General Index

( 158 ) GENERAL INDEX. 97; Abergavenny, William Lord, 138. Abbey Wood, Co-operative Estate at, xlii. Accounts, xlvi-xlix. Aelfstan, Abbot, 77, 80. Aethelbeorht, King, 25. Alan de Bokeland, brother of Stephen, 39. Aldham, Manor of, 17. Aldon arms in Heme Church of Boughton Aluph, 82, 83. Alen, Roberto, 5. Alkham, Thomas de, 43. All Saints, Hoo, 39. Alleyn, John, 86. Allwork and Chittenden, Hon. Auditors, xxxvii. altar, portable, explanation of, 52. Andrews, Thomas, 109. Annual Report and Accounts for 1939, xxxiii-xlix. Apuldrefield, arms in Heme Church, 84, 98 j Elizabeth, 88, 89, 98. Arteys, John, 12. i Arundel, Archbishop, arms in Heme Church, 82. Ash, Hille's or Helle's Court, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 101-108. Ash Church, excursion to, xii. Asheford, John, 13. atte Sea family, see Sea family. Austin Eriars of Canterbury, 88. Aylesford, 43; bridge, i 8 ; church and dispute between Rochester and Canterbury monks, 38 ; lathe of, 17 ; stones found at, xliv. B Badlesmere, Bartholomew de, 43. Baldwin, Archbishop, 29 ; Widow, 139. Baldwyn, H., 22. Bamborough, John, High steward of Christ Church Priory, 6, 11. Bamburgh, John, 14. Barham, Mildred, 99. Barming, 60. Barton, Miss M . , " Tunbridge Wells," 138. Basock, John, Official of Rochester, 56. Bassingbourne arms in Heme Church, 97. Batt, Edward, 22. Beacon Hill, Ightham, 19. bear presented to Christ Church Priory, 4. Beaufort, Cardinal Henry, 5, 7; bequest to Christ Church, 8, 9, 10 ; death of, 9 ; Edmund, Earl of Dorset, 7; Sir John, Earl of Somerset, buried in Canterbury Cathedral, 96. " Beck " find recalled, 157. Beckenham, John Marsham or Martham rector of, 52 ; Toots Wood, xlv. Bekesbourne, Manor of, 10 ; account relating to, in Christ Church Priory accounts, 2 ; provides ship for Margaret of Anjou, 2. Bellingham (?), arms in Heme church, 97. Benedict de Wouldham, 39. Berde, John, 12. Beresh, Manor of, 39. Berham, de, family, 45 ; Edmond Digges de, Official of Rochester, 45, 46. Bernet, W., 15. Berton, Richard, minstrel of the Archbp. of Canterbury, 7. Bingley, James, map-maker, 109. Birehington, 72 ; Church, 157 ; Major Powell-Cotton, 156. Bisemare, see Bysmare. Bishopsbourne, the Bournes of, 48. Bishopston, John de, rector of Clyffe at Hoo, 47. Blackheath, xlii. Blean woods, 26. Blore, Christopher, 89 ; Elizabeth, 89. Blunt's brickfield, Sholden, 72. Bocland, Stephen de, 38. Boclund, Stephen de, institution as rector of Colsterworth, Lincoln, 38, 39. Bohemia arms in Heme Church, 96. GENERAL INDEX. 159 Bokeland, Nicholas de, Official of Rochester, 39, 40; Stephen de, Official of Rochester, see Boclund. Bolton, Mr. J. Herbert, xxxvi. Boniface, Archbp., 30, Bishop, 50. Borough Green, Tile Kiln at, 141. Bottisham (Bottlesham), Wilham de, 50. Bottlesham, William, Bishop of Rochester, 51 ; John, 51. Boughton Aluph, 82, 83. Bourne, Robert de, rector of Southfleet, 40; Vicar-General of Rochester, 48, 49. Bowes, Dr. T. Armstrong, xxxvii. Bowra, Cecil A. V., Note on John Bowra, 137-140 ; Edward, 137. Bowra, John, Land Surveyor and Cartographer, by C. A. V. Bowra, 137-140; born at Groombridge, 137 ; born at Sevenoaks, 137 ; map-maker, 138 ; trade-card, 140; Thomas, chirurgion, of Sevenoaks, 137 ; Rev. William, 137. Boxley, Robert de Bourne, desires burial at, 49. Boynton arms in Heme Church, 95. Boys arms in Heme Church, 93 ; John, 93 ; Sara, 91, 92 ; Thomas, 91, 92. Brabourne Church, Scott monuments in, 99. Brabourne, Lord, death of, xxxvi. Bradbourne Estate, Sevenoaks, seal matrix found, xliii. Bradfield, John, 40. Bradwell, John, rector of Shoreham, 46. Brayton, Hannah, wife of Major Powell-Cotton, 157. Brenchley Church, 36. Brett, Stephen, 27. Brick House Farm, Frensbury, 139. bridge money, 17, 18. Brintone, Thomas de, Bishop of Rochester, 49. Bromley, Manor of, 42, 44. Brooke arms in Heme Church, 94; illustration facing page 94. Brooke, Robert, of Margate, 94. Broomfield, Heme, 85 ; Hall, 90. Broomhill, Old, a liberty of Romney, 66. Brotherton arms in Heme Church, 94. Browne, Rev. A. L., The Medieval Officials-Principal of Rochester, 29- 61. Buchanan, "Memorials of Heme," 81. Buckhurst, Lord, 