 200 ; John, 200 (2) ; John Browne, 200 ; Margaret, 200; Mary, 200; Prideaux J., 200 ; Ralph, 199, 200 ; Robert, 200 ; Susan, 200 ; Thomas, 200 (2) ; Sir William, gentleman porter of Berwick, 193,194,199,200 ; Sir William, Knt., 194, 199, 200; William, 200 (3). Selden, 103, 104. Sens, William of, chisel introduced by, 178. Serres, Rev. H. A., xlix, 1. Service Book, fourteenth-century, history and description of, 265, 266. Sevington, The Moat at, 184. Sharpe, H., Rutupise by, 209. Shelving, Arms of, 196. Shelving, Benedicta, 196 ; John, 196. Shelvings, The, W. S. Ellis's Notes on, 196. Shepherd. Miss, 148. Sheppardi Dr., 110. Sheppey (Shippey), foundation of Minster Monastery at, 97 ; Osbern of, see Osbern. Shiborne, 195. Shilston, Devon, 232. Shindler. Thomas, Tlie Registers of tlw Cathedral Church of Rochester, by, 75, 81. Ship cesse, Oouncil minute re levy of, 240, Ships, ancient versus modern methods of hoisting, 213, 214, 215. Shirley House, 153. Sholden, 116, 117. Shooter's Hill, Crown property at, 156; highway robberies connected -with, 141. Shorne. 90. Shorne, Celtic interments discovered at, by George Payne, F.L.S., F.S.A., 86. Shorne Hill, 90. Shorne-Ifield, Oeltio burial-place at, xlviii. Shortlands, 151. Shrubsole, Mrs., 185. Shurland, 122, 123. Shurland House, 122. Shyborn, Oapella de, 137. Sicklemore, John, his hatchment, 263. Silchester Ohurch, 217. Sills, Mr., liv. Silvester or Sylvester, Prior, improvements inaugurated by, 11, 45. Simkins, John, Prebend of Roohester, 24. Simpson, Dr. Sparrow, letter of, 225. Simpson's House. Bromley, moat of, 149. Simson, John, 187. Sittingbourne, 257. Sittingbourne District, xlv. Skeat, Professor, 109. Skeletons, disinterment of, 86, 87, 88. Skem Corner, Bromley, 142. Skynnere, Johannes, 56. Sloane, C, 89 ; Sir Hans, 228. Sloane MS. Collection in British Museum, 229, 230. Smalehed, 130, 133. Smith, B. F., Archdeacon, death of, xlvi. Smith, C. Roach, antiquarian researches and opinions of, 110, 111, 112,207,208,210 ; his Antiquities of Riehborough, Reculver, and Lymne, reference to, 201; History of tlie Castrum, 208 ; History of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne, 218. Smith, F. F., xii. Smith, Rev. Henry, D.D., Rector of Headley, 148 ; education and marriage of, 153, 154; MS. sermon of, 154 ; sporting proclivities of, 153, 154. Smith-Masters, Mr., Iii. Smythe, C. Taylor, Joywood Cemetery described by, 113 ; Sir John, 227; Sarah, Countess of Leicester, 227; Sir T., Treasurer of Virginia Company, 101. Snelling, Rev. —, his suspension for refusing to read the "Book of Sports," 168 ; Mr., 257. Snode, Robt., 185. Soames, Mr., 148. Soane, Tom, 154. Society Antiq. London MS., 46, 51. Soldone, 116. Sole, Michael, 185. Somers Islands Company, 101. Somner, —, 201. Southampton, Lord, see Wriothesley, 103. Southborough, 155. Southereye, Johannes, 57. Southflete (South Fleet), Church and Rectory of, 148,161,162, 163. South Hill Park, Berks, 173. South Sea Company, 172. Southwark, Archdeaconry, 174 ; episcopal palace at, see Eochester. Southwell, 162. Sparke, Josyas, 186. Sparrowe, Thomas, 240. 296 GENERAL INDEX. Speldherst, Johannes de, Prior of Eochester, 50. Sprakeling, Arms of, 262. Sprakeling, Sir Adam, Knt., his brass in St. Lawrence's Ohurch, 262 ; Robert. 262, 263. Sprott, Thomas, Chronicle of, 210,216. Spylman, Thomas. 