
Medieval Canterbury Weekend 2022

Friday 29 April – Sunday 1 May Powell Lecture Theatre &

St Gregory’s Centre

The Medieval Canterbury Weekend returns for 22 with a programme

18 talks and its hallmark guided visits. Among the speakers coming to Canterbury for the May Day weekend are Dr Tracy Borman, Dr Marc Morris, Professor Caroline Barron and Professor Mark

Bailey. Audiences will be able to hear from experts about a wide range of topics including who took part in the Peasants’ Revolt, what houses were like in medieval towns, why medieval monsters are exciting and what do we know about the iconic Gough map.

As before, the organisers’ intention is to raise money for the Ian Coulson Memorial Postgraduate Award fund the continues to support postgraduates studying Kent history and archaeology projects. Tickets can be purchased for individual talks and at discount for bulk purchases. For those unable to attend in person, tickets are available to buy for the livestreamed talks, but again we will NOT be recording lectures. The popular school/sixth-form college ticket is available for MCW 2022.

Details are on the CCCU Centre for Kent History and Heritage

web pages and can be reached using: medieval-canterbury.

For assistance please email: or phone during office hours Monday to Thursday 01227 923690.




Richborough Port Archaeology


Letters to the Editor