An Archidiaconal Visitation of 1502

( 13 ) AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. COMMUNICATED BY C. EVELEIGH WOODRUFF, M.A. Six years ago (1928) a vast quantity of ancient documents relating to the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of Canterbury was transferred from the chamber over the great gate, leading to the precincts of the Cathedral, to the Chapter Library. An inventory of these records, compiled by the present writer, was printed in Arch. Gant., XLI, in which the statement was made that the most imp0rtant section is that which comprises the Visitation-books, for the years 1499 to 1541. These books were in a very frail condition when brought into the library, having suffered much damage in former days, from damp. Indeed some of them could scarcely be handled without danger of further destruction. During the past two years, however, their leaves have been sized, the margins mended, and they have been bound in six volumes. The work, which was done in the library by a Canterbury bookbinder, requires much skill and patience, and, necessarily, is expensive, but was made possible by a liberal grant from the Council of the " Friends of the Cathedral ". As a sample of the information to be obtained from these books, I now offer to the members of our Society a transcript, or rather, a translation, for the original is in latin, of the Visitation-book for the year 1502. I have chosen this year because the proceedings happen to be recorded somewhat more fully than in other years, and the script is clearer. In 1502 Henry VII was King of England, Henry Dene, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Hugh Penthwyn, Archdeacon. Of Penthwyn little is known ; except that he was a doctor of laws of Cambridge University, that he was collated to the Archdeaconry by Archbishop Morton in 1495, having been previously rector of Eynsford in Kent, and Barking in Essex, and that he died August 6th, 1504, and 14 AN ARCHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. was buried in Lambeth Church.1 Dr. Penthwyn did not conduct his Visitation in person but delegated the duty to his official, one Master Nicholas Willesford, whose name I have been unable to find in the Registers of the See. The official visited the eleven rural deaneries in turn, beginning with the Deanery of Canterbury on the 9th of September, and ending at Elliam on the 27th of the same month. The total number of churches subject to the Jurisdiction of the Archdeacon was 219, and from these the clergy, beneficed and unbenefi.ced, the wardens and· two or more parishioners were summoned. In each deanery, howeve:,;-with the exception of Sittingbourne-there were parishes which were exempt from the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon, and amenable only to that of the Archbishop. These exemptions probably had their origin in the fact that the churches were in the Archbishop's collation, and in some of the parishes there was an archiepiscopal manor or residence. 2 In all there were no less than fifty-eight of these exempt churches in the diocese-their names will be found at the end of the proceedings in each deanery. It is worthy of notice that at this period the Rural Deans-or Deans of Christianity as they were then called-were elected at the Visitationpresumably by the beneficed clergy then present. A single instance only occurs in the year 1502, namely the election of the dean of B􀁻idge ; but the entry " N or M eligitur in decanum " is found frequently in the books of subsequent years. It is also of interest to note what churches, long since derelict, were at this period in use. Thus in the Deanery of Canterbury, St. Mary de Castro and St. Michael are represented, but no mention is made of the churches of St. Mary Queningate, St. Edmund and St. John, from which we may infer that already they had ceased to exist, or at any rate to be used. 1 Morton's Regr., ff. 156b, 159b and Le Nave's Fasti JJJccl. Ang. 2 See Dr. Irene Churchill's Oanterbury Adrn!inistration, Vol. I, p. 83, AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 15 In the Deanery of Lymne the Curates of Midley, Westonhanger and Westhithe appear, on the other hand no one appeared for Blackmanstone, Eastbridge and Orgarswick, though the Church of Blackmanstone must have been in existence, since in 1507 the Rector was "presented" for not saying mass. In Ospringe Deanery, Stone next Faversham is represented by Curate, Warden and one Parishioner. More than half of the churches in the Archdeacon's jurisdiction were appropriated to religious houses, and about three-fourths of them were served by stipendiary priests ; nor was this state of things confined to the appropriated churches, many of the best endowed rectories being served in the same way. The Chaplains mentioned in the returns are perhaps less numerous than one might expect. In thirty-one churches there were either one or two, at St. Clement''s Sandwich three, at Faversham five, the total number being forty-nine. The "Presentments" (in latin comperta et detecta) may be classified as follows : Neglect to repair the fabric, furniture and vestments of the church, the fences of the churchyard, and the glebe house is reported from : Bearsted Petham Brabourne Burmarsh Canterbury, St. Mary Bredman Chillenden Hastingleigh Lymne Minster in Thanet Otham Neglect to contribute retaining the same : Chart Little Lenham Milton (Regis) Rodmersham Seasalter Sevington (many defects) Stodmarsh· Swing:field Tenterden (a new vestry required) Willes borough Wootton to church funds, or unlawfully Sandwich, St. Peter's Sittingbourne Whitstable 16 AN ARCHIDIA.CONAL VISITATION OF 1502. Wrangles about pews : Bearsted Hawkhurst Boughton Monchelsea Defamation of character, and sexual immorality: Canterbury, St. George St. John, Margate Fordwich Smarden Hawkhurst Whitstable St. Laurence, Thanet Charges against the moral character of the clergy are very few. At Great Chart the Curate is accused of habitual intoxication, an Augustinian Friar of Canterbury is suspected of incontinency, and a Chantry Priest of Waltham is accused -of defaming the parishioners and keeping a tavern in his -chantry-house, but that is about all. The words omnia bene often occur, but it is not easy to determine on what· principle they were inserted since they are placed against the names of parishes where complaints were made of serious defects, e.g. see Sevington and ·Tenterden, and are omitted in others where no presentments were made. In addition to the ·comperta et detecta contained in the Visitation-book of 1502, others, written on loose scraps of paper, were found between its leaves; these, since they may not all belong to the above year have been placed in an Appendix. Abbreviations used: P. =Appropriator (proprietarius). R. =Rector. V. =Vicar. Cur. =Curate. Cap. =Chaplain (capellanus). War. = Wardens. Par. = Parishioners. The use of square brackets denotes that what is placed within them is from other sources than the " Visitation" of 1502. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 17 DEANERY OF CANTERBURY. Visitation held in the parish church of Holy Cross, Westgate, on friday the ninth day of September, A.D. 1502, by the venerable Master Richard Willesford, LL.B., official of the lord Archdeacon of Canterbury. 