General Index

185 GENERAL INDEX. A Abere, William, and his wives Alys and Amis, brass at Ringwould, 171. Acard de Audenham, 31. Acre, siege of, 31. Act-book of the Consistory Court of Canterbury, Notes from a Fourteenth Century, by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 63. Adam, John, 37. Adenne, Joan, 38. Adisham, suggested burial-place of Roger Digge, 12 ; dilapidation claim at, 58. Afforde, Richard, 35. Alcott, Afra, 124. Alday, John, arms, 101. Aldham, Manor of, 31, 32. Aldington in Thurnham, 108-9-10. Aldington Septvans, 127. Aldon, 109. Aldye, Adam, 120 ; Jerom, 120. Aldynton next Ledes, charge against chaplain of, 62. Aleyn, Dom. Wm., 20. Alflet, Gilbert, 115. Ancient British Coins (Evans), 26-7. Ancient Funeral Monuments (Weever), 115. Anderida, forest bridle paths in, 25. Andrew, Thomasine, 35; William, 35-6. Anglo-Saxon Architecture (Baldwin Brown) on Whitfield Church, 145. Anne of Cleeves and St. Augustine's Abbey, 66. Antiquaries' Journal, 79, 82. Antiquaries, Society of, and Weaver's MS., 7n; of Snodland • site;. Richborough Exoavation, 181; Ringwould brasses, 171. Antiquity, Editor of, 28. Antoninus Pius, coin of, 82. Apilton, Roger, arms, 96. Appolderfield family, arms, 100; Henry, 100 ; WiUiam, 100. Apuldre, rector of, irregular removal, 60. Arable land worth 3d. per acre per annum, 22. Arch, insertion in old walls, mystery of, 15 In. Archaeologia, 65, 142. Archer, Dom. Nicholas, 47. Armour-fashion, fixing date of monumental brass, 7. Arnold, Robert, 101. Array, commission of, 17. Arrowe, John, 41. Ash-next-Sandwich, and Septvans family, 105 ; legacy for an obit, 116; alabaster figures of John Septvans and Katherine his wife, 116. Ascch, 11. Assho, or Asshowe, Thomas, 38, 41, 43,4. Atcheker (Atchequer), name assumed by Septvans, 105, 118-9-20; Christopher, 120; Thomas (or Harflete), will of, 120 ; Bennett, 120 ; Susan, 120. Atrebates, coin at Westerham, 26-7. Attelath, Robert, brass at King's Lynn, 5. Auger, John, arms, 93 ; Henry, 95. Aunger, Hen., 10. Avebury, Lord, and Benjamin Harrison, 179. B Badilsmere (Badlesmere), Sir Bartholomew, arms, 102; Giles de, 10 ; heirs and heiresses, 10. Baker, Joan, 35; John, 35; William, 35. 186 GENERAL INDEX. Ball, W. E., and Septvans arms, 106. Ballard, Fulke, 93 ; Robert arms, 93; Thomas, 93. Bamme, Edmond, arms, 97 ; John, 97 ; WiUiam, 103. Baram or Bereham, Henry, arms, 95. Barber, John, at Padua, 86. Bargrave, John, at Padua, 85; Robert at Padua, 86. Barham Church, Brasses in, by Ralph Griffln, 1. Barham Court, Dering ownership of, 1. Barrett, William, 36. Barrey, John, arms, 99. Barton, Francis at Padua, 86. Bateman, familv of gravel-diggers, 25. Beadlewick tenure at Croydon, 160. Beaney Institute, Canterbury, 68. Bearsted (Berghstede), charge against vicar of imprisoning a priest in Canterbury Castle, 62. Beauchamp, Elizabeth, Baroness Bergavenny, 89. Bellis, Dominus Wm., 20. Bellovaci, coin at Westerham, 26. Bene, Thomas, 42. Benedict of Shepeye, rector of Ham, and autumnal fruits, 63. Benenden, vicar's stipend, 61. Benet, Thomas, 42. Bengeo, Three-compartment Church at, 141n. Bennett, Mr., Book on Ightham, 177. Bequests to Eastry Church, 35-9, 40-5 ; for road repairs, 37-8, 40, 42, 44; of wearing apparel, 18, 19, 20, 35-7, 39, 40 ; to Wingham Church, 132-3. Bereham (Baram, Beram, Berham), Henry, arms, 95 ; John, 98. Berham (Barham), church and poor, legacies to, 19. Berham, Master Edmund de, rector of Stone, 9. Beringden, Adam, arms, 104. Berisford, Bennett, 124; Michael, 124. Berton, John, 98 ; Saunder, 43. Beseville, Hawisia de, 108. Bettenden, Wilham, arms, 99. Beuesfeld, former name of Whitfield, 141; plan of church, 154. Beverle (Beverley), Christopher, arms, 98. Biggs, William, 120. Bil, Henry, 21. Bilsyngton, Robert, 97. Bishopsbourne, rectors of, 13-4; church and poor, legacies to, 19. Bishopsstone church excavations, 142. Black Book of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 15. Black Death and Manorial powers, 159. Blackmanstone rector and excommunication sentence, 60, 64; proposed sequestration, 64. Blockade of coast from Bromhill to Dengemarsh, 110. Bobbing, brass to Dame Joan Savage at, 7. Bocton (Boughton) Aluph, 55. Boleyn, Sir William, arms, 91 ; Thomas, 91. Bone, John, 40. Boone, bookseller, and Digge MS., 9. Borden, vicar of, charge against, 58. Bordenn, William of, rector of Wittersham, charge against, 59 ; list of rectors and vicars testifying to his character, 59. Borges, Thomas, arms, 104; Sir Thomas, 104. Borough English tenure at Croydon, 160. Boteler, Elizabeth, 114; John, 94. Boulge, William de, 55. Bourchier, Sir Thomas, arms, 90. Bourne, James de, 14. Brabourne, figure of Sir Wilham Scott at, 5; vicar cited, 60; charge of simony against vicar, 61 ; church and Prior and convent of Horton, 62. Braddone, chapel of, 57. Bradele, Master William, 63. Brandon, Sir Charles, 100. Brasses in Barham Church, by Ralph Grifftn, 1. Brasted Manor and parish, 161-2 ; ville of, 153. Brembeltye, Sussex, Manor of, 32. Brenchley Chapel, Canterbury, 66. Brent, Robert, arms, 95. British Museum and Digge MS., 9 ; deed of Roger Digge, l l n ; West Farleigh Crucifix, 49, 52 ; ancient coins in, 27-8. Brixworth Church, 142n. Brock, E. P. Loftus, Description of Whitfield Church, 142-3-4. Brock, Master Robert, rector of Charing, 55. GENERAL INDEX. 