Eastry Wills - And to Fey

. ( 173 ) EASTRY WILLS. BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. These abstracts of the Wills of the parishioners of Eastry, with extracts from a few others that refer to the parish, give information as to the history of that parish in addition to that which is contained in " Memorials of. Eastry," by Rev. W. E. Shaw, 1870. WILLIAM ANDREW. 25 Nov. 1507. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8d.-r and to the lights in Our Lady Chapel in the churchyard 8^. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Joan, who with Thomas Whitfield, ex'ors. Wife Joan have my house and lands for life, then to son William and his lawful issue, when 21; if he die without issue, then to my daughter (not named) and her issue. Witnesses: Sir James Williams, priest, Thomas Pysinge. [No probate date.]' (Con. Vol. IX., fol. 88.) THOMASINE ANDREW, widow. 8 Oct. 1542. Buried in the churchyard. High altar I2d.; to the reparation of the" church 6s. 8d., and of Wodnesborough 6s. 8d.; of the highway betwixt Buckland and Statenborough: 6s. 8d.; and betwixt Hamwold and the Bekon 6s. 8d. Daughter Custance 2 ewes and 20s. William Baker, son of my daughter,- 2 ewes and 20s., my cupbord, table, trestles, forms, etc.; to John Baker his brother 2 ewes and 20s.; and to Joane his sister my ship-chest, etc., at her marriage. Cicely, daughter of John Hering a cow and 20s., and to Robert Hering 10s. Residue to my daughter's children. Ex'or: John Baxe and have 40s., with Stephen Wattes, overseer. Witnesses: Sir George Amyee, parish-priest, William Church of Swayng, William Church at Tikinherste, William Stone, John Goldwore, Thomas Richards.) Probate 7 July 1543. (Con. Vol. XVIII., fol. 90.) JOHN ARROWE of Ackeholte in Nonington. 5 March 1542-3. Buried in Nonington church That John, son of William Arrowe my son, when 23 have my messuage at 174 EASTRY WILLS. Updown in Eastrye, all my lands at the south side of the way leading from Eastrye Buttes unto Northborne, and to his heirs male; if he die without issue before he is 23, then to John Arrowe my son and his heirs. My son John to take' the income until John, son of William, is 23. Two messuages at West Eenglesam with all lands in Eastrye, Ham and Betteshanger at the north side of the way from Eastrye Buttes to Northborne, and to the way of the lord of Betteshanger, to my son Richard Arrowe (for life), then to William Arrowe my god-son and his lawful male issue, if no issue to the right heirs of Richard for ever. Probate 6 July 1543. (Book Wingham, fol. 209.) JANE ASSHOWE of the Hospital of St. Bartholomew, Sandwich. . . . . 1523. Buried in the church of St. Mary of Eastrye within the chancel beside my uncle Sir Thomas Asshowe [vicar 1487—1507]. That John Oere of Eastrye shall be my ex'or and minister of my goods, with Master Prior of the White Friars in Sandwich, Sir John Kete, overseer. That my ex'or shall buy a stone to lay upon my uncle Sir Thomas Asshowe in the chancel. To Our Lady of'Eastrye a frontlett of velvet with a gold ring. Probate 12 Dec. 1524. (Con. Vol. XIV., fol. 119.) HENEX BARBOR. 1 Eeb. 1554-5. My body to the earth. To the poor men's box 20s. Wife and sons have all moveables equally between them, sons their part when 21. Daughter Mary £10 at her marriage, and daughter Susan £13 l i s . 8d. at her marriage. Wife have my farm for four years, then to my sons William and John. Elisabeth Maxstede have 26s. 8d. and the 16s. owing to her. Ex'ors: Wife (no name*) and my brother Boyse, with my father (sic) Norton, overseer. Wife have my house and lands at Boughton for her life, then to Bartilmew; also wife have out of Buckwell 40s. yearly. Vincent and Ezechiel (sic) have my house and lands at Buckwell when 21, paying to Bartilmew £3 6s. 8d. during his mother's life. Thomas my son have my houses at Shottenton called Howlettes and Bartletts. John my son the house at the Sinanes, the house at Solles Street, and the land called Saltland. Thomas my son the ground called Chese Dane. William my son the house in Thanet * The wife's name was Elisabeth, who married Stephen Norton (died 1557). See his will. ' '' " • " •• . . EASTRY WILLS. 