Notes from Minute Books of the Corporation of Faversham

( 28 ) CINQUE PORTS. NOTES FROM MINUTE BOOKS OF THE CORPORATION OP FAVERSHAM. BY E. E. GIRAUD. IN this Paper Mr. Giraud communicates his notes of the Minutes of the Common Council so far as they relate to Faversham as a Corporate member of the Cinque Port of Dover between the years 1570 and 1740. The original Minutes were entered in two volumes, labelled " Wardmote Book." They are here presented in abbreviated form with modern spelling and punctuation, their peculiarities of diction being as far as possible retained, Mr. Giraud has previously communicated a few extracts from the same source in illustration of the Chamberlain's Accounts for the year 1635-6,* and the method he has adopted in abstracting the following notes may be gauged by a comparison of the note printed under date 5 August 11 Charles with the same Minute set out in full in his former Paper, f At the head of each abstract herein Mr. Giraud has printed the date of the original entry in the Wardmote Book, and a literal transcription of the clerk's marginal note referring to the Minute, followed by the number of the folio. These two contributions do not exhaust our indebtedness to Mr. Giraud, for in addition to a Paper of Instructions (1585) aneut the composition, equipment and training of the Select Bands, with other matter that appeared in Volume XXIV. (p. 181), he printed in Volume XXVII. (p. 37) his "Notes on an early Cinque Ports Charter/' Archaiologia Cantiana, Vol. XXIV. f See ibid., p. 240. CINQUE PORTS. 29 which he discovered among-the Faversham Records. The charter is dated 28 May, 44 Henry III. (1260). Mr. Horace Round, in writing his brief essay on " The Cinque Port Charters" in his Feudal England (1895), wherein he criticized the early date to which Professor Montagu Burrows in his Cinque Ports'* assigned the formation of the Cinque Ports Confederacy, said: " The Charter of [6] Edward I. [1278] is the first that was granted to the Ports collectively, and the rights and liberties which it confirmed were those which had been granted to the separate Ports by Henry II. and John, and which it then made uniform and applicable to the whole Confederation." The value of Mr. Round's criticism cannot be over-rated, and the importance of Mr. Giraud's discovery lies in the fact that it seems to place to the credit of Henry III. the initiation of a naval policy which Mr. Round, with his' eye on the well-known Charter of 1278, ascribed to his successor. Mr. Giraud has supplied to the Editor a long list of references to the Cinque Ports in previous volumes of Archceologia Cantiana. It will suffice here to mention "The Charter (with the Mayor of Faversham's seal affixed) of protection to a Baron of the Cinque Ports by the Mayor of his Town or Limb," printed in Volume VI. over the initials of T. G. Faussett; Mr. Edward Knocker's remarks " On the Municipal Records of Dover," in Volume X. ; and a Paper on " The Dover Chamberlain's Accounts," by the Rev. S. P. H. Statham in Volume XXV. In sending us those notes Mr. Giraud expresses a hope that they may possibly be of assistance to future research into the Government of the Cinque Ports as it affected places within its liberties. We hope that their publication may incite students to undertake such research, and we believe that, despite their technical aspect, they will appeal to a wider circle of our members, touching, as they do, upon many matters of general as well as of local interest. At the outset they shew the part which the head-ports and their members played in preparation of resistance to * Historic Towns Series. 30 CINQUE PORTS. the Spanish invasion, and later on they afford local details of the naval policy of Charles I. when he endeavoured, by levying ship-money through the Lords-lieutenant of the counties, to place upon the country at large the burden which previously had been borne by the Ports of the Kingdom.* The period which they cover is that of the decadence of the Ports and their Members from a naval point of view, and they exhibit their struggles to maintain their ancient privileges as against the country generally, as well as their rights as against one another severally. In particular there are many indications of watchful safeguarding by the Faversham Corporation of their chartered right of exemption from the jurisdiction of the Chancery Court of Dover, held in St. James's Church. This matter seems to have entailed considerable expense upon the Corporation : as, for instance, on the accession of James I., when they made a cess of £100 upon the inhabitants of the town in connection with the confirmation of its Charters. The notes touch upon many other matters of local or general interest: such as the disfranchisement of freemen for nonpayment of "arrearages," the maintenance of the sluice and channel, the organization of a coast watch, the entertainment of a Muster master, the presentation of a cup costing £10 to a new Lord Warden; while the mere record of the names of the Mayors and of the Jurats and Commoners " Commissionated " to attend a " Guestlinge " is not without its interest. The notes contain some expressions which ai*e sufficiently familiar to students of the history of the Cinque Ports, but of which it may be well for the benefit of general readers to attempt an explanation. The Court of Brodhull or Brodereild, commonly called a Brotherhood;, consisted of representatives of the five Ports and two Ancient Towns, namely, the Mayor of each with two elected Jurats and two elected Commoners; while the Court of Guestling was the assembly of representatives of the Corporate Mem- * The fleet assembled for the siege of Calais in 1347 consisted of 710 ships and 14,151 men, of which the Cinque Ports, etc., contributed 105 ships and 2140 men, CINQUE PORTS. 3 1 bers.* In ' exact terminology,' when both sets were assembled together they were called a "Brotherhood and Guestling," but this was usually shortened into "Guest- * A complete list of the " five Cinque Ports" (A) and Two Ancient Towns (B), with their Limbs or Members Corporate (i.e., having municipal charters—C) and Non-Corporate (D) :— A.—1. HASTINGS. C—[Seaford.] Pevensey. 2. SANDWICH. C—Eordwich. Deal. 3. DOVER. C.—Folkestone. Paversham. 4. ROMNEY. O—Lydd. 5. HYTHE. C - . . . . B.—1. WINCHELSEA. 2. RYE. C.—Tenterden. D.- D.- D.- D, D. -Bulvarhythe (a). Hydney (a). Petit Iham or Higham (b). Bekesbourn. Grench (o). Northeye (a). -Reculver. Sarre (d). Stonar (d). Ramsgate. Walmer. Brightlingsea (e). —Margate. St. John's. Goresend (/). Birchington Wood (g). St. Peter's (A). Kingsdown. Ringwould. —Old Romney. Bromehill (,;'). Dengemarsh (k). Orwaldstone (k). —West Hythe (I). The grouping of the Ports and Members does not always correspond with the above. Eor instance, in a list of proportional payments in 1495 it appears as follows: Hastings (with Pevensey, Bulvarhythe, Parva Higham, Bekesbourn) ; Winchelsea; Rye (with Tenterden); Romney (with Old Romney, Lydd); Hythe; Dover (with Eaversham, Folkestone, Margate); Sandwich (with Ramsgate, Pordwich, Sarre, Deal and Walmer). Seaford, not mentioned, was independent of the Cinque Ports system. NOTES.—(a) Bulvarhythe, Hydney and Northeye, formerly havens between Eastbourne and Pevensey, long ago silted up and decayed—the site of the first unknown, the second in Hillingdon parish near Eastbourne, the third an island about three miles N.E. of Pevensey; (A) Petit Iham, near Winchelsea (Higham Magna); (o) The Grange, on the Medway near Gillingham, contributed two men to the head-port; (d) Sarre, formerly on the Wantsum, now in St. Nicholas Parish, and Stonar, formerly at the end of the bar opposite (N. of) Sandwich, both decayed; (e) In Essex; (/) Birchington; (g) Woodohurch; (h) Also called " Brodstayers;" (j) Near Winchelsea, destroyed in 1278 by a storm; (k) Dengemarsh (cf. Dungeness) and Orwaldstone (or Orlaweston), both in Lydd Parish; (I) " The first site of the Hythe population at Hudenfieot,"— See Burrows, Cinyue Boris, ch. ix, 32 CINQUE PORTS. ling."* A Brotherhood dealt with matters relating to the Yarmouth fair, with which the " Limbs " were not concerned, and it was usually held immediately before the general assembly or Guestling, which dealt with the more general affairs of the Confederacy. Mr. Roundf thinks that the names, titles and words which are peculiar to the Confederacy, such as Cinque Ports, Jurats (corresponding to the Aldermen of other English Corpoi-ate Towns) and serement (the oath taken by the King's Warden to the Corporation), point to a foreign origin of the Confederacy, and sees, both in its constitution and in some of its customs, unlike anything that existed elsewhere in England,! a parallel to the communes of Flanders and Northern France, and in particular to those of Picardy—" Les confederations de plusieurs villages ou hameaux reunis en municipalites sous une * The Court of " Guestling" probably derived its name from Guestling (the caput of a Hundred), midway between Hastings and Winchelsea, and it may have been originally a Sussex Court for the Hastings group, while the Court of "Brodhull," the origin of which is quite obscure, may have been a Kentish one (see Round's Feudal England, p. 570 «.). The Court of " Shepway " derived its name from Shepway Cross in the parish of Lymne, a place which was sufficiently important to give its name to the lathe of Shepway. At one time all (he principal assemblies of the Confederacy were held there (see Hasted). AtEaversham ihe Corporation Wardmotes were held at the Town Hall, which originally stood on Tanners Green. On one occasion the local assembly appears to have held its meeting in the chancel of the Parish Church— see the Minute of 8 Sep., 15 Jas. (1617). f Feudal England (1895), p. 559. j In a later work, The Commune of London (1899), Mr. J. Horace Round, elaborating a conception printed in 1893 (Archceological Journal, p. 256), traces the origin of the Mayor and the Common Council of London to a foreign source, independent of the pre-existing sheriffs and aldermen of the city wards, f The close association that existed in the twelftli century between the two capitals of the Angevin kingdom, London and Rouen, has been clearly sketched by Miss Norgate (England under the Anglican Kings, L, 48), and it was only natural that the success of the citizens of Rouen in obtaining municipal independence, about the middle of the century, should encourage a similar communal movement in the English capital. Such a movement was oertainly at work at the time of the accession of Stephen, and the terms (conjuratio, comnwnio) in which the historians William of Malmesbury and the Continuator of Florence refer to it, under the year 1141, suggest that there then existed an association of citizens sworn to uphold their interests. Eifty years later John, in his struggle with William Longchamp, in the absence of King Richard, paid the price of the support of the citizens in his formal recognition of the Commune of London (1191). The first mention of the Mayor of London, corresponding with the "Major de Communia" of Rouen and other continental communes, \s found in 1193. But the most important evidence of connection comes from the discovery, by Mr. Round, first of "the oath of the commune" (temp. Richard I.), and secondly of "the oath of the XXIIII." (7 John), elected CINQUE PORTS. 