Grants for research in 1988

The following grants have been made by the KAS. to assist work being undertaken in Kent during the current season:

Thanet Archaeological Unit will be assisted by a grant of £150 towards the purchase of a secondhand theodolite for surveying and planning during their excavations.

The Kent Archaeological Society's excavation at Sedgebrook Roman Villa, Plaxtol, directed by Mr Roger Cockett, has been allocated a total of £150 to enable excavation and post excavation work to continue during 1988.

Fieldwork Grants. Are you planning an excavation of fieldwork within the county of Kent during 1989? Grants are available from the K.AS. to assist wortk carried out by Affiliated Societies or individual members. Applications A on the appropriate form (obtainable from the Hon. Gen. W Sec.) should be made to the Hon. General Secretary by 1st October 1988.


Archaeological Awards


KAS Newsletter, Issue 12, Autumn 1987