71, 74. Spynney, Tho., 226. Squier, Mr., account of East Indiaman's wreck, by, 230. Stallesfeld (Stallysfeld), 130,136,137, 138. Stanhope, Earl of, see Mahon. Staplehurst, 128. State Papers, Calendar of, 101. Statesfeld, 135. Stedde, Willm., 184. Stephens, George, 257. Steppinge, Thomas, 185. Stevens, Willm., 186. Stewart, Lady Catherine, Countess of Dunmore, hatchment of, 262. Stidolph, Godfrey, 160. Stockbridge, Hampshire, 100. Stockholm, National Historical Museum at, xliii, xliv. Stokes Grange, II. Stonar, 205. Stone, Eobert, 243; benefaction by, 143. Stone Eectory, 161, 164, 171. Stone-heap Parm, 110. Stonehouse, Eob'tus, 137. Storer, Baker, 150. Stour, The, 212. Stransham, Thomas, 243. Stringer, H., xii. Strood, Iii, Iiii, lv, lvii. Strood, Thurstan of, 13, 14. Strype, Mr., 164. Strype's Annual, 163, 164, 165, 166; his Eccl Mem., 163. Strype on Stow, reference to, 197. Stubbs, Bishop, 115. Studall, East and West, 110. Stukeley's engravings of Eichborough Castrum and Castle, 201, 212. Sturry, 115. Sudgate (Sutgate), 9. Suines, Andrewe, 186. Summerhill, Tonbridge, 233, 235. Sumner, Archbishop, wig worn during sermon by, 159. Sum'ers, Mr., 226. Surrenden MSS., Sir T. Cawne's will in, 206 ; Collection Roll of Accounts of the Abbey of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 117. Surtees Society, Rites of Durham, 44, 48. Sussex Collection MSS., 172. Sutton, Bob, 147 ; John, 187 ; Mr., 146. Sutton, East and West, 116; " Pope and Crown " at, 234. Sutton-at-Hone, charities, 235 ; St. John's at, 163,227,228,229,230,231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236. Sutton Church, monuments in, 229, 231. 232, 233, 234; restoration of, 119. Sutton Manor House, 119. Sutton cum Bucks, 162. Swabey, Catherine, 172; Elizabeth, 172; Mary, 172; Maurice, D.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Roohester, biographical sketoh of, 172 ; Samuel, 172. Swan, Eev. E., xl. "Swan," The, Bromley, 145. Swanley, origin of, 229. SwynfMd (Swynffield), 128,129. Syberdyswold, 133. Sydley, Willm., 71, 74. Sydney, Prancis, 71, 74 ; Earl, 152. Symcockes, Humfrye, 185. Symkyns, John. Prebend of Eochester, 73, 74 ; removed for non-celibacy, 75. Symonde, Ead'us, 132. Symons, —, 184. Syracuse, Sicily, 213. Tancock, Rev. C, D.D., xxxix. Tanner, Bishop, his Bibliography, 164. 165. Taunton, 167. Taverner, Thomas (The), 18. Tayler, Geo., 226 ; John, 188. Taylor, Ann, 128 ; E. E., xl ; Henry, xliv, 18, 194 ; Professor Isaac, 110 ; Richard or Rowland, LL.D., Chancellor and Prebend of Eochester, martyrdom of, 164 ; Eo., 226. Temple, Ewell, 129, 131, 133, 134. Tessier, Stephen, 151. Testewode, William, 24. Textus Roffensis, reference to, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. Tey, William, 247, 251, 252. Teynham, coins discovered at, liv. Thacksted, Essex, 197. Thalebot the Sacrist, 46. Thanet, ancient British term for, 253 ; churohes in, 253 ; foundation of Minster Monastery in, 97. Thellusson, P. J„ 1st Lord Eendlesham, 158. GENERAL INDEX. 297 Thetford Church, Norwich, 246, 250. They, William, 246. Thomas, Bishop, 140. Thomas of Nashenden (Nessendene), 10. Thomson, Thomas, 264. Thong, 89. Thorne Col., 210. Thome's Chronicle, references to, 115, 116, 209, 210, 216, 217, 218, 253. Thornebury Churoh, Worcester, 245, 250. Thorneux, Stephen, 183. Thorold, Bishop, 174. Thorpe MSS., 67. Thorpe's Custumale Roffensis, references to, 28, 29, 34, 35, 39, 51, 53, 58, 80; his Registrum Roffense, references to, 2. 6, 7, 8,9,16,23.24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60. " Three Brothers " s.s., 230. Thurstan of Strood, 13, 14. Tickenhurst, 116. Ticknore, John, 256. Till, E. D., xlv. Tillman or Tyllman, Willm., Mayor of Faversham, 185, 186. Tillotson, Arohbishop, 229. Tintern Abbey, book-closet at, 33. Titts, order forbidding exportation of, 182, 183. Toddington, owners of, 125, 126 ; Boyal visit to, 124, 125. Toddington Ohurch, monuments in, 124, 125, 126. Toddington Estates, history of, 123, 125, 127. Toddington Manor House, modern erection of, 127. Toddington Mansion, fortunes of, 124, 126, 127. Tokens, issue of, 145. Tonbridge, Heymerio of, 11. Tonbridge, property of Knight Hospitallers at, 128. Tower Hamlets, 