187 Brockhull, Edward, 119 ; Henry, 122; Marian, 119, 123. Brode, John, 21-2. Brok, Thomas, 20. Brokdale, Lyminge, 22. . Broke, William atte, 21. Broke, John, arms, 98; William, 18, 20. Bromhill, 110. Bromley, Dr. F. E., 140. Brooke, George C, M.A., F.S.A., on A find of ancient gold coins at Westerham, 25. Brooke, Beatrix, 119; Sir John, Lord of Cobham, 89 ; John, of Ash, 120; Richard, 119. Brouherst, Thomas, 97. Brown, Professor Baldwin, 142,146. Browne, Edward, 46, 47 ; Thomas, arms, 103 ; Sir Thomas, 103. Brun, Sir Ingelram de, 100; Sir Morys le, 99. Bruyn, William, arms, 99. Bruyne, Joan, 16 ; Sir Maurice, 16. Brymston, John, arms, 94. Bulkeley (Buckley), Thomas, 100. Burgavenny, Lord of (Neville), arms, 90. Burgess, William, 133. Bushe Fox, J.P., F.S.A., Second Report on Excavation of the Roman Fort at Richborough, reviewed, 181. Byndon de Badinall, rector of Havant, 56. Bynethtoune, Henry, and St. Mary Northgate, 57-8. C. Caen, William de Septvans at, 111. Caerlaverock, siege of, 109. Calais, William de Septvans at, 111. Campian, William, at Padua, 86. Canci, Amfred de, 106. Cani, Ansfrid de, 106. Canterbury, dean of, 57 ; St. Mary, Northgate, 57; Canterbury Letters, 13. Canterbury, Roger Digge's connection with, 10 ; Cathedral Church and fine of 40d., 56; Castle prisoners released, 112; Consistory Court, 53 ; missing registers, 53. Cantes, Thomas, 36, 44. Cantice, Peter, 37. Cappes, Robert, arms, 103 ; (Capps, 103). Cartare, John, 23 ; Wm., 23. Carter, Elisabeth, 43. Cartwright, Henry (? Hugh), 120. Caterham, Three-compartment Church at, 150n. Cent, John, 22 ; Wm., 21. Ceriton (Cyreton), William de, 106. Chairs for church seating, 175. Chadwick, Rev. Howard, 49. Challenor, Jane, 125 ; John, 125. Chamberleyn, arms, 99. Champayn, John, arms, 104. Champney, Richard, arms, 94. Chapman, Alexander at Padua, 85. Charing (Charyngg), inquiries at, 56-7-8, 60. Charles of Horton, 56; Dom., Robert, curate of Wingham, 139. Charlys, Ric, 23. Chartham, Master Roger Dorkyng, rector of, in tithe case, 61 ; Septvans brass at, 109. Chaundrois, Roger de, 33. Chelesworth, Sir John de, rector of Boughton Malherbe, appeal against excommunication, 60. Cheme, Thomas, and St. Mary Northgate, Canterbury, 58. Cheney, Sir Alexander, 92 ; Henry, Lord, 92; Sir John, arms, 102 ; —, of Sheppey, arms, 92 William, 102. Chepstede, Albina, widow of, 11 ; Alice, 11, 15 ; Simon de, 15. Chequer, Manor of, 118, 127, 129. Cherche, Stephen, arms, 97. Chevening, 55. Chiche, Raufe, arms, 96 ; Thomas, 96. Chilham Castle, 23. Chirohe, Robert, 113. Chiselbergh, Somerset, Manor of, 33. Christchurch, Canterbury, 14, 67, 113; penance for embezzling rents, etc., 60. Christian, Ewan, and Whitfield Church Restoration, 142-3-4-6-7- 8-9. Church, Henry, 49 ; Wilham, 35 46 ; Roger, 35, 41. Chute, Wilts, coins found at, 27. Civilian figure (Barham brasses), described, 3. Clapham, A. W., F.S.A., 65, 184. Clapsho, Rich., 21. Clarke, Florence, 118 ; John, 36 ; John of Brabourne, 118. Clay, Miss, 156n. Clerk, Cecly, 39. Clifford, Alexander, arms, 92; I Robert de, 92. 188 GENERAL INDEX. Clinton, 16. Clithrow (Clederow), Richard, 103 ; Roger, arms, 103. Close, Rolls of 1381, 15. Cobbe, William, arms, 99. Cobeham, Henry de, 111; Reginald de, 108, 111. Cobham, Lord of (Brooke), arms, 90. Cobham, Dame Joan de, 110; Maud, widow of Thomas, brass at Hoo, 7 ; John de, 110, 111 ; Sir Reginald, arms, 102; Thomas, brass at Hoo, 6 ; Thomas de, 94 ; William, arms, 95. Cobhambury, Adam of, 57 ; John of, 57. Cock, F. W., Esq., M.D., F.S.A., on Kentish Men at the University of Padua, 85. Cocke, William, 35. Codsheath, Hundred of, 163. Coins, Roman, found at Westerham, 25 ; at Snodland, 80, 82-3. Cok, Robert, 22. Coldrum Stone Circle as memorial to Benjamin Harrison, 180. Colepeper, Alexander, arms, 92; Edward, 101; Geoffrey, 93; John, 93 ; Thomas, 92-3 ; William 101. Collay, Robert, arms, 104. Collins, Rev. A. H., 140, 152. Combe, Anthony, 126; Dorothy, 126. Combwell, prior and convent of, 61 Constantius, coin of, 83. Cook, Henry, 20. Cooper, Robert, 37. Cope, Major Brian, on List of Gentry of Kent in the time of Henry VII., 89. Copuldick, John, arms, 102. Corner of Kent, Planche's, 108, 130. Cosyngton, Richard, arms, 97; William, 97. Cotmanton, 16. Cottinden, Saphire, 39. Courtenay, Archbishop, 115. Court Leet at Croydon, 160. Covene, Peter, 21. Coventre, Robert de, 14. Covert, Richard, 122. Cranbrook, inquiry as to tithe on underwood, 59. Crawford, 0. G. S., F.S.A.. and illustration of coins, 28. Cressell, John de, 100; William, arms, 100. Cromer,'Sir James, arms. 91; Sir Wilham, 91. Cromwell and suspected persons, 124. Crouch, Jane, 18 ; Nicholas atte, 18, 20. Crowhurst, Surrey, Brass to John Gaynesford, at, 6. Croydon, claim for dilapidations, 58 ; Enclosure award of 1801, 161 ; Inquiry at, 64 ; Manor of, 160. Crucifix, A, from West Farleigh, by Aymer Vallance, 49. Crymylforde, Alice, 16; Richard, 16. Culverhouse, John, 38. Cumbwell, Abbey, of, 108. Cuming, Gorton, 176. Curfew at Ringwould, Canterbury and Sandwich, 176. D Dalham, Rog., 23. Dalton, O. M., and West Farleigh Crucifix, 62. Darby, Peter, 36. Darell, John, arms, 96. Dartford, Brass of Agnes Molyngton at, 7. Dauling, Richard, rector of Ringwould, 176. Davis, Rev. Montague, on Barham brasses, 8. Davy, Richard, Northfleet, 89, 95. Davynton (Davington), Prioress of, 55, 61. Deal, Upper, Church, 173. De Aldehams, The, by Gordon Ward, M.D., 31. De Aldham, Baldwin, 31-2-3; Donysia, 33; Francis, 32; Isabella, 32; Nicholaa, 32; Robert, 33; Thomas. 31; Thomas (2), 31. Deans of Canterbury (Todd), 85. Delaune, W., at Padua, 86 ; Chaplain to Queen Anne, 86; Paul (de Laune), 87. Denynton (Denton), 55. Denys, John, arms, 103 ; (Dennis, 103). Derby, John, sexton and parish clerk of Rainham, and complaint against the vicar, 61; Juliane, 40 ; Peter, 40 ; Thomas, 40. Dering, Ownership of Barham Court, 1; John, arms, 99; Norman, 99. Dering roll, 97-8-9. GENERAL INDEX. 