139 ; Park, 139. Bueldngham, Duke of (Humphrey Stafford), 7. Burwash, Bartholomew de, 48. Bushe-Fox, Mr., J.P., 144. Buxton, Miss V. E., and find at Fawke Common, Sevenoaks, xliii. Byllyngton, Willo, 15. Bysmare, Robert, 95 ; William, 95. C Camfield, Ann, 137. Camfields of Groombridge, 137. Candour, Thomas, Official of Rochester, 58. Candover, Thomas, see Candour, Thomas. j Canterbury, 85; A.R.P. Control Room, 109 ; Archseological Society and Roman Kiln, 111 ; area covered by Roman city, 115; arms of Halle in cloister, 86; Castle used as County Jail, 144 ; Cathedral, 90 ; Municipal Offices, 109 ; Museum, 119, 146 ; Norman gate-house unique, 144 ; Note on stamped tile at, 145-146 ; priory, 88. Canterbury, Notes on Discovery of Foundations of Norman Castle, by ! Graham Webster, 143-145. ' Canterbury, Notes on the Inner Life and Domestic Economy of the Priory of Christ Church, in the 15th Century, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 1-16. Canterbury, Roman Pottery Kiln, by Graham Webster, 109-116; Note on Structure, by R. F. Jessup, 117 ; Pottery, by J. S. Kirkman, 118-120 ; Additional Notes, by Graham Webster, 134-136 ; Sherd Register, by J. S. Kirkman, 122-133; plan of kiln, 112; plan of site, 110; sketch of kiln, 114. Canterbury's Roman site similar to London, 115. Canterbury, See of, arms in Heme Church, 82 ; Visit of King Henry 6th, 8. "Care of Churches," review, 149- 154. Castle Down, Heme, 86. Catt, William, 22. Cavenagh, Col., 154. Chalk, 72. Chalke, WiUiam, 59. Challock Church, 98. 160 GENERAL INDEX. Chart Bottom, Ightham, 19, 20. Chartham, 41 ; Manor House, 7, 11 ; William, 15. Chatham Church, 44. Chelsfield, Rector of, 54. Cheyne, Sir John, 4. Chichele, Archbishop, benefactor to Christ Church, Canterbury, 10, 52. Chiddingstone, farm in, 140. Children, John, 139 ; Richard, landowner, 138. Chislehurst Rectory, given to Edmund Digges de Berham, 45 ; William de Honington, rector of, 45. Chislet, lands in, 95. choirboys at Christ Church, Canterbury, games for, 15. Christ" Church, Canterbury, Notes on the Inner Life and Domestic Economy of the Priory of, in the 15th Century, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 1-16. Christ Church, Canterbury, 77, 88 ; fire in Audit House, 2 ; font sent to London for Royal baptisms, 12 ; visit of King Henry 6th, 8. "Churches, care of," review, 149-154. Churchill, Dr. Irene J., xxxvii. churchwardens' accounts, Ightham, 17. Chylham, John, 16. Clere, Elizabeth, 88, 89; Wilham, 89. CUffsend, 68, 70, 72, 74. Clinton family of Folkestone, 96. Clye, Simon de, 39. Clyffe at Hoo, John de Bishopsten, rector, 47. Coboham Bury, 32. Cobham, 56; College, 49; Lady Joan, 6. Cock, Dr. F. William, xxxvi. coins found in Canterbury Roman lain, 116. Coleman, Mr. T. S., of Goshall, Ash, 101. Colepepper arms in Heme Church, 93; Sir Cheney, of Leeds Castle, 93. Collingwood, Prof. R. G., 146. Collins, 148. Combwell, Prior of, 4. Consaunt, 92; arms in Heme Church, 97, 98; Margery, 87, 97. Contents, v-vi. Cooke, Mr. Richard, xxxvii. Cookestone, 61. Cooklestone, rector of, 42, 60. Cornwall, John, Baron of Fanhope, 13. Cotton, Dr. Charles, death of, xxxvi. Cotton, Major P. H. G. Powell, obituary, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 156-157. Councer, C. R., Heraldic Notices of the Church of St. Martin, Heme, 81-100. Councer, Mr. C. R., xxxvi. Cowdham Church, 49. Cowling Castle, 5. Criol (Kyrell), Sir John, 4. Crippenden in Cowden, 85. Croker, Rev. Temple Henry, rector of Ightham, 20, 21, 23. Cross, Ehzabeth, 148. Crundale, human bones found, xliii. Cruttenden, Martha, of Maidstone, 137. Cryall, Lord Bertram de, 26. Cumberland, A., Note on Saxon Cemetery at Horton Kirby, 142. Curling, Jane, of Ramsgate, will, 146-147 ; John, 146, 147. Curteys, John, 13. Curtis, Mr., 139. Curtneys, John, 6. Cuxton Church, 36. D Dagmar House, Canterbury, 109. dairy-farms, 24. Dallison, WilUam, 139. Dane John, Canterbury, a Roman barrow, 115. Darenth Roman Villa Site, xhii. Dartford, 68 ; Alexander de Wodere, of, 43 ; Andrew Sanders, vicar of, 53 ; Chantry of B.V.M. at, 32 ; District Antiquarian Society, xUv ; gaUows outside, 57 ; John Horley, vicar of, 57 ; John Warren, vicar of, 56 ; lands in, 41 ; Littlebrook Marshes, xliii; visits of bishops, 33. Davington Court, Faversham, 93; Priory, 93. de Cryall, Lord Bertram, 26. de Berham family, see Berham, de. Deal, 72, 74, 76 ; wiU of Mrs. Jane Wraight of, 147-148. Dehane, Jacob, 148 ; Mary, 147. Den of Goose, Romney Marsh, 27. Denge Marsh, 27 ; Manor of, 26. Derville, Major M. Teiohman, elected President, xxxvi. Digges, Edmond, Official of Rochester, 45, 46 ; James, 89, 99 ; John, 89, 99. GENERAL INDEX. 