News update from the KAS Annual General Meeting 21st May 2016 by your new President, Dr Gerald Cramp
Your Council appreciates that many members may be unaware of the changes that occurred at this year’s AGM. During the last year 2015/16, the society lost two stalwarts due to their untimely deaths, Ian Coulson our president and Peter Stutchbury formerly our secretary.
I was elected to be your next president and look forward to continuing the programme of modernisation started by Ian.
The other contested election was initially for four places on council and there were five candidates. My election as president resulted in one additional vacancy on Council and hence all five candidates were elected at the AGM. Unfortunately, some members present at the AGM did not appreciate that all five candidates were duly elected without the need for stating the result and this was clarified at the meeting.
At the AGM, the society elected two additional patrons, Professor David Killingray who has been chair of the publications committee and Sir Robert Worcester who is a member of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust.
Bob Cockcroft stood down after a most difficult year as Honorary General Secretary and Clive Drew was elected to replace him. Bob now assists Clive and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all his hard work.
I would also like to thank Mike Clinch who took over the role of President during the last year.
Ruiha Smalley, ably assisted by Anne Atkinson brings considerable knowledge on cataloguing to the post of Librarian after Pernille Richards resigned to concentrate on her other work in Maidstone.
After many years as editor of the KAS newsletter, Lyn Palmer stood down and Richard Taylor will be producing his first newsletter in the autumn. Both Lyn and Richard have a background in education. I must thank both Lyn and Pernille for their hard work on behalf of the society.
[fg]jpg|KAS President Dr Gerald Cramp|Image[/fg]
A few more ballot papers were handed in at the AGM and these were added to the final count again under the eagle eyes of the scrutineers.
This was then declared with the figures of 347 for Dr Gerald Cramp and 134 for Dr Brian Philp. Dr Cramp was therefore elected as the new President. As he had been an ordinary member of Council this meant that all 6 candidates for Council were elected to fill the 6 places available and there was no need to give out the voting figures although these had also been prepared as no-one was quite aware of the final Presidential count until it had been declared.
I am grateful for the friendly and efficient support of the scrutineers for this non-trivial event. Although there is a certain amount of work involved with my organisation of the procedure I find it an interesting part of my duties. As this set of scrutineers has been in place for several years they have now stood down and a new set elected at the AGM.
Shiela Broomfield