1. St. Cross, Westgate. [Prior and convent of St. Gregory Cant. P.J Mr. Clement Harding, V. he appeared. Sir Will. HarnehilI, Sir Will. Champion, Cap. War. John Amon, Rob. Harsley. Par. John Tulle, Sim. Lawne, Joh. Vidall. 2. St. 'Peter. Sir Rob. Taylor, R. he does not reside. Sir Jas. Comharme, Cur. War. Tho. J. (pen struck through) Nie. Symon. Par. Tho. Thesshyncourt, Ste. Barret, Hen. Swerder, omnia bene. 3. All Saints. Sir Rog. Squier, R. War. Mr. Joh. Colman, Will. Giern. Par. Mr. Richardson, Tho. Waynfl.ete, Will. Prior. 4. St. Mildred. Sir Joh. Balburney, R. War. Ste. Woode, Thos. Corte, Mr. Tho. Wood. Par. Mr. Jas. Ganton, Rio. Hart, Will. Nutt, Joh. Stulpe, Nie. Bung, Will. Baker, Joh. Charles. They shall exhibit an inventory of church goods, and an account within three weeks. 5. St. Mary de Castro. Mr. Will. Mody, R. Sir Nie. Gry:ffyth, Cur. War. Tho. Forte. Par. Tho. Hardyng, Tho. Marloo.1 6. St. Mary de Bredyn. Brother John Fantyng, V. War. Rog. Clarke (he did not appear), Rob. Brychett. Par. Jas. Colman (he did not appear), Rob. Hampar. 7. St. Margaret. Mr. Tho. Water, R. War. Geo. Rodram, John Broker. Par. Joh. :Wright, Joh. Parke. 1 [Possibly an ancestor of Christopher Marlow, the poet and dra,matist.] 6 18 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 8. St. Mary de Bredman. Sir Rob. Sampole, R. Sir Tho. Hart, Cur. War. Will. Thomson, Ric. Pickerell. Par. Joh. Bradford, Ger. Johnson, Joh. Dover. The chancel roof is much out of repair, and the glass of the windows of the chancel are broken. 9. St. Andrew. Sir Desiderius Bargier, R. War. Tho. Foox, Rob. Sare. Par. Edw. Bolney, Tho. Saare, Tho. Compton, Rob. Boone, Joh. Fysshe, Joh. Knyght, Will. Rutland. 10. St. Mary Magdalene. Sir Hen. Wright, R. Sir Tho. Swan, Our. War. Will. Holt, Tho. John. Par. Joh. Burton, Ric. Pesmethe. 11. St. George. Mr. Joh. Williams, R. War. Will. Crompe, Will. Sprott. Par. Rob. Barry, Joh. Hales, Joh. Poot, Jas. White. Compertum est quod Agnes Uxor, Johis Burgeaunt de eadem parochia est communis pronuba tarn viris ecclesiasticis quam secularibus. Item quod quedam Agnes Egerden, notatur super incontinentiam cum diversis personis, et presertim cum quoda,m fratre Augustinensi. 12. St. Michael. Sir Edm. Lomehurst, Cur. War. Hen. Okeman, Will. Sparrow. 13. St. Mary, Northgate. [Prior of St. Gregory, Cant. P.] Sir Will. Kempe, V. War. Tho. Mathew, Joh. Lamberhurst, neither appeared. Par. Hamo Lamberhurst, Alan Petteley. 14. St. Paul. [Abbot of St. Austin's, P.] Sir Rob. Spersalt, V., Sir Joh. Pesmede, Chap. War. Will. Tynney, Will. Lambe. Par. Rio. Lurkyn, Joh. Bysshop, Hen. King, Joh. Davell. 15. St. Dunstan. [Prior of St. Gregory's Cant. P.J Sir Joh. Bolnoo, V. War. Geoffrey Baker. Par. Will. Halke, Joh. Belsire, Tho. Brooke, Joh. Clooper. They shall exhibit an account on St. Jerome's day (Sept. 30) in the Poor Priests' Hospital. AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 19 16. Natyngdon. [Prior of St. Gregory, Cant. P.J Sir Rob. Cambridge, Our. War. John Chese. Par. Joh. Gyldis. The wardens exhibited an inventory last September. Omnia bene. 17. Tenynton (Thanington). [Prior of St. Gregory, Cant. P.] Sir Tho. Palden, Cur. War. Jas. Prest, Joh. Clarke. Par. Joh. Martyn. They exhibited an inventory last September. The chancel is not ceiled, and the timber of the roof is rotten and defective, through the negligence of the Prior of St. Gregory, Canterbury. Alice Shilling is a common defamer of her neighbours. 18. Hardres Little. Sir Tho. Roose, V. War. Hen. Gyldwyn, Ric. Laurence. Par. Will. Bownde. 19. Harbledown, St. Michael. Mr. Joh. Gree, R. Sir Tho. Porter, Cur. War. Joh. Neele, Tho. Bargrave. 20. SS. Cosmas and Damian (Blean). Mr. Rog. Downvile, R. War. Joh. Wynter, Joh. Cooper. Par. Joh. Amayston, Ste. Atstokks. They exhibit an inventory. Omnia bene. 21. Hakynton. [The Archdeacon of Cant. P.J Mr. Joh. Roo, V. War. Joh. Newlett, Will. Onende. Par. Joh. Boram, Joh. Ive, Will. Coward. 22. Sturrey. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.J Sir Will. Hikson, V. Sir Thomas .. , Chap. War. John Ive, Will. Onende. Par. Joh. Blakisland, Edw. Beere (did not appear), Tho. May (did not appear). 20 AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 23. Fordwich. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.J Sir Will. Richardson, R. Sir Chris. Lewyn, Cur. War. Joh. Cawell, Joh. Grenehale. Par. Will. Martyn, Will. Helde, Ric. Serles. Detegunt quemdam Ricardum Roche de eadem parochia suspiciose tenet in domo sua quamdam J ohannan relictam Edwardi Hogeson. They have exhibited an inventory. [Churches exempt from the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon SS. Alphege, Martin, Nicholas, Harbledown.J DEANERY OF LYMPNE. Visitation held in the parish church of Mersham on monday the 12th day of September, A.D. 1502. 1. Mersham. Sir Ric. Preston, R. Sir Joh. Graver, Cur. War. Will. IDkk, Sim. Manning. Par. Tho. Broode, Joseph Fagge. 2. Lympne. [Archdeacon of Cant. P.J Sir Nie. Walker, V. Sir Nie. Relfe, Chap. War. Will. Turnour, Will. Knyght. Par. (None). The lead of the roof of the Nave of the church is faulty. Omnia bene. 3. Boroughmershe (Bitrmarsh). [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.J Sir Joh. Keynes, Chap. War. Ric. Keierell. Par. Joh. Bocher. The wall of the chancel is out of repair ; they have to repair it before Easter, under pain of a fine of ten shillings. Omnia bene. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 21 4. Bonyngton. [Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, P.] Sir Rob. Cornwall, Cur. War . .Toh. Atgate. Par. Joh. Stoone. 5. Bilsington. [Prior and Con. of the same P.J The Prior is rector there. War. Will. Witt, Ste. Elise. Par. Olynder. Omnia bene. 6. Sellinge. [Master of Domus Dei of Dover, P.] Sir Tho. Palmer, V. War. Ric. Knyght, Tho. Dylnott. Par. Will. Barnes. Omnia bene. 7. Westinghanger. Sir David Flemyng (blank). (No wardens or parishioners.) 8. Demecherche. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.] Sir Rog. Worthington, Chap. War. Greg. Lambert senr, Geo. Lambert junr. Omnia bene. 9. Kyngesnoth. Sir Joh. Mariott, R. War. Tho. Asshehurst. Par. John Pix. 10. Rokinge. Sir Will. Water, Qur. War. Joh. Sharpe, Joh. Turnell. Par. Nie. Holmes. Omnia bene. ll. Snave. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.J Sir Tho. Helpe, R. Sir Tho. Smyth, Cur. War. Joh. Monnyng. Par. Joh. Lossingham. Omnia bene. 22 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 12. Willesborough. [Abbot and Con. of St. Austin, Cant. P.] [The Vicar appeared but his name is not given. Rio. Genn was instituted to the Vicarage 1482 Bourchier' s Reg., f. 131b, I have found no further entry in the registers at Lambeth between the above date and that of the Visitation.] Sir Denys, Chap. War. Will. Bourgh, Joh. Sprott. Par. Rob. Musell, Sim. Raynold, Nie. Bakking. The case (canopeum) in which the body of Christ is placed is torn. The churchyard is not properly fenced. The defects to be made good before Easter, under pain of five shillings. 13. Snargate. Sir Rio. Wicherley, R. Sir Rio. Persaker, Cur. War. Sim. Tunstall, Tho. James. Par. Joh. Gylfyn. Rob. Abowe has not paid anything towards the fencing of the churchyard for six years. Omnia bene. 14. Brensett. [].