New Books: Contents Summaries

The Courtenay Affair, 1838 by Wendy Safe, No.3 in the series of "Nutshell" guides to places, features and figures of local interest, has just been published by the Faversham Society, price 60p post free from the Fleur-de-Lis Heritage Centre, 13 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent ME13 SNS.


Upchurch and Thameside Roman Pottery by Jason Monaghan, BAR 173, 1987. A ceramic typology for northern Kent, first to third centuries AD. ISBN 0 86054 462 1. £14 post free from B.A.R.

The Roman Villas of South-East England by E. Black, BAR 171, 1987. ISBN 0 86054 417 5. £15 post free, address as above.

Canterbury's Archaeology - CAT. 11th Annual Report, limp bound A4, 48pp, profusely and superbly illustrated with maps, plans, line drawings and photographs.

Another outstanding publication from the CAT. team which reports on and brings up-to-date all the work going on in and around the City.

Available from CAT., 92a Broad Street, Canterbury, Kent CTI 2LU, price £3.50.


William Urry Memorial Lectures


St. Dunstan's Millenium