General Index

( 94 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbot, Archbishop, 81. Abergavenny, Lord, landowner, 76. Adams, C. K., 49. Addington Park, 47, 56. Adman Field, 4. Aetingden, Little Chart, 1, 2. Aetti, den of, possible origin of Aetingden, 2. Akers, Aretas, undergraduate, 70. Aless, Alexander, Rector of Leipzig University, 80. AUington Castle, 45, 64, 65. Alwred, mason, 36. Anselm, mason, 36. Ant. Journ. XXV, 74. Arcadius, coin of, 74. Arch. Cant. LVII, (1944), 73. Arch. Cant. LIII, 76, 82. Arnold, goldsmith, 35. Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, coat of arms of, 26. Ash Farm, Smarden, 4. Asshe, John, mason, 37. Assheton, R. O., cousin of Frances Peniston, 14. Assisa Scaccarii, balance sheet for repairs on Cathedral, 28, 40. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd., landowners, Holborough, 69. atte Boure, John; Ricardus—, M.P. for Horsham ; Robert—, of Pramfield ; William—, of Hartfield, 78. atte Wade, Joan, wife of Thomas Rudham, 40. atte Well, Geoffrey, mason, 37. Austen, John, landowner, 3. Austen, Madam, landowner, 76. Aylesford, The Friars, 70. Baker, Sir Hy., landowner, 5. Baker, Laurence, of Guston, 82. Baker, Sr. Richarde, coat of arms of, 18. Baker's Garden, 4; uncertain location of, 5. Barefield, 4. Banning Asylum, 79. Bartholomew, Elizabeth, ne'e Watton, heiress, 47, 56. Basted, 76. Battle Abbey, 45 ;—Roll, 11. Beale, Mary, artist, 64. Bede, monk, alias Thomas Twysden, 45. " Bell ", Smarden, 4 ;—Inn, 4. Benenden, 2. Bernesale, John, smith, 37. Beston, Sr. George, coat of arms of, 21. Bethersden, 4, 5. Biddenden, 5 ;—Green, 3 ; Iden Lands at, 2. Bigg Wood, 6. Billet, Martha, 59. Bishop, Thos., 76. Bishopsbourne, Gorsley Wood, Saxon barrows at, 71. Blore,W.P.,35,40. Blore, W. P. on Recent Discoveries in the Archives of Canterbury Cathedral, 28-34. Bodleian Tanner MS. 32. Boleyn, Anne, 65. Bonevile (Bonevyle, Bonville) of Corfe, marbler, 33, 34, 38, 42. Borough Green, 76. Boughton-under-Blean, Saxon barrows at Nash Court Park, 71. Bouser, Sr. Ralphe (Rauf) coat of arms of, 19. Bourer, Alice ; John—, founders of Chantry, Pagham Church, 78. Bowra, Cecil A. V.: John Bowra, Land Surveyor and Cartographer, 76-78. Bowra, John : Land Surveyor and. Cartographer: by Cecil A. V. Bowra, 76-78. Bowra, varied renderings of, 77, 78. Bowra, derivation of; Thomas—, chirurgeon of Sevenoaks, 77. Boys, Catharine, niece and legatee of Mary Marsh, 82; William—, of St. Margaret's at Cliffe, 82. Bradbourne, home of Twisden family, portrait collection at, 44; description of portraits at, 49-67. Branden, 5. Brenchley, 76. Brennand, Janet, artist, 59: W. E., artist, 60. GENERAL INDEX. 