161 Disbrowe, Samuel, 93. Dorman Long, Messrs., 74, 80; borings at Stonar, 70. Dorset, Earl of (Edmund Beaufort), 7. Dover, 74, 80 ; Cinque port harbour, of, 66 ; Estuary, miU at mouth, 77 ; land bridge at, 65; Roesia of, xlii; Straits of, 68, 76, 80. Dowker, George, 74, 77. Drew, Dr. A. J. K., of Ramsgate, xhn. Dudmanswike, Hope All Saints, 27. Duncomb, "History and antiquities of Reculver and Heme," 81. Dungeness, 66. Dimning, Mr. G. O, acknowledgements to, 120. Durant, Richard, rector of Kemsing, 45. E Eadbriht, King, Charter of Romney, 66. Earl's Worthy, Rectory of, 40. Eastry, 8, 72 ; Church and Court, xU ; Manor House of, 7. EastweU, 26. Ebbsfleet, 62, 75, 76, 7 8 ; traditional landing place of St. Augustine, 77. Ecga, see Hecca. Edmans, Thomas, 18. Edmund de Osseham, cleric to Tudley Church, 39. Eeles, Dr. F. O, xl. Egidio, John, 15. Elam, Mr. C. E., Lecture to Society, xxxvii. Elham, Henry de, 43 ; John, 15 ; prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 4, 6, 10; death of, 6 ; buried at Canterbury, 6. Elmey, John, 53. Eltham, 89 ; Church, 37 ; vicar of, 37. Enderby, Mr. H. M., City Surveyor of Canterbury, 109, 145. " EngUsh Channel, Origin of," 65. EstweUes, Matilda de, 26. Everard, AUce, 92, 97 ; Thomas, 92. Excursions, xl-xU. F Fairlawn, 18. Fanhope, Lord, see CornwaU, John, Baron of Fanhope. Farman, Mr., 139. Famaby, Sir Thomas, lands in Sevenoaks, 139. Farningham, Chapel Field, xUii. Faversham 26 ; Abbey, 88. Fawke Common, Sevenoaks, xliii. Fenkin, Ehzabeth, 148 ; Mary, 148. Ferrers arms in Heme Church, 95. ffarles, Ehzabeth, John, Isabella, 146 ; Sibella, 146. Fisher, Mr. C. E., and find of pottery at Maidstone, xhn. Fitzalan, arms in Heme Church, 94. Fletcher, Richard, rector of St. Mary's, Hoo, 60. Foche, John, 4. Foderingeye, John de, Official of Rochester, 42-45 ; " Scribe of the Acts," archdiocese of Canterbury, 42, etc. Fohtesland a t Moddingham, 37. foodstuff prices at Christ Church Priory, 3. Ford, Archbps. P a r k at, 94. Fordwich, 24, 68 ; bridge, 69. Forest Row, Sussex, 138. Forsham, Hugh, rector of Sundridge, 44. Fotheringay, see Foderingeye, John de. Foulmead, 72. Freckenham chantry, 59 ; land at, 40 ; rectory, 44. Frendisbury, vicars of, 41. Frensbury, map of Brick House Farm, 139. Fryston, Richard, 59. Fyneax, Elizabeth Lady, brass in Heme Church, 84. Fyneux arms in Heme Church, 84, 98; Christopher, 89; Edward, 89 ; Elizabeth, 89 ; family pedigree, 89 ; Frydeswide, 89 ; Jane, 88, 89, 98; Mildred, 89; Richard, 89 ; Sir John, 86, e t c .; WilUam, 88, 89. G Gardiano, Roberto Lynton, 13. Gardiner, Mrs. T. G., xxxvii. Garrard family of Sittingbourne, 95. Gatehouse, Sir Thomas, 21. Geldtwyne, John, 39. geology of Stonar and Wantsum Channel, 62, etc. Gibbon, Edward (historian) and St. Margarets-at-CUffe, 155. GiUingham vicarage, John Merys, 50. GlanviU, Squire, 21, 22. 162 GENERAL INDEX. Glenfield, Borough Green, 141. Glover, Agnes, 60. Godwin, Mr. F., and find at Sevenoaks, xliii. gold and silver jewels from Riseley Saxon Cemetery, iUustration facing page 142. gold coin from New Romney, iUustration, 140. Gold Noble at New Romney, 140-141. Goldston, Thome, 15. Goodwin Sands, 71, 80. Goorlay arms in Heme Church, 96. Goose, Den of, Romney Marsh, 27. Goose Farm, Romney Marsh, 27. Gorewell, John, Official of Rochester, 54. GoshaU, Ash, 101; Marshes, 72. Graveney, Rico, 13. Gravesend, 55; Andrew Sanders, rector of, 53; bones found at, xliv. Great Charte, lands in, 52. GreenhiU, Heme, home of Philip family, 86. Greenwich, 24. Griffin, Mr. Ralph, acknowledgement to, 99, 100. Grippenden (? Crippenden), Manor of, 85. Groombridge, John Bowra, born