Your Society Needs Your Help

The Society is looking for volunteers from amongst its membership to help with the Churches Committee and the re-development of our website.

Churches Committee

Churches are the historic beacon of our communities and the Society has a long-established history in researching and understanding our churches and then publishing that research.

Are you interested in getting involved in this exciting activity? If so please get in touch at and we will provide you with more information.

Re-development of the Society's Website

The Society is re-developing our website. Over the past fourteen years our webmaster Mr Ted Connell has built up a phenomenal repository of information regarding our Society and its research into the history and archaeology of Kent. The website is being re-developed using Drupal as a content management system, this will enable our content to be more readily available to our visitors.

If you are interested in helping with our new website, could you please contact us at


An Interview With..... KCC Community Archaeologist, Andrew Mayfield


KAS History Classes