General Index

( 333 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbeare, John, 289. Abyndon, lands in, 213. Aclay, 15. Acworth, George, 270. Adam. John, 110 (2), 117, 125, 138. Adam the Tyler, 09. Adams, Henry, 313 ; Mrs., 151 ; Robert, 311. Adisham, mediaeval screen from Canterbury in, 53. Aing-erfleld, Widow, 153. Alcocke, —, 151. Aldredge, —, 271. Aldington (Aldyngfcon), visitation of, 316. Alee, Will., 274. Aleyn, Johane, 205 ; John, 205. Algode, Richard, 224. Aliffe (Alefe), Catherine, 43; Margaret, 43 ; Thomas, 43. Alkham, visitation of, 291. Allard. Avis, 310, 311 ; Henry, 152 ; John, 310. Allen, Rev., 301; —, 150, 283. Ailing-ton, 33, 34, 304 ; Castle, xlviii, 18, 22, 155; Chapel of St. Lawrence, 36, 217 ; Church of St. Peter, 36 ; land in, 156 ; Legacy to parish church, 162 ; Manor of, 36. 37, 156, 159, 160, 163; reference to in Domesday Book, 3 j reference to fromFeet of Fines 1195-96, 22. Allington (Alyngton), Agnes, 14, 39 ; Ansfrid, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 39; Avelina, 17; Sir Giles, 1; Sir Hildebrand, 2; John, 11, 12, 17, 39; Lord, 2 ; Mabel, 8, 11, 39 ; Ralf, 6, 8, 10, 39; Eeinfrid, 39; Solomon, 2; William, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 39 (3); - ,2,14, 151. Ambree, Eochester, a Fourteenth- Century Court Roll of the Manor of, by A. A. Arnold, 89. Ambree, rental of the manor of, li8, Ames, —, 284. Amherst, Jeffrey, 265. Andrewe, Richard, 228; Thomas, 314. Anschitel, 3. Anselm, Archbishop, 5, 8, 11. Ansfrid, Sheriff of ICent, 4. Apellate, Laurenoe, 278. Apett, Thomas, 222. Appledore (Appuldore), chapel at Home Place, 217; visitation of, 313. Archcliffe or Arcliffe Fort, 233. Archmologia Cantiana, reference to Eastgate House, Rochester, in Vol. VI., 151 ; reference to Colonel Gibbon's house in Rochester in Vol. XV., 152. Archceological Journal, reference to dominical circle on pillar in Eastry Church in, Ixxi. Arden, Nicholas, 279. Arms : Ayloffe, 42 ; Boddendens, 204 ; Burgh, 331; Castle, 331 ; De la Warr, 45; Mortimer, 331 ; Seyliard, 46 ; Sdlyard, 42. Arms of Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen of Kent in Lambeth Library, 214. Arms of towns and pedigrees of families of Kent in Lambeth Library, 214. Arnold, A. A., on a Fourteenth- Century Court Roll of the Manor of Ambree, Rochester, 89. Arrowsmith, John, 284. Arundell, Archbishop Thomas, 51, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 253 ; election by way of the Holy Spirit of, 72. a Ry, John, 311. Ash, chapel at Overland, 218 ; vicar of, 218 ; visitation of, 284. Ash (near Sevenoaks) chapel at Scot Grove, 219. Asheley, John, 320. Asherst, William, 303. Ashford, chapel in house, in ?§aver 334 GENERAL INDEX. Fields, 219; chapel at Repton manor house, 219 ; visitation of, 308. Asketyn, John, 98, 99. Askue, John, 292. Aswell, 295. Assen, Thomas, 279. Asshen, Edward, 280. Astley, Jacob, 321; Jacob, Lord, Baron of Reading, 321 ; Lady, 322. Atkins, Widow, 153. atte Chambre, John, 121, 134, 135; Magota, 134 ; Margaret, 135 ; William, 102. atte Dene, Peter, 118. atte Head, Roger, 140. atte Scole, Robert, 117. atte Sole, Peter, 98, 113,139. atte Warde, Thomas, 122. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 52; John, 296. Augustine, lxviii. Austen, Thomas, 304. Aveling, Stephen T., 152; —, reference to paper on Roohester Inns by, 149. Aylesford (Alsforde), 15, 217 ; chapel of St. Michael at Cosington, 220 ; chapel of St. Stephen, 220 ; church of, 265, 266 ; land in, 36, 156 ; land called Brokrede in, 162 ; legacy to church of. 162 ; manor of, 158,163, 245. Ayllewyn, Andrew, 263. | Ayloff (Ayloffe), arms of, 42 ; Jane, 42; William, 41, 42, 43. B Babeford, manor of, 168. Backwell, —, 153. Bacon, John, lxix ; Mrs., 301. Badlesmere (Badesmar. Badlismere), rental of, 213 ; visitation of, 302. Bagofc, John, 161. Baker, Agnes, 292 ; Alice, 145 ; Cecilia, 121; Cristina, 106, 107 (2), 111; Eleanor, 146 ; John, 115, 121, 130, 317; Sir John. 43, 230; Maynard, 111, 114, 115, 120; Ralph, 119, 120, 121, 126, 146; Sir Richard, 44; William, 106, 107, 111, 130; —,277. Battely, Archdeacon, 53. Bamburgh, John, 261. Bannick, Nicholas, 150. Bapchild, chapel at Radfield, 220 ; hospital fit. 220; visitation of, 297. Barbour, William, 142. Barbour alias Langeford, Richard, 115. Bargrave, —, 291. Barham, visitation of, 281. Barham, —, 281. Barker, James, 152. Barlow, Widow, 149. Barrell, Mary, 321 ; Robert, 321. Barrett, Sir Paul, 153. Barstede, see Bearsted. Barston, visitation of, 286. Bartholomew (Bartylmewe), Philip, 150 ; —, 276. Barton, Elizabeth, 242 ; —, 317. Bashe, John, 276. Bate, John, 244. Bateman, William, 114, 131. Bath, Bishop of, 19. Batnor, Nicholas, 205. Battanrowe next Ikham, lands in, 213. Batten, —, 148. Batty, -,153. Bayeux, Odo, Bishop of, 3, 10, 11. Baylol, see Boley Hill. Baynard, John, 152. Beakesbourne, see Bekesbourne. Beale, G. F. Tracy, 46, 195 ; Richard, 200; Thomas, 320. Bearsted (Barstede), visitation of, 305. Beasfylde, visitation of, 292. Beaufitz, Alice, 238; Isabel, 238; John, 238 (2) ; William, 238. Beaulieu. Cistercian Abbey of, 56. Becket, Archbishop, 259, 324, 326; exile of, lxviii. i Beckf ord, John. 227. Becketts, Anne, 298. Bedell, John, 278. Bedforde, Richard, 299. Bedlo (?), Thom., 105. Bedow, John, weekly accounts of, 48. Bekesbourne (Beakeskourne), 209; manor house chapel, 221; visitation of, 281. Belemeyns (Belmeis), John, 35 ; Richard, 35 (2) ; Robert, 35 ; Walter, 35 ; William, 35, Bell, John, 278 ; Mary, 283. Bellewes, G. 0., 39; on the last Savages of Bobbing, 164. Bellirica, chapel at, 242. Bending, Thomas, 87. Benedon, John, 141. Benenden, visitation of, 311. Benet (Beneyt), Cristine, 260; Robert, 260; William, 225, 260. Benevenuto, Andrew, 322. GENERAL INDEX. 335 Bennett, Harry, 313. Bensted, H., on Newlands Chapel, 85. Bere (le Bere), John, 107, 115; Laurence, 102, 141; Richard, 115, 118. Berkeley, Elizabeth, 181; Sir Maurice, 181 ; Robert, 181. Berry, Nicholas, 277. Beseley, —, 307. Best, James, 150. Beswicke, William, 181. Bethersden, chapel at Hecchisdene, 221 ; church of St. Margaret, 221 ; visitation of, 310. Betlyscombe, Robert, 115. Betteshanger (Betsanger), visit of Society to the Park, Ixxii ; visit of Society to the Church, Ixxii; visitation of, 285. Bickham, Thomas, 150. Biddenden, the Cott, dimensions of, 195 ; doorways of, 197 ; mouldings in, 196, 197. 199; staircase in, 198. Biddenden, River Hall near, 200 ; visitation of, 310. Bilsington, visitation of, 315. Bilson, Tho., 150. Binge, Robert, 277 ; Thomas, 292. Birchington (Burtchinton), visitation of, 289. Bircholt (Byrcholt), visitation of, 295. Bishe, John. 163. Bishop, Adam, 137 ; John, 137. Bishopsbourne (Busshoppesborne), visitation of, 283. Black Booh of tlie Hwchequer, extract from relating to the Allington family, 13, Blacklocks, Joan, 143; John, 143. Blackmanstone, 240. Blactun, Thomas, 279. Blean, visitation of, 277. Blean, East, rental of, 213. Blean, West, rental of, 213. Blessenden, Thomas, 297. Blire, Hugh, 109. Bliss, Rev. Canon, Ixxii. Blois, Adela, 12; Stephen Henry of, 12. Blok, Robert, 167. Blomfield. R., 45. Blunde, Thomas, 232. . Blusshe, Stephen, 306. Bobbing (Bobinge), 296; brass in church, 164; church of Sfc. Bartholomew, 167; court, 221 ; gavelkind manor of, 165 ; Savage family of, 164 ; visitation 9f, 298. Booking, Durward's chantry in church of, 68, 69 ; manor of, 69. Boddendens or Boddenhams, arms of, 204. Bode, Rev. John, 218. Bodleian Library, original instruments relating to the possessions of the See of Canterbury in, 214. Bodlysham, John. Bishop of Rochester, 75. Bokenfold, manor of, 223. Bokingfold, free chapel of, 255. Bolbeck family, owners of chapel at Richborough, 219. Boley Hill (Baylol), 110, 114. Bologna, 263. Bonchose. Sir Robert, 138,139, 144. Boniface, Archbishop, 262, 263. Books and Maps, list of, added to Society's Library, Ixxxvi. Boost, Thomas, 261. Booth, —, 150. Borden, 267 ; chapel of St. James at Dental, 221. Borden, Edward, 205 ; Johane, 205 ; Richard, 205 ; William, 204 ; will of, 205. Borgsalder (Borsholder), Richard, 141. Borhunte, John, 144. Borstall, 135. Bosse, Alice, 311. Bosynton, John, 147. Boteler, Richard, 117, 135. Botevile alias Thynne, Francis, 155. Bothe, Thomas, 296. Boton, John, 133. Boucher, F. O, 152. Bougey, —, 305. Boughton, rental of. 215; visitation of, 304. Boughton Aluph (Bocton Aloph), 42 ; visitation of, 283. Boughton under Blean, chapel house, 222 ; chapel at South Street, 222 ; chapel of the Trinity, 222. Boughton Monohelsea (Bucton Munchelsey), visitation of, 308. Bourchier, Abp. Thomas, 240, 257. Bourne, Cheyney, 148. Bowder, Widow, 320. Bowngey, John, 271. Bowther, Roger, 300. Boxley, 15, 23, 209, 237 ; Abbey, 245, 256 ; Abbot of, 22; chapel of St. Andrew, 222 ; land in, 10 ; messuage at, 36 ; mill called Cuciddemill in, 23 ; owner of, 3 ; visitation of, 307. Boycqk, John, 298, 336 GENERAL INDEX. Boyoot, Ulcomb, manor of, 181. Boyer, Arthur, 278. Boys family, reference to memorials to, in Betteshanger Church, Ixxii. Boys, reference to researches of, at Richborough, lxiv. Brabourne (Braborn), 295 ; visitation of, 296. Bradly, Widow, 149. Bradstow, see Broadstairs. Braintforth, John, 311. Brambynge, lands in, 213. Branbegge, lands in, 213. Brasted, estate of Delawar in, 45. Braybrook, Sir Robert, Bishop of London, 75. Braydam, Anthony, 300. Breddeyn St. Mary, visitation of, 277. Bredgar. chantry chapel at Swanton, 222. Brembling, mill of, 243. Brenohley, 314; free chapel on the manor of Bokenfold, 223. Brent, Ellen, 161,163 ; Joan Johanne, abstract of will of, 162 ; John, 161, 163; Margaret, 163; Robert, 161, 163 ; William, 161, 163 ; —, 161. Brenzet (Brenset), 317. Brett, Nicholas, Ixxi. Brewer, Mrs., 151; Robert, 266 ; —, 151. Brice, Thomas, 119. Bridge, reference to articles exhibited against the incumbent at, 214 ; visitation, 283. Bridgman, Wid., 150. Bridwell, 321 (2). Bringhurst, diocese of Lincoln, rector of, 160. Broad, Robt., 152. Broads, William, 152. Broadstairs (Bradstow), • chapel of our Lady, 224. Brocke, Ladv, 321. Brockhull, Henry, 87. Brodehurst, visitation of, 307. Broke, Alice, 163; Jeffery, 163; John, 294, 317. Brokman, John, 223. Bromefield, Sampson, 222. Bromley, chapel at college, 214; chapel of St. Blaise, 224. Bronde, Elizabeth, 287. Brook (Broke), visitation of, 282. Brooke, Joseph, 90. Brookland (Brokeland), visitation of, 315. Brooks, Francis, 151; John, 149, 151; —, 152. Brosure, John, 147 ; John, jun., 147. Broxham, chapel in manor of, 258. Brune (Bruyn), Bichard, 157, 160. Bryant, —, 151. Bryce (Brice), Cristiana, 139, 140 (2); Ellen, 133; Sabina, 133; Thomas, 133. Bryde, Adam, 109, 110, 112. Buck, Peter, 151. Buckland (Bucland), curate of, 290 ; land called Thega at, 259 ; leper hospital, St. Bartholomew, 259; visitation of, 301. Bucton Munchelsey, see Boughton Monohelsea. Buds, John, 320 ; Margret, 320. Buffkyn, Ralph, 233. Burden, George, 284; T. W., 203, 204. Burforth, Annes, 313. Burgerstone, lands in, 213. Burges, Roger, 276. Burgh, arms of, in Canterbury Cathedral, 331. Burgh, Thomas, 167. Burghley, Lord, arms of towns and pedigrees of families of Kent by, 214. Burghstok, John, 167. Burle (Birling ?), legacy to ohurch of, 162; manor of, 163 ; monastery of, 157, 162. Burmarsh (Burmershe), visitation of, 316. Burnets, —, 151. Burroughs, William, 161. Busbridge, Johane, 305; Martyn, 305. Busshe, Joan, 237. Busshoppesborne, see Bishopsbourne. Butcher (Bocher), Adam, 146. Byngham, —, 291. Byrcholt, see Bircholt. C Cadman, Alice, 299. C»sar, Dr., 150. Caldwell, Mr., 327. Cale Hill, 87. Cambridge, 15; Castle, 21 ; Corpus Christi College, 321 ; St. John's College, 262. Camper, Wm., 150. Campion, Edmund, 42. Canonical election, methods of, 73. Canterbury, account of diocese of, 212; All Hallowes, visitation of, 275; chapel of Holy Cross, 225; chapel of Wyke, 226 ; Cheker Inn, GENERAL INDEX. 