Obituary: Margaret Lawrence, 1930-2021

It is with great sadness that I have to advise members of the death of Margaret Lawrence, aged 90. She was able to celebrate her birthday at home last September, but her health had been declining, and she was briefly in a nursing home in Tunbridge Wells before dying peacefully in her sleep.


Margaret Lawrence was a great friend to many of us. She and her husband, Philip, joined the Society in 1974 and made an immense contribution from the outset, quickly joining committees and furthering the Society’s work. She became membership secretary in 1983 and remained until I took over from her in 2001. Undaunted after eighteen years’ service in that post(!), she continued as a valuable member of Council until 2006.

People mattered to Margaret. She enjoyed organising many events, including barbecues, strawberry cream teas and many unforgettable Christmas socials, which magically combined her love of early choral music and chatting to members.

I especially enjoyed her company while driving to meetings. Her conversations were always so interesting, covering all aspects of local history, especially in her beloved village of East Peckham. Margaret was also interested in genealogy which she delighted in discussing with my husband, Chris. Amongst her achievements was initiating the setting up of the East Peckham Historical Society, which is still thriving. She wrote many very informative books which were thoroughly researched but written in an easy, confident style.

Whenever I think of Margaret, her wonderful sense of humour combined with patient kindness and care come to mind; aspects of her personality that we shall all miss. The love and pride in her family was very evident, and I certainly valued her friendship and help with all things. She and Philip had been married for 71 years, a tremendous personal achievement. She leaves behind an increasingly frail (but well cared for) husband, a large extended family and a substantial local history archive.


President’s Column


The Historic Defences Committee: much has been achieved… and will again move forward