95 Brian (Brien), mason, 37. Bridge, John W.: " Mad Thorn's " Pardon, 78, 79. Bronze Age tumuli, 83. Brooke, Sr. Edward, grandson of John, Lord Cobham, coat of arms of, 23 ; Sr. William son of William, Lord Cobham, coat of arms of, 22 ; William—Lord Cobham, K. G., Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, coat of arms of, 17. Broun, John, plumber, 37. Brown, Sir Anthony, coat of arms of, 26. Browne, Sr. Thomas, coat of arms of, 18. Buckhurst, Lord, later Earl of Dorset, coat of arms of, 17. Budgen, Dr., landowner, 76. Bull Land Cottage, 3. Bulstrode, John, 32. Bunyan, John, trial of, 46. Burgess, F., xxxiv. Burgh, Thomas, Lord Burrous, Baron Burgh, coat of arms of, 17. Burnt Wood, Smarden, 2. Buss, Widow, tenant, landowner, 76. Cadacahrygo, Little Chart, 1, 5. " Calkeregge ", or Cadaca Hryge, 5. Canterbury, the late Archbishop of, xxxi. Canterbury, Account Rolls of repair works done at, 28-34; 40-42; B.A.A. Congress at, 70; Burgate St., foundations and walls found, 73; Butchery Lane, coins and mosaic paving in, 73, 74 ; Christ Church, heraldry in cloister of, 9; Dean and Chapter, property of, 6 ; Infirmary Chapel, 36; Martyr's Field, 73 ; Malt-haU and Mill a t , 40 ; Rose Inn, 78 ; St. George's Church and Gate, excavations near, 73 ; Slype, ; 40; Watling St., Excavations, 73. Canterbury Excavation Committee, 73. Caple, 76. Car'oe, Sr. George (Carew, Earl of Totnes), coat of arms of, 20. Caxpentiers, A., artist, 58, 64. Carter, Elizabeth, 81. Catlyn, George, once owner of Bradbourne, 44. Causon, John, of Frindsbury, 15. Cave, Professor A. J. E . : Report on a Human Skull from the Freedown, Ringwould, Kent, 83-85. Chapel Lane, once Golfoorde, 5. Cheesman, John, landowner, 76, 77. William—landowner, 77. Chelmington, estate at, 45. Chesman, Henry, mercer, 33, 41. Cheyney, Francis, 26; William, 26; Thomas, K. G., 27; coats of arms of, 26. Chichele, Archbishop, 11, 41. Children, Geo., 77 ; John—(senr.) 77 ; Richard—landowner, 76. Chilham dens, location of, 3 ; purchase of Marden by 3;—Castle, 8. Chillenden, Prior, 31, 36. Cholmley, Sir Hugh, M.P., defender of Scarborough Castle, 52. Clarence, George, Duke of, coat of' arms of, 26. Clare Park, sale of, 47. Claudius I., copy of coin of, 74. Clyfiord, Sr. Conyers ; Sr. Nicholas—,: coats of arms of, 23. Coats of Arms in Queenborough Castle : by R. H. D'Elboux, M.C, M.A.; F.S.A., 14-27. Cobham, Elizabeth ; Lord—,65. Cock, tho late Dr. F. W., F.S.A., 9, 16, 25. Cocks, alias Mannards, Bethersden, 5. Coke, Iohanni, 33. Colbroke, Robert, sacrist, 33, 41. Coligns (Colyns), Christopher, coat of arms of, 26. Colpeper, Sr. Alexander, coat of arms' of, 18. Colwick Hall, Notts., 55. Congreve, A. L., xxxi. Constable, Sir Richard, coat of arms of, 27. Conyngham, Lord Albert (later Lord Londesborough), president B.A.A. Congress, 70. Cook, Richard, mason, 37. Coppard, Rev. Wm., 47. Cornwall, John, Baron of Fanhope, coat of arms of, 26. Craddock, Stephen, landowner, 77. Councer, Mr., appreciation of, 16. Councer C. R., F.S.A, : The Medieval Painted Glass of Chilham, 8-13. ' " Courtenay, Sir William Honey wood," " Viscount of Powderham," " Count Rothschild; " all aliases of John Niehol Thorn, 78. Cozens, Zachariah, research MS. of, 11, 13. Cranmer, Lambeth " palace " of, 80. Cromwell, Thomas, 65. Crosse, Francis, 67. Crouchback, Edmund, tomb of, 36. Curd, Willm., landowner, 76. Custumale Roffense, 15. Cuxton, 54, 69. 