337 rebuilding of, 66 ; discoveries in Eastbridge Hospital, 260; French Church, state of in, 212 ; hermitage in St. Mary, 225 ; hospital for poor priests, 260; hospital of St. James, 259 ; hospital of St. John the Baptist, 244, 259 ; hospital of St. Lawrence, 259 ; hospital of St. Nicholas and St. Katherine, 260; Lewis's JEaclesiastical Collections relating to, 212; Maynard's Hospital, 260 ; papers relating to poor vicars in, 212 ; prior of St. Gregory, 128 ; priory of St. Gregory, 221 ; reference to MS. in Christ Church College, Oxford, relating to, Ixxxv ; reference to list of manors and churches belonging to the priory, Ixxxv ; reference to description of twelve stained-glass windows in Christ Church, Ixxxiv; Roman interments discovered in, Ixxx, Ixxxi; St. Alphege, visitation of, 273; St. Andrew, visitation of, 275; Sfc. Augustine, 209; St. Gregory, 128, 221; bull relating to, 212 ; St. Jones Gate, 274; St. Margaret, visitation of, 277; St. Margaret Northgate, visitation of, 274 ; St. Mary Breddeyn. visitation of, 277 ; St. Mary Bredman, visitation of, 273 ; St. Mary Magdalen, visitation of, 275 ; St. Mildred's, visitation of, 275 ; St. Paul, visitation of, 273 ; St. Paul's near, visitation of, 275 ; St. Peter, visitation of, 276. Canterbury Cathedral, Archbishop's peculiars of 1685, 212; Archdeaconry of, in time of Abp. Henry, 212 ; arms in north window, 324 ; arrearages due to the Dean and Chapter, 213 ; north window, date of tracery work in, 324 ; . description of, 324 ; donor of, 323 ; names of figures in, 325 ; Mites on the Painted Glass in, by Miss Williams. 327; possessions of See, 214 ; value of manors, farms, etc., belonging to the See of, 1647, 213. Canterbury Cathedral, Notes on the Great North Window in, by J. P. Le Couteur, 323. Canterbury Cathedral, Notes on a Monastic Chronicle lately discovered at, by Rev. C. E. Woodruff, 47. Canterbury, Christ Church and Monastery, 48, 209; altar, construction of, 51; altar screen, 52; yQl,, XXJX, bulls conveying various privileges on the priors, 78; chapter house, restoration of, 75, 77 ,- cheker, 62 ; cloisters, 81, 84; Cobham, Maud de, buried in, 157; college in Oxford, 211 ; gift of Allington to, by charter, 31; gift of palace and manor of Eastry to, lxviii ; gift of Stisted manor to, 11; granary, restoration of, 77 ; Howley- Harrison Library, 61; Le Pentys, 68 ; manorial repairs, 81 ; manors belonging to, reference to records of, 12 ; Master's hall, 58 ; mural paintings in, 59 ; nave, rebuilding of, 53 ; Norman walls of, 58 ; Panyd chamber, 61, 62 ; priors of, 48 ; prior's doorway, 77, 84 ; prior's mansion, 61; profits of priory, 1414, 81; rentals of, 213; rents from land at Whitstable, 258; Satrina, 76, 84; silver table on altar, weight of, 51; silver table sent to London, 52 ; tailor's shop, 75, 76; vault, building of, 75; vestments and plate, reference to list of purchases of, 73 ; visitation returns, 208; window in St. Anselm's Chapel, 57. Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey, ohapels at Chislet and Coldred belonging to, 228, 229 ; hospital of St. Lawrence founded by, 259; land in Northboume given to, 249; manors belonging to, 239, 246. Canute, King, gift of Stisted manor by, 11. Carden, William, 293. Carpenter, Roger, 109, 138. Carr, Robert, 321. Carre, John, 314. Carshalton (Kershalton)i Surrey, brass in church, 161 ; chapel of our Lady Bullen, 162; legacy to church, 162. Carter, Julian, 289; Bafe, 276. Casey, —, 275. Castell, James, 314, 317; Thomas, 314, 317. Castle, arms of, in Canterbury Cathedral, 331. Catalogue of the Archiepiscopall MSS., by Dr. H. J. Todd, 207. Cathedral Newes from Canterbury, by R. Culmer, 323. Catt, Hugh, 107. Causton, Thomas, 60 ; —, 79. Cave-Brown, Rev. J., Maidstone Marriage Registers transcribed by, 319. Cayso, John, 166. Chafford, 155, A A 338 GENERAL INDEX. Chaldesworth (Oheldesworth), Alice, 160 ; Robert, 160(2). Chalk, charter relating to the rectory of, 148. Challock, visitation of, 281. Chamberlain, Robert, 136. Chance, John, 101, 137. Chancellor (Chanoelor, Chaunceler), Alice, 134; Bartholomew, 134; Elias, 100, 102 (2), 103. 105, 110 (2), 113, 115, 118, 134. Chandler (Chandeler, Chaundeler), Adam, 119,122,126 : Clement, 117; Cristina, 120 ; Elias, 124, 127, 129 ; Roger, 104 ; Walter, 119, 120, 126. Chapeler, James, 112. Chapels in Kent, by Arthur Hussey, 217. Chapman, Walter, 130 ; William, 2S1. Charing, 207 ; chapel, 225 ; manor house. 242 ; Newlands Chapel, 85, 225 ; Newlands Farm, 85 ; rentals of, 212 ; visitation of, 310. Oharlefelde, lands in, 213. Charlton, visitation of, 293. Chart, Great (Charte magna), visitation of, 309. Chart, Little, visitation of, 310. Chart juxta Sutton Vallance, visitation of, 306. Chart, William, 68. Charter relating to Allington, how held of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 31. Charter exempting Prior and Chapter of Canterbury from royal corrodies, 72. Charters, transcripts of, belonging to Hospital of St. Nicholas, Harbledown, 214. Chartham, 294 ; chapel of the manor of, 226 ; Collectanea relating to, 211 ; History of the Rectory of, 211; Horton manor house chapel, 226 ; manor of, 69 ; rectors of, 211 ; visitation of, 281. Chastell, Joan, 253 ; John atte, 253. Chatham, roman urn-burial, discovery of at the Brook, Ixxxi; St. Bartholomew Hospital, 152, 260. Chattenden, Boman interments at Lodge Hill, Ixxx. Oheldesworth, see Chaldesworth. Cheperisweld, see Shepherd's Well. Cheriton (Cerytone, Charton, Ohereton), chapel at, 235 ; St. Eanswithe chapel, 227 ; visitation of, 292. Cheselhelde, chapel of St. Nicholas, 167, 168. Chesman, —, 279. Cheyne, John, 240, Chiche, Margaret, 43. Chichele, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury, 81, 211, 241. Chilham, chapel in castle, 22S ; visitation of, 284. Chillenden (Chillingden), visitation of, 282. Chillenden, Prior Thomas, 50, 61,248 ; building works of, 50 ; date and cost of building operations of, 84 ; death of, 79. Chislehurst, chapel in manor of Scadbury, 228. Chislet, chapel in manor of, 228; rental of, 213 : visitation of, 289. Chose, John, 100, 106, 113, 120, 121 (2). 127, 129. 136, 146; William, 97,98, 100. Chosynton, John, 146. Chrisome (Chrysom or Crizome), meaning of, 320. Christchurch, Prior of, 38. Christian, Henry, 282. Christy, Miller, 46. Churche, Will., 275. Churches, whitewashing of, 65. Chymerhall, purchase of, 67. Cilt, Alnod, owner of Allington, 3. Cissor, Henry, 111. Clarke (Clerk), Bartholomew, 270; Sir Francis, 152 ; Gyles, 321 ; John, 157, 233; Juliana, 124, 137, 138; Mr., 153 ; Tho., 152. Claver, Sir John, 104, 122. Clegget, Henry, 151 ; Mr., 150 ; Wm., 151 ; —, 150. Clement, Adam, 120,143; William, 291. Clerk, see Clarke. Clerkenwell. Prioress of, 17. Cliff-at-Hoo, chapel in rectory of, 228. Cliffe Marshes, Roman pottery, etc., discovered in graves at, lxxvi. Clifford (Clyfford), Alexander, 165 ; Eleanor, 165, 16S ; Elizabeth, 15.8, 159, 164, 165; Isabel. 165, 237; John, 165 ; William, 158, 159, 164, 165, 168 ; —, 296. Clyfton, Mrs., 279. Cobham, brass in Church of Thomas de Cobham, 157; College, 122; manor of, 163. Cobham, Avice, 156; Beatrice, 157; Eleanor, 158, 167 ; Elizabeth, 157, 158, 162, 164. 165 ; Henry, 155, 158, 160; Sir Henry, 154, 155 ; Isabel, 155 ; Joan, 154, 155 ; John, 154 (2), 155.156 (3), 158,160 ; Sir John, 156 ; Lord, 215 ; Margaret, 155 ; Maud, 157; Reynold, 162; Sir Reynold, 157, 164; Robert, 156; Sir Stephen, 155 (2) ; Thomas, 155 ; Sir Thomas, 156, GENERAL INDEX. 339 157,158,162 ; William, 157,162 ; —, 150, 151 ; see also de Cobham. Cocke, Thomas, 279. Cockerell (Cokerell), John. 251 ; —, 151. Code, Widow, 153. Coke, John, 287. Cokelyng (Cokelyn), Adam, 123, 141, 144 (2) ; Adam, junr.. 144 ; John, 122, 141 ; John, junr., 127 ; Richard, 105. Coker, William, 116. Cokyn, William, 260. Coldred, chapel in manor of Newsole, 229 ; chapel in manor of Popeshall, 229 ; visitation of, 286. Cole, Thomas, 101. Collebronde, Hugh, 239. Collens, Robert, 276. Collier, Henry, 320. Collins, William, 295. Collison, —, 276. Colme, Sir John, 78. Colyn, John, 140, 156 : Thomas, 138. Coman, Agnes, 132; Cristina. 132; Eleanor, 106, 117; Johanna', 132; Thomas, 132 ; Warren. 