Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the seven SHAL (Studying History & Archaeology in Lympne) members who attended either or both the training days run by Richard Taylor and Fred Birkbeck on 28 August and

6 September on the Lees Court Estate, I just wanted to say how much we all enjoyed the days and gained both experience and knowledge.

On day 1, Richard turned what appeared to be a rather uninspiring looking trench (to our untrained eyes) into a fascinating archaeological site, encouraging us to look carefully, identify and discuss various aspects to gain different viewpoints. He clearly and patiently explained the layers and contexts and the importance of recording each context separately. As he took us through the initial recording process, including measuring and drawing, he answered all questions raised, ensuring we understood and repeating where necessary.

The only “downsides” to our day were the initial unexpected rain and that there was very little in the way of finds – not a pot, mosaic floor or burial to be found!

However, Richard’s easy-going, laid back approach and sense of humour, together with the friendliness of all others we met, eased any fears we may have had of showing our lack of experience. This made it easy to respond and ask questions and to get the most out of the day.

Day 2, after initial explanation of the site and introduction to Trench 4, saw us being left to organise ourselves and continue excavating and recording a section of a ring ditch, which elicited plenty of Neolithic flints and a small number of early pottery sherds. Again, another enjoyable and informative day and our thanks go to Richard and the team.

Yours sincerely,
Fiona Jarvest
Studying History and Archaeology in Lympne (SHAL)




Lees Court Estate: 2019 Updates