AGM 1987

The Annual General Meeting was held at Maidstone on the morning of Saturday May 16th.


The following Officers, duly nominated, were elected nem. con.

The President - Mr L.R.A. Grove, B.A.,F.S.A.,F.M.A.

The Hon Editor - Dr A.P. Detlecas, M.A.,D.Litt.,F.S.A.

The Hon. Treasurer - Mr A.C. Webster, F.C.A.

The Hon. General Secretary - Mr A.C. Hanson, B.A.,F.S.A.

The Hon. Membership Secretary - Mrs M. Lawrence

The Hon. Excursions Secretary - Mr M.A. Crane, B.A.

The Hon. Curator - Mr D.B. Kelly, B.A.,F.S.A.,A.M.A.

The Hon. Librarian - Dr P.H.G. Draper, B.Sc.,Ph.D.


After a ballot the following were elected:- Mrs N.V. Cage, Mr A.J. Daniels, Mr R.F. LeGear, Mr A. Miles, Dr J. Thirsk, B.A.,Ph.D., and Mrs P. Mizar.

Reports and Accounts

After presenting the Report, which had previously been circulated, the Hon. Secretary stressed the need for members to notify changes in the Member's List. He outlined the system for distributing Archaeologia Cantiana which it was proposed to follow this year. He also mentioned the project for an architectural survey of West Malling as being most worthwhile.

In presenting the Accounts, Mr Lyle, M.A., the retiring Treasurer, reported that the Society's financial position had improved during the past year and was satisfactory. Both the Report and Accounts were approved nem. con.

On the proposal of Dr Draper, seconded by Mr Hitchcock, a vote of thanks to Mr Lyle for his sixteen years of service to the Society was passed by acclamation.

In the afternoon members heard a most interesting talk on recent discoveries in Canterbury by Mr Paul Bennett, B.A., Director of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, who coped most valiantly after initial difficulties over the projector.

Much interest was shown in the exhibit mounted by the Maidstone Area Archaeological Group, featuring their recent excavations, and in the C.A.T. Bookstall.


At the recent Council meeting there was general agreement that members would wish to record their appreciation of Mr Lawrence Lyle's sterling work for the Society over the last sixteen years. Contributions to "The Lawrence Lyle Testimonial Fund" may be sent to the Hon. General Secretary.

Arthur Harrison


Letters to the Editor: Thurrock Armada '88


Major West Kent Discovery: A Roman Villa Excavated