99.101,110, 111 ; William, 101, 106. Combe (Coumbe, Cumbe), manor of. 155, 157, 160. Combes, Elizabeth, 149. Comp, chapel at, 241: Roman interment discovered at, Ixxxiv. Comslech, Avis, 321. Conway, Agnes E., on the Owners of Allington Castle, Maidstone, 1086-1279,1. Cooke, John, 270, 284. Cooper, Nicholas, 285. Corby, Robert, 122. Cordewainer (Cordewaner), Johanna, 130 : John, 101, 105. Corrodies, meaning of, 71 ; charter exempting Prior and Chapter of Canterbury from, 72. Cosington, chapel at, 220. Cosyn, Adam, 141. Cosynton, John, 128. Cotes, Martin, 93, 99, 101, 102, 105, 109, 110,115,116,119,121,122, 130, 131,141, 142, 145. Coteler, Robert, 116 (2), 117, 118 (2). Cottenhale, William, 167. Coucson, Richard, 292. Court Baron, by F. W. Maitland and W. P. Baildon, 96. Court of " pie powder," 131. Courte. William, 167. Courtenay, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 52, 61, 229 ; death of, 71. Coverte, rentals of, 213. Cowper, H. S., on a series of Kentish Heraldic Firebacks and the identification of the Arms, 40; on some Timberframed Houses in the Kentish Weald, 169. Cowper, William, 244. Craford, Sir Robert, 153. Cranbrook, chapel at Milkhouse, 230 ; chapel at Saxonhurst, 230 ; iron furnace and forge at, 44 ; visitation of, 312. Cranbrooke, R., 113. Cranmer, Alice, 218; Edmund, Provost of Wingham, 218; Thomas, Archbishop, 265, Crayford, St. Mary Chapel, 231. Craythorne, chapel in manor house at, 239. Crekyng, Joan, 161 ; John, 161. Cressener, Astley, Vicar of Eastry, Ixxi. Cresswell, —, 46. Crevecoeur family, builders of free chapel in the manor of Bokenfold, 223 ; Hamo, 5, 9, 223. Cripps, George, 151. Cristian, John, 320 (2). Croydon, Surrey, 207, 209, 249. Crofte, Ingesrelmin, 228. Crompe, —, 149. Cromwell, Thomas, 233. Croude, Henry, 298. Crowe, Robert, 312. Crowen, Thomas, 250. Crowthorne, manorial free chapel, 239. Crundale (Crondall), visitation of, 282. Crys, John, 134 ; Thomas, 100. Culmer, Richard, 323. Culpeck, —, 276. Culpeper, Sir John, 250. Curthoppe, —, 277. Curteisse, George, 321 ; Margaret, 321. Curtice, Thomas, 237. Curtis, Robert. 150. Custumale Roffense, extract from, 11, 91, 93, 106, 147, 156. D Dale, John, 276 ; —, 316. Dallison, Capt., 149. A A 2 340 GENERAL INDEX. Dalmynton, William, 293. Dane, lands in, 213. Dane, Thomas, 302. DanieU, William, 302. Darbe, Roger, 321. Darell, John, 87,159. Darenth, rental of the manor of, 148 ; St. Margaret chapel at Helle, 231. Dartford, chapel of St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 231 ; chapel of St. John the Baptist, 233 ; chapel of St. Mary, 232 ; hermit's cell, 232 ; hospital of the Trinity, 261 ; leper hospital, 261 ; manor of Portbridge or Bicknore, 231 ; nunnery, 232; St. Edmund's Way, 231 ; Spitell House, 261. Davington, visitation of, 300. Davis, John, 321. Davy, Johane, 314. Davyer, Hugh, 311 ; Ursula, 311. Day (Daye), Christopher, 306 ; John, 119, 120 ; Mr., 304 ; Robert, 120 ; Rose, 309 ; Thomas, 255. Deal, discoveries in Mill Road, Ixxxiii; flint implement discovered in High Street, Ixxxiii; visitation of, 287. de Albini, William, 249 (2); William, Earl of Albemarle, 249. de Apulderfield, Henry, 258. de Badlesmere, Bartholomew, 223. de Bakechild, Turstan, 220. de Baseville, Hawise, 35,154 ; Roesia, 35, 154. de Battle, Robert, 246. de Beklesfeld or Bekensfeld, Lawrence, 228. de Belemeyns, John, 34. de Bendinges, see Bending. de Bere, Riohard, 125. de Bikenor (de Bykenor), Joan, 231, 232 ; John, 231 (2) ; Robert, 232. de Bocton, Alulphus, 42. de Borstall, Sir John, 123. de Bradfield, Alexander, 101; Aubrey, 101. de Braose, Sir William, 243. de Bvevel, Francis Durant, 148. de Burgh, Hubert, 264 ; Hubert, Earl of Kent, 261; John, 35; Margery, 35. de Burly, Walter, 49. de Capella, Richard, 258. de Charing, Adam, 263. de Cleres, Mathew, 21. de Cobham (de Cobeham), Sir John, 220, 251; Sir Laurence, 34; see also Cobham. £e Columbers (de Columbariis), Alice, 154, 155, 156; Emlyn, 2; John, 154, 155 ; Sir John, 2. de Conyngston, Richard, Canon of Lincoln, 78. de Corherde, John, 26. de CornhiU, Gervase, 242 ; Reginald, 242, 243. de Cosington, Sir Stephen, 34, 220. de Crevecseur, see Crevecoeur. de Dene, William, 122, 124. de Eastry, Prior Henry, see Eastry, Prior Henry of. de Elmham, Gregory, 220. de Eynsford (Aynsford), William, 6. de Fawkham, Sir William, 236. Deffray, Jo., 212. de Folkestone, Sir John, 126, 127, 128. de Fyndon, Thomas, 248. de Gatewyk, Peter, 248. de Gatton, Hamo, 257. de Gillingham, Prior Richard, 225. de Glanville, Gilbert, Bishop of Rochester, 242, 256, 265. de Grean, Juliana, 127. de Grofhurst, Robert, 238. de Halwell, Robert, 254. de Hampton, Alice, 130, 132 (2), 133 ; Cristina, 132. de Hathbrande, Prior Robert, 49, 57, 228. 229, 238, 253, 254. de Hythe, Hamo, 262. de Islip, Archbishop Simon, 239. de la Warr, arms of, 45, 46 ; reference to family of, 45. de la Wyche, Richard, 234. de Leybourne, Juliana, Countess of Huntingdon, 250. de Lurdinden, Roger, 243. de Langdon, John, Bishop of Rochester, 217. de Longchamp, Alice, 33, 39; Avelina, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 39 ; Avice, 38, 39 ; Henry, 20, 21; Sir Henry, 38 (2), 39 (2) ; Osbert, 20,21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39 (3); Robert, 33, 34, 39; Stephen, 38; Thomas, 38, 39 ; William, 14,19,20, 21,29, 32, 33, 34, 39. de Meopham, Archbishop Simon, 225, 229. Dene, chapels at, 246. de Newenham, John, 249; Lady Paulina, 249. de Newland (Niewlonde), John, 87. Denice, Riohard, 309. Denne, Dr. John, Archdeacon of Rochester, 93. Dennis, Sir Edward, Discourse of Arms, 155. Dental, chapel at, 221, GENERAL INDE£. 341 Denton, visitation of, 294. Denton, Sir John, 250. de Northwood, Agnes. 227; Sir Roger, 227. Denysfelde, lands in. 213. de Oxenden, Richard, 225. 229. de Paleghe, Robert, 223. de Parys, Robert, 156. de Ponte, John, 233. de Poucy, Abbot Thomas, 249. de Poynings, Mary or Margery, 164 ; Sir Michael, 164; Richard, 220; Thomas, 220. de Reddeswell, John, 223, 255. Derenth, John, 125. de Ripple, Solomon, 228. 249. de Ros, Anschitel, 3, 7. 13; Barons, 37 ; John, 3 ; Lady Margaret, 228 ; William, 13, 16, 31, 32 ; Lord William, 228. de Salisbury, John, 226. de Sheneholte, Henry, 235. de Sancto Albano, William, 9. de Sancto Sydonio, Helie, 12 ; Lambert, 12 ; Mathieu, 12 ; Matilda, 12 (2), 13 ; Perica. 12 ; —, 12. de Sandwich, Sir Henry, 246. de St. Clare, Hugh, 237. de Saxonherst, John, 230. de Scoland, Sir Richard, 235. de Seez, John, 237. de Sellindge, Prior William, 240, 257. de Sepely, Walter, 243. de Shoreditoh, Simon, 255. de Stanfford, Hugh, 239. de Stangrave, Robert, 235. de Stisted, Alice, 33, 39 ; Hugh, 33, 39. de Sfcocfcing, William, 243. de Stratford, Archbishop John, 229. 238, 239, 253. de Sudbury, Arohbishop Simon, 225. Detecta in Visitatione Reverendissimi Pris. Dni. Archiepi Cantur Anno Dni. 1573, by Rev. C. Jenkins, 273. de Thanet, John, 220. de Thotynton, John, 98. Detling, 305 ; visitation of, 304. de Tywe, Walter, 27, 28. de Valence, Aylmer, Earl of Pembroke, 246. de Valloines, Ruallon, Sheriff of Kent, 4, 5. de Vaux, Joachim, 233. Devon Notes and Queries, biography of Richard Hill in, 269. Dewarde, Robert, 308. de Waleton, John, 125. de Waltham, John, 231. de Westerham, John, 105. de Whittlesea, Archbishop William, 225, 242. de Wibrintune, Gilbert, 257. de Winchelsea, Archbishop Robert, 253. de Wodenberghe, Ascellina, Ixxii. de Woldham, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 266. de Wycbybrok, Osebert, 228. de Wyke, Stephen, 225. Dickin, John, 151 (2). Dillorn, Peter, 321. Distraining for six pairs of shoes for fealty, 125. Dixon, Dr., 151; James, 151 ; Robert, 148, 150. Dod alias Tanner, Jone, 288. Doddington (Duddingeton), 299; visitation of, 300. Dordelin, Francis, 322. Dorrington, Rev. Theophilus, letter from on state of parish, reference to, 214. Doughter, lands in, 213. Dousse, Agnes, 298. Dover, 209; oastle, 21 ; chapels in the castle, 233; chapel of Our Lady of Pity, 233 ; chapel of St. Edmund, 234 ; collectanea relating to the priory of, 211; domus dei, 261; St. James, 295 ; St. James, visitation of, 292; St. Martin's priory, 211, 230, 259, 291 ; St. Martin's priory, history of, 211 ; St. Mary, visitation of, 290. Dovere, William, 59. Dowker, George, reference to researches at Richborough, lviii. Down, Johan, 163 ; John, 163. Downnerde, —, 32. Drinkwater, Joan, 136, 140; John, 138 ; Ralph. 122, 135, 136 ; Robert, 129, 130. Dryland, Rafe, 286. Drynkwine, John, 120. Duckett (Dukket), James, 290 : John, 321. Duddington, see Doddington. Duncan, Leland L., letter from regarding the publishing of the records relating to Kent, li. Dungey, W., 174. Dunning, John, 151. Dunstan, Archbishop, lxviii. Dunstan, a monk, 8. Dunster, Somerset, reference to roof of timber building at, 203. Durfey, —, 101. Durham, Bishop Hugh of, 19. 342 GENERAL INDEX. Durward, John, 69. Dymchurch. visitation of, 313. Dynley, Peter, 168 (2). E Eason (Eson), Thomas, 302 (2). Eastblene, see Blean, East. Eastchurch in Sheppey, chapel in Shurland, 234 ; manor house, 234 ; visitation of, 297. East Farleigh, see Farleigh, East. Eastling, visitation of, 304. East Malling, see Mailing, East. Eastry, chapels in, 234, 235 ; court, lxviii, lxix; derivation of name of, Ixvii; murder of Princes at, lxviii; parsonage, lxix; rectory, lxix ; royal palace, lxviii; Saxon church of, lxix; vicarage, lxix ; visitation of, 286. Eastry Church, aumbry in, Ixxi; chapels, Ixx ; crypt, Ixx ; dominical circle on pillar in, Ixxi; frescoes, Ixx ; medallions over chancel arch, lxix; misericord stall, Ixx ; nave, Ixx; paper on, by Rev. C. D. Lampen, Ixvii; piscinas, Ixx; registers, Ixxi; rood-loft, Ixx; roof, Ixx; screen, Ixx; tower, lxix; vestment discovered in, Ixxi; vicars of, lxix, Ixxi. Eastry, Prior Henry of, lxix, 48, 56, 57, 211, 223, 234, 255; date of election of, 56 ; reference to building works of, 56. East Sutton, see Sutton, East. Eastwell (Estewell, Estwell), 279; visitation of, 312. Ebony (Bbeny, Eboney), chapel at Reding Street, 235; visitation of, 310. Echyngham, Joan, 164; William, 158, 164. Edenbridge. ohantry chapel at, 235 ; heraldic fireback at, 41. Edmons, Richard, 278. Edward I., 323. Edward IL, abdication of, 112. Edward IV., 327, 329 ; gift of north window of Canterbury Cathedral, 323. Edward, Prince of Wales, 329. Edwards, Agnes, 314. Egbert, King, lxviii. Egorden, George, 280. Elham, visitation of, 295. Elham, John, 226. Elison, —, 149. [ Ellys, John, 293. Elmer, John, 137. Elmsted, visitation of, 294. Elmstone, visitation of, 281. Eltham, chapel at, 235. Elverton, chapel at, 256. Elvertygh, lands in, 213. Ely, Longchamp, Bishop of, date of consecration of, 19. Elyngbrough, Johan, 163. Embleton, Widow, 152. Enephers, John, 294. Englishman, John the, 108. Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, 9, 10, 15, 245. Eslingham, free chapel at, 237. Estelangdon, see Langdon, East. Estewell (Estwell), see Eastwell. Estpreston, manor of, 159, 161. Eswell or Esole, manor of, 249. Etchden (Hecchisdenne), chapel at, 221. Ethelbert, Prince, murder of, lxviii; Ethelbert, fifth King of Kent, lxviii. Ethelred, Prince, murder of, lxviii. Eustace of Boulogne, 6; Countess Goda, 6. Euere (Evere), see Hever. Evernden, Widow, 276. Ewell, visitation of, 290, 291, 292. Ewernden, Raffe, 298. Eyle, Anne, 304 ; John, 304. Eynsford, visit to castle, xlvii; visit to church, xlvii; visit to Little Mote, xlvii. Eyre, Arthur, 287. Eythorn, visitation of, 286. F Faber, John, 108 ; Nicholas, 106, 112, 113 ; Robert, 106 (2), 108 (3), 113 ; Rose, 108; Thomas, 106; Zaehariaa, 108. Fage, Richard, 295. Fairfield (Fearfeld), visitation of, 318. Fance, Tho., 149. Fane, Sir Robert. 