at, 137. Grosstestes Register, 38. Gwynand alias Wynand de Dryland, 41, 42. Gyles, John, 12. H Haines or Haynes, of Ivy Hatch, 20. Hales f amUy, arms in Heme Church, 93 ; Sir Thomas, 93. Halfway House, Ramsgate Road, 68. Halle arms in Heme Church, 97 ; Edmund de, 86 ; EUzabeth, 83 ; family and Heme Church, 82, 83 ; of Thanington, 86 ; John atte, 86 ; Peter, 83, 85, 95 ; WiUiam atte, 86. HalUng, 32; Manor, 51 ; St. Lawrence, 51. Halsted, W., 15. Halstow, Upper, rector of, 60. Hamo de Hethe, see Hethe, Hamo de. Hamond arms in Heme Church, 91 ; Martha, 85, 91, 92 ; Thomas, 85, 91, 92. Hanweie, Thomas, Official of Rochester, 56. Hanwell, Thomas, 56. Harbledown, 94. Hardman, F. W., and W. P. D. Stebbing, Stonar and the Wantsum Channel, 62-80. Harfleet, Henry, of Ash, 101. Harpsden, Sir John, 6. Harpsfield, Archdeacon, 155. Harrison, Sir Edward, Some Records of Ightham Parish, 17-23. Harrison, Thomas, 22. Hartley, Roman hypocaust at, 142. Harwich in Whitstable, 24. Hastings, Cinque port harbour of, 66. Hatcher, Mr., 139. Haudlo, William de, rector of Cooklestone, 42. Hawe estate, 88 ; Manor of, 85, 86. Hawkhurst, 27. Head, Rev. John, 138. Hecca (Ecga), 25. Heraldic Notices of the Church of St. Martin, Heme, by C. R. Councer, 81-100. Heme arms compared with those at Canterbury, 97 ; Bay College, once site of " Old Rectory House," 93 ; Church, PhiUpott's Notes, 81. Heme, Heraldic Notices of the Church of St. Martin, by C. R. Councer, 81-100. Heme records, 81. Hethe, Hamo de, 43, 44, 45, 46. Higenbottam, Mr., of Canterbury, 117. Higham, kiln at, compared with Canterbury, 117. Highway Accounts, Ightham, 17. Hille's or Helle's Court, Ash, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 101-108, illustration facing page, 101; plan, 102. Hill's Church Gate, Ash, 101. Hoath near Heme, 94. Holland, Margaret, 96. Holyngbourne, John, 13. Honey, Widow, 22. Honington, WiUiam de, Official of Rochester, 44, 45. Hoo Junction, lain at, 117. Hoo St. Mary's, rector of, 60; St. Werbergh's Church, 39 ; Stoke chantry in, 32. Hope AU Saints, Romney Marsh, 27. Hope Cottages, New Romney, 140 ; Thomas, rector of Kemsing, 45. Horley or Hornley, John, Official of Roohester, 57. Horsherst in Aldyng parish, 44. GENERAL INDEX. 163 Horton Kirby, Saxon cemetery at Riseley, 142. Hougham, Dover, 88. Howard arms in Heme Church, 94 ; Thomas Lord, 94. Howletts, Canterbury, ornaments shown at British Museum, 142. HuU, Mr. M. R., curator of Colchester and Essex Museum, 134, 135. Hunden, WilUam, Archdeacon of Rochester, 51. Hussey family, 95. Hythe, Cinque Port Harbour of, 66 ; fHethe) Hamo de, 43; Thomas de, 45. I Ifela, WUUam, 43. Ightham Parish, Some Records of, by Sir Edward Harrison, 17-23. Ightham Churchwardens accounts, 17; Highway accounts, 17 ; Manor of, 17, etc.; Merryman's farm, 139; National School accounts, 17 ; Overseers'accounts, 17, etc. ; Tithe book, 17 ; Vestry Minutes, 17 ; Workhouse Records, 17. IUustrations Fund, 1. Illustrations, List of, vn, viii. Inglethorpe, Thomas, 40, 41. Isleham, 41. IsUp, Archbishop, 46; Foundation at Oxford, 13. Ivy Hatch. 19. J James, Mrs., 22 ; WilUam, Lord of the Manor of Ightham, 18. Jessup, R. F., Note on the Canterbury Kiln Structure, 117 ; Note on Tile Kiln at Borough Green, 141-142; acknowledgements to, 120 ; Canterbury pottery, 116. jewels from Riseley Saxon Cemetery, iUustration facing page 142. Jones, Surgeon Capt. Kenneth, death of, xxxvi. Jupiter Amnion head, 119 ; illustration facing page 109. K KeleshuUe, Gilbert de, rector of Kemsing, 45. Kempe, Cardinal John, Archbp. of Canterbury, 96 ; family of Wye, 96, 98. Kemsing rectory, 46. Kennington, John de, rector of Rotherfield, 47. KUwardby, Archbp., 155. King's f erreter, 4. Kingsdown, alterationin coastline, 79. Kirkman, J. S., Canterbury Kiln Site: The Pottery, 118-120. Kitchener Camp, 75. Kneepe, John, 87. Knocker, Mr. H. W., 27. Knole, Sevenoaks, xliu. Knowler arms, 91; Barbara, 91; Gilbert, 91 ; Robert of Heme, 91 ; Susannah, 91. Kyrell, Sir John, 4. L Laas, William de, Official of Rochester, 49, 50. Lace, WiUiam de, see Laas, WiUiam de. Lacy, Robert de, King's Clerk, 40. Lake, Mr., lands in Sevenoaks, 