Digital Manager’s Update
[fg]png|Fig 1: Jacob Scott|Image[/fg]My work as Digital Manager over the past year has focused on redesigning the extensive KAS website. The Society has been at the forefront of providing access to a vast amount of archaeological and historical data collected since the nineteenth century. With a website in place since the late 1990s, the effort to digitise this information has become a cross-generational pursuit. Articles from Archaeologia Cantiana, monographs, newsletters, the new magazine, papers, and other publications have been made available online, along with a wide range of images, records transcriptions, and reference collections for researchers. After 25 years, the website now contains over 10,000 articles and tens of thousands of images and other multimedia.
The new website was launched in April of this year. Its purpose is to expand the existing content, range of multimedia, and accessibility features. The website aims to serve as a platform for research and resources by recorders, researchers, educators, and groups working in Kent and on Kentish history and archaeology worldwide. It is designed to be engaging and accessible to a broad audience as a public educational resource.
It has been challenging to combine all of the Society’s online content, update it, and ensure compatibility across various devices. However, we can now welcome all forms of inquiries and enable members, students, groups, and independent researchers to share and promote their projects, events, and news in all formats. In the upcoming weeks and months, we will introduce new features and share new content. We encourage everyone to reach out and discuss their projects and ideas with us.