189 Dernte (Darenth), 17. Despenser, Dame Ann le, 14. Dig (Digge, or Digges), Agnes, 12, 19; Albina, 9, 15; Aymer, 16, • 17, 23 ; Cecily, 16 : Edmund 9 ; Elen, 12 ; Isabel, 16 ; Joan, 16 ; John, 9; John (2), 9, 15, 16; John (3), 12,15, 16, 20 ; John (4), 16, 17 ; Roger, 9 ; Thomas, 9. Digge, John, rector of Bishopsbourne, 13, 14, 15 ; will of, 19. Digge, John, and Joane his wife, inscription at Barham, 7. Digge, Pedigrees, 9, 12. Digge, Dominus Roger, 12, 13; rector of Woodchurch, 13, 58 ; of Adisham, 13. Digge, Sir John, Kt., and Joane his wife, 7. Digges, Joan, widow of John Barham brass, illustration, 6. Digges, John, Barham Brass (illustration), 4 ; arms, 94. Digges, Roger, Barham brass (illustration) 2 ; pedigree, 9 ; offices held, etc., 9,10; M.P. for Canterbury, 10, ; Alderman of Newingate, Canterbury, 10; M.P. for Kent, 10 ; death, 8, 15 ; will, 17. Digges, Sir Dudley, 9. Diks, or Digges, arms, 104. Dilapidations, at Croyndon claim for, 58; at Adisham, 58. Dode, ancient church at, 141n. Domitian, coin of, 80, 82. Dongesell, Roger vicar of Sittingbourne, charge against John Dongesell layman, 64. Douglas, Charles James (Duke of Queensbury and Dover), and Gay's "Polly," 87; keeper of Great Seal of Scotland, 87 ; Lord Justice General, 87. Dover Castle, 22-3. Downe, brass compared with Barham, 3. Dryland, arms, 104. Dryland, John, Richard, Robert, WiUiam, 94. Dunwich, ancient church at, 142, 156; leper house, 156n. Dygge, Sir Roger, 13; Roger, rector of Adisham, Cuxton and Woodchurch, 13. Dymchurch (Dimchurch), 129. E Ealdeham (Aldham), Manor of, 31; Guido de, 34. Early English alterations at Whitfield, 148. East Ham, ancient church at, 142, 153-4-6. East Langdon church, 157. Eastry Church reparation, 66. Eastry Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 35. Eaton, John, 46. EccleshaUe, John de, canon of Wingham, oratory licence, 64. Eeles, Professor F. C, on Ringwould Church, 165. Eggs and hens as rent, 23. Egthorne, personal tithes, 57. Eldeham, 31. Eldergat, Thomas, 98. Elgar, W. H., 176. Elham, dean of, 55. EUiott, Sir Bignall and Ringwould church, 170, 176. Ellis, Constance, 105, 118; Sir Henry, 98; Sir Thomas, 106,118. Elys, John, 18, 19, 20; John (2) 98 ; Thomas, 98 ; WiUiam, arms, 98. Embezzlement of Wingham churchbuilding fund, 133. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and Manor of Chequer, 129. Engham, John, arms, 96. English Church Architecture (Bond), 141. English, Edward, at Padua, 85. Ernulf wall arcade at Canterbury, 172. Eschsetor for Kent and minors' rights, 15. Etwell, Robert, 101. Evans, Sir John, and Harrison's discoveries, 180 ; work on coins, 26-7. Evote, Wm., 22. Ewell, church of, 57. Exseat, Sussex, Manor of, 32. Eynsford, Master Wilham Bradele, rector of, and title, 63. Eynysforde, 11. Eyton, John, 41. F Fairs and Markets, grant to Lord . of Croydon Manor, 161. Farningharn (Freningham), vicar's stipend, 61. Fastolf, Laurence, 56-6, 68, 61-2-3 ; rector of Clyve (Cliffe at Hoo), oratory licence, 64. Faukenham, (Fekenham), Waleran, 97 ; WiUiam, 97. 190 GENERAL INDEX. Faukham, 11, 17. Faversham, Abbot and Convent of, 56. Feet of Fines, of 12 Hen. IV., 16. Fekenham, Robert (Faukenham), arms, 97. Felbrig, Simon de, 14th century brass at Fellbrig, Norfolk, 5. Feltwell, Norfolk, 13. Ferrers, Sir Henry, arms, 91. Fifian, Clement, 17. Finch family, 93. Find of Ancient Gold Coins at Westerham, A, by George C. Brooke, M.A., F.S.A., 25. Fine arbitrary, 162 ; fine certain, 162. Fineux, John, arms, 94. Fitz Bernard, Robert, 106. Fitz Helte, Emma, 106; William, 106-7 ; Alicia, Sibilla, and William Family tree of Septvans, facing page 113. Flete next Sandwich, Manor of, 120. Flint money box found at Westerham, 28. Fog, John, 17. Foggard, John, charge against at Wingham, 131n, 133,136-7-8. Fogge, Sir John, arms, 91; Sir Thomas, 91; Thomas, 91, 113; Sir William, 114. Forstall, Alice, 38 ; John, 38. Fotour, rector of Blackmanstone, 60. Fourteenth century brasses in Kent,' characteristics of, 3. Fox, William of Mersham, 101. Frampton's list of rectors of Woodchurch, 13. Freehold tenure of Holmesdale, 162. Frend, John, jun., 36. Frende, Elisabeth, 35 ; John, 35. Frenne, William, 38-9. Friars in Canterbury, 18. FrUloo, Sir Nicholas de, rector of Alesby, 55. Frinde, Richard, 35-6; Robert, 43. Frinne, John, 39,47 ; Robert, 41. Frogenhall, Richard, 23, 92. Frognal, Edmund, arms, 92 ; John, 104; Thomas, 97. Fromond, John, 9. Frontinus of South Gaul, 80. Froode, Thomas, 39. Frost, Patrick, 39. Furley, R., Weald of Kent, 113. Fynche, Vincent, arms, 99. Fyneux, Wilham, 98. G Gallows of Manor (Gaol, Pillory, Pounds, Stocks, Whipping-post, etc.), 160-1. Garland, Richard, 101. Gason, John, 121. Gaunt, Elizabeth, 171. Gavelekendes, custom of, 22; Gavelkind, 112n. Gaynsford, John, Brass at Crowhurst, 5. Gaynsford, John, 46. Geffyngton, Sussex, Manor of, 32. Gentry of Kent in the time of Henry VII., List of the, by Major Brian Cope, 89. Gerald, rector of Bishopsbourne, 13n. Gibbes, William, 120, 122. Gibon, John, charge against, 63. Gilborne, Elizabeth, 124; William, 124. Giles, Hen., 21; R. S., of Ospringe, and Roman Pottery, 68. Giles, St., supposed dedication of chapel at Barham, 8. Gilford, Sir John, arms, 91; Sir Richard, 91. Gillingham, land held by Roger Digg, 11, 15. Gilsburgh, Nicholas, arms, 104. Gipps, Rev. George, rector of Ringwould, 170. Gloucester, Earl of, 111, 128. Glover, and notes on PhUipot, 7. Glynne, Sir Stephen, and Wingham Church, 134 ; Ringwould Church, 171, 173. Goddard, Cristian, 38 ; Oliver, 35, 38, 45. Godfrey, John, at Padua, 86; Walter, 142. Godham church, advowson of, 20. Godman, John and Eynsford tithe, 63. Godwynstone, Edmund de, 14, 18, 20 ; Thomas de, 18. Goldoune, John, 36. Goldwell, John, arms, 95; Geoffrey, 100. Gonne, Peter, 42 ; Richard, 42. Goodnestone, John, arms, 98. Gore, Agnes, 18; Margaret, 19; Richard, 97 ; Robert atte, 18. Grandisono, Peter de, 33. Gratianus, coin of, 83. Grayford, Thomas, arms, 98. Grayling, on Ringwould church, 173. GENERAL INDEX. 