139. Lambeth, rectory of, 51. Landeman, Roberto, 2. Langdon, John, 52. Langport, Hundred of, 26. Latter, Mr., 139. Launce, John, Official of Rochester, 50-53. Lawrence de St. Martin, 37. Laymer, Mr. L. S., 80. Leeds, Convent of, 44. Legett, Thome, 15. Leigh, Rev. Ralph, Rector of Ightham, 21 ; Vicarage of, 50. Lenham (Wullafe), 26, 27. Lentin, Richard, 87. Lesnes Abbey, Erith, xU. Leverick, Anthony, last of the male line, 85, 92; Constantia, 92; family of Ash-next-Sandwich, 85, 101; family of Heme, 82, 83, 85; Parnell, 85, 92. Lewisham, Manor of, xhi. Limene (Lymne), 66. Lindsey arms in Heme Church, 97. Ling, Mr., 139. Little, Dr. A. G., xxxvi. Littlebrook Marshes, Dartford, xliii. Local Secretaries, Reports of, xli-xliv. Loekyer, Hugh, 9. Lokyer, Hugoni, 12. London, Walter de, aUas Salerne, 37, 38 ; and Archdeacon ofNorfoUi, 38. Long, Ann, 146-147 ; Elizabeth, 146-147; Jane, 146-147; John, 43. Longesole, 32. 164 GENERAL INDEX. Low, John, Rector of Southfleet, 59. Luteriche, John, 26. Lydd, King Offa's charter of, 66. Lydden VaUey, 71, 72, 73, 76. Lyndewood, WilUam, 54. Lynsted, 88 ; famuy, 98. Lynton, R., 15. M Mace, John, 22. Madox, Mrs. Mary, map of land in Sevenoaks, 138. Maidstone, 138 ; pottery found, xliii. Maister Omers, Canterbury, 9, 12. MalUng, 32, 60; Abbess of, 43; South, 56. Manston, WiUiam, 4. Mapulton, John, rector of Upper Halstow, 60. MarchaU, John, 2. Margate, 94; birthplace of Major PoweU-Cotton, 157. Marlborough, Sara, first Duchess of, 94. Marsh, Thomas, 139. Marshal, H., of Ightham, 22. Marsham or Martham, John, warden of Strood Hospital, 52, 53. Martham or Marsham, John, see Marsham. Master Omer's, Canterbury, see Maister Omers. Maydenhythe, John, 51. Mayster Omers, Canterbury, see Maister Omers. Medieval Officials-Principal of Rochester, by Rev. A. L. Browne, 29-61. Medway bridges, Ust of, 138; Estuary, 66. "Medway, Survey of the River," 1739, 138. Members, List of, xv-xxxii. Mere, Henry, 14. Mereworth, death of Andrew Sanders at, 54.. Merrymans Farm, Ightham, 139. Mersham, 83. Merys, John, priest of Canterbury, 60. MildenhaU, Roger de, 45. MiUes, Alice, 93 ; Anna, 93 ; arms in Heme Church, 93, 94 (iUustration) ; Chapel in Heme Church, 93; Charles, rector of Harbledown, 94; Christopher, 93 ; Ehzabeth, 93 ; famUy monuments in Heme Church, 93; Margaret, 93 ; Ruth, 94 ; Samuel, 93, 94 ; Sarah, 93. Milton, Gravesend, 32 ; Hospital of, 55. Minster, 62, 68, 69, 71, 72 ; Church, xl. Minter, Ann, 147. miracle at Christ Church, Canterbury, 14. Miscellaneous Notes, 137-148. Moddingham (Mottingham), 37. Monins, AUce, 85, 92; arms in Canterbury cloister, 95 ; arms in Heme Church, 95; Edward of Swanton, 85, 92. Monkton, 8, 68 ; Manor House, 7. Monyn, see Monins. Moonie, Thomas, 53. More, Margaret, 89 ; Sir Thomas, 88, 89. Morley, Johnde, Officialof Rochester, 41 ; Margaret, 89 ; Thomas, 89 ; Thomas de, 41. Moseley, John, 139. Mottingham, 37. Mountchesney, Warin de, 38. Musson, Ehzabeth, 147. N Nash, John, and work on Canterbury Cathedral, 10, 11. Nettlestead, 60; Church, Stafford arms in, 96. New Romney, Gold Noble Found, 140-141 ; illustration facing page 140. New Romney, 27. Newark Hospital, Strood, 54. Newman, Thomas, 22. Nokes, John, 148 ; Mary Warren, 148. North Fording House, aUas The Goose, 27. North Foreland, 73. North Sea, 65. North Stream, Thanet, 72. Northbourne, 72; Church and Court, xU ; Lord, xU. Northword, WiUiam, Tonbridge, 63. Norton, Sir John, 89. Norman Castle at Canterbury, Note on Discovery of Foundations, by Graham Webster, 143-146. Norman, Simon de, and archdeaconry of Norfolk, 38. Notes on the Inner Life and Domestic Economy of the Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, in the 15th Century, by 0. Eveleigh Woodruff, 1-16. Notices, iv. GENERAL O Obituary, 156-167. Officers and Members of Council, x, xi. Official-Principal, status and functions of, 30, etc. Old Rectory House, Heme, 93. Oldbury HiU, Ightham, 19, 20; Excavation Fund, xxxviii. Omers, Maister, Canterbury, 9,12. O'Neil, Mr. B. H. St. J., 144. OreweU, John, goldsmith, 12. Ospringe Cemetery, 120. Osseham, Edmund de, clerk to Tudley Church, 39. Otterplay, Manor of, 98. Overseers' accounts, Ightham, 17. Oxene, Johis, 11. Oxeney, John, 15. P Padlesworth rectory, 51. Page, Lt.