33 charte et une magistrature collectives."* During the early period L'abatis de maison et le banissement—house-demolition and expulsion—was the penalty of certain offences against the commune. In some cases in which expulsion did not follow, if the delinquent had no house of his own he was required to become possessed of one, so that it might be destroyed, before he could be restored to membership. At Amiens this penalty of house-demolition was prescribed for refusal to accept office on election as Mayor or Jurat.f And we find this same penalty decreed for the same offence in the Custumal of the Port of Sandwich— Si maior sic electus officium suum recipere noluit . . . . tota communitas ibit ad capitale messuagium suum, si habuerit proprium, et illud cum armis omnimodo quo poterit prosternat usque ad terrain . . . . Similiter quicunque juratus fuerit electus, et jurare noluerit, simile judicium .J The fine exacted at a later date for refusal to take office was probably a composition for house-demolition. Professor Montagu Burrows' Cinque Ports remains the text-book of the subject, but more light is needed to clear up doubtful points, and it can only come from the publication of the treasures which lie hidden in the archives of the several Ports and their Members. Our Society will be grateful to student-members for further communications like these of Mr. Giraud of Faversham.—EDITOR. * * * * annuallj- by the citizens; whioh reveal features of the original constitution bearing a marked resemblance to the "Btablissements de Bouen " (see Round's Commune of London, oh. xi.). These notes shew that the communal movement was ' in the air' of the twelfth century. The task of the student of the history of the Cinque Ports is to distinguish between English and Norman elements in the constitution of the Confederacy, and to trace their gradual coalescence. [PS.—Mr. Giraud writes: "The occasional use of the French language does not, I think, point to ' foreign origin' as Mr. Round suggests. The earliest records when not in Latin were in Norman French, and the word serement for ' oath ' is a survival which has been retained as regards the obligation of the Lord Warden. It must be remembered that French was for a long period spoken by the Norman nobility and their descendants and other educated people. Burrows is olear that the origin of the Cinque Ports was Teutonic."] * Thierry, Essai sur I'Histoire . . . . du Tiers-Etat, quoted by Round. t Et convient que chis qui pris est faiche le serment de le mairie; et se il ne veult faire, on abatera se maison, et demourra en le merchy du roy au jugement de esquevins (Anoient Custumal of Amiens, quoted by Round). % Boys, Sandwich, p. 431, VOL. XXVIII. D 34 CINQUE PORTS. I. Volume bound in leather, 17 inches by 12 inches, folios 183, labelled: "Faversham Wardmote Book beginiug in the 13t h year of Queen Elizabeth & ending in ye 9th year of K. Charles yc 1st." 21 June 25 Eliz. (1583), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge at Hythe." Fo. 9. A Guestling is summoned to be holden at Hythe on 23 July next for the establishment of Orders and Decrees for all manner of matters that doth or may concern either beneficially the state and commonwealth of the Cinque Ports and their members, or particularly any part thereof, or any person or persons resident within the same, according to the ancient Guestlings heretofore used ; and the Town of Faversham is to appoint and send certain persons to the same Guestling, to be authorized under their common seal. It is agreed by the Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty that M1' Thomas Cole, now Mayor, Mr Bartholomew Amyas and Mr Thomas Barlyng, Jurats, and Mr Nicholas Upton, M1' John Philpott and John Castelocke, Commoners, shall go for Faversham to the Guestling and be authorized under the common seal. 1 July 25 Eliz. (1583), Common Council. " One of the commissionated persons to the Guestling remitted, & another chosen in his room." Fo. 9. Thomas Barlyng is remitted, and hath leave to be about his other affairs, and Christopher Fynche, Jurat, to go in his stead. 20 January 26 Eliz. (1584), Common Council. "Certayne appoynted to speake wth the Lo. Warden about the Chauncerie Court at Dover." Fo. 12. A Guestling was holden at Hythe 10 Jan. last, at which appeared Bartholomew Amyas, Mayor, Christopher Fynche, John Philpott, Jurats, and Humphrey Kybbett, Steward, for the Mayor, Jurats, and Commonalty of Faversham by virtue of Letter of Attorney under their Common Seal, which Guestling was holden CINQUE PORTS. 35 only for the Jurisdiction of the Chancery Court* holden at S' James's Church, Dover, for the 5 Ports and their members; and because it was alleged by Faversham that by reason of Grant by King Henry VI. the said Mayor, J. & C, Barons of the Cinque Ports, were exempted by special words from the said Court, they could not consent to make any Agreement respecting its jurisdiction ; whereupon the making their attendance at that time was remitted and pardoned, and certain persons of the Ports were commissionated to appear at London to intreat with the Lord Warden concerning the Jurisdiction of the same Court. And it was agreed at the Guestling that Faversham should appoint persons commissionated under their common seal, to be associated with the persons aforesaid, to appear at London to hear and understand the matters concerning the jurisdiction of the same Court, and afterwards appear at the next Guestling at live on 1st April next. I t is agreed that John Philpott, Jurat, and Huuifrey Kybbet shall go to London authorized under the Common Seal, and report thereon to the Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty. 23 Nov. 28 Eliz. (1585), Common Council. " The Town Armo1 ' late bought shalbe sold to provide Matche powder and shott." Fo. 17. By command of Sir "William Brooke, K.G., Constable of Dovor Castle and Lord Warden, Faversham is to provide 166 lbs. of match and 8i barrels of powder, and lead to be cast into shot and pellets for defence of the realm and furnishing of H.M.'s selected and sworn number of soldiers within the liberty of the Town. It is agreed that the Town's armour and munition of corslets and " pycckes " shall be sold. 9 Sept. 29 Eliz. (1587), Common Council. " M1' Lambe, M1' Philpott and M1' Nicholas Upton commissionated to go to Dover to confer about the s'vice for Shippinge against the Dunkirkers."t Fo. 21. The Mayor and Jurats received letters from Richard Barrey, Esq., Lieut, of Dover Castle, for appearance of the Mayor and * Courts of Chancery and Admiralty were held at this Church, from whose jurisdiction Faversham claimed total exemption. The Charter of Henry VI. was, however, expressly refused confirmation in that to the Cinque Ports of 10 Charles I., 1634. t 1587. " Amidst the exchange of protocols, Parma gathered 17,000 men for the coming invasion, collected a fleet of fiat-bottomed transports at Dunkirk, and waited impatiently for the Armada to proteot her crossing." (Green, Short History of the English People.) 36 CINQUE PORTS. some one of the Jurats with other the Mayor, Bailiffs and Jurats of the Cinque Ports, 2 Ancient Towns and their members incorporate at S' James's Church, Dover, upon matters of particular charges and liberties by letter directed to the Lord Warden for that purpose that H. Majesty's pleasure was, that they should serve upon the seas with xii ships against the Dunkirkers and others H. Majesty's enemies ; and it was then agreed to go to the Lord Warden thereon, which Meeting to be held at Sl James's Church on 12"' Sept1'. Mr Lambe, Mr Philpott and Mr Upton were accordingly commissionated under the Common Seal. 17 Sept. 29 Eliz. (1587), Common Council. " A cesse of cccc li. to be made for the sittinge forthe of a ship of warre against the Dunkirkers." " Twoo appointed to go to London to provide a shippe." The Town, partly by the General Meeting of the 5 Ports, etc., at Dover on 12t h Septr , and partly by command of the Lord Warden, is to set forth a ship of war of 50 tons prepared for war. I t is agreed that a cesse shall be made, as well upon the inhabitants of the Town as upon the lands and liberties lying within the liberty, of £400. Abraham Snoode, commoner, and Edward Buddie to go to London to provide the ship. 13 April 30 Eliz. (1588), Common Council. " A cesse of ccli. to be made for the preparinge of a Shippe of xl tonne for the Queen's service." Fo. 24. There is received by letters of H.M. Council of the 5 Ports and their members the service of 5 serviceable ships, none to be under the burden of 60 tons, and of one handsome Pinnace, to be put in readiness and furnished for two months with victuals, mariners, munition and other necessary provision and furniture by 25th of present April, to join with H.M. Navy on the seas, or to be otherwise employed according to direction to be received from H.M.'s Council or from the new Lord Admiral. And the 5 Ports 2 Ancient Towns and their Members at a Guestling at Dover on Thursday 11t h April agreed by persons commissionated there appearing that Winchelsea, Hastings and its Members shall find one ship of 60 tons, Bye and his Members one ship of 60 tons, Bomney and its Members one ship of 60 tons, Dover and his MemCINQUE PORTS. 