151. Fanne, Riohard, 166, 167. Farleigh, East, 181. Farningham, chapel at Cheriton, 235 ; church, xlvii. Fastolff, Lawrence, 229. Faversham (Feversham), 209, 250. 257 ; hundred of. 213 ; monastery of, 212 ; visitation of, 303. Fawkham, chantry chapel at, 236. Fearfeld, see Fairfield. GENERAL INDEX. 343 Fedisdane, lands in, 213. Felixstowe, Suffolk, 125. Fells, James, 273. Ferby, Andrew, 161, 162; Margaret, 161, 162. Fettam, 299. Feme, visitation of, 293. Feyrefax, Walter. 234. Fiche. John. 247. Field, Rev. Walter, 215. Fifacre, William, 156. Filepot, William, 156. Finch (Vynch), John, 49, 59, 133 ; Nicholas, 276 ; prior, 77 ; see also Fynche. Fine Rolls, extracts from, 26, 27. Firebacks, Kentish heraldic, at Edenbridge, 41; Hawkhurst, 40 ; Headcorn, 41 ; Kennington, 41 ; Loddenden, 40 ; Pounceford Farm, 41; Rolvenden, 40, 41 ; Wye, 41. Firmin, —, 259. Fitzhugh, Lord, 1, 2. Fitz Renfred, Gilbert, 25. Fitzwalter, Lady Philippa, 69. Fleet, chapel at Richborough in manor of, 218. 219. Fletcher, John, 322. Fockett, George, 312. Fogge, Alice, 219; John, 219; Sir John, 219. Foggs, Edward, 308. Foljamb, Margery, 166. Folkestone, 244 ; chapel of St. Botolph, 236 ; reference to impropriation of, 214 ; visitation of, 291. Foode. Henry, 291 ; William, 291. Ford, '208. Fordwich, visitation of, 277. Forneset, Thomas, 167. Fort, Katherine, 139 ; Sabina, 139. Fountain (Fountayn, Funtay n), John, 141; Matilda, 145 ; Richard, 112 ; Robert, 98, 101, 105 (2), 118, 127, 141, 145 (2). Fower, Theis, 320. Fowle, Ellen, 312. Fowler. John, 284 ; Richard, 301. Fox, G. E., lx ; Mr., 150. Framstede, visitation of, 307. France, King of, 71; Isabella of Valois, dau. of, 71, Franciscan Friars, powers granted to, regarding confessions and absolutions, 78. Franklin, James, 321. Fraunceys, Robert, 263. Fremlyne, John, 304. French, John, 275 ; Mr., 153. Frendesbury, see Frindesbury. Freston, Thomas, 167. Frewer, Roger, 234. Frindsbury, 92, 101, 103, 110, 120 ; free chapel at Eslingham, 237 ; rental of manor of, 148. Frynd, John, 234. Fulwick, land at, 232. Funtayn, see Fountain. Fynche, G., 300 ; John, 297 ; Mary, 308 ; see also Finch. Fynamore, Stephen, 156. Fynmore, R. J., 227. G Gage, Martin, 287. Galfer, William, 97. Galmer, John, 145. Gardner, J. Starkie, on heraldry on firebacks in Iron Casting in the Weald, 45. Garstang, John, discoveries of, at Richborough, lxi. Gavelkind, case of, 103 ; manors, 165. Garwinton (Garwynton), Richard, 242 ; Sir Thomas, 239. Gay, Edmund, 299. Gaynesford, Joan, 161; John, 161 (2) ; Margaret, 161 (2), 163; Nicholas. 161, 163; Robert, 161, 162; Walter, 163. Geere, Thomas, 276. Gellyte, Agnys, 304. Geneyt, Alice, 139 ; John, 139. Gentleman's Magazine, reference to inventory of household goods of Richard Hill in, 269. Gerenter, Joan, 146 ; John, 146. Gerrard, Isabele, 167. Gervase of Canterbury, 220. Gibbes (Gybbes), Davy, 295; William, 287. Gibbons, Colonel, 152. Gibson, —, 151. Giblot, John, 244. Gilbert, Thomas, 321. Giles, John, 150. Gillingham, ohantry chapel in Grange Manor, 237 ; rental of, 213. Gillingham, Agnes, 132 ; Elena, 133 ; John, 132; William, 96, 97, 104, 107, 133. Gillingham, William of, 100, 102. Glastynbury, William, Ixxxvi. Gleig, Rev. G. R., Ixxiii. Glenn, Thomas Allen, 205. Gloucester, Eleanor, Duchess of, 241. Glover, Bartelmewe, 279 ; John, 103 ; Robert, 102. Glowere, John, 235. 344 GENERAL INDEX. Goda, the Countess, gift of manor of Lambeth to the church of Rochester by, 6. Goddard, Julian, 300 ; Richard, 300. Godemere, Thomas, 146. Godet, Joan, 143 ; Thomas, 143. Godfrey-Faussett, F., on Richborough Castle, lix, Iv. Godmersham (Godmersam),2I5, 279; church of, appropriated to Christ Church, Canterbury, 71 ; petition to Archbishop regarding mill at, 214 ; visitation of, 281. Godwin, Gilbert, 121 ; John, 100, 107 . , 259. Goff (Goff'e), Fra., 148. 149; James, 321 ; Samuell. 321. Goldfinch, John, 105, 110, 112, 122, 130, 131. Golding, Thomas, 99, 113. Goldstone, Thomas, 221. Goldwin, Gilbert, 102. Goman, —, reference to article on Boley Hill by, 131. Gonnesfcone, sen Gunston. Goodeare, Thomas, 300. Goodneston, chapel of, 218; visitation of, 2S2, 301. Goodwin (Godewyn), John, 109 (2), 111 ; Mr., 203 ; Misses, 203. Goole, Thomas, 304. Gosselyn, William, 116. Gostling, —, reference to his account of pictures in north window of Canterbury Cathedral, 324, 325. Goudhurst (Goodherst), Apedale manor house chapel, 238; timberframed house at Pattenden, 174 ; visitation of, 305. Gowden, Sir Dennis, 152. Gower, John, 164. Grave, John, 303. Graveney, tithes, letter concerning, 213 ; visitation of, 301. Gravesend, vicar of, 286. Great Cheveney, Marden, 40. Green (Greene, Grene), Alice, 144; Thomas, 289 ; Dr., letter of concerning farms at Swinfield, 213; Walter, 138, 139, 142, 144. Greenhill, Juliane, 244. Greenwich, chapel of the rood, 238 ; hospital, plan and drawing of, 214; manor of, 267; observatory, building of, 214. Gregory, —, 149. Grene, see Green. Grestrete, John, 302. Grimstrete, George, 299. Grindseld, —, 302. Groombridge, chapel at, 255. Grys, Roger, 286; Thomas, 106. Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 5, 8, 9, 237, 260. Gunston (Gonnestone), 284. Gunton, George, 152. Gurnard. Juliana, 139. Gurney,' Thomas, 107 (2), 108, 109, 111, 114. Guston, visitation of, 291. Gylborne, Sir Humfrey, 302. Gylynham, Richard, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 59. Gylys. Master, Canon of St. David's, 79. Gyn, Agnes, 298 ; William, 298. H Hacker, John, 290. Hackington, visitation of, 277. Hackney, Middlesex, lands in, 157. Hadde, Joh., 125. Halden, High, 310, 311; visitation of, 311. Hale, Jeffery, 287 ; John, 140. Hales. Sir Christopher, 249 ; James, 277'; Thomas, 277. Haley, Thomas, 322. Hall, Elizabeth, 320; Hubert, 39; Rogger, 320. Hallam. Robert, Bishop of Salisbury, 78. Hailing, chapel of St. Lawrence, 238 ; church, 265, 266. Halowell, William, 280. Halstead, Robt., 161. Halston, visitation of, 297. Ham, visitation of, 285. Ham Green, Roman interments at, Ixxix. Hamcherche, Gilbert, 59. Hammond, John, 249 ; Thomas, 251. Hampton (de Hampton), Joanna, 132, 133 ; John, 106, 107, 111, 112 (2), 122, 125, 129, 132, 133 ; Simbn, 107, 112. Hankin (Hanckyn), John, 98 ; Richard, 143 ; Walter, 98, 99, 113. Harpesfield, Archdeacon, 218. Harbledown (Herbaldoune), leper hospital of St. Nicholas, 214, 261; papers relating to, 215; transcript of charter relating to hospital of St. Nicholas, 261. Hardres, Gt. (Magna Hards), visita- ' tion of, 283. Hardres, Lower (Nether Hardes), visitation of, 277. Hardres, Upper, chapel at Linsore, 239. GENERAL INDEX. 345 Hardy, A. L., 46. Harflet, John, 284. Harne Hill, see Herne Hill. Harper, John, 304. Harpesfield, Archdeacon, 218. Harris, —, 279. Harrison, John, 274. Harrietsham, visitation of, 306. Hart, William, 247. Hartey, visitation of, 303. Hartlip (Hartlippe), visitation of, 297. Hartover. Christopher, 52. Hatche, Henry, 257. Hatcher, John, 289. Haute, Alice, 219 ; Sir Wm., 219. Hawes, Wm., 152. Hawkhurst, heraldic fireback at, 40 ; reference to iron furnace and forge at, 44. Hawking, Widow, 302. Hawkinge (Hawkins), visitation of, 290. Hawks, Thomas, 302. Hayward, Henry, 150; William, 287. Head (Heade), Francis, 153; Sir Richard. 148, 149, 150; Robert, 150. Headcorn (Hedcorne), heraldic fireback at, 41; house called Horcheyard Podsole, 204 ; house, old, 201; land called Borowfyld, Keles, Ryngsell, Somerlese and Southlands at, 205 ; Orchard House, 204 ; visitation of, 309. Hearne's Textus Roffensis, reference to Charter in, 9. Hearwood, Thomasine. 289. Hecchisdenne (Btchden), chapel at, 221. Hegeman, Alice, 123. Helle, chapel of St. Margaret at, 231. Hemmynge, Margaret, 289. Hendeley, Walter, 205. Henry IV., King of England, 71, 75. Henry of Eastry, see Eastry, Prior Henry. Heraldic Firebacks, a Series of Kentish, and the Identification of the Arms, by H. S. Cowper, 40. Herbaldoune, see Harbledown. Herbert, Robert, 152. Hereford castle, 21. Hereford, diocese of, 49. Hermitage in the old church of St. Mary, Canterbury, 225. Herne (Hearne), visitation of, 288. Herne Hill (Harne Hill, Harnell), ancient terrier of land in, 213 ; visitation of, 301. Heron (Herun), Roger, 159; reference to will of, Ixxxv. Herring, Archbishop, account of archdeaconry of Canterbury in time of, 212. Heryng, Nicholas, 104, 105 ; Philip, 106. Hever near Chiddingstone, 156; chapel in castle, 239. Hever, Hoo (Euere, Heuar, Huere). manor of, 155 (2), 156, 157. Hevysede, —, 283. Hewis, William, 240. Hewsfield, John, 259. Higens, William, 289. Higham, 159. Hilby, The, 149. Hill, Abraham, of St. John's, Sutton-at-Hone, by R. H. Ernest Hill, 268. Hill, Abraham, 268 ; Richard, 250, 268, 269; Thomas, 268; Thomasine, 268 ; William, 268. Hills (Hylls), Christopher, 295; Davy, 279 ; Thomas, 310 ; Widow, 152. Hilton, Lettes, 307. Hinckford, Essex, Hundred of, 16. Hinds, W. T., 186. Hinxhill, visitation of, 315. Hist. MSS. Commission, reference to a Christ Church, Canterbury, MS. in report of, 48. History of Rochester, reference to F. Clark in. 152. Hobeday, Thomas, 123. Hockyns. Edmund, 218. Hodges (Hodgs), Thomas, 303, 304. Hodgescyne, Thomas, 280. Hodson, —. 309. Hody, Dr., 214. Hogg, John, jun., 150 ; Mr.. 150 ; —, 151. Hogs, William, 314. Hokynge, visitation of, 308. Holden, Widow, 153. HoUingbourne (Holyngborne). lands in, 155 ; manor of, 213 : rentals of, 212 ; visitation of, 305. Hollway, Agnes, 291. Holmes, gavel-kind manor of, 165. Holton, Thomas, 276. Holwell, Mr., 150. Hoo, 159 ; land in the parish of All Saints called Euere, 154; manor of, 163. Hoo, Richard of, 111. 346 GENERAL INDEX. Hood, Thomas, 136. Hook, Dean, 47, 75. Hooke, Richard, 275. Hope, All Saints, 315 ; chapel in manor house of Craythorne, 239, 240 ; manorial free chapel Crowthorne, 239, 240 : visitation of, 316. Hope, W. H. St. John, on Richborough Castle, lvii. Hops, W. H. St. John, 51; reference to a charter granted to the prior and convent of Rochester in paper by, 147. Hopkin, William, 265. Horden. Alexander, 280. Hornchurch, Essex, 42. Home, Eleanor, 167 ; John, 168. Horsnaill, —, 133 ; water mill at Strood belonging to, 133. Horsted, John, 121. Horton, manor of, 227 ; visitation of, 295. Horton Kirby (Hortune), manor of, 3. Hosmer, Mr., 46. Hospitals in Kent, by Arthur Hussey, 259. Hospitals, 209. Hospital of St. James outside Canterbury, 222. Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Prior of, 220. Hospital of St. Bartholomew near Hythe, 293. Hothe, visitation of, 288. Hothfield (Hothfeld), visitation of, 309. Howland family, 204. Howtinge, Goodwife, 302. Huere, see Hever. Hugbone, Ingram, 286. Huggines, Sara, 321. Hughe, Matthew, 284. Hunt (Hunte), George, 149; Jone, 274. Hurst, rental of, 213. Hussey, Arthur, on Chapels in Kent, 217; on Hospitals in Kent, 259; Notes on Former Owners of Newlands Chapel, Hussey, R. C, gift of illustrations of Kentish antiquities to Lambeth Library, 215. Hyde, 309 ; —, 276. Hylke, John, 121. Hylls, see Hills. Hythe, St. Andrew Hospital, 262; St. Bartholomew Hospital, 262, 293 ; St. John's Alms House, 293 ; visitation of, 293. I Ickham (Ikham), lands in, 213; rental of, 213 ; visitation of, 283 ; Well Chapel, 240. Iden, Robert, 314. Ifield, chapel at Shinglewell, 210. Ightham, chapel at the Mote, 240 ; the Mote, 321. Ilstede, gavelkind manor of, 165. Incler, Margaret. 140 ; Thomas, 138, 140. Ingledew, Thomas, 232. Ingoldsby (Ingollesby), John, 157, 161 ; Marion, 157. Ingram, Widow, 152 ; —, 293. Inmythe, Edmund, 227. Innes, Gilbert, 322. Inns in Rochester, see Rochester Inns. Ireton, General, letter to, relating to disbanding of troops in Kent, 214. Isabella of Valois, 71, 74. Isacke, —, 310. Islip, Archbishop, 67. Iwade, visitation of, 296. J Jacobs, James, 150. Jarm, John, 103, 121 ; Juliana, 121. Jeakyn, Thomas, 266. Jeffery, Thomas, 302. Jelfe, Mr., 150. Jenkins, Rev. C, on an Unpublished Record of Archbishop Parker's Visitation in 1573, 270. Jenkins, Canon R. O, 215, 271; reference to his Diocesan History, 270. Jervaulx, Thomas, Abbot of, 78. Jhonson, Widow, 289. Jolle, William, 291. John, Bishop of Rochester, 10. John of Gaunt, 164. John the Sexton, 140. Johnson (Jonson), Dr., 153; Goodwife, 302 ; Matthew, 292 ; Rev., 296 ; Thomas, 240, 308. Jones, Herbert, lviii; Roger, 261; —, 293. Jordan, —, 51. Jordon, John, 125, 130. Judge, Jone, 316. GENERAL INDEX. UI K Kalendar of Obits at Lambeth, reference to construction of altar of Christ Church, Canterbury, iu, 51. Kelsham, John, 159, 161. Kembelof. Riohard, 116 (2). Kemp (Kempe), Christopher, 287 ; Archbishop John, 258; Sir Thomas, 279. Kemsing, chapel of Sfc. Edith, 241. Kennington (Kenynton), heraldic fireback at, 41 ; visitation of, 309. Kent, collection relating to, by Mr. Lewis, 214; East, discoveries, Ixxxiii. Kent, Godwin, Earl of, 11. Kentish Annals in Lambeth Library, by S. W. Kershaw, 206. Keryell, Thomas, 165. Keteryng, Sir John, 145. Kettesden, Sir Wm., 205. Keymishe, John, 280. Keyzer, John, 321. Kilbum's Topographical Survey of Kent, reference to owners of Allington in, 1. King Pedro of Castille, 164. King (Kynge), Henry, 112 ; John, 99, 144 ; Marks, 276; Thomas, 278 ; William, 140. Kingsdown (Kyngesdoun), visitation of, 297. Kingsnoth, 295. Kingston, visitation of, 281. Kingston, John, 127 ; Simon, 137. Kirkby (Kirkeby), Gilbert, 3 ; John, 131. Kits Coty House, visit to, xlviii. Knackston, Mary, 153. Knell, —, 273. Knellthroppe, —, 309. Knight (Knyght), Peter, 287; William, 133. Knole, 208. Knolles, Sir Robert, 251. Knotton, 314. Kocheman, Mary, 279, 280. Kydd, Thomas, 273. Kylle, Alice, 139 ; John, 139. Kylmesle, gavelkind manor of, 165. Kynton, John, 147. Ladbe, William, 287. Lake, —, 150, 151. Lake alias Pax-ford, Richard, 152. Lamb (Lambe), Richard, 306 : William, 146. Lambarde's Eirenareha, 124 ; Perambulation of Kent, 15. Lambeth Library, act books. 208; augmentation of livings, 208; Carew MSS., 210; charters and miscellaneous documents, 209; commonwealth surveys, 207 ; ecclesiastical records relating to Kent, 211; Gibson MSS., 210; heraldic records relating to Kent, 214; historical and antiquarian records relating to Kent, 214; Lambeth MSS., 210 ; leases, 208 ; Manners- Sutton MSS., 210 ; manorial records relating to Kent, 212; miscellaneous MSS., 210; Notitia Paroehialis, 208 ; presentation to benefices, 208 ; Tenison MSS., 210 ; visitation returns, 208; Wharton MSS., 210. Lambeth Library, Kentish Annals in, by S. W. Kershaw, 206. Lambeth, manor of, 6, 8. Landor, Walter Savage, 165. Lanfranc, Archbishop, 11, 259, 261. Langdon, Abbey of, 229; church, 229 ; chapels, 229. Langdon, East (Estelangdon), visitation of, 285. Langdon, West, visitation of, 285. Langeford, Ric, 101. Langeford alias Barbour, Richard, 115. Langley, visitation of, 308. Lannes, Thomas, 321. Langton, Bennet, 153; Archdeacon Simon, 260. Lapyn, James, 121. Larking's Doomsday Booh of Kent, reference to Alnod Cilt in, 3. Lashenden or Lessenden, 204. Laurence, —, Rector of Littlebourne, 243. Lawless, John, 230. le (? Combe), manor of, 157, 162. le Couteur, John D., Notes on the Great North Window of Canterbury Cathedral, 322. Ledes, Alice, 166. Lednor, Benett, 296; Peter, 295, 296. Lee, lands in, 213. Leeds (Ledes), 120; chapel in castle, 241 ; lands given to Newlands Chapel held by priory of, 88; 348 GENERAL INDEX. manor of, 223 ; priory of, Ixxii, 88, 255 ; visitation of, 304. Leeds, Osborn, Duke of, 194. Leigh, chapel at, 241 ; chapel of, near Penshurst, 34. Legh (Leghe). Alice Johanna, 132, 133; Isabella, 132, 133; John, 99. 122, 132; S., 101; Solomon, 125. 132, 134, 136. le Gom, Thomas, 111. Leisdowne, visitation of, 297. Leke, John, 163. le Marchal, Peter, 141. Lenham (Lenam), 305 ; free chapel at Royton, 241. Leon, arms of in north window of Canterbury Cathedral, 331. le Parmenter, Emma. 104 ; Lucy, 104. Lesheworthe, 235. le Snoke, Robert, 34. Lessenden, 204. Lewegor, Thomas, US. Lewes, Edward, 277. Lewett, Nicholas, 287. Lewis (Lewys), Ann, 304 ; William, 218 ; —, 304. Lewis, Rev. Mr., Canterbury diocese, account of by, 212 ; ecclesiastical collections relating to Kent, 212, 214. Lewknor, Raynold, 250. le Woodyer, Robert, 98. Lexden, Richard, 254. Leybourne, chapel in castle of, 241 ; chapel at Compe, 241. Lidinge, sec Lydden. Lidsing, chapel at, 237. Limne, see Lymne. Linsore or Linohesore, manor of, 239. Linstead (Lynsted), visitation of, 301. Linton (Lynton), visitation of, 306. Literce Cantuar ieiuis, reference to John Durward's chantry in, 68. Littlebourne (Litilbourne), chantry chapel at Lukedale, 242 ; chapel at Garrington, 242 ; lands in, 213. Ziittus Sateonwnm, Ixiii. Livett, Rev. G. M., on Richborough Castle, lxi ; reference to paper on Mediseval Rochester by, 147. Livingsbourne (Lyvyngesborne), manor of, 221. Loddenden (Lodelyndenne), Staplehurst, timber-framed house at, 169 ; chimneys in, 188 ; dimensions of, 187; heraldic fireback at, 40; mouldings, 187,188,191 ; staircase, 190, 193 ; well in cellar, 190. Loder, Agnes, 320 ; Tryphena, 320. London, St. Leonard's, Eastcheap, purchase of Crown Inn in, 69 ; St. Margaret's, Westminster, 321 ; St. Martin's, Ludgate Hill, 265 ; St. Michael's Ohurch, Crooked Lane, 71; St. Paul's Cathedral, 35 ; SS. Vedast and Amand, 71. London, purchase of house property by priory of Christ Ohurch, Canterbury, 67. London, John, 252. Loneman, Walter, 100. Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, date of consecration of, 19; Henry, seal of, in British Museum, 38. Longe, Thomas, 275. Longsole (Longselle), chapel of St. Laurence at, 156. Loose (Louse), Pattenden held of manor of, 181; visitation of, 305. Lopham, John, 144. Lotewyk, Margery, 166. Lovelace, Mrs., 273 ; Sergante, 299 ; —, 316. Lovelock, Elias, 97, 117, 126. LoveU, Will., 274. Lowe, Thomas, 222. Lowes, William, 287. Lowth. Rev. Wm., 153. Lucas, John, 256. Luck, Richard, 299. Luckingdale, wood oalled, 243. Luddenham, visitation of, 299. Lukedale, chapel of the manor of, 242. Lull, Jone, 290 ; Nicholas, 290. Lullingstone, castle, visit of Society to, xlvi i ; free chapel at, 244. Lurkyn, Johane, 307. Lutterback, Winifred, 150. Lydd, chapel and hermitage at, 244 ; visitation of, 317. Lydden (Lidinge, Lydon), 291; church of, 229; survey of by commissioners, 213 ; visitation of, 292. Lydden, Thomas, 316. Lymming. Cristina, 129; heirs of, 141; Simon, 134. Lyminge (Lymynge), 207 ; visitation, of, 294. Lyminge, George, 300. Lymne (Limne), chapel in Court at Street, 205. Lynche, William, 205. Lynde, Humfrey, 321. Lynde, John, 225. Lynk, John, 106. Lynstead, see Linstead. GENERAL INDEX. 349 Lynsfcead, Richard, 120, 144. Lynton, see Linton. Lytle, Robert, 67, 69. Lyvyngesborne, see Livingsbourne. M Mackenzie, John, 152. Mackynton, visitation of, 275. Magna Carta, clause relating to widows in, 27. Magna Hards, see Hardres, Gt. Maidstone, 207 ; All Saints, vicar of 321 ; Blue Coat School, founder of, 322 ; chapel of St. Anne, 245 chapel of St. John, 245 ; Chilling ton House, 245 ; college, bull re lating to, 212 ; influx of Dutch into, 319 ; hospital, 262 ; legacy to collegiate church of, 162 ; Notes from the Parish Registers, by Herbert Monckton, 319; plague in, 319 ; registers, 319 ; rental of, 213 ; visitation of, 304. Maidstone, Mary, 322. Makeby, —, 224. Mailing, 209. Malling, East, chapel of St. John at Newhythe, 245 ; rental of, 213. Mailing, West, chapel at the Abbey gate, 245; chapel of St. Blaise, 245, 266; chapel of St. Leonard. 245 ; rental of, 213. Mailing, Memories of, reference to chapel of Longsole, St. Lawrence in, 217. Malmains, chapel at, 256. Malmains (Malemains), Henry, 229 ; Sir John, 256. Mander, Tho., Ixxi. Manior, —, 294. Manley, Richard, 153 ; Thomas, 153. Mann, —, 152. Manninge. M., 105. Manors, abbreviations of leases of, in Kent, 213. Manor Court, procedure at, 94. Manorial Becords in Lambeth Library, 212. Manser, John, 278. Maplesden, Mr., 150. Maps presented to Society's Library, Ixxxvi. Marden, Loddenden held of the hundred of, 193; Loddenden represented at the view of Frankpledge held at, 193 ; visitation of, 193. Margate, chapel at Dene manor house, 246 ; chapel at Salmestone Grange, 246. Marguerite of France, 323. Mark, value of, 14. Marks, Thomas, 279. Marriott family, owners of Pattenden, 181. Marsborough near Ash, Anglo-Saxon urn discovered at, Ixxxiii. Marsh, Robert. 321. Marshall. Hugh, 103, 132 ; Isolda, 102; John, sheriff of Yorkshire, 20 ; Osbert, 102 ; Peter, 102. Marsham, Hon. Shovell, 322 ; see also Romney. Martin (Martine, Martyn), John, 165 ; Margaret, 274 ; Mrs., 279. Mason, Cristopher, 320 ; Margret, 320 ; Nioholas, 142 ; —, 288. Massingberge, Thomas, 278. Masson, Mabel, 123 ; Nicholas, 123. Master, Robert. 314. Mathew, William, 98, 99. Matthew, Davy, 309. May, Annis, 288 ; J., 142 ; John, 304, 318; Nicholas, 284. Mayfield, 207. Mayfield, Sussex, manor house of, 238. Mayte, John, 309. Maynard, John, 228. Maynard or Mayner, John, 260. Medcalfe, Philip, 238. Meetings, Annual, 1909, xlvii ; 1910, lv. Mellefelde, lands in, 213. Meller, Dionysia, 128 ; Nicholas, 126, 129 (2) ; Thomas. 