A Wealden Charter of A.D. 814

( 203 ) A vV.EA LDEN CHARTER Ol!, A.D. 814. (Harleiau Charter 83 A. I.) BY H. S. COWPER, F.S.A. Tac: Chader, which is the subject of this Paper, contains the names of a number of places in the Weald of Kent early in the ninth century; and since this district is nearly unnoticed eve11 in the Domesday Survey, this early list is of great interest. The Charter runs as follows :- + In nomiue Dei summi Igitur anuo dominice iucaruatiouis dcccxiiii regni uero nostri a Deo concessi xviij Ego Coeuwulf rex M:erciorum Suiuo'<5e meo comite tenam i aratrorum lll prop1·iam po:;,;essiouem 7 libertatem sibimet uel suis heredibus iu perpetuum fruere perdonabo scilicet juxta silua quae dicitur C..&H,1' cum campis cum siluis cum pascuis cum pratis rii carra de feno ca.pientia cum una molina 7 paldbera })iolhtringden 7 tiorningabyra 7 beardingaleag 7 focgingabyra 7 speldgisel!a 7 hegefonhyrs 7 hritiden 7 cuuden 7 begcgebyra 7 sponleoge 7 tietfirhde bituihu longanleag 7 '


Some Kentish Charities, 1594


The Rectors and Vicars of St Mildred's Tenterden: With an Appendix