\faster of Wye Coll., P.] Jas. Stansfield, Cur. (he did not appear). War. Rob. Newlond, Hen. Makett. Par. Joh. Grenehell. Omnia bene. 15. Kenarton (Kenardington). Sir Geo .. . . (bl,ank), Cur. War. Chris. Presett, Tho. Phelpott. Par. Hen. Donne, Joh. Wood. Omnia bene. 16. Stoone. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.]. ... R ••. (blank). [Roger Church, Dene Reg., f. 170h.J War. Will. Leden, Augustine Godfrey. Par. Chris. Godfrey, Tho. Hooper. They have no curate to serve the cure. Omnia bene ! AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 23 17. Appuldore. [Prior and Con. of Dover, P.] Sir Will. Marshall, V. War. Ste. Wide, Jas. Stephen (too infirm to appear). Par. Rob. Trewman. 18. Broklond. [Abbot and Con. of St. Austin, Cant. P.] Mr. Tho. Leeds, V. (sick, did not appear). War. Tho. Moyse, Joh. Seede. Par. Joh. Grey, Will. Inglott. Omnia bene. 19. Sevington. Sir Tho. Hony (blank). War. Joh. Clarke. Par. Joseph Coppe. Certain vestments belonging to the said church are unwearable because they are in rags. There is a lack of surplices, the only one they have is torn. They have no processional book. Neither font nor chrism is kept under lock and key. The roof of the nave is out of repair. The wall (paries) of le rode lofte, is not joined to the roof of the chancel (coopertorio cancelli), through which defect dust and other unbe:6.tting things fall down into the church. The pavement in the chancel is broken and has been for some years in that state. The glazing of the windows of the chancel is faulty. The churchyard is not duly fenced. The font is cracked, so that it will not hold water. The defects are to be made good before Easter under pain of forty shillings. Omnia bene I 20. Warehorn. Sir. Will. Marshall, R. War. Rob. Fordeman. Par. Rio. Philip. 21. Blackmanstone (blanlc). [In the Visitation of 1507 the R. Sir Robert, is presented for not celebrating mass.] 24 AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 22. Shadoxhurst. Sir Rob. Swan, R. War. Ste. Goldwell. Par. Joh. Millar. Omnia bene. 23. Roope (Hope). [Master of Domu8 Dei, Dover, P.) Sir Tho. Penystote, Cur. War. Joh. Durban, Will. Baker. Omnia bene. 24. Hinxhull. Sir Joh. Lancastre, Our. War. Will. Bray, Ric. Bak. Par. Rob. Gaseley. 25. Middeley (blank). [In the Visitation of 1507 the Rector was Sir William, non-resident, and the Curate, Sir Tho. Young.] 26. Blessed Mary in the Marsh. Sir Will. Doble, Cur. War. Edw. Woodell, Joh. Ra]fe. 27. Orgarswith (blank). [In Visitation of 1507 Mr. Will. Warde (non-resident) was the Rector.) 28. Estbrigge (blank). [In Visitation of 1507 the Rector is Mr. Ric. Willesford.] 29. Westhithe. [Archdeacon of Cant. P.] Sir Will. Martyn, Cur. War. Rio. Cole. Omnia bene. 30. Ebbeney. Sir Joh. Mounson, Cur. War. Rob. Golding, Tho. Bate. Par. Joh. Hycote. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 25 31. Old Romney. Sir John .. . (blanlc). [John Frankeleyn, B.A. was admitted to the Rectory 21 Nov., 1492. Morton's Reg•. 2, f. 145n.J War. Joh. Aps, Joh. Wattman junr. Omnia bene. [Exempt churches, Aldington, Smeeth, Newchurch, Woodchurch, Wittersham, Ivychurch, Romney New, Lydd, Fairfield.] DEANERY OF CH.A.RING. Visitation held in the parish church of Smarden on tuesday, the 13th day of September in the aforesaid year. 1. Smarden. Sir Joh. Chamber, Cur. Sir Joh. Morice, Sir Tho. Goodale, Cap. War. Tho. Frenche, Ste. Norton. Par. Edm. Parker, Will. Newenden. Johanna Fowle notatur quod est communis meretrix et super crimine provocatio . . . 1 erga prox' apud Assheford. 2. Assheford. [The vicar appeared but his name is not given. Master Hugh Hope was admitted 28 Nov., 1501. Dene Reg. 169b .J Sir Humfrey, Sir Christopher, Cap. Omnia bene. 3. Chart Little. [The curate appeared, name not given.] War. Will. Bacheller, Joh. Westedes. Par. Ric. Frende, Joh. Hert. They detect that the Rector is bound to :find a surplice for himself. 4. Hothefeld. Sir Joh. Wright, R. War. Joh. Borden, Ric. Sowseley. Par. Lau. Bugge, Tho. Clement. Omnia bene. 26 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 5. Halden. Mr. Hugh Roope, R. Sir Will.H endy, Cur. War. Ric. Scott, Pet. Benett. Par. Hen. Scott, Tho. Pett. Omnia bene. 6. Tenterden. [Abbot and C.o f St. Austin, Cant. P.J Mr. (Peter) Marshall, V. Sir Will. Cock, cap. War.W ill.B uckinden, Rio.C harles. Par.W ill. Beche, Will. Heyman. The copes, vestments, books, and other goods of the church aforesaid, are in bad condition through lack of a good place to keep them in ; wherefore the parishioners and wardens say that a vestry should be provided for the safe custody of the said ornaments, according to the ordinal, and that such vestry should be built and newly erected at the eastern end of the chancel of blessed Mary, which is annexed to the aforesaid church. The roof of the chancel of St.K atherine, the Virgin, is very weak and requires to be renewed with shingles. The doors of shops and stalls on the south side of the churchyard in which business is carried on, open on the said chur<>hyard and canse inconvenience and loss to the said church and churchyard. The pond on the west side of the churchyard, near the path leading from the church to Boroughstyle lies open and unfenced, so that pigs enter the churchyard daily, and graze there. Omnia bene I 7. Sandeherst. Rector there ... (blanlc). War.R io.H edgecok, Joh. Wallys. Par. Edw. Bechyng. Omnia bene. 8. Frytinden. Sir Walter Ketelisden, R. Sir Rob. Phipp, Cap. War. Tho. Lestede, Will. Bynde. Par. Jas. Taylor, Ste. Pavyn. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 27 9. Benynden. [Prior and C. of Combwell, P.J Sir Tho. Ediale, V. Sir Will Hunter and Sir Martin Rayner, Cap. War. Joh. Ramysden, Will. Day. Par. Rob. Trior, Joh. Gryb]e. Omnia bene. 10. Rolvinden. [Master of Cobham Coll., P.] Sir Tho. Denny, V. War. Tho. Dowke, Joh. Assheminton. Par. Ric. Fowghell, Will. Sybrande. The roof of the chancel is not duly repaired with shingles, through the negligence of the rector. Omnia bene. ll. Hawkherst. [Abbot and C. of Battle, P.] Sir Rob. Sampole, Cur. War. Joh. Mercer senr, Tho. Aford senr. Par. Tho. Philpott, Nie. Pynde, Ric. Bennet, Rob. Badcok. Will. Ele ... 􀂐 is reported (notatur) for having in an unseemly way, and contrary to good manners, dragged the wife of Rob. Tryer of Benynden, out of a seat in the church, and after doing so maliciously threw her to the ground. Rio. Lye of Hawkherst is accused of a similar assault on the wife of Will. Birchett. Rob. Frenche is reported for ejecting at the time of vespers the wives of two honest men from the seats appropriated to them, with such violence that the said church might have suffered pollution. Item quod Margareta Swytefer, Margeria Barnefeld, Juliana Whateman de Haukherst notantur super communi pronubacia. Edmundus Staunden notatur quod est communis scandelizator vicinorum suorum. Alicia de eadem notatur super fornicatione. 12. Cranbroke. The Vicar did not appear (name not given). Sir Joh. Bold and Mr. Geo. Molesse, Caps. War. Joh. Davy, Joh. Cartrege. Par. Tho. Taylor. Omnia bene. 28 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 13. Chart Great. Sir Rio. Wood, Cur. Sir Ste. Trippe and Sir Oliver Penketh, Caps : " they shall exhibit their letters 0£ orders at the next visitation." War. Edw. Fowle, Ric. Burle. Par. Walter Shuterden, Joh. Maytham. The Wardens say that Rio. Wood, curate there, is unfit to serve the cure, chiefly because he is habitually intoxicated. 