Membership Matters

My name is Rachael, and I am the new Membership Secretary for KAS. I wish to thank Shiela Broomfield for all her hard work and diligence over the years and make the transition into the post as effortless as possible.

I am a commercial archaeologist working for a unit in the South-East. I work as part of the building industry, assessing archaeological remains prior to building work. I have specialised in Medieval Archaeology, with a particular focus on Medieval pottery. I am a leader for a Kent Young Archaeologists’ Club in my spare time, where we endeavour to engage young people with history and archaeology.

This year has seen an encouraging rise in membership applications and renewals, hopefully, a sign of better times after the last year. With the decline of Covid and the lifting of restrictions, we aim to begin reintroducing face to face meetings and events, starting the fieldwalking at Lees Court, which was held in August. We hope this is the start of better things to come.

The 2021 issue of Archaeologia Cantiana has now been published and distributed to all paying members. It contains many fascinating articles on the history and archaeology of Kent. If you have not received your issue, please get in touch with us to update your details. Can I also please take this opportunity to ask members to check that the email address the Society holds is correct.

As a society, we are hoping to make some exciting changes in the future. We always welcome ideas and suggestions from our membership regarding future projects, ideas, and ways to improve the Society. If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at

I hope you continue to enjoy the publications, events and talks that the Society provides.

Rachael Hills
KAS Membership Secretary


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