
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT !<'OR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1974 1973 EXPl:lNDl!l'URE 1973 INOOME £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ .A!Lministration: Subscriptiom: 33 Rent .. 27.00 Z,746 Annual 3,019.45 69 Salaries 64.0o 38 Advance 47.50 268 Stationery, l'ri.ntinfi:l'ostage 262.16 18 Arrears 14.50 84 Insurance 46.60 2,801 8,081.45 236 Calendar 242.45 164 Miscellaneous . 98.87 Income Taz Recovered: 853 740.58 321 (Covenanted Subscriptions) 284.01 GTants f,n Eua􀀦ations: 41 Entrance Fee:i 56.50 Interest: 100 Eccles :Excavation Fund 100.00 775 Investments (General Fund) . • . . 809.06 100 P. J. Tester (Leeds Priory) .. 100.00 Deposit Account and Short Term Invest• lZO Canterbury Archaeological Society 190 ments 501.71 (Gr􀄪ars) .. .. .. 965 1,310.77 50 West ent Border Archaeological 50.00 370 Group .. 250.00 Grants: 100 Kent Education Committee 300.00 66 Subscriptwns: 62.63 10 London Borough of Bromley 10.00 10 London Borough of Bexley 10.00 JZO 320.00 Donatwm: 20 T. L. Richardson (Sandwich Town U.8 Sales of .Arcluuolo{lia Oantiana 79.90 Wall) 10 Excursion .Account (Net) 2.02


General Index


Frontispiece 1974