14. Plukle. Sir Pet. Brayne, Cur. War. Tho. Tylman, Joh. Burwarshe. Par. Joh. Dowle, Joh. Tylman. Omnia bene. 15. Westwell. Mr. Joh. Scott, Cur. War. Hen. Nayme, Rio. Mastayle. Par. Tho. Philpott, Sim-Jurdan, Will. Dostane. 16. Bydynden. Mr. Clement Barowe, Doctor. R. Sir Will. Scamoden, Cap. War. Joh. Lechinden, Ste. Frenche. Par. Lau. Bill, Rob. Fysshecock. Omnia bene. 17. N ewenden. The Rector does not reside, so the Judge sequestrated the fruits of the benefice. (No wardens or parishioners mentioned.) 18. Betresden (Betkersden). [Prior and C. of St. Greg. Cant. P.] Sir Joh. Maydewell, V. Sir Will. Nornington, Cap. War. Rob. Waterman, Rio. Tewisnothe. Par. Joh. Frere, Joh. Miller, Tho. Tewisnothe. Omnia bene. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 29 19. Hedcron. [Master of Maison Dieu, Ospringe, P.] Sir Tho. Hemys, V. Sir Phil. Walse, Cur. War. Ric. Marketman, Rob. Man. Par. Ste. Bourman, Rog. Thomas, Tho. Crooch. Omnia bene. [Exempt churches, Charing and Egerton.] DEANERY OF SUTTON. Visitation held in the parish church of Sutton Valence •on monday the 15th day of Sep". A.D. 1502. I. Sutton Valence. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.] Sir Rob. Stille, Our. War. Rog. Parett, Tho. Same. Par. Will. Lambe, Joh. Lambe, Rog. Turner, Joh. Lene. 2. Lenham. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.] The Vicar appeared [name not given. [Tho. Hilp was admitted in 1486. Morton's Reg'., f. 128h.J Sir John, Cap. War. Will. Borne. Par. Joh. Sidley, Joh. Forde, Tho. Clarke. The parishioners. have borrowed from the Wardens 26s Bd, which they promised to repay, but have not done so. :3. Harrietsham. [All Souls Coll., Oxford, P.] Sir Moncius Johnson, Cur. Sir Joh. Garnett, Cap. (No wardens or parishioners mentioned.) o. Bergstede. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.] Sir Rob. Bylson, Our. War. Jas. Ohambyr. Par. And. Lu:ffe, Joh. Heden, Joh. Pokull. The pulpit is broken. The churchyard is not duly fenced. Will. Mason is responsible for the repair of the pew (stannu-m) in which he sits, but has not repaired it. One of the bells is not hung in the belfry; they have until Christmas to repair these defects under pain of 13s 4d. 30 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 6. Thorneham. (Prior and C. of Combwell, P.] Sir Rob. Harryson, V. (he does not reside.) Sir Tho. Rooson, Cur. War. Tho. Edward. Par. Edm. Sawier, Joh. Fatte. Omnia bene. 7. Chart next Sutton. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.) Sir Joh. Spencer, R. Mr. Joh. Rich, Cap. and Cur. War. Will. Parke. Par. Rio. Young. Omnia bene. 8. Marden. [Abbot and C. of Lesnes, P.] Sir Joh. Bredgare, Cur. War. Will. Atherst, Joh. Bodman. Par. Joh. Dreyner, Rob. Reve, Rio. Tille, Will. Jalander. 9. Gowderst. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.] Mr. Ric. Mugge, V. Sir Ric. Woode, Cur. War. Joh. Horsmonden, Edw. Horden, Ren. Wells. Par. Dav. Jeffery, Ric. Roberd, Hen. Patynden. 10. Leeds. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.] Sir Joh. London, Cur. War. Rob. Graveway, Will. Raynold. Par. Tho. Pynde, Rob. Lambe, Joh. Barse, Hen. Lymden. Omnia bene. · 11. Frenstede. Sir Rob. Brocas, R. War. Hugh Crosfeld. Par. Rio. Hendeman. 12. Boxley. [Prior and C. of Boxley, P.J Sir Chris. Daniell, Cur; War. Joh. Bukner. Par. Joh. Style, Rob. Frier, Greg. Bowyr. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 31 13. Ottham. Mr. Joh. Ramsey, R. Sir Tho. Daniell, Cur. War. Will. Rayson. Par. Will. Cromp senr., Ric. Wodehouse. The tiling of the chancel of the church is defective, through the negligence of the rector. The Judge ordered Rio. Wodehouse the farmer of the rectory to repair the roof before Easter, under pain of 5 marks. 14. Langley. Mr. Rob. Cooper, R. War. Mr. Tho. Hunt. Par. Rio. Levenoth, Will. Horpe. 15. Booton Monchasie (Monchelsea). [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.J Sir Will. Grave (blanlc). War. Rio. Cowmbe. Par. Hen. Chalcrofte, Adam Hernden. Alexr. Meriam is presented for keeping a seat in the aforesaid church for his wife alone, and preventing other parishioners from sitting therein. 16. Staplehurst. The Rector does not reside (unnamed but Joh. Goodhewe S.T.P. was colld to the rectory 31 Oct., 1500. S. V. Regr. R., f. 62). Sir M􀂄tin Cristofer, Cur. War. Tho. Maplesden, Joh. Harowe. Par. Tho. Partriche, Will. Taylor, Rog. Wastell, Joh. Cobbe. 17. Wormsell. Sir Nie. Erle, R. War. Rio. Hacche. Par. Bart. Oxenwolde. 18. Lynton. [Master of Maidstone College, P.J Sir Rob. Colynson, Our. War. Tho. Weldisshe, Rio. Startowte. Par. Joh. Maistre, Joh. Gull. 32 AN AROHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 19. Sutton East. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.J Sir Joh. Stooks, Cur. War. Will. Ade. Par. Ric. Pynde, Joh. Cory, Joh. Ayett. 20. Booton Maleherbe. Sir Greg. Asleger (1), Cur. War. Walt. Cheseroan, Phil. Edynden. Par. Joh. Turnar, Ric. Barbour. Omnia bene. [Exempt churches, Maidstone, Loose, Detling, Hollingbourne, and Bredhurst, and Hucking, chapelries of Hollingbourne.] DEANERY OF SITTINGBOURNE. Visitation held in the parish church of Sidingbourne on friday the 16th day of Sept•. in the year of the Lord aforesaid. 1. Sidingbourne. The Prioress of Clerkenwell, P. Sir Rog. Gerroenston, V. Sir Tho. Sidalere, Cap. War. Joh. Bix. Par. Rog. Giles, Tho. Smythson, Tho. Dalby, Tho. Pascall. Joh. Nooke detains the goods of the church. They have holy-water carrier (aquebaiulum). 2. Mylton. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.]. Sir Will. Pent, V. he appeared. Sir Edw. Mayne and Sir Will. Scott, Cap. War. Rob. Debnam. Par. Tho. Snelling, Tho. Gladwyn, Joh. Bery, Will. Reynold. Joh. Bery detains the goods of t];J.e church and will not give an account of what he receives. 3. Eastchurch. [Abbot and C. of Boxley, P.] Sir Will. Sandwiche, V. War. Joh. Lambe, Will. Parshele. Par. Clem. Passhele, Will. Borden. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 33 4. Wardon. Sir Will. Malson, V. War. Will. Jermound. Par. Ric. Prior. 5. Upchurch. Warden of the College of All Souls, Oxford, P. l\fr. Joh. Playford, V. Sir Joh. Holme, Cap. War. Tho. Laurence, Tho. Baldok. Par. Tho. Essex, Will. Wood alias Taylour. 6. Hartelep. The Prior of Rochester, P. He did not appear. Sir Amphibelus (sic) Note, Cap., he exhibited his orders which were countersigned and handed back to him. (No wardens or parishioners mentioned.) 7. Newenton. [Abbot and C. of Lesnes, P.] Sir Will. Adamson, V.; he appeared by his proctor. Sir Joh. Ric. Bampton and Sir Rob. Lee, Caps. The latter was suspended from celebrating divine service within the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon, until he shall have exhibited his letters of orders. War. Tho. Blakboy. Par. Ste. Ball, Joh. Therles, Sam. Paris. The vicarage is out of repair through the neglect of the Vicar. 8. Raynham. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.] The Curate (unnamed) did not appear. War. Tho. Derland. Par. Rob. Wilkyn, Rob. Marchant. 