136 ; Walter, 105, 128 ; William, 105 ; see also Miller. Meopham, chapel of, 246. Mepan, Raffe, 284. Mereworth, R., 104. Merrit, —, 151. Mersham, chapel in churchyard, 246 ; visitation of, 313. Mersham, Sir John, 153. Meysy, John, 239. Michael the Miller, 303. Michell, —, 302. Midley (Mydlay), Denne Court at, 318 ; visitation of, 318. Milan, Peter of Candia, Cardinal of, 78. Mildenacre, John, 132. Milkhouse, chapel at, 230. Miller (Meller), Bryan, 110, 118 (2), 120; Walter, 107, 109, 120; William, 111; see also Meller. Milstead (Mylstyde), visitation of, 299 MUton, 193 ; Colsail in, 43, 350 GENERAL INDEX. Milton-next-Gravesend, 165 ; chantry chapel at, 246 ; manor of, 157, 159, 160, 163. Milton-next-Sittingbourne, hermitage at, 247, 254. Minster, vicars of, 211. Minster in Sheppey, chapel in churchyard, 247 ; visitation of, 298. Minster in Thanet, chapel in Powey, 248 ; chapel at Thorne, 248 ; excerpta relating to the ecclesiastical parish of, 211. Molash, visitation of, 283. Molash, John, 59. Monastic Chronicle lately discovered at Christ Church, Canter bu ry, with Introduction and Notes by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 47. Moncke, Matthew, 310. Monckton, Herbert, Notes from the Parish Registers of Maidstone, 319. Monckton, Wm., 322. Mongeham (Monngham), 212 ; visitation of, 287. Mongeham Magna, account of lands in, 213. Mongham, Stephen, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 59. Monins, Catherine, 43 ; Richard, 43. Monkton (Moncketon) Almonry, repair of, 69 ; manor house chapel, 248 ; rental of, 213. Monne, William, 311. Moote, Laurance. 218. More, William, 299. Morecocke, Robert, 152. Morel, Henry, 129, 133, 136 (2), 138, 143; Joan, 143; Mary, 143. Moresby, Alice, 160; Eleanor, 158, 160 ; Joan, 160, 161 ; John. 160, 161: Reynold. 160; Richard, 159, 160, 161 ; Thomas, 158, 159 ; William, 160. Morgan, —, 295. Morice, Maud, 157 ; Thomas, 157. Morley, Robert, 287. Morris, Hugh, 308. Mortimer, arms of, in Cantei'bury Cathedral, 331. Motram, James, 221. Mounte, Cicely, 294. Musgrave, Dr. Chardin, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford, 90. Murston Rectory, site of, 255. Myddelton, bequest to poor of the hundred of, 16S, Myddelton alias Milton, visitation of, 298. Mydlay, see Midley. Mylls (Mylles), Gregory, 289 ; William, 317. N Nash, Anne, 321. Nashenden (Nesshenden), Joan, 135 ; John, 122, 126. 135. Nellis, Widow, 152. Netherfelden, lands in, 213. Nether Hardes, see Hardres, Lower, 277. Netherle, lands in, 213. Nethersolls, Vyncent, 285. Nettlestead, reference to stained-glass window at, 328. Newenden (Newynden), visitation of, 311. Newenham, Bridge Church at, 249 ; free chapel, 249. Newington, Charles, Ixxxiii. Newington, vicar of, 266. Newington-next-Hythe, chapel at, ! 249 : chapel-field, 249 ; visitation ) of, 293. Newington-next-Sittingbourne, 237 ; visitation of, 298. Newland, manor of, 87. Newlands Chapel, by H. Bensted, 85. Newlands Chapel, Notes on Former Owners of, by Arthur Hussey, 87. Newlands Chapel, doorway, 85 ; pis- ! cina, 86 ; walls of. 85 ; windows, 86. Newman, Henry. 109, 110, 113, 121, 122 ; John, 311 ; Widow, 152. Newnham (Newnam), visitation of, 299. Newport, John, 140. Newsole, chapel of, 229. Newstead (Newestede), free chapel of, 255. Newton, Richard, 267. Nicholl, W., 130. Nicholson, John, 278. Niewlonde, John, 225. Noble, Richard, 136. Nonington (Nunnynton), chapel at, 218, 249 ; visitation of, 282. Norden (Northen). John, 312 (2) ; William, 312. Normandy, Robert, Duke of, 12. Nor Marsh, Roman interments in, Ixxix. Northbouriie (Norborne) Church, GENE visit of Society to, Ixxii; Court, visit of Society to, Ixxii; manor house chapel, 249; visitation of, 284. Northboume, Lord, xliii, lxii. Northbroke, lands in, 213. Nortbdane, lands in, 213. Northfelde, land at, 258. Northwode, Roger, 164, 166 ; —, 164. Norton, visitation of, 300. Norton, Harry, 282. Norwich, Bishop of, visit to Sicily by, 23. Notton, William, 125, 126. Nunnynton, see Nonington. O Oare (Ore), visitation of, 303. Odo. Bishop of Bayeux. 3, 10, 11. Offelde, —, 282. Okyngton, manor of, 159. Oliver, John, 284. Ollantigh, manor house chapel at, 258. Onderdowne, Richard, 278. Orgraver, John, Ixxi. Orlestone (Orlaston), visitation of, 317. Orwin, —, 151. Osborn, Duke of Leeds, arms of, 194. Osborne, —, 259. Ospringe, 209 ; chapel in churchyard, 250 ; chapel house, 250 ; chapel of St. Nicholas, 250; Domus Dei. St. Mary, 262; visitation of, 299. Otemonger, John, 140, 143. Otford, 207 ; manor house, 231 ; rector of, 226. Otham, rector of. 321; visitation of, 305. Ottaway, Thomas, 321. Ottringden, visitation of, 300. Otway sword, liv. lxxiv. Ovenhill (Ouenhill), 14, 15, 16 ; fines relating to, 23; manor of, 159 ; mill at, 22; sergeanty of, 33, 34, 37, 38. Overington, Jone, 317 ; Robert, 317. Overland, chapel of, 218 ; manor of, 218. Ovington, Will., 273. Owners of Allington Castle, Maidstone, 1086 — 1279, by Agnes E. Conway, l. Owtlawe, Thomas, 283. Oxefrid, land in, 22. INDEX. 351 Oxenden (Oxyndenne), John, 161 ; Richard, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 57. Oxney, church of, 229. Oxford, Canterbury College, description of, 68 ; foundation, date of, 67 : rebuilding of, 67. Oxford, Christ Church College, MS. relating to Christ Church, Canterbury, in. Ixxxv. Oxford, Oriel College, 90 ; St. Mary Magdalene College, 264. P Padlesworth, visitation of, 296. Page, Henry, 313. Painter, Thomas the, 120. Pakyn, Aubrey, 101 ; Ralph. 99. 101 ; Simon, 99, 101, 108, 113, 133. Palmer, Thomas, 158 ; —, 280. Panton (Panteon), Adam, 126 ; Emma, 97, 123, 127, 128, 129 (2); Richard, 114, 119. Pantry, William, 279. Paratt, Julian, 287. Parcar, John, brass in Woodnesborough Church to, Ixxii. Paris, Archdeacon of Rochester, 16, 23, 39. Parker, Archbishop, 74; Visitation of 1573, by Rev. C. Jenkins, 270. Parker, John. 151 ; Thomas, 292. Parmor, —, 288. Parramor. Simon, 283. Parsons, John, 110. Partt, Sir John, 267. Paske, Dr., Sub-Dean of Canterbury, reference to a letter of, 52. Patching, John, 321. Patten, Thomas, 153 (2). Pattenden, Goudhurst, dene of, 181 ; manor of, 181; prison at, 181. Pattenden, timber-framed house, 174 ; alterations to, 179 ; chimneys, 179 ; dimensions of, 175 ; doorways, 177 ; main or story posts, 175 ; mouldings, 186 ; stained-glass in, 180 ; staircases, 177. Pattenden (Patendenne, Patynden), John, 181 (2); William, 181. Patrixbourne, 214. Pattendon, John, 317. Paulin family at Delawar near Brasted, 45. Paul's Cray Hill, 161, 162. Pawson, —, 285. Paxford alias Lake, Richard, 152, 352 GENERAL INDEX. Payne, George, on Researches and Discoveries in Kent, lxxvi. Payne, Robert, 284 ; Stephen, 224 ; William, 279, 284. Pealke, Juliana, 110. Pearce, Dr. Zachary, Bishop of Rochester, 153. Pearson, Andrew, 270. Peckham, Archbishop John, 87, 211, 212, 21S. Pedigrees of families in Kent, 214. Peele, —, 276. Peerse, —, 276. Pellam, Isacke, 311. Pembury, chantry chapel, 250. Penchester, arms of, 155. Penohester, Avice, 2; Joan, 154; Margaret, 3, 35, 36; Roesia, 35, 154 ; Stephen, 1, 2, 18, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 154. Pennenden Heath, reference to conference at, 11. Penny (Peny), Henry, 149 ; John, 218. Penshurst, lord of the manor of, 34. Peper, William, 166. Pepingbury, chantry of, 250. Perceval, Dr. C. S., 155. Pereworth, R., 115. Perewynch, Ralph, 124, 129; Roger, 122. Perk, John, 139. Permynter, Emma, 131 ; Lucy, 131. Peron, Thomas, 251. Perquisite, meaning of, 121. Persone, John, 222. Pestilences in the fourteenth century, 139. Peter of Candia, Cardinal of Milan, 79. Petham, visitation of, 281. Petley, R. Carter, 46. Petynden, Robert, 222. Peverel, Hamo, 22. Peycocke, Launcelot. 230. Peyrs, Forlke, 320 ; Kateryn, 320. Peytenyn, John, 166. Peyteneye, Joan, 135 ; John, 135. Philippot, Sir John, 237 ; Margaret, 237. Phillippes, Sampson, 297. Philpot alias Lawrence, 162. Phynis, William, 276. Picot, Ralf, 9. Pilcher, Alice, 294. Piler (Pylter), Thomas, 286. Pilpott, Mildred, 279. Pingano, Simon, 322. Pipe Roll, extracts from, 5,10,11,14, 17, 19, 24. 25, 2S, 29, 30. Pirteigh (Pirtygh), lands in, 213, Pisa, 77, 78. Playden (Pladen), 316. Plume, Dr. Tho.. 148. Pole, Cardinal, 218, 231. Pollock, Sir Frederick, 39. Pollock and Maitland, History of EngUsh Law, reference to duties of sheriff in, 4 ; extract from, 15. Pond, Peter, 98. Popes, Alexander V., 78 ; consecration of, 77 ; Benedict XIII., 78 ; Gregory XII., 78 ; Urban V., 78. Popeshall, ehapel in manor of, 229. Porgge alias Podage, John, 308. Partus Lemanis, Ixiii. Postling, visitation of, 294. Potanger, J., 142. Poteman, Adam, 111 ; Agnes, 103, 105; Henry, 96. 97, 99, 103, 112; Roger. 105 ; William, 103, 117,119, 120, 130, 131, 135 (2), 136, 137 (3), 138, 143, 147. Potte, John, 316. Potter, Adam, 125, 126. Potyn, Adam, 110, 134 (2), 136; Annice, 110 ; Benedict, 114, 147 ; Cecilia, 114 ; John, 114, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 134 (2), 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 ; John, jun., 134 ; Mabel, 134 (2), 136; Simon, 108, 110. 113 (2), 148, 263; Solomon, 113'(2), 127. Poucy, Margaret, 248 ; Thomas, 248 (2). Pounceford Farm, heraldic fireback at, 41, 43. Powys, Agnes, 104. Poyner, Alice, 279. Poyning (Poyng), Edward, 257 ; Sir Edward, 257 ; Isbell, 257. Preston-next-Faversham, chapel at vicarage, 251 ; visitation of, 303. Preston-next-Wingham, manor house chapel, 251; visitation of, 283. Princesses Anna, Cecilia, Elizabeth, Katherine, and Maria, in north window, Canterbury Cathedral, 326. Proceedings of Society, abstracts of, 1908—10, xliii. Proffit, Roger, 112. Promhill, vicar of, 263. Pronere, Thomas, 156. Pulforde, Hugh, 305. Purmenter, Lucy, 114. Pye, Thomas, 300. Pyne, Richard, 308. Pynhooke, rental of, 213. Pynwood, rental of, 213. Pysing, John, 234, GENERAL INDEX. 353 Pytte, Hamo, 239. Pyttocke, Robert, 285. Q Queen Isabella, 256. Questonburie, Henry, 304. Quykerell, Robert, 101, 115. R Radfield, chapel at, 220. Rainham (Rayneham), visitation of, 296. Ralf, a monk of Rochester, 6, 39. Ram, John, 129. Ramsgate, 215. Randall, —, 293. Rannard, —, 273. Raston, Thomas, 240. Raynford. Alice, 160 ; —, 160. Raynold, John, 276 (2); Widow, 303. Raynolds, William. 