Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1979

INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 1979 lxi fNCOME AND EXPENDfTURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1979 30 93 677 287 495 4S 550 85 EXPENDITURE Administration Rent .............................. .. Salaries ....................... . Stationary . Printing & Postage .. (nsurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Calendar .. Hire of Rooms ...................... . Replacement of Books (Fire Loss) .... . 2.262 Members List ............ .. Mlscellaneous ................. . Grants for Excavation and Fieldwork 6 00 E.P. Connell (Manin's Quarry. Lingfield) Cobham Church Fabric Fund (Library) . V.T.C. Smith (Kent Defences Research Group) ........................... . Hugh Thompson (Bigbury) .......... . Canierbury Archaeological Trust (Conservation Survey) .............. . Peter Tester (Cliffe Church) .......... . Canterbury Archaeological Trust (Poor Priests' Hospital) ..................... .. S15 Provision for Excavation and Fieldwork 90 Subscriptions ........................ . Donation (Apple Pudding Gates. Canterbury) Publication 6.686 Cost of Archaeologia Cantiana 1978 (Vol. 94) . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . 7,557.38 228 Postage. Packing a.nd Distribution . . . . . . 1.022.122 6.914 45 uss Dept. of the Environment Grant ... . 77 Donations ........................ . 60 Sale of Oflprints ................. . 182 6.732 SO V.A.T. Net ......................... . Soci•I Event - Net ................ . 8.302 Excess of Income over Expenditure ...• 18.611 68.50 42.00 30.00 118.20 592.16 303.78 490.99 44.23 560.66 52.02 1 20.00 20.00 100.00 1 00.00 30.00 10.00 500.00 8.579.50 II0.50 2.192.04 880.00 470.00 1 24.00 20.00 8.469.00 2.00 11.25S.44 23,412.48 5.368 148 9() 11.171 387 fNCOME Subscriptions Annual .......................... , ......... . Advance Arrears 5.606 Income Tax Recovered 32S (Covenanted Subscriptions) .................•. 21 Entrance Fees ............................. .. Interest Investments (General Fund) ................. . Deposit Account (General Fund) ............ . (Margary Bequest) .... . National Savings Investment Account II.SSS Grant SOO Kent Education Committee ...........•......• 100 Sales of Archaeologia Cantiana ..............• 350 Sale ol Bookcase .......................... .. 102 Sale of Books at A.G.M. . .................. . 49 Excursion Account - Net .................... . Kent Defence Research Oroup Orant in 1978 Accounts Transferred To Loans .............. . 18.6 1 1 5.500.37 193.00 117.50 14.044.73 1,132.62 TT.70 l.089.18 5.810.&'/ 34 5.71 16.344.23 500.00 193.79 109.00 8.88 100.00 23.41 2.48 Notes to the Accounts for the year ended 31 st December, 1979 A. Income Tax recovered up 10 the 5th April. 1979 is included in inves1men1 income crediled 10 rhe Income and Expenditure Account and in the income accumulaied on the Piercy-Fox Memorial Fund. No income tax is recoverable in 1he period 6th April, 1979 ro 31st December, 1979 as dividends arc now recei"ed gross. B. Subscriptions in arrear at 31st December. 