The Council for British Archaeology

78 OBITUARIES. THE government is well aware that the rebuilding of our bombed cities, and the setting out of new towns, will give rise to many questions upon which the views of archreologists ought to be heard. It is anxious to consult with the right people but the National Archreological Societies cannot speak with authority for local interests, while the local and Connty Societies can only cover limited areas. It is desired to set up regional bodies which can deal with a,ny question affecting the interest of a group of counties, and which can advise a Central Council after co-ordinating and discussing the views of its own constituents. These new bodies are to be called Regional Groups. One group includes Kent, Surrey and Sussex and a meeting representing sevenArchreological Societies from these counties was held on J anua.ry 28th, 1944. Some four to six smaller societies in Surrey and Sussex have yet to appoint representatives. The Kent Archreological Society is represented by . Mr. W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., and Dr. Gordon Ward, F.S.A., who is acting as chairman of the group. The Secretary is Mr. S. S. Frere (SWTey Archreological Society), of 3 Bernard Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W.19. The group apppointed as its representative on the Central Connell for British Archreology the officers n!l,med above and Dr. Eliot Curwen, F.S.A., from Sussex. The precise functions of the group have yet to be outlined 'in any detail, but it is recognized that i t must not displace the county societies and any tendency to do this will certainly be regarded with disfavour. But it may act as a useful co-ordinating body interesting each of us, for example, in exoavations and explorations made bythe other and perhaps in a common policyforinvestigating simultaneously the same sort of arohroologioal problem in each county. A further report will be made to members in due course. G.W.




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