173. Townley, James, hatohment of, 262. Traokways, anoient, 89, 90. Tracy, Mrs., 235. Tregony, Cornwall, 173. Trenthevent, Simon, -55. Treoman, Salloman, 187. Trinity College, see Cambridge. Trottescliffe, Hugh of, his building achievements, 10, 54. Troward, Edward, 256. Trumbull, Sir William, LL.D., Chancellor and Vioar-General of Eoohes- VOI, XXIV, ter, biographical sketch of, 169, 170; Bishop Burnet's estimate of, 170; Huguenots assisted by, 170. Trumbull, William, M.P., 169. Truro, 228. Truro, Lord, see Wilde. Tubney alias Tupney alias Tulman, John, Chancellor of the Diocese of Rochester, biographical sketch of, 161, 162 ; epitaph on, 162. Tufton, Sir Nicholas, 105; Richard, 186. Tulman, see Tubney. Tunbridge (Tunbryge), 136, 137, 138. Tupney, see Tubney. Turk, John, of Staplehurst, 128. Turke, John, of Rochester, 71. Turks, see Monks Place. Turner, Jo., 226 ; Sergeante Nicholas, 188 ; Mr., 107. Tweedy, Colonel, 148. Twizell, 199, 200. Tyler, Rev. R., 264. Tyllman, see Tilman. Tylmanston, 130, 132. U Hdall. —, 226. Umfrey, Eicharde, 186. Underdowne, Richarde, 187. Upchurch,- lix. Upton, John, Mayor of Paversham, 185, 186; Nichas., 184, 185, 186; Lieutenant Nicholas, 188. Usher, Thomas, 226. V Vagrancy, regulations for suppression of, 237, 239, 240. Valor Eeclesiasticus, 16. Vaughan, Sir Thomas, 197 ; Prebend, 165. Vaulted Chamber, mediseval popularity of. 223, 224. Villiers, John, 233. Virginia, enquiry into administration of, 104 ; incorporation into Crown possessions, 104. Virginia Company, charter withdrawn, 104 ; Governors of, 101,102, 103 ; maladministration and reorganization of, 101, 102 ; settlement of Leyden exiles effected by, 101; Spanish opposition to, 103. Volunteers, Kentish enrolment of, 150; review of, 150. X 298 GENERAL INDEX. W Waddington, John, xii. Wadenhall, Elmstead, 196. Wadmore, Beauchamp, xlv. Wadmore, J. F., xl, xliii; Knight Hospitallers in Kent, by, 128; Paper on St. John's, Sutton-at- Hone, by, reference to, 227. Wakeley, Messrs., lix. Walchelinus Episeopus, 4. Walden Church, bequest to, 246, 250. Wales, Prince of, Bromley cricket patronized by, 142 ; Princess of, gamekeeper employed by, 156. Waletune, Prior Rodbertus de, his collection of books, 34. Walford, Elizabeth, 200 ; Robt., 200. Walker, A., xliii; 0. G., xlviii; 0. R., YyyJTT * jW*isS -dill Waller, Sir Thomas, 198 ; Sir Walter, 198. Waller the Smith, 41. Wallond, Mr., 224. Walmer, discovery of British coins at, 110 ; Norman appropriation of manors of, 121; Eomano-British remains at, 112. Walpole, Hon. Thomas, 156. Walsingham, Sir Francis, 198. Walter de London, Chancellor of the Diocese of Rochester, 161. Waltham, 7. Wantsum Estuary, 109, 203. Ward, Mr., 158. Warde, Samuel, 185 ; Thomas atte, 18. Waring, Warnerius, Monk of Canterbury, 9 ; William, 147. Warwick, —, 103, 104. Watch towers, see Pharos. Watchester alias Minster, 108. Waterfield, Samuel Mitton, li. Waterman, Henrye, 187; The, 186. Waterton, Ric, 226. Watts, John, 226 ; Eichard, 223; William, 226. Weapons, discovery of ancient specimens of, liv. Webb, B. A., see History of Chislehurst. Webbe, —-, of Detlyng, 138. Weekes or Weeks, Eev. A; J., 236 ; Mr., 147. Weever, —, 262. Welford, John, xlviii. Wellington boots, introduction of, 153. Wells, E. E., xliv; E. J., xlviii; H. G., early education of, 148 ; Mr., 143. Wentworth, Henrietta Maria, Baroness, 126,127; Jane, 125,126; Philadelphia, 127 ; Thomas, 4th Lord Wentworth, Earl of Cleveland, 124, 125, 126; Sir Thomas, Knt., Lord Wentworth, Lord Chamberlain to King Edward VL, 126 ; William, Earl of Strafford, 127. Wentworth Castle, Yorkshire, 127. West, Francis, 226. Westbroke juxta Faversham, 132. Westbrook, Mr., 150. Westbrooke, Dicky, 154. Westburghe, John, 188. Westerham Eoad. 142. Westferleygh (West Farleigh), 130; Church of, 176. West Grinstead, 172. West Kent Cricket Club, formerly Prince's Plain Cricket Club, 143. West Kent hounds, 153. West Langdon, barrow at, 110. Westmill, Herts, 171. Westminster School, 172. Weston, Chas., 200; Eliz., 200; Will'm, 198. Westpekham, 136, 137. Wetham Green, lix. Wharton, Henry, his Anglia Sacra, 2, 7, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 161. Whatman, Edward, 235. Whiston, Rev. Robert, 173. 