9. Rodmersham. The Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, P. he did not appear. Sir Tho. Grant, V. War. Ste. Potage, Ric. Cooper. Par. Joh. Perys. The chancel roof is out of repair to such an extent that the rain comes in and causes much damage to the furniture (utensilibus). They have until Easter to do the repairs, under pain of IOs. 6 34 AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 10. Dunstall (Tunstall). Sir Joh. Fowles, Chaplain; he exhibited his letters of Orders to the official, and received them back countersigned. ll. Borden. The Prior and C. of Leeds, P. Sir Will.F ordemell, V. War.T ho.C hapman, Will.L oksmith. Par. Walter Chamberlayn. 12. Halstow. The Prior of Christ Oh., Cant.P . Sir Rob. Rosemond, V.; he does not reside. War.J oh.W reke. Par.W ill.B ishop, Will.Y oung. 13. Morston (Murston). Edw. Crowmer, R.; he does not reside. The Vicar (unnamed) did not appear because he was sick. War. Joh. Wynter. Par.R ic.W iseley, Edm. Bryton, Tho. Roger. 14. Stokbury. The Prior of Leeds, P.; he appeared by his proctor, Sir Laurence Scoye. Sir Joh. London, Cur. War. Rog. Riccard. Par. Ric. Plott, Joh. Baker. Omnia bene. 15. Wicheling ... (blank). War.W ill.H andvoyd (i). Par. Nie. Ayling. 16. Elmeley. Mr .. Nie. G .... i R.; he did not appear No wardens or parishioners mentioned. 17. Milstede. Not summoned (non moniti). AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 35 18. Bacchild ·(Bapchild). The Dean and Chapter of Chichester, P.; they did not appear. Sir Jas. Liel, Cur. War. Tho. Newinton, Lau. Pye. Par. Alexr. Jesop, Tho. Adamson. 19. Tonge. The Abbot of Langedon, P.; he did not appear. Sir Rob. Upjohn, V. War. Joh. Crippes, Tho. Rede. Par. Joh. Wilkyns, Will. Middleton. 20. Kingesdown. Sir Tho. Dunstan, R. Sir Chris. Matrasse, Cap. Wardens not summoned. 21. Bredgar. The Prior of Christ Oh., Cant. P. ; he appeared by his proctor. The Vicar (unnamed) appeared. (Hen. Bowrege was admitted in 1499. Mor. Reg'., f. 162.) War. (blank). Par. Joh. Alen, Jas. Brokhole, Rob. Rennaker, Joh. Elbright, Joh. Brigham. 22. Bobbing. [Prioress of Minster in Sheppey, P.] Sir Tho. Tunstall, Curate. War. John Goding, Tho. Brekenok, Will. Hoggyn. Omnia bene. 23. Iwade. [Archdeacon of Cant. P.] Sir Joh. Calbeck, Curate. War. Joh. Grene. 24. Bicknor not summoned. DEANERY OF OSPRINGE. [The place and date of the Visitation are not given.] 1. Ospringe. Master of.the Domus Dei there, P.; he did not appear. Mr. Tho. Hosenden, V. Sir Rio. Pay, Cap. War. Will. Rowte, Joh. Hornesblend. Par. Pet. Aseede, Joh. Colbrook, Joh. Taytton. 36 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 2. Faversham. Abbot and Convent of St. Augustine, Cant. P. M.r. Hugh Walhede, Cur. M.r. Tho. Conway, Sir Rob. Cudworth, Sir Arnold Terry, Sir Joh. Rusht, Sir Tho. Wigmore, Cap. M.r. Tho. Conway exhibited his letters of Orders, and received them back countersigned. War. Joh. Roose. Par. Joh. Love, Will. Sparrow, Tho. John, Rob. Dewe, Tho. Cooke. 3. Preston. Abbot and Con. of Faversham, P. Sir Joh. Clifton, V. War. Bart. Hawkyns, Tho. Amner. Par. Joh. Kennett, Joh. Chapman. 4. Sheldwiche, [Abbot and Con. of St. Augustine, Cant. P.] The Vicar (unnamed) did not appear. War. Tho. Giles. Par. Joh. Hill, Lau. Brooke. 5. Luddenham. Sir Tho. Hawkyns, R. War. Tho. Skynner. Par. Rob. Grey. 6. Oore. [Prior of St. Gregory's, Cant. P.] Sir Pet. Lawndy, Cap. War. Job. Atchurch, Will. Horner. Par. Will. Gare, Tho. Watt. 7. Sheldwiche (sic). (A mistake for Selling, Sheldwich occurs later.) [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.] M.r. Tho. Sayer, V. War. Will. Belke, Joh. Taylor. Par. Joh. Marche. 8. Goodwineston. Sir Rio. Alcock, R.; he did not appear. War. Joh. Bulle. Par. Rob. Broke. 9. Throughly. [Abbess of Sion, P.] Sir Will. Fynne, V.; he did not appear. War. Tho. Terre, Ste. Atsnothe. Par. Arn. Lulle, Tho. Childemell. AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 37 10. Stoone. [Archdeacon of Cant. P.] Sir Edw. Taylor, Cur. War. Will. Aseede. Par. Will. Assheley. ll. Norton. Sir Tho. Byrde, V. War. Rio. Eaton, Jas. Abraham. Par. Rio. Caslok. 12. Eseling. Sir Tho. Modley, R. Sir Tho. Kelly, Chaplain. War. Ramo Terry, Joh. Lulle. 13. Ottreden. Sir Joh. Bene, R. War. Benedict Filmer, Ric. Lorman. Par. Tho. Wevar, Jas. Dunstone, Hugh Parkman, Tho. Badnott, Joh. Atlese. 14. Newnham. [Prioress of Davington, P.J The Vicar (unnamed) appeared. [Joh. Bingele was admitted 1491. Mo·r. Regr., f. 149a]. 15. Harty. [Prioress of Davyngton, P.J Sir Joh. Smale, Cur. War. Tho. Heyward. Par. Abraham Sangar, Tho. Owen. 16. Bukland. Sir Tho. Trytton, R. 17. Daventon. [Prioress of Davington, P.) Sir I vo Aurest, Cur. 18. Dodington. [Archdeacon of Cant., P.) Sir Walter Butler, Cur. War. Rob. Downe, Ric. Cowland. Par. Tho. Pye, Tho . .Alye. 19. Stalesfeld. [Prior of St. Greg., Cant., P.J The Vicar (unnamed) did not appear. War. Tho. Waren, Rog. Cole. Par. Joh. Buns, Bart. Elwyn. -38 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502, 20. Leveland. Sir Joh. Lylly, R. War. Ste. Eston. Par. Rob. Smyth, 21. Lynstede. [Archdeacon of Cant., P.]. R . . . (bl,ank). [Will. Toft was admitted 1501. Dene Reg'., f. 169a.J War. Geof. Ferror. Par. Will. Andrew, Rio. Mott. 22. Tenham. Sir Will. Gye, Cur. War. Will. Hayward. Par. Tho. Burges, Joh . .Abraham, Tho. Goldsmith. 23. Badlesmere. Sir Reg. Brooke, R. War. Reg. Cosyn, Joh. Byrde. [Exempt Churches Boughton, Hernehill.] DEANERY OF WESTBERE. Visitation held in the parish church of Chistlett on monday the 19th day of September (1502). 1. Chistlett. [.Abbot and C. of St . .Austin, Cant., P.J Mr. Joh. Kydwally, V. Sir Will. Mody, Cap. War. Rio. Consaunt, Will. Lacy. Par. Tho. Boyse, Tho. Skynner. Omnia bene. 2. Westbere. [.Abbot and C. of St . .Austin, Cant., P.J Mr. Tho. Warner, R. Sir Jas. Lawson, Cur. War. Tho. Cooke, Will. Maxy. Par. Will. Tomlyn, Joh. Indrye. Omnia bene. 3. Swalclyve. Sir. Joh. Lie, R. War. Tho. Saynt, Pet. Breede. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 39 4. Whitstaple (Master and Fellows of Pleshey Coll., Essex, P.) Sir Tho. Tankerede, Cur. War. Rob. Balfer, Tho. Oliver. Par. Joh. Samuel, Vin. Hopkyn. Will. Roger is a common defamer of his neighbours, Joh. Pett, Joh. Cloop, Joh. Glover, and Margery Clooke, frequent taverns in time of divine service. Augustine Nott does not pay his dues to the curate. 5. Mynster. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant., P.J Mr. Joh. Williams, V. Mr. Will. Mody, Cur. War. Will. Atwey, Joh. Baker. Par. Will. Samond, Will. Elsington, Joh. Hilles, Edw. Hougham. They lack the Legenda of the new feasts of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and of the Visitation of blessed Mary.1 The churchyard is unfenced. The font is cracked so that the water runs out. The rain comes in through the vault over the high altar ; through the negligence of the Abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. 6. St. Lawrence in Thanet. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant., P.] Sir Nie. Fooxe, V. War. Tho. Pawar, Will. Undrehell. Par. Tho. Morgan, Joh. Baker, Ric. Thatcher, Ric. Alen. Isabel Kempe the wife of John Kempe is a common defamer of her neighbours. Omnia bene. 7. St. John (Margate). [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant., P.] Sir Tho. Cardife, V. War. Sim. Clornewaleys (aic), Will. Sayer. Par. Ric. Thomlyn, Sim. Norwood, Ric. Davy, Rob. Lecas. John Waller does not keep the sabbath. Alice, wife of Tho. Torney is suspected of adultery with Sir Rog. Toolis, chaplain of a certain chauntry called Dennys chauntery in Berham. [Perhaps a mistake for Denis's chantry in Ickham church.] 