Contents and illustrations, Volume 35
( xii ) S O C I E T I E S IN UNION. J?or Interchange of Publications, etc. The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W. The Royal Archseological Institute of Great Britain, 19 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. The British Archseological Association, 16 Paternoster Row, B. C. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Queen Street, Edinburgh, The Architectural Museum, 18 Tufton Street, Westminster, S. W. The Royal Numismatic Society, 22 Russell Square, W.C. 1. The London and Middlesex Archseological' Society) The Bishopsgate Institute, Bishopsgate Street, B.C. The Historic Society of Cheshire and Lancashire (Hon. Librarian, R. Thre/all Bailey, Bsq.), 61 Grove Street, Liverpool. The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (Hon. Gen. Secretaries, 6 St.' Steplicn's Green, Bublin). The Associated Architectural Societies for the County of Lincoln (The Public Library, Lincoln). The Norfolk and Norwich Archseological Society, Norwich. The Suffolk Institute of Archeology, Moyses Hall Museum, Bury St. Edmunds (Rev. A. W. Bartvin, M.A., Hon. See."). The Surrey Archaeological Society, Castle Arch, Guildford. The Sussex Archseological Society, Barbican House, Lewes. The Wiltshire Archaaological and Natural History Society, Museum, Bevizes. The Somersetshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Mmoum, Taunton. The Bristol and Gloucestershire ArchEeological Society (Public Library, Hast Gate, Gloucester'). The Cambridge Antiquarian Society (Frank James Allen, Esq., M.D. (St. John's College, Camb.), 8 Halifax Road, Cambridge). The Derbyshire Archseological Society (P. II. Carrey, Esq., 3 Market Place, Berby), The Powysland Club (T. Simpson Jones, Esq., Gungrog Hall, Welshpool). The Cumberland and Westmoreland Archaaological Society (W. G. Collingwood, Bsg., Lanehead, Coniston, Lancashire). The Leicestershire Archaeological Society (Major Freer, V.B., F.S.A., 10 New Street, Leicester). The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, The Library, The Castle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (R. Blair, Bsg.). The Shropshire Archaeological Society (The Librarian, Free Publio Library and Museum, Shrewsbury). Soci6t6 Arch6ologique de Dunkerque. R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, Biblioteca Vallioelliana, Roma. National Historical Museum, Stockholm (Br. Anton, Blomberg). East Herts Archaeological Society (R„ T. Andrews, Bsg., Hon. Treasurer, 18 Bull Plain, Hertford). The Thoresby Society, 10 Parh Street, Leeds. The Essex Archaeological Society (A. G. Wright, Esq., Colchester Castle, Essex), The British School at Rome, Palazzo Odesoalohi, Rome. The Library of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (Messrs, E. G. Allen and Co., Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C). Athenaeum Subject List to Periodicals, Caaston Hall, Westminster, S.W.. 1. East Riding Antiquarian Sooiety, Museum, Hull.