1979 are not included in 1hese aceountS. C. Part of the Insurance Oaim relating to the fire at Maidstone Museum has now been received and is credited to 1he Library Fund. This claim has nor yet been senled and no1hing is included on 1he Balance Sheer in relation 10 the amount which is still outStanding. 6,500 J.1,3 1.SJO 1 1.173 1.5m 9.671 99Jl3 10.986 2.000 769 :?.319 891 7.000 7,891 8.302 6.000 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER. 1979 Rtse"·e.s Margaf} Fund Life ("omP4J$ilioo Fund Legacil'􀘊 •...... Lns Transkrred 10 Financ.--e General lndc.,: Grana by Council 10 Library Margary Bequest I.S.05J.x.: m1 .,,-; Exdk."'Quc, Swd: 1995 (N.R.) f.l.81'1.ll1 I0'.1'i Ex􀘑quer Stock 1995 (W.R,I (1-UXIU l!'.􀘒r ; E."7 .lX.06 a:111.;u 751.JO 􀑚J0.2J 111.00 l.lJ7 . .50 :?.➔5:?. . W :?RJ.55 -14.81 35{KUJJ 3JJOO.()[l 6.0l>UO 1C"illJ.OD !A20.17 7Jl79Jtl l.12S • .50 􀑛.7J􀑜.99 .i􀀝J.$1 7()0.:?7 H.(lll.00 l.ll-1$.0<1 􀑝 •.1< 11 U.J 1.150 IJ.3.316 .UXI 􀑣16 77 .)711 o.>90 Ml9 1A3􀑥 t,7J 􀑨.1116 l.l 5 IY 11􀑬1 Librof"\· and Collection at Maichtooc Mu.scum and ., Bradt>ournc: ..... .... . 1.1;1).00 Lomu E.􀑡isting Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1.􀑢 Add Kent Odcncc RClCarch Group 1(1(1.00 Molash Church RC$10ration Fund , . 500.110 991.'ll< Ltu Repaymenl.!i 169.75 .w􀀃 te:?.1...1 Stock of Ties. Car S1i,cken... Soirves & Tee Shir1s 1.19.09 Add Pur(hascs ; 2.i.tJ 663.23 Les:s Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235.57 I.JO 427 .. 66 - S{ock of 8l)Oks Boohtall Purchasc-s 513.88 lb5 Vol. Archaeolog.ia Can1ian:i. lb.5.00 6&1,81\ Less Sales 312.90 375.98 Cm h 8alor1(􀀏$ Current Aceounl 1.603.1':!. Ocix􀑤it Account l-t.612.75 16.:?16A7 Picr()•Fox Deposit Aoo,\lnl l.:!8-1.3 1 Churchc$ Trust Fund Ocposil AC\."'OUnl 2.735,99 􀀬tar11;an· Bcquc􀑦t Deposit Account 750.􀑧 Na1i􀑩m􀑪I Sa\·ings lm·cstment Aca>un1 11..275 .. 1:? Pe11y Ca:Jl Babno:!i.:- Hon. Cura1or .............. .J57 H()O. General Secrelar.· 11.1.a H(ltl .. fl.-kmttCrship &cretar> 3.Sll Hon T􀑫asurcr (3.16) 25.23 E;'l;\ Aco.1unt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11l9.J7 \\l1:11drmrs - printer.- Bclf.d,..,1311 Ca􀑭h in HanJ 79,9'1 8.7X-a-.􀑠.l 15.l􀀆'I 32.4􀑮.82 15X.('7h 175.763.69 1 ha,4.; auc.li14.;d tht; A1.."1..'tlu01::,. (li 1hc Ki:::nt Arehac olc.'tt,ic--31 Socit::1y for 1he yc:i, ended 􀑯ht Occcm􀑰r \'If􀑱 amt ha,e (-.l\laincJ aU the inC-orni.ation and explanations ,cquin:-J. In m􀑲 <1r,1n10n th\!' 􀑳1id A1..'(ounh 1.1.1th note, A. 8 anJ C ii,·c a. lfu􀑴 and fo1r -.tatemc:nt of the A,􀑵h anc.t Li:ahili1i.;s. Ill ."􀑶lst Dcccmhcr. 1979 and of the Income and ExpcmJiturc for' tht!' 􀑷c:1r t"nded on 1ha1 J.ih: D.ucJ this. 􀑸􀑹th d..1\ of f1.·tiru;1n. IQl«I 5􀑺 St. Mar􀑻art:(.., S,rec:1. R(1':hc . ,tcr K. A. POLLOCK. F.C.A. and at Siuinth..1urn􀑼. Chanertd Aucuntant, Honorary Auditc>r.


General Index


Frontispiece 1979