1 The feast of the Transfiguration (Aug. 6th) was instituted by Pope Calixtus III, as of universal obligation in 1457. The feast of the Visitation of the B.V.M. was not observed generally until 1431, when the Council of Basel ordered that the £east should be celebrated in all churches. 40 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 8. Sesalter. [Prior and C. of Oh. Oh. Cant., P.] Sir Will. Stekebuk, V. War. Joh. Marchant, Edm. Billett. Par. Will. Gi1nett. They lack a missal and portifory ; and they are to provide the same before Christmas under pain of forty shillings. 9. St. Peter in Thanet. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant. P.J Sir Hugh Hoogh, V. War. Tho. Piers, Tho. Wilde. Par. Joh. German, Rio. Gowson. Ornnia bene. [Exempt churches: Herne, Reculver, Hothe, St. Nicholas at Wade, Monkton, Birchington, Wood, Eastry, Worth, Deal.] DEANERY OF BRIDGE. Visitation held in the parish church of Wye on monday the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1502. I. Wye. [Master and Fellows of the Coll. there, P.] Sir :Michael Folgrene, Our. War. Tho. Serles, Hen. Alard. Par. Joh. Roose, Tho. Bose, Joh. Barry. 2. Bregge (Bridge). The Prior of Merton, P.; he did not appear. Mr. Malcolm Ramsey, V. War. Tho. Cheseman, Joh. Newman. Par. Will. Aleyn, Ste. Miller, Rio. Prentise, Joh. MiHer. 3. Chilham. The Abbess of Sion, P.; did not appear. Sir Rob. PeJe, V. War. Reg. Ohese, Will. Marshall. Par. Chris. Sharp. Sir Matt. Smyth and Mr. Joh. Stamford to exhibit their letters of Orders before the feast of the annunciation of the B.V.M., next following. AN ARCHIDIA.CONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 41 4. Littlebourne. The Abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, P. ; he did not appear. Sir Will. Burton, V. War. Tho. Dorrant, Will. Frier. Par. Tho. Smyth, Jas. Forte, Will. Watts. 5. Stodmershe. Master Water, R. War. Rio. Knyght. Par. Joh. Welby. The bell tower (campanile) is much out of repair through the neglect of the parishioners. 6. Waltham. The Prior of St. Gregory, Cant., P. Sir Will. Rede, Cur. Sir Rob. Pynnell, Cap. War. Will. Prowde. Par. Will. Acourt, Joh. Prowde, Rob. Moryne. Sir Rob. Penell, the chantry priest, does not keep his residence, but absents himself from the celebration of divine service on solemn days, and, against good custom, he has a key of the church door, which he ought not, because owing to his having this key, the treasure of our church is liable to be stolen, since on several occasions the door of the aforesaid church has been found open through his negligence. He is noted also as a common defamer of the parishioners, calling them heretics, bastards and harlots. Also the said Sir Robert keepeth a common tavern in his chantry house, also the chantry house is much out of repair. 7. Sturmowthe. Mr. Will. Pieris, R. War. Rio. Notingham, Rio. Goode, infirm. Par. Mich. Wells, Sim. Baker. 8. Preston. The Abbot of St. Austin's, P. Sir Hugh Huntloo, V. War. Rio. Prest, Joh. Wadell. Par. Rio. Wells, Joh. Ovyngton. 9. Elmeston. Sir Hen. Goolde, R. War. Nie. Stonard. 42 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 10. Chillenden. Sir Rog. Darley, R. War. Will. Fanting, Will. Avewe. Par. Joh. Norton. The rectory house is out of repair through the neglect of the rector ; the Judge therefore sequestrated the fruits of the church, and gave a letter of sequestration to the churchwardens, for which they shall pay 3s 4d. 11. Bishopsbourne. Mr. Doctor (Roger) Churche, R. Sir Tho. Chaplain. War. Mr.T ho.H awte, knight, Rob. Panar. Par.R ic. Stace. 12. Patrix:bourne. The Prior of Merton, P. R. ... (blank). War. Jas. Denwood, Will. Clerke. Par.P hil.G rene, Tho. Borant, sick. 13. Kyngston. Sir Thos. Porter, R. ; he does not reside, Richard the curate appeared for him. 14. Bekesbourne. The Prior of St. Gregory's, Cant., P. (No incumbent mentioned.) War. Joh. Sherlond, Will. Crosier. 15. Petham. The Abbot of St. Osith, P. Sir Edw.W ilson, V. War. Joh.P aris, Bart.M oryce. Par. Tho. Parett, Joh. Thompson. They have no pulpit. The walls of the churchyard are out of repair. The repairs are to be done before Easter nex:t, under pain of 10s, to be devoted to mending foul ways between Petham and Canterbury. 16. Chartham. Mr. John Shefeld, R. War. Joh. Farbrace. Par. Will Bynge, Joh. Bolle. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 43 17. Hards Great. Mr. Ric. Simon, R.; he does not reside. Sir Rob. Birchall, Cur. War. Tho. Marshe, Nie. Awood. Par. Joh. Awood, Will. Marshall. 18. Crundale. Sir Joh. Knyght, R. War. Ric. Bolling. Par. Joh. Chapman, Joh. Cooke. 19. Brooke. Sir Pet. Coltehurst, R. War. Tho. Churcheman, Tho. Holyn. Par. Hugh Alen, Tho. Rexon. 20. Bocton Aluph. The Master and Fellows of Wye College, P. Joh. Hawksworth, V. War. Will. Forstall, Will. Boureman. Par. Rob. Swynford, Tho. Howe. 21. Wikkham. Mr. Jas. Downe, R. War. Rob. Forstall, Will. Bowreman. Par. Rob. Swynford, Thos. Howe. 22. Molasshe. [Chapel of Chilham.] Sir Joh. Butler, Cur. War. Lau. Childe, Joh. Wanstall. Par. Hamo Mantell. 23. Stelling. [Chapel annexed to Hardres.J Sir Geo. Shenton, Cur. War. Rob. Culling, Ric. Denton. Par. Edm. Culling, Will. Brigg. 24. Berham. [Chapel of Bishopsbourne.J The Curate appeared, no name given. War. Will. Gare, Will Julle. On the same day Sir Hugh Huntloo, vicar of Preston was elected dean of Bregge (Bridge) in place of Rob. Sergeaunt. [Exempt parishes: Wingham, Goodnestone, Nonington, Wymingswold, Ickham, Adisham, Staple, Ash, Godmersham, Ohallock.] 44 AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. DEANERY OF SANDWICH. Visitation held in the parish church of St. Peter of the town of Sandwich, on monday the 26th day of September, in the year of the Lord aforesaid. 1. St. Mary, Sandwich. [Archdn. of Cant., P.J Sir Will. Meryman, Cur. Sir Will. Brett, Sir Tho. Rust, Cap. War. Tho. Watts, Tho. Wilbye. Par. Joh. Butler, Tho. Bigge, Rob. Symson, Rob. Cokke, Rog. Manwood. 2. St. Peter, Sandwich. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant.] (No name of Rector given.) War. Will. Bayly, Rob. Iden. Par. Will. Brokke, Fra. Kidiett. Robert Cobbe detains £6 13s 4d which John Graunt bequeathed for the repair of the silver cross, and 6s Sd bequeathed by Margaret his wife for the repair of the said church. Also Rio. Brooke detains 3s 4d that was left by Rio. Forner for the mending of the bell. 3. St. Clement, Sandwich. [Archdn. of Cant., P.] (Vicar's name not given.] Sir Rio. Bull, Sir Tho. Brande, Sir Tho. Burley, Chaplains. War. Tho. Goddarde, Joh. Godeson. Par. Tho. Burwood, Joh. Westcleve, Rob. Nasby, Will. Parnell. 4. Wodnesborough. [Prior and C. of Leeds, P.J Sir Joh. Parke, V . . War. Will. Sayer, Joh. Cranbrooke. Par. Tho. Grandame, Will. Carpynter. 5. Walmere. [Abbot of Langdon, P,l The Curate (unnamed) did not appear because he was sick. Sir Will. Wanflete (1 Chaplain). War. Walter Brode. Par. Will. Gilham. Omnia bene. AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 45 6. Tylmanstone. [Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, P.] Sir Rob. Brown, Cur. War. Joh. Pyttokke. Par. Tho. Eastchurch, Mich. Cokke, Edm. Courthope. 