3? bers one ship of 100 tons, Sandwich and his Members one ship of 80 tons, Hythe a Pinnace not under 24 tons. And M1' Nicholas Upton, now Mayor, Christopher Tynche, Jurat, and Humphrey Kybbett, persons commissionated by the Town of Faversham at the same Guestling, have upon some uncourteous speeches and hard dealings of the Townsmen of Dover, head Port to this Town of Faversham, concerning the doing of the aforesaid service by Dover and his Members, thought it good for the avoiding of further controversy that Faversham shall find of himself one ship of 40 tons or thereabouts, of the said 100 tons imposed upon Dover; and so fully agreed between Dover and Faversham by mediation of Eichard Barrye, Esq., Lieutenant of Dover Castle, with the consent of the greatest part of those appearing at the said Guestling. I t is agreed and ordered by the Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty here assembled that there shall be a cesse made, as well upon the inhabitants of the Town of their lands tenements goods and chattels as upon the lands and tenements lying within the liberty of the same Town, of £200; and for making the same cesse there are chosen Nicholas Adye, John Musterd, Eichard Huttchyns and William Chattbourne, four of the Commoners, and Bartholomew Amyas, John Casteloche and John Upton, three of the Jurats ; and it is agreed that the same persons shall be afterwards cessed by the Mayor and 5 other of the Jurats; and that Christopher Fynche, Jurat, and Abraham Snoode shall go to London to provide munition and other necessaries for the same ship and service, with all speed. 26 April 30 Eliz. (1588), Common Council. " An Act for the gatheringe & levyinge by way of distresse of the cesse for the Shippe." Fo. 24. "Ys anie under age be assessed then he in whose custodie he is shall paye it or goe to prison." Fo. 25. "Yf anie beinge assessed have no goods to distreyne then he be comytted to prison until he paye it." "A distresse to be taken upon the lands of outdwellers lying within the libtie." " If the heire or owner of anie such lands doe not discharge his fermor & pay the said Cesse Then the next goods of such heire or owner cominge within the Libtie shalbe distreyned for it." 38 CINQUE PORTS. 21 June 30 Eliz. (1588) Common Council. " A cesse of ex li to provide powder and shott & other necessaries to be supplied for the Shippe." 30 Aug. 30 Eliz. (1588), Common Council. " The owners of the Shipp shall have her agayne now s'vice is ended." Fo. 26. Agreed that Abraham Snoode and Edward Buddie, owners of the Ship of Faversham called the Hazarde, which the Town set forth to the sea in H.M. service, and now discharged and lying in the Creek of Faversham at the Key, shall have the same again with all the tackle apparel and furniture of the same Ship. All the munition, furniture and ablements of war and the things thereunto belonging first taken out to the use of the Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty. 14 Sept. 30 Eliz. (1588) Common Council. " Byllets for the xvth to be graunted out." Fo. 27. 24 Jan. 31 Eliz. (1589) Common Council. " The monie received for the Bylletts by the Maior shalbe delivered to the Chamberlaynes." " The Auditors shall take Account of the charges layd out in the s'vice upon the Seas with the Shippe." Fo. 29. 22 Sep. 31 Eliz. (1589) Common Council. " Whoesoever hath anie Byllets shall paye the thirde pte. " The inhabitants that shall have any part of the fifteens* hereafter to be granted shall pay the third part of the money wherefor they are to have billets, and thereof to be freed to the Mayor before sealing and delivery of same billets to the use of the Corporation. 23 Dec1' 35 Eliz. (1592) Common Council. " Mr Castelocke shalbe payde out of the Chamber xxx li. layd out about the Souldiers at the Portugal voyage."f Fo. 35. Towards payment of batelling and victualling of soldiers in the Town when the Portugal voyage was, and to every audit hereafter, * A tribute amounting to a fifteenth of that which the Town was valued at and imposed for maintaining the wars, etc. f See Hume, History of England, anno 1589. CINQUE PORTS. m £20, until the inhabitants be paid for same batelling and victualling. 22 Aug. 35 Eliz. (1593) Common Council. " A letter to be sent unto o1' Lord Warden about the Jurisdiction from Dover for Nicholas Peirce." Concerning a suit between Nicholas Pyerce, plaintiff, and Bartholomew of Sandwich, defendant, by letters of process, whereupon judgment is given and execution stayed thereupon by the Lord Warden's letter. Agreed that a letter shall be directed to the Lord Warden, requesting that Pyerce may have execution ; for that we are exempted by Special Charter from the Chancery Court at St. James's Church, Dover, out of which Court there be injunctions awarded not only for removing the such but also from proceeding therein. 6 Aug. 36 Eliz. (1594), Common Council. " Divers commisionated to the Guestlinge at Hythe." Fo. 36. At the last Brodhull at the Town and Port of New Eomney, 23 July last, it was decreed that a Special Guestling should be held at the Town and Port of Hythe on 13 August next ensuing. Agreed, that Eobert Banes, Mayor, Christopher Fynche, Nicholas Upton and William Tyllman, 3 of the Jurats, and Humfrey ICybett and John lieve, two of the Commoners, shall go to Hythe to give consent to such orders as shall be made, and shall be authorized under the common seal; our Charter concerning S' James's Court at Dover and our exemption thereof excepted. 23 Sept. 36 Eliz. (1594), Common Council. " Advise to be taken about Bitornes of Writts out of the Exchequer." Fo. 37. Such returns being contrary to our ancient custom and order. 13 May 37 Eliz. (1595), Common Council. " V li. to be given to Dover towards theire charge for the byllyting of the XVt h . "* Fo. 38. The Town of Dover, our head Port, hath written that we of this Town being a member of Dover would in friendship consider * A tribute amounting to a fifteenth of that which the Town was valued at, and imposed for maintaining the wars, etc. 4 0 CINQUE PORTS. their great charge by reason of the money billeted for the fifteens, in the whole Ports and their members. Agreed, that in friendship and goodwill (notwithstanding our composition between them and us made under our common seals) that We will give them £5, so that they will give under their seal a note in writing that the £5 is given in curtesy and not of duty, neither repugnant to our special composition. 12 Dec. 38 Eliz. (1595), Common Council. " Divers commissionated to goe to Dover." Fo. 40. Agreed, that Henry Saker, Mayor, Nicholas Upton, Jurat, and Humfrey Kybbett shall be authorized under the common seal to appear at Dover on 18th of present December before Thomas Fane, Lieut1 of Dover Castle, to take order concerning fines and amerciaments set upon the Lord Warden and from his office at Dover Castle to the 5 Ports 2 ancient towns and their members. 18 Jan. 38 Eliz. (1596), Common Council. " A cesse of ccc li. for the charge of shippinge." There is required by letters of H.M. Council, of the 5 Ports and their members, the service of 4 serviceable ships, none under the burden of 160 tons, presently to be put in readiness and furnished for 5 months with victual, mariners, munition and the necessary provision and furniture by 1 April next, to join with H.M. Navy on the seas, or to be otherwise employed according to direction to be received from H.M. Council or from the Lord Admiral. At a Guestling at Dover on 7 January it was agreed that Dover aud its members shall find one ship of 160 tons, with the help of Hythe for 20 tons and £10 in money. Nicholas Upton and John Casloek, commissionated by Faversham at the same Guestling, have upon conference with Dover agreed that Faversham shall find 40 tons of the 160. Agreed, by those here assembled, that there shall be a cesse upon the inhabitants of their lands, tenements, goods and chattels, as also upon the lands and tenements within the liberty of the Town of £300; and for making the cesse there are chosen 3 Jurats and 4 Commoners, and agreed that the cessors shall be cessed by the Mayor and 5 other Jurats. CINQUE PORTS. 41 20 Jan. 38 Eliz. (1596), Common Council. " Councell to be had about the retorne of a Certiorare out of the Chauncerie to remove the bodie of a prisoner." 5 March 38 Eliz. (1596), Common Council. " The cesse before made for the shippinge to be gathered." 7 Oct. 39 Eliz. (1597), Common Council. " M1' Jo. Castelocke & Tho. Pelh'm apoynted to ryde to Dover to take the accompt for the charge of shippinge." Fo. 44. They are authorized under the common seal to take account for shipping sent last year with other H.M. forces to Calais. 30 Oct. 39 Eliz. (1597), Common Council. " The ordinance to be solde to be employed in Corne for the poo re." Agreed, that 6 falcons and the two fowlers> with their chambers and stocks and the iron shot and bars provided for the falcons, with all other furniture to them belonging, be sold, and the money arising be employed in stock for buying corn for provision of the poor to be delivered to them at such reasonable prices as shall be appointed. "viii li. xvis. ixd. rem. of the Sesse for shippinge to be employed for corne for the poore." 30 Dec. 40 Eliz. (1597), Common Council. " Commissionated p'sons to the Guestlinge at Bye." Fo. 45. A Guestling is to be held at Eye on 3 January next. Christopher Fynche, Mayor, John Castelocke and Henry Saker, Jurats, Humfrey Kybbett and William Tomlyn, Commoners, authorized under the Common Seal to appear there. 21 Jan. 40 Eliz. (1598), Common Council. " The house resolved to trye the force of theire lib'tie by lawe/for S. James Corte at Dover." Fo. 45. 42 CINQUE PORTS. 6 July 40 Eliz. (1598), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge at Wynchelsey." Fo. 46. A Guestling to be held at New Eomney on 25 July. Christopher Fynche, Mayor, Eobert Lame and John Upton, Jurats, Humfrey Kybbett and Anthony Bodyll chosen to go, under common seal. 28 July 40 Eliz. (1598) Common Council. " Com'yssionated to Shepwaye when Ld Broke Lo. Wan toke his othe." Fo. 46. Summons of High Court of Shipway, to be held at Bekesbourne, Kent, within the Town and Port of Hastings on 24 August next by 8 o'clock in the forenoon, for making and solemn taking of the seremente and promise to uphold and maintain the liberties of the 5 Ports, by Henry Brooke Lord Cobham, now appointed, under H.M. great seal of England, Constable of the Castle of Dover and Lord Warden of the 5 Ports. Christopher Fynche, mayor, John Castelocke, John Upton, Henry Saker and Anthony Deale, jurats, and 2 commoners chosen to go. '• Eichard Tylman apoynted to carrye a Pre to the Lord Warden." "The letter to the Lo. Warden from M1' Atkinson for the Towne about S. James Corte at Dover/'' Day is given by Lord Warden to 30 July to shew cause why they should not appear at Chancery Court at Dover. Answer: Privileged by Charter. 