-Col. S. H., xxxvi, xii. Paston arms in Heme Church, 84, 97, 98 ; Sir John, 89. Pearce, Mr. B. W., xl. Pearson, Messrs., 74, 80; and borings at Stonar, 70. Pegwell, 73, 74 ; Bay, 70. Peke, Sir Edward, 101 ; Thomas, 101. Pelham arms in Heme Church, 82, 83. Penshurst, 138. Pepperness, 68. Perrot, John, official at Rochester, 59. PerryhiU Farm, Hartfield, Bowra's map of, 139. pestle found at Canterbury Roman kiln, 116. Peter of Blois, secretary to the archbishops, 29. PeveraU arms in Heme Church, 97. Phihp, AUce, 87; arms in Heme Church, 96; Beatrice, 86 ; Christina Lady, brass in Heme Church, 84, 86, 87; family of GreenhiU, Heme, 86, 87, 99; pedigree, 87; Sir Matthew, of London, 86, 87; Thomas, 87; WiUiam, 86, 87, 97 ; Mr. A. J., reports bones found at Gravesend, xUv. Phylpot, Thome (Thomas), 9. Piper, Mr. F., finder of gold noble at New Romney, 141. Pirton, Joan de, 43. Place Names, xl. INDEX. 165 Plantagenet, EUzabeth, sister of Henry iV, widow of Earl of Huntingdon, 13. Plaxtol tile, 145. Plumber, Mr., 139. Plumptre, Mr. H. W., death of, xxxvi. Plumstead Church, 37. Polen, Roberto, 13. Pontissara, John, Register of, 39. portable altar, explanation of, 52. Pordage, Robert, 91. Pottery : Canterbury Kiln Site, by J. S. Kirkman, 118-120. Pottery : Roman Pottery Kiln at Canterbury, by Graham Webster, 109-116; Additional Notes by Graham Webster, 134-136. Potts, Rev. Canon, xU ; Lecture on Minster Church, xl. Poulders, The, 72. PoweU-Cotton, Major P. H. G. : obituary by W. P. D. Stebbing, 156-157 ; Miss Antoinette, 156. Prehistoric remains, recording of foUj-lore of, xlv. Prumhel (BroomhiU), 66. Q Queningate, Canterbury, 12. R Rainham, 89. Ramsgate, 62, 73, 74 ; Jane Curling of, will, 146-147. Raspit HiU, Ightham, 19. Ray, Mr. John. E., xxxvii. Records Branch, xl. Reculver, 72 ; Duncomb '' History and antiquities of Reculver and Heme," 81. Rensham, John de, Prior, 39. Reviews, 149-155. Richard, Archbishop, 29; de Wendover, Official-Principal of Rochester, 36; Prior of Christ Church, 49. Richardson, Mr. E. P. B., xxxvii. Richborough, 68, 72, 75, 76, 119, 120, 146 ; Castle, visit to, xl. Richemont, W., 15. Ridgeway, Heme, 85. Riseley Saxon cemetery, Note by A. Cumberland, 142; Saxon Cemetery, xUv. Robert de London, 37; Official- Principal of Rochester, 35. Roborough, 54. 166 GENERAL INDEX. Rochester, bridge, 17, 18, 50; Consistory Court, 33 ; pUgrimage to, 45 ; Solomon de, 41; legend of his poisoning, 42. : Rochester, The Medieval Officials- j Principal of, by Rev. A. L. Browne, 29-61. \ Roesia of Dover, xlii. I Roger de Cantuar, King's clerk, 36. Rokelund, Nicholas, rector of | Trottescliffe, 40; see also Boke- j land. I Rokisland and Stephen de Bokeland, j 38; Official of the Bishop of [ Rochester, 39 ; see also Boclund. Roksley Church, bequest to, 51. Roman Canterbury, area of, 15, 119. I Roman Pottery Kiln at Canterbury, i by Graham Webster, 109-116. 1 Roman Stamped Tile at Canterbury, Note by Graham Webster, 145-146. Romney, Cinque port harbour of, 66 ; King Eadbright's charter of, 66. Romney Marsh, 24, 26. Roper arms in Heme Church, 98 ; Christopher, 89 ; John of Eltham, j 88, 89, 98 ; Miss Anne, xxxvi; I WUliam, 89. Rose, John, 11. j Roskele Family, and Stephen de Bokeland, 38. i Ross, Bishops of, 11. ! Rother, River, 66. Rotherfield, William Sprever, Rector of, 55. Rowde, Thomas, 6. Ruim (Thanet), 68. Ryarsh Church, 37. S St. Alfege, Greenwich, xlii. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 37, 77. St. Clere, 22 ; Manor of, 17, etc. St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 89. St. Lawrence in Hailing, 32. St. Margaret's, 74; at-CUffe, 164; Lawrence de, 37. St. Martin's, Heme, Heraldic Notices of, by C. R. Councer, 81-100. St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, 26. St. Mary Overy, Convent of, 38. St. Mary, Rochester, 44. St. Mary's, Hoo, rector of, 60. St. Mary's Hospital, Strood, 36, 42. St. Mary's Vicarage, Sandwioh, xl. St. Nicholas Church, Rochester, 5 3, 54; WestweU, 27. St. Thomas of Canterbury, 2 ; pUgrimage to, 45. St. Werbergh's