191 Grauisende (Gravesend), John, arms, 103 ; Sir Stephen de, 103. Great Chart, Hugh de Stanton, rector of, and tithes, 61. Greenstreet, James, and Gentry of Kent, A. C, Vol. XL, 89. Gregory IX., Pope, and election of Prior of St. John de Berden, 63. Gren (Green), John, arms, 100. Griffin, Ralph, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, on Brasses in Barham Church, 1. Grofherst, Joan de, nun of Sheppey, 61-2 ; Richard, 62. Guston, exchange of living, 63. Gybbs, William, 120. Gyble, Thomas, 22. H Hackington, "suspected persons," 124. Hakemersh, Geoffrey de, vicar of Orpynton, 96. Halden, Sir William, arms, 103. Hales, —., at Padua, 86 ; James, at Padua, 86. Hall, Thomas atte, 22. Ham (Hamme), charge of withholding autumnal fruits, 63; Church architecture, 176. Hame, William, 42. Hamilton, Rev. Walter, vicar of Whitfield, 145. Hammond, Thomas, 113. Hamo, Bishop of Rochester, 60. Hamond, Thomas, 35. Hanley, Richard, 38. Harbaldon, House of Friars, at, 18. Harbledown, St. Nicholas Church, 155. Hardis, Edmund, arms, 104. Hardman, Dr., and Ringwould Church, 174, 176. Hardres, Robert de, 98. Hardys, James, arms, 98. Harfleet (Harflete), name assumed by younger branch of Septvans family, 105,118, and Family Tree facing page 113 ; Afra, 124 Afra (2), 125; Arthur, 126 Bennett, 119, 123; Bennett (2) 124-5; Christopher, 119, 120-1 2-3; Sir Christopher (2) 124 Christopher (3), 126; Christopher <4), 126; Constance, 119, 123 Dorothy, 124; Edward, 119 120-1-2-3; Edward (2), 126: Elizabeth, 124; George, 119 121-2-3; Henry, 119, 120-1-2-3 Henry (2), 126 ; Henry (3), 126 Henry (4), 126 ; Henry (6), 126 Isabella, 119; Jane, 125-6 Joan, 121; John, 118; John (2) 118; John (3), 119, 121-2-3 John (4), 125; John (5), 126 John (6), 126; John (7), 127 Margaret, 125; Mercy, 123 Michael, 124; Raymond, 119 Roger, 119 (will of); Samuel 126; Samuel (2), 126; Susan 119, 123; Thomas of Staple 119; Thomas (2), 119; Thomas (or Christopher), 119; Thomas (3), 124-5; Thomas (4), 125; Thomas (5), 126; Thomas (6), 126; Vincent, 119, 121-2-3; Walter, 124; Walter (2), 126; William, 119,120-1-2-3 ; William. (2), 127. Harfleur as derivation of Harfleet, 118. Harlakynden, Roger, arms, 94. Harman, Harry, arms, 100. Harpesfield, Archdeacon at Wingham, 132, 135, 139. Harris, History of Kent, 118n. Harrison of Ightham, Biography of, reviewed, 177. Harvey, WiUiam, graduate of Padua, 87. Haseley, John, 101. Hasted, on Barham Brasses, 8, 17 ; Streatfeild's interleaved copy, 11; deed copied from Surrenden collection, 14 ; on Septvans' history, 113; on Septvans' holdings, 127-8 ; on hundreds of Worth, Langport, etc., 129 ; on Thomas de Aldham, 31, 34. Haute, Henry de, 56 ; Sir Edmund, 90 ; Nicholas, 90 ; Sir William, arms, 90; William, 90. Hawkinge (Hauking), and dovecote placed in Churchyard, 64. Heckingham, Norfolk, Three-compartment Church at, 141n. Hendley, Mercy, 123-4. Henry, Bishop of Lincoln, 115. Herbert, Robert, rector of Boughton Aluph, 55. Herewardstoke, William, 20. Heriots, 160, 162. Heydon, Sir Henry, arms, 91. Higham, Coins found at, in 1912, 27. Hildersham, Lamb's effigy of Robert de Parys at, 5. HUlis (Hellis), Gilbert, 100 ; Rauf de, 100 ; Richard, arms, 100. Hills (Helles) Court, 127, 130. 192 GENERAL INDEX. Ho, William of, 57. Hodsoll in Ash-by-Wrotham, and cultivated common fields, 163. Hogen, John, 45-6. Holmesdale, The Evolution of the (No. 2), The Village Communities, T)y Capt. Herbert W. Knocker, 169. Holmesdale Manor, wastes, 163. Hoo, Sir WiUiam, arms, 103; Thomas, Lord Hoo and Hastings, 102. Hoo St. Werbergh, brasses at, 5, 7. Hope, Henry, rector of, 60. Horn Gerueys, 93, 95 ; Michael, 95. Home, Henry, arms, 95 ; James, 15 ; Julian, 15, 16. Home, near Reigate, Coin found at, 27. Horton, Prior and Convent of, charge re Brabourne Church, 62. Horton, WUliam, arms, 104. Hosey Common, Manor of Westerham, 25. Hothfield Court, 107. Hougham (Hugham), Henry, vicar of, charge of incontinency, 64. Hougham, Stephen, 121. Hoveden, John de, Canon of St. John de Berden, 63. Howard, Catherine, 89 ; Sir Robert, 90. Huggefield (Hothfield), Prior and Monastery of, 107. Huggen, John, 35, 38. Hunt, Thomas, 37, 46. Huntingdon, Earl of, 111. Husband, Boniface, 46. Huse, Thomas, 99. Hussey, Arthur, and Barham Church, 8n; the Septvans family, 130; Wingham history, 140. Hussey, Arthur, and Taylor, A. H., on Wingham Church, 131. Husset, Arthur, on Eastry Wills, 35. Hylde (Hyde), 120. Iden (Yden), Thomas, arms, 97 ; Sir Alexander, 97. Ifeld, Adam, rector of, 68. Ightham Manor, 163 ; Mote, 161; Bennett's book on, 177. Igulden, John, 38. Hlyston, Thomas de, 21-2. Ingelard, John, 18.' Isaak, John, 17. Isake, John, arms, 92. Islep, Master Simon de, 65. Isley (Yseley), John, arms, 96 ; William, 96. Ivyngho, Richard de, rector of Hawkinge, and dovecote in churchyard, 64. Jacobean alterations to Whitfield1 Church, 143. James of Boulogne, rector of Sevenoaks, 55, 57. James, Peter, 47. Jean, a ship called, 10. Jeken, Captain John, of Oxney, 170. Jessup, Ronald F., On a Tile Cist Discovered at Northumberland Bottom, Northfleet, 29. Joan, widow of John Digges, Brass at Barham (illustration), 6. John, Dominus, of Newenton, 19. Johnston, P. M., F.S.A., 150n. Jones, Henry, 146 ; (Johnes), 139. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, and West Farleigh Crucifix, 51. Joy, Adam, 21. Jude (Judde), arms. 100. K Kaehler, J. H., and Canterbury relics, 68. Keler, Isabel, 38. Kempe, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 93 ; Thomas, arms, 93. Kemsing, fee of, 31 ; Manor of, 32, 34, 163. Kent and Sussex Coast, Commission, 109. Kent County Photographic Record and Survey, 176. Kentish Brasses (W. D. Belcher), 124-5. Kentish Men at the University of Padua, by F. W. Cock, Esq., M.D., F.S.A., 86. Kenton, WUliam, bequest to Wingham Church, 132. Kerkeby, Agnes, 17 ; Roger, 1? ; WUliam, 17. Kethieullier (? Lethieullier), John, at Padua, 86. Kingsdown Manor, 10. King's Somborne, Hants, Brass at4 5 Kingston by Barham Jttanor, fcquisitionconcerning, 10; annual value of, 23. • " .. : King's writs and books, burned by rebels, 112. , ., ; GENERAL INDEX. 