174. White, Rev. James, xUi, xliii; Ric, 226 (2). White Hart Field, cricket matches on, 146. " White Hart Inn," coaching days of, 145 ; Preeman's description of, 145 ; issue of tokens from, 145 ; landlords of, 145; Tory electioneering interests served by, 147. Whitehedd or Whitedd, Robert, Prebend of Llanyfydd, 166. Whitelock, Arms of, 231. Whitelook, Anne, 229 ; Sir Bulstrode, Knight, Ambassador to Sweden, 229. Whitfield, 110. Whitgift, Europce Speculum dedicated to, 99. Whitley, Essex, 200. Whyte, John, 187. Wickham Court, 156. Wickham Parm, Hi, Iiii. Widdyate, John, 185. Widred, King of Kent, 119. Wigan, Mercers, and Oo., Messrs., xliv, xlv. Wightwick, F. P., xlviii. Wilcockes, Bishop, 171. Wilcoxe, Thomas, 185. Wilde, Sir Thomas, Lord Truro, 263. Wilkie, Kenyon W., xii, xlv, xlvi. Wilks, George, xii, xlvii. GENERAL INDEX. 29 9 Willement, —, 2, 196. Willerde, John, 185. Willis's History of Cathedrals, 162, 164; his Notitia Parliament, 167, 169 ; Survey of the Cathedral of St. Asaph, 162, 165, 166, 168 ; Survey of tlw Catlwdral of Bangor, 166. Wi'llouby (Willughby or Willoughby), Francis, 232; Gulielmus, Baron, 232,234; Thomas, 198. Willyamson, John, 185. Wilson, Edwarde, 186 ; James, 154 ; Dr., 157. Wilson's Description of Bromley, references to, 148, 149. Winch, Thomas, 220. Winchelsea, 173. Winchester, Bishop of, 116, 163. Winchester, St. Elizabeth's College founded at, 265 ; School, 165. Windmills, first authentic reference to, 149. Windsor, Hon. Colonel, Lord Plymouth, 143. Wingate, R., xxxix. Wingham, 210, 218. Winsor, Francis, 241. Winter, Samuel, hatchment of, 262. Wiston, Yorkshire, 162. Withred, King of Kent, 120, 121. Woden, genealogy of sons of, 97. Wollett, Eob'tus, 132. Wolley, C. B., xlv. Wolwyche Rectory, 161. Wood, Basil, LL.D., Chancellor and Vicar-General of Rochester, 166 ; biographical sketch of, 168. Wood's Athen,. Oxon., 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169; his History and Antiquity of Oxon, reference to, 165. Woodham, Barber, 155. Woodnesborough, 110. Woodoaks, Roman interment at, lix. Woodruff, Rev. C. E., M.A., xii, xUi, xliv, xlvii, xlviii, xlix; on Notes on Former Owners of Ightham Mote House, 195. Woodruff, Cumberland H., xlvii, xlviii, xlix, 110; Dr., li. Woodville, Elizabeth, Queen of England, 197; Matilda, 197; Eichard, Lord Rivers, 197. Woollett, Inguoram, 188. Wootton, Thomas, 257. Worcester, John, Bishop of, 247, 252. Worcester, Cathedral Church of, bequest to, 245, 249 ; Chancellor of, 172. Worcester Deanery, 159. Worth, discovery of British coins at, 110; Pharos watch-tower at, 203, 206 ; Roman antiquities and structures at, 113. Wrattinge, Willm., 185. Wren, Bishop, 168. Wright, Mr., his Celt, Roman, and Saxon, reference to, 209. Wriothesley, William, 3rd Lord Southampton, 103. Wrote foundation, additions to, 235. Wrotham, lvii, lviii, 128, 200, 227. Wyborn, W., 107. Wymswold, 130. Wyngham Church, bequest to, 246, 250. Wyngmere, 130. Wyse, John, 185. Y Yarmouth, Great, 173. Yeamans, —,41. Yeardley, —, Governor of Virginia, 102. York, 162, 172. Yorkshire Wolds, trench interments on, 89. Youens, E. C, xlix, Iiii, liv. Younge, John, 144. London: Mitohell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardonr Street, W.


Researches and Discoveries in Kent 1899-1900


Preliminary Account of "Notes on the Textus Roffensis"