Contents and Illustrations, Volume 63
- List of Officersx, xi
- List of Local Secretariesxii
- Records Branchxiii
- Corresponding Societiesxiv, xv
- List of Membersxvi
- Report for the Year ended 31st December, 1949xli
- Financial Accounts for 1949xlvii
- Illustrations Fund, 1949lii
- The Lullingstone Roman Villa1
- The Carmelite Friary of Aylesford50
- The Vikings come to Thanet57
- Kentish Megalith Types63
- Canterbury. Excavations in Burgate Street, 1946-882
- John Hall of Maidstone119
- Palaeolithic Flint Implements from the Bowman’s Lodge Gravel Pit, Dartford Heath122
- A Note on the Rebuilding of Knole by Archbishop Bourgchier135
- Heraldic Decoration of the Drawbridge of the Medieval Bridge of Rochester140
- Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 1950144
- Miscellaneous Notes147
- Reviews156
- Notices164
- Obituary - Arthur John Golding, F.S.A.; Walter Johnson, F.G.S.166