Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor
Given the Council for British Archaeology will not be overseeing a Festival of Archaeology for 2018, should the KAS take the initiative and promote its own Festival of Archaeology throughout the County? With the Lees Court Estate Project gathering pace, perhaps a day on the Estate supporting the many positive aspects of archaeology in the community?
Yours sincerely,
I Plummer
Dear Editor
Following Mr Beaumont’s letter in Issue 107, I wish to voice my support for the consideration that the KAS considers hosting a ‘Local Groups’ conference, similar to that held at Shorne Country Park some years ago. My recollections of this last conference were positive, notably, as it gave the opportunity for widespread discussion of topics, projects and the key factors impacting archaeology in Kent. Perhaps the Fieldwork Committee might like to consider such a conference as an annual event?
Yours ever,
D. Ambrose
Dear Editor
To generate additional revenue for the KAS, would the Society consider selling additional copies of the Newsletter, perhaps in the foyer of Maidstone Museum?
Yours sincerely,
M. Taylor