20 Oct. 40 Eliz. (1598) Common Council. " The Lo. Warden to be certifyed of the processe out of the Chancerie Cort at Dover betwe Taylo1' & Hudson." " A triall to be made." Fo. 48. 21 Oct. 40 Eliz. (1598) Common Council. " M1' Christofer Fynche chose to carrye a letter to o1' Lo. Wa. about X'rofer Hudson's ymprisonment at Dover." CltfQUE PORTS. 43 29 Oct. 40 Eliz. (1598) Common Council. " Some apoynted to goe to London to o1' Lo. Wa. about the releasem' of X'rofer Hudson & to aske Councell thereon." 5 April 41 Eliz. (1599) Common Council. " Com'yssionated to the Guestlinge at Dover." A Guestling to be held at Dover on 17 April. Christopher Fynche and Eobert Allen, Jurats, and Humfrey Kybbett shall be authorized under the Common seal to go, and if Chr. Fynche come not home in time to go Mr John Upton shall go in his room; and if M1' Kybbett, being now sick, be not well recovered Mr John Besbeeche shall go in his room, and be thereunto authorized under the common seal. 19 April 41 Eliz. (1599) Common Council. " Warninge here geven to X'rofer Hudson of his disfranchisem' from the libties of the Cinque Ports & hd to upt-re at the next Brotherhelde." Anthony Deale, mayor, according to order in Guestling at Dover on 17 April, gave warning to Chr1' Hudson that he is disfranchised from the liberties of the Cinque Ports or any of their members, and is to appear at the next Brotherhelde to answer to such things as shall be objected against him. 9 July 41 Eliz. (1599) Common Council. " Comissionated to the Guestlinge at New Romney." A Guestling to be held on 24 July. Anthony Deale, Mayor, Henry Saker and Esau Spracklinge, Jurats, John Besbeech, commoner and chamberlain, and Humfrey Kybbett, steward, commissionated under common seal to attend, etc. 5 July 42 Eliz. (1600) Common Council. " Com'yssionated to the Guestlinge at Eomney." Fo. 51. Eobert Lambe, mayor, Anthony Deale & Esay Spracklinge, jurats, WiUiam Beale and Humfrey Kybbett, commoners, to go to the Guestling at Eomney on .Thursday after the Feast of S. Margaret next to consent to things handled there. 44 CINQUE RORTS. 8 July 42 Eliz. (1600) Common Council. " A pece of plate of x li. to be p'sented to ov Lo. Warden by Mr Anthonie Deale." Fo. 52. 27 Oct. 42 Eliz. (1600) Common Council. " M1' Castelocke & Mr Deale, Jurats, apoynted to goe to London for councell. Fo. 53. Concerning holding of Sessions, and removing Eecords out of H.M. Court of Portmote of this Town to St. James's Court of Dover. 22 Jan. 43 Eliz. (1601) Common Council. " 3 of the Jurats chosen to goe & conferre with o1' Lo. Warden about Hallett." Concerning his misdemeanours and disjurating. 7 July 43 Eliz. (1601) Common Council. " Comyssionated to a Guestlinge at New Romney." A Guestling to be held there on 21 July; Esay Sprackling, Mayor, John Caslocke and Anthony Deale, jurats, John Caslocke the yo1' aud Humfrey Kybbett to go. 2 May 44 Eliz. (1602) Common Council. " D'vise apoynted to goe to or Lo. Warden upon his coinaund for Hallett." Fo. 54. " A confirmac'on of the order for the thirds upon Bylletts." Fo. 55. 2 June 44 Eliz. (1602) Common Council. " A letter to be sent to o1' Lo. Warden about John Hallett." Shewing his disfranchisement is upon just cause, and we cannot readmit him to his former place of Jurat and other privileges without breach of our oaths. 20 June 44 Eliz. (1602) Common Council. " Divers apoynted to goe to o1' Lo. Wa. to answer in p'sn about Hallett, for y' he refuseth an answer in writinge." CINQUE PORTS. 45 22 August 44 Eliz. (1602) Common Council. " Auditors apoynted to audytt Christofer Hudson's Bills of charges." Fo. 56. Re Chancery Court at Dover. 28 August 44 Eliz. (1602) Common Council. "The Accompts for C. Hudson to be conferred." 6 Sept. 44 Eliz. (1602) Common Council. " John Hallett refusethe to make his submission accordinge to my Lo. order." 2 Jan. 45 Eliz. (1603) Common Council. " The Maior & 4 Jurats apoynted to goe unto the Lo. Warden about Hallett." Fo. 57. 12 July 1 Jas. (1603), Common Council. " An order for the confirmac'on & amendinge of or Charters." "Reginald Edwards, Tho. Kennett chosen Solicitors." Fo. 58. A speedy suit to be made to the King for confirmation of the particular Charters of this Town, for illustrating and better explaining points ambiguous, and doubtful questions within them may arise as by advice of Counsel shall be thought necessary. The Solicitors to be each allowed for private expenses and charges at rate of 5s for every day employed in the business with charges, together with all the necessary charges to our Counsel and otherwise about this business. 3 Nov. 1 Jas. (1603), Common Council. " Ch'rs to be amended." Fo. 59. A draft to be made of such things as we ourselves think fit to be added, explained and amended in our Charters, which shall be sent to Mr Hadd; and what by him shall be thought fit shall be sent by messenger into Court to Mr Doctor Hawkins, who is thought a man very fit, if it shall please him to undertake it, to exhibit the Petition to the King's Majesty and to prosecute the same. 46 CINQUE PORTS. 10 Jan. 1 Jas. (1604), Common Council. "A Sesse of Cli to be made for or Ch'res." Fo. 60. A cesse of £100 to be made for obtaining a new Charter, one half to be now gathered, and one half when required. 4 Sept. 2 Jas. (1604), Common Council. " Jo. Castelock, Tho. Menfeild & Tho. Kennett commissionated to goe to o1' Lo. Wa. about the Chanc'ie Corte at Dovo1'," Fo. 63. 2 July 3 Jas. (1605), Common Council. " M1' Edwards commissionated alone to the Guestlinge." In respect of contagion of the Plague in this Town, Mr Eeignold EdwardB, Jurat, alone commissionated to Guestling to be holden at New Eomney 23 July. 20 Jan. 3 Jas. (1606), Common Council. " An order to retegne A. Bodle's Bond." Fo. 65. As to Chancery Court of Lord Warden at S. James's Church, Dover. " A case to be drawne about Dovo1' Courte & deliv'ed to Sr John Boyce." 8 Aug. 4 Jas. (1606), Common Council. "Jo. Hayward, Maior, Tho. Kennett, Sa. Watts & his wife to forbeare to apere upon their subpena at Dovor." Disputed jurisdiction of S4 James's Court at Dovor. 11 Jan. 4 Jas. (1607), Common Council. " 4 Commissionated to goe to or Lo. Warden about the Chaunc'ie Cort at Dovo1'." Fo. 67. 1 June 5 Jas. (1607), Common Council. " Commissionated to London about the Chauncerie Court at Dovor ." CINQUE PORTS. 47 14 July 5 Jas. (1607), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge." A Guestling to be held at New Eomney on 21 July, Eeignold Edwards, Mayor, Thomas Menfield, Jurat, Deputy Mayor, John Caslock the elder, Jurat, Thomas Kennett, Town Clerk, Francis Thornhill & Wm Thurston, commoners, to go. 4 Oct. 5 Jas. (1607), Common Council. " The case for Dovor Courte to be delive'd to the 2 Judges." Fo. 69. The Lord Chief Baron and M1' Justice Walmysley to decide theron. Liberty given to Samuel Watts to appear at the Chancery Court at Dovor. 25 Oct. 5 Jas. (1607), Common Council. "An action to be brought against Ro. Roberts for breaking the lib'tie." By attacking Thomas Napleton under Warrant from the Sheriff of Kent upon process out of Crown Office according to decree of last Guestling. 8 March 5 Jas. (1608), Common Council. " The retorne of the certiorari betwene Oolwell & Savage." Fo. 72. S' James Court Dovor. 11 July 6 Jas. (1608), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 74. To be held at New Eomney 25 July. W™ Beale, mayor, Thomas Menfeild, John Lawrence & Francis Thornhill, jurats, & Antbonie Napleton, commoner and chamberlain, to go. 48 CINQUE PORTS. 6 Aug. 7 Jas. (1609), Common Council. " The Maiorto forbeare to goe to Dovor upon a Subpena: betwene Perse & Bynge." Chancerie Court, Dovor. 11 Oct. 7 Jas. (1609), Common Council. "An a'l c'tiorare from Dovo' Corte not to be certified." Fo. 76. 13 April 8 Jas. (1610), Common Council. " An order aboute xx1' formerlie deliv'ed unto the Towne Clerke aboute a new Chr ." Fo. 77. " A messenger to Dovor & Sandw0'1 about a Jurye to Beakesborne." About the aid for the Prince. 8 July 8 Jas. (1610), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 78. To be held at New Eomney on 24 July. John Woodd, mayor, Thomas Menfeild & John Hayward, Jurats, Thomas Kennett, Common Clerk, & Thomas Bixe, chamberlain, to go. 31 Oct. 8 Jas. (1610), Common Council. " The 2 fowlers to be solde." Fo. 80. 2 pieces of ordnance being fowlers of iron and the chambers belonging to them. 19 Aug. 9 Jas. (1611), Common Council. " The billett monie to be kept in stocke in the Tresorie." Fo. 81. Until use is for shipping, with billet money amounting to £9 5s. lOd. 10 July 10 Jas. (1612), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 86. Summoned from Winchelsea to be holden at New Eomney on 20 July. CINQUE PORTS. 49 22 March 11 Jas. (1614), Common Council. " Mr Maior, M1' Edwards & M1' Kennett apoynted to goe to Dovo1' to answer to Boate mens petition." Fo. 93. On letter from Sir Eobert Brett, King's Lieut' of Dovor Castle, concerning a Petition delivered by certain sailors and boat owners of this Town to the Lord Warden upon impositions laid on them for maintenance of late built sluice. 22 July 12 Jas. (1614), Common Council. "Commis. to the Guestlinge." Summoned by New Eomney to be held at New Eomney on 26 July, 17 Jan. 12 Jas. (1615), Common Council. "An order for the Boate oweners to paie theire taxes till Mich, laste." Fo. 97. " To be disfranchised." In default of payment. "halfe the tax abated for the 2 yeare." 14 April 13 Jas. (1615), Common Council. "Boate owners not to be fyned as forreyners till the next yere." Fo. 101. 5 July 13 Jas. (1615), Common Council. "Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Summoned by Hythe to be held at New Eomney on 25 July. 18 Aug. 13 Jas. (1615), Common Council. " P'sons apoynted to ride to Shipwaie to the takinge of the L" Wardens othe." Fo. 102. A summons from E' Hon. Edward Lord Zouche, Saint Maure and Cantelupe, Constable of the Castle of Dover, Lord Warden, Chancellor and Admiral of the Cinque Ports and their members and one of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, for the High Court of Shipway to be holden at Shipway in Kent on 5 Sept. next by 8 o'clock in the forenoon; for making of the solemn sere- VOL, xxviii. B 50 CINQUE PORTS. ment of the Lord Warden it is required that 6, 5, or 4 Jurats & others of the best and most discreet of every of the Towns, Ports and Members incorporate should peasonally appear. The Mayor and 6 Jurats commissionated to attend. 