KAS Archaeological Collection is Going Online

[fg]jpg|LYM Gr 24a - POTTERY © John Piddock @ Maidstone Museum|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|SAR Gr 68b - LARGE BUCKLE|Image[/fg]


[fg]jpg|SAR Gr 04d - GLASS VESSEL © John Piddock @ Maidstone Museum|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|LYM Gr 61a - BUTTON BROOCH © John Piddock @ Maidstone Museum|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|SAR 04cc - 2 FIBULAE WITH GARNETS|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|LYM Gr 62c - BUCKLE © John Piddock @ Maidstone Museum|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|BIF 29g - PENDANTS|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|LYM Gr 44f - CRYSTAL BALL|Image[/fg]

The Kent Archaeological Society's archaeological collection is made up principally of finds from the Anglo-Saxon cemeteries at Bifrons, Lyminge and Sarre.

They are housed in Maidstone Museum, where inevitably only a small proportion can be displayed at any one time.

An earlier article in the Winter 2012 Newsletter reported on the conservation work of some of the metal finds from Bifrons and Sarre. Now pictures of individual objects are being added to the Society's website so that members can view them on screen. They should provide a valuable teaching aid for schools throughout the county.

Dr Andrew Richardson, our Hon. Curator, appealed for members help in inspecting and repackaging individual material from the collection. KAS members Ian and Kate Beeby and Mike Howard responded and have spent a morning each week working on the collection. Staff at the Museum have been very supportive in sourcing existing photographs and allowing access for taking new pictures. Our member John Piddock, from Lyminge, has taken some absolutely stunning photographs, particularly of Anglo-Saxon beads. Pictures of the results of discoveries made during the conservation carried out by Dana Goodburn-Brown, ably assisted by volunteers, are also being added to the website.

For many years university students have been visiting Maidstone Museum to study different parts of the collection and efforts are being made to obtain copies of the results of their studies, for inclusion on the website.

Visit our website at: www.kentarchaeology.org.uk and on the homepage click on 'KAS Archaeological Collection' to view the pictures.

Images show objects from Bifrons (BIF), Lyminge (LYM) and Sarre (SAR).

[fg]jpg|LYM Gr 65d - GLASS INLAY|Image[/fg]


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Online research available to members