7. Berghston (Barfreston). R . . . . (blank). War, Joh. Abery, Joh. Stooks. Par. Joh. Gurney, Rob. Kempe. Omnia bene. 8. Norborne. [Abbot of St. Augustine's, Cant., P.] Sir Tho. Samson, V. War. Tho. Hamond, Joh. Oldey. Par. Rob. Harvye, Joh. Smyth, Joh. Hamond. 9. Waldresha (Walderskare). [Abbot and C. of Langdon.] Sir Joh. Hartely, V. War. Ric. Parker. 10. Riple. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant., P.] Sir Joh. Denby, R. War. Joh. Petyt, Will. Fynes. ll. Aythorn. The Abbot of Robertsbridge, Rector, there; he does not reside. Sir Tho. Ooets, Our. War. Joh. Prentise. Par. Ste. Gelham, Will. Pipar. 12. Mongeham Little. Nullus residet in parockia. 13. Mongeham Great. M:r. Rob. Oraford, R. M:r. Tho. Warde, Cur. War. Joh. Gibbe, Ric. Litleton. Par. Tho. Howham, Tho. Grugge, Rob. Draper, Ric. Wollarch, parish clerk (serviens parockialis). 14. Betshangre. The Curate (unnamed) did not appear because he was sick; he did not reside. No ,one appeared. 15. Estlangdon (blank). 16. Westlangdon (blank). 46 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 17. Siperdiswold (Shepherdswell). [Abbot and C. of St. Radegund, P.] Sir Tho. Howlett, Cur. War. Joh. Galdyn, Joh. Myllar. Par. Joh. Elyse, Will. Wehbe. 18. Colrede. The Curate (unnamed) appeared. War. Will. Merywedre, Rob. Pooche. 19. Ringewold. R. ... (blank). War. Ric. Brett, Joh. Langett. Par. Tho. Philpott. 20. Sholden. [Abbot and C. of St. Austin, Cant., P.J The Curate (unnamed) " m.oritur ". War. Joh. Osberne. Par. Rio. Frauncesse, Joh. Valance. 21. Hamme. The Rector is the Prior of Leeds, he does not reside. Nullus residet. 22. Knolton. Sir Will. Cartewright, R. 23. Sutton. [Master and brothers of Maidstone College.] Mr. Doctor Cameron, R. Sir Mich. Asard, Cur. War. Hen. Usberne, Ric. Parker. [Exempt parishes: Eastry, Worth, Deal.] DEANERY OF DOVER. Visitation held in the parish church of Folkestone, on tuesday the 27th day of September, in the year aforesaid. l. Folkeston. The Prior (of Folkestone), P; he appeared.1 Sir Will. Claybrooke, V. War. Joh. Godyn, Mich. Hert. Par. Bart. Godyn, Tho. Gibbes, Tho. Uden, Joh. Davy. 1 The church was separated from the Priory by Bull of Pope Alex. VI in 1494. Mor. Reg., f. 220. AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 47 2. Cheryton. Sir Ric. Bayly, Rector (.struclc ont) and Sir Chris. Warde substituted. War. ,Toh. Chapman, Joh. Cheseman. Par. Joh. Nethersole, Tho. Chapman. 3. Newyngton. [Master 0£ Wye Coll., P.] The Curate (unnamed) appeared. [John Stubbes was admitted 6 Oct. 1501. Dene Reg. f. 169·.J War. Joh. Assheplume, Joh. Chapman. Par. Hen. Taylor, Nie. Arnard. 4. Liden (Lydden). [Abbot and C. 0£ Langdon, P.J Mr. Jas. Harold, V. War. ,Joh. Monnyngs. Par. Tho. Curle. 5. Swynfeld. [Mile.sof theHospital 0£ St. John, Swingfield, P.J Sir Ric. Chesshier, V. War. Joh. Woodland, Ric. Colley. The churchyard is not duly fenced, the wardens must make this good before Easter under pain 0£ 6.s 8d. 6. Ewell. [Miles 0£ Hospital of St. John, Swingfield, P.] Sir Ralph Blynstone, V. War. Will. Wallett, Hen. Philipp. Par. Will. Sutton. 7. Ryver. The Abbot 0£ St. Radegund's, P. The Vicar (unnamed) did not appear. War. Joh. Wrake, Rob. Saltar. 8. Alkham. [Abbot of St. Radegund, P.J Sir Joh. Newenton, V. War. Joh. Joll, Jo. Swanton. 9. Hougham. [Prior of St. Radegund, P.] Sir Alex• Leche, V. War. Tho. Stephen, Andrew Robert, Will. Hayward. 10. Cheryton (sic). [A mistake for Charlton.] Mr. Joh. Long, Master of the Domu.s Dei of Dover, P. (War. or Par.) Will. Jermyn, Will. Fordrede, Tho. Baserell. 48 AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 11. Beausfeld (Whitfield). [Abbot and C. of Combwell, P.] Sir William ... (blanlc), R. War.R ob.B owsfeld, Joh.H orne. 12. Westoleve (Westcliffe). The Prior ofChristChurch,Cant., P. The Patron is Curate, he did not appear. War. Joh. Styward. Par.J oh.A bere. The vicarage house is out of repair ; the church is unserved. 13. Hawkinge. [Abbot and C. of St. Radegund, P.] Sir Neomeas Couragh, V. War. Rog. Sutton, Rog. Fuller. 14. Capella de Ferne. R. ... (blank). Abbot and C. of St. Radegund, P. War. Nie. Goldeworth, Joh. Stephen. [Exempt churches : St. Margaret at Cliffe, Guston, Buckland, SS. Mary, Peter, James, Nicholas, John, all in Dover.] DE.A.NERY OF ELRA.1\I. Visitation held in the parish church of Elliam, on tuesday the 27th day of September, .A.D. 1502. 1. Elliam. [Warden and fellows (socii) of Merton Coll., Oxford, P.] The Vicar (unnamed) appeared. Sir Tho.F ouche, Sir Will. Dally, Chaplains. War. Will. Harlakinden, Will. Saunder. Par. Joh. Oldefeld, Nioh. Rust. 2. Wotton. Sir Rob. Fisher, R. War.T ho. l\Iiller, Tho. Alen. Par. Tho. Hambrooke. The walls of the church are so dingy that the parishioners sitting in the nave can scarcely see the sacrament of the altar, because the church is so dark, the wardens are to whitewash the walls before the feast of St. John the Baptist next following, under pain of 10s. The cross in the church requires repair, it must be put right before Palm Sunday, under pain of 6s Sd. AN AROHIDIAOONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 49 3. Denton. Sir Joh. Staunton, Cur. War. Geo. Bushe. Par. Nich. Fytell. 4. Acryse. [Prior and C. of St. Martin, Dover, P.] Sir Joh. Mason, R. War. Matt. Gibbon, Nich. Mershe. 5. Postelinge. [Abbot of St. Radegund, P.J Sir Will. Kirkeby, Cur. War. Ste. Browning, Ste. White. The ceiling of the chancel requires repair, and the roof of the same is defective, through the fault of the Abbot of St. Radegund ; it must be put right before the feast of All Saints, next following, under pain of 10s. Also the wardens say that they made a similar presentment in the year 1500, whereupon the judge decreed that the fruits of the church should be sequestrated. 6. Stowting. The Rector (unnamed) appeared. [Robert Forebas was admitted 1491. Dene Reg'., l 70h.] War. Rio. Amownt, Pet. Miller. Par. Pet. Gibbe, Joh. Boyse. 7. Horton. [Prior of Horton, P.] Sir Sim. Goserede, R. Sir Will. Coole, Cur. War. Rio. Sowle, Tho. Castell. Par. Will. Moone. 8. Braborne. [Prior of Horton, P.] Sir Joh. Person, V. War. Jas. Apantre, Will. Burges. Par. Tho. Amount, Joh. Bulfinch. They lack the books of the new feasts1 and the book of general sent-ences.2 They are to provide the same before the feast of the .Annunciation next following under pain of 13s 4<1. 1 See above under Minster in Thanet. s The General sentence was a denunciation pronounced by the clergy four times a year, especially upon those who infringed ecclesia.stfoal privileges or robbed the church of her dues. Frere's Visitati-On Articles, Vol. II, p. 55 n. 7 50 AN ARCfilDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 9. Elmestede. The Prior of St. Gregory's, Cant., R. Sir Joh. Abraham, V. War.G ilb. Laurence, Joh.F ordrede. Par. Ramo Maxstede, Mich. Inkpett. 