29 Dec. 13 Jas. (1615), Common Council. " An order for the entertainment of the Muster Master." Fo. 105. The charge of entertaining the Muster Master and other Officers from time to time sent for mustering and training the soldiers within the liberty of the Town has lately much exceeded the rate and preparation in former times used. Decreed, that the Mayor shall henceforth take order for such fit and necessary entertainment of them as in his wisdom and discretion shall seem fit: and towards the charge thereof, as well for their usual fees and allowances as for their diet, lodging and other necessaries, he shall be paid for every such time £6 13s. 4d. and no more. " An acte repealinge the disfranchisem1 of the saylers." Order of 17 Jan. last (fo. 97) repealed. 22 March 14 Jas. (1616), Common Council. " A cuppe of x11 to be geven to o1' Lo. Warden the Lo. Zouche." Fo. 106. At his next coming to the Town. 27 June 14 Jas. (1616), Common Council. "Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 110. Summoned from Dover to be held at New Eomney on 23 July next. 11 Dee. 14 Jas. (1616), Common Council. " The order for the boate owners to remayne in force. The money to be employed aboute the Sluce & Channell." Fo. 114. Decreed, the last Order concerning imposition of the Boat Owners shall continue until further order, and all arrearages thereof shall be paid before Christmas next, on pain of disfranchisement of every dehnquent if a freeman. Arrearages when paid to be employed about repairing and maintenance of sluice and channel, CINQUE PORTS. 51 "xxs to be paid to M1' Hales towards his charges in answering the p'ntm4 for the fyne at the fayer for selinge of salt by unlawfull measures." Fo. 114. A presentment was made by the Jury, at the Admiralty Court lately held by the Lord Warden, against Edwd Hales then Mayor for an enquiry made by him at Lamas Fair last as Clerk of the Market against a stranger for selling salt out of a Crayer* at the Standard by false measures; upon which the said Hales was commanded by process to appear before the Lord Warden at Dover at his Court of Admiralty there to answer, which he did ; and because it appears that he made the enquiry as Clerk of the Market in respect ,of his Mayoralty and no otherwise than former Mayors in like cases within the precinct of the Fairs, without intent to infringe the Admiral Jurisdiction of the Lord Warden. Agreed, that he be allowed 20s towards his charges in going to Dover to answer, and that the salt he attached for the fine then set upon the offender shall be for the use of the Town. 4 Jan. 14 Jas. (1617), Common Council. "Mr Maior's charges about the Bills exhibited by M' Boxe & B. Ower to be borne by the Towne." Fo. 115. Bills exhibited in Chancery Court of Dover (inter alia) as to lawfulness of Mr Philpott's mayoralty, and the holding of Sessions by the Jurats. 22 April 15 Jas. (1617), Common Council. " xiiu to be allowed to Mr Maior." Fo. 116. About the two Bills in Chancery. 18 Sept. 15 Jas. (1617), Common Council. " The order for the contribution for the Muster master agreed at Dover." Fo. 118. At an assembly of the Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty in the Chancel of the Parish Church here on Sunday 24 August last it was ordered that the Mayor should go to Dover on Tuesday then next to meet and confer with others of the Ports and Members about a competent fee and yearly allowance for the Muster Master of the Ports and members for his travael and pains, according to the exigency of certain letters missive sent through the Ports. * A small trading vessel, 33 2 52 CINQUE PORTS. The Mayor reported the Agreement of the Meeting to be, that Mr Anthony Hill, now Muster Master of the Ports, should have a yearly fee of £50 5s. to be paid as follows :— £ s. d. Sandwich with Eamsgate and Sarre - - - - 5 1 8 Dover with Kingswold and Kingsdown - - - 5 1 8 Hythe -3 4 2 Eomney with old Eomney 2 15 0 Lydd .. . 3 13 4 Folkestone 2 5 10 Faversham - 42 6 Fordwich with Beakesbourne 25 10 Eye 3 13 4 Winchelsea - - - 1 7 6 Hastings 34 2 Tenterden 3 13 4 Pevensey 25 10 Seaford 1 16 8 St. John's, St. Peter's, Birchington, Vill of Wood - 3 13 4 Deal, Walmer 2 5 10 £50 10 0 9 Feb. 16 Jas. (1619), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestling." Fo. 123. Summoned by Dover to be holden at New Eomney on 23 Feb. 6 July 17 Jas. (1619), Common Council. "4U p' ann. to Tho. Lamb' for 4 yeres." Fo. 124. On relation of James Lambert, one of Sergeants at Mace, that Widow Berry, mother of wife of James Lambert long since at the Portugal voyage, at the appointment of the Mayor delivered to the soldiers then here billeted victuals to sum of £19 and upwards, whereof no satisfaction has been made. Agreed that in full satisfaction of said debt there shall be allowed to James Lambert for maintenance of his son Thomas Lambert at the University the yearly stipend of £4 per annum for 4 years. 22 Dec. 17 Jas. (1619), Common Council. "The certiorare for the certefyinge of the Recogn. for the victuales." Fo. 127. Writ of Certiorari lately sent from Crown Office to remove and certify Eecognizances lately taken here of Victuallers according to the King's late Proclamation, CINQUE PORTS. 53 As benefit of Eecognizances is given us by the last general Charter, the Lord Warden is to be made acquainted with same before any Eeturn is made. 16 July 19 Jas. (1621), Common Council. " Com'issionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 130. Summoned from New Eomney to be held there on 24 July. 28 Sept. 20 Jas. (1622), Common Council. " Ja. LamV to goe to Lydd." Fo. 132. Sergeant at Mace to go to answer cause between Bate and Longe upon the process of withernam [counter-distress]. " 71! 15s to be paid to Dover." For 3 years' composition and for charges for Argiers. 29 Dec. 21 Jas. (1623), Common Council. " xla geven to Lamb' sonne for his com'encem'." Fo. 140. £4 to be paid to James Lambert for maintenance of his son at Cambridge according to former order, to be now paid him, and 40a more towards the charge of his now present Degree taking at next commencement at Cambridge. 25 June 22 Jas. (1624), Common Council. "Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 141. Summoned by Sandwich to be held at New Eomney on 27 July. 12 Oct. 22 Jas. (1624), Common Council. "Answere to be sent to Lydd unto theire letters of Advertisem' in yc withernam betweene Bate & Longe." Fo. 143. 25 Oct. 22 Jas. (1624), Common Council. " The coppies of the Records betweue Nutt & Wiseman not to be delive'd." 7 March 22 Jas. (1624), Common Council. "Mr Maior & alB to appere at Dover to Nutts Bill." In Chancery Court. 54 CINQUE PORTS. 21 March 22 Jas. (1624), Common Council. " Tho. Nutts bill at Dover." Fo. 144. 25 April 1 Chas. (1625), Common Council. " 13u 11s 9d ob. paid in for the 3 fifteenes & putt into the chiste wth other monies." Fo. 145. 5 Oct. 1 Chas. (1625), Common Council. " 4 appoynted to goe to the Admiral Court at Dover." Fo. 148. A mandate from the Lord Warden for 4 inhabitants of the Town to appear before him or his deputy at Dover on the Seashore in a place called the Mount on 3 Nov. next at 8 a.m. to enquire of matters concerning the Admiralty Court there. 3 of the Commoners and an inhabitant appointed to go. 17 March 1 Chas. (1625), Common Council. "A s'veighe to be taken of the Townes store of powder shott &c. the powder to be carried into the Treasorie in the Churche." Fo. 149. 4 July 2 Chas. (1626), Common Council. " 7 Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Summoned by Winchelsea to be held at New Eomney on 25 July. "xiiu to be paide to the widowe & children of John Hutchens." Fo. 150. For monies in 1588 laid out by the father of John Hutchens for victualling soldiers then billeted in the Town. 28 July 2 Chas. (1626), Common Council. " A Sesse of lx11 for the charge of a Shippe."* Letters from Privy Council requiring of the Cinque Ports, 2 ancient towns and their members 2 serviceable ships of burden of 200 tons apiece to be presently put in readiness and furnished for 3 months with victual, mariners, munition and other necessary provision and furniture for H.M.'s service on these coasts. At a Guestling at New Eomney on 25"' inst6 it was agreed that the charge amounting to £1825 should be reared; every port, town * This was the last contribution made by the Ports. See under 1840.—ED. CINQUE PORTS. 55 and member according to their number of ships ; of which proportion our ports are to allow for one ship and three quarters, which will come to nearly £60. A sesse to be levied therefor and persons are appointed to attend to same. 11 Aug. 2 Chas. (1626), Common Council. " The Sesse for the shippinge to be gathered." Fo. 151. " The one half." To be levied by distress. Defaulters to be imprisoned. 19 Aug. 2 Chas. (1626), Common Council. " Answer to be sent to Dover of theire letters for further contribution to the charge of shippinge." Dover asks larger contribution according to precedent of 1588. Answer we will stand to order of last Guestling and not otherwise. " The other halfe of the Sesse for Shippinge to be gathered." 22 May 3 Chas. (1627), Common Council. " Order for the watche."* Fo. 153. Letters from the Lord Warden for a watch to be kept for discovery of foreign invasion. There shall be a watch forthwith of 8 inhabitants. Every night one Jurat and 2 Commoners shall walk the round, order the watch, and appoint their place of watching. The 2 commoners shall be Constables and sever themselves with the watchmen. The Jurats, commoners and watchmen shall be appointed every night by the Mayor and be warned by the Sergeants. No inhabitant shall be spared, but either be in person or find a sufficient man in his room. 4 of the 8 watchmen shall serve with Musket, powder and shot to be at the charge of the Town. An account shall be given every morning of the powder and shot of each of the Musketeers. A house shall forthwith be built and set up at the Thornef for shelter for the watchmen at the charge of the Chamber. 18 June 3 Chas. (1627), Common Council. " 7 co'missionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 155. Summoned by Eye to be held at New Eomney on 24 July next. * During invasion of France under Buckingham. •+ A broad part of the Creek where large vessels unloaded. 56 CINQUE PORTS. 20 July 3 Chas. (1627), Common Council. " 2 other comissionated to the Guestlinge." In place of 2 before appointed. 7 Jan. 3 Chas. (1627), Common Council. " Mr Hales & Mr Thurston to ride to S. Ri. Sonds." Fo. 159. For money for billeting soldiers. 