175 called Isayks in St. John's parish, with the land sometime Lincoln's, worth £30; also land in Eastrie called Sederston. If Barthelmew die without lawful issue then William shall be his heir. If William die under 21 without lawful issue then Bartilmew be his heir. If John die under 21 without lawful issue then Thomas be his heir, and if Thomas die under 21 without lawful issue then John be his heir. If my wife be with child £10 to the child out of the lands of Thomas and John. Probate 28 May 1555. (Con. Vol. XXVL, fol. 39.) PETER BAREIELD. 26 Eeb. 1483-4. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12^., and to the reparation of the church 3s. Ad. Residue after paying debts, etc., to son William. Ex'ors: William Eryn and Simon Clifford. Son William have the best messuage with nine acres of land. Ex'ors sell four acres if necessary to fulfill my will, if not to son William and if he die without issue the messuage and • land to be sold and the money disposed for our souls. That Bartholomew Trip of Canterbury, the feoffee of Thomas Barfield my father, give up his claim to my messuage, etc. Witnesses: Dom. Wm. Craler, Dom. Thomas Asshow, Thomas Eryn. Probate 5 April 1484. (Con. Vol. II., fol. 591.) HENRY BARNES. 10 Nov. 1522. Buried in the churchyard. High altar for tithes 8d. My goods be divided into four parts, one to Sexborough my wife and half another part, James and Clement my sons two parts and the other half part equally between them when 16 ; each heir to the other, but if both die then to be sold and the money disposed for our souls. Ex'or : Wife Sexborough. Witnesses: Sir William, parish-priest there, John Ambrose, senior, John Bacar the sexton, Clement Byrk. Probate 12 Jan. 1522-3. (Con. Vol. XIII., fol 136.) WILLIAM BENGER of Harenden. 9 Aug. 1540. Buried in churchyard. High altar 12d.; sons William and Oliver, and Richard Parker each have a cow and 10 ewes. Residue after paying debts to wife Joan, my ex'or. Wife have my tenement at Brooke Street with all lands for her life, then to son William and his lawful issue, in default to son Oliver and 176 EASTRY WILLS. his lawful issue.- Witnesses: Oliver Godard, Edmund Bhker, John Hogen, Thomas Richard. Probate 13 Sept. 1540. (Con. Vol. XVII., fol. 65.) THOMAS BODTS. 4 Oct. 1487. Buried in the churchyard; and to the light of the Chapel in the churchyard a bushel of barley. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Denis and John Bruer, my ex'ors. Wife have one acre and a rod of marshland in Ash called Broyne land, and to her heirs, etc., for ever. Witnesses : John Chirche, Richard Aspe. Probate 12 Nov. 1487. (Con. Vol. IIL, fol. 146.) JOHN BOTELER, draper of St. Peter's, Sandwich. 4 Jan. 1452-3. Son Richard have all my lands and tenements in Sandwich, Estry and Worth, and to his heirs for ever, but if he • die under age then to Thomas Boteler my brother. [No probate ' date.] (Con. Vol. I., fol. 62.) JOHN BOTLEE of St. Mary's, Sandwich. 29 July 1506. Wife Greceile (or Grysill) have all my lands and tenements, viz., the tenement called Harenden with all lands, pastures, etc., in Eastry and Northbourne; also all those lands and tenements which my father Thomas Botler disposed to my mother during her life. Probate 5 May 1507. (A., Vol. X,, fol. 227.) JOHN BREWHEE. 4 Dec. 1477. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12^., and to the fabric of the church 12d. Residue to wife Alice and son John, my ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Wife Alice all lands and tenements for her life, then the tenement with a garden and another garden opposite the same over the road east; one acre of land near the road called Drovshende, to the land of Richard Botelar east, the land of John Bailay west, to son John and his heirs for ever. Two acres called Smythfeld Sole,, to the land of Richard Botelar west and the land of Thomas Propchant east, to son William and his heirs for ever. Two acres next the road called Saderstee to son Stephen and his heirs for ever. Probate 26 Jan. 1477-8. (Cou. Vol. II., fol. 424.) EASTRY WILLS. 177 JOHN BREWAR. 