Accounts for Year Ended 31st December 1960

ANNUAL REPORTS FOR THE YEARS 1960 AND 1961 1959 £ 40 30 30 10 18 JM, 13 37 1,421 18 8 £1,779 - INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YE AR ENDED 31ST DECEM BER, 1960 To Grants: Maidstone T.C. Services of Curator Maidstone !i1useum Auxiliary Fund B. J. Philp. Excavations P. J. Tester ,, .. Mrs. E. V. Piercy Fox ,, .. ,, Fire and BUiglary Insurance ,, Printing, Stationery and Postages ,, Subscriptions: British Arch. Inst. . . British Records .Assn. 1958/59 C.B.A. .. .. .. Friends of Canterbury Cathedral. . Friends of Rochester Cathedral .. Harleian Society Royal Arch. Inst. 1959/60 Society Med. Arch. . . Suffolk Records Society ,, Sundries ,, Publications: 1959 Volume (Under-Reserved) 1960 Volume (Estimated cost of production) ,, Collector's commission ,, Written off "Twysden Notes" .. ,, Excess of Income over Expenditure £ s. d. £ s. d. 1959 40 0 0 30 0 0 5 5 0 --- 75 5 0 17 16 0 84 19 l l l 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 10 0 2 12 6 4 4 0 8 8 0 1 10 0 26 15 6 73 9 6 45 11 8 1,200 0 0 1,245 11 8 21 9 6 2 0 0 352 13 10 £1,900 0 1 £ 832 By Annual Subscriptions 1960 71 Received in Advance 35 Arrears 938 36 ,, Entrance Fees .. 97 ,, Sales of Publications 107 ,, Interest on Investments 24 ,, Interest on Bank Deposit 35 ,, Donations to A.rchaolcgia Cantia􀀥 Fund .. .. .. 93 ,, Grant to Publications Fund .. 9 ,, Donations to General Fund . . . . 150 ,, Grant Kent Education Committee .. 8 ,, Excursions Account . . . . . . 92 ,, Income Tax Repayment. 4 years 1959/ 60 .. .. 190 ,, Excess of Expenditure over Income £1,779 £ s. d. 884 5 10 28 1 0 912 6 10 35 11 0 £ s. d. 947 17 10 35 10 0 111 9 10 122 16 10 23 0 6 49 6 0 7 4 0 150 0 0 28 19 1 423 16 0 £1,900 0 1 LIABILITIES Sundry Creditors: Estimated cost of 1960 Volume Annual Subscriptions Paid in Advance Reserves: Publications: M.r. Margary's Fund .. Add Bank Interest .. Add Investment Interest re. Canterbury Excavations .. Index: of Taylor legacy Records Publications Fund: Balance at 1.1.60 .. Add Cash received . . . . Add Advance Subscriptions for Kent Records Vol. XVII . . . . . . . . . . Excursions Fund: .. Life Composition Fund Accumulated Fund: Balance at 1.1.60 . . . . . . . . Plus Excess Income over Expenditure 1960 S. MENDEL Hon. TTeas1£1'er .BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31sT DECEMBER, 1960 £ s. d. £ s. d. 568 1 7 3 16 10 1 0 9 5 582 7 10 100 0 0 320 0 0 140 8 5 42 12 3 99 5 11 1,059 6 7 352 13 10 1,200 0 0 51 1 0 1,002 7 10 282 6 7 25 0 0 1,928 2 9 1,412 0 5 £5,900 18 7 Cash at National Provincial Bank Ltd. Current Account . . . . . . . . Current Account Records Publications Deposit Account . . . . . . Deposit Account (Mr. !\[a.rgary's Fund ) Curator's Petty Cash in hand .. ASSETS "Twysden Notes" Account Balance Life Composition Fund Investments 2¼% Consolidated Stock Nominal £3,570 ls. Od.: At cost . . . . . . Value at 31.12.60 at 44=£1,570 16s. 6d.) Investments: 3% Saving Bonds 1960/70 Nominal £669 16s. Od.: At cost .. (Value at 31.12.60 at 78,-£525 16s. 0d.) 5% Defence Bonds. Nominal £500 .. Mr. Margacy's Fund Investment-s: 5% Defence Bonds. Nominal £550 Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum Subscriptions in arrear: 1959 . . .. £19 1 0 1960 £64 0 0 £83 l 0 £ s. d. 569 7 0 99 5 11 500 0 0 32 7 10 1,201 0 9 3 15 1 £ s. d. 1,204 15 10 18 0 0 1,928 2 9 700 0 0 500 0 0 550 0 0 1,000 0 0 £5,900 18 7 I have audited the above Balance Sheet and anne:s:ed Inco1ne and Expenditlll'e Account and have obtained all the information and explanat-ions I required and in my opinion the Balance Sheet gives a true statement of the assets and liabilities at the 3lst December 1960, and the Income and Expenditure Account gives a true and fair statement of the Income and Expenditure for the year. "' COLIN McCABE, F.C.A., Rl>'TI.. Auditor, Messrs. McCabe & Ford, Chartered Accountants, 17 Hart Street, Maidstone. 20th February, 1961.


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 76


Annual Reports (1960)