193 King, Thomas, bequestf or Wingham Church rebuilding, 132. Kippington Park, 162. Kiriel, Sir Thomas, arms, 102. Kirke, Clement, 44. Kirkebi, William de, 11. Kirton, Jefferay, 115; Juliane, 116; Katherine, 115 Knight Service (Northwood Chasteners), 11. Knocker, Captain Herbert W., on The Evolution of the Holmesdale (No. 2), The Village Community, 169. Knole, 161-2. Kynet, John, of Wittersham, charge against rector, 59. Kyng, WiUiam, priest of Chichester ; diocese, suspended, 60. Lakynghethe, Edmund de, 19. Lambeth, John Digge's will at, 14 ; Palace' Library, 113; Roger Dig's wiU at, 12. Lambham, Sussex, Manor of, 32. Lambyn, Sim. 20. Landay, John, 40. Landed estate questionable transaction in, by Roger Dig, 12,18. Landeshall, arms, 102. Land tenure in Croydon Manor, 160. Lane, Wm., 23. Langley, John, arms, 101; William, 101. Langport, Hundred of, 129. Lathell, Nicholas, 100. Laurence, Thomas at Padua, 87. Lauytye, Manor of, 32. Leche, John de, 55-6-7-8-9, 60-1-2. Ledenne, town, 14. Lee, John atte, 22 ; Richard, arms, 94. Le Nere, Church Notes, 114. Lenham, Inquisition at, 22. Lesnes, John, Abbot of, 56, 60. Letters Patent as to holders of £20 a year in land in Kent, 16. Leverick, Sir John, 116. Lewkenor, Walter, arms, 96. Lewys, PhUippe, arms, 95. Lichfield, Roger, 38 ; John Digge, canon of, 14. Lichynton, Thomas, Croydon, 58. Lidle, John,18. Linacre, Thomas, graduate of Padua 87. Lingfield, part of Croydon Manor, 160. Livett, Grevile, M., F.S.A., on Whitfield, alias Beuesfeld, 141. Llandaff, Brother John of Egleselye, Bishop of, 62. , Lodelow, Thomas de, 111. Lollordes in Kent, 17. Longhe, Rich., 21. Longmate, Barak, and Digge MS., 9. Lords of the Manor, varying powers of, 159 ; The 1922 death-blow, 159. Loveyne, Sir Nicholas de, of Penshurst, 111. Lower Greensand and Ightham, 178. Luard, Major, and Benjamin Harrison, 178. Lullingstone, Manor of, 161. Luterell, Master John, S.T.P., and Bishopsbourne, 13n. Lyce, Peter, 36. Lychefeld, Roger, arms, 98. Lydd, 108, 110, 128-9. Lymene, Dean of, 66, 60. Lyminge, 7th Century church at, 141n. Lynam, John de, 33. Lynsted, (Lyndested, Linstead) vicar accused, 63. M Mackwilliam, arms, 102. Mackay, John, Government spy at Padua, 86. Maidstone, Church, 56,60 ; Museum and Harrison finds, 180. Maldon, Essex, ancient church at, 142. Malemeyns, Nicholas of Waldershare sentenced to do penance, 60. Maletecam, Magister, 44. Malluerer (Maleverer), William, 101. Malpurgo, Professor Edgar, of Padua, 87. Manston, John, arms, 104 ; Roger, 115 ; William, 104. Mantell, Avery, 124; Dorothy, 124. Mareis, Wilham, arms, 103. Martyn, John, arms, 94, 115; Katherine, will of, 116; Richard, 96. Mareys, WiUiam, Brass at Prestonnext- Faversham, 5. Matthew, Wilham, 139. May, John, arms, 99. Mayehewe, Thomas, 36. Mayfield, Church, inquiry at, 58 63, 64. 194 GENERA Mayhew, Richard, 120. Mayhew, Rev. S. M., and West Farleigh Crucifix, 51. Meaden, J. P. G., and St. Augustine's Abbey Church, 65. Medeforde, John, 18, 20. Medeweya, sea water from, 21. Meere, Thomas, 22. Meleton (Milton), near Canterbury, 107-8, 111-2. Melite, John, 23. Menvil (Manfield), Dorothy, 124; Thomas, 124. Mepham, Simon, Archbishop, Exors. of, 56. Merton, Convent of, 62. Messager, Henry, 56 ; John, 56. Messuage, worth 12d. a year, 23. Michel, John, 20. Miet (Mette), Symkyn, arms, 103. Miller, Margaret, and Wingham Church, 132. Mills, Edward, 176. Milton, Septvans, 127, 129. Mingham, Robert, arms, 103. Mirsyn, Robert, arms, 104. Modynden, Trinitarian Friars at, 64. Moknesae, Thomas, 42. Molland, 120, 123-4, 127, 129. Molyngton, Agnes, Brass at Dartford, 7. Monaco, John, 106. Moniriges, Richard, 120-1. Monins, Captain, 173, 176; Rev. John, rector of Ringwould, 165n. Montreal Park, 162. Monumental Brasses in Kent (Griffin and Stephenson,) 109 124-5 ; in Surrey (H. Stephenson) 5. Monyn, Ellen, 12, 18, 19 ; Simon, 12, 14, 18, 19 ,20. Monyns, Robert, arms, 98. More, Walter, arms, 99. Morrice, Edward, 139 ; John, 139. Mottymer, Idonea, of Cliffe', oratory licence, 64. Moyle, John, arms, 93. Myllis, Edward, arms, 99. N Napchester, Roman ruins, 147. Nebyr, Steph., 23. Nethersole, Joan, 43 ; Richard and Wingham Church Restoration, 113, 139; Thomas, 38-9, 42. INDEX. Nettlestead Church, Septvans aims in, 106. Neville, George, Lord of Burgavenny, 89. Newchurch, Compounding for flogings, 56 ; Chairs in Church, 175. Newenton Church, 20; (Next Sittingbourne), 56, 60. New Langport, Lydd, 127-8. New Learning and Manorial Rights, 159. Newlond, Alicia, 107 ; Robert de, 107. Newman, Margaret, 125. Nicholas, Thomas, Mepham, oratory licence, 64. Nicolas, Sir Harris and a Digge will, 19n. Norman work at Whitfield Church, 148, 151-2. Nortgate, House of Friars, at, 18. North Downs, and eoliths, 177. Northwode, Sir John de, 12 ; Sir Roger, l i. Northwood Chasteners, Manor of 11 ; Chateners, 21. Norton, parish of, 55, 61. Norton, John, arms, 97 ; Richard, 89, 97 ; Stephen, 14, 20 ; Stephen of Chart, arms, 99. Nortone, Nich., 18. Norwood, John, arms, 92; Sir John, 92. Notbeame, Alice, 119. Numismatic Chronicle, 27-8. O Odle, Thomas, 42. Odley, Alice, will of, 36 ; John, 36 ; John (2), 36; Katherine, 36; Thomas, will of, 36. Oldbury HU1, Ightham, 178-9. Olde, John, 42. Oliver, John, 45. Omer, Richard, 122. Organs of Orpynton, alleged removal by vicar, 55. Orgurs, John, 41. Orpynton, Sir John, vicar of, 56. Ospringe, dispute with Trinitarian Friars of Modynden, 64. Osse, John, 39. Otford, inquiries at, 56-6; Manor of, 161-2-3. Our Lady, Chauntrye of, in Ash, 120. Overpolished brass at Preston next Faversham, 5. GENERAL INDEX. 195 Ower, Richard, 40. Owre, Alexander, 35 ; Joan, 35 ; John, 35 ; Richard, 35 ; Stephen, 35 ; Thomas, 35 ; William, wUl of, 35 ; William (2), 35. Oxenden, Edward, 122 ; Elizabeth, 126. Oxinden, William, 139. Oxynden, John, 17 ; Richard, 42. P Pache, Thomas, 41. Paddlesworth, ancient church at, 141n. Paine, John, 36. Palseoliths, Harrison's study of, 179. Palmer, Sir Henry and Wingham petition, 131n, 136-6, 139; Thomas, arms, 100-104. Papal, indult to Roger and Aubina Digg, 11 ; Letters, Col. of, 11. Paramore, Custance, 37; Harry, 37; John, 37, 43; Katherine, 37 ; Robert, 37 ; Sawfere, Sapher or Saffery, 37, 40 ; Thomas, 37, 120 ; Thomas (2), 120 ; WUliam, wih of, 37. Parker, Cristian, 37 ; Edward, 38 ; Joane, 38 ; John, 38, 47 ; John (2), 37; Richard, wUl of, 38; Richard (2), 38 ; Thomas, 38-9, 40; Thomas (2), will of, 37; Thomas (3), 37-8 ; William, 37. Parramore, Agnes, 37 ; Alice, 37 ; Anne, 37 ; John, will of, 37; John (2), 37 ; Susan, 37; William, 