Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society

l. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members. 2. The funds, securities, nnd property of the Society shall be held in Trust for the Membel's by four Trustees, who shall be Members. Any vacnncies slrnll be filled at the next Annual Meeting. The affairs of the Society shnll be· conducted by a Council consisting of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorn1·y T1·el1SU!'e1·, the Honorm·y Secretary, Honornry Lil.Jnn·inn, the Honorary Finant,ial Secretary, the H onornry Editors, and twentv-four 􀉨Iem hers elected out of the genernl body of the Subscribers: on1:1-fonrth of the lntter shall go out annually in rotation, but shall nevertheless be re-eligible; and such retiring and the new election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting: but any intermediate vacanry, by death or l'etiremeut, among the elected Council, shall be filled up either at the General 01· at the next Couucil Meeting, whichever shall fil'st happen, and the Member so appointed slrnll bold office so long as he in whose pince be shall be appointed would have held office. Five Members of the Council to constitute a quorum. 3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on the secoud Thursday in the month of March in Maidstone, in the month of June in London, in the month of September in Rochester, and on some day in the month of December in Cunterbnry, and at ariy other time that the Honorary Secretary may deem it expedient to call them together. But the Council shall lumi power, if it shall deem it advisable, at the instance of t.he President, to hold its Meetings at other places within the county; and to alter the days of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall he found convenient. 4. The Council shall appoint one of their Members to be the Hon. Financilll Secretary. His


Local Districts and Honorary Local Secretaries


Accounts and Balance Sheets