96 GENERAL INDEX. Dahl, Michael, artist, 55, 56, 57. Darell, missing coat of arms, Chilham, 10, 13; Florence—, 11; John—, Sheriff, purchaser of Calehill, 11 ; Thomas—, of Herst and Scotney Castle, 11. Dashmunden, identification of, 7. Davison, Jeremiah, artist, 55. de Badlesmere, Giles, lord of Chilham, 10. de Bedeford, William, carpenter, 36. de Canterbury, Simon, carpenter, 36. de Ensinge, family and manor of, 10. de Hoo, Thomas, mason, 37. D'Elboux, R. H., M.C, M.A., F.S.A. : Coats of arms in Queenborough Castle, 14-27. Delves, Sr. George, coat of arms of, 22. " Dens ", of Marden and Smarden, 4. de Ostede, Turgitius, monk, 40. Dering, Richard, of Pluckley, 50. Dering Wood, Smarden, 2, 5. de Shamelesforde, Ada and Benedict, of Chartham, 10. de Umfreville, Gilbert, coat of arms of, 26. de Vere, Robert, Earl of Oxford, coat of arms of, 25. de Watterton, William, coat of arms of, 26. de Wyltone, Willelmo, 10. de Wynchepe, Richard, sacrist and Prior of Dover, 40. de Wynton, William, 40. Dixon—, landowner, 76. Doddington, 10. " Dominus H. Sturei ", possibly Henry Stordy, monk, 40. Dorman, John, landowner, 76. Dorset, Earl of, coat of arms of, 17. Dover Excavation Committee, 74. Dover, Church St., 3rd Cent, walling, 74, 75; Fox's Bakery at, 74; Milestone Cafe" at, 79 ; Queen St., walling found, 74; Snargate St., find of rare pottery, 74. Drayner, Thos., landowner, 3. Drewrye, Sr. Drewe, coat of arms of, 18. Driver, Wm., tenant, 76. Dunkirk Hill, 79. Eagles, Rev. John, 60. Early 19th. Century Walmer Will : by W.P.D.S., 82, 83. Earthquake, 1382, 40. Eason, Michael, landowner, 4. East Mailing, Church 44; Research Station, 44. East Peckham, parish of, 76, 77. Eastry, 36. Easy Hill, 4. Egerton, 2. Elcock, tenant, 76. Eleanor Cross, Cheapside, 36. Elgood, the late George S., R.I., R.O.I.,. an appreciation of, 91. Elgood, Miss Jane O.S., gift of books, xxxi. Elham Station, 80. Ellenden, Mary ; Thomas; 11. Ellis, Thos., landowner, 5. Elyas, resident carpenter, 36. Enesynge, Thoma de, 10. Ensinge, Nicholas, 10. Erasmus, 80. Ercoli, Alcide Carlo, artist, 58. Eudo, mason, 36. Eustace, 35. Eylwin, carpenter, 36. F. See Furley. Fane, Henry, of Fairlawn, 50. Finch, Anne, wife of Wm. Twysden, 45, 50, 51, 60; Sir Heneage—, 45, 63 ; Sir Moyle—, coat of arms of, 19, 45, 54, 59. Fludd, Sr. Thomas, coat of arms of, 21. Folkestone Golf Course, arrow heads found on, 80. Foxley, John, coat of arms of, 25. Frances, Lady Jersey, 46. Framfield, Hundred of, 78. Frant, parish of, 76. Frindesbury, 15. Furley, F. History of the Weald of Kent, references to, 1-5. Garden Wood, possibly derived from Hildgaringdenn, 4. Gardiner, Dorothy : Recent Discoveries in the Archives of Canterbury Cathedral. Notes on the Monks and Priory Buildings Mentioned, 40-42. Gardiner, Dorothy : Lambeth Palace : The Name, 80, 81. Gardiner, Thos., 76. Geary, Elizabeth, m. John Papillon Twisden, 61; Admiral Sir Francis,—, 61. Gibson, Edmund, librarian, 81. Gildene, John, mason, 36. Gilet (Gilot, Gylot) mason, 37. Godwin, Frank, the late, xxxi. Golding, Lady, previously Ehzabeth Twysden of Roydon, 45; Sir Thomas—, 49. Goincourt, Beauvais, pottery of, 74. Golfoorde, now Chapel Lane, 5. Goldstone, Thomas, Prior, 33, 41. GENEBAL INDEX. 