Obituary: S. R. Hobday, O.B.E., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S, C. A. G. Coles

OBITUARY S. R. HOBDAY, O.B.E., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. STEPHEN REGINALD HOBDAY died on 4th February, 1956, at the age of 80. He had been a member of the Society for thhty years and for some time had served on the Records Committee. Mr. Hobday was called to the Bar in 1901, and for many years was connected with the Lee Conservancy Board and the Lee Conservancy Catchment Board. His learning in the law of waterways was extensive and he was chahman of a sub-committee of the Central Advisory Water Committee whose recommendations led to the passing of the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act, 1951. The Records Committee have reason to be grateful for Mr. Hobday's active interest in the work of the Records Branch. The Society's funds have on many occasions benefited from his generosity. For many years Mr. Hobday lived at Folkestone, but more recently made his home at Battle. He is survived by his son, who is also a member of the Society. F.W.J. C. A. G. COLES OUR member, Mr. C. A. G. Coles, died on 27th January, 1956, just before his sixty-thhd bhthday. He had been a member of the Society since 1932. A chartered estate agent by profession, Mr. Coles was keenly interested in ecclesiastical architecture, and at the time of his death was engaged on a book on post-Reformation monuments with recumbent and kneeling figures. His whole life was one of selfless and devoted service, and his loss wiU be keenly felt, especially by feUow members in the Isle of Thanet, which was his home for many years. 285


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