Extracts from some Lost Kent Registers

( 178 ) EXTRACTS FROM SO􀀖IE LOST KENTISH REGISTERS: From MS. clxxx., Society of Antiquaries of London. BY LELAND L. DUNCA.N, M.v.o., F.S.A. Tu the library of the Society of Antiquaries amongst the Thorpe MSS. is a thin folio volume, numbered clxxx., containing extracts from the Parish Registers of twenty-three parishes in West Kent. A list of these is given on pages 40-1 of The Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochester, published by the Kent Arcbreological Society in 1912. Of the parish registers named uo less than six have unfortunately been lost sin<.:e the extracts were made, and it has been t,bought desirable to place the entries preserved to us in this MS. on permanent record in these pages. The extracts are all in one 1.Jauclwriting, and appear to have been made in 1726-7. The entries it will be noted nearly all relate to the clergy and gentry, and apparently one of the particular objects of the transcriber was to collect the names of the parochial clergy. The extracts have not been rearranged, but are printed exactly as in the transcripts, since they appear to preserve for us the make-up of the original registers. SELE, Ao. 1561. Transcript. Registr. incipit Nov. 18. A0 1mo Gylberti Jenyns Vicarii ib: et A0 Eliz. Regin. 4to, 1561 Nov. 24 John a. o:f John Tebold, gent., Bapt. 1568 May 20 Silvester d. of John 'l'ebold, gent., Bapt. 1564 Oct. 80 Alyce d. of John Tebnld, gent., Ba1lt. 'EX'l'J,tA.CTS FROM LOST KENTISR REGISTEitS. 179 1565 Mar. 3 1567 Aug. 17 1568 .ran. 9 1570 Dec. lo 157􀍷 Nov. 1 J 573 :Feb. 14 1574 Nov. 20 1575 May 11 1576 Ap1·. 16 1576 ,Jan. 22 1578 Oct. 12 1579 Apr. 10 1579 Mar. 7 1582 Sep. 9 1587 Nov. 12 1587 Dec. 4 1592 Apr. 9 1597 July 25 1599 1562 Aug. 2 1562 Jan. 31. 1563 June 14 R. Eli1,., .A.0 l l 1571 Nov. 8 1575 l􀍸eb. 5 1579 May 4 1580 May 17 1580 July 4 1580 Oct. 17 1581 Oct. 29 1590 1593 Oct. 15 1594, A1lr. 3 l596 July- . 3 Clemence Tebald d. of John Te bald, gent. Thomas s. of John Theobald, gent., Bapt. Thomas s. of John Tebald, gent., Bapt. A nnys cl. of ,John Tebold, gent., Bapt. Robarte s. of John Tebald, gent., Bapt. Clemens d. of Gervis (?) ltuse, gent., Bapt. Myles s. of Gylberte Jenyns Bapt. Rycbard s. of John Tebald, gent., Bapt. Selvester d. of Stephen 1'ebauld alias Theabauld, gent., Bapt. Roger s. o-f Thomas N e-venson, gent., Bapt. Margett d. of Stephen Tebauld, gent., Bapt. Rychard s. of Gylberte ,Jenyns Ba pt. Dorothy d. of Stephen Tebold, gent., Bapt. Katherine d. of \Vylliam Gornell, gen!;., Bapt. Rychard s. of ,Tohn Tebald of Stampett, gent., Bapt. Stephen s. of John Tebo Id of the Towne, Bapt. Clemens d. of John Teobald Bapt. Grysogon d. of John Tebold of Kemsyng, gent., Bapt. there. Gylbert Jenyns was this yeare Minister of Senle. William Potter & Alyce Howell Mar. Robarte Olyver & Dorothy d. of James Porter Mar. John Mon"ke of Kemsyng & Selvester d. of Thomas Olyver of Fauke Mar. l!'eb. 13 Cerys Bure & Eliz: d. of ,Tohn Tebol Dec. 13 HiOU 8ept. G lull::; Aug. 24 lUOO June 14 1612 Mar. 14 16l6 Oct. 21 1621 June 22 1623 Aug. 7 1623 Nov. 2 1624 Nov. 4 1625 June 24 1625 July 20 1625 Jan . .10 1625 Mar. 7 1625 Mar. 7 1683 Oct. 2 1637 Jan. 17 1638 Sept. 6 1638 Oct. 20 1643 Oct. 29 1648 Apr. 19 16/>7 Oct. 30 1658 May 18 1658 Feb. 4 1659 Oct. 17 1662 Oct. 17 Ricl1arcl Wilkins But·. John so11 of Nicholas Busliop Bur. John Wilkins, geut., .Bur. ,John Ginninges, serv:mt to i\{r Yorke, Bur. Steven Yorke Bur. Ric. Saunder, dwelling with Ricard Yorke, gent., Bur. Margrett cla. of Nicholas Bushop Bur. Ambrose SOil of vvm Copinger, gent., Bur. Elizabeth wife of William Copinger, gent., Bur. Mn Brigett Bur. M18 Anne Poole Bur. Margrett Bishop, widow, Bur. Urcilla da. of Raphe Copinger, gent., Bui·. Widow Bishop Bur. ,John sou of l


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