97 Goodnestone, 79. Goodnyston, John of, Sub-prior, 40. Goudhurst, 2, 44. Great Bakers, 4. Green, Rev. E. T., artist, 58. " Greene ", extent and location of, 4. Griffin, the late Ralph, F.S.A., 9. Guillin,-14. Hadlow, parish of, 76, 77. Hadman's Place, possible derivation, 4. Hadrian, traces of buildings in age of, 73. Hag Hill, 3 ; Hague Hill, 4. Hamden Farm, 4. Hammond, Anne, 48, 58, 60, 62. " Harkridge ", Cranbrook, 5. Harrington, Roberto, clockmaker, 33. Harrison, Sir Edward, xxxiii. Hartrige, tenant, 76. Harvey, J. H., 16. Harvey, John H. : Recent Discoveries in the Archives of Canterbury Cathedral: A note on the craftsmen, 35-39. Haryngton, Robert, brazier, 41. Hasted, 5, 15. Hatoh, Isaac and John, landowners, 77. Hathbrand, Prior Robert, day book of, 30. Hatton, Ronald, C.B.E., D.S.C, F.R.S. and Hatton, Rev. Christopher H., O.S.B. : Notes on the Family of Twysden and Twisden, together with a List and brief Description of the Family Portraits bequeathed to the Kent Archceological Society by the late Sir John Ramskill Twisden, 12th and last Bart, prepared by, 43-67. Hawkenbury Wood, 76. Hawkins, Admiral Sr. John, coat of arms of, 21. Hay, Chilham den, 3. Hayman's Farm, 76. Headcorn, once Hedcrone, 2. Hemp, W. J., F.S.A., of Cricoieth, 14 ; acknowledgments to, 16. Henry, carpenter, 36. Henry ?, monk in charge of works at Canterbury, 28. Henry vii, viii, visits to AUington Castle, 65. Heneage, Elizabeth, 59, 63; Sir Thomas—•, 54. , Heoratleag, Little Chart, 1; identification as Hartley, 6. Hernhill, Red Lion Inn at, 79. Herst, later Hurst, manor acquired by Darell, 10, 11. Hickes, Great, —Little, 4; Hicksgrove, 4. High Cross, owned by Thos. Drayner,. 3 ;—Fields,—Wood,3. High Tilt, formerly Tilthe, Cranbrook, 6. Hildgaringdenn, Little Chart, 1, 4, 5,: Hills, John, of Ash, executor of Mary Marsh, 83 ; Mary—wife of John, 83. History of the Weald of Kent, by F. Furley, 1. Hlifgesella, alias Lewcell, 1, 6. Hoby, Sir Edward, Constable, 16 ; coat of arms of, 27 ; Sr. Edwarde Hobye, coat of arms of, 19; Sr.. Thomas Posthumus Hoby, coat of arms of, 24. Hoden Fee, Cobham, 16. Hodges, Thomas Law, m. Rebecca Twisden, 47 ; of Hempstead Place, Benenden, 57 ; 58, 60. Holborough : A Retrospect, by R. F. Jessup, F.S.A., 68-72. Holborough Knob, Snodland, 68, 69, 70. Holden, John, landowner, 5. Holehills, Sissinghurst, 5. Hollamby,—, tenant, 76. Holtum, John, of Ash, legatee of Mary Marsh, 83; Mary, wife, and Susannah,. daughter, 82. Hominees de Mestier, list of Canterbury " tradesmen ", 36. Hoo, Hundred of, 15. Hoo, Thomas, mason, 32, 38. Hooker, Miss, xxxiii. Hooker, H. A., the late, xxxiv. Hookwood, 