Contents and Illustrations, Volume 28
1. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members and Honorary
2. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council consisting
of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary
Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Editors, and twenty-four
Members elected out of the general body of the Subscribers: one-fourth
of the latter shall go out annually i11 TOtation, bnt. shall nevertheless be
re-eligible; and such retiring and the new election shall take place at
the Annual Genernl Meeting: but any intermediate vacancy, by death or
retirement, among the elected Council, shall he filled up either at the
General or at the next Council Meeting, whichever shall first
happen. Five Members of the Conucil to constitute a quorum.
3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on
the second Thursday in the month of March in Maidstone, in the month
of June in London, in the month of September in Rochester, and in the
month of December in Canterbury, and at any other time that the
Secretary may deem it expedient to call them together. But tlie Council
shall ham power, if it shall deem it advisable, at the instnnce of the
}>resident, to hold its Mctings at other places within the county; and to
alter the dnys of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall he
found convenient.
4. The Oou11cil shall appoint one of their Members to be the Hon.
Treasurer. His duty shall be to keep an account of all Subscriptions
ancl other Receipts and Payments for the Society, nnd on the 31 st December
in every year to prepare the Balnnce Sheet for the past year, anrl, nfter it
hos been approved by the Auditors, to lay ii before the next Quarterly
Meeting of the Council, accompanied by a Statement of all Subscriptions,
etc., in nrrear and due to the Society, an