Obituary: Michael Clinch (1933-2021)

Sadly Vice President Mike Clinch passed away aged 88 on the 12th May 2021, just a few days before the AGM. Mike joined the Kent Archaeological Society in 1954 and was one of our longest- standing members. He was elected a member of Council in 2008 and became a Vice President in 2014, and served on several committees. He was the secretary of the Historic Buildings Committee and the Industrial Archaeology Committee and organised several successful conferences. His primary interest was underground features and mining archaeology, and he was a very efficient secretary and newsletter editor of the Kent

Underground Research Group (KURG) for fourteen years. He gave many talks across the county on Kent’s underground sites and was a very popular and entertaining speaker.


He will be remembered as a kind, generous man, always willing to share his considerable experience, knowledge and witty reminiscences. He will be missed by all KAS and KURG members that knew him.

A fuller tribute to Mike will be printed in the next volume of Archaeologia Cantiana.


Obituary: Ernest Black (1951-2021)


Margate Caves