37. Parsons, Rev. Philip, book published in 1794, 8. Parys, Robert de, effigy at Hildersham, Cambs., 5. Pasheley, Sir John, arms, 102. Pasture land worth 2d. per acre per annum, 22. Patent Rolls, 13, 17, 115. Patrixbourne, dispute re Rectory house, 62. Paul, Joseph, at Padua, 86. Pawythorne, Olivia, nun concerned in Sheppey adbuction charge, 62. Payns, Hugh, 32 ; Sir Nicholas, 31. Pearce, J. W. B., and Roman coins found at Richborough, 184. Peasants' Revolts, 159. Pecham, Archbishop, 135; James de, 18. Peche, Elizabeth, 114; John, arms, 93 ; Sir John, 114. Peckham, Archbishop, 109 ; James and William, arms, 96; John, 96 ; Reginald, 96. Peers, C. R., C.B.E., F.S.A., and St. Augustine's Abbey Church, 65. Peerse, John, of Canterbury, bequest to Wingham Church, 132. Penchester, Rose de, 109 ; Stephen, 109. Pender, Henry, bequest to Wingham Church, 133. Peny, Juliane, 38 ; Roger, will of, 38 ; William, 38. Pepyr, William, 32. Perot, Robert, alias Northo, charge of abduction, 61-2. Perthes, Boucher de, discovery by at Abbeville, 178. Peryngale, Wm., 19, 20. Petesfeld, Lora de, Cliffe, Oratory licence, 64. Petrie, Drawing of Ringwould Church, 174. Petytt (Pettyt), John, William, arms, 96. Peytewyne, John, 21. Philipott, Church Notes, 117, 128n. Pilgrim's Road, 25. Pipherst, John de, rector of Kenardynton, 58. Pittock, Edward, 41. Planche's Corner of Kent, 107-8, 111-2-3-4,119, 124,126,130. Plomer, Sir Thomas, vicar of Bearsted, charge against, 62. Pole, Cardinal, 53. Pope, The, petition to for benefice, and canonry, 14; Gregory IX. and the prior and convent of St. John de Berden, 63. Pope, Richard, arms, 97. Poore, Beatrice, 45 ; Edward, 45. Pordage, Dorcas, 126; Joshua, 126. Portmote at Croydon, 160. Portsmouth, Coin found at, 27. Pottery, Roman, discovered at St. Martin's, Canterbury, letterpress, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76-7-8; illustrations, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77 ; ditto, Snodland, letterpress, 80, 82-3; illustrations, 81, 83. Potts, Rev. R. C, F.S.A., On the Plan of St. Augustine's Abbey Church, 65; on Ringwould Church, 176. Poynings, Sir Edward, Constable of Dover Castle, arms, 90. Pratt, Dominus W., 18. Preston next Faversham, Brass at, 5 ; vicar of, 57. 196 GENERA Prestwich, Sir Joseph, association with Harrison, 179. Pympe, Elizabeth, 106, 110, 117; John, 101 ; Margaret, 94 ; Philip de, 106 ; Thomas, arms, 94 ; Sir William, 94. Pysing, Alexander, 37 ; Agnes, 39 ; Agnes (2), 40; Isabella, 39 ; John, will of, 39 ; John (2), will of, 39 ; Richard, 40; Robert, will of, 39 ; Saunder, 40; Thomas. 39; William, will of, 39; William (2), 39 ; William (3), 39 ; will of, 40 ; William (4), 40. Pyttock, Isabella, will of, 40. Q Queen Anne, post mortem by Thomas Laurence, 87. Queensbury and Dover, James Douglas, Duke of, at Padua, 87. Qwilter, William, 120. R Rainham (Renham), charge against vicar, 61. Rakestraw, John, rebel, 112. Raymond, John at Padua, 85. Raynsford, Richard, arms, 95. Record Office, 15. Rede, Robert, arms, 100; Sir Robert, 100. Reevewiek tenure at Croydon, 160. Registrum Roffense, 9. Rekel, William, arms, 103. Repton, nr. Ashford, 114. Reviews: Harrison of Ightham, by Sir E. R. Harrison, 177 ; Richborough Castle, second Report of Excavation, by J. P. Bushe-Fox, F.S.A., 181. Reyner, Ellis, 15; John, 22. Reynold, Sandys, arms, 93. Reynolds, Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, 53. Richard, Thomas, 46. Richborough, Excavations at, Second Report, by J. P. Bushe- Fox, F.S.A., reviewed, 181 ; Romano-British site proved, 183 ; Roman Coins found at, 184. Richestorde, John, 113. Ridley, Manor of, with rare Heriot custom, 163. Ringwould Church, a Report in March, 1925, by Professor F. C. Eeles, 165. INDEX. Ringwould Church, plan, 166; wooden turret, 167 ; tower substituted, 168 ; restoration, 170 ; sketch, 169 ; notes by V. J. B. Torr, 172. Ripple, 127, 130. Riths, Richard, 122. Roads, Department, Ministry of Transport, 30. Robert, Prior of Christchurch, 14. Robinson, William at Padua, 86. Rocheford. Sir John de, 63. Rochester, Bishop of, 12, 19 ; his chaplain, 19 ; Bridge, 9 ; Castle, 109; 7th century church at, 141n. Rodene, Sir John de, of Newport Paynel, 55. Rodmersham, Church of, 57. Roffe, John, 39. Roger, Anthony, 41 ; Cecily, 38 ; Christian, 41 ; Elizabeth, 41 ; Harry, wm of, 40 ; Henry, 41, 45 ; Joan, 41 ; John, 38, 40; will of, 41 ; Juliane, will of, 40 ; Nicholas, 40; Richard, 41 ; Thomas, 39, 40-1 ; William, 40. Rogers, John, arms, 99 ; Thomas at Padua, 86. Rolf, Margaret, 41 ; William, will of, 41. Rolff, William, 23. Rolling, Thomas, 115. Roman Coins found at Ightham by Benjamin Harrison, 178; ditto at Richborough, 183. Roman Cemetery, A, at St. Martin's Hill, Canterbury, by W. Whiting and H. T. Mead, 67. Roman Site, A, in the Church Field at Snodland, by N. C. Cook, 79. Romney, floggings at, 56, 109. Romschede, Manor of (Hucking^or Sevenoaks), 32-3. Rood screen at Wingham Church, 134. Roper, Edwin, 93 ; Thomas, arms, 93 ; bequest to Wingham Church, 132. Ros, John de, Bishop of Carlisle, and rector of Bishopsbourne, 13. Rose Wood, ancient village settlement, 178. Rotherhan, Sir Thomas, 121. Rowe, Robert, 23. Rutland, Thomas, 43, 47. Ryder, Sir Thomas, arms, 96 ; Sir WiUiam (de Rythre), 96. Rylond, William, 101. GENERAL INDEX. 197 s Saokville, 16. Safferey, William, 120. St. Alphege Church, Canterbury, 114. St. Augustine's Abbey Church, A Note on the Plan oi, by the Rev. R. U. Potts, F.S.A., Bursar of the College, 65. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, homage to Abbot of, 15. St. Clere (Seyncler), Johanna, 33 ; John, 33. ' St. Germain, Amiens, ancient church at, 142n. St. Giles, Chapel at Barham, 8. St. Gregory, Prior and Convent of, Canterbury, 58, 107. St. James, Prioress of, 18. St. John de Berden, Essex, Prior and Convent of, 63. St. John Hope, Sir William, 65. St. John of Jerusalem, Hospital of, 57. St. Ledger, John, arms, 95. St. Ledger, John, brass atUlcombo, 5 ; John of Doneraile, 125. St. -Martin's Church, Canterbury 67, 157. St. Mary in the Marsh, J o h n Sandal, rector of, 60. St. Nicholas, Constance, 115; Marian, 126 ; Thomas, arms, 97 ; Vincent, 126. St. Peter's Canterbury, 114. St. Sepulchre's Prioress and Nuns, 18. St. Thomas' Hospital, Sandwich, 118. Salisbury, F. S., and Roman Coins at Richborough, 184. Salle, Robert, 38. Saltwood, Archiepiscopalinquiry a t, 59. Sandford, Robert Edward de, 104 ; Robert, arms, 104. Sandwich, Anne de, 129; misdemeanants at, 10 ; St. Mary's, complaints of defects, etc., 62 ; Sir Nicholas de, owner of Molland, 129 ; Tower door at, 157. Sare, John of Wormesell, 22 ; William, Vicar of Rainham, charge against, 61. Sarys, John, 36. Saunder, John, 46. Saunders, Sir John, 120. Savage, Dame Joan, Brass a t Bobbing, 7 ; Sir Arnold, her husband. 7, 102 ; Sir Arnold (son), 7 ; Sir Ernaud, 102; Sir John, arms, 102 ; Sir Roger, 102. Saxon remains at Whitfield, 146 150. Say, Lord of, 15, 22. Schireborn, Thomas de, and rectory of Milton, 107. Scott, Christopher, 40 ; John, 91 ; Sir John, 91 ; Thomas, 40; Sir William, figure of, at Brabourne, 5 ; arms, 91. Scroope, Geoff., 14. Seal (La Zele), 32. Seavans Court, Lydd, 129. Sebili (Sybell), John, arms, 100. Secret Service, Memoirs of John Macky, 86. Septvans, The Family of, by Sir Reginald Tower, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., 105. Septvans, arms, 101, 106; Alice, 127; Benedicta, 126-7; Christopher alias Harflete, 123; Constance, 115 ; Constance (2), 127 ; Edward, 126; Elizabeth, 114; Emma de, 106 ; Gilbert de, 105, 108, 126 ; Isabella, 108 ; Joan, 109, 127; Joan (2), 114; Joan (3), 127 ; John, 110, 115 ; John (2), 115,127; John(3) and Cade's rebellion, 115; John (4), 127; Katherine, 115; Matilda, 108; Robert, 101, 106, 128; Robert (2), 106 ; Robert (3), 107, 128 ; Robert (4), 108 ; Robert (5), 108, 109; Robert (6), 110; Roger, 127; Simon, 110, 114, 118, 129; Susan, 115; Thomas, 115; Thomas (2), 118, 127; Thomas, de, or Atcheker, 118; Sir Thomas alias Harflete. 124; Wylter alias Harflete, 125; William, arms, 101 ; Sir William, 106, 110, 117; William (2), 110: William (3), 111; seized by rebels, 112, (pardoned for prisoners' escapes, 113), 128; William (4), 115. Septvans Family Tree, facing page 113. Setfan, Simkyn, arms, 104. Seton, Master Hugh de, 57. Sevenoaks, vicar's stipend, 55, 57. Seymour, Marquis of Hertford, 102. Seyntleger, Rauf, arms, 95, 102. Sharpe, Cristian, 41-2; Denis, 41 ; Joan, 41 ; John, will of, 41 ; Robert, 37, 41 ; William, will of, 41 ; William (2). 41. Sharsted Court, 86. Shaw, Mr. and Canterbury relics, 67. 198 GENERAL INDEX. Shelving, Benedicta, 90 ; John, 90. Shepperde, Adam, 20. Shererd, Thomas, 37, Sherreve Thomas, 20-1. Sherwood, Thomas, 35-6. Shifday, Nicholas, 42. Ships of Spain looted at Sandwich, 10. Shirland, Sir Robert de, 92. Shode, or Buster, River, 178. Shoford, William de, 108. Sholdone, 15. Shoreham, Dean of, 55. Shottesbrooke, Berks., 14th century Brass at, 5. Shrewsbury, Abbot and Convent of, 14. Shukkeburgh, Agnes, 16 ; Christopher, 16. Sibertyswelde (town), 14. Silchester Pottery, by Mr. May, 78. Sillett, Joan, 38. Simon, Henry, vicar of Snergate, tithe claim, 60. Simonds, William, will of, 42. Simony, charge of, at Brabourne 61 ; at Linstead, 53. , Sittingbourne, offerings, 64; Septvans tomb, 117. Skapys, Cristian, 42 ; Thomas, will of, 42. Skelton, Wm. de, rector of Bishopsbourne, 13n. Slaughter, George, 126, 130 ; Mary, 126, 130 ; family, 130. Smerden, John, rector of St. Mary in the Marsh, 57. Smith, Reginald, 77, 177. Smyth, Ric, 23. Snergate, Sir James, rector of, 60. Snodland, Roman Site at, by N. C. Cook, 79. Soleman, John of Ashford, and tithe, 61. Solihull, Warwick, 14. Solis, Alice, 18; John, 12, 15, 18. Solley, John, 18. Soly, Robert and Wingham Church, 133. Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury, 114. Southouson, Robert, 120. Specheley, Thomas, and Wingham Church, 133, 139. Spell, Gilbert, 46-7. Spigurnell, Ralph, Constable of Dover Castle, 10. Spondon, William, 22. Sprott, Sir John, Rector of Adisham, 58. Squerries, Westerham, Ancient Coins found at, 25; 124; Park, 162. Stalisfield, 14th century Arcade at, 175. Standerd, Adam and Robert, 113. Stainton, Mr., Owner of Transept at Barham, 1. Stanley, Simon, Charge against, at Wingham, 131, 136-7-8-9. Stapele, Chapel of, dependent on Adisham, 59. Stephenson, Mr. Mill, Monumental Brasses in Surrey, 5. Stevens, Very Rev. Robert, D.D., vicar of West Farleigh, 49 ; Rev- C. A., 49. Stokes, Mr., andrubbings of Barham Brasses, In. Stoone, WUliam, 38. Story, Sir Thomas, arms, 102. Stoughton, George, 126; Mary, 126. Stoulinge, Sir Nicholas, arms, 103. Stourmouth Church, double-splayed window at, 147. Stratford, Archbishop John, 53. Streatfeild, Mr. and Digge pedigree, 10, 12, 15 ; Captain, and coins. at Westerham, 25. Style, Thomas at Padua, 86. Sudburia, Sir Simon de, 14. Sundridge, Manor of, 161-2. Surrenden Collection, lln, 14. Suthcherche, Sir Henry of, and benefice of Newenden, 57. Sutton, 42-3 ; Cristine, 42 ; Joan, 42; Margery, 42, will of, 43; William, will of, 42. Sutton by Northboume, 16; by Dover, 142, 154, 156-7-8. Swainus (Swain), 107 ; Avicia, 107- Swan, William, arms, 100. Swanton, Manor of, 14. Swinfelde (town), 14, 57. Syme, William, 122. T Tailour, Rog., 20. Tebold, Wm., 18, 20. Tegheler (Tyler), Watte, 112. Tery, Thomas, 45. Terry's Lodge, 178. Testamenta Cantiana, 116. Testamenta Vetusta, 19n. Thanington, 111. Thingall, Wm., 14. Thomas, Master, 57. GENERAL INDEX. 