11 April 1509. Buried in the churchyard. To the reparation of the High Cross of the church Ad. Residue to wife Isabella, Henry Bayfield, and Agnes my daughter, my ex'ors. Wife have my tenement and lands for life, then to the said Harry (sic) and Agnes my daughter his wife and their lawful issue, paying to Margaret my daughter 20s. Probate. 16 July 1509. (Con. Vol. IX., fol. 145.) JOHN BROKAR. 14 Jan. 1487-8. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6d., and to the light of St. John 1 lb. of wax yearly during the life of Alice my wife. Wife have part of my household goods (domieilia), the other half to son John. Peoffees : Thomas Ereime of Walton and Peter Derby. Wife have all income from my lands, tenements, etc., for life, then to son John and his heirs for ever, but if John die before my wife then at her death to be sold and money disposed for our souls. Ex'ors : Wife Alice and Thomas at Welle. Probate 10 March 1487-8. (Con. Vol. IIL, fol. 179.) WILLIAM BRYAN, citizen of Canterbury. 6 Oct. 1451. My tenement formerly Adam Carpenter's in Eastry to be sold with all lands thereto, and from the money to a chaplain for my soul in Eastry church £6 13*. Ad., and residue to the repair of that church. Margaret my wife have my tenement called Stapinbre (sic) in Eastry for five years, then to be sold with all lands and the money as follows: a chaplain celebrate for our souls in Eastry church for two years and-have £13 6s. 8d.; to the repair of Eastry church 40s.,- also a chaplain celebrate f or our souls in the church of St. Andrew [Canterbury] for three years, having £6 13s. Ad. a year; also wife Margaret have £20; to the parish church (sic) of Fencylasham* 13s. Ad.; to the parish church of Worth 13s. Ad.; of Chislet 6s. 8d.; of Wodnesborough 13s. Ad.; to repair the road from Eastry to Sandwich £6 13s. Ad.; and the residue of the money to wife Margaret. (Con. Vol. I., fol. 52.) ISABELLA CARTER. 11 Sept. 1495. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d., and to the reparation of the church 6d. Residue, after paying debts, *"There is ho Pinglesham churoh, the place being in Northbourne parish. VOL. XXXVIII. N 178 EASTRY WILLS. to my husband John and John Roger senior, my ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. That John my husband have the tenement where I dwell with all lands for two years, doing the repairs, then Peter Derby my feoffee deliver estate to William and Peter the sons of Peter Miller of Cbellenden- equally. Witnesses: Peter Derby, Thomas Rutland, senior, Robert Erenne, John Baker. Probate 1495. (Con. Vol. IV., fol. 83.) RICHARD CHAAIITON, priest [Vicar of Eastry 1534—43], Prebendary of Christ Church, Canterbury [1541-3J. 20 May 1543. Buried in christian burial. That my poor servants be paid their quarter's wages ending at next midsummer, also their liveries for this year to each, and one year's wages in addition, viz.: to Richard Berd 40s.; Robert Clarke 40s.; Richard Iluffam 26s. 8d.; Edmonde Egleston have double new apparel aud 20.s\ 8d. Robert Clarice also have two of my old gowns for his wife and children. Richard Berd have the bargain (sic) of stuff at Eastrye, he paying nothing therel'oi*. Margery Champion my nyce (niece) and goddaughter my gold ring with a sparke of a diamond. Mr. Drom, my special friend, the works of St. Augustine. Dr. [Lancelot] Rydleye the Preacher "St. Ambrose" or some other work. Dr. [Nicholas] Rydleye the Prebendary " Complutens editio" otherwise called the Spanish bybles (sic), or such like token of old amytie arid friendship. Sir Hery Awdwyne [Awdoen, one of the Pety-Canons] some honest memorial of friendship according to the discretion of Dr. Rydleye the Prebendary aud Dr. Rydleye the Preacher, the supervisors of my will. To my friends Mr. Broke and Mr. Scorye some convenient book. To the poor people of my parish at London [St. Vedast, Poster Lane, 1536—43] 10s., and of my parish of Eastrye 10s. Residue after paying debts, etc., my funeral without pomp, and the poor people there relieved by discretion of my overseers, to my brothers Thomas and John Champion, my ex'ors. Witnesses: 'Dr. Nicholas Ridley, Dr. Lancelot Ridley and Richard Berd. Probate 20 June 1543. (Coti. Vol. XVIII., fol. 77.) WILLIAM CHURCH. 