289. Raynsforth. Mary, 311 ; William, 311. Reculver, chapel of Sfc. James, 251 ; visitation of, 288. Record of Archbishop Parker's Visitation in 1573, by Rev. C. Jenkins, 270. Red Booh of the Exchequer, 13, 31. Registrum Roffense, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 89, 147. Reid, H. Cartwright, Ixxx. Rents in arrear in County of Kent, 1659, 213. Reports, Annual, 1909. xlv; 1910, lv. Repton, manor house chapel, 219. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, by George Payne, lxxvi. Reygner, John, 136. Reynolds, Archbishop Walter, 51, 223, 248, 255. Richard, King of England, date of marriage with Isabella of France, 71,74. Richard IL, King of England, 69, 71 ; daily Mass for, in Booking Church, 69. Richards, George, 322. Richborough, History of, by C. Roach Smith, lxvi. Richborough in the manor of Fleet, chapel at, 219. YQIJ. XXIX, Richborough Castle, hy W. H. St. John Hope, ivii; by Rev. G. M. Livett, lxi; Antonimus, reference to, lxii; chapel in, Ixv, lxvi; construction of, lviii; excavations at, lviii; flint arrowhead discovered near, Ixxxiii ; lighthouse in, lix, Ixv; masonry in, lviii, Ixiii; measurements, lviii, Ixiii; Ptolemy, reference to, lxii ; reference to in Notitia, lxii; walls, lix, lxii. Ringmere, Thomas, 56. Ringwould (Ringwod), visitation of, 285. River, 291, 292 ; visitation of, 293. Rivers, Mr., 150. Robert of Lewisham, vicar of St. Nicholas, Rochester, 103. Robert of Devizes, extract from, 19. Roberts, —, 276. Robertson, Canon Scott, 215. Robin, John, 282. Robinson, John, 322 ; Lancelott, 322. Robyn, Hamo, 141 ; John, 141 (2) ; Nicholas, 134, 137 (2). 141 ; Odo, 141 ; Richard, 97, 99, 101, 103, 107 (2), 109 ; Robert, 141. Robyns, William, 314. Roche, William, 296. Rochester, Boley Hill, 131 ; Bridge, Ixxxiv ; Bridge House, 149 ; Charles IL, visit to, 151 ; College, lands and revenues of, 211; Courthill, 131 ; Cross of St. William, position of, 122; Eastgate House, 151 ; Hospital of St. Katherine, 263 ; Hospital of St. Stephen, 263 ; Hospital of Sfc. William, 122 ; Old Palace, 153; Priestfield, 135 ; Priestfield Mill, 135, 150; Restoration House, 1J9, 152; St. Catherine Almshouses, founder of, 148 ; St. Clement's Church, 131; St. Margaret's, 150, 152; St. Margaret's Church, vicars and vicarage, 119, 126, 153, 265 ; St. Nicholas, vicars and vicarage, 103, 104, 151 ; Salutation Lane, 113; Slutt's Hope Lane, situation of, 152; Watts' Charity Almshouses, 150 ; vicar of, 105 ; walls, thickness of city, Ixxxiv. Rochester Castle, moat, depth of, Ixxxiv ; siege of, 6. Rochester Chapels, of the Bridge, 251 ; in the Castle, 251; St. Bartholomew, 252 ; St. Katherine, 252 ; St. Thomas, 252 ; St. William of Perth, 252 ; at Upper Delce, 122. B 8 354 GENERAL INDEX. Rochester Inns, Angel, 149; Black Spread Eagle, 149; Chequer, 149; Cross Keys, 149; Crown, 148: Crown and Sceptre, 150 ; Dolphin. 121, 150; George. 150; King's Arms, 150 ; King's Head, 151 ; Maidstone Arms, 148 ; Royal Oak, 149; Salutation Tavern, 113; Saracen's Head, 149; Star, 151 ; Swan with Two Necks. 149 ; Talbot, 149 ; Three Daws, 150 ; White Hart, 110, 149 ; White Horse, 149. Rochester, Cathedral Church and Monastery of St. Andrew, Almonry, 90 ; bequests to, by William of Allington, 7, 11 ; Cellarers' Court, 91 ; deed of exchange between Benedict Potyn and convent of, 147 ; Gatehouse, removal of, 90 ; gift of Boxley Church to, 4 ; gifts of land at Stisted to, 24, 30 ; grant of annual rent to altar of, 106, 111 ; Lewis's Ecclesiastical Collections relating to, 212 ; licence granted by Edward HI. to build new wall outside of oity wall, 147 ; Manor of Ambree, a Fourteenth- Century Court Boll of, by A. A. Arnold, 89; manors, farms, etc., belonging to the See, 1647, 213 ; presentations to livings in diocese of, 212 ; register of monastery, 124 ; rental of manors belonging to Dean and Chapter, 148. Rodes, Margaret, 311 ; Richard, 311. Rodmeregge, manor of, 155. Rodmersham, vicar of, 267; visitation of, 296. Roger, Simon, 107. Rogers, Richard, Bishop Suffragan of Dover, 270 ; Thomas, 29S. Rolvenden, heraldic firebaok at, 40, 41. Roman interments in Kentish marshes, Ixxix; discovery of in various places in Kent, Ixxx, Ixxxi, Ixxxiii. Romney, Lord, 322 ; Priscilla, Lady, 322; see also Marsham. Romney, 209. Romney, New, visitation of, 315; Old, 317. Rook, A., 203 ; J., 203. Rooke, arms of, 203 ; reference to pedigree, 203. Roos, Lady Margerie, 254 ; William, 2{54. • - ' - Roper, George, 151 ; Richard, 106 ; —, 279. Rose, Ambrose, 289. Ross, Bishop of, 226. Rothele, William, 261. Rotulvs de Dominahus, extract from relating to Allington, 16 : list of counties in which Henry II.-made valuation of land in 1185, 16. Rondal. manor of, 157. Round,'J. H., 39 ; reference to Alington family in his Peerage and Family History, 2. Rowe, Agnes, 102 ; Harry, 158; Richard, 304; Robert, 158 ; William, 102, 121. Rowington, visitation of, 312. Rowland, Christian, 292; Robert, 292. Rowlandson, Capt., 149. Rowse, Frauncis, 289. Royton, free chapel in manor of, 241. Ruck, Arthur, 203. Rucking, visitation, 315. Rudstone, —, 308. Rundale, manor of. 156, 159, 160, 161. Runwell, Essex, 42. Rushworth, Mr., letter from to General Ireton, 214. Russell (Russel), John, 122 ; Maria, 135; Marion, 140. Rutupias, see Richborough. Rye, W. Brenchley, 151. Rye, stipends of French ministers at, 212. Rye, Sussex, Ixvii. Ryhame, land at, 258. Ryme or Ryve, Edward, 298. Ryng, Hugh, 158 ; John, 158. Rypton, Margarett, 313; Thomas, 313. S SackviUe, Sir Richard, 44. Sadler (Sadeler), Joanna, 121 ; Robert. 115, 117, 121, 127, 131, 134 (2), 135, 136, 137 ; Sir William, 134. St. Clement's, visitation of, 288. St. David, diocese of, 49. St. David's, Henry, Bishop of, 78. St. Denys (St. Denis), John, 116,121, 122 (2), 128, 263; Ralph, 110. St. Dunstan (St. Donston's), visita-i tion of, 278. St. George, visitation of, 278, GENERAL INDEX. 355 St. John's in Thanet, visitation of, 288. St. Lawrence in Thanet, 288 ; chapel at Cliffs End, 252 ; chantry chapel of the Holy Trinity, 252 ; manor house chapel at Manstone, 252; manor house chapel at Upper Court, 252. St. Margarets at Cliffe. visitation of, 290. St. Margaret next Rochester, 123; vicar of, 109. St. Martin, visitation of, 278. St. Mary, visitation of, 314. St. Mary in the Marsh, 286. St. Nicholas, Nicholas, 218. St. Nicholas in Thanet, chapel of All Saints, 252; Shoart or Shourt House, 252. St. Nicholas at Wade, visitation of, 288. St. Omer, St. Bertin's Abbey, 257. St. Peter's in Thanet. visitation of, 287. Saire, Agnis, 282 ; William, 282. Saltwood, castle, 229 ; chapel at Brockhult manor house, 253 ; chapel in the castle, 253 ; chapel in Sandling house, 253 ; visitation of, 294. Sammes, Anthony, 279. Sandgate Castle, 227. Sandhurst (Sandarat). visitation of, - 312. Sandre, John, 246. Sands (pr Sondes). Alice, 219; Harold, 46 ; —,219. Sandwich, 77, 160 ; Annual Meeting of Society at, lv, lxvi; chapel of St. James, 253; hospital of St. Anthony, 264; hospital of St. . Bartholomew, 264 ; visit of Society to, Ixvii; hospital of St. John the Baptist, 264 ; hospital of St. Thomas, 265 ; lands in, given to Christ Church, Canterbury, lxviii ; paperread by J. A. Jacobs on the records of. Ixvii; St. Peter's, visitation of, 287. Sandys, Colonel, sacrilegious act of soldiers of, 52. Saneers, —, 276. Sare, Peter, vioar of Tong, 267. Sarre (Sar) in Thanet, 288. Saundere, Elizabeth, 277. Saunders, Sir John, 21S, 219 ; Tho- . mas, 301. Savage, Arnold, 158 ; Sir Arnold, 158, 164 (3), 165, 166, 167 (2); j - Dame, 158; Eleanor, 164 (2), 165, 166 ; will of, 165 ; Elizabeth, 158, 164, 165 ; Joan, 158, 164, 167 ; John, 290; Katharine, 164, 168 ; —, 164, 221. Savages of Bobbing, Last, by G. O. Bellewes, 164. Savor, John, 290. Sawley, —, 149. Sayer, Wm., 218. Sayntleger (Seyntleger), John, 168; Thomas, 168. Scadbury, chapel in manor house of, 228. Scales, Katharine, 164, 168 ; Thomas, Lord, 164, 168. Scayebere iu Southfleet, land at, 236. Sceappe, John Fitzjohn, 239; Stephen, 239 ; Thomas, 239. Schirbourne, John, 167. • Scott, Lady Agnes, 257 ; Isbell, 257 ; John, lxxiv ; Sir John, 257 ; Sibelle, 257 ; William, 257. Scratton, W. R., Ixxxiii. Scrope, Lord, 232. . Seabyngton, visitation of, 315. Seasalter, chapel of St. Peter, 253 ; visitation of, 288. Sede, John, 309. Seefelde, lands in, 213. Segar, John, 297 ; Robert, 297 ; William. 297. Segef ord, Robert, 240. Selgrave, manor of, 67 ; rental of, 213. Selling near Faversham, chantry chapel of St. Stephen. 254 ; visitation of, 300. Selling (Sellinge) near Lymne, visitation of, 315. Selveston, 234. Seman (Seamen), Isabella, 120 ; Roger, 116, 117, 118 (2), 119. Sergeanty, tenure by, 14. Sevenoaks, hospital of St. John the Baptist, 265; manorial records relating to, 212. Sevenoke, William, 265. Sexton, John the, 140. Shadoxhurst (Shaddockehurst), visitation of, 316. Sharpeldy. Walter, 285. Sharsted, rental of the manor of, 148. Sharston, Henry, 113. Shaskyng, Richard, 118. Shaw, Dr. Wm., reference to his History of the English Church during the Civil War, 208. Shaw, Dr. \V. F. lxviu 356 GENERAL INDEX. Sheaskyng, John, 137 ; Richard, 127, 131. Shedom, Thomas, 145. Sheepster, Lucy, 118. Sheldwich, estate in, 266 ; visitation of, 303. Shepherd's Well (Cheperisweld, Sbeperiswelde), visitation of, 286. Sheppard, Dr., 47, 68. Sherborne Abbey, reference to ceiling at, 180. Sherewood, William, 287. Sheriff, duties of, 4. Shewer, Robert, 140. Shilston, Devon, Hill family of, 268. Shipman, Thomas, 224. Shorne, 159 ; chantry chapel at, 254 ; lands in, 157 ; legacy to church, 162 ; manor of, 163 ; monument in church to Sir Henry Cobham, 155 ; Rundale in, 154. Shoulden, chapel in manor house at Cotmanton, 254. Shrinkling or Shingleton, chapel at, 235. Shrubsall, Robert, 301. Shukborough, Agnes, 227; Christopher, 227. Shurland, manor house chapel, 235. Sidney, Margaret, 161. Simon of Durham, lxviii. Simon of Sudbury, 61. Simon, Robert, 127 (2), 132. Simons, Agnes, 143. Singlewell (Shinglewell), chapel at, 240. Sissinghurst (Saxonhurst), 44; chapel at, 230. Sittingbourne, chapel at Swaintree, 255 ; Chapel of St. Thomas, 254 ; • Cherry Tree inn, 254 ; Schamel hermitage. 