199 Thomlyn, Joan, 43 ; Richard, will of, 43 ; Richard (2), 43. Thompson, Rev. A. Scott, 156n; Rev. Edward, 162. Thompson, Professor Hamilton, and St. Augustine's Abbey Church, 66. Thorpe, Rev. George, Prebend of Canterbury, 129. Three-compartment Church at Whitfield, 141. Three-decker puplits in Kent, 173. Thresk, Robert de, 56. Thresteyn, John, rector of Bishopsbourne, 13n. Tibetot, Sir Robert, and Kingston Manor, 10. Tile Cist, On a, Discovered at Northumberland Bottom, Northfleet, by Ronald F. Jessup, 29. Tile Tombs in North Kent, 30. Tilmanstone, Church of, 57, 172. Tilthe, Richard de, and Underwood tithes at Cranbrook, 59. Tithe of Underwood questions, 59, 61, 63. Toke, —., of Godinton, Wife of Richard Dauling of Ringwould, 176. Toldervey, Christopher, 126. Tomlins, owners of Twitham Manor, 130. Toneford, Manor of, 17. Tonge, Vicar of, 57. Torr, V. J. B., Supplementary Notes on Ringwould Church, 172, 176. Torrynge, Sussex, Manor of, 32. Touke, Rauf, arms, 94; Richard, 96. Tower, Sir Reginald, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., on The Family of Septvans, 105. Treasure Trove at Westerham, 26. Trevet, Thomas, arms, 102. Trillek, Bishop of Rochester, 17. Tunford, John de, Rector of Croydon, 58. Twitham, Bertram de, 129 ; Maud de, 110, 118; 129; Sir Theobald de, 110, 118, 129 ; Twitham Manor, or Twitham Hills, 127, 130. Twyssenden, Thomas, arms, 98. Twyverton, Richard, Rector of Adisham, 58. Tykenhurst, Richard, 20 f Tylden, —., of Milsted, 2nd wife of Richard Dauling of Ringwould, 176. U Ulcombe, Brass to John St. Leger, at, 5. Underwood, tithes on, 59, 61, 63. Upton, John, Brass at Ringwould, 171. Ussher, John, 46. V Vallance, Aymer, on A Crucifix found at West Farleigh, 49 Vachem, Master Richard de, 65 ; (Vagham), 63. Valence, Sir William de, 31-2. Valoignes, Robert de, Rector of Northfleet, 57-8. Valoynes, Alice de, 118 ; John de, 111. Vannes, Sept., derivation of Septvans, 106. Vestment lent by a vicar, 57. Villare Cantianum (PhUipot), 128n, 129, 130. W Wadenholte, Hen., 21. Wadewell, John, 21. Waldere, —., 31. Waldershare, Penance at, 60. Walker, John, 41. Waller, John, arms, 96; Richard, 96. Wallies, Joan de, 108 ; Richard de, 108. Walmestone, Wingham, 108n. Walsingham, Sir James, arms, 96. Walter, Wm., 21. Waltham, vicar of, 56. Walys, Henry, 101 ; Henry de, 101 ; Walter, arms, 101. Wanderings of an Antiquary (Wright), 79. Wantynge, John, 19. Warburton, Somerset Herald, and Digge MS., 9. Ward, Gordon, M.D., on The De Aldehams, 31. Warde, J. O'Brien, 26. Warham, Edward, 136. Warmyngtone, Richard de, Canon of Wingham, 12, 20. Warner, William, arms, 94. Wars of the Roses, and Lords of the Manor, 159. Warwick, P. H., M.I.C.E.Cy.E., and Roman relies at Canterbury, 67. Waryn, Thomas, 66. 200 GENERAL INDEX. Watling Street, 29. Watson, John, 46. Watson, Edmond, arms, 101. Watts, John, 42 ; Richard, 36 ; Thomas, 42. Waure, Nigel de, Croydon, 58; William, 111. Weald of Kent (R. Furley), 113. Webbe, Thos., 20. Weever, 1631 edition, 7 ; Barham epitaph, 11. Weldere, Walt., 23. Well, Thomas at, bequest to Wingham Church, 133. Welles, Mathew, 136, 139. Wells, Geoffrey, and Canterbury relics, 68. Welmeston, 108. Werkenethby, Thomas de, excommunicated priest absolved, 55. Werstan, Richard, 31. Westcliffe Church, 152. Westead, William, 114. Westerham, A Find of Ancient Gold Coins at, by George C. Brooke, M.A., F.S.A., 25. Westerham, Copyholders in, 162 ; Hundred annexed to Manor, 163. West Farleigh, A Crucifix from, by Aymer Vallance, 49. West Wickham, Manorial Rights, 162. Whelmstone, 128. Wheston, John, will of, 43; Katherine, 43. Whitcombe, Peter, at Padua, 86. Whitefield, Agnes, 44-5 ; Alice, 44 ; Andrew (spelt Wittfield), will of, 44; Cristian, 46 ; Elisabeth, 44-5 ; Joan, 44-5 ; John, 42, will of, 43 ; John (2), 43-4-5, will of, 45; John (3), 47; Richard, 43-4 ; will of, 44, 45-6 ; Thomas, 43-4; Thomas (2), 44; Thomas (3), 44-5; William, 45-6. Whitelok, Thomas, 47. Whitfield, alias Beuesfeld, by Grevile M. Livett, F.S.A., 141; plans, 154. Whitfield, Joan, 38 ; Richard, 38-9 ; Thomas, 40 ; Roger at Padua, 86. Whiting, W. and Mead, H. T., on A Roman Cemetery at St. Martin's, Canterbury, 67. Whitley Forest, 163. Wickham, Manor of, 14; (Wykham) 22. Wigeberg, Essex, 107 ; Malger de, 107. Wigmore, —., 115 ; John ,116. Wikham, Henry, 46 ; Joan, 46 ; Richard, will of, 46 ; Robert, 46. Wildemesse Park, 162. Wilkins' Concilia, 53, 64n. Willement, Thomas, F.S.A., purchaser of Digge MS., 9. Winborne, Bennett, 119, 123; John, 119. Wingham Church, by Arthur Hussey and A. H. Taylor, 131. Wingham Church, College in, 135 ; Restoration, 132-3-4-5; Lay Impropriator (Sir Henrv Palmer), 134 ; Chancel Upkeep, 135; Parishioners'duty in repairs, 136; Petition to Queen Mary and King (Philip), 136; Improper Collection of £224 for, 138 ; Visitation of 1557, 139 ; Register, 139. Wittersham, charge against Rector of, 59 ; Chairs in Church, 175. Wilric, Abbot, 65. Wode, John at, arms, 101. Wodenholte, Hen., 21. Wodensburg, Sir Adam, Vicar of, cited at Charing, 56. Wodepreston. Northants, Manor of, 33. Woghope, Thomas de, Rector of Smarden, 56. Wolffe, William, 99. Wollett, Alice, 46; Daniel, 46 ; Frysewith, 46; Ingram, 46; Jane, 46 ; Richard, 46 ; Robert, 46 ; William, 41, will of, 46. Wolwich, Beatrice, 47 ; John, will of, 47 ; Margaret, 47 ; William, will of, 47. Wooden pillars in Wingham Church, 131. Woodman, Arnold, will of, 47; Elisabeth, 47 ; John, will of, 46 ; Margery, 46: Robert, 46; Thomas, 46 ; Wilham, 46. Woodruff and Danks, Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral, 114. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, on Notes from a Fourteenth Century Act-book of the Consistory Court of Canterbury, 53. Worth, Chapel, 56; Hundred of, 129. Wotton (town), 4. Wotton, Robert, arms, 95, 99; Thomas, 121-2. . Writtle, John, 128. Wrotham, Manor of, 161, 163. Wrothe, Oliver, 121; Sir Thomas, 1 121. GENERAL INDEX. 201 Wychelinge, Manor of, 16. Wydville, Matilda, 90 ; Sir Richard, 90. Wye, Inscriptions in Churches near, preserved by Rev. P. Parsons, 8. Wyelmstone, 111. Wygmore, John, 89, 97. Wymboume, John de, Rector of Norton, 61. Wyndesore, William de, 10. Y Yaldham (Aldham), Manor of, 31-2, 178. Yden (Iden), Thomas, arms ,79. Yoke, Manor of, 16. Young, Sir John, 37. Yseley (Isley), John, arms, 97. Z Zele, La, 32.


Reviews: "Harrison of Ightham" Prepared for publication by Sir Edward R. Harrison "Richborough Castle"


Frontispiece 1927