Church, Hoo, 39. Salerne, alias Walter de London, 3 7. Sanders, Andrew, Official of Rochester, 52, 53, 54. Sanders arms in Heme Church, 9 3 ; Robert of Maidstone, 93. Sandes, Lord, 93. Sandford, Bishop Henry, 36. Sandhills, 72. Sandown, 74 ; Castle, 72, 79. Sandwich, 24, 62, 69, 70, 74, 75, 7 6, 77 ; Prior of, 16 ; Bay, 72 ; Cinque port harbour of, 66 ; St. Mary's Vicarage, xl. Sarisbury, John, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, 4, etc. ; Death of, 6 ; buried at Canterbury, 6. Savage, Mr., 139. Saxby's Farm, Tonbridge, 138. Saxon cemetery at Riseley, H o r t on Kirby, 142. Saxton arms in Heme Church, 82, 8 3 . school accounts, Ightham, 17. Scott (?) arms in Heme Church, 9 8, 99. Scott, John, of Smeeth, 89, 99 ; Mildred, 89; Monuments in Brabourne Church, 99. Sea arms in Heme Church, 98 ; CeciUe May, 92 ; Edward, 91, 9 2 ; Eleanor, 92; Eleanor atte, 92 ; EUzabeth, 92 ; family, 99 ; Henry-, 92 ; John atte, 85, 92 ; brass in Heme Church, 91 ; Katherine, 92; pedigree, 92; Robert atte, 92 ; Thomasine, 92 ; William atte, 9 2. Seal chapelry, 45. Seal Chart, 22. Seas Court, Heme, 91. seas of Europe compared, 64. Secretaries, Local, xii. Selby, WiUiam, of Ightham Mote, 21, 22. Selby's Farm, Tonbridge, 138. SeUers, Rev. W., Rector of Northbourne, xii. SeUing, wall paintings at, 162. sermon fees at Christ Church, Canterbury, 13. Sevenoaks, 22 ; John BoWra, senior, bom at, 137 ; Fawke Common, xliii; Map of Mrs. Mary Madox' land at, 138 ; seal matrix found., xliii. GENERAL INDEX. 167 Sevenoaks Park, Bowra's map of, 139. Seynclere, arms in Heme Church, 83 ; Sir John, 85. Shaw, Lady, 139. sheep kept at dairy farms, 24. Sheppey, John de, 46 ; death of, 46. sherds at Canterbury (illustration), 121, e t c . ; Register, 122-133. ShingledehaUe (SchingledehaUe), 26. Shireborn, WiUiam de, 45. Sholden, 72. Shoreham, John Marshan, dean of, 53 ; Peculiar of, 52. Silver font at Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, 12. Simmonds, Mr., 139. Simon de Bereshe, and lands in Speldhurst, 37. Simon de Norman, see Norman, Simon de. Simpson, John, of Fairlawn, 19. Slaughter family of Ash, 101 ; Mary, 101. Small, G., 22. Smeeth, 89. Smith, Mr. C. Roach, 146. Smythe, John, of Westenhanger, 88, 89. Snat, Mr., 139. Snodland, John Perrot, rector of, 60; rectory given to Edmond Digges de Berham, 45 ; Wynand, rector of, 42. Societies in Union, xiii. Society's Library, additions during 1939, xxxviii. South Foreland, 80. Southern Railway, 70. Southfleet, John Launce, rector of, 51, 52 ; John Low, rector of, 59 ; kiln at, compared Canterbury, 117; Robert de Bourne, rector of, 49. Speldhurst, lands in, 37. Sprever, William, official of Rochester, 55. Springfield, kiln at, compared with Canterbury, 117. Stafford, Archbishop, 11, 96 ; arms in Heme Church, 96; Edward, 54 ; Humphrey, Duke of Bueldngham, 7. stained glass in Heme Church, 98. Stampit chantry, 63. Starns, James, 139. Stebbing, W. P. D., Hille's or Helle's Court, Ash, 101-108. Stebbing, W. P. D., and Hardman, F. W., Stonar and the Wantsum Channel, 62-80. Stebbing, Mr. W. P. D., x i i ; talk on Stonar, xl. Stiebel, Miss A., acknowledgements to, 120. Stoke chantry in Hoo, 32. Stokes, Mr. Charles, 26. Stonar and the Wantsum Channel, by F. W. Hardman and W. P. D. Stebbing, 62-80; map, 67 ; geographical position, 62. Stonar cut, 69 ; Excursion to, x l; House, 75 ; Shingle, 73, 74 ; view of Northern end, 62. Stone, John, Chronicle of, 1 ; John GoreweU, rector of, 55; John Perrot, rector of, 59, 60 ; rectory, 44, 45 ; William Sprever, rector of, 56. Stoneland Park, 139. Stour, River, 68, 69, 70, 76. Stourmouth, 68, 69. Streatfield, Thomas, lands in Sevenoaks, 139. Stridwick, Eleanor, 148. Strode, Heme, once Atte Seas Court, 91. Strode Hospital, see Strood. Strood, Newark hospital, 44, 52 ; St. Mary's hospital, 36, 42; Temple Manor, xxxviii. Stroud, see Strood. Studd, John, of Heme, 87. Studde Farm, Heme, 87. Summers, Richard, 1. Sutton, Robert, 11 ; Thanet, 72. Swanscombe, Advowson of, 38. Swift, Stephen, 14. Swinesheved, John de, Vicar-General of Rochester, 47, 48. Swingfleld, 88. T Taylor, John, 22 ; WilUam, 22. Tenant HiUs, Deal, 72. Tenet (Thanet), 68. Teynham, Lord, 89. Thames, River, 71 ; Estuary, 65, 66. Thanet, mention by Solinus, Bede, etc., 68; sand, 63, etc. ; and Superincumbent Beds, 71, etc. Thanington, manor of, 85. Thornbury, WiUo, 13. Thornhurst, Ann, 94 ; arms in Heme Church, 94; Sir Stephen, 94; effigy in Heme Church, 94. 