YAC finds battleship at Shorne Woods Country Park
The North Downs Young Archaeologists Club have had another busy year. Meetings have focused on a range of activities from supporting Maidstone Museum in their successful campaign to redevelop their Ancient Civilisations gallery, to working with the Cobham Landscapes Detectives Project, digging at Rose Hill with the Rose Hill House Project and getting the opportunity to work on a research archaeology project on the Isle of Thanet.
Perhaps one of our best finds was this fantastic toy battleship (see adjacent article), found by one of our YACs Abigail at the site of the former RAF camps in Shorne Woods Country Park.
Although we are currently oversubscribed for YACs we are in need of further leaders to help run meetings. If this sounds of interest please contact us at northdownsyacs@gmail.com
[fg]jpg|Abigail with the battleship|Image[/fg]