20 Oct. 1491 (sic). Buried in the churchyard. To the reparation of the church 3s. Ad. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Margaret, who with sons John and Thomas, my ex'ors. Wife ha e all lauds and tenements for life, then son John junior my messuage EASTRY WILLS. 179 with 6 acres of land and another messuage called Empton, also a croft of 2 acres in fee simple. John senior, Richard and Thomas, my sons, 3 acres at Wenston. Son William one acre at the place called Caleote, and Richard one acre at Gore. Witnesses: Thomas Asshow, cleric, Thomas Elthergate, William Erin. Probate 6 June 1491 (sic). (Con. Vol. IIL, fol. 228.) RICHARD AT CHUECH. 4 Sept. 1494. Buried in the churchyard. To the necessary reparation of the church 12^. Residue to wife Agnes and John at Church, junior, my ex'ors. Wife have my two messuages in Broke Street with three acres and a half of land in divers places until my sons Thomas and John be 20; then Thomas have the tenement where I dwell with half an acre at the Butts, and son John the tenement sometime called Broke Place with one acre called Brokeacre, paying to Alice my daughter 10s. Probate 1 Jan. 1494-5. (Con. Vol. I V , fols. 28, 72.) JOHN CHUECH. 28 Sept. 1502. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 16^., and to the reparation of the church a cow. My brother John (sic) one ewe; Alice daughter of Thomas Church a ram ; and William my son when 21 have 18 ewes. Residue to wife Elisabeth,* and Thomas Parker of Harnden, my ex'ors. Witnesses: Thomas Asshow, vicar, Thomas Erode, Thomas Church, Clement Clark. Probate 7 Nov. 1502. (Con. Vol. VII., fol. 40.) WILLIAM CHUECH of Swaynes. . . . . 1547. Buried in the churchyard nigh unto my father. High altar 3s. Ad. To the reparation of highways 13s. Ad. Son Roger at his marriage £20 and my lease from Christ Church, Canterbury. Residue to wife Agnes, who with son Roger my ex'ors, and Thomas Whitefeld my wife's son overseer. Tenement and lands to wife for life, then to Roger. Witnesses: Sir John Orgaver, vicar, Thomas Whitefeld, John Paramor, senior. Probate 20 Dec. 1547. (Con. Vol. XXL, fol. 69.) WILLIAM CLEEKE of Goor. 3 Nov. 1497. Buried in the churchyard. Reparation of the bells in the church 8d. Residue to wife Cicely my ex'or. Peoffees : * Elisabeth then married William Owre, who died 1532. N 2 180 EASTRY WILLS. John Frenne of Walton and Thomas Erenne of Goor. Wife have my tenement for life, then valued, and if Isabella my daughter will buy the same she to occupy and have half the value, the other half to be disposed for our souls. Probate 8 Jan. 1497-8. (Con. Vol. IV., fol. 177.) WILLIAM COLHERD. 4 April 1488. The lands and tenements in Ash which were my inheritance after the death of Sibelle Colherd, formerly wife of Edward Colherd my grandfather, shall after the death of Sibelle be sold by William Penye my feoffee, and the money to pay the debts of Roger Colherd my father, any residue half to Juliane my mother, and half to my ex'ors.- William Penye and Peter Derby. Witnesses : Richard Spene, Richard Aspe, John Mandy. Probate 1489. (Con. Vol. III., fol. 223.) THOMAS COWPAR, late of Mongeham. 13 Eeb. 1518-19. Buried in the churchyard of Eastry. Residue after paying debts, etc., to Roose Teypin my daughter and ex'or. My messuage, garden and lands in Mongeham to my daughter Roose and her assigns for ever. Witnesses: William Pem'ton my ghostly father, William Prend, Thomas Parker, senior, Hugh Clitherowe, Giles Wildeman. [No probate date.] (Con. Vol. XII., fol. 41.) DOM. WILLIAM CRALLEB,* " pencionarius" of the parish church of Estre. 15 March 1487-8. Buried in the chancel of the church. Magister Thomas Asshow, perpetual vicar of Estre, have one lead tun, 3 tables, and 2 benches. All other goods of my house after paying debts, etc., to Alice Brokers my servant, who looked after me in my illness. Ex'or: Thomas Asshow, vicar. Witnesses: Benedict Webbis, Richard Church, Richard Aspe. Probate 9 June 1488. (Con. Vol. I I I . , fol. 194.) MARGERY DEEBE. 8 Nov. 1483. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 8d. Peter Derbe and Alice Rogers each have a cow; Thomas Derbe and John Roger a calf to each; Isabella Derbe my best pot, and Alice Roger another pot. Residue to Peter Derbe my son and ex'or. * Vicar oE Eastry in 1479, he evidently retired on a pension. He is commemorated on 31 March in the Obit Book of Christ Church, Canterbury. EASTRY WILLS. 181 Witnesses: William Cralar, vicar, William Eryn, Thomas Parker. Probate 8 March 1483-4. (Con. Vol. II., fol. 579.) PETER DARBY. 16 Oct. 1496. Buried in the body of the church before the Altar of St. John Baptist. High altar for tithes 3s. Ad.; and to the reparation of the church where most need £3 6s. 8d. Alice Roger my sister a cow and 4 ewes, and her daughter Joan 2 ewes. To my Lord of Christ Church, Canterbury, and the Convent of the same place 20s. Residue to wife Juliane* my ex'or, with William Frynne at the Cross, overseer. Wife have for life my place called Esole with all lands thereto in Nonington, also all lauds in Ash at Flete, my place called Goddards in Eastry, my place called the nether-place towards the Butts in Eastry with all lands, after her death to Thomas Darby and his heirs for ever. Wife have my place called Woohope with all lands at Haerenden until son Thomas is of lawful age, then to Thomas. Wife have the two tenements in which John Kirkman, tailor, and John Fresshall, parishclerk, dwelleth, until son Thomas is of lawful age, then to him. If son Thomas die before then or without issue, then at the death of Juliane all to be sold by William Frynne at the Cross, John Et-ynne of Walton, junior, Thomas Parker, senior, my feoffees, and the money for masses in the church and other good deeds of alms for our souls. Son Thomas have my place called Monds in which Thomas Canteys now dwells. Probate 26 May 1497. (Con. Vol. IV., fol. 143.) THOMAS ELVARB. 5 Aug. 1499. Buried in the churchyard. Residue, after paying debts, to Roger Frinne my ex'or to dispose for my soul. Roger Frinue have my tenement in Selveston with all lands, late bought from Herry Baxe, senior, and Roger Frinne yearly pay to the churchwardens for the reparation of the church-works there yearly to be done 3s. Ad. After my death Margery Mighell my sister have my tenement in Broke Street with the lands, and to her heirs. Probate 2 Dec. 1499. (Con. Vol. V., fol. 53.) ROBERT EXMEWE. 25 Feb. 1500-1. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d. Residue, after paying debts, to wife Joan and William Frinne my ex'ors, with Sir Nicholas Grissen, overseer. Probate 24 May 1501. (Con. Vol. VI., fol. 24.) * Juliane married (2) Henry Roger, who died 1500, and Juliane died 1505. 182 EASTRY WILLS. WILLIAM EENELL of St. Peter's, Sandwich. 30 June 1473. After the death of my wife Elisabeth my tenements called Stadingburgh and Stretend with all lands, etc., to John, the son of Jolm Fennell my son, and his heirs male for ever, but if no issue to Cristine my daughter and her issue, or in default to be sold and the money disposed for my soul, Stephen my father, Alice my mother, Emme and Joane my wives, and all my children. To repair the road between Sandwich aud Eastry 40s. Probate 26 July 1473. (A., Vol. II., fol. 171.) WALTER EEYREEAX. 17 July 1439. Buried in the churchyard on the west side of ne chapel within the same churchyard. High altar 12^. Residue, after paying debts, to wife Agnes, who with Andrew Whitfield and Alan Andrew of Eythorne, my ex'ors. Feoffees of my lands, tenements in Eastrei and Wodnesburgh—John Tourney, senior, William Simon, Richard Sutton, Andrew Whitfield. Wife Agnes have the same for life, then to Richard, son of William Peyrefax my brother, and his lawful issue for ever, if no issue then to John son of Isabella Andrew and his lawful issue, if no issue to Roger the brother of John Andrew. Wife live in my chief tenement and have 2 horses price 40s., a cow price 10s., four quarters of corn and six of barley, a quern, cooking pot, knedingtrow, etc. Isabella my sister 6s. 8d. yearly for life. [No probate date.] (Con. Vol. I., fol. 48.)


The Chapel of Our Lady in the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral


Notes and Discoveries: Find of flint instruments and workshop at Frindsbury; A Roman burial at Halling