9 July 4 Chas. (1628), Common Council. " 7 commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 160. Summoned by New Eomney to be held there on 22 July. 3 Oct. 4 Chas. (1628), Common Council. " v11 sent from Winchelsea." Fo. 162. Formerly lent them at a Guestling. " 14" paid in by Mr Presten." Surplusage of receipts, now distributed to such as went with their carriages to Dover with the soldiers this last summer. 18 June 5 Chas. (1629), Common Council. " Com'issionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 164. Summoned by Hythe to be holden at New Eomney on 21 July. 7 Aug. 5 Chas. (1629), Common Council. " Comissionated to Shipwaie Court at the serem* of the Lo. Warden." A mandate from El Hon. Theophilus Earle of Suffolk, Baron of Walden, Constable of Dover Castle, Lord Warden, Chancellor and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, two ancient Towns and their members, Knight of the Garter and one of H.M.'s Most Honorable Privy Council, for the High Court of Shipway to be holden at Shipway on 20 August at 8 a.m. for making the solemn serement and promise of the Lord Warden according to ancient usage and custom, by which it is required that 6, 5 or 4 of the Jurats and others of this Town shall then appear. The Mayor and 6 Jurats are appointed tp, go. CINQUE PORTS. 57 21 Dec. 5 Chas. (1629), Common Council. " Charges of the soldiers to be paide." Fo. 166. Billeted and lodged at Inns and Alehouses in the Town. 3 March 5 Chas. (1629), Common Council. "xls allowed to G. Burredge." Fo. 167. For hire and hurt of horse, which the soldiers had to Sandwich. 4 June 6 Chas. (1630), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 168. Summoned by Dover to be held at New Eomney on 27 July. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, the Town Clerk and 2 commoners appointed to go. 16 July 6 Chas. (1630), Common Council. " xx11 to be taken out of the Chest for the Guestlinge." 14 March 6 Chas. (1630), Common Council. " 3" to my Lo. Wa. Secretary." Fo. 172. " x5 to A. Tye." £3 to Lord Warden's Secretary and 10s to A. Tye for carrying same to London with a letter. 2 May 7 Chas. (1631), Common Council. "An order for M1' Maior & others to ride to Dovor." Fo. 173. According to letter from Sir Edward Dering, Knt., Lieut, of Dover Castle, requiring the Mayor and one or more Jurats to be at Dovor on 10th inst. " xx8 to M1' Edwards." For going to Lord Warden to satisfy him about the corn. " A cupp of xu to be geven to o1' Lo. Wa. " 27 June 7 Chas. (1631), Common Council. " Comissionated to the Guestlinge." Summoned by Sandwich to be held at new Eomney on 26 July. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, the Town Clerk and 2 Commoners to go. 58 CtNQUE PORTS. 10 Sept. 7 Chas. (1631), Common Council. "M1- Owre & H. Wreight to goe to Dover about the Knighthoodd." Fos. 173-4. The Mayor has lately received a warrant under hands of Sr Edward Hales, Knight and Baronet, S1' Thomas Wilford, Knt,, & Sr Thomas Walsingham, Knt., H.M.'s Commissioners for compounding for Knighthood, requiring the Mayor to cause the Overseers of the Poor and the Churchwardens to bring the books of assessment before the Commissioners here on Thursday next. To go on Monday to Dover and Sandwich to learn what course the rest of the Ports take. 20 Sept. 7 Chas. (1631), Common Council. " 3 comissionated to the Guestlinge." Fo. 176. Summoned by Sandwich to be held at New Eomney on 4 Oct. John Trowts, Mayor, Boys Owre, Jurat, Thomas Kennett, Common Clerk, to go. 9 July 8 Chas. (1632), Common Council. " A comission to the Guestlinge." Fo. 178. Summoned by Hastings to be held at New Eomney on 24 July. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, Deputy Common Clerk and 2 commoners to go. 2 July 9 Chas. (1633), Common Council. " A Coihission to the Guestlinge." Fo. 182. Summoned by Winchelsea to be held at New Eomney on 24 July. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, Common Clerk and 2 Commoners to go. CINQUE PORTS. 59 I I . Volume bound in leather, 16 inches by 10 inches, folios 323, labelled: " Feversham Wardmote Book begining in the year 1633 & ending in the year 1740." 1 July 10 Chas. (1634), Common Council. " A Comission to the Guestlinge." Fo. 4. Summoned by Eye to be held at New Eomney on 22 July. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, Deputy Common Clerk, 2 Commoners to go. " A coppie of the new Ch1'." Fo. 5. The Mayor now going to London about the Ports Charter to get a copy thereof for the Town. 25 Aug. 10 Chas. (1634), Common Council. " 131'' 6s 8d geven unto Tho. Kennett for writinge of Ch1'8 into the great bote." All the Charters heretofore granted to the Town and other writings concerning the School lands and divers Charters heretofore made to the Ports, &c, in general, with the last Charter now granted by K. Charles to the Ports in latin and also translated into english, with a breviat of all the Charters and exposition of old words of all the former Charters. 20 Nov. 10 Chas. (1634), Common Council. " A speciall Guestling." Fo. 11. Summoned by Eye to be holden at New Eomney on 25 Nov1'. The Mayor, 1 Jurat, 1 Commoner to go. 13 April 11 Chas. (1635), Common Council. "An order to allowe to G. Murton & Jo. Powell x8 a pec.e for carreinge the monye to Dover for the Shippe." Fo. 12. Murton and Powell were lately employed to collect the Sesse for our proportion of the Ship charged upon the Ports and other Marine Towns and places in Kent and Sussex for H.M. Service, and to carry monies so collected to the Mayor of Dover; which 60 CINQUE PORTS. they have performed, and there remains £3.15.8 surplusage of their account. They are allowed 20s for their pains and journeys, and £2 .15. 8 is to be kept by the Mayor to be disposed of upon further consideration. " xls to be sent to Dover to Mr Watkins for charges." In Chancery Court. 3 July 11 Chas. (1635), Common Council. "Com. to the Guestlinge." Fo. 13. Summoned from New Eomney to be held there on 21 July. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, the Deputy Common Clerk & 2 commoners to go. 29 July 11 Chas. (1635), Common Council. " The Bill of Jo. Fyshe sent to Cant, to Mr Fr. Lovelace to be answered." Fo. 14. Suit in Chancery at Dover by John Fishe, gent., against the Mayor, Jurats & Commonalty of Faversham, & against 4 Jurats of Faversham and Elizabeth Harte, widow. 5 Aug. 11 Chas. (1635), Common Council. " The draught of the answer to the Bill of Jo. Fyshe to be resent to Mr Lovelace to be engrossed." Fo. 15. 17 Nov. 11 Chas. (1635), Common Council. "Mr Maior & M1' Owre to goe to or Lo. Wa. about or gportion of c1' set on us by the Maior of Dover for the Shippe." Fo. 19. The Mayor has lately received letters from the Mayor of Dover for £100, by him assessed upon this Town towards the charge of a ship for H.M.'s service by virtue of H.M.'s Writ, with a warrant for assessing and raising same upon the inhabitants here. We conceive £100 too great a proportion for us alone to bear, the whole charge laid upon Dover with his members and limbs being but £330, which is to be distributed and bourne by 11 several Towns and limbs. It is thought fit that the Lord Warden's help be asked for abatement of so great a burden and for righting of mistakings iu the King's Writ touching upon the liberties of the Ports. Mr Mayor and Mr Boys Owre with all convenient speed to CINQUE PORTS. 61 repair to the Lord Warden to crave his help, and a letter to be sent to the Maior of Dover requesting him to respite us until our resolution and answer from the Lord Warden.* 21 Dec. 11 Chas. (1635), Common Council. " 2" 15s paid in by Mr Knowler and deliv'ed to M1' Owre towards charges at London." Fo. 20. See Minute of 15 Apl. 11 Chas., above. 29 April 13 Chas. (1637), Common Council. " The Serieant to be borne out for servinge in execution uppon pcesse of withernam against the goods of one of Cant." Fo. 29. Letters of process, original, alias and pluries, have been lately sent from this Town to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Canterbury against Edward Worley als. Worlell of Canterbury at suit of Francis Winsor, one of the Common Council of this Town, and for want of any answer from the City of Canterbury unto the said letters of process, judgment has been given according to the custom of withernam within the Cinque Ports and their members, and execution thereupon directed to Anthony Tye, one of the Sergeants at Mace of this Town, to take the goods of Walter Southwell, Alderman of Canterbury, being found within the liberty of the Town; by virtue of which precept Tye has attached and taken in execution a Butt of currants of Walter Southwells here being within this Liberty. Agreed that Tye be allowed for all expenses, costs & damages. 27 Sept. 13 Chas. (1637), Common Council. "The Butt of Oorants sould to W. Hills for 3011." Fo. 29. "Mr Ser. Clarke & M1' Edwards to confer with Ser. Henden about the order at Dovor." In Chancery Court for Mr Fishe. 7 Oct. 13 Chas. (1637), Common Council. " x" sent to Dover for Mr Fishe." Fo. 32. Ordered by Chancery Court there. * This abstraot is set out at length and in the original spelling in Vol. XXIV., p. 240,-ED, 62 CINQUE PORTS. 24 Oct. 13 Chas. (1637), Common Council. " xx8 to Serieant Scotfford." Who is now come by order to exercise the trained bands for his pains therein. " Pouder & matche to be p'vided for the cofhon store." To be bought of William Hilles, commoner, 3 barrels of powder for £19 10 to be paid on 26 April next; other 3 barrels to be bought of John Duxburie for £19 to be paid presently ; which £19 John Trowts is contented now to lay down, & 20s more to buy match, making together £20 to be paid him on 26 Apl. next with 168 for use thereof. 21 Nov. 13 Chas: (1637), Common Council. "Comissionated to Maidstone for the assessm' for the Shippe." Fo. 33. The Mayor has lately received letters from S1' Thomas Hendley, Kt., High Sheriff of Kent, requiring the Mayor and some of the Jurats to be and appear at Maidstone on [sic] November instant for joining with other of the Ports and of the County for the assessment of £8000 towards the setting forth of a Ship of War of 800 tons for H.M.'s service. Ordered that the Mayor & 2 Jurats on the appointed day go to Maidstone for same service to join with the rest of the Ports therein. " 12u 4810d sent to Mr Southall at Cant." There was owing to the Town by William Hills £30 for butt of currants of M1' Southall's taken in execution in withernam and sold to Hills and now accounted for. Ordered that £12 : 4 : 10 the overplus price of currants be paid to M1' Southall. 