Conference of Building Recorders

[pg4]The twenty-sixth Annual Conference of Building Recorders will be held on Saturday, October 7th, 1989, at 2.15 pm. in the Barn, Charing. (The Barn is to the northeast of the Church, along a footpath from Market Place to the left of the Church Tower).

It will consist of a series of short talks, as follows: Dr. D. Renn on Tonbridge Castle and other Gatehouses, Mr. A. Tomlin on Maidstone Archbishop's Palace, Mr. K. Gravett on The High End arrangements at Croydon Palace and Mrs. M. Lovering on The use of Infra Red Photography to locate an early Seventeenth Century inscription on a Beam and its subsequent cleaning.

There will be an opportunity for discussion after each talk and the meeting will finish with a cup of tea. K.A.S. Members and their friends are invited to come. No tickets will be issued, but there will be a collection.


Council for Kentish Archaeology