5. Hope, 14. Hothe, Great, Little —, 4. Hougham, arrow heads at, 80. Hudson, Thomas, artist, 56. Hutton,—Esq., landowner, 76. Hwitan . . de, Little Chart, 1. Ickham, 10. Iddenden, possible location, 2, 5. Iden Green ;—Farm ;—Lands, 2. Ightham, parish of, 76. Invicta Magazine, 15. " Irish oak ", use in Cathedral of, 35. Jackson, Gilbert, artist, 50. James, Willm, landowner, 76. Jarvis, Francis, 46 ; Sir William, 46 ;• George—, of Thames Ditton, 58; Mary, 56. Jersey, Lady, 67. Jessup, R. F., xxxiv ; 2. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A. : Holborough z. A Retrospect, 68-72. 98 GENERAL INDEX. John, glasier, 35. Johnston, Mr., 16. Juxon, Archbishop, heir of, 81. Karckredge, or Calkeregge, 5. Karlstrom, 2. K.A.S. bequests to, 43, 76, 78. Kent Incorporated Society for promoting Horticultural experiments, 44. Kentish Place Names (K.PN), Wallenberg, 1, 2, 6. Kent, John, 32. Kent's land Farm, 77. Kerr, John, dejure 8th. Bart. Twisden, 48. Kingsden, Chilham, 3. Kippings, Mr. Thos., 76. Kipping, Mr. Wm., landowner, 76. Kipping, Widdw., landowner, 77. Kirk, Mary, of Gosport, 47, 60. Knocker, the late H. W., F.S.A. ; 4 ; an appreciation, 90. Knocker, John, of Tonbridge, 76. Lambarde, Thomas, Esq., landowner, 77 ; William, 69, 71. " Lambeth House ; "—Park ; " Our Manor of," later, " Archbishop's Palace ", 80, 81. Lambeth Palace—The Name : by Dorothy Gardiner, 80, 81. Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of, coat of arms of, 25. Lane, William, monk, 41. Langham, Cardinal, 37. Langhornes, 5. " La Place ", London house of Bishop of Rochester, 81. Larking, Lambert, 1st. Sec. K. A.S., 71. Le Despencer, Lord, landowner, 77. le Jouene, Ricardus, 10. le Kevere, John, sculptor, 35. " Le Loygge ", masons' house, 38, 41. Leeds Castle, 52. Leicester, Earl of, 19. Leigh, parish of, 76 ; Leigh, Sussex,. 15. Le Ost, in Hildaringdenn, 4. le Scrope, William, coat of arms of, 25. Lewcell, den of Little Chart, formerly Hlifgesella, 1, 6, 7 , ; " The Brogues (Brookes) ", boundary of, 6. Lewson, Sr. John, coat of arms of, 22. Lidingden,-Little Chart, 1. Little, the late Andrew George, M.A., D.Litt., F.B.A., appreciation of, 91-93. Little Biddenden, 3. Little Chart, 3 ; ten " dens " of, 1. Little Marling, 4. Londesborough, Lord, 70, 71. Londoneys, William, mason, 37. Lost dens of Little Chart, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 1-7. Lote, Stephen, mason and partner of Yevele, 32, 37, 38. Lovat, Lord, 67, 64. Lower Hailing, 69. Luke, mason, 36. Luxmoore, Lord Justice, death of, xxxi. Lynsted, 10. Maidstone, Corporation of, 43, 44. Maidstone, Viscountess, 54. Maidstone, William, 32. Maltman's Hill, Smarden, 5. Manchester, Earl of, 64. Manningham, Richard, owner of Bradbourne, 44. Manye, Sr. Anthony, coat of arms of, 24. Mapesden,—tenant, 76. Mapilton, Thomas, 37. MarchaU, Ricardo, monk, 34. Marchant, P. V., Borough Surveyor; sec. Dover Excavation Committee, 76, 79. Marden, 2, 3. Marsh, Mary,n




Frontispiece 1944