27 Feb. 13 Chas. (1637), Common Council. " J o . Kennett to ride to Dover & Romney." Fo. 35. For copy of ancient customs of the Ports made in 19 H. 7 and 19 H. 8. 6 Dec. 14 Chas. (1638), Common Council. "Comissionated to Sittingborne about the charges of the Shipp for the Kinge." - Fo. 37. Eeceived H.M.'s Writ for providing a Ship of 450 tons for HM/s service, and a letter from the High Sheriff appointing a CINQUE PORTS. 63 Meeting at the Bed Lion, Sittingbourne, on 19th inst. to consult about the proportion and levying of the charge thereof. The Mayor & 2 Jurats to ride to Sittingbourne. 25 June 15 Chas. (1639), Common Council. " Commissionated to the Guestling." Fo. 39. Summoned from Hastings to be held at New Eomney on 23 July next. The Mayor, 3 Jurats, 3 Commoners to go. 27 Dec. 15 Chas. (1639), Common Council. " Oo'issio'ated to goe to Maidstone about ye Shippe money." Fo. 43. I t is reported that the High Sheriff of Kent has appointed a Meeting at Maidstone on 30 Decr concerning providing a ship of 640 tons for H.M.'s service as appears by H.M.'s Writ to us of 18 Nov. last. The Mayor and 2 Jurats appointed to go to Maidstone. 29 Jan. 15 Chas. (1639), Common Council. " A sesse to be made for the Shippe money." Eeceived letters from Dover to the Mayor for assessing and collecting £40 : 12 : 4 towards £264 imposed upon Dover & members thereof, being a 6th part & a half of their assessment. The same to be forthwith levied, 3 Feb. 17 Chas. (1640), Common Council. " A n order to repay Shippemony collected."* Fo. 49. As to £40 : 12 : 4 Ship money ordered to be collected on 29 Jan. last, £22 : 6 : 8 | has been collected & paid to Thomas Napleton, late Mayor, who is to repay it to the several persons from whom it was collected. 2 June 17 Chas. (1641), Common Council. " Com'ission to the Guestling." Fo. 50. Summoned from Eye to be holden at New Eomney on 27 July then next. The Mayor, 3 Jurats and 3 Commoners appointed to go. * The imposition of Ship-money was declared to be contrary to Laws and Statutes of the Realm, the Petition of Right, and the liberty of the subject by Stat, 17 Chas. J., c. J4, 64 CINQUE PORTS. 10 March 17 Chas. (1641), Common Council. Petition to Parliament. Fo. 55. A letter is directed to this Town from M1' Speaker of Eye, concerning a Petition for the general affairs of the Kingdom to be preferred to house of Parliament now assembled, requesting a convenient number to be selected to meet on 16 March at 2 p.m. on the Eoyal Exchange to consult of the said Petition. The Mayor, 3 Jurats and 1 Commoner appointed to go. 6 Oct. 18 Chas. (1642), Common Council. Fo. 58. Sir Edwd Hales, Knt. & Baronet, has sent a Mandate to M1' Mayor to summon the Minister & all other able inhabitants of this liberty to appear before him on Saturday next; which is contrary to the liberties, customs & freedoms of the Ports & their members. Mr Mayor is desired to return this our answer. 10 Oct. 18 Chas. (1642), Common Council. Mr Kennett to go to Tenterden to enquire what order they observe concerning the Mandate from Sir Edwa Hales and others authorized by ordinance of Parliament for the subscription to contribute money or plate for the preservation of the Peace, &c. 26 Jan. 21 Chas. (1645), Common Council. If any inhabitant of this Town shall be attached for any presentment made at the last Quarter Sessions at Canterbury contrary to the liberty of the Ports and this Town, the party or parties shall traverse the indictment or presentment or take such course thereon as shall be by good counsel considered and by this Town appointed, and the charges to be borne by the town. Fo. 71. 30 March 22 Chas. (1646), Common Council. A writ of error is now brought by John Davis, gent., directed from the Chancery Court at Westminster to M1' Mayor to correct errors and certify the Eecord between John Larkyn, pit., Tho8 Fidge, deft., and Eichd Crutchfeilde his bail in an action of trespass upon the case, and in the Portmote Court of Faversham lately depending, the said Eecord having formerly been certified unto the Chancery Court of Dover by virtue of a Certiorari and writ of error by them to us directed. Ordered that a letter concerning the premisses with a copy of the Writ be forthwith despatched to the Mayor of Sandwich, now Speaker, to crave the usual assistance for the justification of our privilege. CINQUE PORTS. 65 28 April 22 Chas. (1646), Common Council. We have received answer from M1' Speaker of Sandwich & the rest of our brethren of the Cinque Ports, two ancient towns and their members, concerning the writ of error, wherein they desire MT Kennett, our Town Clerk, to solicit the business immediately, the charges for the present to be disbursed by the Town, with promise of contributing their several parts at the next Brotherhood & Guestling. Ordered that £20 be presently delivered to Mr Kennett towards his charges, and if need require he shall be further supplied with money, he giving a true account thereof. Fo. 72. 22 June 23 Chas. (1647), Common Council. A Guestling summoned from Winchelsea to be holden at New Eomney on 27 July next. The Mayor or his Deputy, 3 Jurats, 3 Commoners to go. Fo. 77. 27 Dec. 23 Chas. (1647), Common Council. Those arrested and any other inhabitants of this Town that shall be attached for any presentments at the last Quarter Sessions at the Castle near Canterbury contrary to the liberties of the Ports and this Town shall traverse the said indictments or presentments as shall be by good counsel considered and by this Town appointed, and the charges to be borne by the Town. Fo. 78. 24 Jan, 23 Chas. (1647), Common Council. Those that were arrested and appeared ut Sessions at Canterbury last contrary to order of last Wardmote shall not be paid their charges. Fo. 79. 16 July 1649, Common Council. " Mr Maior and M1' Fearne commissionated to the Guestling." Fo. 86. 14 June 1650, Common Council. " viii" to be paid to Mr Maior." Fo. 89. Which he has paid to Captn Wilkinson according to an Act of Parliament. "xx11 to be paid to Will"1 Bucke." Fo. 90. Which he has paid to Captn Wilkinson to make up £28 in signification of said Act for provision of his soldiers. VOIi. XXVIII, 3? 66 CINQUE PORTS. 6 July 1655, Common Council. " Sev'all commissioned to the Guestlinge." Fo. 108. Summoned from Eye to be holden at New Eomney on 24 July. The Mayor or his Deputy, 3 Jurats, 3 commoners and Deputy to Common Clerk to go. 16 Dec. 1656, Common Council. " Mr Maior and others appointed to goe over to Canterbury to the three referees aboute the businesse of Mr Sherren." Fo. 115. A warrant is lately directed to the Mayor, Jurats and Commonalty from 3 of the Ports referees, by virtue of an order from the Lord Wardens of the Cinque Ports upon Petition of John Sherren, one of the Jurats of this Town, for a Meeting to be had before the referees at the Bed Lion in Canterbury on Tuesday next. 5 Feb. 1656, Common Council. " James Francklyn & Ed. Wharrell to goe to London to the Lord Warden about the disfranchisement of M1' John Sherren." 15 July 1657, Common Council. A Guestling summoned to be held at New Eomney on 21 July. The Deputy Mayor, 2 Jurats, 2 Commoners commissionated to go. Fo. 117. 13 July 12 Chas. I I . (1660), Common Council. "Comissionated to the Guestling." Fo. 131. Summoned from Hastings to be held there on 24 July. The Mayor, 2 Jurats, the Common Clerk and 1 Commoner to go. 25 July 14 Chas. I I . (1662), Common Council. " A spetiall Guestling." Fo. 138. Summoned from Eye to be holden at Eomney on 29 July. The Mayor and one Jurat to go. 8 Dec. 14 Chas. I I . (1662), Common Council. " A Pre to the Speaker concerning a Subp'a from Westm1'." Fo. 141. Chancery Subpoena against an inhabitant of the Town in breach of privileges of the Ports, CINQUE PORTS. 67 27 Jan. 14 Chas. I I . (1662), Common Council. " The Speakers Pre for us to p'vide a Sollicitor." Fo. 142. In reference to Subpcena from Chancery at Westminster Mr • John Saven of Dover, Solicitor to the Ports, retained by the Town touching maintenance of rights and privileges. 10 July 15 Chas. II. (1663), Common Council. " Guestling." Fo. 144. Summoned from Eomney to be holden at Sandwich on 21 July. The Mayor or his Deputy, 2 Jurats, 2 Commoners commissionated to go. 6 June 16 Chas. I I . (1664), Common Council. " A Pre to the Speaker about the Ports plea." Fo. 147. As to an Action commenced in King's Bench against an inhabitant of the Town, contrary to the privileges of the Ports, to the intent that the Ports plea may be drawn for the cause to be tried within the jurisdiction of the Ports. 23 Feb. 17 Chas. I I . (1664), Common Council. " The Towne to find two Souldiers in the trayned Band." Fo. 149. In lieu of what the Town should allow in Sussex for their farm. 3 July 17 Chas. I I . (1665), Common Council. " Powder &c. for the souldiers to spent." Fo. 150. 60 lbs. of powder & 60 yds. of match to be delivered to the Musketeers of the trained band who are to meet to-morrow (being thanksgiving day) to spend in charging and discharging their muskets " by way of jollitie." 5 Sep. 17 Chas. II. (1665), Common Council. "Stocke of powder &c." Fo. 151. A barrel of powder & half a hundred of match to be bought for a common stock for the Town. 9 April 18 Chas. II. (1666), Common Council. "Powder & matche for the Townes store." Fo. 154. 2 barrels of powder to be paid for & half a hundred of match to be provided, * 2 68 CINQUE PORTS. " 200u to be borrowed & lent to the King." Upon security offered by late Act of Parliament. 13 July 20 Chas. II. (1668), Common Council. " Cofhission to the Guestlinge." Fo. 160. Summoned from Winchelsea to be holden at New Eomney on 21 July. The deputy Mayor, 2 Jurats, Common Clerk, and one Commoner to go. 27 Aug. 20 Chas. II. (1668), Common Council. " Cofhission to a Court of Shepway." Fo. 161. To be holden at Braydon'stone Hill* near Dover on 1 Sept. next, by letter of summons from H.E.H. James Duke of York, &c, our Lord Warden, to make his serement and promise &c. The Deputy Mayor & 3 Jurats to go. 12 July 21 Chas. I I . (1669), Common Council. " Cofhission to the Guestlinge." Fo. 163. Summoned from Eye to be holden at New Eomney on 22 July. The Mayor, 2 Jurats, Common Clerk and 1 Commoner to go. 30 Aug. 22 Chas. II. (1670), Common Council. " Sufhons to a Guestlinge." Fo. 165. Summoned from New Eomney to be held there on 6 Sept. next. The Deputy Mayor, 1 Jurat & Town Clerk to go. 2 April 26 Chas. I I . (1674), Common Council. "Composicon with Dover to bee written in the greate booke in English." Fo. 176. 