Geophysics Equipment Update

The Kent Archaeological Society has recently made two important purchases to increase its capacity to help provide geophysics support for the membership.

A Bartington magnetometer and a Leica GS18 T smart antenna are now available to further enhance fieldwork and post-excavation capacity throughout the county.

The Bartington Magnetometer measures variations in the Earth’s magnetic field to detect magnetic anomalies in the ground. Archaeologists and geophysicists often use a magnetometer due to its ability to cover large areas of ground and locate features such as ditches, trackways, pits or areas that have been exposed to a prolonged heat source, for instance, hearths or kilns.

The Leica GS18T captures and models positional satellite data and is capable of compiling accurate plans of archaeological sites on the ground to an accuracy of 1-2mm on its handset. These image files can be downloaded to a PC or laptop for inclusion in publications or post- excavation reports. The GS18T has an in-built tilt compensation mechanism, so the user no longer needs to watch and level the bubble.

The Bartington magnetometer and GD18T are both available for supervised use (subject to availability) at excavation sites to all affiliate societies and Society members. For further details please email your enquiry to:

[fg]jpg|Fig 1: Bartington magnetometer|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|Fig 2: Example showing magnetometer results of a ring ditch at Lees Court Estate Middle right|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|Fig 3: Example showing Leica data as plan of excavations of Otford Roman villa, courtesy of DROP|Image[/fg]

[fg]jpg|Fig4: GS18T unit|Image[/fg]


Ranscombe Re-Fitting


KAS Newsletter, Issue 108, Spring 2018