10. Hastinglegh. Sir Tho. Hooke, R. War. Will. Cokke junr., Chris. Fordrede. Par. Will. Amount. They lack the books of the new feasts ; the breviary (portiforiwm), is illegible (obscurum) in divers parts. The defects are to be remedied before the feast of the Annunciation of the B.V.M. next following, under pain of 10s. Also the nave of the church requires re-shingling; it must be done before the feast of the nativity of the B.V.M. (Sept. 8) next following, under pain of 20s. ll . Bircholt .... (blanlc). [Exempt churches : Lyminge, Saltwood, Hythe, Stanford, Paddlesworth.] APPENDIX "PRESENTMENTS" TO THE A.ROHDE.A.OON'S COURT, WRITTEN ON LOOSE SORAPS OF PAPER. DATE 1502-1507. AORISE. [Rector John addresses the Official in Latin and then makes his presentments in English.] Salutacione congrua premissa presenti scripto vestre d.ilectioni salutem in domino sempiternam in quo est omnis salus. N overitis me dominum J ohannem Rectorem ecclesie parochialis de Acrys presentasse Matheum Gybbon, Jacobum Mawnger, gardianos ecclesie pro reparacione de eadem ecclesia. In primis for we have bot ·one chalys to our church. Itiii, we have not one holle awter cloth yt is hallowed, and our best albe is rynt and in decay (so) yt no man can say masse yn it bot for a nede. AN AROHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 51 H, we have no holle cruet in ye church. We have no pax yt is holle. H, a glassewyndow yt is broke opon (the) sowth syde of ye church, throwgh ye which wynde doys (does) harme and spylls our lyghts in ye rode lofte. It', we lacken torches in our church to ye whyth liyzt (light); we had xiijs ilijd bequedde and yt is in ye warden's hands which brent not this ij yer and more, wych lyzt should be kept perpetually. It' Ye Rofe of ye body of our church is at reparacon (sic), it rayns therin. Our stepull is at reparacon & bot yf it be (not) holpe ryzt (right) sone, it wyll fall down for it raynyt in and rots ye tymber. It' our churchyard is hopyn (open) yt all manner of beasts may come in. BREDGAR. Parochiani ibidem presentant quod Johannes Hywet soluere comtempsivit annualem redditum pertinent' ad dictam ecclesiam et a retro est per spacium trium annorum & summa illius redditus per annum xxijd. It' presentant quod dictus Johannes debet dicte ecclesie iij• ijd. BOXLEY. The Parishons of Boxle present that the priour of Rochester Kepith not the reparacons of ye chansel of ye church of Boxle as he shuld do, for ye glas wyndow over ye hye awter is so broken yt (that) when ye wynd is est it dryvith yn upon ye auter reyn or snow, & also ye sowth wyndow agayne ye hie auter ys brokyn. Also yt ye wynd dryvith yn such wedyr as fallith, & it hath hen oftyn spokyn to for to amend yt, & yet hit is not don. 0.EIA.P.Tlll. These be the fawtys longyng to ye churche of Chart : First our chansell is not reparyd. The steppys goyng to ye awter be broke. The benche in the quere ys broke. The dexte (desk) in ye quere ys broke. Also the selyng ovyr the auter ys broke & fallys doon when ye prest ys at masse. Also hyt renyth on the auter. Also the church wallys be broke. 52 AN AROHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. CR.ANEBROKE. In primis the Seyxsten (is) in the faute, that through his negligence the bokys of the Quere hath takyn grette hurt & dayly do yt. Also westments & coppys . . & chaylyces the fette (feet) hen brokyn, & the penakyll of the Sencher (censer) hen gon. Also the chyrch not streyken . and by his negligence and rudde (rude) condicon many men wt drawyn there (their) goods devosion to the grett hurt of the chyrch. Andrew Spycer is in advotry with blake Alys. [On another slip of paper.] Inquirentes de parochia de Cranbrok super :fide et officii virtute tanquam iurati respondent. Quod propter defectum lectrinorum in choro libri eorum paciuntur grave dispendium, & quod luminaria in choro & ecclesia consumantur per flatum fenestrarum diruptarum in fine orientali cancellarum predict'. It' quod cnruterium deturpatur per animalia inhonesta. GouDRURST. The presentacons of the Churche Wardens & parishons of Goutherst. Fyrst they present that the parson fyndeth not a a lampe in the hyght chancell as he shold do. Itm. That the south dore ys faute & insufficient for the salvacon of the churche gods (goods), & also the west dore for lakkyng of a lok. It:fil. They complayne that the closure of the chyrchyarde ys insuffycient & not good, nather gats not wallys, for ther comyth in hoggs, schepe & horssys. LANGDON WEST. Harry West had a good mass boke in heys kepyng and makyth no delyvere to the . . 1 Also the same H.W. had a kowe of ye cherche of West Langdone (worth) xxiij• ijd, and wyl not be contabyl to the parishe. RucKYNGE. [A letter from a Churchwarden of Ruckinge to the Official of the Archdeacon, complaining that certain comperta presented at the last visitation had not been attended to, and that the parishioners had not paid him for the banner he had bought, presumably for the rogation-tide processions.] AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. 53 Master Official I desire you to have in remembraunce that where I labored unto your mastershipp for reformacon of divers matters mysordered wt in the parish of Rokyng, and commandyd me to bryng it in wrytying at the corte; pleaseth it you to understand that whereas it was presented at the last visitation before you for the amendment of the churchyard ther it is not amendment (sic), but all manner of bests come into hit dayly, so that the Curate and the parishons may no go in procession for dungyng of bests & misordering of other bests to(o). Item for paying of my baner which cost vj• vjd. I desire you to have remembraunce thereof, it hath been in the parishes hondes by a yere and hal:ff. STODEMERSHE. Cuvratus ibidem dfis. Laurentius Nott. Iconomi Jacobus Catbury, Ric. Wood. Parochiani Sim. Chady, Joh. Willebi. Detegunt quod Johes Knyght habet calicem pertinentem ecclesie predict' in plegio pro octo solidis neglentia parochianorum ibidem. Itm quod cimiterium non est debite clausum. Itm quod Ric. Wood detinet de bonis ecclesie Lij• iiijd. Itm, quod not hahent aquebaculum ydoneum. Itm, quod not habent lampadem ardentem coram summo altari ibidem per spacium iiij0r annorum elapsorum, sicut solehant in tempoe preterito neglentia parochianorum ibidem. SUTTON V ALANOE. The Wardeyns of Sutton Valance, Will. Lambe, Roger Per.rot. Parishioners: Joh. Lambe, Will. Turnour, Tho. Baker, Jas. Morys. They present that the chancell ys not suffyciently repayred wt coveryng of shyngell, nether seelyd yn defaute of the pryoure of Ledys. TENTERDEN. The Wardeyns and ye parishons there present that the Fontte (is) unlockyd. Also the crysemetory stonds unlockyd. Also the chyrchyerde lyeth opyn in divers places for de:ffaute of closyng perteynying to the Vicar. 54 AN ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATION OF 1502. Tl!ORNHAM. Nycolas Culter of Thornham wt holds a cow wt ye hyre of ye same, bequethed to ye parish chyrche be one Tho. Blackbourne, for vj yeres paste, & he was sworne this tyme twell moneth to delyver hym thereof, & it is not fulfyllyt yet. Henry Ohr. Cristion of ye same paroch in lykewyses wt-holdes from ye chyrche behofe ij seems of malt, wt a cowe & ye ferme-­ Edmund Sauer of the same paroch, late warden, is in dett be (by) hys acownt made afore the paroshenes xx• lxd. Tl!ONGE. The reparacon of ye chauncell and ye quer & ye deskys in ye cherche we have compleyned over thys ij yer.


A Note on the Rev W.M. Gostling and the Roman Altar at Stone-in-Oxney


The Mute Swan in Kent