19 June 26 Chas. II. (1674), Common Council. "Comissiones to the Guestlinge." Fo. 177. Summoned by Hastings to be holden at New Eomney on 20 July next. The Mayor, 2 Jurats, 2 Commoners to go. * This appears to have been the first occasion of the holding of a Court of Shepway at the Dover Bredenstone. Previously, except on one occasion (in 1697), when it was held at Bekesbourne, this Court for the ceremony of installing a new Lord Warden had always been held at Shepway.—E», ClNQUE PORTS. &) 21 April 27 Chas. I I . (1675), Common Council. " Order to prevent carryage of powder thro the Towne." Fo. 179. Mr Buckler hath used to carry several quantities of Gunpowder through the streets in open wagons with wheels shod with iron. Ordered that if any shall after 1 May next carry any Gunpowder in any cart or wagon not sufficiently closed or with wheels shod with iron he shall forfeit every time 20s to use of the Town. 5 Oct. 28 Chas. II. (1676), Common Council. "Entertainm1 for the Governors." Fo. 186. Entertainment to be provided for Deputy Lieutenants of the Ports at their next muster now shortly intended. 4 Oct. 29 Chas. I I . (1677), Common Council. "Two blunderbusses to be bought & a Partizan." Fo. 188. At request of Mr Thomas Napleton, Captain of the trained bands of this Town, in lieu of arms usually found by the Town 2 blunderbuses to be bought & 12d a piece to be allowed to 2 men each muster with match & powder to carry them, & 20s be laid out on a Partezan for the Lieutenant, to be reserved for the Town's use. 25 March 30 Chas. II. (1678), Common Council. " Order to pvide Powder." Fo. 189. 1 barrel of Gunpowder, 1 cwt. of bullets, £ cwt. of match to be kept in Garret of Town hall as a store for the Town. 1 March 35 Chas. II. (1682), Common Council. "Persons returned to the Guestlinge." Fo. 201. Summoned by Eye to be held at New Eomney on 24 July. The Mayor, 2 Jurats, 2 Commoners to go. 18 March 1 Jas. II. (1684), Common Council. "Persons comissionated to a Speciall Guestlinge." Fo. 208. Summoned by New Eomney to be held there on 31 March. The Mayor or his deputy, 1 Jurat, 1 commoner to go. "70 CINQUE PORTS. 20 April 1 Jas. I I . (1685), Common Council. " Guestlinge charges allowed viz. 5" 7s 4d." " x" to be spent att the Coronation &c." The better to solemnize the Coronation of our Sovereign Lord King James the second and Queen Mary, who are to be crowned on 23rd inst. 29 Sept. 1 Jas. II. (1685), Common Council. " x11 to be spent to treate the Governor." The Governor of Dover Castle, at his coming here to a general muster. 15 March 1 Jas. II. (1685), Common Council. "Order to treate the Governor." Fo. 213. The Governor of Dover Castle intends to be present at a Muster here of the trained Band here, as well as the rest of the Ports. A treat for him and his Company, at a cost not exceeding £10. 15 Sept. 2 Jas. II. (1686), Common Council. "John Norfleete ordered to be paid 1" 8s 6d for his halbert." Fo. 216. Expended on halbert & case for himself as one of the Sergeants of the Trained Band. 11 Oct. 2 Jas. II. (1686), Common Council. " Order for a person to be commissionated to a Special Meeteinge of the Ports. " Fo. 217. Summoned by Dover to be held there on 12 Oct. by one of each Town, &c. John Kennett, Jurat, to go, with one of Sergeants at Mace to attend him. 9 June 3 Jas, II. (1687), Common Council. "Three to be bought." Fo. 218. For the Trained band of Town. 2 March 4 Jas. II. (1687), Common Council. "Admission for a Spetiall Guestlinge." Fo. 220. Summoned by Sandwich to be held at New Eomney on 6 March of 2 from each Port Town & Member to consider heads appointed CINQUE PORTS. 71 to be inserted in new Charter for the Ports in general. Wm Hendley, Mayor, & John Kennett, Jurat, and Town Clerk to go, and have each of them a man to attend them and £4 apiece for their charges. 7 May 3 Wm. & Mary (1691), Common Council. • "Order to treate the Governor." Fo. 227. Col1 Beaumont, Lieutf of Dover Castle, has ordered a Muster to-morrow morning of the Trained Band. He is to be entertained according to custom at the Town's charge, not exceeding £10. 17 July 3 Wm. & M. (1691), Common Council. " Persons comissionated to the Guestlinge." Summoned by New Eomney to be held there on 21 July, the Mayor, 3 Jurats and one Commoner to go. 29 Sept. 3 Wm. & M. (1691), Common Council. " Guestling charges allowed." Fo. 228. 24 May 6 Wm. & M. (1694), Common Council. " Shipway Court." Fo. 233. Summoned to be held at Braydonstone Hill, Dover, by the Lord Warden, oa Is ' June at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, as by letter from Mayor & Jurats of Dover; the Mayor & 3 Jurats to go, attended by one of Sergeants at Mace. 10 Dec. 6 Wm. & M. (1694), Common Council. " Order to treat Coll. Smith att a Muster." The Mayor & Jurats to attend him and treat him with a supper as handsomely and frugally as they can, at the Town's charge. 22 Oct. 7 Wm. III. (1695), Common Council. " Order to treate the Governo1'." Fo. 236. A Muster is summoned by Sir Basill Dexwell, Governor of Dover Castle, of the Trained band of the Town to be preseut here on Friday & Saturday next. The Mayor (Daniel Glover) to lodge him at his house and treat him there with as much handsomeness and frugality that he can, at the Town's charge. to CINQUE PORTS. 7 July 3 Anne (1704), Common Council. " Order that Mr Higgs doe provide a dinner for the Earle of Winchelsea, Governor of Dover Castle, not exceeding 10»." Fo. 256. The Governor has ordered a Muster next Thursday. M1' Tho8 Higgs, Jurat, to provide a handsome dinner with wine to treat the Governor and his Company. Ordered for the dinner, in eatables £5, for wine £5. 28 Oct. 7 Anne (1708), Common Council. "Ordered that a sum not exceeding 5U be expended in treateing the Deputy Governour of Dover Castle on a muster." Fo. 263. For the Deputy Govr and his attendants " as frugally as they can." 9 Aug. 8 Anne (1709), Common Council. "Order to returne Commissioners to a Court of Shepway sufhoned to be held the 16 day of August." Fo. 264. Summoned to be held at Bradenstone Hill, Dover, by E' Hon. Lionel Cranfeild, Earl of Dorset & Middlesex, Constable of Dover Castle & Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, as by letter from Mayor & Jurats of Hastings. The Mayor & 3 Jurats, attended by one of Sergeants at Mace, to go. 19 July 12 Geo. (1726), Common Council. " Deputacon to a Guestling to be held at New Romney 26 July 1726." Fo. 286. Summoned by New Romney. The Mayor, 2 Jurats, the Common Clerk & one Commoner to go, attended by one of the Sergeants. 6 Sept. 2 Geo. I I . (1728), Common Council. "Ordered that the Orders of last Guestling be enfcer'd in the Wardmote Book." Fo. 289. Entry of Minutes of Brotherhood held on 26 July 1726, com - prising those who appeared under Commission to attend. Election of Eobert Wellard, Town Clerk of Dover, as Clerk to Brotherhood & Brotherhood & Guestling, in room of John Mastall, decd. The General Charter and all books, papers & Records now in custody of Mayor of N. Eomney to be scheduled and put into a Chest in CINQUE PORTS. 73 Court Hall of New Romney under 2 different locks, the key of one to be kept by the Clerk, the other to have 7 keys to be kept by the Mayor of each of the Cinque Ports and 2 ancient Towns. £14:2 :11, the remainder of the Solicitor's Bill at the Coronation of His present Majesty, to be paid in equal proportions by the 7 Ports. Entry of Minutes of Brotherhood & Guestling on same day, comprising those who appeared under Commission to attend. Excusing attendance of Town Clerk of Tenterden. Fining Seaford & Pevensey £10 each, mitigated to 6s 8d each in respect of their ignorance of Decree; which was paid. In arrearing [summoning] Brotherhoods & Guestlings the Speaker, in Letter of Summons, to mention the number & quality of persons to be returned from each Port and Member. Committee appointed to audit Bills and Accounts and consider grievances referred to them. Complaint against M1' Collinson, Solicitor of the Ports, dismissed. Petition of Lydd referred to Committee. Speaker has undoubted right to appoint the Preacher of Sermon at Brotherhood & Guestling. Complaint that Newcastle, Berwick, Whitby and other places have exacted duties of freemen of the Ports and their members, to wit, toppage, keelage & groundage, & on coals, from which they are exempted by Charter. The freemen to be defended from paying such. Complaint of French Fishermen fishing within Admiralty jurisdiction of Cinque Ports. The Lord Warden asked to redress same. Winchelsea allowed 6 months for payment of £5:10 due from that Port. Wm Turner to be of Counsel for the Ports &c. with annual fee of 403. Freedoms granted to persons not inhabiting Town or liberty to be void. Great Yarmouth has violated the Ports' privileges by fixing a price for herrings brought into Yarmouth during herring season, to the prejudice of the fishery. The Lord Warden to regulate and redress this. Charges of Guestling specified. Amount £181:0:7 payable by the several Ports & members proportionately as specified. Form and method of holding a Brotherhood & Guestling set forth at length. 19 Sept. (1734), Common Council. Fo. 308. Mayor & Town Clerk to give security to Boder [Bidder or Summoner of the Ports] of Dover Castle to indemnify him for executing Fieri facias against goods of Francis Hart, a member of this body, at suit of Constable of Dover Castle. F. F. GIRATJD. * * * * n CINQUE PORTS. POSTSCRIPT. Mr. Giraud has supplied a MS. transcription in extenso of the minutes of the meeting of 6 September 1728, and of the appended " Form and Method of holding a Brood and Guestling drawn up in pursuance of an Order made at a Brotherhood and Guestling held [at New Romney] the 26 day of July Anno Dni 1726." The MS. has been placed in the Library of the Society's Museum at Maidstone. It appears therefrom that the Town and Port of New Romney was the accustomed place of meeting, and that the Assembly opened at eight in the forenoon with a sermon preached by a Chaplain appointed by the Speaker. Then the Members returned from the Cinque Ports and Two Ancient Towns repaired to the Brotherhood House called the Common Place, in order to hold the Brotherhood. The business of the Brotherhood being done, the said Members met the persons commissionated to represent the Limbs of the Ports and Towns in the middle Chancel of the Church, to hold the Guestling. This particular account will be found to supplement and clarify the more general information which is given in Jeakes, Charters, pp. 92, 93.—EDITOR.


Pedigree of the Family of De Fynes


Appendix to Visitations of the Archdeacon of Canterbury