254; visitation of, 297, 299. Skendleby, Lincolnshire, Gainsford family of, 162. Skinner (Skynner), 137 (2), 139. Slancombe, 268. Slyth, John, 267. Smallhythe, chapel at, 256. Smarden, visitation of, 312. Smarden House, alterations to, 184; chimneys, 185; date of, 186; dimensions of, 182 ; entrance, 183 ; hall, 182 ; mullions, 186. Smede, Margaret, 299. Smeeth (Smeth), 295; chapel at Scott's Hall, 255; visitation of, 314, 316. Smell, John, jun., 289. Smith, C. Roach, 215; John, 267; Robert, 99. Smyth, Hugh, 317 ; Lawrence, 311; Richard, 157, 161 ; Thomas, 301, 304, 310, 311. Smythley, —, 125. Snargate, visitation of, 317. Snatt, John, 321. Snave, 244 ; lands in, 213. Snodland, Holborow chapel, 255; land in, 266. Snow, Ralph, letter bo vicar of Graveney relating to Tythes, 213. Sokelyn, Adam, 137. Soil, Christopher, 310. Somers, Richard, 144. Somner, William, 47. Sondes, Sir Anthony, 181 ; Elizabeth, 181 ; Thomas, 181. Sore, Old, chapel at, 258. Southfleet, Bedsham Chapel at, 255. Southgate, 97. Southgate (De Southgate), Alice, 136 ; John, 136, 137 (2), 142, 146. Southwark, St. Olave, bequest to high altar of, 167. Southwick, Roger, 147 ; Thomas, 135, 147. Sowgalle, Edward, 302. Sowthlande, William, 315. Sowthosen, Christopher, 300. Spalding, Lincolnshire, 228. Sparre, Robert, 144. Speldhurst, 321; chapel at Groombridge, 255. Spencer, —, 151. Spencer family, brass in Woodnesborough Church to, Ixx. Spenser, Sir Henry, Bishop of Norwich, 75. Spice, John, 150. Spicer (Spysur), Alice, 105, 106 ; Dionisia, 105, 106 ; Godolene, 116 ; John, 116 ; Robert, 104, 142 (4), 143, 145 (2) ; William, 98, 104 (2), 105, 113, 118, 122, 131, 142 (2). Spilsill, manor of, 194. Spindler, Richard, 98. Spraklyn, William, 224. Spratt, Clement, 302 ; Francis, 320. Sprigge, Robert, 116. Sprott, Joan, 133 ; John, 133, 135. Spruger, Richard, 113. Sprynget, Thomas, 168. Sprye, Leonard, 280 ; Mary, 280. Spysur, see Spicer. Stalisfield (Stal fylde), visitation of, 302. Stanes, Patrick, 89. Stanford (Standford), visitation of, 295. Staple, visitation of, 284. Staplehurst, 40,187,193 ; free chapel GENERAL INDEX. 357 afc Newstede, 255; visitation of, 307. Starre, Thomas, 315. Startam, Richard, 306. Steele, Peter, 152. Stelling, visitation of, 280. Stenehouse, John, 305. Stenynton, Simon, 142. Stephen, King of England, 12. Stephenson, Modo, 124. Stepney, Middlesex, lands in, 157. Sterling, Edward, 109. Stevens, Anthony, 279 ; John, 322 ; Mary, 279. Stisted, Essex, 30, 32, 33, 38; land given to the monastery of Rochester, 8, 30 ; manor of, 8, 11,12, 16. Stisted, John the Miller of, 31. Stockbury, visitation of, 298. Stodmarsh (Studmershe), visitation of, 280. Stoke, chapel of Malmains, 256; chapel of St. Mary, 256. Stone, 299, 311 ; visitation of, 316. Stone near Faversham, chapel at Elverton, 256. Stone-in-Oxney, 244. Stone, Anne, 311; Warborowe, 307. Stonefield slates, 68. Stonhan Aspall, bequest to poor of parish of, 168. Stortoneye, Richard, 240. Stowell, John, 149. Stowtinge, visitation of, 295. Stourmouth (Sturmough), visitation of, 284. Stratford, Essex, lands in, 157. Strete, Thomas, 237. Strethend, John, 252. Strood, 92, 106, 108, 150; Bridge Chapel, 256 ; Hospital of St. Mary, 114, 220, 245, 256, 265 ; leper hospital, St. Katherine, 266 ; manor of Hawkins in, 266; master of, 113; tithes of, 265, 266; watermill at, 133. Strood, William the Sacrist of, 113. Studdle, Ixxxiii. Studmershe, see Stodmarsh, Sturmough, see Stourmouth. Sturry, visitation of, 277. Stybbinge, Thomas, 290. Stynell, Alice, 105; Henry, 105 ; Laurence, 106. Sudbury, Archbishop, 53. Suffolk, Earl of, 78. Sulyard, arms of, 12; Sir Eustace, 42; Jane, 42. Sutton, visitation of, 284, 307. Sutton, East, visitation of, 307. Sutton Valence, 165. Sutton, Ric, 145 ; Water, 297 ; William, 297. Swainson, E. N., 46. Swaintree, chapel at, 255; hospital of St. Leonard, 255. Swalcliffe, visitation of, 289. Swanscombe, chantry chapel, 256. Swanton, chantry chapel at, 222. Swan (Swanne), Francis, 153 ; Will., 273. Swayne, William, 279. Swende (?), John, 163. Sweting, Rev., 273 ; William, 107 (2). Swetton, chapel in the manor of, 227 Swifte, John, 221 (2). Swigge, Robert, 99. Swillington, Alice, 159; William, 159. Swinfield, farms afc, 213. Sydyngbourne, bequest to church, 168. Sydmyson, —, 142. Sylver, Richard, 309. Syms, Stephen, 303. Syn, Thomas, 101. T Tailor, John the, 97 ; Margaret, 97. Tanner, Alan, 106. Tanner alias Dod, Jone, 288. Tanton, Thomas, 238. Tarefelde, lands in, 213. Taylor (Tayllor), Bernard, 107 ; Henry, 115 (2), 122, 125, 127, 129 ; John, 107, 250 ; Rich., 151 ; Stephen, 316 ; Thomas, 292 ; William, 115, 128, 129, 136. Taynton stone, 68. Teband, Cecilia, 130. Telmeston, see Tilmanstone. Temple, manor of, 261. Tenant-in-chief, customs in connection with, on death of, 14. Tenham, see Teynham. Tenison, Archbishop, reference to letter concerning schoolmaster of Sevenoaks, 212 ; letter concerning stipends of French ministers at Rye and Dover, 212. Tenma', Christopher, 149. Tenman, Henry, 149. Tenterden, chapel at Smallhythe, 256 ; visitation of, 310. Terlingham, manor of, 233. Tesewode, Will., 99. Textus Roffensis, extracts from, 9, 15. 3.58 GENERAL INDEX. Teynham (Tenham), visitation of, ; 299. Thannington, 289 ; visitation of, 277. Thebaud, Ellen, 110, 113. Thecher, Thomas, 310. Theobald, Archbishop, 259. Thestun, Thomas, 312. Thomas, Rev. W. C, Ixxii. Thomas, Abbot of Jervaulx, 78. Thomas, vicar of Rodmersham, 267. Thomas the Painter, 120. Thomas the Taverner, 122. Thomelyn, Pleysota, 100. Thorne, chapel at, 248; manor of, . 248. Thorpe, Dr., 147, 148. Thorton, John, 221. Throwley, chapel at Wibrinton, 257 ; lauds called Ilendens, 279 ; visitation of, 302. Thrulegh, vicarage constituted, 257. Thurnham, manor house ohapel, 257 ; visitation of, 305. Thurston, James, 151 ; Morell, 93. Thynne alias Botevill, Francis, 155. Tillefcson, George, 251. Tilmanstone (Telmanstone), visitation of, 285. Timber-framed Houses in the Kentish Weald, by H. S. Cowper, 169. Timber-framed houses, Cott, Biddenden, 195 ; guide to date of building of, 172; Loddenden, 187; openroofed hall in, 171,172 ; Pattenden, Goudhurst, 174; position of kitchen, 173 ; Smarden House, Chessenden, 182. Timsland, Paul, 322. Toft, George, 289. Tomlynson, Roger, 317. Tong, leper hospital of St. James at Puckleshall, 266 ; vicar of, 267. Todd, Dr., 47. Tottenham, John, 233. Tracys, manor of, 166. Tresgettoner, John, .140. Trulove, Nicholas. 275. Tufton, —, 309. Tunstall, manor of, 155. Tuppenden, William, 317. Tuttles, —, 295. Tweedie, Mrs., 46. Twidale, chantry chapel at, 238. Twyne, William, 105. Twyner, William, 107. U Ulcombe, visitation of, 308. Ullock, Henry, 148. Uluric, 3. Upayce, John, 284. Upchurch, visitation of, 296. Upper Hardres, see Hardres, Upper. Ur, John, 120. Usborne, arms of, 194 ; Edward, 194 ; Thomas, 194. Usher (Ussher), Joan, 114; John, 142, 144; William, 144. Usmer, Thomas, 314. V Vadlet, Joan, 166. Valentyne, Widow, 288. Valuation of land by Henry II. in 1185, list of the counties in Rotulus de Dominubws, 16. Van den Busche, Jacob, 320; Magdalen, 320. Van Brugen, Jakamine, 321 ; John, 321. Van de Vern, Giles, 320 ; Joyce, 320. Vayne,.Mrs., 314. Venman, Hen., 152. Veryer, John, 285. Videan, Andrew, 284.. Villiers, Rev. Montagu, on Adisham Ohurch, 53. Vinedresser, Richard le, 115. Visage, Stephen, 118. Visitation of Kent, 1663-r-68, reference to Seylyards' pedigree in, 46. Vouzden, John, 153. Vyncent, —, 276. Vynch,. see B'inch. W Wade, Chr., 149 (2) ; Mr., 153. . Wade, Isle of Thanet, 253. Waghorn family, 204. Waldershare, visitation of, 286. Walford, Rich., 150 ; W. S., Ixxi. Waller, Riohard, 315. Walter, Elena, 98, 100, 106; Henry, 98, 100; Arohbishop Hubert, 221, 245 ; John, 98. Waltham, visitation of, 280. Walton, Suffolk,, now Felixstowe, . priory at, 125. Walyngford, priory church of, 165. Wandyne, Thomas, 304. j Warde, Clemence,.273 ; John, 166. GENERAL INDEX. 359 Warden of the manors, 228. Wardship, the right of prerogative, 15. Ware, —, 302. Warham (Wareham), Archbishop William, 88, 218, 231, 235 ; visit to Eastry, Ixx ; visitation of 1511, 220. Warehome (Warhorne), visitation of, 312. Warren, Earl, 1, 2. Warwick, Osbert, 116. Water, Robert, 316. Waterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey, •Society entertained by, Ixxi i ; Mrs. Aubrey, paper on " The Home Life of the Benedictines" read by, Ixxii. Wafcson, Thomas, 292. Watts, Rev., 292. Watts' Charity, purchase of Priestfield, Rochester, by, 135. Webb, John, 123, 124 ; Robert, 124 ; Sampson, 97. Wed, Thomas, 301. Weker, Joan, 136. Weldyshe, Francis, 306. Welfad, William, executed for horse stealing, 321. Welles, Thomasyne, 314. Wells, Cecilia, Viscountess, 327; Edward, 281 ; John, 276 ; Robert, 259 ; viscount, 327. Wenham, Suffolk, 38. Westbere, visitation of, 287. Westblene, see Blean. West. Westcliff, visitation of, 290. West Court, manor of, 230. Westenhanger, manor house chapel, 257. Westerham, chapel at manor of Broxham, 258. Westerham, John, 101, 104 (2), 142 ; Sybil, 104. Westgate, visitation of, 278. Westlake, Dr., 324. West Langdon, see Langdon, West, West MaUing, see Malling, West. Weston Cross, chapel at, 233. Westwell, manor of, 87; visitation of, 309. Wetherall, Thomas, 288. Wharfe, John, 276. Wheler, John, 317. Whiden, Boden, 321; Katherine, 321. Whiter, Margaret, 280. Whiston, John, Ixxi; Philip, 153 ; Rev. Robert, 153. White (Whyte), Benett, 295, 296; Denys, 295, 296 ; James, 312; John, 130 (2) 131; Robert, 276, 296; William,-119, 125, 126, 129 (2), 140. Whitebyhill, lands in, 213. White Horse Stone, visit to, xlviii. Whitewashing of Churches, 65. Whitlock. John, 302. Whitstable, chapel at, 258 ; field called Sandelbruhsdone at, 258; hermitage, 258 ; visitation of, 289. Whittlesey, Archbishop, 87. Wibrutune, chapel in manor of, 257. Wickham Breux (Wickanbreux), Hoke chapel, 258 ; Puxton chapel, 258 ; visitation of, 281. Wickham, Humphrey, 150. Wide, Kllen, 309. Wigmore, Thomas, 317. Wike, tenement at, 205. Wikings, John, 273. Wilds, John, 150. Wilies, —, 303. Wilkie, Kenyon, 215. WiUesborough (Wilesborowe). visitation of, 312. William L, 2, 12. William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 6, William of Corbeuil, Archbishop of Canterbury, 4, 6. William of Perth, 252. William the Sacrist of Strood. 113. Williams, Miss, 327 ; Thomas, 289. Willoweby, —, 283. Wilmot, Mrs., 150. Wilsborough, 161. Wilson, Ben., 151; George, 149. Winchester, legacy to mother church of, 162. Wingham, church of, 218 ; manor of, 218 ; prebendary of, 218 ; visitation of, 280. Winseborowe, visitation of, 286. Wiseman, Mrs., 153. Wittersham (Wittesham), visitation of, 314. Wodensberg, Prior John of, 48 (3). 77, 79. Wodier, Robert, 107. Wodust, I., Ixxxvi. Woghope, William, 50, 61. Woley, John, 162. Wolsey, Cardinal, 73, 235. Wondean, William, 103. Wood (Woodd), Aost, 153 ; George, 153, 299 ; Mr., 150, 153 ; Robert, 153 ; Thomas, 302. Woodchurch, visitation of, 314. Woodnesborough Church, by Jtev. P. Savage, ixxii; Aumbry,


Notes of the Great North Window of Canterbury Cathedral


Frontispiece 1909