168 GENERAL INDEX. Thorbury, John, 9. tidal action in EngUsh Channel, 66. tile lain at Borough Green, 141. tithe book, Ightham, 17. tithes, 21, 22, 23. Tomlinson, Major F. W., talk on Old Sandwich, xl. Tonbridge, Austin canons of, 36, 37, 50 ; Convent of, 37 ; farms in, 138; field in, 54; Prior of, 43, 44. Toots Wood, Beckenham, xlv. Tower, Sir Reginald, xxxvi. Town House, Ightham, 141, 142. Tripacy, Hugh, 40. Tudeley Church, 37. Tunbridge WeUs, 138. TunstaU arms in Heme Church, 96. Turner, John, Rector of St. Clements Church, 50. U Underdown, Heme, 91 ; Manor of, 91. Usborne, Major T. M., xxxvi, xU. V Vane, Sir Harry, 19 ; Sir Henry, 18. Vestry minutes, Ightham, 17. "Vik," see "Wic." Vischer, Rev. M., xl. W Waella, see WeUe. Wakering, Thomas, 2. Waleys arms in Heme Church, 83 ; Godfreyde and Manor of Grippenden (Crippenden), 85 ; Margaret, 85 ; Sir WiUiam, 85 ; William of Maidstone, 86. Wallace, R., 15. WaUet's Court, St. Margaret-at- Cliffe, 154. Walmer, 72, 76 ; Castle, visit to, xii. Walter de London, alias Salerne, 37 ; WiUiam, 139. Wantsum Channel mentioned by Bede, 68 ; see also Stonar and the Wantsum Channel; Strait, 62. Ward, Dr. Gordon, The Wi-Wara- Wics, 24-28; article on "John Bowra," 137 ; find of seal matrix, xliu; lecture on Bygones of the Hop Industry, xxxvii; " Sevenoaks Essays," 139. Ware, Thomas, 7. Warenne arms in Heme Church, 94. I Warmington, Robert de, rector of j Wingham, 49. I Warren, John, vicar of Dartford, 56. WassingweUan, see Welle, i Weatherlease HiU, Thanet, 68, 69. j Wealden Dens, xlii. Webster, Graham, Notes on Discovery of Foundations at Norman Castle, Canterbury, 143-145; Roman Pottery Kiln at Canterbury, 109- 116; Note on Roman Stamped Tile at Canterbury, 145-146; acknowledgements to, 120. Well Hall, Eltham, 89. WeUe, afterwards EastweU and WestweU, 25. WeUes arms in Heme Church, 97. WeUes (EastweU and WestweU) Manor, 26. Wendover, Richard de, Official- Principal of Rochester, 36. West, Mr., 139. West Peckham, chantry of the B.V.M., 32. "Westeliffe Church," review, 154- 155. Westmorland, Lord, 139. WestweU, 26 ; Manor of, 26, 27. Wetheringsett, Rectory, 48. Whatson, Robert, 12. Wheatley, Roger, landowner, 38. Whitfield, 72. Whitmore, John, 60. Whittlesey, Official of Rochester, 47, 48, 49. Whyte, David, chaplain of the Chantry of Holy Trinity, Rochester, 50. Wi-Wara-Wics, The, by Dr. Gordon Ward, 24-28. wic, meaning of word, 24. Willesborough Church, window at, 150. Willingdon, Marquis of, xU. Wills, 18th Century, Note on Two, by W. P. D. Stebbing, 146-148. Winchelsea, Old, 66. Wine at Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, 3. Wingham, R. de Warmington, rector of, 49. Wingham, xii. Wodere, Alexander de, of Dartford, 43. Woldham rectory, 60. Wood, Geoffrey atte, 43. Wood, Mrs. G. E., and stones at Aylesford, xliv. Woodchurch, Thanet, 166. GENERAL INDEX 169 Woodmar, Mr., 139. Woodnesborough Church, xU. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, Notes on the Inner Life and Domestic Economy of the Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1-16. Woolwich, 24 ; Beds, 72 ; Rectory of, given to Edmund Digges de Berham, 46 ; Tithe barns at, xUi. Workhouse records, Ightham, 17. Worth, 72. Wraight, Mrs. Jane, of Deal, will, 147-148. Wren, Mat, 109. Wrotham, Hundred of, 9, 17; Manor of, 17, etc. ; Merryman's Farm, 139 ; Old Pottery, 141. Wuldham, Benedict de, 39 ; Thomas de, prior, consecrated bishop of Chartham, 41, 42. WuUafe, a thane, 26, 27. Wye, 24, 26, 26 ; a Royal manor, 26, 27, 28. WyUdns, John, 57. WyUan, see WeUe. Wynand, rector of Snodland, 42. WythiaU, Thomas, 12. Y Yalding, Andrew Sanders, vicar of, 53 ; School, lands belonging to, 139. Yates, Edmund, of Fair Lawn, 20. Young, Richard, bishop, 53. Younge, IsabeUe, 92.


Obituary: Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton, F.Z.S.


Frontispiece 1939